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alright so that is that for the second rack oops over to the third rack the ted rack oh you see that properly arrange and load it adequate spacing in between them to avoid sticking and also remember to oil your rack before you stop them by the time you're done with this it becomes very easy for you to remove so at that point you discover that all the chops part of the fish are finished so we started with the tails this is for the fourth rack and then finally the fifth rack at the fifth rack you have the different tails from each of the fish now the reason why the tails should be at the top and most is because they don't need too much heat for them to you know cook and dry they just need a little amount of heat because they are the least in terms of flesh and probably surface area no their surface area is wider but a very little amount of flesh is in them all right so at this point we have to load them with charcoal and do the drying yeah we are using charcoal all the way all right so all right so at this point we have the charcoal already prepared they look very well they are already very hot and steaming from under never make the mistake of using your bare hands it may blow you up all right so now we have to load them properly then load this one also properly all right bingo so now that we have loaded the two vents for the charcoal we are going to close and allow it to cook for the next seven to eight hours oh yes it's going to take quite some time because we are taking a new dimension for the drying process now we are not using the gas anytime we're interested in using the gas that burner you see there will come up or we can use both of them concomitantly and that is the gap this home is trying to cover in the oven market all right ladies and gentlemen if you like what you watch do well to subscribe to our channel click the bell notification so that each time we upload a video you'll be among the first people to receive them all right the chimney is already bringing out warm air and smoke hope you can see that very well as a shimmy this is where communication between the external atmosphere and the internal oven takes place all right ladies and gentlemen to have a lovely weekend boom all right ladies and gentlemen this is few hours later let's see what we have okay i'm using my bare hands to open this because this side of the oven that's not get hot the handle it never gets hot no matter how hot the the oven is it can never get hot here yes it is part of the designing uh work we have done all right let's see the inside boom all right this is approximately um how many hours now we started this drying process around 4 p.m yesterday and this is 8 a.m the next morning and the fish have undergone the first drying stage which is called a cooking stage you know what we practice here with this oven is cook drying process we cook after cooking it now dries and that is why it is something you can consume directly as soon as you have them you don't even need to put it in the pots you know you can just pick them and start enjoying yourself because it has been cooked and then dried in the process there are two types of drying there's cook drying and the natural drying you know you dry without cooking now the cook drying is what we are doing now of course after applying charcoal for some period of hours it cooks until your charcoal quenches it cooks as you can see right now this is cooked already all of them look very very cooked this is not how it was looking yesterday it was looking uh fresher than this but what you see now is something that is cooked now after the cooking it now does the drying now but the other form of drying that takes place without cooking is just natural drying for example a type of drying you do with ultraviolet radiations that is sunlight dry it doesn't cook it dries them freshly and you can consume them like that you must cook them to be able to consume but this process is the cook drying process all right now at this stage there are two things you need to take note of but before then let's quickly cross examine how they look like at the cook dry stage or let me say add a cook stitch if you look at them they are not still fully dry they are just looking cooked same with this rack it's just looking cooked but certainly not dry yet that's the second rack over to the third rack the third rack is also just looking cooked and sure you have accurate spacing between each of the uh cut parts of the fish so that they don't stick together and make your work very difficult when you're about to remove them and package them for sale or delivery as a case may be so this is the third rack we move to the fourth round if you check very well they are all looking cooked yeah cooked and beautiful very very interesting and delicious what i'm perceiving right now i feel like just picking one of them and start chewing immediately but i have to control my appetite anyway now look at this they are all looking cooked and ready for the next stage which is the drying stage now two things happen at this stage now if you try to you know probably you want to adjust now look at this fish for example i said it's got part of the fish it's somehow slant it's not laterally lined like every other one if i'm trying to adjust this i don't want to touch it with my hands because it's edible now if i try to adjust this it will scatter why because the fish is cooked at this stage it is soft it is not um dry or rigid in such a way that you can easily move it no it is not so at this stage if you try to pull anyone it scatters and so it is not advisable to touch them at this stage just allow them get coal in your oven now the second thing that will happen in this stage is that your oil collector let's have a look at the oil collector will be very very dirty and unkept it's mixed up with solid particles of of uh of uh the uh flavor you added to your fish like pepe salt uh you know different stuffs you added most of them at the end will collect at the bottom of your oil collector and so this is not healthy for use so what you do at this stage is you must ensure that you wash your oil collector before adding another heat to start the drying process and that is exactly what we are going to do right now we are going to wash this oil collector and make it ready for the next drying stage the reason why you are going to wash this oil collector is because this is the real time where the oil that is found in this fish will start dropping what you have here is purely all the flavor material you added to make it sweet and delicious they are the ones that are dropping and forming all these tick tick stuffs you see at the bottom and some are looking very dry because of the intensity of the heat coming from the charcoal so this is the stage where the real oil will start dropping so what you need to do is wash away all these stuffs here as soon as you're done with that have a very clean for your collector plate now what will i experience is real drop of oil by the time we collect that oil in the next set i'm going to show you how it looks like the oil collected from catfish how it looks like it is usually very thick and golden in color i'm still making my research on that oil i've not finalized the research work i'm doing on that oil but by the time i'm done with that oil i'm going to make a separate video on that oil teaching you the beauty and the use of catfish dry oil what it can do i'm very sure it has an exceptional importance and should not be discarded for any reason all right so what we are going to do right now is to wash the oil collector and take the next stage however what happened is simple these are your charcoal both of them were ignited yesterday and allowed to to burn to capacity what i mean by burning to capacity is that we allowed it to burn and quench itself and even allow it throughout the night and that is exactly what you should do when you are doing the same drying this oven was designed and constructed by us just in case you need a cup a copy of this oven just do well to contact us our numbers are displayed on the screen call us and we design this oven and send them for you it is a very very beautiful oven and it works perfectly very well i mean perfectly very very well this oh i'm sorry this oven is designed such that it fuels a particular gap in the market and the gap is filling is the ability for you to use charcoal and gas at the same time these are vents for charcoal you can load your charcoal and on your gas it will do your drying very fast in fact it will take times too to dry because you're receiving heat from both ends and your drying will be very fast if you don't have time you can go ahead and ignite both of them majority if not all the types of oven you see there they operate only on either charcoal or gas at a time it is either you're using gas without using the charcoal just because of the waste constructed or you are using charcoal without unc gas but i came up and was like come on why can't we design an oven that can actually make use of both means of of cooking and drying and make your work faster and that is how this design came up and it's a very beautiful design trust me you will not see it anywhere anywhere you see it it has been copied from this channel and i am strongly saying what i'm saying because i am the originator of this design and i know what it has done all right so what we're going to do now is to wash the oil collector and then start the drying process proper remember it is in this stage that the real oil will start dropping from individual fish you have all right so let's go to the next stage washing of the oil collector boom all right so the oil collector is in my kitchen right now now the first thing you do is boom if you have a scraper like this it's gonna do just a beautiful job for you so you're gonna use this to scrape all these stuff that you see here [Music] [Music] [Music] so at this stage we are done with uh the scraping however if you do not have a scraper like this to do your job then you can just soak it in water and allow it to get soft then you use something to just wash it off from your hot pot yes i call it hot plates i know i collected as servers and hot plates and as an oil collector so i'm not around calling it on her plate all right so now they have all been removed these are the excess flavor material that you added on the fish mixed with part of their oil so we are going to discard this and then drop this for water to soak it for a period of time then we do the final washing all right so let's take this off see how ugly it looks like imagine you ignited your oven again with all this stuff what will happen is that it will get burnt after burning it will start smelling and you know will probably affect the the the scent of your fish you know so always ensure you follow due process follow the relevant approach and you will surely enjoy it i promise you that all right so now let's take it away and soak so now we have been able to remove all those jiggity that you find on the oil collector so now we are going to open this and give it some wire now this water will just soak your oil collector so that all these strong particles you find here becomes very easy to remove that's okay so now we are going to allow this water to go around and uh it's every part of the plate beautiful so now you allow it for some period of time to get soaked and it becomes very easy to wash all right see you then all right so this is about 20 minutes later and you can see how everything is looking a little bit soft and easy to wash so what i'm going to do right now is to use an iron sponge or just normal sponge to do the washing but it's best i start with iron sponge to relieve a lot of particles then the normal sponge to do the final job alright so back to the oven now the oil collector has been totally washed you know um if you look at it it's reflecting and everywhere is clean so at this point this oil collector is ready to collect the oil that is going to come out from these fiber acts of a stove fresh fish so the next thing to do is to you know put on this charcoals yeah we have to flame the charcoal and allow it burn again for the next uh seven to eight hours in fact till the charcoal burns down that would be the second stage so let's ignite the charcoal on boom all right ladies and gentlemen this is the next morning all right let's see what the inside looks like whoa amazing wow it's still quite very very warm if you check the charcoal they still very much active still bringing out heat wow can you see the difference can you see the transformation now this is almost ready what i mean almost ready i mean almost ready oh um you can't believe that this charcoal took burns throughout the night and is still very much active hope this is not very hope this is not too hard okay slightly hot let me drag it out whoa this is just beautiful it looks so delicious and some juice all the heads are very much okay to go all the heads are very much okay to go whoa that's a little bit hot oh this is amazing and very very enticing ah i feel like picking them and eating now whoa all right all right ladies and gentlemen so this is the drying process this is how beautiful your charcoal can do your job for drying they are almost ready but they are not fully ready yet so it needs one more round which is the final round so it goes through three rounds of drying before it becomes very dry to the extent that you can keep them and last you for several months when i mean several months i mean several months so the drying process is still what you see now let's see the tail but oh these ones have given themselves totally to the heat you know irrespective of the position they found themselves they equally got dry because they actually need little or no much heat to execute their dryness the heads are totally done their rag is even very much lighter these ones are very much ready already so what i'm going to do right now i'm going to swap these rags at a depth stage you swap your racks you know you bring the ones that are less almost done or they're not fully done bring them to the bottom you know the ones that are close bring them to the bottom like that like that until they are fully dry the reason why you need to swap your rack is simply because um heat comes from under and the concentration of heat from here happens to be greater than the concentration of heat at the fifth rack so those fish that you have at the bottom receives the heat in a very high quantity and before irradiates round it's just like people very close to hell you know they feel more of the intensity of the heat than those that are far away miles away from the hair you know but then that's just a a rhetorical example now so i'm going to swap these racks now this is already fully dry man damn it's absolutely dry and it is ready for consumption all right so i'm gonna swap the racks right away all right ladies and gentlemen at this point the swapping is complete you know now the first rack is the one that is uh not fully done you know remember the first rack was the heads so the herds are the ones you don't see at the surface here because they're already fully dry so i have to take them up while the ones that are not fully dry we have to take them in hierarchy like that like that now but however some of them are already fully dried anyway some are fully dry fully dry at the expense of others so what will happen is we have to remove the ones that are fully dry separate them and then the ones that are not fully dry we apply mild heat for them and they will just stick to dry throughout the process like that so but before that happens let's look at what the oil collector has [Music] boom all right this is the oil collector look at this over here you see this is a golden color yeah golden color and it seems to be a very rich oil anyway a research will be done on this and there will be a separate video on the beauty of of dry catfish oil there is a very mighty beauty in it and it has a lot of things you can do once you've done my research i will let you guys know but however these fish are looking very very attractive man but i'm sorry i have to pick one i have to pick one and consume it off camera i just have to all right this is okay sorry i have to eat this now all right ladies and gentlemen i'm done with it you guys will just not understand a test is what will convince you all right these are the bony parts of it so i have to let this one go trust me the bones are even soft you can actually chew the bones as well but i just prefer not to well alright ladies and gentlemen this is the next morning we are done with the crying process you know but let's see what's the inside hose for us wow this is just amazing all right at this point they are all fully dried look at this for example this is strong man very strong and dry to the extent where it cannot decay for the next five six seven months trust me extremely dry or even the tail part very very strong and dry same thing with the heads you feel them here all of them are very much dry and ready for packaging we are going to package them and deliver to our customers you know youtube can be our customer bandwidth just place your order and then we send them to you in cartons anywhere you are in the world we package them in carton and deliver both within and outside nigeria you can also have them in retail if you want to have them in small small quantity we can always send them to you and then you have a taste of julian fresh fish and also have a taste of the dry version of it anyway this is the dry version not a fresh one all right so ladies and gentlemen let's start getting them all out of this oven package and get set for another drying process boom boom all right ladies and gentlemen this is uh jellybean fish academy we are set for another badge of delivery yeah this is a new product it's different from the former one we have given you before okay look at this for example it comes like this oh all right so this is one pack now this come with um different chops size inside you can see they are cut spiced and very very very very interesting if you give it a try trust me you will come for more all right so this size goes for 2000 naira then we also have a smaller size of it yeah this is for customers who want something smaller this is size of one full fish reduced into a small size through oven drying and this size goes for a thousand mirror now all these fish you see here are neatly processed when i say neatly processed i mean neatly processed through a stainless oven and this oven we are talking about is a mirror stainless oval you won't find any drop of sun in any of these fish it is neatly processed everything the internal organs remove what is left for you is just to carry and drop in your pot and you can as well consume them directly for those who like soaking them with gary and mother trust me it's a very good recipe if you soak dry fish with gary you will so much enjoy it trust me i had to fall in love with that of recent my wife is the one stopping me from doing that early all the time because i may finish the products i have at home all right let's package these ones in this cartoon that's three let's see if it can be 25 24 yeah all the 25b and boom 25 so we are making it 25 in one pack oh one cartoon i mean all right so this is once again jellybean fish academy we have over a hundred uh packs over here they are quite plenty i didn't count all of them but they are quite very very much so we are going to package this one right now and make them available to our clients if you need a copy you can you know contact us if you need a carton contact us any size you need at all just let us know and we will make them available just at your doorstep once again this is children fish academy if you like what we are doing subscribe to our channel you can visit our youtube channel at julie ben fish academy and you will see the marvelous work we have been doing there internationally subscribe to our channel give us a thumbs up and see you when we meet again boom you
Channel: Juliben Fish Academy
Views: 24,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HWIerDiHoJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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