Almost to Shadowbringers | Our FFXIV Journey Continues

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foreign to begin trying to talk about our experience entering shadowbringers the beginning of the end in A New Beginning in a new expansion that is old but not for us Kyle I imagine some folks might be tuning in for the first time ever seeing as we're stepping into what appears to be most Final Fantasy 14 players favorite expansion there's some contrarians but yes yes a toss-up between the end Walkers and the shadowbringers but everybody loves the meat that shadowbringers brings and frankly I'm really into it too it's getting kind of dark it's not getting dark at all it's getting extremely bright what are you talking about good point good point but it's asking fascinating sci-fi fantasy questions and that's what I like that's what I like about fantasy a final fantasy one might say is that we get to explore interesting ideas with our Warrior of light Palling around well I guess no more Pals no more piling around we're we're trying to restore our Pals so that we may return to pelling around gives it urgency I mean just to just to give that summary we have entered shadowbringers now we're gonna look back at the end of storm blood so if you're new to the channel welcome hope you enjoy now let's get into it but before we get into the nitty-gritty Kyle many call our friendship a bromance and a smaller subsection of those people ask how they can support our bromance some kind of website to support our Bromance would be in order so sure is a good thing that I know how to purchase domains and I may have gone and purchased support our and then through the power of my extremely Tech literate fingers forwarded that domain to our patreon that's right we have a patreon if you would like to support us that patreon is the best way to do so we also have YouTube memberships that also supports us so check that out check out the channel membership check out our patreon by going to support our and we thank you for the support thank you for supporting all those already supporting the support I feel so supported well supported we already spoiled ourselves at kriel's okay because we did a Eureka stream not that long ago so we know where cryo was hanging out uh but if you didn't go and do Eureka and you're just blasting your way through the msq this is the point where you would find out that despite how many times the Scions have been hit in the head by being told to throw away the gates kriel has not fainted as a matter of fact it's just now hitting me this exact moment as we're sitting here we never get confirmation or denial that Kyle ever even heard the call I would assume she would have mentioned it being all magically attuned and whatnot you know kind of in the zone I'm curious about that a little bit I don't really understand the calls directory if you will you think the enigmatic figure is just sitting there with Rolodex just being like hmm who am I going to call now oh trailer he's got a whole touch screen he's doing like full Minority Report in there I don't know how he's viewing out into the world or the Multiverse star system what have you but we've now watched the trailer we're gonna move under the assumption here that that's cat man tail is hidden ears are probably uncomfortably folded stressed whisker stress but we're assuming that's cat man in the Crystal Tower Mr graha doesn't make any connections though as to why he called who he did because if we're talking Crystal Tower and who he'd want to call well then Sid would be on the ground clutching his head and said seems fine too when we meet him for the Airship travel at the end of this little scene so he didn't know who cryo was but then it's not like yeshtola and Alize were a big part of the crystal tower in fact Alize was still off doing solo Ranger kind of style missions Coyle's bahometing as they wasn't even participating at that time we start off things by meeting up with Alice at the rising stones and Alize is just skyrocketing to top Zion I just think she's a fabulous character I love the arc that she's going through the loneliness she feels the coming into her own becoming almost her own hero I'm just really excited to see how she works into it in fact uh she wasn't anywhere in the shadowbringers trailer no she wasn't which scares me there's so much about the shadowbringers Cinematic that scares me but we're gonna have a video dedicated to that so yeah we'll make mentions of it I'm sure but anyway kriel's back we get we get Alice's fantastic alphano impression which really I could do my own 30 minute video on my life's goal is not less than the salvation of this star and then kriel immediately launches into detective mode trying to piece things together and suggest that we go seek out Master matoya once again because kriel read our report our report the warrior of light and apparently we Kyle canonically as the wall reported that the calls feel like our ether is being drawn to another place and so Carl's like why don't we do what we did with Ingrid go borrow a witch's crystal ball and follow the trail of ether that should in theory have been left behind which we go do we go back to see matoya which always makes me happy I think Montoya might be my favorite character is matoya my favorite character there's a lot to unpack in just this one little section so like the first big tell is that kriel's shocked and says it's like they're the trail of ether that leave behind just ends she and she says that that's not how it's that shouldn't be the case she doesn't quite understand it and then describes it quote in the matoya layers on even further saying like hey that they're they're they haven't crossed over to the Ethereal plane of death they are still hanging on somehow I'm gonna from now on refer to what has happened to the Scions as being cut off that's what I'm going to refer to it as for the purposes of today's talk it's kind of like astral projecting that that's the vibe I'm getting especially with what happens you know later on with you know meeting who I'm pretty sure is gahatiya it does feel like you are projecting and for some reason or another or Scion buddies got got cut off we still don't know why and and this isn't me like not talking about things we've already seen of everything we've seen and we've gone up to seeing the first major city you go to in shadowbringers we still don't know what the hell happened to our friends one thing they address is the broodmother's daughter and how this might be similar to that cryo counters that and says no this is very different that was a dead body and that kind of plays into perhaps more of that xenos business that's going on in the background yeah that that's where we get like a lot of the the Lord dump right because this is where Kyle's like no the the caliana girl she was already dead and then that's when Victoria pipes up talking about hey death hasn't taken them yet they are not in the Ethereal sea which means we're going right past that wonderful line of matoya talking about shtola being an ungrateful straight very well she may be an ungrateful stray but she's my ungrateful straight and I'll not see her buried before I am he was very touching he was very touching you know it's kind of a Dr Cox situation right where he's kind of an [ __ ] but they're a lovable [ __ ] you know I'm gonna tell you my an [ __ ] but she's our lovable [ __ ] exactly this combined with the limiting or running thin of ether is adding such an interesting ticking clock scenario because we're also on the edge of war with the guardian Empire and if Magics are going bad it might be kind of a big deal this was a theory you immediately started shouting about on stream uh would you refer to it as was it a a day of the black Sun situation from avatar Last Airbender where on this one day every so often you know the firebenders couldn't use their powers so it's like are we going to be caught unable to use magic and ripe for the taking by the Garland Empire who can't even use the magic in the first place even though they're like you know they have other ways of getting around that with mag attack plus this looming threat of black rose it's chekhov's Black Rose Kyle that this entire multi-patch or could be called checkout's Black Rose because it's been mentioned so many times and they ain't used it yet except on that the the tease of it back way back when when they Alpha no found that dead Camp anyway I I digress I don't know how much to read into that because I think we're just we're just waiting for that black rose bomb to drop literally maybe I don't know we haven't even seen how they do it yet I don't know if they're just like throw grenades or what I fully expected them to just black rose all of Amigo and I'm a little surprised they didn't instead we have a full-blown Battlefield that develops outside of it I don't know why they wouldn't oh it's not a production it's not that's right it's not fully in production it's that what Alpha no saw may have been like a testing ground the only reason I bring up Black Rose is is because of that theory of yours I like that theory but because Black Rose is looming overhead I don't know if the thinning of the ether is actually an important tidbit specifically for the story bit about the war against Scarlet malt because there's already things looming in the distance as far as the war with Garda mold is concerned and it's called Black Rose so I I don't know I don't know about that plus it's like the Guardians make such a big deal about how we had to make magitek to level the playing field so it seems like the story isn't as interested in wielding that dissonance between the magic havers and those that don't have it because the Guardians have found a way around that so those are all the places my brain starts to go even though love avatar The Last Airbender I love that whole thing so I kind of want you to be right but I kind of don't think that's the direction we're heading with this I think there's this is a larger bigger macro focused issue the thinning of The Ether that's going to Cascade into Shadow Bringers and potentially Beyond there's a short sojourn to El Amigo because Maxima shows up and is reporting on what happened with Alpha no however he is not with Alpha no and right when you start to worry that oh no is are we gonna sit here and have to have things repeated to us that we just play through no they truncate all of that and we're just slammed by another throw wide the gates call I like seeing Maxima again yeah he gets more interesting a little bit later this here he's just kind of playing messenger he's disseminating information that we already know as players but we don't already know as a warrior of light right he's showing the play to the popularity who are now fully defected and it's adding layers to this onion of War they're creating the big point of this whole scene is that there's another call basically repeating things we've already heard Untold sorrow a headloads of Calamity yada yada yada say something new yeah new information please it's new information and it's it's I thought this was clever because and in the moment moment you think to yourself well no one fainted so what was the point of all this no one fainted that we know of we find out later when we meet Shadowhunter that was one call too many for dear alfano we go visit Ian and Doma oh he's such a nerd man coming up with Fantasy names for his wall so cute oh that part's great but I was gonna say you know that the story is good when he end feels like the slow point because I really like Ian hean is one of my favorite things to come out of the ACT I just kind of like man I'm already getting whistled for storm blood now that I've seen the entire thing storm blood mmm that gets a bum wrap it's good it's real good Slow Burn is the right way to say it like it starts slow start I think slow start and it has like four starts uh but when once you get once you get the Doma castle like stormblood's Off to the Races he is such a great character I feel like if we were doing Doma restoration if we were uh in the system moving with time domu would be a place that we'd regularly visit instead it's somewhere we rarely visit just for these little heian talks and then we go somewhere else in the story in this case we head back to the burn because the machine the Allegan Shield generator is all fixed up excuse me excuse me Kyle you will call it by its name say reuse wall oh I love that he names and everyone makes fun for a hot moment then it sticks he nailed it yeah I would say is kind that's why that's why it sticks he and paints Miniatures back room there oh yeah yeah you know it you know this is a room back there with just shelves and shelves and shelves with thousands of dollars of Games Workshop merchandise just um totally wonderful um this scene was great probably would have I bet this is a scene that goes off with a little more Fanfare if you don't realize it's it's Gaius I think you like yelled Gaius and did the Leo Point like the first time we saw Shadowhunter true which is based off of his gun which is now funny in retrospect because I have gone back and looked and it is unique but not that unique it looks very similar to other Guardian gun blades for you was the gun for me it was the X attack for the audience at large you know talking together on Reddit it would have been his little tiny mask well just like that the eye plate that he ends up throwing at us here in the scene free of crazy Warframe horns with little like earrings on them so I did I thought this was like super special asean mask and he had killed like a third tier of aseans yeah I did not pick up on that at all and now of course when he throws it and in the same scene you get flashbacks to him in full armor you're like of course how did I how did I not notice that but I was so excited in the moment of this guy's entire existence is hunting Asians and he's got a bunch of asean masks I'm like that's just the coolest thing ever I assumed every mask I was looking at was an Asian mask and it was just some Asian mask I had never seen before plus we're going through the game that's already there to play we're playing through it at a faster rate than everyone else so I'm not having to sit for months just like staring at what little information I have to try and come up with theories he's a mask connoisseur he looks amazing he is voiced by the actor that played Ruth Bolton Game of Thrones which listen I I too have functioning fiction taste buds and I don't like the end of Game of Thrones either but I like that actor and holy [ __ ] what a great voice actor for the role of Gaius yeah the old guys with praetorium runs you know behind me and he's kind of grown on me it could have been a voice modulator I guess that's my head Canon he sounds great I'd be very curious to see what old guys would sound like with this actor redone if they ever redo voice acting in A Realm Reborn be a massive undertaking but it'd be really really cool to see that Evolution because he is so much more subtle that is true however it would be a giveaway that this is guys and I think it's kind of devious that they kind of use the fact that they changed voice actors to their to their favor of throwing us off the set which I kind of just I don't know I kind of like it kind of like it but he returns Alpha note to us comes out holding it which I didn't even like notice right away it was right with me though he had wanted the ship to explode and I did too now granted alphano and Shadowhunter were on board so good thing it didn't but man he had what a nerd I love the progression of guys as a character here his motivations make all the sense in the world to me this actually ties into and pays off the most beamed moment of a realm or born you know the such Devastation was not my intention like it ties into that but also like pays it off like this whole thing he is just pissed as hell at the asean specifically LA habre and I love that it even like adds a little line of I assume you've killed him by now so just so you know I'm still mad at all of them I'm gonna make it my life's mission to murder every asean I can find uh and it's it's really like honorable motivation too because he says that like listen I want to do this for everyone that died following me it's like he's so like such self shame but he's not gonna let that get in the way of his revenge which I love it listen revenge is is bad you know don't don't be vengeful but I love it in my fictional characters Revenge Justice you know there are two sides of the same coin both are extremes bels Gaius really wants to do he wants to take us to asean school he does a good job this is a great refresher yeah we went back before this and re-watched all of the old Romer born asean scenes I think we're gonna make a video out of it we're not uh but they're a little dry yeah there's a lot of information presented there during a time where you are not ready to absorb it and now come shadowbringer with Gaia standing before you with his multi-mass belt you have interest which is why we went back in time and watched all that stuff yeah yeah I forgot about the rejoining which is important for this uh I honestly forgot about the black masked aseans too which after this asking School turns out it's okay I forgot about them they're literally not important yeah they're kind of more like a cultist level they're lackiest lackeys red shirts cannon fodder what we did realize during that re-watching is there's the Asin hierarchy and some aseans are directly tied to certain Stars so in the case of sideburns never Alice he was like invading to speed things along he was an outside villain hoping to get the ball rolling and La habrea is labre is uh you could call it like a man of action but he's just impatient he wants to do evil quickly and kind of just blow up the star as fast as possible you know in in a term uh Gaius refers to those quote set adrift with the shards and those are the ones that are visiting from other stars but then says that those quotes still join to the source are wildly more powerful than the ones that are just you know they've got a shard in their visiting other places willy-nilly and I guess Snapper Alice falls under the The Shard club asean which I guess a little bits would be one of these quote-unquote Paragons of the source that Gaius is talking about those that are still joined with the source and have a great deal more power than your garden variety asean right quite a bit more invested interest in having this transformation of the universe take place and I don't know if you want to say like a peaceful way but in a more orderly way which I've got I we discover more and it just leads to more questions throughout all those introductions to Elizabeth he was called an emissary and while he's been a little mustache twirly particularly when it came to the eyes of nidhog he does seem like he wants to keep the balance when we get to a knuckle eye and that sort of stuff kind of but now it seems like he's kind of just going on the La Habra path a little bit is weird for me do you want to have this rock now can we do you just wanna rip into the Elizabeth's chat for a second Elizabeth seems the most likely culprit as Emissary it is his role to maintain the equilibrium between Darkness and Light we get a paragon of the source check-in from guys he says Hey La Habra was one of them labry is dead Olympus is one of them and then he mentions Emmett selch which guys his own words and the elusive Emmett silk about whom little is known and even I think Alice say if you and I were sitting there for a moment going yeah sure we've definitely heard of Emmett at some point and I remember Alison goes I think that one's new to us and I'm like oh thank you thank you Alice thank you so much I don't know why guys brings up Emmett because then he doesn't even say any more about him I guess Emmett is a known quantity but that's it we don't really know Emmett's personality or the Deeds that Emmett has done uh who knows who this character is he's on the board no that's that's how things don't seem to come out of left field later on anyway a little bits a little bits is weird to me in a ROM reborn when Elizabeth shows up it almost sounds seems like there's a bit of a mutual respect there he's still talking about the balance of things we meet a little bit in our flashback Echo with menphilia and he shows up wearing white robes which puts your mind kind of in like the oh good guy asean and then he blasts her to knock her out so he doesn't get touched or grabbed or something along those lines yes he is highly tied into the Warriors of darkness and is clearly enjoying his job a little bit and getting this ball rolling but it didn't seem like before he entered Zeno's body he wanted all-out War he almost wanted to dodge that or have some sort of peaceful transition to stardom and now in Xena's body I have to wonder like is xenos's bloodthirsty nature somehow like in there and like corrupting him and changing him somewhere blending yeah because in xenos's Bonnie it just feels like xenos they and I can't help but I I have to think it's intentional because it seems like everything in in this narrative is written for a reason or is written the way it is written for a reason I like I don't at no point in my head is it going oh I think the writer's just like just want they're just having fun they just would rather it be xenos right now than Elizabeth but it is very specifically a little this piloting xenos so like why not play with that more they really barely play with the fact that it's a little bit unless it's xenos meetings with Varys in the throne room that's when Elizabeth really seems to shine through but anytime we like when we go up against xenos later on it just feels like we're fighting xenos yeah he's very Zeno see granted if I woke up one day with that voice I'd probably act like that too you know maybe he's just having fun you know it could be a line delivery issue but that doesn't seem the case with the new voice casting like these actors have direction that they didn't have in A Realm Reborn it doesn't seem like you know in a vacuum the voice actor was told to read these lines of xenos yeah yeah no I'm with you I think the the voice acting Direction has been amazing yeah there's so much there's so much pacting with guys right here the guy has even started talking about the this Arc of balance between the light and the Darkness right because he says that you owe many deeds in heidelin's name have upset the balance and I believe he seeks to restore it by throwing his considerable power behind the Empire as a leader of the essience he is one of our primary targets even non-assians are aware of this light and darkness and at least some they have some sense of the fact that it should be balanced which I I just found that interesting I don't know I made a note of it just because I thought it was interesting that Gaius was talking to us about the balance of things yeah and that Gaius himself was concerned about heidelin's influence granted Gaius did battle us with yeah our full heideling Glory at the time so he's aware of how op that can be I mean he supposedly had a completely overpowered weapon and we still defeated him and the Lord bomb drops don't stop the there because then the Gaius Catches Us up on what he and alphanette were up to and what they found so he tells us about finding the Black Rose facility and then the straight up tells us hey we destroyed it the Black Rose is gone this facility has been cleared out and then oh by the way we found a bunch of cloned bodies of young Emperor Solace so hey just so you know the Guardians have clone Tech now which if I'm not mistaken Kyle this is the first time cloning has been brought up I don't think it's too far of a jump granted assets are sometimes reused but the way this was pictured in game it looked very much like the echo transfer chamber that zenos was using in order to get red eye powers and give those to fordola as well so that machine transferring around Essences it's not that big of a jump to say oh maybe you could transfer Essence and like grow bodies you know who it isn't a big jump for a Solace I I want you to get into this because you're the one who put this puzzle together this was bothering me when I was editing the last video I saw Solas roll down the stairs and the guards on either side watched him go and I went oh interesting note and as he reappears his body's still on the floor whereas we know from naberalis like it's a rather laborious process of rewarding yourself right there and then your body kind of like gives up its ether void ether maybe has a different name but you know explodes so there were a lot of strange things going on I didn't entirely put this together by myself the long and short of this is that you and I weren't sure what was going on with Solace leaving a dead body behind and then appearing and then even when the Clones were shown to us we ended up having a long conversation on stream just in the middle of this we just were like stopped for a second we were talking about like wait but why does he need clones and it looked like he rezzed what's going on some I saw one message in chat that said something along the lines of La Habra could teleport when he was in Bankrate and that just made it all click for me they're absolutely right we just rewatched the old Realm Reborn asean scenes so we very recently saw all the stuff with LA habrea fancred and he does he teleports all over the freaking Place uh if you ever end up in the Ultima trial now it's a trial fight you're gonna see that unskippable cutscene and La Habra I think are just teleports into existence uh you mentioned the guards being able to see Solace you're like but he's an asean they can see him but I'm assuming the guards don't have Echo and it's all because no doubt no now that we know it's a clone he's inhabiting a physical body and it's the same thing everyone could see La Habra thank great because he was in bankrupt's body he didn't need the echo to see him so the same thing's going on here except instead of inhabiting a living host Solace is just hopping from essentially empty shells and so he just jumps into a clone and teleports wherever the hell he wants to go that's how I interpret all of this is going with a little help from our chat and there's a fun wastefulness to it that solas's personality continues to grow with right like making a clone seems like a laborious process you gotta have all these machines and giant facilities and he's perfectly fine losing one in fact pre-poses on the ground so that when he teleports in he's looking cool about it a stylish villain if there ever was one hey uh speaking of facility shortly after reconnecting with Mr guys our good friend we go to a new facility we see Mr varus hanging out in a facility with a evil doctor that has my warrior of light's haircut this bothers me a lot the second evil doctor that has my warrior of light's haircut yeah it's the standard evil doctor here why why do they all have the emo hair because they're busy so they don't get haircuts yeah okay that's all I can come up with fair I'm not sure it's entirely thought out solus's hair is thought out right like that's almost representing the fact that he was once alive and old with a little bit of gray in there and now this is like a younger clone he's going into we really haven't gotten too deep Gaia specified it was a clone of young Emperor Solace right inferring that it's like not even what Solace looked like when he died I have since been sent art of what Solace was supposed to look like in 1.0 which was uh bigger than xenos with a giant crazy old white wizard beard it's actually in the patch art for 4.4 oh you know he's got like um a profile kind of back in there and you have no idea who it is it's never addressed when Varys spits on the tomb because we like missed a generation which hasn't really been clarified for us he's spitting on the grave of Solas in that scene although we know it was still asean Solace at the time and we learn in this cutscene that solace's death was painstakingly planned down to the moment it happened it was all by Design it was by Design which design means chaos Varys is pissed as hell because he left him in a chaos State and so it's just like do you not understand how we make chaos this is how we do it yes it is chaotic but yes also yes it's planned we plan this chaos exactly what can if if an essene is going to take an action why not have that action so as much chaos as possible all right hey uh can I tell you about the single most confusing line I think in the entire four five to five oh Arc okay Salah says quote slowly but surely Deluge of light [Music] how the the sources influence the lights influence the ether's influence and how it is gas susceptible to any of this stuff how is man-made death gas I don't under I do not understand this sentence well we know that when you die from Black Rose thanks to the alphano camp scene that you get all white-eyed which means nothing natural just happened so the gas could very well interact with a person's inner light or something about them living on this source to cause death it may not be just a choking hazardous kind of gas that's what I gather from this line it could be that with their being an abundance of light that the gas will be more powerful because of a yin and yang sort of situation but that's a bit of a leap and we really haven't addressed that too much we know in shadowbringers there's little good demons running around destroying anybody who sins possibly because we stuck on toe in there they're light they they because we we've although back in Rome were born we fought what were they called void scent void scent yeah so are there also light scent that's what it seems like in 5-0 but I don't want to get too far into that so the gas is magical or you know garlic and or it's probably based on Allegan tax so it's super weird it's particularly evil yeah yes and the fact that it's maybe more evil due to the abundance of light might make it more powerful less powerful depending cool I still feel confused I think you're supposed to be I was kind of hoping you were like no this is totally what it means but you seem like you're also like I think it might be heading in this kind of a Direction so I'm just going to sit here and say I still don't know what this means well this is to tantalize you right to titillate you because Solas is also one to peace out again you just got here and in fact we also just realized that you weren't grandpaing far in the past like you just died recently so your big break and rest wasn't actually that long and now you're ready to go again and leave because he's doing like a you won't see me again maybe that's like a Emperor I won't be seeing you in particular anytime soon maybe because he says it might be the last time we speak he says that the Tavares so there's a lot of stuff going so I maybe he's just going back to do asean things Solace just lives for the flex it's all about being dramatic and flexing on Varys and I really hate Varys so I really love Solace Paris is a great character by the way when I say hey Varys it's like I hate him because he's a villain and it just kind of he's a boss I want to go kick the ass of I think it's a I think Varys is a very well written villain the Rogues Gallery here is incredibly diverse and I love it like we haven't really had the bad guy you can just hate we have bad guys that are mustache twirling with La Brea and all that sort of thing a little bit of a little bits in there we had Gaius who was you know kind of the understandable General but had to go down we've now re-met with him that's become a great duality of his character xenos the just want to fight kind of bad guy nidhog big badass dragging the badass deep voice bad guy old nitty Solas and Varys are playing into that they are very distinct villains and I like the way they're being orchestrated throughout the story to give us different emotions and in this case like it's just nice it it's a relief to just be like yeah let's let's fight bad guy the big question I got from this was this line if events play out as planned this will become something of a family Enterprise like if I was various I'd be terrified of that line my initial thought is even though like they don't Linger on this moment and it Varys doesn't seem to think anything of it but if I was there as I would hear that and go oh are you gonna off me and have one of your buddies take up residence in my body are we just gonna end with a a bunch of varys's lineage having their corpses puppet is by freaking assassins or is there lineage in being an asean which might get into something we see later you have to think of that right now like we have one asean in solace's body and another asean in zenos's body we've got three of the same family members running around and only 33.3 percent of them are themselves the other two-thirds are freaking axians in a flush puppet a lot of thoughts there um hey are you ready for my biggest question this has got a family affair and thinking about the fact that xenos is actually a little bit since Solace is actually I don't know it made me realize I don't know so my big question is what's the name of the asean possessing Solace you don't think it's Solas well it was Amber rosalis so the implication is that his name was Solace when he was just a garlian before something happened and an asean took up residence in his body that was his real world name being part of the the star that we're on as a just a mortal living on the source his name was Solace but he made the guardian Empire the founding father was an asean so he could have appeared full asean and made up a past for himself granted I guess he would need a body needs a body we've established he needs a body and he's using bodies right now also the whole aging thing like the fact that they specified that the Clone is of a young Solace right that he was aging so it was Solace at one point was Immortal was a mere mortal so there's an Asian in his body who the hell is it is it someone we've met the whole the Family Affair thing man I'm like I feel not that I am worried for Varys but I feel worried for varus I think there's gonna it's gonna be nasty and running around embaris's body at some point and now I want to know who's running around his solace's body I think with black mask aseans even being willing to do the duty and the scene we get at the very very end with Varys I think you can become an asean I think you can be upgraded blessed by zodiac and Ascend to assy and dumb and that Solas performs so much evil that he was elevated to Top asean by zodiac because otherwise why would Solas be at the top of this food chain you know complaining about Elizabeth being a warrior and all this sort of thing kind of putting down the other aseans so I think that final scene was various asian-ness Awakening inside of him hmm that does get into another thought I have about the character of Solas which is which came first who does the drama belong to because we know Solace was a good patron of the dramatic arts because we ran ivelisse was it asean Solace or just Salis Salas I think that's I think he'd get bored this definitely got bored from time to time so like Elizabeth got born just decided I'm Gonna Save a knuckle lie asean Solace got bored and it's like make me some great entertainment and granted if he was doing chaotic plays for everybody like if you know the emperor was verifying the place that we're we're not supposed to understand but there does seem to be perhaps some lineage and I don't think the game will go this far uh there's a theory that could be at work that if like there is lineage and therefore an asean had children that they would be more susceptible or have bonus evil perhaps better vessels and that's why supposedly beaten xenos is able to get up and keep going so frequently because it's like a right body for that sort of thing but then you get into Souls saying you can mold the bodies into whatever form he wants I really must thank you for this surplus of vessels I can mold any host into my own image but having bodies Taylor Made For Me In This fashion is so much less tiresome about an Asian power thing as whoever's in whoever Solace is whether you're right or not about the ascending to an I don't even considered that well the the molding your body I think is covered by the scene we saw much much earlier with the fish wizard priest who expends the extra effort to have his hat appear on the nearby so match okay well that that kind of plays into what I'm saying then if xenos is like low tier moving over he's not expending the effort to transform that body at all unlike our fish Wizard and bankrit was on purpose not transformed because La habrea was pretending to be thanked well also wondering if like is that how it went down was he knows was it because like someone else went back to his body that was xeno's just forced out into like some other husk to just get out of here I need your body I don't know I'm still I'm still a little unclear on how everything went down with xenos but obviously we've more than established now that if you have enough Attunement to Ether you can hop bodies yeah and xenos was certainly soaked in ether when he died oh yeah it all shouldn't Ryu all up in him and there were plenty of bodies to take advantage of oh speaking of Guardians you didn't expect to see we have a tale of our own as it happens when we sent envoys to the Imperial Army to request talks they returned with the message that Boris Source Galvis would be attending you know after this we go back to El Amigo because war is a common and we decide to have a parlay with Emperor varus so that we can try and avoid Wars spoiler alert it doesn't work big spoiler everybody the war waging Empire once wore yes we have what I think is the second most interesting table scene so far in Final Fantasy 14. I agree this is what the wall of tables Kyle that is deeply meta that tier list would have some distinctions my which by the way my favorite one so far is when thankford passes out because things got real exciting during all that during the first throw wide the gates moment um no so we this is a it's a play in two parts we have uh Varys being a contrarian dick even now your struggles with the beastmen continue unabated we brought order and stability to your lives you speak of Peace yet use War to achieve it so Seth the pirate I came here in the hope of finding some Speck of common ground despite what you people may believe I am not one to choose the sword over the olive branch and then we have Varys exposing his plan finally you asked the right question I think scene one is great because it shows Ferris as at least a force to be reckoned with that he's not just being told what to do and he's been grumpy with Solas who's telling him what to do and we're wondering well why why are you so grumpy about this well he's got his own version of plan which is coming up but he's also intelligent enough to counteract and stand tall at this table granted he gives himself an extra big chair and his model is twice as big as everybody else but he does combat every single point levied against him yes it's also it's nothing but a bunch of what about isms which I think is a really obnoxious way to debate you're supposed to dislike him yeah you're supposed to exit this whole scene disliking him immensely and you're absolutely right he's constantly countering everybody with exactly that yes but whether or not you find what about isms are annoying it doesn't matter because what's really being established here is Varys as a political threat he's not just a military threat he is also one of political threat because everyone at the table is like how the hell do you know this much about our society I'll admit to your familiarity with our Affairs surprised me and serve to remind me how little I know of yours he is well informed he's kind of the the anti-alphano in the situation he is commanding political knowledge for evil gains essentially he doesn't think it's evil as your better written villains tend not to he thinks he is in the right here but we don't find out until the second table meeting why and to your point there about alphano like you feel his weight missing here Alize steps up she participates but it's not on the level that alphano could have made this room calm now Alpha of course has had his missteps but I think he would have done really well as he's grown if he could have been here you know I've been uh taking every chance I can to make fun of seeds here because I think she's a pretty one-note good guy she's my least favorite of the alliance leaders I think this was her moment to shine I don't think there's a greater insult you could give to Varys than comparing him to the IXL you dare competitors to the bud man that did piss him off quite a bit I try to like try to laugh at all but oh man want a little more out of merweb sure well she was the most easily countered being a society built on piracy in the past I think emmerich's conversation with the emperor was most interesting because he was trying to Showcase what he had overcome but still calling out the Regis side of it it really made each one of these leaders very unique like you said granted we haven't explored some of our realm Reborns as much to this point as we have Ian and America and certainly Rob on at this point oh so forget Robin you know how in over in WoW everyone's like Alliance bias that's how I feel about nanamo this game loves nanamo and can't get over nanamo and refuses to give any other of the leaders time to shine when presenting a fantasy world I think you have the most deficit to make up to with your lollipels your gnomes and all that sort of thing the fact that Realm Reborn hit hard and it was like you shut your mouth lollipels are a threat and extremely serious was perfect now that that lingering nanamo loved still exists and I think there's probably a lot of nanamo fans I chose uldas my starting zone so I'm a little more in an animal Camp as well well let me tell you as Alexa Chooser we feel left out I'm sure I have no doubt merweb hasn't had a cool scene since Leviathan she's the coolest leader man she just pulls out a gun whenever there's a problem that's so cool you can't do it here you know she should have she's at the table Yeah and and I'm glad you bring up Emery because that was that was the point where I was like I'm done with you Paris like nothing's gonna be good enough for you because amrick makes a good point and all Varys does is hit him back with the what aboutism of like yes you still accomplished that through war and it's like well we just accomplished feaster war against you because you have forced us to you gave us no other recourse amerig is sitting here being like hey yeah now we're on the other side of it and we have found a way to at least step towards peace and keep that peace lasting and varicious hand waves it away I love that we do the break though it was such a great tension moment as we go around and talk to everybody we change the plan into figuring out maybe we can ask Varys what he's after I thought that was a great way to build the drama it wasn't varus showing his hand because story reasons we had to keep moving whatever they found a way to craft Varys into this villain who was about to present his big evil plan while still enabling him to be mad at soulless and have his own game he's playing my goal is this to return the world to the way it once was the way it was always meant to be it's all this leads up to us finally learning what the rejoining is and this has got to be one of the most significant things I have forgotten about so far in my playthrough of Final Fantasy 14. for some reason rejoining just fell the [ __ ] out of my brain so when it comes up here I'm like all right you think you can even go back and watch the stream because you're like oh it's the asking plan I'm like what are you talking about we don't know what the Asian plan is and then it's like it's spelled out clear here are these not the self same desires as the aseans Varys starts to launch into I mean he lets everything go here and there's a there's a beautiful moment with the light flickering we're in this pristine tent Varys isn't a big big chair a very well textured chair it's a nice chair you know it's better texture than Varys yeah but the moths are coming in you know it's showing the reality situation the lights flicker and it shows that breaking of the facade of Varys that he in that first half he seems like he's got it all figured out but now we're gonna crack that porcelain mask I think he still has it figured out I think he's just like he's kind of getting high on his own Supply and he feels in a place of enough power of enough gotcha that he's like I'm just going to tell you what's going to go what's going to go down here because it doesn't matter we're gonna we're gonna win and you're gonna lose kind of a thing it mirrors what Solas said that creating a Calamity is easier with powerful pieces in play and Varys wants us on his side just as Elizabeth wants the worry of blind everybody to help him usher in the next Calamity the rejoining that's why I got the Warriors of darkness in the first place so all of this needs people to pull it off yes it does so the rejoining we finally figure out what that is and the way Varys sells it there will be but One race a perfect race oh boy it comes off as a as a major red flag moment not that we were already in the camp of varus seems well adjusted that was not the case but Vera started talking about landmines along the way you know black grows everything the all of storm blood there's been some issues yes yeah Varys just starts launching into the issue with the disparate races of the source and at the instant of the great sundering it was not only the work that was shattered but mankind itself thus were we divided into Myriad races each with its own unique imperfections and that the goal of the aseans and by extension the girlian Empire is to undo that to as he say go back to the way it once was which was all one unit race I guess which is to assess it as fiction an interesting spin on what he we here in you know Western society would look at and be like okay so you're painting from you know World War II fascist tones here we've seen the story play out in actual history and then get reused in fiction many times for villainous characters as much as this rubs me the wrong way with my outlook on life and the world I guess the one thing I could give Varys is at least this would also affect his people because the way I'm interpreting is it's not him saying you will all just be Carly and us with the Guardians are are what the way she thinks should be he's talking about something that just doesn't even exist anymore some you know race of people before whatever happened that created your L's and your hearers your lava Fels your makote Etc I mean we know it's evil because he's getting rid of cat girls but nonetheless it it there's an interest my point is there's an interesting medicine on this that it also affects his own Nation right his plan is supposed to be fundamentally flawed that's what kind of gives him that fanaticism for it how do we even know at the end of his plan we would all be United in this if we wouldn't all be under ass in control if zodiac would be big God of the universe and we wouldn't have been able to pull off this plan like we already have it paralleled slightly in ishgard with the Archbishop trying to take advantage of the asean plot and then win afterwards so the plan's not good and it's not supposed to be and regardless doesn't matter he is rejecting all individuality and for lack of a better term Humanity I realize we're dealing with like fantasy races like lava fails and Bun girls and years and everything else but he it's still a a firm rejection of individuality which I don't hold with no it was The Reaper threat the cosmic threat it's always been about this we just decorated our free company house for Halloween and so the individuality the beauty of that the love and all those experiences that people have in limsa those would all be destroyed by various's plan and we don't want that because we've met amazing beautiful people in this world and then he goes one further even which is the moment I think Varys then you realize just how deluded he is it's one thing if heiress buys into the asean lies and that's something that America even starts to warn him about but Vera starts to try and defend himself with saying oh don't worry when this is all said and done then we will cast off the shackles of our asean masters we'll turn against them after we help them accomplish what they want which that's more I'm like okay Varys good talk buddy you have fun with whatever it is you think is gonna happen here right perhaps he believes his own force of will would be strong enough to survive the rejoining we don't even know what that would look like just on a star kind of planetary scale we don't know if heideline and zodiaku were once one would merge and they'd be something different at that point so there are tons and tons of holes in his plan the first place that you're just supposed to be thinking about as someone who paid attention while playing the game the emotional holes are much larger and that's why he's got to go down plus I have like so many other questions like what if they actually succeed with rejoining and we become what do we even retain memory do we have a sense of self of who we were do we become something new what does that even mean for Varys like like maybe it'll just be a mind-washed thrall to the aseans at the end of all this exactly I have no idea you loon so yeah Varys is a [ __ ] but he's he's a cool well-formed stiff shed in terms of of villains in video games and it holds up him as a threat and this doesn't just run him over to get the Solas there is a world where we don't create varus as a character and we just move straight on to Solas and it would be it'd be cheap it could be a very cheap villain because without this explanation all we get is the next big bag which is what we've been complaining about in World of Warcraft oh there's always a bigger threat there's always a bigger threat each one of these threats xenos is a threat varus's threat so listen threat they're all individual threats it's multi-layered threats I just think all the way back to like how we keep peace in Elemento there's the game does not forget about the steps it took to get where it is and it thinks about the steps that are behind them or still developing it's it's it's really interesting in that way and this also like answers a mild question I had kind of lingering which is like if Ferris hates the asking so much why is he even helping them it's because not only does he believe in the rejoining but he he's he believes he's deluded enough to believe in himself that at the end of all of this he can then go and you know once balance is restored oh don't worry we'll defeat the ass scenes after that it's just like but whatever the case is the set in stone the fact that we are not going to appeal to varys's better senses and turn him over to our cause like he's set on his path even though he has the friction with the aseans he's perfectly fine and happy to go along with their plan until he's ready to turn against them which for us is too late because we do not want the rejoining to happen so hey getting spoiler alert we do not avoid open War I bid you make ready for our next meeting will not be at the negotiating table four five ends in quite the set piece the gimlet dark is a truly bombastic dungeon yeah what an evolution yeah you started to talk about on stream how you think it was just a clear upgrade from alamigo Castle which I do agree with you to a certain degree I mean alamigo Castle is still I would say traditionally beautiful in a way whereas this is like a war-torn battlefield like just death destruction crashing Guardian Tech everywhere but in terms of the story El Amigo castle and the gimlet dark they try and do a similar thing and I'm with you I think Emma dark Does It Better which is it tries to depict us fight alongside the friends we made along the way because as you go through alamigo Castle we run across all of our buddies all of our friends are the other fellow Scions he and yugiri everyone you see them fighting along the way but it's more like you see them like you see an animatronic on Pirates of the Caribbean it's off to the side I'm on my track they're off to the side oh hey look at that but you don't get to interact the gimlet dark if you get through the actual game mechanics we fight alongside our friends in this battle yeah the comparison I would make is like Disney's Haunted House versus Halloween Horror Nights one of them you are looking at the preset little Windows of animatronics and here we are in the flash mob and it's a lot more organic there's characters moving in moving out it evoked a lot more of me it was really cool seeing our characters fight back in storm blood prime it was even cooler to be here on the battlefield with them I agree with you so much I'm not even going to yell at you for calling it haunted house instead of Haunted Mansion this dungeon was incredible uh I totally called it that we're gonna have to fight the color-coded twins you did it's true yep I didn't I didn't think we'd find them this soon but you know they were a fun fight they had some cool abilities they're they're fodder they're not that important they don't even have names until we fight them here there was a great tour of all the various Machinery we've seen throughout storm blood the various bosses we've fought in different Doman Castle runs yeah I mean the dungeon's amazing throughout the Run of it there's not a lot of story that happens I'm sure we'll talk about this a lot when we do it on our wall of dungeons because I really did enjoy this dungeon but got a little spotlights go in and like yeah it's Fire in the Sky with the bullets raining hell off so good but we get to one more call [Music] and we lose Alize in the process or I guess Alize is cut off in the process that's how we should start referring to this because she's not dead she's just not home players in real time had to wait three months we knew looking at the end of our dungeon run that war was ongoing we won this battle not the war but we have entered full-blown prolonged wartime and this is what I'm talking about that like ticking clock is building in the background here the world is in Peril and we're being pulled somewhere else and all of our friends are being pulled there as well I'm trying to imagine not being able to run immediately in the four five six after this and that would uh that'd be a rough wait it'd be pretty lame three months isn't too bad in mmoberg though that's that's pretty oh no it's way better than World of Warcraft I'm not going down to Final Fantasy at all I only I only say that because the story I I like it that much I care about these characters that much and we've been hanging out with Alize for so long that if everyone even as much as I love yishtola Alize going down she's been our buddy for like all of post of all of the stormblood patch content I uh and it was fun to watch her you know lead so uh now we feel alone Alize was previously feeling alone now I is the warrior of light feel alone again keeps happening I've never realm are born now it's happening again so we at least said you know we had alphanum when we had to taru in Heaven's Ward now we have just Tory Boulder which no offense love hori Boulder but a main character you are not it's a good time too because it's just that moment of Celebration right there's the hand reaching out which for me landed it might be cheese ball I don't know if there's people out there that just like Alize seems kind of insane I I think she's the best sign right now I'm just really digging her Arc and that friendship we've built throughout coils the Bahamut gabu and now this like there there was a very special connection now we have that isn't like the echo connection we've had with menphilia like we're are involved that were in this together because we have this power Alize is a very deep emotional connection yeah to me I've just enjoyed she's had a an arc a proper Arc she's grown a lot as a character yeah man four five is a hell of a patch anyways as always be sure to like subscribe ring the notification Bell we have new uploads every Wednesday and uh Jesus America there's gonna be my parts there's still a four or five six Kyle I'll throw by the Adobe Premiere [Music]
Channel: Grinding Gear
Views: 38,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garrett weinzierl, kyle fergusson, amovetv, grinding gear, gg, ffxiv, ff14, Ascian Rewind, widely thrown, rejoin the adventure, extra chaos please, grim by design, call complete ffxiv, by design ffxiv, a deluge of ascians, ascians on parade, family enterprise ffxiv, ascian deluge, parley party, prelude to shadowbringers, it was by design, runs in the family ffxiv, a requiem for heroes, deluge of lore
Id: aM3A6QzMYy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 9sec (3669 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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