All Reverse Flash Time Vault Scenes (Season 1)

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Dr Wells Dr Wells Ronnie did it you've entered the system Star Labs should hold good man I'm on my way down foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] good day Dr Wells one can always hope Gideon bring up my log would you certainly go ahead doctor new entry it has now been 311 days since lightning struck subject has begun relying on his speed in everyday life using his extraordinary powers to solve ordinary problems I'm late accomplish ordinary tasks unfortunately his penchant for the heroic persists I hate it when they let the new guy trained in the morning Rush [Music] the fact is don't try nothing he can be a bit of a show-off wallet now but this is awesome you've got to be kidding me hold on okay I'm just gonna I'm gonna set this down I mean this is crazy there are literally hundreds of thousands of people in Central City and out of everyone you could have picked a rob you pick me I'm sick money now you're really gonna be kicking yourself man I mean if there was an Olympics for bad luck you didn't just meddle pal you Michael Phelps we'll count to three then I'm gonna shoot you one yeah two foreign and while his desire to help others is commendable is impeding him from realizing the full scope of his abilities but there's still time as the future remains intact Gideon show me the future certainly doctor or a complete search show any references to the flash there answers to the flash look again zero references show any references to Barry Allen zero references to Barry Allen look again I've searched 3452 times Dr Wells there's nothing good day Dr Wells yes it is Gideon bring on my log please new entry it has now been 312 days since lightning struck in the past 24 hours subject has taken a Great Leap Forward causing me to revise my initial thesis I thought I thought his attachment to people was a distraction slowing down his progress now I realized the opposite is true Barry's attachment to people he cares about is actually the key to getting him up to speed in the meantime good news the future remains intact [Music] thank you [Music] foreign output has passed acceptable tolerance range continued exposure is not recommended increase to maximum Gideon increasing to maximum doctor speed force absorption at 35 and Rising I'm not stabilizing I can't hang on to my speed it comes and goes and I cannot control it Gideon for how much longer is the tachyonic device viable calculations inconclusive I'm sorry doctor only meant to be a temporary effect for real end game thank you a crude weapon if I may say so Dr Wells couldn't agree more I get him but we'll do the job [Music] Gideon and the tachyon prototype you convert it into a Quantum splicer theoretically but I must warn you Dr Wells converting the tachyon prototype will delay your timetable I'm not going to be a timetable a Central City goes up in a mushroom cloud [Music] good day Dr Wells show me the future as you wish the future remains intact Dr Wells if anything changes alert me immediately of course doctor
Channel: Mjute
Views: 11,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Flash, Reverse Flash, dc, Time Vault, Reverse Flash Season 1, The Flash Season 1, Reverse Flash Time vault, All Reverse Flash Time Vault Scenes (Season 1), All Reverse Flash Time Vault Scenes, Eobard Thawne
Id: N7yOfh7dF5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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