All the details! Ford F-150 Lightning Battery Replacement Cost/Life

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hey it's Tim pickup truck plus SUV talk and if you know the following Channel this week I have a forged lightning outside I've been doing a lot of stuff on charging like you know plugging 110 how long does it take 220 figure out costs and I've been having people drive around with me all week with the truck and I've been Gathering their information their questions as well and one of the top questions happening in the comments and people is about the battery right so we know the Ford Infinity lightning is based in F-150 of the battery so no engine no transmission just a big battery underneath the cab and people have a lot of thoughts on this battery how long it's Gonna Last I'm just gonna cost to be replaced and there's a lot of fear about this so I thought in this video let me show you where the costs are I actually found them I'm really excited for that I like dawned on me just to search for him and boom there they are it's common knowledge public knowledge right now and I was like well gosh darn it why did I think this while ago but anyways may tell you about the battery costs and I'm gonna tell you about how long they last talk about the warranty and talk about whether or not you should really be afraid of it and how you got to change your thinking in this vehicle that's the biggest thing this week I've learned from people is you got to change your thinking this is not a direct replacement for a gas engine vehicle there's just a lot more thinking involved but let's go get this pricing I'm going to show you the pricing and I'm going to give you a pause and let you you know take the chin back up to your mouth because it's going to jaws and drop the floor I found this pricing on I typed in my local dealer Robin parts catalog I pulled up 2022 40 50 lightning and I was able to get the results on how much the price is now if you know lightning there's two batteries there's extended range it's like 300 miles of range and their standard range which is 230 miles of range two different batteries the first one is the extended range battery that's right the price is 35 960 just for the battery doesn't include labor which should be fairly inexpensive I think you just gotta unbolt the covering pull the battery out unplug it put a new battery in but yeah go ahead I'll wait okay getting over that big breath let's go down to the standard range battery which is 28 556.47 okay catch your breath a moment right I mean that's enormous amount of money and I've said for a while now in in the videos I've been doing you know the lightning is really just a bunch of Cosmetics around this battery I mean and the battery is the most expensive part of the truck so now the question is okay Tim you spent ninety six thousand dollars like with the Platinum costs outside and you gotta replace the battery for 35 that means that vehicle is not a hundred thirty thousand dollar vehicle hold on a minute hold on why are we always caught up in this idea that the battery is going to fail I think I'm hearing that time and time again I'm like so I said to them I said hey did your cell phone battery fail did your computer battery just fail I mean yeah it does happen over time but typically what happens with batteries it's like my DeWalt drills everything I have in the house is batteries is it won't hold the state of charge longer it's going to lose that over time so we call this battery degradation so that's what we'll be talking about so what happens over the course ownership of this battery now could a battery just die yeah could a new Ford F50 truck engine just die yeah it both could just die but I think the odds are the battery in the truck is going to diminish you know it's effective instead of time and the bat the engine in the truck is in dimension sufficiency over time this happens Machinery gets old so let's talk about overall losses so I'm going to go to Tesla here because Tesla's been a market for longest period of time we have data from them so according to this article on a week we've seen Tesla's in Chevy bolts well over 100 000 miles or even two to three hundred thousand miles and early indications are they in general lose range by two to three percent a year okay loss could be more dramatic if you if drivers fast charge your cars often that's a very interesting point right there is that if you treat the battery poorly in that you run it from empty to full you do DC fast charging and you don't let it um get used to temperatures and you just drive like hell and you do all this stuff you're getting batteries in your loss can be more severe than you would as a any other vehicle so if you treat it poorly you get bad results that's what's going to happen so one of the things I think is interesting is taking this data and looking at somebody who's treated their vehicle badly oh look it's my friend Kyle from out of spec reviews he has a hundred thousand mile Tesla Model at three performance and he drag race with this he has road trip with this vehicle he's fast charged the heck on this model three and he has treated it the worst he possibly can now I don't know why but that's what his choice was and so it's a really interesting video I watched this a couple months ago but basically what he does is he goes for a road disc a road test degradation test he goes kills the battery and goes it drives it excuse me he fills battery up then he goes down to zero and then he charges up from zero to full to get worst case scenarios for these batteries to get an idea on what's going on so if you know with like most EVS you know you're just you're not you're you're charging here and there you're not like letting it go all the way down you're not letting it you know kill itself but he did in this case and he noticed that his range the degradation of battery now performs about 11 worse than it did when he bought it at 10 000 miles and so what's that mean he went from 320 miles of range to about 270 miles of range okay so that's what happened so the thinking here is okay you're not gonna You Know You're Gonna Lose range as you own this vehicle right but you're gonna consistently lose range of Life the vehicle and then in 10 years you could decide to say I'm gonna go buy a battery and I'm gonna put a new battery in and get all that range back if you have an issue with how much it degraded now this battery pricing let's just be fair here that is like insane and as but it's going to go down as more uh lithium mines open up as more technology more Supply they have a big Supply issue right now with batteries I mean that's probably going to go down but yeah it's a huge wow factor today so you got to think of these things like I think it's stuff like eight ten year time because for example when you look at the battery electronic electric vehicle warranty from Ford for the e-transit Mustang machin4 lightning when I look at this look look at this warranty I gotta go down I think it's five three four five it's right here the high voltage battery and e-drive systems your vehicle are covered by Electric Vehicle component coverage for eight years or a hundred thousand miles so think about that so you're going to talk about if you buy a new electric vehicle and the battery dies in the first seven years you're covered you get over eight years okay it's on you in eight years time you lose two three percent range or whatever you can lose you lose some range in that vehicle so you may decide at that point to go and replace the battery the cool part here is when you go ahead and do that we're hoping that battery pricing will be coming down but you may get a battery that that charges faster that lasts longer that has more efficiency at that point and so it's a really interesting conversation happening right now and really big debate going online we've said several times that cars have now become kind of throwaway appliances I think that's partially true but I don't think that's really true because of the fact that you unlike a gasoline or like a gasoline vehicle you can just replace the powertrain in this case just the battery so you could go buy that Platinum for 96 000 you could drive it for 10 years you could have it paid off and you could say you know I used to get 300 miles range now I get 250 miles range whatever I really want to get 300 miles range and all the new battery that came up with 10 years down the road because if you know what's going to happen I'm able to get 400 miles of range now because that battery is more efficient it's it's packed differently and so you may decide to do that and keep your truck longer think about that I mean you may decide to keep your vehicle longer because there's less moving Parts in the electric vehicle less things to really go wrong and so you may decide to switch batteries give it longer or you may not and replacing the engine and transmission isn't cheap either so I have my 62 C10 getting as new engine transmission because the engine will became less efficient over time and doesn't perform as well as I need an engine and that's nine thousand dollars just the 1962 truck so you gotta again keep all the stuff in perspective on arguments happening and where you're at with this I mean what I've learned this week is that if you believe that electric vehicles are terrible and they can't till very far and they have no payload or they don't do this that you're right if you believe the electric vehicles are cool and they have less technology and they're super fast and it's Cutting Edge stuff you're right if you believe the cars are damaging the environment you're right if you Cur if you believe the cars will eventually become better for the environment you're right so what I've learned is no matter what point of view you have electric vehicles you're right they're really expensive they're going to be really expensive replace the battery when you ever you need to if you decide to change battery out or you just well you go elsewhere uh reset values product can be as high because think about it would you walk into the dealership or well excuse me the cell phone store Verizon and ask them to ask to buy a five or ten year old phone no you want the newest thing well that's I think same thing can happen in vehicles however the older used vehicles aren't going bad like old cell phones we still give those to uh women's shelters rape victims have them and they still do hold the charge so I'm going to make a phone call so tangent there I agree I will stop with tangents but yeah like I said whatever whatever Viewpoint you have in these things you you're right now am I personally concerned about a battery replacement I'm not because I know new engines are insane expensive as well and they're lasting longer and I'm seeing people who have Teslas like my friend Kyle who beat the crud out of it and they've had good luck with the battery so far so I'm not so worried about uh replacing a battery as far as battery failing I think battery will be replaced as as it degrades over time but I also think a lot of people when you get to that 10 15 year markup owning a vehicle and you're seeing range go down I mean what it would have in 10 years flying cars are going to have cars electric vehicles get 2 000 miles of range I mean what's going to happen in 10 years and so I don't think there's it's going to be this rush to uh keep vehicles around that long as it used to be I think people in 10 15 year mark are gonna get bored and want something new I think that's what's really just gonna happen and I will tell you last thing I'll tell you in this vehicle is it's it's really the most controversial vehicle I've ever covered and people are really interested and really not interested it's this week I mean I put people in the cab who don't like EVS at all and I I can tell they're their mind's shifting a little bit but they can't quite make the change to say you know I I'm going to give up a little bit of freedom and every day I can drive but I can plan out things differently I mean it's a complete mind shift with EVS I've been stopped by a lot of people a little bit younger than I am and they have met me in the restaurants or the grocery store whatever they want to go for rides I've given them rides I mean they're really interested I've talked to some women that are really interested in this technology from a lot of safety factors and plus not going to the gas station that's a big thing for them and so it's a very interesting mix going on I've seen people that just will never buy it at all I've had people unsubscribe from this channel because I've covered lightning and I'm like I have to cover EB sorry folks um I've I've seen people uh blow me at the comments I've been called lots of nasty words my Facebook's been blowing up either way people have been arguing arguing arguing and so I just I I just want to keep making these videos and I just love this video here because For the First time ever I can finally respond to those questions how much battery costs how much you replace it for and will you ever really need to replace it I think those are really big questions we need to have so there you go check out the videos over here website down below pickup as always thanks for watching I will see you down the road
Channel: Pickup Truck Plus SUV Talk
Views: 91,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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