Almost Everyone Survived the Cold!

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we all know where the babies hide this is their favorite one for some reason good grief could y'all fit a few more under there I think you're about at maximum capacity I see one two three five little heads under there well what's up guys it's Daniel from arms family Homestead and congratulations I just want to say congratulations because if you're watching this that means you and I both survived the winter polar blast front of 2022. we're going out of the year with a bang right I mean I know it's not quite the end of the year but that was one heck of a cold spell and uh I hope everybody made it through all right we survived um actually we just got back home today today is the day after Christmas I'm filming this on Monday and I'm going to say maybe not every year but just about every year all but maybe one year out of the last six or seven years my wife and I in our family and her family and her mom and stepdad and sister and brother Dusty and Marissa and little Brooks all load up and we go we just go somewhere for Christmas and get away and usually it's nothing crazy it's not a big vacation like you know we just find a Airbnb or a rental house somewhere and go have fun and this year we went to Broken Bow Broken Bow Oklahoma's a well I could say broke broken bow it's hochatown just north of Broken Bow and Beavers Bend Broken Bow Lake anyways went and rented a cabin and didn't really do much of anything like for three days but uh yeah you heard my voice you're sneaking up on me yeah I was just telling them we just got back from uh doing nothing for three days I was telling them too so I haven't made it that far yet I have a microphone on and you don't I don't that's why I'm gonna go in there and talk okay but anyways we had a great time oh yeah look at it see that's that's why I wear the microphone if you talk right there we're good oh uh how's it going so we did basically nothing for three days stayed at the house and cooked and we went out to eat a couple times but uh just a great time of doing nothing and we have a young couple that comes and stays at the house and takes care of all the animals we took Earl and Gemma with us we're just less headache for them and it just so happened that we decided to leave right when this stupid crazy polar vortex cold front comes through which actually we were here for the first couple days of it and it started getting above freezing while we were gone but they did a good job taking care of everything we're going to go feed and water it's so cold it's not either it is 50 degrees out here it's 50 degrees warmer than it was a few days ago I agree that's why I wasn't outside windshield Wise It's like 70 degrees warmer yeah so anyways we're gonna go to the barn check on everything for the first time I haven't been down there yet and uh maybe uh have to get the leaf blower out not today but all the leaves that I just blew out of our yard are all blowing right back to the yard ah thanks for your input appreciate it goodbye now and so it has warmed up and I'm just kind of sort of joking about the leaves all blowing back to the yard but look at this hey stop all those leaves that's uh hmm so much for blowing the leaves out of the yard oh well you know like they say oh Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping across the Hills I don't think that's how it goes but we had a great time it was a lot of fun like I said a whole lot of doing a whole lot of nothing but uh it's great to have somebody that we can depend on when we're gone I hate I hate leaving all these animals when we're not getting above freezing and it puts puts that burden on someone else it's not someone else's responsibility but I appreciate them coming out and staying and taking care of everything so we're going to feed and water make sure everything's survived the cold which I'm sure they have or we would have already been told but uh yeah let's go check on everybody foreign that wind is ridiculous it's literally blowing 20 to 30 miles an hour again today bear buddy did you take care of everybody while we were gone huh take care of everything the goats uh really didn't use their Little Shelter that I I brought in here for them a whole lot that some of them did now don't get me wrong there was always a couple in there but for the most part they just kind of lay out here and Lounge under this hay bale and stuff and the babies we all know where the babies hide this is their favorite one for some reason good good grief could y'all fit a few more under there I think you're about at maximum capacity I see one two three five little heads under there hey is there anybody in that one yours are over there under the other one I was just at nope nothing but a bone in there hey Lambert did you take care of everybody while I was gone you supervise make sure nobody got in trouble gosh everybody sounds like they're starving to death at least the donkeys anyways but uh it looks like Tristan might have fed a little bit this morning I don't know for sure how much if he fed everybody this morning but uh water yes he did come in dump out the ice I see a couple different ice blocks here you can see how the water troughs froze up and he dumped those out might have gone a little a little overboard on the watering there Tristan I appreciate it but uh so he's got three different tubs set up with water in it and uh clearly these fellows aren't too hungry because they haven't even finished what he fed the last time probably this morning if I had to guess but yeah did you eat this morning you're just not even hungry because you're so well fed huh I'm gonna go ahead and feed the goats I think Tristan probably fed this morning when he before he left but uh it won't hurt to give them a little extra feed the does are all well a lot of the does are nursing babies and then I'll feed the donkeys and all those crazy wild animals down there because they're belly aching too so we'll go ahead and feed them excuse me pardon me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Phoebe you whining at me huh why are you whining at me hmm hey Pepper hey wow that's my finger don't bite me one of these days one of these days You're Gonna Let me pet you yes you are one of these days she'll eat out of my hand anytime she just will not let me pet her oh oh my gosh you big bully I see you behind my camera don't you knock it down Jesse Jesse Jesse foreign little donkey mouth I see you I see you hiding behind that tree well it appears that everyone has made it through the cold spell just fine even RJ over there we actually did suffer one small loss I guess you would say the one little baby chick that Mama hen that raised one baby chick is probably a month old or so now I noticed it it did not make it through the storm I don't know if the cold got to it I doubt it was the cold it was more than likely it was in the goat pen around that bale of Hayes where I found it so either here's our two options either bare got a little rough with it or one of the goats stepped on it and I'm going to venture say there's a good chance one of the goats stepped on it because one little baby chick in and amongst 15 goats and when the babies all get to play and then Mamas are bouncing around Anything could happen so we lost a little baby chick but it was just kind of odd that we even had a baby chick this time of year I don't know what that Mama hen was doing hatching out babies in winter but she did but everybody else has survived the cold snap just as we suspected and expected and the wind is insane right now I'm gonna hide under the shelter of the barn here you can see Pepper's got her a a little a little pig bed made here RJ RJ was really curious he was watching me talk to you guys RJ I see some hay hanging out of your mouth buddy hmm oh maybe one of these days he'll gentle down and let us pet him I don't think so alpacas are really standoffish and none of them that I've ever really been around like to be pitted and touched kind of like pepper here huh they're our pepper so anyways I think we'll call it good here everybody's fed and healthy and happy and got fresh water huge thank you to Tristan and Haley for coming out and staying and taking care of everything uh water situation is always kind of a pain when it's below freezing like that and I hate to put that off on somebody but they did a good job and animals are all happy and healthy so I think I'm going to run over to the Mill Creek property and pull all of my cards out of my game cameras because it's been several days I don't even remember since we moved them all around when Houston and I were over there um I know my cellular game cameras have sent me several pictures I haven't gotten any pictures of our Bobcat friend or our Beaver friend on the cellular tacticam cameras so we're gonna go pull the cards out of the others and uh see what we see well I made it over to Mill Creek and uh despite it being 50 degrees outside the pond is still almost completely frozen over our ponds here don't typically freeze for very long obviously this big cold spell we've had when temperatures get down in the single digits and you have that kind of wind that kind of wind chill for several days we're going to get ice on the pond there's no way to go about it no way to prevent that which is not a big deal but uh our kids all in our area like to think when you get a little bit of ice on the pond you can just get out and get on go skating and do all that stuff but that's not something we're able to do here I think I'll walk down and check on the the spillway it looks like we've looks like we've lost a little bit of water but I'm kind of curious having you know let's say an inch of ice around a lot of this does that inch of ice hold that water and kind of make the water level come down I don't know like I said not used to ponds freezing over here well I would say the water level is lower than what it was but obviously this small area is pretty well Frozen up oh still muddy up there though oh well there's no water running into the pipe right now to speak of I see a few little drips but but that's about it however the water is lower here than what it was when we were here the other day so uh it'll be interesting to see once the water level drops below the point to where it's not leaking out of that we'll be able to actually see if the pond is holding the water or if the Dam's leaking that's uh that's what's going to be interesting to know okay first camera I didn't bring my computer with me today so we'll have to pull all these cards and just take them home and uh see what we get and the other day a lot of you guys were suggesting that the beaver might have been going up in there to make his den and I don't think that's possible at all because they're not going to want to sleep in the water and if that's got water flowing you know coming out and into it and it's kind of back flowing up in there all the time right now they wouldn't really have a dry spot so I really think over there and you can see a beavers busted the ice some over the last couple days I really think that's probably where they're dinning up right there foreign you know we're coming up on right out of our one-year anniversary I guess of when we purchased this place and there's still a lot of it that I haven't explored or walked or checked out and so I'm just kind of in the in the timber behind the pond I'm only probably 100 yards from the pond but uh I don't know I kind of like to get out here and check things out see if we can find any any Buck signs I saw a couple deer rubs couple of buck rubs on a few little cedar trees back there just check things out and uh explore a couple areas of the property that I've never actually really been through so who knows if I find anything cool I'll let you know I don't know if it comes through on video very well or not but there's a huge berm right here that uh basically is what channels water into the the ditch that feeds the pond but I don't think this is a natural berm I think this was man-made back when the pond was built because it's there's probably a good four foot elevation rise right here and then it falls off right there into a ditch that basically feeds the pond and I don't know I'm always curious like what'd this place looked like when they built this Pond obviously it wasn't uh it wasn't all grown up the way it is now I don't think and what this place used to be and why did they build such a big Terrace across here to catch water I wonder if you know at one time was there some some sort of agriculture field back in here obviously some of these trees are gigantic but uh most of them are you know way younger than the pond but I don't know who knows there's definitely a clue to look for so here's my property on my property line the boundary fence is right here so that's across on the neighbor's side but uh look at the amount of deer here on this fence obviously the deer are using this spot to cross but I don't really see a natural Trail through here and I don't see a real significant Trail on this side maybe a little bit right through there but clearly the deer are using this quite a bit that's a lot of hair [Music] well made it back to the truck went for I don't know 45 minute walk out through the woods just scouting seeing what I can see and quite honestly it feels good just to be outside I mean the temperature's dropping it's getting cooler I'm gonna go home and build a fire don't get me wrong but being cooped up in the house for the last several days I say cooped up we were hanging out having fun don't get me wrong we were having a good time with family but I don't do well stuck in the house very long I don't know how some of you Northerners that live where it's so cold all the time make it because I can't stand to be trapped in a house for very long it just it wears on me I'm telling you there's something about getting out in the woods walking around I saw one armadillo one possum and that's about it but it was worth it and it's a good uh it's a good stress reliever so anyways I'm gonna head back to the house put all these cards in the computer and see what we got on video hopefully it's something worth looking at foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Arms Family Homestead
Views: 178,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arms family homestead, farm, farming, homesteading, below freezing, below freezing survival, arms family homestead new videos
Id: M-EMhcoQiCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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