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there's weak black magic there's strong black magic there's weak things out there the strong thing and it depends of what's coming in contact now the number one rule is number one rule is that jinns or the you know the whatever allah is created in terms of the world of jinns they're not supposed to cross over into our world that's one rule allah has given them and it's in the quran it's in the quran where allah would question them allah will question them on the day of judgment to the jinns those of them that have may not cross that barrier they're not supposed to cross that barrier so if you look in surah number six verse number one to eight you will you'll find allah will say you have become much more than the population of of the the human kind and this is this is just one part of the quran you will find another one in the 23rd jews where allah talks about their interference with with mankind you used to come from the from the right hand side this is 28 verse number 28 in surah baqarah allah talks about shaitaan what the shaitaan can do is that he can start putting you know he can start influencing or having an effect on the human being and that has been explained in surah baqarah verse number 275 how shaytan sort of influences the mind of the human being and they can basically take over the mind now number one rule is that they're not supposed to cross that barrier number two is that allah that he has created them he has given them the quran as a guidance and we know that from many parts of the holy quran allah even addresses them which one of your lords or your sustainers um gifts are you denying and he addresses two people right one or two beings by it one is the human being the one is the jinns allah addresses that so we know the quran has has come from them there is also where we have a whole background of how the jinns came and met with the prophet sallam now the jinns let me just quickly talk about jinns and then we'll come across them sort of crossing that barrier or us crossing that barrier or something we will talk about it let's just talk about the nature of jinns the word gin in comes from a root word jim nunu which means something that is hidden so anything that will have jim nun will be to do with a hidden element so you've got for example jannah jannah jannah is hidden from the eye no i have seen janna that's why it's called janna it's called you got junoon junoonud is madness now when a person is mad you don't see their madness so it's hidden within their own mind so therefore it's got again jim new noon within that and anything that has that you will find that um it has that element of of hiddenness in it now allah has given many different um ayats regarding regarding that hiddenness and in one of them in suratul araf which is the seventh root of the holy quran verse number 27 they see you in a way that you do not see them so what allah has has given as a set rule is that we're both going to exist in this world coexist in this world but they're going to be able to see us and themselves but we don't see them now the jinns though they see us they don't see the angels jinns don't see the angels and they don't see the angelic world the angelic world has been created from light the jinns have been created from fire and again there are several ayats in the quran to talk about the fact that they've been created from fire our essence comes from clay from water and from other elements we've got a heavy material side to us they've got a very light side to them the essence is that they are since they are of fire you know fire rises okay fire right or heat rises so jins and them being sort of non-tangible they're able to fly they're able to move around much more easily than ourselves now one particular incident is in sura where suleiman alaihissalam he asks he asks who is going to bring the arsh or the throne of bill kiss so the interesting part there because there's two different uh beings that stand up one is the actual jinn and one is the one who has been given the knowledge and they say according to tafasir they say that the one who's been given knowledge some have said that is gibril but others have said that it's actually another jinn that is stronger than this one so if you look in surah number 27 verse number 39 and third and 40 you will find in a fleet allah has given that name from the jinns said i will bring it to you i will bring bill bilquis again is controlling a whole world of genes and she's a jin herself and he says i will bring you her throne to you and kabla and takuma before you can even stand up in your place i mean i'm strong and i'm also you know i've got trust and then the one who had the knowledge of the book said he stood up and said i can bring it to you before you you can blink your next eye and before he blinked he saw the the throne of biblical in front of him and that was the power now they could move some of them again is to do with the power that allah has given because some of them are weaker than others some of them are weaker than others so some of them uh can't move so fast but some of them but others can actually move fast some of them are more powerful than others and very clear from this part of the taser of the quran that there's a strength amongst them that whether you know some of them have more power than others now interestingly he was given you know the power over jinns he was the only human being that had the authority given by allah to control jinns and allah has given the reference in the holy quran about that in suratul namal again where allah says the jinns were gathered the men were gathered and the birds were also gathered this is specifically his his power that allah had given him that he could have that influence on them and what he would do is that he would ask them to build monuments for him and if they didn't build monuments for him he would he would uh cage them up and he would also ask them to dive into the oceans and bring out for him certain precious stones out from the depths of the of the ocean so some of them he had them building some of them he had them in cages and some of them he had them um um you know diving into the oceans and this is in the quran gently it will be able to take him whatever he wanted and and whatever it would it reached allah has created certain that allah says they were they were they were masons for for him so they used to build us they used to die well into the oceans there were others whom he had chained up because they wouldn't listen to him so he had that power and they used to work very tirelessly for him very tirelessly for him because allah had given him the power over the jeans he could order any jinn at any moment to be in front of him and he could send other genes to go and capture them and bring them to him and they will work in working tirelessly and there's one interesting part that i want to quote here because it relates to some people's belief regarding the jinns in surah sabha which were working for him they were making many things for him they're making monuments for him they're making even large pots for him they were making features and architectural pieces for him this is all in uh verse number 13 that sudama alaihissalam was making through the jinns and then what happened is that he had a glass chamber and he was standing in the glass chamber with a stick that he was resting upon with his chin and the jin what he was doing is he was standing in he was standing in in sort of prayer or salah and worshipping allah and he actually died so death is actually while he's standing with that stick under his chin he's resting with that stick just resting on his chin and he actually died in that position but the jins were still tirelessly working around him because they knew that sulaiman though he's praying in there he could just open his eyes and if you saw them not working they'll be chained up so they're working working working tirelessly and they say that they were working in accordance they say that it took six months for a small insect to bite through that stick the suraman iceland was resting until finally the stick snapped and suramar islam fell down and the quran says when he fell down if they knew the world of the unseen they wouldn't have remained in this punishable state that suriman had put them in they wouldn't have remained in that that clear punishment now um or that disgraceful punishment now that is very clear here that jinns don't know the unseen world now there are people who will try and capture jinns or to try and see if they can talk to a jinn who's trapped in a human being and see if they can get to know the unseen world it's haram why because the jinns don't know the unseen world and if a gene is telling you about the unseen well then he's giving you google ado he's giving you stories jakanoris right and what happened is that the jinns used to from a very old time since then because they've been here before us they've been here before us and they were here when the jinns were residing on the earth and there was no humans on the earth alaihi salam got created after the creation of jinns jinns had a lot of bloodshed because don't forget please they they are they are they are a nation or they are a group of beings allah has created they have everything similar to us everything similar to us they they eat they sleep they have homes okay they have conversations with one another just like we have they have language amongst themselves they have castes they have religions they have um bartering things that they battle with and they trade with they have challenges with one another they have troubles and they have arguments with one another they could have fights and wars with one another and when it gets to fighting with jin and jinn it can become very serious sometimes in fact he's ended up a lot of the times before adam alaysalam came to this earth he ended up in death death of jinns death of jinns in fact when the messenger used to come amongst them from the jinns this is all intercedible if you want to actually read up upon it about the jinns if you want to look at the first tafsir of surah baqarah mentioned you will find a lot of this and you will find another tafasir as well they were on this earth and they were causing a lot of mischief on the earth and when a messenger would come they would kill that messenger and that is when iblees at that time he was a jinn he was part of their world and he um you know ascended high enough that he became part of the world of of angels because of his good nature he was a good being and he started to worship allah he got through to the ranks of the angels some of the highest angels and he being a jinn he wasn't an angel he would be in a gene you know living amongst the ranks of the angels in fact there are certain weak hadith to say that he even worshipped allah in every single sky every single heaven he worshipped allah and he got to so close that he then asked allah to send with him a group of angels to go back to the earth and to banish these genes and to kill as many as he could to try and curb the violence on the on the earth so allah allowed that and he came he did that and you know the jinns were now only a few in the scarce places of the world and that's when when he came back up allah knew his intentions because iblees was looking for his own little um you know uh a high rank and he wanted to become you know mr chief yeah or mr chairman you know people fight off to get the chair right guys you're not listening people fight to get the check you know to get a check they fight to get in lead leadership they fight to get in charge of a place they fight to get in charge of any country or they fight so if elise was after this and allah knew his intention so he wanted to show this and he created adam alaihi salam and then he told them to bow and then here it is refused because he knew the significance of this ban that bombing wasn't because of worship that bowing was to accept the authority of adam salaam over the jinns and over even the angels angels angels are great but we are in one way greater than them because angels don't have the ability to to uh go against the will of allah they they can't disobey our lives in their nature to always obey allah but we have so when we choose you know obedience over disobedience that is a far greater that is a far greater achievement than the angels who have no will to disobey god do you understand that is why on the day of arafah there's a clear hadith a muslim allah will boast to the angels and say oh angels allah boasts to the angels and he says oh my angels look at my servants on the day of arafah who have come to me with tati hair and dusty closed the shell to me look at them allah boasts to them because of the fact that we can disavow what we choose to obey and that's a higher rank so if we saw this and he didn't bow and therefore you know we know the clash that happened you know he asked for extra time he got that and then he said he said i'm not going to let this human being and all this progeny off i want to take as many of them as i can to hellfire with me and he said i'm going to come in front of them i want to come behind them and come from the right side i'm going to come from the left side you will not find most of them to be you know uh thankful to you now there's a key thing here that allah said and this is the key for our protection from them he said iblee said except for those of your servants that are going to be righteous if there's righteousness if there's good actions then shaytan has less influence because your immune system is strong and he has less influence over the over mankind now he has this he has this uh you know time that he's going to stay on the earth and no other gene has been given this time to stay on the earth forever not know until the day of judgment no other gin has been given that now obviously iblis has his progeny iblis has his children iblis has his friends and this is clear from the holy quran in suratul kahf will you oh human beings some of you human beings take him and take his children allah says his children his progeny his grandchildren his grandchildren's grandchildren so on he's got a whole race of things that are being being created on this earth and so have we so allah says will you take him and his family members as your allies as your close ones besides me while he is your enemy will you do this so this now when when he please came to the earth now he's been looking for many ways to try and get the human beings to go to jahannam now one of the ways is that he wants to influence the human being to influence the human beings he's got waswas wasab that's been mentioned in the holy quran in surah tunas the last of the holy quran allah has even given the name of the type of because there are many types of shayateen many types of shayatin there is one is called who's called hannas and that's the one that continuously whispers and there's others rasulullah has given a name of the one who gives doubts there's one particular shaytan that will give doubts so when people have make wudu some people get doubt did i wash this don't do no let me wash it again so wash it again and then after that did i wash that little part of my elbow now let me wash it again so wash it again this is that this is that and if you see any person who's in that the best way is to get somebody who looks over them and tells them just listen to me yes you washed it now you just carry on you washed it and i just carry on finish it yeah and so you know it's got some kind of disorder if you don't get them out of it they will literally spend an hour to do wudu or they could spend you know forget they might do you know i've seen serious cases where it gets to the stage where they've done wudu again and again and again and again and forget it man the bathroom looks like a little pool by now now there's water all over it and then they think you know what's the point man let me just jump in the bath seriously and then they jump in the bath and every time they want to have a wudu they have ended up having a shower and then they get what's in the shower oh my god what's next man you're going to dive into the ocean or something to make sure that you you know it gets really it affects them quite badly there are some people like um specifically regarding their salah so you know they get what's to say getting a did i read this and they want to start again and they want to start again again he said what was that you just gotta you know sometimes you might if you feel that is happening to you you just have to say to yourself no i did it finish halas i just did it and to move on or you do once and say done finished and just move on do the next one don't allow it to continue because the continuity of you if you start accepting it then it's going to change into a kind of disorder now one thing is waswasa next thing is when he comes for waswasa into a house because he comes to every single one of us okay jinns have been in every single body right are you scared of jeans guys no you're not you know why because jeans come in our bodies every single day they do every single day jeans come in fact when you wake up for fajr you've got a gin that's already tied a shaytan that's already tied three knots over your your your head just just over that part of your head tried three knots every human being especially the ones that want to wake up fajr there's a specific group of shaytans that are just after making us miss fajr salah [Music] [Music]
Channel: One Islam Productions
Views: 329,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: islamic lectures, muslim, muhammad, Allah, god, abu bakr zoud, nouman ali khan, eman, patience, marriage, divorce, depression, hellfire, jannah, makkah, dua, salah, sin, fasting, muslim lecture, 1 islam productions, sadness, stingy, Quran, Merciful Servant, Islamic Lectures, Ramadan, Mufti Menk, Nouman Ali Khan, Muslim videos, Lectures Islam, Ramadan videos, Khalid Yasin, One message foundation, Shaykh Uthman Ibn Farooq, omar suleiman, Bilal Assad, Mohammad Hoblos, The Daily Reminder, Hoblos
Id: GGQPkvZofHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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