79 MILES ON SCOTLAND'S GREAT GLEN WAY (first impressions)

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the great Glen way one of Scotland's great Trails it winds its way through the very heart and soul of this remarkable country running the entire length of Scotland's longest Glen the 79 mile path stretches from the bustling town of Fort William to the capital of the Highlands in Inverness it's filled with stunning lock views dense forest paths heart pumping ascents and cozy accommodations the quietude of this particular Trek mixed with the Untamed beauty of the Highlands is a nature Lover's Dream we're going to share with you the realistic day-to-day life of being a long distance Walker some classic Scottish eats and the journey that unfolds when you leave behind the day-to-day life for one on the trail while we can't say everyone will have the same experience as us we do know that there is something special about this Trail and the Solitude that we found along the way we're Brian and Crystal and this is vonhala Adventures we just finished up our track on the west highland way and while we're really looking forward to being on the great Glenway we're a bit beat up from our last day on the trail oh my gosh should we meet oh we're not hiking today Brian and I are supposed to be starting in the great Glenway so that's where we're beginning be up and tired okay let's get this party started we heard the first day of this truck is just a walk along the canal so we decided to make this somewhat difficult decision to skip the usual first day and give ourselves some time to just rest and prepare and run a few errands before we get to our next accommodation and begin [Music] today officially marks our first day on the great Glen way we really enjoyed our stay at this particular BNB the food was great the room was nice and big and the owners even gave us a ride to the trail in the morning which definitely saved us a few miles we got it thanks so much foreign [Music] mostly dirts and Pebbles no big rocks and all that stuff it's soft on your feet I can walk on this all day but I don't want to speak too soon because we just started we got 12 miles to go so yeah this is beautiful let's see how this pans out right now it's reminding me of like Oregon Washington right now episode Northwest right here yeah with all these ferns and the trees and yeah the Evergreens wow oh we're already coming back down this is cool oh okay oh man it spoke too soon I knew I spoke too soon okay interesting I don't know this is good this is gonna be a long day what's going on it says go right up here on the left on the left it says go right from the left oh oh okay cool yeah yeah okay I'm gonna hit a fork in the trail here nothing's labeled no idea which way to go we're gonna we're gonna result to our trusty little Navigator here Crystal Garden this way I'm pretty confident right now okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] just got back on the road folks we just learned that the majority of this Trail today is on this road as far as I know we'll be walking on this road for I don't know maybe two three hours yeah yeah it looks like most of the time definitely two hours and there's no other route so no this is it okay there's a road I mean it's beautiful yeah it's not a crowded Road by any means it's gorgeous out so the thing I love about walking on these trails in the highlands that you get to see all these little nooks of like small neighborhoods that are cut pretty much private really they're off the beaten path but they're such amazing houses and locations I just want to live right there in that Stone House look at that thing yeah that's beautiful wow Scotland is magical it's it's got something about it there's just something about Scotland that's I know there's many more countries that also have this wow factor but Fred and I are very drawn to Scotland right now it's in general I think it's our ancestry this house wow look at that fireplace slash entry okay they just keep coming look at this one [Music] children and chickens [Music] I can honestly say I am thoroughly enjoying this hike today I love the terrain mainly flat and along the water the whole way Sunny nice breeze cool you down yeah I'm actually really enjoying this we're moving along we're averaging at about 2.3 miles per hour and uh I feel like we're gonna finish this Trail a little earlier than uh can we think [Music] thank you [Music] yeah this is good yeah oh yeah [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Wendy because of the windy has been chill y today so glad I had a fleece but for now I'll send it you're taking yours off too yeah the wind's kind of stopped and the Sun is blaring hard ready for anything honest what oh that feels so much better yeah [Applause] what's the diagnosis this feels just hurting really bad can you heal yeah yeah it's this this is where my I always hurt right here like on both sides it always hurts really bad no matter what I do no matter what kind of orthotics it's always hurts after usually like yeah after one day on the trail and it's been long mild that's gonna hurt it just doesn't go away it's this is happens even at home no matter what I do man ow oh found it oh my oh that hurts so good ah it is my Achilles heel literally oh you can finish I mean I'm going to I'm not giving up I don't have a choice there's no alternative oh man except swim we already ate but there's a spot and it's marked by a bear that there looks like it's kind of a little Campground it goes all the way down to the lock nice little area for a rest if you wanted to maybe got a little bathroom down there yeah it looks like a bathroom there's the bear you can't miss it and then it looks like if you can see it down there there's some benches and two next to the water we're making good time so we do have dinner recipes but since we're making good time we're gonna go put a few in the water this looks cool wow that's all clovers that's so cool wow beautiful [Applause] some of these kind of have this elevated dirt thing and you're just surrounded by Clover and it's on dirt it's all soft too and level this is amazing and you know what we hardly seen anybody we've seen some bikers on this path but all the Walkers we've seen are going the opposite way so they're doing Inverness to Fort William and we haven't seen I've only seen a handful of people Brandon and I are loving this Trail so far B look and there's a little Hut down here oh my gosh it's a nice sunset wow this looks brand new that's amazing this is so cool [Music] what whoa we're at Mile eight from garlocky so I want to put my feet in [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that was one of the best moments I've ever had this place is awesome I know I kind of wish we were staying here right you ready to go though okay we just got four miles really short a little Four Mile I just checked it in the back you guys that works there we go okay I'm ready to Raw you might have to poop on one of these things [Music] foreign [Music] I've been thinking about um because my feet have been hurting today and there was this lesson one of my teachers um I remember taught me is that to always give back to the land when you take something or when you have an experience and I mean we're always taking from the land but to give back and I one of the ways I was taught was like part of yourself and so I was just thinking that that can come in a lot of different forms but today I was thinking part of the experience because in a way we're taking from the land on these trucks that we do and I was thinking part of my pain is giving back to the land like I'm consistently taking but part of the journey is the pain and to do it anyways and to I don't know it's a deep appreciation because it takes so much so I have to give my full self over to it and so I think my pain is a way of giving back in a odd way like blood sweat tears all of it is a way to get back I was thinking about today and it actually made the pain flip side a little bit because it was getting pretty bad how you doing here are you good um it's actually better now that I I reframed it I can kind of yeah shifted how I was thinking about it yeah that's good and then um I mean it's still there it's still that like almost lightning bolts coming up from my heels um I don't know that there's that the same saying I always remember though pain is inevitable suffering is a choice I'll also remember that too about a mile ago okay that's a different kind of giving back oh dang okay we're almost at the end right now and we're passing by a massive sheep farm it's huge oh there's little buds in the road [Music] Buddies no look at that little baby oh yes oh my gosh it's so tiny oh man sorry Mama okay I think when I bent over earlier to use the restroom I lost my glasses not long ago I don't know when did I have them I lost my sunglasses oh bummer oh those were from Hawaii well to find some new ones I guess yeah okay well we're almost done Brian and I decided not to go to our Hospital first we have dinner reservations here on a barge login um we just got here but we're now early place to get a drink or something kiosk had some stuff so if you're like us we don't want to walk The Last Mile it's a great Glen hustle then walk a mile back and then walk another mile back three more miles absolutely not no words somewhere early we have to wait an hour for this place to open but this little outdoor area no we just wanted to sit in the shade I don't want to get burned oh man [Music] you did good yeah go Team all right it's an expense tonight [Music] okay dinner time this is it that's what we're eating [Music] this is so cool is it right here yeah this is us this is amazing you guys check it out of course you need a parrot for sure but this is so cool oh look at you already having a good time oh my God and there's a fireplace this is so good or do you mind being on camera so this is her name is Victoria and she is actually the owner how long have you had this if you don't mind me asking and I've had them 10 years for 10 years wow did you fix it all up yourself it was his parents before us and they did a whole lot like this and we just kind of dropped it and took over this is very cool I love it foreign oh wow there you go yeah I wanted lots of veggies oh it was nice that was a great dinner that was such a cool experience it was a cool experience I really enjoyed it and uh Victoria her name the owner yeah Victoria man she's a hustler man she was running all over the place she flew up and down those stairs literally didn't even touch the stairs she was going up and down them so fast the service was Far like it made anything in the U.S any service in the United States looked like they didn't even think okay this isn't as bad as I thought it's not bad at all yeah we have to walk along this highway it's 60 miles per hour but just I mean we'll just not be on that dress there [Music] [Music] all right um [Music] okay so European as a positive you pick uh 5.50 deposits you've got 49.50 to pay okay okay yes please we're having a barbecue tonight will you be having it no no okay okay again upstairs and to the right we have luggage suit to choose oh yeah and our luggage for we got luggage transports yeah it should be in your room oh wow that's nice I'll see okay okay I got a little dips [Music] and our luggage was delivered they even put it right upstairs yeah that's the first that is a first that's pretty nice that's really nice oh my gosh B what okay so it's what 7 P.M or something I think yeah probably have makeup all over me don't mind you guys but that was the cleanest that bathroom is spotless like they just had cleaned up again really this place is a young woman working this place is already awesome and all we've seen is our room and the reception super streamlined here the bathroom was I mean exceptional yeah brand new garbage everything because usually at this time people are like at the King's house for instance on West Highland Way which is Uber expensive people were like oh the bathrooms are grimy at best this place 55 pounds for two people no breakfast or meals are included or anything but still 55 pounds for two people and just great like I like it here yeah cool nice smell you gotta wait in line for a shower go check it no I'm dang it should have went in there earlier but I was looking for someone's phone for 10 minutes oh you're not that bad you're not that bad at yourself how are you enjoying this just so far like the day one versus it's a whole different experience it's a whole different scenery a whole different vibe eh whole different Vibes like there's like nobody on the trail yeah nobody there was no other walkers except a couple people going the opposite way a lot of bikers a lot of bikers there was a lot of bikers also going the opposite way yeah but that's it yeah it just seems more kind of down to earth yeah way more down to earth simple yeah it's cool I'm really loving the great Glenway yeah it feels just a little bit more raw we were thinking about not doing it we almost didn't do you guys so we almost canceled the last minute because we just were like let's just go the aisles I was like no we're walking this great Glenway stay in the course stay in the course and we did and I'm so happy because this actually feels very refreshing compared to how crowded it was on the west highland way we're probably gonna do a whole video actually tell me if this would help be helpful for you comparing the west highland way to the great Glenway I feel like that could be actually a really great video no I'm saying it out loud any last thoughts you want to say good night you stinky little butt it must be nice to go to bed right now because I always have to stay up for like three hours a minute you do not have to stay up if you don't want to have to too okay I just want you to all know B is the only reason our videos probably come out I am I have the idea for videos and I love filming but I won't edit I'll edit a little bit a little bit but I just can't I cannot I have ADHD I cannot unless I'm fully in one or the other mode I can't always helpful entertaining or some sort of worthy of your time I love you all so much before I left because I don't know you all but I do I love you all anyways keep it real we'll see you for day two on the great Glenn way are you gonna say bye bye [Music]
Channel: vanhalla adventures™
Views: 12,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vanhalla adventures, great glen way, west highland way, the great glen way, scotland, scotland great glen way, great glen way walk, scotland trails, wild camping, thru hike, great glen way camping, west highland way scotland, caledonian canal, loch ness, women in adventure, valhalla adventures, valhalla adventures camino de santiago, valhalla adventures scotland, valhalla adventures camino, vanhalla adventures scotland, get outside
Id: 323m-Lu4nPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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