Alligators ate my fugitive

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[Music] [Music] right [Applause] now do you want my supervisor yes i do his name is deez d is black these nuts [Music] i don't want you taking office i'm gonna hang on to this one keep going [Music] all right our suspect is obviously a name suspect first name friday last name thompson nickname knight it's gonna be male black six foot two and we do have a positive uh uh about a hundred yards straight ahead forward forward forward what what is a hundred yards ahead our location oh that's up on the right way up there or around the corner zach i'm going to drive by it put you pull up first and uh uh go ahead and i'll have you i'm gonna have you pull into it first while trevor and i look look at the the situation here [Applause] numbers i got six one two one and you got your one of your units one of our units i should say stop in right here i'll pull straight into the driveway i see two people inside one person walking out the back door two people walking out the back door all right let's get flipped around okay copy that we're uh in the driveway and uh let me know i'll come out and make contact on the front i just want to get people on the back yeah i'm gonna me and trevor going to run back you keep you tom and everybody up front all righty [Music] i'm gonna put spike strips on that car you good yeah i'm gonna put strips on this car okay copy that already [Applause] that car is spiked car is spiked i see two females inside towards the back so arrest warrant for uh friday and we have a search warrant for uh any electronic devices on the property stuff like that we're gonna be able to make some back over here glove probably in the truck yeah yeah keep keep aggro on the front door let us sneak around let's go all right it's no weed i smell weed do i so weedy i smell weeds gate hi hi ladies you come to the door i got two two females probably keep them busy keep them talking hi ma'am my name is my name is zach i'm uh with a plus bail bonds what's your name eden hi uh i've got a uh a search warrant for the property you have no idea who i'm talking about in the backyard i see him in the background hey hey how's it going what's your name headley pendley i'm zach i'm from a plus bail bonds we're here looking we've got again we've got a search warrant for the property so we're going to search the property but we're looking for friday if he's not here then we'll search and we'll take off and we'll get out of your hair okay and he's not here so you're not going to you might no no i understand we still i mean we don't know that and then you know i have no reason not to trust you guys right now but my partner and i have to at least come in and take a look around okay we again we do a search warrant you guys can yeah it's it's signed by it's from the district court uh for a search warrant we're just i'm gonna hold the gate i see him i see him the females are coming out back they're talking right here he's right here do you want me to make that time huh you're gonna try to get through the gate over there yeah i don't know i know because i don't know what he's planning ambush or something he's like got his head peeking up and kind of like looking in to see if we're coming outside or what not so i'm trying to sneak up on the t okay hey uh hey can i get you at the front door towards the front door tom with me and no the cameras are for your safety and our safety they're just like you ever see cops you see the show cops yeah it's like that do you guys want to do you want your faces shown or you're going to blurt you guys are this isn't real well it is uh we need to look around we're just again we're just looking for a cell phone i don't know if he's inside the house we need to check and make sure okay my partner's gonna stay at the door and we're gonna start looking through is that okay guys is that okay okay we're gonna take a look around thank you ladies tom go ahead of me cause i'm not uh i'll stay with them i'm clear tom's clearing the uh the house right now and i'm staying with the three females inside well no no we're not cops again i'm zach i'm from a plus bail bonds and we're the bonds company so we're not cops we're not cops okay just to get that straight okay yes yes we still have a badge so this room's clear is that okay copy do both sides please guys guys guys ladies ladies ladies ladies ladies ladies hang on hang on whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa ladies please come on inside come on inside back inside back inside back inside back inside back inside tomorrow back inside we need to finish looking for the phone okay everybody back inside back back inside let's go guys back and set back inside no no no no no no no no no no no no no no this is we're on the property we have a search warrant i already told can we turn the music down a little bit can we turn the music down because you guys can't hear me just turn it down a little bit okay wait wait whose phone is that who's tom get that phone get that phone that's it get that phone get that phone hang on can you unlock it can you unlock it and show that's your phone lock it lock it and unlock it show me the passcode and then because we look again the search warrant set which one that's the wrong one just unlock them you don't even know what swift well i have two pieces of paper and grab the right one i'm sorry so they both have fun we're looking for electronic electronic and physical evidence [Applause] you want me we'll see you guys later we'll come back for him another day hang on hang on pat he's in the river bro he's in a river okay he's gonna go down he's gonna split over [ __ ] boats come on [Music] seriously he's flipping me out he's doing free madonna just jumped in the water trevor you guys are right here in the water what paddle that way what's that what paddle that go where the [ __ ] i want to do what you want it doesn't matter don't listen to them they can't get you water that's going to hurt like a [ __ ] bro friday stop paddling stop paddling he can tase you from there stop paddling no no no no careful lady step step back step back from here step back first friday come back we need to get the warrant settled come back flip it over or paddle do whatever you got to do but get your bass back over here well hold on hold on can i flip it over flip it over do what you got to do but you're coming back over here trevor where let me look on satellite and see where this goes but if we can talk him back over here that'd be a good that'd be a good move okay ladies if i can get you guys back over here a little bit just give us a little space this is the guy we're looking for that you guys said wasn't here this is the guy okay there's a guy just in your backyard on a kayak okay you said something we're looking for the cell phone yeah well okay okay okay okay it makes no sense he's not you know he could just be enjoying paddling no no he's not just enjoying paddling do you know this guy he's fits a description of who we're looking for that's what they all say come on now we're gonna know what kind of stuff all right guys that's gonna do it for this one unfortunately the guy's in the water and we're not gonna chase him in the freaking water so we'll get this guy a different day and also we're done for the day
Channel: Patty Mayo
Views: 1,190,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: patty mayo, slbh
Id: PKHH0eYzRz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 09 2022
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