Alla Prima Portrait Painting

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hello welcome to my channel my name is royso today let's paint this beautiful mirror okay i'm going to use this titanium white cadmium yellow hue cadmium red hue elizabeth crimson ultramarine blue and ivory black and using synthetic brushes i have flat uh filler and round brushes and for the beginning i use hot brushes okay let's start just with making a sketch i'm gonna use this portion of the canvas it's a palette okay first i see the overall shape of the face and try and just place this here the top of my canvas is going to be here the bottom here okay the face being here the chain the hairline the top of the head okay i always prefer to use those straight lines in this way i have the the overall shape now i'm going to look for the center line this line is really important because if this is tilted in the wrong direction or it's too much just to this it's gonna make uh it's gonna make me a problem later okay prefer to do this okay and then the axis for the eyes the eyebrow eyebrows the eyes okay now that i have a sketch i'm going to prepare the color for the face first we need to understand the uh the color is kind of simple just think uh in an orange just coming yellow cameo red and then you have to grade down this color with blue or black you gotta choose which one of course if you use white and black this is gonna be so fast can you see how fast you can grade down any color if you just use black and white now you want to decide if you if you uh go with this color to the tower to the yellow or toward to the red okay let's say that this color is gonna be for all the lights i mean there's not too much difference here between light and shadow but anyway uh other thing this color has to be uh really uh gray down color you don't need to start with a very saturated or very intense color first thing about this is an orange and you grade it down so so much okay now another color again the same cameo yellow cameo red white black alright okay that's gonna be the color for the skin now why i start with these mute colors because i'm planning to put more more saturated colors on top of this okay just with a little paint not too much paint of course if you prefer to start with a very tight drawing of using a projector or trace drawing do not respect the drawing and apply this layer very carefully now i'm going to apply the next color i'm not using any solvent which just plug cutting red [Music] so what's okay now let's mix from this color i'm going to mix another one a lighter one okay now i squint in my eyes i'm looking for the light lightest light not no i mean not the shinings the light slide over here i squinting my eyes all the tall this time just trying to see the lights okay okay now i'm going to use another brush i'm going to create a reddish version of this color just by adding the red and white and mixing with the color so so this portion these parts are going to be always always the rightest part on any phase sometimes they are going to be so subtle that we don't even notice them and sometimes uh yes i'm gonna be so strong okay i'm gonna be the same i'm gonna do the same from this color i add red and a touch of white and i'm not i'm going to do the same but just the shadow side uh it doesn't mean that there is no let's say uh this pink over here or everywhere on the face the color those colors are everywhere i mean are you seeing that those those those parts are maybe the most noticeable because of the blood blood vessels okay now i'm going to use a small brush a liner brush number zero and i'm gonna use this as a pencil okay i have this one let's say this is my dark pencil and another one here let's say this is my live pencil i'm gonna use both of them okay i'm not using too much oil almost nothing you can see that there is just a few amount of paint on my brush okay hello jaime thank you for being here okay let's see with this brush i do this and with this one and i'm trying to draw this clear so you can see that her mouth for drawing her mouth that could be make like making lines like this this this and this what i'm trying to tell you is i always try to simplify everything that i see that i'm trying to use to move from here to here i first just i say i take out all the details uh take out all the form that i see and yes i uh i see simple geometrical shapes and and i see just straight lines and then that's the way that for me works perfectly just to copy what i see just for copying this what i see i mean perfectly at my own level yeah i mean i'm not saying that my paintings are perfect and saying that the way that i that i work works for me perfectly okay now the let's say i mean for me now is perfect for just start applying more thick paint and just uh i'm gonna use this the same color with some variations just to mix more thick paint and to apply to the portrait okay i'm going to use round brushes okay if you don't like to use black use blue to tone down the color i prefer to use black i mean it's faster or you want you can pre-mix a gray between titanium white and ivory black this way you can control it better because i mean sometimes when we are painting we take too much you can see what happens if you we take too much black okay if something like this happen i mean you're gonna start over again the mixture i mean that usually happens it's not not too much to worry about but if you like if you don't like this anyway to pre-mix a gray okay now you see all the colors are gonna be around the orange you turn down the orange gray down the orange i mean you're gonna choose what to do with that but as i told you i mean it's better just to gray down the color and on top of that and you can see this color is a little bit more saturated than the one that was before maybe it's too much i'm gonna add more black and white c so let's use blue just to show you it's going to be the same again you you do not see uh try to seeing the whole image because sometimes when i get just get get caught in some one part i usually uh sometimes the color is let's say i end up with a saturated color over here and sometimes a gray down color over here and i gotta always look all the painting all the whole painting i think this color is too strong i'm gonna bring down this one a little bit more take your time mixing the colors but always remember it's just about mixing an orange color and taking your time trying to gray down the color to let's say to a decent skin color i mean the skin color is not so it's not a strong color it's not the saturated color so i like this people yes i think i gotta grade down this part a little bit more but anyway you can see that it's gonna be easier just to follow my mixtures and get those colors so hello potato king uh i'm not you i'm not using oil paint you remember if you see that your color is so strong you would continue adding more black and white or blue and white you can see that for me i prefer black because it's faster just because of that because i mean i'm is this a la prima painting and usually i'm trying to finish one of these paintings in uh three hours top sometimes two hours if it's possible uh this part about colors they say is not the difficult part what takes more time is always the likeness try to capture the likenesses i mean that's that's very difficult it takes a take us a lot of time but for me let's say this beginning this simple beginning about the color there's something just uh let's say that i'm not worried about the color during the whole process because following just this it's gonna be enough for me and i direct all my concentration to the likeness proportion none of that and of course i mean values i mean color value they are together another brush i'm not using any solvent and this about using the solvent it depends upon your canvas okay sometimes the canvas is kind of uh i don't know how to say it but the the oil doesn't slide so easily and when that happens i have to use solvent okay and try to keep your palette like you have for light colors and dark colors it's just kind of impossible just to keep an order i mean at the end oh i mean all the colors are everywhere but as much as you can try just to keep a difference uh look back how do you learn anatomy okay okay i i have studied in the school of arts and that was one of the subjects yes about anatomy i mean we decided uh i i took the course for two years and now me to face the body i mean everything about anatomy and of course i always trying to read about the muscles the bones all of that and make drawings practicing anatomy it's all the time it's not it's not just that i learned it and that's it no it's all the time it's just going to be going over again again and again uh do you servant or any only linseed oil i'm not using anything any solvent i mean usually i use rinse it oil and turpentine 5050 okay but right now i'm not using any solvent try to use a lot of brushes as you can see this way i can come back come back to any color any time okay again i'm going to use these two brushes number zero just like there were my let's say dark pencil and light pencil just for drawing as you can see i use both by pushing and pulling with each one of them one of them so uh lob is asking me do you believe that the super expensive brands like old holland or williamsburg are so good or you can't mention big difference oh there's a difference definitely uh there's a difference between the brands of expensive one in a cheap one i mean i you can tell the difference between an expensive one and a cheap one but if you're just between two let's say expensive brands that would be kind of difficult to tell the difference but anyway i mean the uh i prefer to use i mean this oil paint is winter from windsor newton and it works okay for me and uh don't know i mean you can buy it depends on the budget yes you can afford to buy a really expensive paintings that's perfect uh [Music] so [Laughter] i'm going to use a small one this is number zero zero all my brushes are synthetics and i usually use a lot a lot of these liner brushes because my paintings are so small i'm trying just to see the relationship between this and this you see here this line here in a line here and you can see a triangle here if you're able to just let's say calculate this triangle really good it's gonna be uh it could be very close to to the drawing so okay now i'm going to add more shadow i'm just mixing a black and cadmium red a torch of yellow so okay okay okay i'm going to add more more pink here run brightest color because i have lost this person this color okay i'm going to add some greens gray greens some one grace green let's see okay [Music] okay this is a brush number zero it's the same as this one of course it's really ruined it's perfect for blending so [Music] so okay strength [Music] i'm making a gray black white touch of blue making this color paint is clearer c alright uh um i'm using pure black for painting the people [Music] uh uh um [Music] oh so okay i'm going to paint the hair this way i take a rest from the face so so i pressure pretty hard here to put the the paint but as soon as i i get close to the skin and no pressure and not putting any pressure at all and i started blending just the edge now i will use a little bit of linseed oil sorry [Music] to make this effect you need a brush like this this is the same number zero sorry my surface and you're going to use lisa doyle or solving i mean i mean i just i use linseed oil and dropping time let me serve in the i mean you use that's okay the idea is just to have the this consistency like kind of liquid which make this just to slide on top of the paint and then you can do the same i'm gonna clean up the brush i don't have another one like this okay the idea that would be have like two or three of them like this i'll do the same with the dark color okay just just to to make an effect then i'm gonna just make use a really thin brush number zero zero this way you create the illusion that you have made like her by her this part is like this here i'm gonna just go like little pendulum duncan [Music] can you see the hair let me clean out this okay okay that was easy just try here um [Music] i'm going to dark the background a little bit more just to create contrast here okay this way i create more contrast because i'm planning just to put more uh highlight here maybe i will use this let's see let's see let's see yes i like it i have a small dog and here hers her hairs are are everywhere okay let's use again two brushes one with a dark color and one with a lighter color like they were two pencils all right all right um i'm gonna use this number zero zero oh that's impossible to see the name the number here okay just for blending now some eyelashes okay hmm okay now the other line so [Music] morning [Music] foreign yes um so [Music] so so so i for good peace shadow so my traffic so okay now no hello martin thank you so much yes this video this video is gonna be available i mean it's gonna be here in my channel i have more videos of course in my channel that you can watch a lot of live streams bye so um see so let's cover the ear with some hair in this way we don't paint it here that's better hmm okay no i was watching this today's i'm eyebrow i know it's okay it was too late now is the correct volume should should be almost black okay here this values well i can tell that this value is wrong should be darker okay i squint my eyes and i see here like all this in shadow i squint my eyes here and i see clearly this this should be darker okay you gotta go back again on the upper eyelid mouse on eyelashes a little bit of blending now i i'm gonna add linseed oil here solvent here to make some just here here and there okay i'm gonna use this yellow not torch white [Music] so [Laughter] um remember always blending this portion of between the hair and the skin and the forehead the hairline um oh who's making the hair i forgot me uniform you make your eyes so much much more interesting i try it and it worked i think hmm okay i'm checking out her nose because i see something that maybe is not okay but to be honest i don't know what it is just uh maybe this wind is kind of smaller this one is bigger or maybe this one is too too big let me make sure i should reduce here i know that this kind of oh now okay i will try to change this a little bit thank you marian yes i was just i still not so sure i mean i see that she has like this this win is more smaller than this one and i still see something something is not right okay uh i'm gonna paint the hair just a little bit just to to not see if your face for me is like taking a rest and then because i mean when you paint something on the primary doors the thing that you cannot do is just uh take a rise it's something like you gotta finishing once sitting okay uh when checking the face so hmm okay i think that's it i don't know [Music] to be honest as soon as i say i'm finished i see something but right now i think everything is okay maybe it needs maybe more dark here maybe not i mean uh the someone think that you that you shouldn't do is just go so dark in the nostril nostrils and go so dark here in the middle of the mouth okay don't go dark here dark here no not knowing the lower eyelid in this way it can keep something you keep something soft if you go so dark here my mission some people just go with black here here in the middle yeah and it looks kind of uh hard and kind of stiff should be should be looks soft at least we should try to anyway i mean i i saw tempting just to go darker here because that's what i see here when using use uh alison greensome okay i think that could be enough it's been two hours i'm really happy i'm really happy with the painting i don't want to check out anymore anything i think because i'm pretty sure as soon as i start checking out again i start finding mistakes it is something like uh it never ends okay maybe a little bit of light here i mean we gotta check out like a lot i'm squinting my eyes a lot during the whole process and checking all the time this and this and this and the sending the center line and all the i mean pay attention to all of this because because i was paying attention to all of these i was just looking the this wind of the nose and i was just thinking that there was something wrong with that and i still feel like it's something is not it's not okay with this this portion but to be honest this is uh i'm not so sure what it is and sometimes uh you feel that something is wrong and you see it later and you see that it's okay okay i don't know i think that's it oh laura are you available for coaching upside of instagram uh yes uh yes i have my website in the description of the video there is a link to my there is a link and you can find my online lessons by soon and if you feel that you like it please subscribe to the channel and you if you maybe want to support the channel i mean i just have some um links from amazon if people buy through those links i make some sense yeah simple okay i hope you like it remember i mean uh the beginning it was it was just orange for the light and darks and what i did is i grade down the orange a lot and i started just with two values one light and one dark okay and from there i start building up just by uh enhance the color both of those color to the red to the yellow okay don't don't over think about this about the skin color it's not that difficult the difficult part is just trying to keep the difference between light and shadows okay and you can see i mean i think the process it was kind of easy to follow or just i hope that milan oslo beautiful painting what brand of oil paint are you using using a wington from winsor and newton the student the student direction not another professional version okay i think that's okay we're trying to look for squinting my eyes a lot right now let me just uh give you a minute i'm gonna take a picture and just put it to black and white and i'm going to check that's something that you're going to do always use a mirror i mean using the mirror nowadays kind of you have your phone take a picture uh flip the image yes i mean invert the image in this way you can see some mistakes that's kind of easy to see mistakes can you see a reverse image you have any question let me know please because it's not taking me a couple of minutes just to check out here i'm gonna i'm gonna take out the color of my painting and compare it with the image okay okay i think it's okay maybe the highlights on the lips is too much i'm comparing the image and the only the only light the strong i mean the lightest light in the painting the portrait i'm so sorry that i can't show you this because it's not possible for me to show you this is here here is the strongest highlight i mean no no no sorry here's the strongest guy like this one this big one and then this one and this one and then here and that's it i mean this this highlight this light is not that strong this one is in shadow this one is in shadow oh here maybe one you don't like him yes yes that's it uh okay jennifer did you decide to leave the lower lashes more subtle like like that for more softness softness yes yes yeah because sometimes i go a little bit dark here on the lower eyelashes and then um at the end i prefer just to go to look that looks that's softness softness that's kind of okay for me maybe maybe you may you make me you're making me making me doubt i'm gonna put some eyelashes okay here's a couple of them okay uh this canvas is uh i don't know how to say this lining linen lining i don't know what to say these are i don't remember the name but it's maybe i remember i bought one of these a long time ago uh in when i was in usa and it there it cost me like 50 dollars one meter i know it it's like thirty three inches fifty dollars yes appears the price is kind of the same and this is soft the surfaces of okay i sent it okay because it's not like really soft soft so wind tunnel paint and it seems you don't use any medium or something and i'm right yes i didn't just i mean almost in the ninety percent of the painting i haven't used any solvent i i started just using solvent juice for the hair because these portions i mean the oil i i needed just to they will go so softly and to be able to do these marks okay [Music] i don't think these little things makes any difference but anyway i like just to if i see something is missing yes i just do it i just go and try to correct it okay i think that's okay thank you so much for being here watching watching me painting hope you have learned something from this video do you want to find more videos in my channel so a lot of lives live streams and i'm making these live streams like uh every two days sometimes daily so sometimes when i have the time daily uh maybe i will make another live stream on monday tuesday i hope so okay thank you so much hope you enjoy the painting okay bye see you next time take care i
Channel: Renso Art
Views: 1,123,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to paint a portrait, painting a portrait, oil paint, portraits in art
Id: 9EEiNe70ZrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 39sec (8199 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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