All Things New | Weekend of Dec. 26th & 27th

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[Music] stake your claim write it on my heart that i won't be the same you broke through like a rainbow coming after me i'm drenched in love that won't cease to fall [Music] so fall on me crush me like a wave and pull me out to see washed and raised me up because i've been set free they won't cease to fall [Music] [Music] again [Music] i'll never be the same [Music] [Music] [Music] than a man [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] me [Music] my [Music] hey nothing can blow me from your love now you can't tell me [Music] is the artist of the skies your power is overwhelming you wrap your arms around this same ones that shave the mountains [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] who is [Music] when we are thirsty [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey everyone welcome to northview church we are so glad you could join us today wherever you are watching from online let us know your name and where you're watching from our team is waiting to give you a shout out in just a bit but before we do that we want to take just a few moments to show you what we're all about everything we do points to our mission to connect people with god and people with people if this is your first time with us know that it is our desire to help you feel comfortable and welcomed we have pastors here ready to answer any questions or to pray with you and we would love to just know that you're here so please text the word hi h.i to 85379 we look forward to meeting and connecting with you [Music] we're committed to creating fun upbeat environments for 5th to 12th graders in large group services students also find community with friends their own age group during our weekly life group meetings we also have student specific mission trips and spiritual retreats that are offered throughout the year we offer age-appropriate programming for children ages birth through fourth grade during every service kids enjoy high-energy worship songs games and interactive small group discussions with leaders as well as kids their own age you can stay engaged with northview kids and students online at groups are the primary way we connect people with people groups are typically made up of 8 to 14 adults who meet at least every other week we have life groups growth groups and life recovery groups life groups allow you to create community with those in a similar stage of life as you growth groups help people grow in their knowledge of the bible and live out their christian faith life recovery groups lean into a specific life issue while offering support through difficult times and seasons we would love to help connect you with the best group for you you can learn more and join a group by visiting northviewchurch.usbackslash groups [Music] for many knowing the next step to take at church can feel confusing and at times overwhelming next is all about making it easy for you to find what's next in your faith journey let us help you determine what's next for you here at northview text the word next to 85379 and choose my next move northview aims to make a lasting difference in our local communities we do so by partnering with non-profits in the areas we have campuses we provide these non-profits with financial and volunteer support learn how you can get involved with your local campus outreach we'd love to provide you and your family or life group with serving opportunities to do as individuals or groups there are opportunities in this season to support your community through food donations and other diy options you can find more information at northviewchurch.usbackslash mynext we have two new resources on the northview app you'll want to check out right now the first is the northview growth plan this is a discipleship resource designed to help you take your next step in your walk with jesus it helps you craft a spiritual growth plan that's unique to you this is a great tool to help you kick off the year more devoted to your faith the second new resource found on the northview app is the one year bible this is an online guide for those desiring to read the bible in a year this tool will help you build a habit of getting in the word for 15 minutes a day this is another great way to kick off your 2021 make sure to download the northview church mobile app if you haven't already turn on those notifications so you don't miss any they won't cease updates fall [Music] is [Music] to be seen [Music] [Music] [Music] my soul for me [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] welcome to northview church online we are so excited that you have joined us today for worship we have something so special in store for you and your family but first we're going to kick it off to our online campus director shane hey northview church online welcome to our home today we're so glad you're with us we're in our pjs it's after christmas we got a little rest there's still a big mess over there in the corner with wrapping and all that kind of stuff but we're ready to worship with you today as a family so drop us a line in the chat tell us where you're from also speaking of christmas pajamas you're probably in yours so send us a picture of you with your family eating leftover christmas cookies having some coffee in our online campus facebook group all right guys on the count of three are you ready one two three happy new year guys have a great 2021. as this year comes to an end we are so excited to take this moment right now to worship with you and your families right where you are we hope that you've enjoyed a beautiful holiday season and let's take this time to worship our god for all the great things that he has [Music] done [Music] [Music] let us worship our king [Music] come let us bow at his feet he has done great things [Music] see what our savior has done see how his love overcomes he has done great days and break every chain oh god you have done great things [Music] oh jesus [Music] you'll be faithful forever for you i've done great things and i know you will do it again for your promises yes and amen you will do great things god you do great things [Music] jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] and break every chain oh god oh jesus [Music] so [Music] taylor was not your typical 18 year old teenager she was not only book smart but she's very street smart she was very well-rounded and very easy going taylor was in her second semester of her senior year in high school monday may 11th taylor went to go visit some friends about 10 30 she wasn't home yet and so i was just thinking she should be coming home and i got a text from one of her friends that asked if she had made it home yet and i knew it was one of the friends that she would wet was with and i said no she's with you and she's like no she left at 10 o'clock and so i asked her if she knew her last location and so she took a screenshot and it was at an intersection that i knew was always a bad intersection and i knew instantly that something wasn't right we crested this hill and i saw all the lights and my heart just sank because i knew it was her that was there she was t-boned by a semi the impact was so forceful that it flung her car through the air into the ditch it was just like everything just went silent and time stopped and i remember that the paramedic said make sure you give her a kiss as if it was the last one that i was going to give her [Music] she had several broken ribs multiple fractures a lacerated kidney the first surgery that they had to do that night was that they had to relieve the pressure off of her brain because of the swelling [Music] we were just in shock through through the first several days not knowing if our little girl was gonna make it never knowing if we were gonna have have her back home again it was a very real possibility but at the same time it was one that i refused to believe i think really the only thing that helped us get through those first few days was god there was a lot of prayer praying like we've never done before [Music] today she's home she's doing very well in terms of recovery but she still has a very long way to go she's not out of the woods she's got years ahead of her to recover and it's going to take time we have been very well blessed from the support of our family our friends and the entire community we are just so thankful that we get to have this time with her and to be on this journey with her [Music] do you all remember about a year ago when we were saying i can't wait for 2020 to get here it's the start of something new it's the start of something great it's going to be our best year yet well i guess it's safe to say that hindsight is 20 20. see what i did there another bad 2020 joke and for most of us that's what 2020 has felt like it's felt like a really long bad joke 2020 will not be my favorite year as i look back at my life it will certainly be memorable but it was a really long and hard year and i am ready for it to be over and i'm guessing that you are ready for it to be over as well you know some of you experience the most challenging financial year of your life maybe it's from loss of a job or decrease in pay maybe your business was directly affected by the shutdowns and the social distancing guidelines for others the social unrest from the election the tensions over race issues that are still present in our country and the protesting and the rioting caused your anxiety to be higher than ever before relationships that you once thought were safe and secure were upended and changed forever because of your disagreements and because of hurtful words some of you some of you are leaders in our communities and you experienced a year where you're walking away feeling betrayed and dishonored there once was a day when you're calling as teacher school administrator police officer pastor politician doctor community leader it was held in high regard because people respected your leadership because they honored and trusted your position but after 2020 you're questioning your calling to serve our communities your question your ability to make hard decisions because you experienced a year where every decision you made was debated and scrutinized some of you some of you were dreaming about these experiences you were going to have for years you were dreaming about watching your child start kindergarten and instead of waving goodbyes your child rode that yellow bus to school on that first day in august you were helping them figure out their ipad and zoom calls others of you dreamed about your high school prom maybe your graduation your final time putting on your school jersey or your final student mission trip still others were excited to be graduating college and starting your first job but instead of finishing that final year with parties and awards you finished back where you started your parents house with rejection after rejection as companies told you they weren't hiring anymore then there are those either expecting that perfect wedding that you were planning since you were a little girl however instead of a big celebration that you had planned your vision book it transitioned from flowers and place settings and party favors to a simple ceremony in the park with just a few people that mattered most in your life and others of you you've experienced loss and pain like never before many of you lost loved ones to this horrible virus or to other causes and to make that grief worse many of you couldn't even gather with your loved ones to comfort each other and grieve together social isolation and loneliness of increased depression and mental health issues in july a survey found that 40 percent of the population 18 years and older were experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression and this is just part of the issues that some of you face this year so although i didn't really go to seminary to learn how to write a message i know this isn't the way to kick off a teaching especially a message right after christmas this message should be full of hope and goodness and i promise i promise it will be but first i think it's important to acknowledge the hurt 2020 was hard and it made some of us angry and not just angry at other people but some of us are angry at god i've been a christian for 35 years i've attended church almost every weekend of my life but i haven't really heard too many sermons about lamenting you know the word lament is simply defined as a passionate expression of grief or sorrow and today i think it's important for me to acknowledge that some of you just need to lament what has happened in your life lamenting is simple it's really just crying out to god it could be through a prayer or a song or sometimes it's just through tears if you know if you have put your faith in jesus christ if you cross the line of faith you entered into a covenant relationship with god it's an agreement that god made with us to redeem us and to give us eternal life not because of what we do for him but because of his grace towards us and because he freely gives us his grace we then show our gratitude and devotion to him by submitting to his ways above our own ways and desires however part of what it means to be in a covenantal relationship with god it means that we can express our emotions to him without fear knowing that our cries our anger and our bitterness are not falling on deaf ears they're falling on the ears of a loving father who hears and loves us he doesn't withhold his goodness from us because we're lamenting he continues to reach out to us because he is a good good god lament it invites us into deeper intimacy with our father we don't have to rush through our pain to get to a solution lament says god i need you to hear me empathize with me understand my hurt my will my pain my ideas but lament also gets us to a point where we can say we will trust you god no matter what i will trust you not because you fixed everything or made everything fit my narrative but because you're god and i'm believing you have a bigger plan and your upper story than i can see here in the lower story [Music] in psalms chapter 22 david laments and grieves that god has not yet delivered him from his enemies he says this my god my god why have you forsaken me why are you so far from saving me so far from my cries of anguish my god i cry out to you by day but you do not answer by night but i find no rest what i want you to see is that king david whom the bible says was a man after god's own heart lamented and it was okay so maybe you need a moment to just lament if you need it take some time right now tell the lord what you're hurting from share your honest feelings and expressions to god because he can handle it [Music] [Applause] [Music] is there's nothing to fear jesus [Music] it's already [Music] [Music] you go before me your presence surrounds me and everything you're right here right now for good [Music] [Music] [Music] your presence surrounds me in everything you're right here [Music] right now for good [Music] right now for good [Music] your mercy your goodness will surely follow me so i worship you jesus [Music] your mercy your goodness will surely bother jesus so [Music] the promise of heaven [Music] i'm never forsaken in everything you're right here right now you're we got married in 2004 so we've been married for about 16 years but for the first five years of our marriage we you know wanted to have a child and the doctors basically told me to stop trying to give up you begin to talk to god and ask god god what's wrong with me you know i thought that god just never wanted me to be a mother so i was really sad so a part of the frustration with me with god was god why why did you put us together if we can't produce you know we want to be a part of you know adding to your kingdom so we decided at that moment to commit our lives to ministry and just give our all to god and once we surrendered and said god we give our all to you then when we stop trying that's when we got pregnant angela wakes me up and hands me a test it's before church before church i had to go leave worship and i'm just like is this is this real is this is this really about to happen so me because of the struggles that we had i get up at like six o'clock in the morning and i go to walgreens and i buy a plethora of more tests just to make sure it was it was all in god's time and it was definitely unexpected it happened when it was supposed to happen so god definitely surprised us with taj and he's our miracle baby [Music] so fast forward from 2009 when we had taj to now 2020 the day before the shutdown happened we found out that we were having a miscarriage those feelings of despair hurt pain anger all of those came rushing back as the day went on you know it i want to say that it got better but it didn't um as the weeks went by it did and things started to calm down and we accepted what it was one day out of the blue you know i get a message from his sister's friend she says hey terence's sister you know she is in labor and i'm like in labor i just talked to her like three days ago i didn't even know she was pregnant you know then her friend explains you know hey well she is unable to care for the baby she's unable to keep the baby we called his sister and we spoke to her and she did she asked us hey yeah i'm not able to take care of him can he come and stay with you guys for a while the day that he was released from the hospital jayshawn came to us [Music] what was supposed to be a temporary situation you know his sister basically asked us if we could help permanently you know we ended up taking full custody permanent custody of j sean god gave jay shine to us in his timing and it was more than unexpected but it was more than what we ever expected as david continues to write and lament in psalm 22 he seems to turn a corner and is crying out from despair turns and he begins to declare his trust in his faith in god in verse 22 he says i will declare your name to my people in the assembly i will praise you you who fear the lord praise him all you descendants of jacob honor him revere him all you descendants of israel for he's not despised or scoring the suffering of the afflicted one he's not hidden his face from him but he has listened to his cry for help david's lamenting begins to subside as he's crying out to god and he begins to recall the goodness of god throughout his life he starts remembering how god has always been faithful to his people and his worry and his anger turns to trust and honor towards god as we watch david turn towards trusting to god it reminds me of the promise that we get in romans 8 28. it says and we know that in all things god works for the good of those who love him who've been called according to his purpose and i'm not trying to push you today past your moment of lamenting for some of you you might need to spend some extra time today or this week crying out to god but for others of us as we look back at how difficult 2020 has been we've started to see how god has been working all things together for good i know that god has given me an unexpected gift in and for me that was family time around the dinner table as i look back upon my life having a strong and healthy family has always been what's been most important in my life i've been blessed and i realized that my mom's parents they actually established a legacy of faith in my family and i'm forever grateful for that you know they retired early just as they could use their time to serve the lord and they moved around the country to be part of serving organizations just to serve the kingdom of god they were selfless and i learned from them on the other side of my family my grandpa my grandma broadback they always put family as a top priority in our lives they lived on a lake and my summers were filled with days with them and my brother and my cousins i learned from them about putting family first and making those relationships matter most and then my parents well their marriage was amazing and i was given the blessing of a front row seat to watch and learn how to be an amazing husband and dad as long as i can remember the thing i wanted most in my life was be married to an amazing woman and to get to be a dad like i said i've been blessed and i've always looked up to my grandpas and my dad my grandpa broadback he was a wood shop teacher and a cabinet maker nearly every piece of furniture in his house was made by him my dad he learned from my grandpa and as soon as he graduated from high school he started working as a furniture maker as well i remember as a kid being so proud of the furniture in our house is i would tell people my dad made that and so in college when i met the woman in my dreams my wife i knew how i was going to propose to her so for a few weekends in a row i made up an excuse is why i needed to go home from school for the weekend and for a couple days while i was home my dad and i we would work like crazy in my grandpa shop to build a dining room table and then i took that table to a restaurant and i had him cover it like with a tablecloth like all the other tables and i took brooke out to eat i was so nervous i couldn't eat anything so i didn't even touch my food and because i wasn't eating the wait staff well they took that as the cue that i was ready for them to put the plan into action so they came over and they took our plates and the salt and pepper off the table and then they removed the tablecloth and i looked at brooke and i said wow this is a nice table yeah that wasn't the smoothest line i've ever delivered in my life and it certainly didn't make much sense to brooke she was looking back at the kitchen going where in the world did the rest of my food just go but then i said you know what i want to spend the rest of my life sitting on this table with you and somebody with our kids sharing all of our meals together she was still really confused why i'm saying that but then i said but if i built this table i put a drawer right over here and i leaned over and i opened the drawer and i pulled out a ring and i proposed you see i knew what i wanted i wanted her as my wife and i wanted to be an amazing dad to my kids someday and i wanted to always put them first but life happens and we get busy and before we know it the dinner table becomes a place just to do homework or to fold laundry and most of our meals are found while driving from one appointment to the next or from one sporting practice to the next music lesson but 2020 well that was an unexpected gift it was a right sizing of priorities for me it put my family back where it all began back at the same dining room table that i've always known was most important to [Music] me so we met selling magazines i sold the magazines on the phone and he was my closer he went out to the house and closed up the deal so we were high school sweethearts got married very young and we just had our 53rd anniversary in august he was a salesman and he was an outside salesman so he spent a lot of time in restaurants bars and there was always someone sitting next to him that started talking jesus to him and i remember getting up on a sunday morning and he said guess what and i said what and he said i just gave my life to jesus and he started changing when he was nine or ten his father just left and he never saw him again so we just decided that when we got together we were going to break that generational curse we wanted to make sure that our children were in church three times a week we wanted to make sure they were grounded with with good christian friends that they were involved in the youth group that they were able to grow as a person but grow in christ they were constant they were consistent and they were constant and um teaching us what mattered he just left such a big legacy in many ways just through how he lived his life even and he loved the lord that's why he could love his family so well because he loved god so much so my grandfather was someone who faithfully decided to follow jesus and did not turn back he was consistent in following jesus for his entire life for me it was seeing the consistency of mike's life active in his kid's life and his grandkids life that motivated me to continue and maintain that goal you know to be consistent as a dad i'm just really thankful that i have the kind of family and i had the grandfather that could tell me that they loved me every time that they saw me my grandpa he was somebody that everybody could count on it didn't matter if it was just doing a simple task it was going to be something that was going to be impactful he was going to be there this song that's really popular right now the blessing you know i really feel like our family has experienced that because of my dad his favor is has been on his family and his children you know one person's decision can change the you know the course of a family and we've all been blessed we've all have favor because of that i think um when mike passed he uh he felt that when he saw the last three weeks of his life how they all gathered this house day and night had dinner with him every night tucked him into bed and prayed over him i think he felt like i think i've achieved what i need and he was ready then to go be with jesus you know i see that god's hand was on my husband and then it was on me to bring us to that place where we could start a new legacy for even before our daughters were born and when we believe now that because mike said yes to jesus that now our children are able to say yes to jesus which they have and all of our grandchildren i was amazed to think that god had been so gracious to him to take a little boy that had nothing and grow him into a man that was so full of the power of god with his simple childlike faith [Music] as we look forward to 2021 i wanted to issue a challenge to you and your family what are you going to do to make sure that this is a year that isn't driven by the circumstances around you what are you going to do to get back to what is most important in your life and what are some steps that you can take to make sure that you are leaving a legacy in your family you know i'm not sure if you've thought about this but i believe that outside of jesus the most amazing gift that god gave us as humans was the gift of free will you see god could have created us to be robots and just follow his every will and do whatever he wanted but he didn't when he made us he allowed us to determine how we will use the life that he entrusted to us it's like this empty jar is our life and he then gives us the freedom to determine how we will fill this life for me and maybe for most of you i've gone through seasons where i didn't really think about how i was intentionally filling my time and when you don't get intentional with your time you often fill it with the things in life that don't really matter or maybe you fill it with the things that that maybe aren't going to leave a lasting impact and when you do that when you start filling your life with the things that are not going to leave a lasting impact what it does it actually it doesn't leave room for the big rocks in your life for the things that matter most in your life because the way that you prioritize your time well it matters so i guess the question is what are the big rocks in your life that will define the legacy or family what is the legacy that you always want to be thought of when you think of your family matthew 6 20 and 21 says lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven we're neither moth nor rust destroying where thieves do not break in and steal for where your treasure is there your heart will be awesome i already told you that for me you know in my family my mom's parents they laid an incredible foundation of faith for me it's a big rock that i want to be placed first in my life and in my kid's life i told you that my dad's parents they put a big rock of family second as a legacy stone in my life and for my family for my family i want my wife and my kids to be seen as people that really love others well with our lives first peter 4 10 says each of you should use whatever gift you've received to serve others as faithful stewards of god's grace in its various forms i want others to see my family as servant leaders i want my kids to have a purpose in their life that's much greater than just finding earthly happiness so i guess that leads us to the question about what are the things that are the big legacy rocks in your family my hope is that after this service you're going to take some time on the dinner table to talk about the legacy that you want to leave as a family you know if you have the northview app we've included a group of questions in the notes section for you to discuss with those that are around you if you're single or if you're unable to be with family during the season maybe you can use today to honor the family that instilled their values in you so after this service pick up the phone or write a letter to those that matter most in your life because i'm believing that there is no better day than today to have a conversation with those around you to define the big rocks that you want placed first in your life because once all the big rocks are in place well then then it allows for the other things in your life like your work your hobbies your kids activities and what can go on to start to fill in the gaps in your life then the other things that maybe come in to fill all seem to start be able to fit and there's room for maul to fit in your life you know 2020 it has been a difficult year for all of us but i believe that god is still good at being god and he is working all things together for his good he has big plans for you and your family for the next year i just challenge you to use today as an opportunity to recast the vision for your life and for your family's lives and to re-prioritize making the big rocks matter most micah 6 8 is one of my life verses and i believe it helps prioritize what's important it says he has told you old man what is good and what does the lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your god 2021 is a new year with new opportunities god has called you and your family to live for something greater we believe that the best is yet to come you know we love you and we are so thankful that you've chosen me part of this service today you're a blessing to us and so we want to sing a song of blessing over you and your family as we look forward to the plans that god has for you in 2021 make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you the lord turn his face toward you and give you peace give us peace the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon you and be gracious face on you and give you peace [Music] [Music] we see not [Music] um [Music] his fate [Music] and your family and your children and their children and their children may use [Music] and your family and your children and their children their children [Music] [Music] is he is hey ah ah oh [Music] [Music] singing [Music] amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow what a great video on the generosity that you guys gave this past year and we still need your support because god is still at work and there are three ways that you can give all you need to do is text next to 85379 and choose give you can also use our church app or you can go visit the website www.northviewchurch.usbackslashgive garrett filled me in on your story and it's been a hard year for your family especially with just your husband being furloughed for a little while in the restaurant business and how slow it is and how your sister has gone through a hard time this year and how she found herself struggling and needing some housing and she moved in with you guys and garrett was telling me that you finally found her an apartment which is awesome and he said you know the only thing you were missing was the dining room table well i have a friend that goes to the westfield campus he owns a woodworking shop so he and i we went and we built a dining room table for your sister and we want to give it to you guys and give it to her as a blessing to her because we know that it's been a hard year for her and the thing about a dining room table is it's a place that you build a legacy with the kids that you have and the time that you spend around that table with them and the time that she's gonna spend around the table with her kids and then maybe you know this guy this is pastor steve ashley hey i heard about this story which i thought was absolutely incredible that even though you've gone through a difficult time in your family you stepped up to help your family and so what we want to do is we want to pay your mortgage for the entire next year we're just so proud of that would be a you blessing merry christmas thank you [Music] hey guys i know that 2020 has been a difficult year for many of us but i really do believe that 2021 is going to be a much better year for us all and so i really look forward to spending time together with you happy new year guys i love you [Music] you
Channel: Northview Church
Views: 976
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: GYma2Z6eTNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 55sec (3835 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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