Alone on Scotland's Great Glen Way

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after walking the west highland way we set out for  the great Glen way another one of Scotland's great   Trails we had a relaxing start to the trail  and fell in love with this peaceful energy   of this area while we left Scotland we weren't  sure this Trail was going to be remarkable yet   the people the food and the scenery has all  been more than what we could have dreamed of   this week we continue on our journey and find  ourselves contemplating some bigger questions   in life I was just thinking about the ways  I show up really selfishly in my life the   Solitude has lended itself to these moments  of deeper understanding of ourselves and the   world around us and each other we're Brian  and Crystal and this is Valhalla Adventures good morning nothing like the rush of ongoing  traffic first thing in the AM bummer it looks like the original route is  4.8 miles and now the diversion is 7.2 so oh   man that's like two and a quarter yeah over  two miles more so it's about an hour longer   all right despite some of the trail being  near the highway the views never seem too   far off as wherever we look there's Beauty in  a way this feels like a lesson that Scotland   continues to teach us that there is beauty  everywhere around in life you just have to look I'm pretty sure we're the only ones hiking  on this Trail there's literally nobody on   this truck except occasional person on  a bike not one hiker for two days now we're gonna stop at invergary look for  a cup of tea and I want a snack already it was a sweet little diversion to the Inver  Gary hotel that place was nice so nice I kind   of wish we would stay there it looked fancy it  was pretty fantasy as Brian mentioned before   it feels like we may be the only ones walking on  this Trail which is weird but we've been loving   the Solitude somehow it feels like we have more  time to enjoy the day and stop and rest and just   really relish this experience and also take care  of our bodies rather than rushing we are resting   and just taking this time to be and coming from  the U.S where Everything feels so fast-paced and   even rushed we love this and want to take  this feeling wherever we go nice yeah wow   that's really something that  we're trying to remember we're finally afford Augustus you  guys that was a very long canal   walk with a lot of wind actually I think  that was a really great thinking section   for Augustus is also at the very bottom of  Loch Ness so we're entering the lockness area my last for the day which I couldn't  say earlier because it was so windy   that I've been walking with today and B I'm  curious your thoughts on this as well okay   where about selfishness okay and from the Camino  de Santiago one of the lessons I had is how am   I being a value in this world and you all  that watch that been on this channel for   a while had so many nice things to say like  doing this and sharing your experience and   I was just thinking about the ways I show up  really selfishly in my life and I was thinking   this isn't always bad but I think giving and I  know in so many different spiritual communities   or religions like it's a pathway to enlightenment  to to Joy to happiness and I was just thinking how   do I how do I give back completely unselfishly  in my life every day and I don't always you   know do I live my life for selfish reasons or  for the greater good that was also coming up support the greater good and every day so now I'm  getting into this deeper aspect of the questions   that I had last year and that's one reason we have  this YouTube channel and I really trust and Hope   that it's a value to everybody that in some way  it helps somebody I don't know maybe get out of   their comfort zone think ah I could do that too  like you did that alone or even when we're doing   it together or that you know I'll take the leap  and I'll do the thing I'll sell my stuff I'll go   follow my dream or all those tips are helpful  and I really hope that for the YouTube because   it's the only way that I really feel unselfish  because sometimes we're like oh you know we put   out a video that we think is really helpful yeah  and it doesn't get a lot of views and we do get   sometimes we're like I think I thought it was  gonna be helpful but we're like being selfish   within it yeah and not looking at the bigger  aspect of like well if I helped one person   but sometimes we do get into that and we're  like What like I thought it was a good video   I don't understand why people are watching  it and so you know just honestly like that   comes up for me I think putting out the videos  uh is for the greater good you know yeah you   know it's something selfish to put out videos I  think what we're doing is fifth grade if you're   trying to help people and give information and  yeah Inspire them to get off the couch and go   do something yeah and also if you're on the couch  that's not always a bad thing either it's just are   you following you know your heart's desires and  your intentions of making plans sometimes yeah   you do have to save up for things and all those  other you know little things but I don't know I   was just thinking about that today and I I want to  be more unselfish in my life with smaller things   so that was that really was working me for I  don't know just after the west highland way   and now we're at the great Glen I'm feeling  more stuff come up and yeah that's where I'm   at right now and how I can be less selfish  but now we're at our state for the night   yeah let's go oh wow wow cool this is  adorable yeah this is delightful very cool okay oh this is it's adorable look  at it wow this is a nice big bathroom it hasn't been a tub in there no nice shower  hi of course there's tea this is adorable good morning everybody I am  walking with two blisters it's weird the blisters that I usually  get which are the ones I have now   are ones that aren't from my feet sweating but  they're from the way the pavement hits my heel   I must carry a lot of weight on my heels because  my heels are always the issue and they're they're   blisters that I don't know like I'm not really  bugged by blisters to be honest um because I   don't get them under my under my feet which I feel  like would be really difficult I just get them on   my heels and it's from all the pounding they're  like pressure blisters and put some copied on   last night they just feel just red and inflamed  if that makes sense if red could be a Feeling   and so they're kind of irritating but not that  bad I'm happy that I haven't actually got any   blisters in the parts that I've been putting wool  skin on supposed to be a pretty short and sweet   day I think just about nine miles I'm excited to  walk today I'm really enjoying this great Glenway   here is the final result some rock tape I'm trying  to spread on my hotspot I have my coffee sexy toes when we were coming through here  yesterday I thought wouldn't it be   cool to see some boats come through to  see how this works now it's happening well getting out of Port Augustus  there's no markers at all   in town just an FYI for those of  you that like at old school no   Maps really thankful we've been using  all Trails which has been totally fine okay we are finally at the section where you can  take the high route or the lower out we're gonna   take the high route because apparently the  views of the lock lockness are incredible but   there's some steep sections it's pretty much  just one big pretty steep uphill but I feel   I feel ready for it it's just under a mile longer  it's not bad yeah yeah Brian's look today that is I got a cooler full of Bud Light we're  ready to go he's joking we definitely don't   it just looks like he does changing our channel  to Van Halen no Fred I don't know why I bet this   look is not I'm not a fan I'm walking away  from whatever that is going on back there   no you do not have one anymore not with  that look all you need is some Oakleys function over fashion you  do you boo not to say that   I look the best on this hike either  I'm well aware that I'm a hot mess this incline is no joke wow it looks like there's multiple pools because  there's even some down below but then they keep   going up wow that's you could swim in that yeah  100 that looks great there's some campsites down   below here too look amazing so if you were  coming from Florida Augustus no no before   Fort Augusta where were we yesterday okay I'll  put on the screen so wherever we were yesterday   because you could that way you get more mileage  in and then stop here it'd be amazing yeah have   dinner in Port Augustus we like to Camp here yeah  this is about a couple miles past Port Augustus oh how is it nice and cool how's that feel oh it feels amazing   man if this is the end of the day I would  probably go in there and do a couple friends   there's always access to water in Scotland  always so if you bring a water filter you   can always fill up Brian and I prefer to just  fill it once and not have to stop but foreign I keep saying Loch Ness but it's I'm  really trying to pronounce trust me I'm   really trying but I know that what the CH is  not supposed to be a hard cup at more like a   like a lock like you kind of barely braze  it it sounds like like clockness Loch Ness   yeah we're trying Brian McPherson's at Lochness I  think that actually the accident was pretty good   there yeah okay so it was really beautiful and  there was a whole group of people from Holland   they all came from Holland um all strangers they  signed up for like a vacation booking as one does   and they're all here just hanging out and they're  so friendly everybody I've always met from Holland   is nice it's interesting how different countries  that's one reason I love these tracks too I I feel   more able to make friends on treks versus you  know if you're just going from hotel to hotel and   that's fine too Brian and I do it but you don't  I don't know when you're on a track you start   communicating more especially if you've all just  accomplished something big and you Chit Chat and   it's interesting to see how people from different  countries have different cultures are you start   noticing similarities in people from certain  countries in certain regions of the world and   I found it really fascinating and helpful  just understand people better I really like   it that's one of the reasons I love  this slow tourism is simply put it I was hoping to the top but it's not the top   we still got a lot more to go  oh yeah it's way out there okay thank you it's not a perfect little well it's not a  bench but it's a rock bench just to have a   quick little we didn't have a packed  lunch from Port Augustus so instead   we went to a cafe this morning where  Brian got his coffee and we just got   um a veggie burger to go for takeaway excuse me  so we can split it but like I said it's not bad oh I'm really glad we're doing this together  you too yeah I think this is amazing yeah   I've always wanted to go on a hike Rambo should  I say Hulk Hogan Cheers Cheers wait what's that scotch on a hike scotchy Sky scotch it's good oh foreign here in Scotland but look  at this magical fairy Forest   wow I know look it it's some magical fairy Forest look I mean like uh in California or something ah I was thinking  Lord of the Rings oh put the elves no yeah yeah thank you well this descent is a one for the books I  don't know if you can really see that on film   like really get the depth of that it's like  super steep super steep yeah ever we end up   I'll need you to build me even if it's just like  four feet long I need a stone wall oh okay copy   that Roger that but we're gonna have to leave  it there for a long time so it can get mossed   too oh but I'm gonna need that can we get it  pre-mossed no I I prefer if it Moss naturally wow that's reasonable nice what's a cushion this has been one of my  favorite days on the trip so far Loch Ness man   what a view on the high route that was my  favorite favorite spot of the trip so far thank you thank you this is really nice yeah this is this  might be the nicest room this is quite   nice there's a huge shower I think it's  supposed to be the highest quality room   we've gotten so far yeah for sure and we  got a view we just came down from up there that doesn't taste anything like a regular   ravioli but it's one of the best  things I've ever put in my mouth oh my God that was one of the best meals of my entire life B really you don't think so I mean it was  great the starters were killer this gazpacho   let's talk about it one it was everything  I've ever dreamed of in a gazpacho and it   was better with them any of them that I  had in Spain it was Savory it was sweet   it was delicate kept filling and then they had  this mushroom ravioli and it was a single ravioli   but here's the thing it was in this delicate  Green Spring something sauce that was really   light and the mushrooms were minced inside with  whatever amazing deliciousness was also in it   I don't know this was insane the chickpea Curry  was delicious but it wasn't the best gray I've   ever had and then we had sticky toffee pudding  because we finally had it because they had the   gluten-free vegan one and a lot of people have  but I'm so glad we finally tried the sticky   toffee pudding because it is a Scottish thing  it was ridiculous right it's ridiculous oh okay   okay I have to tell you all about it because  it was so good you gotta eat here it's amazing
Channel: vanhalla adventures™
Views: 9,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vanhalla adventures, great glen way, scotland, scotland great glen way, scotland great trails, treks, trekking, solo trekking, solo female, solo female scotland, west highland way, scotland west highland way, solo female west highland way, valhalla adventures, crystal valhalla adventures, great glen way vs west highland way
Id: 5uMbJk9mBBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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