Barry Meets The Original Eobard Thawne - The Flash 8x18 | Arrowverse Scenes

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barry allen yeah sorry to keep you waiting no no how can i help you yeah um actually i am here on behalf of uh mutual friend who likes to run fast oh yes our friend was hoping i could take a look at your um your special project he thinks it'd be a good idea to get a second set of eyes on this just to make sure everything's safe i understand and he's right i could use another scientific eye on all this right now okay follow me yeah [Music] there she is my pride and joy wow is that an oscillation chamber it's a biometric lightning oscillation chamber ah technically we call it the block it's built with quantum computing to remotely harness lightning from the earth's upper atmosphere and turn it into artificial speed this equipment is decades ahead of any other lab no including yours i hope [Music] but i can't take full credit for all this innovation sure i can handle the physics but my colleague is more familiar with the nuts and bolts huh there he is mary allen meet the man who built this machine eubarthon nice to meet you barry allen [Music] eubarth thawne nice to meet you barry allen thought i'm uh chief of engineering here at fast track laboratories ubard here is our only employee who knows the truth about this project while i'm still perfecting it and barry here is a friend of the flash really yeah you know the flash don't you no i do you two have you met before good hell you're taking both of us there now who's the villain flash now who's the villain no i don't i don't think so uh but my memory is uh a little hazing yeah uh eobard suffers from a rare form of retrograde amnesia you're kidding i just i have trouble accessing memories connected to my personal life you know anything over a year ago all i get are occasional flashes excuse me avery i'm supposed to believe you don't remember who you are or where you're from what the hell are you doing here why'd you build this thing because mina asked me to her lightning is like nothing i've ever seen before i guess that's your doing isn't it i assure you the block is perfectly safe but you aren't what the hell do you want from me i'm sorry i have no idea why you're so upset with somebody you just met stop stop i've known you all my life you're the reverse flash look alan i have no idea what you're talking about or why you think i'm a murderous speedster because you are no i'm not now if you don't mind i have work to do
Channel: Arrowverse Scenes
Views: 296,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the flash, the flash 8x18, the flash season 8, the flash season 8 episode 18, the flash season 8 finale, matt letscher, diggle, john diggle, green lantern, eobard thawne, meena dhawan flash, meena dhawan, the flash 8x19, the flash 8x19 promo, the flash 8x19 trailer, the flash trailer, the flash clip, the flash 8x18 scene, the flash 8x18 clip
Id: hgHp9YbipEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 27sec (267 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2022
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