All Starfield Factions Ranked Worst to Best

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to the channel today we're going to be doing something just a little bit different I'm going to be breaking down my tier list for the factions in Starfield so we'll go from the worst all the way up to the best and I would really love to hear from you all how your list would look compared to mine now I'm specifically sharing only my opinion so this isn't like a reflection of anyone else's and I don't presume to speak for the entire Starfield community here so please let me know how your list would differ from mine now really quick just to clarify we're going to be talking about the factions that you can currently join and interact with and complete faction missions with so I'm not talking about people groups in the Starfield Universe like the ecliptics or the house Veron Etc we just dialing in on the factions you have the option to join and complete a specific quest line for that means constellation the UC Vanguard the freest star Rangers the Crimson Fleet and re hug in Industries as well as one little pseudo faction that we'll kick things off with today because they're big enough to Warrant an honorable mention but they're not noteworthy enough to justify a genuine spot on the list so in the meantime start thinking about how you'd rank these five factions and just a fair warning this video will include some story spoilers for those factions cuz that's part of the conversation and the ranking process so if you have not played through these story lines yet and you want to keep everything a surprise then you may not want to hang around all right let's do a quick drive by of a pseudo faction that exists in Starfield before we get into the others I'm talking about the strikers so this is a street gang in neon down in Eide and I have to mention them because they are a group of people that you can join you can do multiple Quests for them and they have unique rewards like gang outfits and even a pretty cool machine pistol that you can earn through their quest line but they feel very incomplete very Abridged I got the feeling that maybe originally there was a higher vision for the strikers but somewhere in the development process someone made the call to cut way back on their story because there are there are gaps and missing pieces that don't make sense and now the entire thing can be done in just like an hour to an hour and a half or so the first time I completed the storyline I felt like I had a whiplash you're starting up this gang war with some really rough and tough gang called the disciples and all you do is just end up killing a few Thugs and it's over like it was seriously unsatisfying and the ending just sort of suddenly happens it's jolting and some character that you've never met walks into the room and just kind of wraps everything up abruptly it was disjointed it made no sense and so that's why the abside strikers are dead last on this list they're sort of a pseudo faction that's clearly unfinished clearly rushed and now we can move forward and it's only up from here so moving on to the main five factions this was actually a lot harder than I thought it was going to be frankly none of them are are particular bad they all have their own redeeming qualities and some noticeable shortcomings as well uh when ranking them I'm going to be considering the story itself the characters that you're interacting with the loot and the rewards and the gamep play that you'll actually be doing along the way so with those things in mind I'm actually going to have to place constellation in the last place position at number five now like I said earlier I don't think constellation is bad but I do have some issues with it let's start with the loot and the rewards there's really not a lot that's noteworthy here you get a room at the lodge that I almost never visit you get a safe in the lodge with infinite capacity but that's basically useless because on early playthroughs you're not going to need to store up a bunch of stuff anyway because you'll be resetting your game and then later on in other playthroughs you won't need a storage container that's that's uh inconveniently placed you know multiple load screens away when your ship can hold thousands of items items I have enormous stockpiles of Loot and resources and I have never needed to use that safe other than that you get some worthless space suits and boost packs and the only rewards that are noteworthy are the magic space abilities you obtain and the unique breach shotgun you can get through a persuasion check during one of your missions but those things are peripheral they're not required parts of the faction quest in terms of actual missions you'll be doing there are memorable moments like the Chase with the hunter in new Atlantis and visits to the starborn ships for meetings but the faction has a ton of dialogue where you're just standing and listening and not contributing a lot and that can get a little tiresome ultimately constellation ends up being primarily just a companion Hub in new Atlantis where you can grab followers and ship crew but in constellation's favor many of those companions are exceptionally well written and voice acted Andreia Barrett Sam I love traveling with all of them ironically I ended up finding Sarah to be my least favorite of the bunch with Andreia and Barrett being my top two choices for companions based on their dialogue attitudes and backstories but all in all the constellation Quest is fairly forgetable to me and is just something that I find that I have to do in order to gain access to the temple missions from Dimitri that's why it lands in the number five spot moving on to number four this was a tough choice between which one of these would be Fifth and which one would be fourth But ultimately I put rujan Industries ahead of constellation and behind the other factions let's start with the good news the reuan industries's faction quest line ends up bagging you some of the best gear in the game you'll get some dang good looking suits to wear that make you look pretty important you'll get a stealth outfit that's all black and makes you significantly harder to detect while sneaking and you get a neuro implant that allows you to manipulate others both in gameplay and in dialogue to do things and agree to things that align with your interests but now let's transition to the downsides you get a small office at reuion when you complete the quest line but the office is really like out of the way it doesn't really offer you anything useful other than a terminal to grab boring repetitive Side Quests for you to do for some measly cash the story itself is pretty decent you'll earn your way up the ranks by completing corporate sabotage and Espionage quests and then start working directly for the CEO to uncover a mole in the tower and then OU them while also taking down a major competitor for reuion but unfortunately while the story isn't bad the game play kind of is it's just boring it's a lot of just Crouch walking around places and not a lot of dynamic fun and also there's a lot of long dialogue portions the pay you get for these missions is negligible so while the reuan faction storyline isn't bad it's also not all that great either the only saving grace is the gear that's why it landed comfortably in my number four spot today moving on to third place I'm going to give it to the UC Vanguard faction this was just downright confusing to me the whole idea of the Vanguard based on Jon's pitch to your character and their branding and even the Starfield liveaction trailers before the games launch all of it led me to believe that the UC Vanguard was all about being a Starship Captain out there fighting for peace in the Galaxy but after you join even after you have to complete a flight simulator test you basically abandon the whole Starship Captain thing immediately and instead you become a boots on the ground sluth working to uncover a secret biowarfare project and finding out what's causing the terramorph outbreak and the missions are pretty cool like I do have to hand it to them the first terramorph you encounter stalking you in the narrow streets of that settlement darting in and out of the warehouses to avoid getting shredded by a eight that was pretty cool and then going to the place where the original terramorph outbreak happened and fighting a dozen other things while trying to uncover secrets about the past hey that was dope but it had nothing at all to do with being a pilot and even when all is said and done the NPCs in the storyline affectionately call you Captain but nothing you did was very I don't know Captain like it was more like maybe FBI work or Internal Affairs that dis connect was really weird to me but fighting the terramorph is really cool and even uncovering some secrets about house veron's Embassy here in New Atlantis was neat as well the rewards are kind of all over the place though you'll get some armor and weapons that look cool but statistically are pretty underwhelming and then on the other hand you'll get your UC citizenship which grants you the chance to buy a little apartment in the well and ultimately you'll be given a giant Penthouse in the residen Central District High up in a tower overlooking the whole city that's a pretty cool reward so with the pros and the cons weighed I had to put the UC Vanguard smack dab in the middle in third place today now there are only two left the frear Rangers and the Crimson Fleet so we're about to name the second place which will in turn reveal my first place so for me the second place position has to go to the frear Rangers there's a lot of good things going on here first I want to talk about the Cadence which feels good it feels like good pacing to me the story progresses at a reasonable pace and you get to travel to lots of different locations and be introduced to a number of different Rangers and work side by side with them and get to know them along the way the characters are great including Ron hope who is expertly voice acted by Wes Johnson who has a rich history with Bethesda voicing characters like shaag gorth himself dating back to Oblivion days The Outfits you get are cool the guns you get are cool and when all said and done you get the star Eagle ship which is an amazing Starship and can be tailored to keep up with you as you level you get to see so much of the Galaxy 2 from running the frigid and deadly Red Mile to the shootout on Marco's opulent Starship from taking down a Syndicate tyrant in neon to navigating the clinic medical space station and ultimately having a long and violent encounter with the first top dogs in an Old Neck Factory from the War the variation and pacing in this faction storyline is very well done so I do have one complaint and that's that the ranger badge once earned literally does nothing for you there are barely any new dialogue options because of it it doesn't allow you to like bypass scans when coming back into Aila city which I think that it should honestly as a ranger you should be allowed to collect Contraband and bring it back to Aila for like processing and a finder fee as a ranger I just think they could have done done more with the badge instead of having it be an ending point and that's why the Rangers take second place and they have to bow and give way to the first place Top faction storyline the Crimson Fleet I mean what can you say here the fleet ticks all the boxes the loot is amazing you get the Keel hauler and the Revenant mag Shear that CCS once used you get access to a new ship technician with unique pirate ships for sale and mods for your ship to help with piracy you get tons of new vendors to sell to and buy from plus you get a heck of a lot of money for completing the quest and beyond that you've got the story itself which is an absolute Banger it's like Point Break meets Fast and the Furious meets The Goonies right you're you're an undercover operative for Cy death but you get into deep undercover and start befriending some of the many great characters in The Crimson Fleet like Delgado Nava Jaz shinya matthys you even have access to a great bar with a potential companion for higher and while you're getting tight with the crew you're also getting caught up in an actual pirate story where a famous pirate escaped the long arm of the law and found the final resting place of a ship Laden with enough cash to buy a whole planet he fought off the denisons of the ship single-handedly only to die stranded with his Bounty Out Among the Stars I mean he literally dies the richest man in the in the universe but he can't spend a dime of it this story is an absolute Banger and there's a healthy mix of d diog and Exposition broken up with both ship combat and boots on the ground missions there was no way this Quest was going to place anywhere other than first in today's list and there you have it that's my tier list for the factions here in Starfield I really look forward to when we get some DLCs to drop to this game and hopefully we can explore more groups like House of AO and finally finding and visiting their hidden capital city and maybe seeing the Great Serpent for ourselves maybe we'll get to expand on groups like list and The Trackers Alliance as well but let me know in the comments if you agree with my list or how you would have ranked them differently thanks as always for watching feel free to leave a like only if you enjoyed the video be warm and wellfed my friends and I hope to catch you Among the [Music] Stars
Channel: True Vanguard
Views: 13,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, faction, tier list, best, worst, rangers, uc, vanguard, ryujin industries, ryujin, top 5, freestar, constellation, disciples, strikers, crimson fleet, which faction, how to get, where to find, tips, secrets, starfield secrets, this is big, update, news, true vanguard, vanguard gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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