Catching a GIANT WILD BROWN TROUT In A Small PA Stream (2024) #troutfishing #trout #fishing

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what's up gang Dusty roads here with chasing the wild uh just getting to a stream it is midar and I'm going to try and get some big wild Browns as always but uh haven't been to this stream particular stream for quite a while so I'm going to get down in here and uh see what I can come up with I'm at a train trussle at the moment going to uh hopefully find something big down in the long this St rure stay tuned all right guys I am approaching this uh train trussle area here it's pretty deep up under here and there's some structure if I do happen to hook a big fish from up here um I'm probably going to have to fight it for quite a while and then figure out a tactic getting it landed because I'm not going to land it from up here so it's going to be a learning process here definitely not going to lift one up over this this is probably I don't know 12 12 plus feet down to the stream here I'm going to uh man these edges down here are pretty undercut too I'm just going to wet my streamer right now and try and cast it up in here Bob it down along and hope for the best essentially all I'm going to do a that was not a fish damn it it felt like a fish but it was uh some sort of the stick stick snag there oh there goes a big one it just shot right up I must have it was down below me here and I must have spooked It crap that was definitely a 20 it wasn't like a big 20 but it was right in the 20 range there's probably no sense in casting anymore it must have been down in here and I spooked it it went right up past where my streamer was all right guys I'm going to slip around the other side we'll see if uh there's a lot more depth up through there all right guys so it's getting to the time of year where the thing that I absolutely hate the most like I just despise it in early season trout fishing is ducks just had one slap its freaking Wings the whole way off the water the whole way up the upper part of this hole that is just the biggest irksome thing that there is but there is a little bit of good news possibly in this whole scenario it was on this side of these pipes the flow the main flow and it looks like the Deep part goes under this jam up here um so that's likely where the fish hole is going to be so out here yeah there might have been something here but not now hly I could have a real good shot right in there too something shooting out but I am going to cast up in here for the heck of it as you never freaking know I didn't think so though all right as I mentioned oh yeah over in there's where the that's where the fish is going to be at so although the duck did fly right through here I think I'm still going to be theoretically in really good shape shape I'm just going way around to get a good angle on this yeah yeah this looks this is looking like what the doctor [Applause] ordered I don't want to get too close off because if there's something in this current I'm just going to cast over and let it sink deep kind of through the bottom and slight disappointment there not going to lie that's oh oh [Applause] oh [Applause] all right [Applause] wow I'm excited now I am excited all right that was that was so cool I saw him come out like a black missile and he stopped and I just let it spin in the current I saw him move on it again I'm like all right he's coming he's coming I'm sure H the spinner is out and you don't need to be out not yet not without a couple picks beautiful female nice and heavy super heavy looks to be I'd say between 21 22 100% all right guys cool stuff in the cas she jumps out of the net I'm going to stay rolling here but nice little uh spot here for a photo op so I'm going to take advantage of that get her back in there stay tuned all right guys as you saw that was absolutely intense for an awesome encounter she's wanting to be absolutely super super feisty so all right guys one under the belt man I'm telling you I haven't really been here a whole long time but I haven't been to this Creek in a long time so that is very reassuring on the expectations of today so I'm going to work up through here I'm probably going to work a few different streams over the day and hopefully find a handful like that stay tuned for more oh my that's a big one guys freaking giant all right sweet I was wondering about that that's awesome all right guys I think this dude is right about 19 by the looks of it he might be 20 but I think he's more like 19 just a beautiful fish I'll see if he's as white as my net or as long as my net yep right at 19 what an absolute slob of male super thick uh just a gorgeous fish actually grab a little bit of footage of him since he's such a gem so stay tuned here we'll get a look at him and get him back in there all right guys Che got this abce new Beauty here male put back in guys he pieced pieced out back up to a spot not 100% certain there's possibly a big fish right here I think it it is a big fish I see its tail it's a skinny skinny thing my God I got to get this thing back in here I think it's like pushing 20 in but all right it's 19 man what a skinny good Lord I got to get him back in there quick he's way too skinny he can't handle this all right good the spinner or streamer came out beautiful mail check that dude out all right get back up in there I could see him right there in the dang shallow or I could see his tail on his Top Fin and I'm like that's a fish sure enough it's March like mid- March right now so they are definitely not on it were kind of red but I just happen to be paying attention I don't think that's a red it sure hell almost looks like one but man it's I mean that would make sense why he's uh so skinny it's March 16th right now that good Lord that that is a red I'd say I have never seen spawn activity that late in my life but I have to say that's what that is though and him being so dang skinny would make total sense but I just c one Downstream it was absolutely blob it's super fat I don't know all right guys this is an absolutely same undercut right up here 100% should be something big living up under this undercut right here I try and get where I can see good enough to where there hopefully isn't something sticking out there's a heck of a glare right now so just kind of all right it's a trout it's one under the I say one under the belt but I ain't got them in the net yet got him all right that is what I needed today guys have not had that happen out of three streams that's my first fish what a beauty too nice mail [Applause] man hey bud whoa don't be banking yourself here buddy come here hey hey all right now I was a male I would expect there to be one in there that could possibly put that one in his stomach honestly that was probably a 13in fish it wouldn't surprise me if there was something up under there that's uh in the mid 20s range but ah that gas just was not great that one wasn't there it is man o like not over the branch the side of it there we go yeah this this undercut here is just absolutely silly all right I'm going to attempt to get up on the uh upper edge of where that's flowing in cuz I feel like wasn't a lot of fish was a snag and I it shouldn't have sank that quick there we go [Applause] I got to say out of all the holes in here this is a one that I'm I'm certain there's probably a giant up under that bank ooh I just had one there I'll tell you what they are kind of short striking today or they're not hit oh man I just had him [Applause] dude oh and he's hitting it but he ain't taking it and he's probably about done here I'll take that back definitely not not be uh little [Applause] be well one thing is for 100% certain I got two fish under my belt that I didn't have all day long so I got that going for me coming up on what appears to be the best hole of the day in this uh stream tons of cover um and deep for this small stream there could definitely be a bigger caliber fish living in here oh oh my God that's going to be broke cuz I am not getting out off there that went a freaking inch too far oh yes it came off it came off it came off oh man that was super luck all right oh Jesus I don't know why I'm casting so damn far up in there I'm not trying to there we go that was perfect best fish of the day I can get it it's TI are the best fish of the day I'd say [Applause] USS to be about a 13 14 iner tried to say the best one of the day was about that this thing is gorgeous I [Applause] mean well [Applause] all right see if I can get up around here and uh get a little better delivery into there oh boy yeah up up higher there looks looks even better I can get this oh boy perfect absolutely perfect man there's the best one of the day now still not giant but [Applause] uh solid 156 I'm not even gonna met him hooked right in the whip would like to get you in my hand yeah he's 16 all day long maybe even pushing 17 nice mail solid 16 beautiful they're getting bigger complaining I will not all right guys going to called about a wrap on that one hope you all enjoyed as always like comment subscribe uh couple different outings there I kind of mixed together on the same video uh March 2nd March 16th um both pretty damn good days so uh all right guys um hope you're all enjoying the content I really appreciate all the subscribers thus far it's uh climbing pretty good so uh tell a friend if you like big trout content pretty much try and stick with uh all wild trout too and uh pretty much mostly public so all right guys check you on the next episode of chasing the wild
Channel: Chasing The Wild with Dusty Rhoads
Views: 79,420
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Id: nnEhi6bx9To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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