ALL POWER // Sunday Service // Rose Hill Church 8am

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[Music] hallelujah god there's never a day that we want to go by that we don't give you praise glory honor for who you are come on somebody lift your hands and just take a second to thank him take a second to love on him we give you glory jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh i'll never [Music] is come on wherever you are [Music] is [Music] you'll be with me always even to the end of time you'll never leave me enough lord and you'll never forsake me don't be with me always you'll never forsake me you'll be with me [Music] in this place [Music] this is what i found out that your grace and mercy has captured my [Music] it was your mercy jesus that has captured my heart [Music] come on sing it in your homes wherever you are see your [Music] your grace and mercy it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] we belong to you jesus lift it up [Music] [Music] come on say i'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] all things [Music] i let it go here's my favorite part it simply says [Music] wherever you are and i'll never be the same come on thank the lord then we've been set free sing i'll never never be [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] i've been set free [Music] my [Music] is [Music] couldn't break you [Music] oh oh oh [Music] good morning rosie family listen we're so excited that you joined us today and as you know today is a special day for every believer that's right today is resurrection sunday the day that we celebrate the passion of the christ the day that we celebrate the selflessness of jesus the day that we celebrate the bridging of the gap between god and man what a day what a day what a day well listen family we're excited that you've joined us i've got a word for you today i'm gonna give you the fourth installment of the power series i think it's gonna bless you tremendously immensely but before we do that just like we always do we honor god in and through our giving and so let's take a moment and think about sowing something to god that means something to us i teach people all the time they say what should i give first of all hear from the holy spirit have a peace about what you give but always make sure what you give means something to you if you want it to mean something to the person you're giving it to then make sure it means something to you today all of us can relate to the importance of giving the bible says for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and so god gave the greatest gift that he could ever give so the least that you and i can do is sow something that helps ministry go forth that helps people to be saved that helps lives to be changed and transformed so come on let's do it right now three simple ways to give here at the church our text to give option is simple we've made a simple short code to make it as easy as possible all you have to do is text the amount of money you want to give with the dollar sign in front of the dollar amount to eight four three two one takes the amount that you want to give to eight four 84321 secondly you can go to our website press the given option and you can give right there and then of course you can always mail it to our acadian thruway campus and the address has been provided well family once you've done that get your pens get your paper get your bible get ready for the word coming right after this next election which i know you're going to enjoy is the fourth installment from the power series now i was actually going to end it today but i think i've got a couple of more messages or so to preach in this power series i hope you're excited about that but listen get ready today for the fourth installment is coming right after this next song i can't wait to see you it feels so good to make it this far and i didn't think i could take it so long there were days i wanted to quit [Music] i said surely this is it but i held on [Music] and i watched as so-called friends turned and walked away and it hurts so much i didn't have the words to say [Music] and even when my days turn into night and nothing seems to be right lord lord i thank you thank you for my life hallelujah for my life [Music] lord i thank you for every victory and [Music] i know it was you who kept me so i thank you thank you for my life and i watch you take my family from there [Music] and when times were a little rough god i know you were near [Music] and every time i thought i failed i was reminded of your nails i held on [Music] and if i never live to see another day [Music] there's nothing i wouldn't change or take away [Music] even though i had my arms they fall away my doubts lord i thank you thank you for my life for my life hallelujah lord i thank you for every victory and you've seen and for the moment i know it was you who killed me lord i thank you i thank you for for my life i realize hallelujah the song didn't make it i could have been one of the one who lost the i almost went crazy lord i thank you i thank you for my life for my life hallelujah i thank you lord for every victory and you are seen and for the moment i know it was you who kept me loved lord i thank you lord i thank you for my life hey lord i thank you thank you for all my life lord lord i thank you thank you for my life [Music] oh hallelujah oh hallelujah jesus oh yeah hallelujah [Music] lord i thank you [Music] thank you for my life lord i thank you [Music] thank you for my life now after the sabbath as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week mary magdalene and the other mary came to look at the tomb and behold a severe earthquake had occurred and an angel of the lord descended from heaven and came and rolled away the stone and sat upon it and his appearance was like lightning and his clothing as white as snow the guard shook from fear of him and became like dead men and the angels said to the woman do not be afraid for i know that you are looking for jesus who has been crucified he is not here for he has risen just as he said come see the place where he was lying and go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead and behold he is going ahead of you to galilee there you will see him behold i have told you happy resurrection sunday family well as we begin this message you'll see a picture of a cemetery i can imagine that this brings questions to your mind pastor why are you showing a cemetery well i'm showing it first of all to commemorate the death the burial and the resurrection of our lord and savior jesus christ but my preaching today is really about the word resurrection and the truth is you can only have a resurrection if you first experience a death the word resurrection simply means this the act of rising from the dead it means to become alive again so in order to have a resurrection something must die john chapter number 12 verse number 24 puts it this way it says truly truly i say to you unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies it remains alone but if it dies it bears much fruit this particular passage explains what happens when a seed is planted the first thing it says is it's placed in a dark place and the bible says it dies well let me further explain what happens is the covering actually dies the cover is the part of the seed that's there to protect the potential that will be released at the appropriate time it dies so that the best part the part on the inside can not only thrive but multiply and as we go even deeper i want you to think about this when we think about baptism baptism simply depicts an old life ending and a new life beginning that's right when the pastor takes a person under the water it represents the dying of the old sin for nature and when he brings him up it represents the resurrection to the new life well here's a heavy question family if we want the resurrection into a new life what parts of us must pass away that's right what parts of our character what parts of our personality must change well here it is when we look at the death of jesus it teaches us a lot about the parts of us that need to pass away the truth is most people think jesus simply died when he said it is finished well that was really the culmination of his death but the truth is he really started dying in the garden of gethsemane he kept dying on the cross and his death culminated when he said it is finished come on family let's go to the text and watch it unfold the bible says in matthew chapter number 28 verses 36-42 then jesus came with them to a place called gethsemane and he told his disciples sit here while i go over there and pray and he took peter and the two sons of zebedee with him and began to be grieved and distressed then he said to them my soul is deeply grieved to the point of death remain here and keep watch with me and he went a little beyond them and fell on his face and prayed saying father if it is possible i want you to see this let this cup pass from me yet not as i will but as you will and he came to his disciples and found them sleeping and he said to peter so you men could not keep watch with me for an hour keep watching and praying so that you do not come into temptation the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak he went away again a second time and prayed saying father if this cup cannot pass away unless i drink from it your will be done the first thing that i want us to see is this jesus is taking his disciples with him to gethsemane watch this gethsemane is defined as the oil press gethsemane was a city located at the foot of the mount of olives it was the place where they extracted the oil from the olive i thought it was very ironic that it was located at the foot of the mountain because in the bible the feet represent understanding and i began to think what progress we would make if we had understanding as it relates to our circumstances and situations that oftentimes extract the oil from our lives if we could only understand that even the distasteful events that we go through even those events cause us to grow and to grow and to grow and if we could gain some insight if we could gain some purity instead of wallowing in pity and acting petty if we could gain some faith instead of just acting fake if we could gain some wisdom instead of just whining if we could grow stronger instead of growing strained in our relationships oh what progress could we make jesus brings his disciples there and watch this he leaves one group in one place and then he takes another group a little further and he leaves them there and the bible says he takes the three the three peter james and john those who he evidently thought or knew had the capacity to watch and pray with him now watch this however even though they had the capacity one thing is evident in the text is they didn't understand the gravity what do you mean they didn't understand the gravity of the moment how hard is it to find people who understand what you're going through at your most vulnerable moments somebody who's watching this understands what i'm talking about man it's challenging to find people who understand what you're going through at your most vulnerable moments how challenging it is it to find somebody who cares when you need it the most but nevertheless jesus stays the course i need somebody to type right now nevertheless nevertheless somebody type nevertheless shout nevertheless in other words i'm going through some things but nevertheless i've got some circumstances but nevertheless i got some haters and some critics and all types of things but nevertheless i will not stop doing what god called me to do i will not be hindered i will not be deterred the bible says jesus leaves both groups behind and he goes to pray jesus goes to be alone with the father and watch this it brings me to my very first point and i want you to see this on this resurrection sunday the first point is this the first thing that has to die if you want to experience resurrection is the need for approval and affirmation let me say that again the need for approval and affirmation now let's not play games family everybody wants to be liked everybody wants approval and with love affirmation that's only natural but the question is do you need people's approval and do you need their affirmation to keep going do you need their approval and their affirmation to do what god told you to do and if they withhold their approval and their affirmation will it affect your forward progress that's a heavy question family watch this because we all want it but it's definitely wrong to need it the problem is when we need approval when we need approval no what we need is god's approval come on let's go family watch this if jesus would have needed approval then he would not have finished the task god sent him here to do a job and if he would have needed the approval of people he never would have completed the task and i just want to park here for a moment and ask you a serious question have you allowed the lack of approval and affirmation to halt your progress have you given up on what god told you to do because people haven't blessed it and affirmed it the bible says jesus goes a little further he goes a little further verse 39 says this and he went a little beyond them and fell on his face and prayed saying father if it is possible let this cup pass from me yet not as i will but as you will this is good he comes back and finds them sleeping verse 42 says this he went away again a second time and prayed saying my father if this cup cannot pass away unless i drink from it your will be done man there's a lot right here but i want to break a few things down for you the second thing i want you to see in the text is this and the second thing that has to die if we want to be resurrected into a new life is vanity and ego let me say it again vanity and ego i know when i use the word vanity people automatically jump right to materialism i'm not talking about materialism watch this vanity simply means this pride in oneself are in one's look pride in oneself and pride in one's look the word ego i also attach to drive home the point because the word ego in latin means i i i i i a person that simply thinks i i think it ought to be done this way i think this i think that it's all about i and it's my will and it's me and if all you think is i i i me me me my my my until you are separated till you say god's will be done you will not experience the resurrection that god has in store for you and so we've got to separate ourselves from vanity and we've got to separate ourselves from ego watch this jesus prays two times asking lord is there another way but if not not my will not i but your will be done he prays so intently that the vessels burst beneath his skin and blood flows through the pores of his skin a condition called hydrotidrosis and watch this he's seeking the will of the father over the will for self this is important watch this because whenever god does something away that you don't think it should be done then many of us assume that god made a mistake come in somebody god didn't make any mistakes here's the thing you've got to align your will with god's will even when it seems like the will is taking you away you don't really want to go or you don't really think is necessary or deemed necessary to go in other words you just gotta trust god you just gotta let go watch this jesus says okay god if you choose to take me this way i'll go there might be some bumps in the road but i'll go there might be some detours and some re-wraps but i'll go i'll go if it's your will somebody watching me right now god may want you to do some things in your life that's different from what you thinking should be done at this juncture in your life and you just gotta let go and let god somebody watching me right now you don't want to go back to school you think you're too old to go back to school but you might have to go back to school somebody watching me right now you said it's too late in life to start a new career but god might be calling you to start a new career somebody watching me now watch this you might not be comfortable taking risks but god might be asking you to take a risk in this season and god may be asking you to remove the eye and say your will be done when god gives you a destination he never gives you the in between that's important family you just have to let go and let god let go and let god means god i trust you i don't know where you're taking me to but i trust you i don't know exactly what you're doing in my life but i trust you i trust you what i trust you that you're gonna bring me to the right destination i trust you that you're gonna bring me to the end i trust you that you have a plan for my life i trust you that your plan for my life is better than the one that i could conjure up for myself lord i trust you in everything i acknowledge you in all my ways and i give you permission to direct my path oh that's so good somebody somebody shout lord i trust you watch this all you have control over in reality is your attitude and your thoughts your attitude and your thoughts and watch this it's your thoughts that will eventually become things so be careful what you think about because what you think about would often manifest will ultimately manifest in your life let god control what you can't the truth of the matter is god does everything anyway think about it you don't beat your own heart you don't make your blood flow you don't cleanse your body through your kidneys all of that god works all of it if god can control all the functions of your body then god can control your life not only can he control your life but god knows who you need along the way and when you need them watch this let's go back to the text of course we know the story they take him from judgment house to judgment house we know that they place a crown of thorns on his head and give him a fake scepter and they punch him and they bruise and the bible says he was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities wounded to take care of our outside issues bruised to take care of our inside issues he was taken to the whipping post and given 39 lashes and the bible says by his stripes we are healed and ultimately they make him carry his cross to a hill called galgotha the place of the skull up to an old rugged cross oh there's a song that says how i love that old cross the old rugged cross now watch this in luke 23 33-35 the bible says this and when they came to the place called the skull golgotha there they crucified him and the criminals one on the right and the other on the left but jesus was saying father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing and they cast lots dividing his garments among themselves now i should i want you to see something they don't have a clue what they're doing they've got jesus the ceo of the universe and they're mocking him they're ridiculing him they're nailing him to an old rugged cross they're hosting him up they're watching him bleed and they're gambling over his clothes but here's something awesome the bible says jesus says father forgive them for they know not what they do here's the next thing that needs to go if you want to experience a resurrection to a new life it's hatred and unforgiveness this is so good it'll bless your life i want you to think about it for a moment how could jesus forgive them it's a heavy question how could he forgive them what do you mean he made them the man that crucified him he made them the cross that they're nailing him to came from the wood which came from the tree which he created the nails that they put in his hands came from the ore that he put in the earth that they harvested to make the nails yet he forgives them and the question that we have to ask is what did he know that we don't why was forgiveness so crucial and here's the answer family love always conquers hate let me say it slowly love always conquers hate now let me give you a definition of what hate really is hate is simply love moving in the wrong direction and because it's love moving in the wrong direction hatred will never cease or better yet hatred will never overcome hatred only love will overcome hatred jesus knew that i cannot overcome hatred with more hatred that if i'm gonna overcome hatred the only thing that can triumph over hatred is love and even though i'm dying even though i'm being crucified even though they're ridiculing me even though they're my creation i have to show love because love will always try off watch this somebody who's watching me right now i know you're going through difficult times i know people are hating on you doing all kinds of things and it's challenging to love right now but love triumphs over hate every time what he knew what did he know he knew what the world needed then and what the world needs now is love watch this u.s anderson says this and this is good find a person who hates and you find a person who thinks they are hated find the person who resents and you'll find the person who believes they are resented find a person who is bitter and you'll find a person who thinks life is treating them bitterly find a person who is hopeless and you'll find a person who thinks nobody cares about them or for them i want you to think about that for a moment so all the people who are perpetrating hate and bitterness and all these things are people who themselves are bitter or people who think that they're hated in other words there's a lack of love when we look at all the things that are going on in our society all of the stuff that we say man this is horrible but could it be that they lack love why how do you know that pastor because all evil is born of a lack of love that's a heavy statement and it'll take you a moment to meditate on that and gloss over that but all evil is born of a lack of love a man or a woman must first know the love of god i've been preaching this for years a man or woman must first know the love of god and watch this and that they are loved by life and then and only then can the love of god flow through them that's why the body of christ ought to be passionate about getting people saved on this resurrection sunday when we think about what jesus did to bridge the gap between god and man we ought to be trying to introduce everybody we can to the life-changing lord and savior jesus christ why so that they can experience the love of god for themselves and the love of god can flow through them and watch watches the more people who experience the love of god the more love that will flow through the streets of our city through our state through our country and through the world and watch this what does love do pastor love creates love produces love heals let me say that again love heals love comforts love guides love gives for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son one who makes himself or herself one with love makes themselves one with god i want you to think about this it was love that caused him to forgive it was love that caused jesus to forgive it was love that caused jesus to die and watch this it was love that got him out of the grave early that sunday morning with all power in his hands the father so loved him that he gave him but he also loved them so much that he raised him and watch this it's the love of god that will raise all of us up i know my time is well spent but before i go can i go just a bit deeper can i ask you a question the bible says that jesus got up with all power in his hands both in heaven and in earth here's a heavy question if jesus got up with all power in his hands how much power does the devil have i'll wait maybe i need to pose the question again if god raised jesus from the dead and jesus got up with all power in his hands how much power does the devil have the answer is zero or watch this as much as you give him i'm talking to you yeah he has no power in your life unless you give it to him and so many of us are talking about the devil is busy but the truth of the matter is he won't have any power in your life if you stop giving him power realize on this resurrection sunday morning that god has all power and that same power that created the universe and that same power that created the oceans and the same power that created the rivers and the brooks and the trees and the fields and the flowers that same power that created time and eternity that same power lives in you and when you and i align ourselves with god and acknowledge him in all of our ways watch that same power flow through you like you've never experienced before he's got all power somebody type all power all power all power we stop giving the enemy power we'll stop giving circumstances power stop giving situations power stop giving haters power stop giving all your power away and you'll see some power flow and watch this when you align yourself with god you'll see power in your prayer life you'll see power in your relationships you'll see power in your business you'll see power as it relates to creativity you'll see power in every area of your life and the power will flow listen god sent his son jesus to die on an old rugged cross to bridge the gap between god and man so that the holy spirit could take a residency in our body and so that he can control our bodies from the inside out and the power of god could flow in our lives we talk about power as the ability to control circumstances and situations watch this when we align ourselves with god god gives us the ability to alter to change every circumstance and situation in our lives you can start with nothing and end up with something you can start broke and end up rich you can start broken and end up here you can start sick and end up here there is no limitations to what god can do in your life when you align yourself with him all power is available to you on this resurrection sunday morning that's something to shout about on this resurrection sunday morning is something to be encouraged about on this resurrection sunday morning take your power back take your joy back take your piece back and realize that god has given all things to you and whatever you need lives on the inside of you man what an awesome god we serve and so for these last few minutes why don't you just lift your hands lift your hands all over this sanctuary somebody say pastor we're not in the sanctuary watch this this is the temple of the holy spirit so lift your hands in the temple give god some praise say thank you god thank you for jesus thank you for saving me thank you for giving me all power thank you for bridging the gap between god and man thank you for being everything that i could possibly ever want or need and if you're watching me right now you say i don't have this relationship pastor well the good news is you can you can have it you can have it right now today all you have to say is god i confess all my sins are shortcoming today i make you lord of my life come into my life take control of my life have your way with my life i align my will with your will your will be done you are lord of my life the bible says if we believe in our heart and confess with our mouth that jesus is lord we can be saved right now and if you did that i believe you're saved right now join your bible teaching bible preaching church if you need to rededicate your life it's simple that's not over complicated just simply say lord i want you back i want you as head of my life i want you as lord of my life and number three if you want to be a part of our church family we would love for you to join our family you want to be a member simply send us a message go to our facebook page and direct message us go to our website hit the contact us button send us a message put your name put a contact number so that we can reach out to you we'll walk you through the prayer repentance we'll acclimate you to the ministry we'll do whatever needs to be done but listen just know that god loves you and we love you too and there's absolutely nothing that you can do about it on the behalf of my lovely wife lady sherman on behalf of the entire rose hill family we love you today god bless you take care of yourselves have a wonderful sunday we'll see you thursday [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Rose Hill Church
Views: 549
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Vk_NM8HgJgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 14sec (2954 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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