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[Music] wow this is incredible so when you pulled these out of the safe were you at first thinking okay these got to be valuable or were you just completely he he he didn't really care what the value was to him it was the collection John never wanted to sell his cards like he said you can sell him when I'm dead or you can bury him with me but you're not selling my cards I think this summarizes John better than anything else my God he puts his own driver's license I told you not to look at those the history of sports cars goes back over a 100 years we are on the pursuit to find the biggest and most interesting Sports carard Collections across the United States join us as we travel the large interstates and the narrow unpaved roads and our journey to continue chasing [Music] cardboard all right so we are here at in the DC area just popped into Fairfax to grab a coffee but we got a great lead on collection out west in West Virginia that going to go explore tomorrow has the potential of being something pretty special on the Vintage side of the world so really excited to be here it's a beautiful time of year to be in this area so let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] explore we're going to the farmers market why not right we're here Farmers Market we can grab some fresh produce to make ourselves some dinner tonight [Music] okay so it's early morning here at Berkeley Springs we just had a great breakfast uh grabbed a coffee at the Fairfax Coffee Shop we're just kind of walking around checking out coffee shops and antique stores and really killing some time because we're going to pick up Mike here in a little bit he's over at the Chantelly sports card show and then we're going to head out to see a collection this evening so hopefully you like the vibe here at Berkeley Springs we really do so this is George Washington's bathtub there's little fishies swimming around there probably whole families of fish that have been around since late 1700s it's good enough for George Washington it's good enough for [Music] us so this is spring water right from the mineral spring underneath us and if you kind of walk around you see all the little inlets of the water coming in you the uh Berkeley Springs website it'll tell you like hey City Water you can come fill up your jugs here we've just sat here for 5 minutes and we've seen people walk up with 5 gallon jugs gallon jugs just filling it up for their house pretty cool this spring is pumping in 1,000 gallons a minute that's an insane amount of capacity this this spring is pumping in pretty [Music] cool so we're in Berkeley Springs uh we're killing some time we it's like a Hallmark City everything you see around here is seems fake including this mall but we haven't seen any sports cards yet we're going to keep hunting here we go Robert Griffin theii makes sense we're up in Washington if you don't follow him on Twitter well worth the follow he's actually uh he's he's pretty entertaining more popular now on social media than he was when he was [Music] playing so we're digging through some life magazines here this is just totally obscure but I thought it'd be cool to I should probably look up and see what life magazines are popular in the Sports World Maryland maroe 1952 Mint Condition Queen Elizabeth 1953 extremely rare hairstyles poodle versus the horsetail which one do you like all right so April 13th 1962 this is the one that has the mantle and the Roger Maris in it 62 April 13th all right so we couldn't find the mantle the Maris we couldn't find the Queen Elizabeth we found the Monroe but I don't know 60 bucks I'm not interested um put that back you know what I might grab a parting gift for for Mike see if I can find his birth year what year was that 40 46 [Music] okay so we're headed back to Winchester Virginia to grab Mike Mike's actually being dropped off at collectible Kings we're going to meet halfway and bring him back to Berkeley Springs uh we're going to actually go to see the collection tonight from Harland uh John somebody who passed away left a collection to to Harland and we're going to see that tonight so we're bringing Mike back to do some prepping [Music] what's up what's up man long time no see I know I know need to grab some supplies all right that yeah yeah let's go all right Balancing Act you got all your cardboard got it all all right man PJ seriously man thank you so much check them out collectible Kings PJ got some good stuff going here back on the East Coast come see us that's right see you how's it going what's up thanks for making uh the drive Danny black friend of mine print of the show and his son Connor Connor you want to say hi what's up Connor how was the show today good very good show best card you pulled or I guess you probably bought some cards right um PSA 10 rainbow Charizard VX bam I don't even know what you just said but it sounds really good hey thanks man chanan is awesome nice good stuff man thanks for the drive thank you thanks brother hey I'll talk to you later looks like you got some supplies are we going to see some cards I sure hope so I sure hope so too [Music] all right we are 4 minutes away from Harland nice and his whole crew it's taking us to the back road here I like the back Ro this is gorgeous we've seen so many good cards I almost feel like maybe the eye appeal was texted to us and shown to us and maybe the rest of it not as good there's no way it can be as good as what he sent us there's just no way that's the way field yeah so I'm preparing to be kind of like let's level set and lower expectations really quickly it's fun to see this and come to a different part of the country that we don't get to go to very often yeah I mean it's been really cool so far it should be up on the right 228 how come I'm always the Navigator what is that all about you're the robin to your Batman I see great Robin it [Music] is you ready to roll excited I am too it's going to be good hey hary what's going on man nice to meet you good to meet you nice to meet you nice to meet you har awesome I know you guys I see you all the time I watch you you don't watch me awesome [Music] thanks all right cards are in here mant and Ruth man and Ru yeah and Satchel Page we got oh goodness we're about to have some fun all right yeah are we sitting down are we going through these yeah we're ready go through it yeah yeah we're so going through these These are the kind of the better stuff this is the stuff he kept in the safe that manel's not just the exhibit there this one oh this one this is the Ruth this is the postcard yeah so this is the dad's cookie mantle at those two together which these are there's usually a staple on these right you were talking about this one right down here here these were stapled to the cookie bag or whatever yeah they were a can Canada issue somewhere in Northwest Canada or something rare So I get an email from Harland a number of weeks ago reaching out saying he had watched the show he had a situation where his father-in-law had passed away he needed some help trying to figure out what all he had what he should do with it how he should take care of liquidating it and getting rid of it to help out his mother-in-law yeah limited number of these but they actually meant that back then when we when we pulled those out I just thought it was was an exhibit card didn't think much of it and my wife turned it over and she's like what is all this I'm like I I don't know because exhibits are normally blank back right correct yeah and I don't know if they bought exhibits and then printed those or if they had them printed and redone I don't I don't know how that issue went probably just a licensing thing probably honestly um there's a Jackie 48 Leaf 49 thank you it's a good thing we have the Vintage expert here with us so he you know we came in here thinking we're going to be doing a lot of educating and we did a little educating but Haron had his ducks in a row not only had he researched cards and the process he had values kind of in the back of his mind he was naming off cards that we had to look up and there was a couple moments there where harlon corrected Mike I'm going to be honest that gives me a lot of Joy I learned it all from you though Mike yeah wow this is incredible so when you pulled these out of the safe were you were you at first thinking okay these got to be valuable or were you just completely I was say ignorant to it at the point I knew they had some value he he was aware that they had some value um but the values changed obviously a lot in the last few years he he he didn't really care what the value was to him it was the collection and it was yeah and he was trying to get types like they weren't I mean obviously these conditions aren't wonderful but he didn't care probably he did not care the condition was never an issue for him it was having the card you know what that is comes out of a cigarette yeah it's a it's a yeah it's pretty rough it was probably just an advertisement you would get from buying a pack of cigarettes or a carton or something like that super cool Jackie I I've I mean I've looked it all up I've watched you guys on YouTube a million times trying to uh to figure all this stuff out um so oh mama whoa whoa whoa Mama Mia see CBS he watched the game on CBS yeah there's a there's a couple of them marked that way I don't know if somebody was marking their cards you know so you know most of the Hall of Famers have multiple t26 cards l a portrait right and then some type of quote unquote action shot and this is sa young they call it barehand shows M cuz it's bare hand shows um I think the portrait is in here as well and the portraits are more sought-after by a lot of people like there so there yeah so you got two say Young portrait action Old Mill I think is a common back I'm not so tito6 is yeah there's a lot of guys that that's their thing you got some gerss here though oh yeah those're nice I like those a lot yep there's some I think there's John Clarkson Hall of Famer John mcgomery Ward Hall of Famer those are both Hall of Famers um that's gold coin or old old gold coin something like there should be a couple more I'm going to call oh my gosh I got people to harlon yeah look at that guy this guy's name was Frank Baker mhm you know what his nickname was nope home run home run Frank home run Baker really and the most home runs he ever hit in a season was like 12 or something because in the dead ball era they just didn't into a whole lot of home runs uh he actually played with Ruth and the Yankees I think okay got to look that up but it's been great I'm watching uh Mike and Tai's enthusiasm for for the cards and just kind kind of geeking out over the cards and you Mike sitting down with my kids last night and telling them all the stories about the cards and why this one is worth this and this one's only worth that even though they're you know cards right next to each other was going through the Hall of Famers and everything um it's been wonderful Joe Tinker oh my gosh so who did who did John collect I mean who was this guy yeah infatuated with all of his cards so his collection was is um a lot of unique type cards and and things like that if he saw something I've never seen before he's like yep dig it oh yeah yeah he would uh we go to to shows and he would go walk the show prior to it opening and just anything he'd never seen or something that he thought was rare or unique or interesting he just bought it sorry I'm trying to listen and and not also not get too excited I'm just flipping through like five bab Bruce and then multip T25 t26 ta cobs thps thps ice cream taob and baby Ruther in there and all ungraded cuz he thought grading was was dumb how come you're getting all the good stuff first I don't understand how this is working CRA how is this working oh that's not good stuff no okay fair touche John had an incredible eye for collecting you could tell he was just one of those guys who knew what was cool it's awesome to see that this is mind BL it almost is surreal really it really is like you see all this stuff all the time but not all together and one big box so John never wanted to sell his cards like he said you can sell them when I'm dead or you can bury them with me but you're not selling my cards and then he found out he had cancer and uh he set us all down he's like hey while I'm still here and still able um I'm going to we're going to sell some of the stuff we're going to get it ready at least you'll have my knowledge we'll know what every you'll know what everything is and then a week and a half later he just got so bad that he couldn't get out of bed he had uh he had skin cancer a few years ago and um they didn't know it at the time but didn't metastasize and got into his lungs he wasn't smoke or anything like that but lung cancer was the ultimate what ultimately killed him um but he he was um bound and determined to never sell the cards like you know they were his cards he understood that you know they were an investment for his kids grandkids whatever he's he's fine with it now I'm sure but never talked about selling him while he was alive until a few weeks before he would take us to the basement you know I'd been down there a few times he'd open up the safe and he pull him out and he would he would say you know this is a turkey red a T3 these are 19 no whatever and he would talk about all the players Tinker ever chance and all the the poem and all that kind of stuff so he would impart some of that knowledge through the cards I think he knew what everything was like you know you knew it was a t207 brown back or whatever he could have he could have told you every card but I don't think he had any idea what the current kind of Market was for for those cards because when he collected them they were inexpensive we saw Babe Ruth cards with $85 written on the price tag you know so when when he said that and he said you can sell this potentially what did you think I'm not selling it or was it like you know what I think we have to sell it and why it wasn't about that the money wasn't the thing for him like you know you see these cards some of them are really rough it was about having the card about the collection he liked the story of the collection he liked telling where he was and who he was with and how he got it and how he you know got a deal or or whatever there was always that part of it and oh by the way here's you know the 52 Mickey Manel so it wasn't the collection here it was the collecting it was actually going out and acquiring the thing going to the shows going to the flea markets yard sales I remember we used to go to yard sales all the time and uh slur discs were really big at the time pretty sure we drank enough sugar that summer to fuel some bad health habits uh we would go from one end of town and have a Slurpee and drive to the other end of town and have another one and uh he was just so he could have those so slurpy yeah yeah he would have my grandma sit the night before and go through the newspaper and she would have um a paper tablet and it would have the addresses of everything that we had to go to like there was the go-to stops and uh we always had a lunch break and then we we went right back out to yard sailing after the lunch break our dad was always a collector from an early age uh he got it honestly from his grandparents and great-grandparents um collected a little bit of everything well and I think one of my best memories is that we we were always kind of a part of Dad's collections because we went to yard sales and ball shows and train shows like one time I went to tell a story we were at Ali's at in the middle of yard sailing and he saw the big bobble head of the Ali guy and said I want to buy that can I buy that and the people working there said no no it wasn't for sale but it was like a little thing that they had out like um advertised their store and he tried to buy it cuz it was a bobblehead he liked bobbleheads he liked everything I think would have loved John so much like he and I would have gotten along really well no doubt and I think he would have loved your show like he would have loved chasing cardboard he'd been a big fan of watching it and you guys coming in here and sitting down and talking to him about his cards he'd have loved that too he might not have let you get out the door with any of them it would have been off the table it would have been a little different stories but uh you know but he would had those those stories of where he got the cards and how he collected it and you know when it was or whatever really one of the most impressive things about this entire experience here in West Virginia was Harland and he had a challenge here to try to make this the best that he can for his mother-in-law and he really went out of his way to learn information to go search out and and learn about the stuff and he's really got a pretty good uh Bank of knowledge that he's acquired over the last few months dealing with this really honored that he called us to want to help him and he's he's just a great guy and an asset to this family Carl what's your what's your favorite memory that he brings up or maybe you have there's a lot cuz he and I did a lot together we did a lot of train shows we would spend a few days up there and the memory was the dinner after the show with all of his dealer friends and we'd go to like oh you can eat crabs or whatever and just eat until you were sick and they would sit there and just talk and how they had saw this or how they had got that he treated me like I was his son there's no doubt about it like he from the time I started dating his daughter through the end of his life he treated me like I was a son I Kate called me the other day and said do you have that picture of Dad or us laying on the floor with Dad he would have these concerts we had one of those old console record players the big old came in the giant wooden box and he would get his records out and and we'd lay on the floor and listen to records well my 16th birthday my birthday's in February so my 16th birthday we had a huge blizzard and I couldn't go out couldn't go anywhere so I just cried and cried but he had a big concert like Sarah mentioned um complete with the 16 Candles song and everything like that and it um and yeah and always ended with Stand By Your Man yeah that was the the ending song so um you know he did all he could to try to make that day a memorable one and I still think about it all the time so okay we're going through binders in here they're in there still going through the you know a list stuff and we're going through the b list stuff which is just binders of just crazy good cars pages and pages of 51 52 Bowman you there's 73 tops so check this out post serial baseball and he's got like he's got the whole set and the mantle is right there and it looks great so back back when post put these out they were really just trying to help sell baseball cards and Mickey Manel even did a commercial for post it's pretty crazy hey Johnny po fals have free baseball trading cards threee baseball cards yeah one on the packages here's post alphabet and there're also on nine other Pro serum you just cut them out of the back hey you've got six different cards on alphabets and here's Mickey Manel he's my favorite boy he can really shag those fli well kids baseball season's here again and with both cereals baseball trading cards you can get a rundown on all your favorite players out here here this was full and we we've gone through we have those three shelves and the these are like the tops coins 64 71 slurpie discs random baseball football basketball were they always stored out here in this or these were all stored out always stored out here in the in the garage oh my goodness so I assume that's like the full 1980 set 81 82 83 and these are all binders full of stuff Desert Shield cards oh yeah chipper in there Chipper's in there Nolan Nolan's in there I think Nolan's the first card so y there's the griffy oh yeah there's griffy Desert Shield these were sent to the military and were really hard to find them if you did find them most of time not in great condition so these are highly s after but all his sets are in these drawers so this is the 76 top 77 78 79 80 81 that's all baseball all baseball this is all baseball yeah so I think this is a factory set of $86 $86 some of this stuff is just Randomness tot Randomness yeah my goodness okay well you know what this is actually more organized than I expected we spent a lot of time getting it together yeah we did okay well I'm impressed oh my goodness Country Gold yeah just WCW wax Bast pro league that's hot man there's a Cindy Lopper that era they produced there's Duran Duran wax in there and Madonna you know Michael Jackson just they produced anything tops would put their name on anything go these cars are being stored and they're going to bring somebody else The Thrill of the hunt to be able to have them and some of them haven't really been seen that often um some of them are pretty rare so I guess just I've kind of tried to outweigh that with you know the wanting to to keep it that it's going to bring others Joy now that they'll get to share in it and I think Dad would like that too so we see all ends of the spectrum with people like we collections from guys who are Hermits they go in their room and they never talk about their cards and then I think the opposite end is John where this is like a conversation piece for him it is yeah and he had friends in the hobby he had a lot of friends in the hobby who he would talk to about cards you some guy would get out of it and he would buy a bunch of their cards and you know it kind of went back and forth for a while but yeah it was always always about the connections with the other dealers and the other collectors I mean I I'm going to have to literally pick up Mike and take him to the car can you give us the night to think through everything that we see for sure come back tomorrow you going to be here all day all day whatever you need I'm here for it okay let's do it tomorrow all right [Music] incredible I mean what what a family to hang out with and spend the evening with I mean like you said they laid the red carpet out for us and we got to see this just absolutely insane collection that John had worked so long to collect and curate and it's just so so cool so we're coming back tomorrow we're not quite sure what we're going to do yet we have a lot to digest tonight I mean we do a lot of we'll be up late talking tonight and that's good uh and I think they are just so excited to see the next step of this collection and what it could be and so we want to do a really good job for them making sure we take care of it Mike and I left both Star Struck and anxious because we have to figure out how or if we can even make this deal work with Harland and family now we've seen some crazy collections you've been on those Journeys with us but never before have we seen so many Heavy Hitters on one table so we're headed back to crunch numbers and game plan on how we can close this deal all right so it's late night here uh Sunday we just spent 5 hours maybe longer with Harland and family where do you sit with things kind of what's your I feel like it's an amazing group of cards [Music] right it we got to make the math work what's the hold up for you on the math what do you think the biggest variable grading costs maybe we buy it probably not buy it we actually think he wants to consign we would love to buy it don't get me wrong sure and I think we could maybe come up with a number that would make sense to him but I think he actually in the family wants us to consign it for him yeah either you own it and you grade it and sell it or you can sign it grade it and sell it so workwise it doesn't change for us it's the same amount of work well the amount of pressure changes sure right you buy it out right you do it at on your own time frame right when you do it in a consignment you're doing it within the constraints of a 90day 120 days and we know how fast 3 months or four months go by yeah so take for example the mantle right you you believe it's a $40,000 card in the PSA 1 yeah and so when we have to look at the all these cards you have to assume a low grade and be again pleasantly surprised instead of massively disappointed so if the manel's a one might be a little higher maybe a 1 and a half maybe a two from what I saw but if it's a one it's a $40,000 card I think tomorrow we need to feel out Harlen a little bit see where he's at you know we're assuming a lot of things right now we don't really know what they're thinking you know we could throw out any number we want I don't even know if we agree on a number yet I think we're pretty close to maybe somewhere in the six you know1 $120,000 right into the six figure Mark cash deal but we don't think they're interested in a cash deal I don't think they're interested in cash deal no if he wants us to do something with everything then that changes the game for us completely and what does he want us to grade like what do we think should be graded okay well we have a lot to think about tonight in bed you're tired I'm tired yeah we have a long day tomorrow we'll look at everything really take some time go through it and present to harlon kind of what we think cool sounds good all right [Music] I like how we're just walking by signs yeah it's that American Pickers would be like I'm not sure I'm not sure what the obsession with thermometers was but just any kind of advertising I need to give this to one of my daughters you ain't learning nothing when you're talking it's my kids too this is what we call the museum um my friends always said if the world ever came to an end they could come here and see how people lived when they were repopulating oh my goodness all of these boxes contain trains we'll come back we'll do the we'll do the nont train stuff these roller coaster toys were my favorite so all this is mostly toys and little train stuff and you know random Pez dispenser I think he thought if he collected as much as he could some of it would become popular a lot of it be look at these things yeah and these are toys were always a big thing China set anything advertising was always big I worked in a video store for 8 years so mama and Vader came from the video store oh nice this is the pinball machine this is one of our favorites um does it turn on you know I don't know and I'm not sure that one was some kind of game too I remember that one but then anything with sports yeah looks like Batman might be back there I'm not sure yeah so do you think you think about a lot of this stuff going to your house eventually like is there certain things in here there are certain things um my kids had asked for the pinball machine cuz he asked us before when we met before he died he said you know what do you want what pick out you know I want you to have whatever you want and then you know sell what you don't want but yeah no oh we loved masks there's a beas mask over there from keep it's not made for a big head you got two noses you could not have OV exaggerated what was here it's impossible uh cigarette machine I don't know where it came from JT wants the giant Bud Light helmet for his oh there you go that was what he called dibs on but then all this he has divided into categories like tops and he loves circus train and everything you see so this is all in a box is all trains well it's good to know the train boxes are the same as sports car they are yeah and I think he would just put them together and then put them in there like long ways oh gotcha then this was all circus these on are all Circus the ferris wheel was one of my favorites too most first he did label everything I have to give him that they're all everything has a typed label my face is starting to itch pretty good from that mask yeah I'm try not to scratch it and we have the train lamps and paintings and you're right in the world you guys are set if we go out here left yeah this W oh it's starting to look like a bookstore now too oh yeah no there's beas the lord giveth the government taketh away okay where did he have the time for all this I have no idea cuz he obviously spent time with you guys he talked about it what did he where did he find the time for this I have no idea his thing was collecting and just seeing him and just going to yard sales and train shows and toy shows and card shows I kind of picked up on a lot of that knowledge you know through osmosis of just being around it and him telling the different stories he'd hold up a card and say you know this is the number one card in the 1953 set and that's the reason it's valuable is because the kids put the gum bands around it and that kind of stuff he he would just tell you you know everything he knew he was U A Lot Like Mike and a lot of ways honestly where he just wanted to you know spread that he wanted to infect uh the next generation of collectors I think that's a real elephant foot you can take a deal I have no idea where that came from it's probably illegal to have yeah it's been here for as long as I can remember it's creepy I think there's some health benefits if we grind that up and make a tea out of it or something these are all behind this wall is all 45s oh my goodness those are all albums yeah um and if you look back in the middle see the sparkly drum set was his when he played drums oh the 1966 charger belonged to my grandfather he bought it right off the line in 1966 um which unfortunately you can't see right now um so someday I hope to redo it I'm Jeremy mlin here missou tiger anytime you can find a missou [Music] tiger the the baseball cards were one thing that I didn't participate in as much as I did the trains and and the records but I know they meant a lot to him and he thought I it as an investment John always said that and I know he told the girls this in later years and both of us agreed on this the fun was not in having the collection be it this or whatever collection it was the fun was in finding it and and all the things we did to you know while we were amassing the collections that's what we remember I mean now yeah he wanted all these cards but but uh in later years it wasn't important to him it was The Memories We had like the memories he had of the girls being with him and and uh doing things these cards are simply a gateway to Memories for us right exactly yes you know they remind us of a time I remember when I got this I remember what we were doing when I got that and that's the key that's the thing that's Everlasting the cards will you know come and go but I'm glad y'all are keeping some of them as a as a memory to continue to be that gateway to John so set aside the cards for a moment what what's what did you love most about John I I want I think that he treated everybody nicely my dad probably left with me one of the biggest things in life was just showing respect to others and you can earn their respect back and I was a teacher as well so I guess I took most of that and I saw the respect that he got and so that was one of the big things for me you know when we when he did pass the um the funeral was you saw how important he was to people like the there was people lined up out the doors to just come pay their respect like I didn't realize how important and how much of a big guy he was until you know that was the eye opener like a lot of people truly cared about him and he touched a lot of people he definitely taught you you know kind of to treat others as you want to be treated and um you know treat everybody the same and um just kind of you know really taught us the value of things and and just was a really good family man and and a great dad and Grandpa you know John new played a very important role in a lot of people's lives I have a question for you guys if you think about if if he stopped in 95 collecting cards or accumulating cards right you never stop being a collector if you have cards like you're still a collector right but my question is do you think he knew how much these were worth was he keeping up with that did he have any idea like would he be surprised if we sat down and went that's worth this this is worth that do you think he'd be surprised at that shocked I think he yeah because and we had a little taste of that with the Fleer sets with you know my son going yeah they just sold a Michael Jordan PSA 10 for $700,000 and he's like well I've got that card out in the garage and we go out and it's in a tomato it's in a box inside of a tomato box on the floor in the garage he used to say that he he was a millionaire cuz he could walk you through his house and put to a th000 things worth at least $1,000 and that was he's like a thousand times a thousand is a million I really wish John was still here because first of all I think he and I would have gotten along great and I would really love to hear some of the stories of where these cards came from the story behind him who we bought him from you name it it would be so great you've worked a lot on this yes he has and I guess it's a question for you too Kathy I mean what's if you could paint the perfect scenario what what happens from here it it goes I mean we we we sell it we get it back out it it really is so you know we we have a bunch of collections to deal with as you've seen um and they're taking up a lot of space in her house actually the ball cards are probably the least bulky of them but the interest in in selling those is that I have some little bit of knowledge here um and they were kind of the easiest thing and you know they went through this little boom cycle here where there's some value obviously gained recently so our objective is to get them back out into the hobby whether I'd like to see them go to people that appreciate them right and that will do like you do sit here and and O and A at a specific card um he never really did that he didn't pull them out no he didn't pull them out they were there and and he was like that with with the trains too um he knew they were there and that's all that was important to him was on to the next thing to us it's this is kind of the tale of two collections you've got this stuff and then you've got all this stuff the bulk right two different things um and we sat up and we worked on this last night cuz we're like okay we I mean I thumbed through the binders but I didn't like really go through the binders and you all thumb through the other ones right this stuff we were able to go hey let's let's put together a list of some of the cards that we remember some of the cards we had on film that we were thumbing through just to and we assumed PSA one on everything okay what do you think it's worth yeah what do you think this is worth just on the table on the table I don't know I mean I know there's I'm going to guess $200,000 on table is that all right pretty close is it we were somewhere between 150 and 250 yeah my guess on all of it is somewhere around 500,000 and I don't know if that's right or not but I I that's my guess and that was my guess to her when we started all this I don't I don't know what some things will grade I know that sometimes if you get the right grade on a cart it could bump it by $100,000 I don't know that we have any of those because of the condition that most of them are in um but they're all not ones either so I you know 100% we had a dilemma I think we did cuz we're thinking okay we can maximize your value this is easy for us we can take this and make it 300,000 we really believe that okay it's the stuff in the binders we're thinking man that's going to be a lot of work a lot we're not opposed to you s all these up yourself I did how long did it take you to do that a long time yeah and this is only one binder is everything on this table you're right I mean that's that's work so my question to you is how do you want to handle that work do you want to go through there and pull out the manels and The Mazes and the Robinsons cuz there's a lot of those that are still in those bonders they're not all pulled as I mean as you know from looking through last night and figure out what's graded and and then how how how do we get two options okay because they're not this not a this is not the stuff you just bulk up and send somewhere this is good enough stuff to where you need to put the time into it so our thought is we do one of two things one we consign all of this really good stuff okay because it's going to take us time we're going to probably sell it to dealers that we know guys and try to keep away from putting it on eBay and things like that um because a lot of it's going to be $10,000 plus cards right um consign this and if we if you want us to consign this we have to increase the percentage on this for the work that's the work like add 10% or something so we can cover ourselves all the time or we just find a way to buy all the rest of the stuff okay come up with the price and say we'll just pay for it so that way we're not under a gun we then we can cuz we're going to resell it but we would do it at our own pace at our Pace but give you cash now and the market is softening you you're seeing that right and so it's kind of this stuff is high priority CU we want to still hit it we have a recession coming right if it's not already here and so Wow Let's Get this stuff running this other stuff is great stuff it's just a lot of work and to put into it yeah if I was to guess what this stuff would sell for if we priced pieced it out 50 to 60,000 but I mean there's there's probably $5,000 manual cards in some of that stuff you still think it's only 50 to 60,000 for the rest of it we were going back and forth it's just we haven't seen everything right I mean I'm not so you've got a ton $100 bills $200 bills $50 bills right and those do add up right but after you grade it cuz you have to grade it and right wow well you don't have to I'm just saying there's there's value in grading it you're going to add more than the cost of grading to the value of the end card it's just time it's just doing it it's putting together the submission we're happy to do it but if that's not something you want to do we thought well let's just come up with a cash offer to make it do for you with this stuff and then consign this stuff this the money is to go into a trust um it's not for living expenses you know unless she gets to a point where she needs it or whatever Need Is Not Great right now I I know how much time it takes to do these things yeah but um no doubt yeah well if time is not an issue it's not then consigning consigning all of it just different fees is probably the best way to maximize your value and it it puts it takes the stress off of us a little bit too CU you know we're going to take our time with this but we're going to try to get it done quick but we also know we're getting rewarded to put the time into it so over the last few months we've started to really pick up some steam with our Consignment opportunities and I think a reason for that is there's a lot of fluctuation in the sports card market right now people we're dealing with they want to maximize the value of their Collections and one of the best ways of doing that is consigning and so I'm glad we're able to do that right now it's kind of we're in the flow of consigning and we're adding a lot of value to these yeah and what I think other people are also realizing is how much work goes into selling a collection and they're like you know I may even know about cards I may not I don't want to do the hours and hours of work that it takes to make this happen I think if we can leave here with the c knowing the cards you're going to grade and sell so we know what that is going to be and then the rest of it you can sell over time or which these we want to take with us okay we don't want these mailed I don't think no okay you don't want them mailed we're going to well we're going to be on us all the time so here's another thing we were thinking through about that I fig these can't get mailed we're going to actually probably fly these I'm going to fly these personally in PSA for you okay I'm going to hand deliver them I saw Mike talk to about that in a video once and I'm like he's got to be crazy if you think about the value what it would cost us to ship it ensure it properly the plane tickets the same cost or cheaper yeah or cheaper so game plan would be let's build a spreadsheet uhhuh build two boxes of all the stuff that we're taking with us the rest of the stuff let's get ready to put on a pallet okay we also have some cards we want to buy directly for ourselves okay we can do that um I think we'll put together some personal stacks of some things and then we can negotiate that individually with you guys sure so we got a lot of work to do sounds like we got a good game plan we're all in agreement this will work yeah can we get started yeah let's do it for it all right all right I've been very impressed impressed with how things have gone interaction with with my kids was great Mike was on the floor flipping through cards and teaching them things they were learning we're in Berkeley Springs trying to actually get something shipped and we need a pallet and we're curious if we can somehow get a pallet from your Warehouse so with the pallet we're going to load the cards up that aren't tier one and we're going to ship those up to our warehouse to start getting consigned and inventoried and all that stuff but this is not stuff you can put in a UPS box and ship you have to put it on a pallet shrink wrap it and do it the right way uh or it's just going to be too economically unfeasible all right possibility at Food Lion to go get a pallet today so maybe we solved our problem for the pallets so Tai's going through 61 Fleer basketball I'm going through 4950 Bowman we're getting through a lot of these binders the 100 plus we're probably 90% done honestly so looking through all stuff one of the coolest things in John's collection was this Mickey Manel and at first glance you would think exhibits card looks just like a traditional exhibits card for Mickey Manel but when you turn it over on the back it's from Dad's cookies which is a Canadian Cookie Company all of them actually you can see down here are stapled they have staple marks on them so they're an automatic PSA 1 but they still go for $10 to $5,000 all right so as I'm going through these boxes you know one thing harlon mentioned was was that John really never got caught up in the conditions of cards and so don't expect to see really good condition cards but I disagree some of these cards were actually in really good conditions and the best part is he had so many different eras in basketball that suck me right into the rabbit hole and I just couldn't stop looking through and imagining putting some of these cards in my own collection this has been just so much fun to sit here Tai's just mesmerized with the 61 Fleer basketball he's just having too much fun over there aren't you Ty yes I'm very mesmerized it's that so this would have been a kid would have written to the Babe Ruth fan club or joined the Babe Ruth fan club and he would have received a cool 8 by10 a super cool envelope God imagine you're a kid and you get that in the mail and you see that you're like oh my gosh how cool is that so we are going through the garage now taking all these binders out we're pulling them out and just deciding if we want to put it in grade category or pallet category to get back and start consigning there's just endless amounts of binders here and I mean stuff that we're pulling out I mean here's a match book you know covers just old school early 1900s matchbooks so we've seen plenty of Batman cards in our Journeys in the 66 Batman set if it's even in here they had three colors on the the Batman emblem and the black is the highly sought after one card number one is the Batman rookie look at that oh my gosh that is incredible right stinking there it just seems like John had really good instincts for collecting like the things that he's putting in binders and the things that he has a knack for is really valuable stuff this is the type of stuff where I mean you just there's guys that are like specialize in this they specialize in these very unique niches and collectibles and we don't have that death so we have to we take them with us we have to get experts involved to make sure that we're not that we're maximizing value for for the family just I the Baby Ruth was supposed to go there so that that's been taken out but the Queen Elizabeth is pretty popular card right now if it's in here look at that early 50s 52 53 whenever this is Queen Elizabeth look and see [Music] card so right now we are inventorying putting a manifest together for Harland family uh that includes every card on the table which is basically every card we think is going to be $500 or more graded with potential GR grades in raw values great card here 1951 Bowman Willie Maye rookie one of my favorites card number 305 I think it's a [Music] one it's a one you're going with a one [Music] yes it's clean though what does this go for what do we at five here to one I got it uh here's the last one and it sold for $5,400 and that one looks better than that for sure what would you uh are you w to buy that I'm actually thinking about buying it I've always wanted the maze R iie what would you sell this [Music] for 4 grand you sell for four grand to me [Music] yeah four grand four grand done thanks wow great card that is awesome that is the most impulse buy of all it's like grocery store aisle Willie May is sitting there part's been on the table the entire time and finally as you're get ready to put in the Box you're like I think I might want that come on Willie May rookie when we were doing these last night gone through here um like this Bob Feller 53 tops autographed really cool card I collect Hall of Fame autographs on card so this is a great card for my collection we looked it up earlier you know last one sold for 240 I'd do 200 on it are you cool with that yeah yeah that's fair okay I think so um then there's just a ton of Leo de roer and red Chen and just I mean great stuff I'd feel very comfortable giving you 50 bucks for this and not bat in an I I just want it from my collection I think it's a interesting pre War during the war right during World War II tops chewing gum pre- cards really so with the Feller and the top certificate and all that stack 800800 yeah yeah even all right done I really only came up with two things that I really really want some of the stuff that's going to grade I probably just say hey can I buy this off the now that it's graded first is this Pete marit R iie I have one but it's just iconic and I want another one so I don't know what you're willing to do on that I think it'll come back 4 uh but my favorite item out of anything I've seen today outside of a cool some cool signs downstairs is this root beer poster that I want to put in the man cave that I'm redoing uh it's it's just the sign that is a $40,000 sign I can't slip anything by you come on sorry all right so we're wrapping up here we've got items that we're taking on the plane with us we got a whole pallet wrapped up ready to be shipped back to our warehouse and we're going to be taking a lot of these high dollar cards to get graded and because of the value of a lot of these cards and the stress that I don't want to deal with losing sleep at night we're going to be hand delivering them to get graded I can't wait for you to see that part of the adventure I think John would have loved this whole process up to the point where the cards left on the pallet uh I I think he might not have been too thrilled by that but I think he would have really enjoyed uh talking to the guys and looking at the cards with them and just the camaraderie because that's one of the things he really liked about the whole collecting thing was the people that he met and and the friends he made along the [Music] way so I'm carrying Mickey man rookie exhibit ruths some big league 33 gy stuff I've never actually held this much money sports cards in my hand at one time Andrew what's up thanks for bringing us in today man yeah no problem of course what's going to where are you going to take us what are we doing I'm going to take you to the new dealer Lobby it actually opened last week and uh that's where we're taking people in for submissions we're [Music] good it's pretty a lot better you Ty so how does this work do we stay here you guys check where you want yeah let's see what you that I tried to make this as if I was sending it in yeah so yeah basically all we're doing is just making sure that this looks right yeah they're not giant submissions so isy oh wow I never seen this one before wow okay so how how often are you getting high-end submissions like this uh one to two times a month oh okay so it's it's rarer than I thought but all like it's not always vintage too like sometimes they're highend submissions but it's nothing it's all like cars from 2020 like okay so highend vintage is is yeah it doesn't happen a lot okay so after this stage it goes into what prep stage or what's the process so after this we'll take it to receiving which is basically just entering in all the info and creating now an order number from the submission okay after that it's going to go to research which is just confirming that the spec is right or if we even have the specs uh after specs then it will go to grading these are awesome I think so too where didd you get these ones from like 1922 so we got them from a collection in West Virginia where a guy had been buying these for 30 40 years and he passed away and the kids were like hey look at these all right so we're done we dropped off our cards I feel better uh knowing that the cards are here I know people that we've been working with in collections Harland and crew their families probably feel better now too what a great experience PSA took care of us collector's Universe team came around and kind of walked us through the process and it was a really neat experience and I'm glad to know that they're in good hands we might come back and see what these grades are here in a few weeks I'm looking forward to that after a long but eventful 48 hours in Berkeley Springs we left with a one-of-a-kind collection but more importantly we were impacted by a gentleman who treated his sports cards as an opportunity to spark friendships and create opportunities in a hobby that can sometimes be frustrating confusing and even discouraging hopefully we can learn from John's example and allow sports cards to be a gateway to incredible memories keep chasing [Music] a [Music]
Views: 37,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sports Cards, Pickers, Sports Card TV, Sports Card Picker, Chasing Cardboard, Sports Card Collecting, Bench Clear Media, Sports Card Investing, Sports Card Reselling, Reselling Sports Cards, How to Sell Sports CArds, eBay Reselling, Vintage Cards, Flea Market, Flea Market Flippers, Sports Card Flipper, Antique Finds, How to Resell, Resell on eBay, Collector Secrets, How to Collect, Truth about Sports Cards, antique finds, Rare Cards, Rare Vintage
Id: JwKgat9n4PQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 40sec (3400 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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