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what is happening welcome back to the P alive thank you all for tuning in tonight we're going through a rather bous box that I picked up yesterday at a market about an hour and some change away from my house as you can see we have all kinds of different topl loaded sports cards here I went through maybe a stack of these and as I was going through it the guy was like if you want those are a dollar a piece I'm like you know what I see a second year John Elway in here I see a second year Keim Elijah Juan and I was like I will do that deal so tonight we're going through it for the first time together and I have no idea what to expect but uh from what I could tell we have a bunch of random baseball inserts we have older football cards see random Tim Brown 89 score Rookie Card think there might be some basketball possibly some even some hockey for you NHL fans but just a real hodge podge full of goodies it's kind of my favorite thing to buy and I seem to across things like this pretty often but I also do a good bit of work driving around trying to locate things of this nature so thank you guys all for being here tonight and we're going to get right down to it and start getting real freaking Rowdy you might see some Ben McDonald rookie cards topl loaded in here mares Grom or things of that nature stuff that was put away a long time ago from what the guy told me he mostly sells guns and stuff and he's like you know what there's a guy that passed away I ended up getting all these or I don't know if he bought them in some sort of lot or what it was but that's how these came to be but we got a shack Gold Cup tops Chrome blue border of some kind and of course you guys know that my uh my football and basketball so hockey knowledge is not anywhere as good as baseball but we should see some interesting cards the Jason kit rookie card and I apologize for the glare we are back down in the dungeon the basement yet again because this box is so freaking big here's a Kody Bryant All Sport ppf Tango soprano special box Paul L says Jake The Snake plumber so we have some flipped upside down cards here Patrick M says that would look nice in my shack shelf along with your sha Pepsi well that sha Pepsi belongs to Wally Moon unibell I guess we got some price tags on the back of here too I noticed some of those some old tattered price tags with second year I'm at Smith John Elway insert card mag of greatness is pretty nice I know if I went through these or not yeah this is probably the first stack that I went through and he was like a buck a piece I'm like it's pretty sweet laway second year for a buck La looks very bummed out in that photo and EMT Smith gold a 94 Bowman and our EMT Smith Neil O'Donnell and bledo parallel void Serv 80 bucks to Steel bro that's kind of what I thought too and he and he threw that number out there you know he was like a dollar a card or I'll sell you everything on the table for 80 bucks I'm like all right I'll take that deal based on what I see seems to be a pretty good one because like I said there were a couple second-year cards you never know you might find an mfing Michael Jordan rookie in here or maybe a Tom Brady rookie who knows but I'm excited to see crash cor is a pretty sick insert card Bron Charles's best use of a basement award there's a bledo elite that's pretty sick too numbered out of 2000 know if I've ever seen elite football cards but pretty freaking awesome K Bryant Stadium Club Craig G says you already got a kbby rookie the sport ppf on that's from around 96 huh so some random Steelers obviously from Steeler country around here so bam Morris I remember being real pumped on bam Morris back when I was a kid for whatever reason K that's a big box big old box it definitely is man I couldn't pass it down pass it up for 80 bucks and I'm excited to get to this part of it cuz we have multiple different boxes in here you can't even see it all but we have a actual SE a section of nothing but Andy Bennis that's how old these are which is freaking awesome I I didn't even look at these other ones yet so this has been just sitting here I was going to go through it last night and I uh ended up making other plans instead so that's why it was canceled but I figured we do mail day next week accumulate some things and then uh do this tonight it's an 84 Topps Benny Cunningham and Boomer I think it's a boomer ason rookie I think correct me if I'm wrong on that James Stewart 95 Bowman Mark Brunell and Ernest Jackson so I didn't have that Boomer asci in 86 top that's pretty sick I will definitely put that in my multiport rookie box Floyd V's mid90s greatness I need to be careful not to drool thank you Floyd fan there's definitely some pretty awesome stuff in here just even the clam show cases that I looked at the front of them like could be some really cool stuff so some Pro Set Steelers there's a metal Albert Bell insert titanium is pretty sick Albert Bell Lumber Company Will Clark silver Sig parallel we got Nick West in the house with the Carmen Emoji what's happening Nick cono Mickey manels long shots Chris Carter rookie card is a nice one as well from 89 score wax block of those are freaking expensive Jerry Rice that's some sort of parallel Garrison Hurst was definitely stoked on Garrison back in the '90s Doug fluty there's a Tim Brown maybe a pearl necklace in the rough yeah you never know I think that was a Doug fluty rookie wasn't it that was an 87 I think it might have been these are all like reprints chaos is definitely going to hit an mfing Michael Jordan rookie that's what I was saying I I there there's a very good chance we might find that in here I've been told that before I love 94 SP though and these are the die Cuts one of these days we have to open a box of 94 SP baseball but they're so expensive I think they've come down a little bit in price they're like 600 bucks around five or 600 like and that's like low end but the uh production numbers on those a lot less than uh other stuff around that time one point they were like over a grand so some more Pro Set Steelers cards randomly in here trying to do this in a way that you don't see the glare from the light because there's kind of a ghetto setup as should not surprise anybody here is a grant hill insert to Destiny Pippen I don't know if we'll find any Jordans in here or not of Alexi ains remember I think I had that car as a kid Doug weight co- insert card is an elite of Doug weight should be numbered out of 10,000 Tas never heard of you never heard of you van bees Brook I had that one as a kid too I remember I had this in my card shop Johnny's card shop way back in the 90s and I had it in the window and the sun faded the hell out of it random weird memory but got some nice parallels and such in here Matt sunden parallel the old $2 price tag on it some of him and Kevin Stevens Shanahan some inserts of him yeah I was I was surprised all these years later to um find out that van beastbrook is not in the uh the NHL Hall of Fame I was always surprised by that we have o so many more to go through there an Isaac Bruce rookie card that's definitely a good one chant Bailey rookie is also a good one if Cory was still around I would shout him out but I doubt he's here or watch this video Champ Bailey rookie couple of those Peter War somehow Tom barasso is in the Hall that's pretty crazy some more 89 score Doug fluty again speed it up a little bit just because we want to be here all night or maybe we do we have the time of our freaking lives going through this box of dirty to loaders they're not too bad I guess compared to some other ones I brought home with me Curtis Martin's a good one building blocks insert and Marshall vul Paul L Peter War rookie and for Paul L before he even asks wton is on the scene he is with us he is out of the snow globe yet again released and hanging out we got scatter in the house Marshall fog rookie yet again couple of those looks like one of each kind B bunch of those actually I don't know if I've ever seen this one it's pretty sick so a bunch of Marshall faul rookies is diecut Marvin Harrison and Gretzky now shows up Adam Graves here's the second year AEM Elijah won I thought that was pretty sick too I don't even think I have an AEM rookie so um pretty clean looking 87 Brian Carlson says I lost the betat you were early my contribution to your love this channel Brian thanks so much man that is very very cool of you did not have to do that very very nice I should be getting a a new furnace air conditioner uh later this week so that's freaking awesome of you and it is somewhat cool in my basement right now not in the entire reason why I'm doing it down here but definitely part of the reason but uh I got a pretty good price on a guy that's doing it uh outside of his company so and the price is crazy like the price difference is like what like is it it's like $4,000 difference it's nuts but Brian you're the man dude thank you so much for that I really appreciate it I appreciate you always being around too and watching all the videos very very cool of you it's a pleasure to have you here I I've never seen these ones before either Elden Campbell Bon best but it's very sparkly so if you're trying to woo one the ladies this may just be the way to do it go put that on the freaking mantle that is literally stuffed full of things and we have some Racing cards for a Floyd fan I don't know a whole lot about racing but kendrell Bell shows up that's his rookie card 44 forces mount in the rain Elden Campbell's a great card I don't know if I really am familiar with him there's probably a lot of names in here I'm not familiar with Steve Eiserman gold 92 lots of sparkliness in here Mark Messier but seem to be a lot of parallels Floyd V say 01 football when I started that's pretty awesome yeah it seems like there's definitely some things from around that era it's a cool card Claud L double strike Brian leech is that Brian leech rookie I could be wrong but I feel like for some reason I feel like that's his rookie card I would almost swear it is it's his Tops rookie card scatters I'm waiting for that'd be pretty sick I have no idea if there's any in here or not again I have not gone through this I just I went through one stack Pat Le Fontaine a pretty awkward portrait of him and we still have oh so much to go through and this is another collection I bought recently off of what could could be I don't know a crackhead meth head I'm not really sure but there's more there's actually a smaller collection that's there's a lot of Jordans in there there's probably like 30 plus Jordan cards I think there's Bo Jackson rookie a bunch of Randomness I haven't gone through that either yet I think I went through a couple stacks of it and they are like urine colored top loaders like we're seeing right here I love these throwback stained top loaders but lots of Hawking here some Bret h stuff Dominic hassk the Gretzky MVP insert and a bunch of teu salonis interesting 90s insert a whole bunch of that card the yellow from the meth very well could be would not be surprised but a bunch of those I like these inserts back when they came out too those are pretty cool looking Paul say red light specials had a parody of KMart Blue Light Special Miss Kmart I think there's like one functional Kmart left and I I want to go there real bad and make a video Paul L put that on the empty promises list going to KMart I'd like to go to Kmart in 2024 and buy Cards if they even sell them there but Kmart prices are absolutely ridiculous though the one we had in our area like feel like VHS tapes or not VHS tapes DVDs in their in their like discount or whatever section was they were like 20 bucks and they were the same DVDs you can go to Walmart and like you could Swan Dive Into Walmart Bargain Bin full of DVDs and get them for like I don't was five bucks or less Kmart was selling for 20 bucks a piece no wonder they went out of business primarily and shut all their stores down because they're price gouging the hell out of everybody but I have fond memories of Kmart and going there and buying the uh 80s little cards as we called them Mikey G also in the house says hey John make sure Peewee stays with the AC guy don't want him to get pulled into pe's debauchery your AC will never get fixed very very true Mikey it's always a pleasure to have you in here as well I was hoping you'd be here in here tonight in case we unveil any kind of Paul O'Neal's or Donny baseball cards which is possible Peewee is definitely here with us tonight it's been a while since we've seen him and um just let's kind of an obnoxious growl I think he's mad because I made him come back from the smoking neighbor's house a little early he's missing all day long and I almost put an APB out on him but um then he came over what is this Donald blomo what's going on man yansy Thigpen speaking of little cards it's a pretty cool one Paul says sounds as demonic as usual demonic and full and riddled of with empyema Donell Wolford I don't remember that name at all but back in 1989 or around then that was a dollar card Klay Matthews not his rookie but an 84 and we have some Holograms now of Gretzky aw1 and aw6 Kenneth Anderson's in the house what's going on Ken still going through the first part of this box what do we have here a lot of these are tough to read super micro fine print on here the name I remember from the 90s Rashard Lewis couple upper deck inserts now we got some this looks like there's a Robinson rookie I see there I didn't see any of these either here so Brian Brian Cardinal Chrome rookie card shows up is Kevin Garnett definitely a nice one maybe no on from how crazy would that be look at this Cody Bryant Chrome that's pretty sick definitely a nice one Chris Weber bunch of names that I'll probably butcher if I try to pronounce Tyson Chandler Morris Peterson is a numbered on court of it's out of a thousand make that name out Gerard Wallace Rasheed Wallace A lot of these inserts I've never seen before that was not a Kobe rookie there was an there was an earlier Kobe card earlier in uh an early Kobe card I should say a little while ago but it was like one of those uh the multi sport box ones so we're almost done with the first section of his box dibs andrell spr well choking the coach card so we got a couple David Robinson rookies that's pretty sick and Steve Francis or Chris Weber mid his M freaking well here's a pretty sick kobby insert though check that out forck Kenyan Martin Chrome rookie yeah cubby was 96 97 now is alen Iverson insert and Garnett too fast and furious pretty sick Samuel Del Lamberts dibs on Spurs stuff there's Allen Iverson early Allen Iverson couple of those Jerry Stackhouse Reggie Miller Alonzo mning Elton bran press proof Baron Davis and who we have here Vince Carter Steve Francis D got pretty sick card Floyd V those early 2000 NBA chromes are baller those are pretty sick so the next box we'll go through we got this full top loaders this one seems to be all hockey and this has a bunch of Team bags of I think these are legitimate like actual Team sets part of them but I guess we'll go through this one then we'll go through these uh the ones in the back there Tim Brown Prine couple inserts of him there's a Matt Williams rookie card I think it's much better than the one that I have now as far as centering goes I think the one I my rookie box was like horribly cut it's like a very cheap card too I just never really see it very often when I go to shows and stuff like that Maddox silver Sig is a nice one Bagwell silver Sig there's a bond 87 Tops rookie or not still a good card regardless what the hell is this there one these weird weird topl loaders that are like super thin we got Bagwell insert there Barkley Barkley inserts Larry Bird now shows up Barry Bond's error card yeah the scratched off three that people will put this on uh eBay for two grand they were selling on there I think one sold on there it was definitely fraudulent just to like set the standard and then next thing you knew everyone and their mother was listing that Barry Bonds on there as an air for like 2,000 bucks pretty wild the Sha insert that's pretty sick it is priceless the back and Jim deet sha Topps gold is that Patrick Ying flying through the air it's a pretty sweet insert card AJ Bernett I kind of like started Loosely pcing asan Brett so like I don't know I'll put that in in that collection but Grant Hill I think that's his rookie car is pretty sick Paul say the sad thing is people actually buy that air I know it's so ridiculous fell for it hook line and sinker and you see it all the time but a lot of these I mean these are all in Nice condition too which is pretty pretty awesome luckily they're well taken care of a bunch of Jason kid stuff Alonzo Morning trying to do this in the best way possible so um total D came Elijah one sounds dirty and some more inserts Rodman shows up several Rodman's there send the whole box to PSA there's definitely some nice ones in here no Jordans yet though I said I I don't know if there will be any Jordans in here or not Robinson or sha that's the electric Court parallel Floyd fces total de Giggles immaturely that's kind of what I did too though so this pretty sick one freaking cool inserts in here some more Shack and we got an Albert Bell Diamond Kings card there's quite a few Albert bells in here that are topload we saw some earlier Roberto Alamar now shows up his 994 Fleer Allstar card we got w d in the house what's going on man yeah so I probably I'll pick the ones out that I want and you'll probably see a bunch of these in future auctions Alamar silver Sig bogs insert so pretty cool you don't see those too often bonds inserts Winfield Black Gold 93 triple clown clown triple clown Larry Walker we'll stick with that one Paul I'll put that one on the dyslexia list Larry Walker soring Stars insert there's a Rob Ventura rookie card from 89 update and we just pulled one of those recently from 97 Don update pretty sick Matt Williams couple inserts of him po triple clown triple clown Award winner The Walker insert as rookie year look at this one motherload those are pretty sick actually Williams we got a Jeter diecut check that out luminous 1.5 bucks tag on there dominant immorality and some Atlantic cards you can never Escape Fleer Atlantic Thomas Vance sik Jay Bell Pass to present Jeter and Phil rosuto how sick would that be if that was an autograph one it's not the one he autograph but uh be sick Derek Mason Mark Brunell a whole freaking set of Mark Brunell apparently bunch of him so we're getting to the team bags Mike Willis in house is needed tie the tie club triple clown card mik what is happening man appreciate you member for a long freaking time I missed somebody else too and I apologize on that who was it it was uh Donald blomd been a member for 30 freaking months it's greetings John how are you doing sir Don if you're still in here say what's up man it's a pleasure to uh to see you again it's been quite a while did you say teabag I might have this is turning to TPI after dark real quick over here Isaac Bruce once again Ray bour Curtis Martin yet again Trevor hoffin that's a pretty sick parallel though if I've ever seen one before but late 90s Stadium Club not numbered but a pretty freaking cool parallel the teabag is alive so we got some Jacksons in here baseball Heroes Tim Brown a few of those and here's a blast from the past Tim byak batuka remember being stoked on him and having this card no idea what that name says Jamal Anderson you probably catch quite a few glimpses of my ugly mug in the reflection but just try to ignore it and move on with your life so we got all these we got joger 68 in the house bunch of Team bags we won't spend a crapload of time on I just want to see what might be in here so we got some 01 opening day whs interesting so they appear to be all opening day for each team 2001 not a really good year for rookies but we'll see if the Mariners is in here and if they are I don't know I've ever seen a 2001 does each row have an opening day card I don't know if I've ever seen that is that is that a thing so you got Maguire and Trier Jones a Jeff cerillo for Floyd fans PC Floyd or Paul say I don't think he does you know what I don't think he does either I feel like I would have seen it by now that's what I thought that would be like a crazy Mandela effect if he actually did because never come across it pushing buttons what's going on man so we got some mid 2000 stuff popping up in here 2008 Topps might have a joey VTO rookie you never know what is with this cryptic 368 number Turk rington also in the house what's going on man see if we find the Reds team bag in here might be a VTO rookie tucked away Joey V another guy has a bunch of different rookies All Through The Years there's the Reds there Johnny quto rookie on top let's see if VTO is in here let me pull these off camera so I can sneak one in there without anyone seeing it we have a rookie that's a code to unlock Paul aon's disc there's a griffy that's pretty cool think I've ever seen that card before no Auto got stepped on that one might have sherzer SP we go back and check that one out 92 tops random leavon Kirkland there's a p Hol infielder so nothing to tickle your fancy that much in these bags you never know though there could be some stuff hidden away inside of there I highly doubt it but it's always a possibility something I will come back and uh I'll do that at some point in the future but we'll move this Bo this part of the Box we still got a few left we still got one that's full of top loaders that I have no idea what's inside of but I'm going to turn our attention to these boxes no idea what's in here but we have a whole section dedicated to Annie Bennis which we have to pay homage to because Annie Bennis was the man back probably when this box was put together and labeled like this Craig G say Desert Storm I definitely see those too and we'll find the Sadam Hussein rookie card so anyy Bennis homage has been paid to you all these years later now we randomly have Neil Anderson in here it's kind of interesting we're not going to spend too much time on a Neil Anderson section unless we have some enthusiasts in the crowd the Schwarz coff rookie more Neil Anderson and now now we have Otis Anderson so some decent ones there all topl loaded and then we got a bunch of junk wax era base cards pretty much so we'll bypass those for the most part see what else we have in here Willie Anderson some Baker those is rookie cards I honestly don't know Fred Barnett looking super sassy with his hands on his hips right there put those back in there the sad thing is I have a ton more any benis what was there that is glorious we love that Flipper Anderson most receiving guards in a game we have Maran butts and Ty dmer what's in the back section of this some urine ated top loaders 85 tops I don't think there's any bres in there there might not be there's cards from around that era but uh not in this box so we'll push this any benis hot box off to the side and we'll freaking Swan Dive Into Desert Storm so Curtis Joseph we got some van bees Brook inserts now I don't know if these are really labeled right Willie Anderson again all kinds of Ry Snow Well the night is young we still have a bunch more topl loaded stuff to come and I'm curious what might be down in here is that a freaking FL Atlantic pack it is and a bunch of checklists from F tradition not really sure why we're keeping those but it's a random stack is this all checklist the hell open pack of f atlan from 94 and some school that are stuck together Scotty ARS what's going on man welcome we got a Bas box full of goodies Jose freaking lean rookie card holy this whole team back of Jose Le rookies that's pretty sick the 1989 version of myself would be literally flipping the hell out right now about this stack of Jose leans it was my favorite player back in that time for several years Jose lean was the man and I was pcing him heavily until he was arrested naked with a bunch of blow in his car and absolutely wasted then he went to the Royals and I just think I was pretty disappointed as a young kid that my role model was an absolute derelict but that another one that's that's pretty sick two Jose lean rookie team bags those are pretty good cards back then though some marov rookie cards not too shabby there a graded checklist sold for over 200 bucks so the last part of this this one box there a bunch of those oh look at that Jack Morris rookie card randomly in this box that's pretty sick we haven't seen a whole lot of baseball yet and there's definitely a bunch in this next box but Morris 78 always cool to see that one wallpaper your house with Jose lean well Jun says this is glorious definitely all kinds of goodies in here this is seems to be hockey from what I noticed earlier so let's see what we got in here we got these super old school Penny sleeves that I love but some Clemens seconde cards no blue stripe air unfortunately second-year Pucket as's a cesil Fielder Rookie Glenn Davis randomly in there bogs Sam what's with the Glenn Davis I know one point I guess he was collectible but it's a little excessive now pups is Blue Streak yeah there there are Blue Streak errs in 86 tops and they're pretty freaking valuable uh Tom Siver has one Clemens also has one um it's up up the top with the name block there's also a couple other guys that have them too but they're they're I don't know they're not really sought after there's a little niche market for them but uh they they are valuable I think the Clemens typically about 75 to 100 bucks raw sver is close to the same price I bought the Clemens a while ago a year ago or so but um they're neat though because you don't really see them very often got second year Eric Davis was a hot one back then he got Shaka clauset in the house her Shyer second year dony baseball I used to love that carard when was a kid 85 Nolan Ryan and what on Earth is that we have a strange printing blemish SL UFO orb next to Nolan ry's head that obsess with got to put that in the AI collection Ruben sier rookie card Clemens couple of those one say Glen Davis PSA 6 you gotta be kidding me it's never touched there beekeeper cards We Salute You there's a YouTube a YouTuber beekeeper cards he seems like a nice guy he sends a crapload of potentially common cards to PSA or just base cards from the junk wax era he sends a lot of stuff in general but uh do huge submission orders and the one video there's a bunch of 86s in there and it's a Glenn Davis and stuff like that and he was getting sixes and stuff like that he was getting really mad about it and he was slamming the slabs down really hard and probably scratching them all up and that's a pretty good video Conga Gold Cup shows up Tim Couch a blast from the past Sanders Sanders insert pretty sick Ike hilard do we have here pack rapper 96 tops used to buy a bunch of those before I left the hobby for quite some time I missed something else and I apologize Daddy's working right now Raphael peed Maro rookies there's Barry Lin rookie several of those this is a pretty hot card back then he had a true rookie in 86 tops sted but people were definitely going after the 87 Craig beio it's like some sort of deranged farmer in that photo and these are pretty sick and so Chuck noblock Todd warell The Carter Diamond Kings David need was all the crazy back right around the time CH Davis picture perfect with a very pissed off Randy Johnson a Bagwell Upper Deck Walter use collection those are pretty sweet premium cards back in the 90s there a Gil Hodge's Chrome replica of his rookie along white Ford those are pretty sick I don't think I've ever seen that year before 2001 Topps Clark there a double-sided insert will and Big Mac najja Wilson I want to say I think I had that card when I was a kid and I definitely tried to draw it and it looks like absolute dooo it's terrible I got to find that one day and show to everybody it's a pretty sick one bonds Willie May and Bobby bonds holding his 91 Stadium Club Card I've never seen this before but I'm gonna guess and go out on a limb here and say this is limited edition of 100,000 who I was wrong 150,000 limited edition only 150,000 printed Brad Fulmer he's a big Prospect around this time Mark cat the second year card of him and one of these Sosa video replay it's pretty cool Calvin Pickering is probably a cringey name from the past Eric Chavez and 3,000 hits for Rod crew these are pretty sick cards Bond said it was bobus so I'm intrigued by what we have in these cases also Mark Quinn these are cool inserts kind of cringey names we have there checklist card Charlie Huff Father Time literally transforming Through The Years in that photo why the hell is this in a top loader propaganda peace in a top loader I've ever seen that my life more cringey names as a her Shyer rookie Eric Davis rookie shows up pretty sick seconde dony baseball some cesil fielders by B Greenwell was definitely a hot card back around this time and Ruben sier rookie yet again top load of propaganda one of one Tango says and some more parallels Stadium Club in the late 90s donon white couple of those Cherry rice Marcus Nash Andre Reed insert Pickering yet again Alex Gonzalez there's a belt tray coming up in here recycler what's going on man we have some more parallels there a Maddox it's pretty sick a gold so interesting card of Jeff conine like that was definitely his idea to take that photo and he looks super excited about that photo so Random Tim naring kind of looking like cono a little bit Ron Gant so we got some interesting photos in this whole set Mark ly always about to have himself a good cry this card is definitely no exception Mark molder there's a Lin parallel also Todd Zeal on that old school phone is sick got to love that there a mark R for Jason easterling if you watch this video to put that one aside for him and look at that Steve McNair team 2000 rookie that's definitely a good one that con looks like it belongs on an Ultra Pro limited edition 150,000 card no doubt about it Paul no doubt about it it's Vinnie testver David need insert Hojo some more 85 tops here Samberg it's the seconde bogs George Bell rookie card now shows up Curt Schilling Elite I don't know if I've ever seen this year of elite it's numbered out of 2500 that's pretty sick Frank V rookie card 83 and this was a pretty damn hot card back in '92 insert two of three Brian Taylor what was supposed to become of Brian Taylor it's actually kind of a tragic story about him let's get into these no idea what to expect think I've ever seen this year before but these are very nice looking cards Jeter griffy vatti senior Nar bonds aoid Sosa Pudge Walker Andrew Jones and Ben geve in the wings these are really nice cards though I've never seen those I I don't know if they're inserts or it's like a sub it's I think it's a subset no it's no it's definitely insert set oe1 thought that said 130 for a second at first but possibly the whole set out of 10 pretty freaking nice Tango says multiport colation has no Rhyme or no reason it was meant for a TPI live stream no doubt about it Tango you're absolutely right another clamshell case for the real Larry Johnson if he's still in here I feel like I have summoned him a few times times and he has not come forth but I've collected a good bit of clam showell cases for you a bunch of random 90s probably cringe names well the BET rookie of the year iner is pretty sick Eddie Kennison what the hell what what's up with these press proof First 2000 printed with at first I thought that was like a three- hole punch hole like that's kind of haggard but they all have that that's actually pretty cool Herman Moore some pretty awesome stuff in here though Marshall folk Hit List these are numbered out of 10,000 too check that out Junior seal Marshall Fulk there's a war dun was that a war dun or was that I guess that was a whole War dun collection that I found in that filthy suitcase that was infested with mites Paul L would definitely know Heath Scher everyone was real pumped on him in the mid 90s Andy katson M Mo Moyer was butchered that I guess I did butcher it never said that name in my entire life Andy katson mu Moyer it's a tongue twister Kevin Faulk never heard of you never heard of you also never heard of you Tony Gonzalez bunch of prospects Marvin Harrison was kind of a big name in The mid90s Tiki Barber rookie card but pretty neat there's a Michael Irving rookie from 89 Pro Set it's pretty sick Terry Galen rated rookie look at that Eddie George rookie card definitely a nice one 96 select needs to be in a top loader immediately another Eddie underclassman bunch of Eddie Jord rookies lway insert Curtis Conway as a Chris Carter rookie from 89 also Chris Carter rookie from tops traded very nice Mark Brunell Aman and OJ McDuffy all kinds of goodies TPI tongue twister show Andy katsen Moyer all right I did it that time that was all right a name I'll never never say the rest of my life probably until someone types it in the chat and I read it by accident so we got these Bonds home run history cards never really cared about these they made them way too many years for too many players and I just never got into them thought they were very tedious so we got uh the inaugural lineup inserts here's some gold cards John Mayberry gold probably would have been a good one at one point Jason giomi who's still alive pronounced dead here a while back that was a Freudian slip I should say for to we have a relic of Rich Harden from upper deck vintage and possibly a Thomas Jefferson hair Relic coming up James Monroe presidential Pastime William Harrison these are a little bit sticky is this a whole set of grumpy old guys Martin Van Beren John Quincy Adams and James Madison pretty sick set though some more tops gold Todd only Sosa now shows up Aras Ramirez and some more insert cards Clemen Stouts Hit Parade Thomas Gonzalez Thomas has two inserts in that set that's kind of weird Gonzalez Lin Finley and Roberto Alamar play loock very sparkly shiny cards Andrew Jones it's nice one too put Madison on the watch on the watch list Floyd F says is the' 05 gats line up the terminal sludge card what are the 05 Nationals at just put that stack down somewhere here we go what do we have here Jose Gan leavon Hernandez Brian Schneider we got no more clam showcases left oh actually you know what there's one more here Jeter inserts kind of goodies await Us in here looks like a bunch more inserts too there is an upper deck Ovation curtain call Pedro Martinez unfortunate no George Washington hair Relic the only one who remembers the terminal sludge slip I've heard of it before but uh I don't know a whole lot about it it's a pretty sick insert set though 15 cards Jeter Chipper Jones shows up Thomas another chipper another Thomas Ripken his stink face pza you have these old school like weedies looking boxes there's Calin Pickering I'm real tired of seeing him already I haven't said that name in a very long time there's the triple play nickname cards from 93 those are inserts cono Power Players I think that's actually a parallel of some kind and from Fleer Ultra a roid as Hank a insert Clemens Tony Gwyn Shan Casey randomly in there Bagwell Williams Ed again a sweet Clemens damont insert and check this out like Carlos beltron World premiere that's a freaking sick looking card though a damn can opener like take that and actually open a can with it looks very sharp madx s Sky BLX Dominion there's all all kinds of cool inserts in here though Carl beltron again and look at that dony baseball Mikey G if you need that one I will send it your way otherwise it's going to my pops because I know he do does not have that one kesco Stellar season very sparkly card Shawn Green and mon slick picks fler awesome though we need to get a box those another dony baseball the glove transforming into madting Ley himself it's a pretty sweet card also put that one up to the side a Bru insert Travis Lee the cringeworthy names are coming in full force now Giles Carlos Lee is a numbered Adam banero never heard that name before I don't think it's a Henderson parallel and some big league inserts Delgado Palo and Bernie Williams Jose Cruz Jr definitely was a hot one back then Palo yet again diecut cono Ramirez these are the fractal Matrix cards I pulled these out of a box one of the First videos I did was 97 leaf and I got one of these I think it was a die cut but Turell Wade I think the die Cuts were numbered it's a Clemens diecut press proof going to say these are numbered out of 2,000 generic numbering from the 90s one of 2000 Gonzalez insert and mve on big shots so a bunch of cool stuff in there a lot of inserts that I never have seen before might have a Don MC McNab rookie card coming up here Paul says Cory would encourage you to go watch a 97 Lea video yeah he definitely would absolutely cringey McNab rookie $4 price St on the back Chipper Jones Stadium Club Chrome Joe Montana insert there's another McNab rookie from tops it's pretty nice Jones diecut very cool stuff another Chipper Jones griffy diecut very nice I've never seen these one before either 2000 Fleer check that out out pretty sick card Z crew 3,000 hits Jimmy Smith Terrell Davis Jerry Rice from Pacific Edie George $20 price tag on it Craig J say griffy do cuts can be worth some money they definitely are there's no doubt about it there's edrin James NFL Hall of Famer as Cory calls him Ed Garen never compromise Lords of the diamond Gonzalez a nice one is not Baseball Bat Patrol definely not a cool one Bob Gibson gold great see a walker rookie coming up in here Adam Le says I see the AA mid 90s we need a Paul Wilson or Bill Pulver I used I used to love them and generation K Jason ining hwon Paul Wilson honey Banks cologne and Bob Feller there's so many cool inserts in here though Leroy horde yeah you never know what you're going to find in here because we definitely found Nao Wilson's top loaded and stuff like that but there's also griffy and it's a base called Bas do Mes in here Z were awesome though I remember when those came out they were so freaking cool Ard Bell Pacific 2000 some more Bernie Williams tops laser were a really cool release I've opened I think I've opened both releases of that Jim Tommy diecut Ramirez chome and Rob Ventura diecut Clinton say this collection was a steel a bucks it did I feel like it definitely was based on what we've seen in here there's a ton of inserts not a whole lot that I need for for my PC but these are pretty sick cards too luminus Ramirez Frank Thomas looks like it's definitely some kind of parallel pretty sick card beio hor pad ybera some ribkins 88 Dawn Russ for Wally Moon's uni some more Donnie baseballs and smotes 3 by3 the predecessor to the Triumph Ritz Hing impulse for signed TTM but Wilson never sent back that's pretty crazy yeah I wasn't a big Mets fan or anything but uh the three of those guys were really hyped up back then mid90s nron means speaking of guys who were hyped up a Ricky Williams and S insert followed by Greg MX some more Ripkin dagio it's a cool Tony Gwen overtaking the entire park another chipper Firebrand pretty sick one and a Maguire refractor is pretty awesome from 2001 Topps Chrome pretty sick card there Walker rookie card Bernie Williams again couple of those we still have more goodies to look through Russell Bron Randy Wolf Ben Davis pretty sick insert card too Bernie Williams very cool set Peter buron I was real pumped on him the late 90s Golden Memories Maddox Garcia para and Clemens there's a Waz all grass kickers I've never heard of these before or seen this insert set from Fleer tradition but uh it's a pretty neat card interesting name for an insert set running out of ideas got a bunch of hockey coming up and then this one that's it for this box but uh I definitely think it was well worth the 8 bucks we got some Holograms here from the early 90s Aussie and looks like Pucket Mo Rivera Pacific always made very nice cards no Rivera rookie card though no Jordans in here he did pretty crazy there's a walker insert pretty sick looking Ventura Nar Grass Roots Bagwell and MX Kevin Brown insert or parallel I should say Tino and Johnny M freaking well go through the rest of this box I don't know if we'll go through all of these individually J says I was promised to Ben McDonald rookie to go get one from upstairs there's probably one lane down here actually so a bunch of rookies here see if uh there's any names that I'll recognize probably not Scotty says M well is a true motto of life if you're ever on the fence about something you freaking well there's Milton Bradley authentic game used bat Trading Places is pretty interesting Adam says no will carda rookies yeah unfortunately if there were I would keep those walked away in a safe there two random stragglers here it's a Paulo Dua autograph sticker auto relic Auto is pretty sick and Jeff Francis future greatness cool card though yeah there wasn't any Scott Rolland huh I guess Scott Rolland is the mere common back in the 90s and so we got a bunch of Upper Deck can we have any Young Guns in here though kind of bricked up a little bit so we won't spend too much time sitting there The Pride are to get them apart bunch of Base cards so I'm probably not going to go through all these but we'll see what we have in the top letter box the last order of business what is this another cryptic message hidden here and another our clam showcase one more left to be all hockey in this box they'll probably do the other smaller collection might be around the same size as this probably later this week I would think some fed off cards a yogger kety crust says hockey makes when I pull my put on my winter codes way too hot for winter coat here it's like 95 degrees out here not yoger no lemuse either I'm surprised like you didn't see any Jordans no lemuse but we have Gretzky still left in here nothing crazy not going to find an mfing Gretzky rookie in here although that would be pretty sweet Trevor kid that's his rookie card some more Gretzky Curtis Joseph is a nice one that's his rookie from 1990 there a big old stack of those won't complain about that one Alexander mcgil a couple of his rookies as well Gretzky Peter forsberg and some Prospect cards put those off to the side and see what else we have remaining in here all right so another Gretzky quite a few of his cards in here fortunately one of 5,000 that's pretty interesting card Bret Hall insert hul coffee now shows up the first time randomly a Chris Osgood parallel in here him taking a big old Swig what what is going on in this photo it's pretty wild I'm not really sure but it is definitely a strange photo Pat say I can't believe this lot cost you 80 bucks was definitely a chance this is a hot box if you know you know check the zck hoey next time to see if you have the French version that's a good definitely a good call another Bret Hall insert Bobby or a lot of these names are so small I can't even make them out some of these cards they're too flashy it's a random 8081 Mike bossy that's not scratched off pretty sweet grety insert brand says what do you do with all these cards after you go through them they'd sit in limbo for who knows how long what I do is I I I buy stuff like this I I enjoy going through to see what I can find and then uh I'll take out the card that I want and the rest typically just I sell off the rest of them but I don't really do it as at a fast pace so I just accumulate all kinds of stuff that will just literally sit stagnant for years the lindsy Clark says the lack of UR stained top blad is disturbing there's Matt's sundan rookie card correct pronunciation that time mcil once again Ray bour insert Rob Blake it's his rookie card a couple of those Ed Belfor there's a barasso but definitely a lot of nice names in here though John lir rookie is a good one as well couple of those all kinds of goodies and this guy he has more cards so um I don't know what he has exactly he had a a whole like a wasn't a whole case but it was like more than half full it was like 1990 uh May Notre Dame wax boxes which I know are complete crap so I left that behind he's like I'll s you the whole case for I forget what he said was it like 40 bucks numbered out of 5,000 Brian leech and Ray bour that's pretty nice and these are cool cards too I don't think I've ever seen those yeah those are total Doo boxes so I left that case behind he also had he had a tote that was full of some random sets and I left those behind as well just because was nothing triggered any interest for me there's a Young Guns of Billy Tibbits first Young Guns I think I've seen in there some numbered cards though what kind of guns did I get I actually didn't buy any guns from that guy but uh hope I'll go back and off some cool stuff there's a Joe sakic OPI rookie that's definitely a cool one I think I have that one already though in my multiport collection Justin yet says what was your most most popular song when you graduated I graduated 99 I feel like I feel like they kept playing that Green Day song that I hate really bad time of your life they played that and they played that freaking John Mayor run through the walls of your of my high school song and I hated both of them so badly but really uh really hated that Green Day song it would piss me off I feel like it still pisses me off when I hear it and people get like all sad when they hear it and like ah shut the hell up Your Body Is a Wonderland I hate that song I can't stand it they played that the the the Seinfeld season finale they played that song too and it pissed me off Sean was prom King I actually never went to prom I proud of myself on not going to prom and going skating instead literally would go skating every single time like yeah the hell with that I don't need to do that stuff bunch of insert checklist inserts or check it I should say I like those are the most fanciest rebel I thought it was back then cu the laugh was on me though Martin rodor and Felix poin I went to a trampoline park with my friend instead of my senior prom no regrets I don't really have any regrets on that either they only missed out I'm pretty sure they went on like the Gateway Clipper it sounds kind of lame pavl be shows up we all Michael says we all know John's favor is a Buck Cherry blasting of a van yeah my time in my time spent in Florida the short live time in Florida with Pete Maynard the guy that uh still owes me and my buddy some money we will find you someday Pete someday it's a pretty sick card I don't think i' ever seen that one before some more Gretzky Paul say Pete man can rot in hell yeah the hell with that guy still have to make that uh Florida Florida tourist shirt I think it was 2007 I was there with the bloody handprint I know pushing buttons has been waiting on that one for a while never forget Pete made rewards up to 5gs might have some more Young Guns in here only one so far some more curs Joseph rookies and there's a Lemieux probably the first one we've seen so far I don't know I've skipped through some stuff too but these are kind of bricking together some mid90s Donis so many sparkles in here though and so many diecut cards trying to think of who else we haven't seen really couple Griffies not many that's a pretty sick Joe sack though Patrick W some Mike Madonna rookie cards Jeremy Ron rookie along with Owen Nolan his flashy mullet more flashy than all the inserts in this box combined Brian Charles Gateway clipp the Mona Halo sounds pretty good yeah I guess it I mean I guess it does but i' had already been on it and I didn't really care Curtis Joseph I had more fun being a derelict Martin bror rookie so some nice junk wax air rookies in here but nothing of crazy value and look at that we have some uh early 200000 Bowman hockey now Floyd V say I'm so glad I was homeschooled I don't know if you missed out on on that much bunch of names I could not tell you anything about Matthew Lombardi ands it so what we have before us now is just nothing but an empty box but I would say for 80 bucks I think that that was defin Ely a home run all kinds of inserts in there and uh just neat stuff it's it's worth it just to go through everything so you may see some of that stuff in Wednesday's auction definitely be doing one of those and tomorrow I don't know what we'll do tomorrow probably do actually we're probably going to do needle and wax stack or we're going to do uh yeah you know what we'll do needle and wax stack tomorrow night not sure what it's going to be yet might be 06 tops looking for Alex Gordon or might be some junk wax box looking for uh one of those kind of cards so I have no idea but uh stay tuned for that you guys freaking rule feel free to go back and rewatch uh the video and leave comments if there's any you know Monumental cards that I you know just uh haphazardly skipped over I would appreciate any kind of insight um but yeah I will see you guys back tomorrow night and until then have a great night guys
Channel: The Past Is Alive
Views: 13,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baseball cards, sports cards, trading cards, jabs, past is alive, junk wax, rookie cards, card collecting, the hobby, nostalgia, topps, donruss, fleer, antiquing, flea markets, card collection
Id: Qw791fdg-oU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 19sec (3799 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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