All Pokemon Creepy Pastas Explained in fnf (VERY DARK STORIES!)

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in today's video we're going to cover all the Pokemon horror stories that have popped up in fnf over the last year starting with the newest mod titled ingrained all of these stories are really dark so leave now if you don't want your image of Pokemon ruined now when grain takes place during the time of Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire and tells the story of what would happen if you don't stop team aqua's plans for those of you that don't remember the plan or simply never played the Gen 3 Pokemon games team aqua's goal was to awaken a Pokemon named Kyogre which would cause a endless rainstorm and flood the world in the actual Creepypasta it is May who fails to stop Team Aqua and as such mace Pokemon start to drown one by one as the sea level continues to rise the only one amazed Pokemon that didn't drown is Rosalina and this Pokemon was so desperate to save herself and her trainer that she did the only thing she could think of and that was to use the move called ingrain on the two of them now the moving grain did keep the two of them alive but maybe it would have been better just to Die the vines from ingrained came up from the soil and basically dragged Mei and Rosalina to the bottom of the ocean which just cause them both to be drowned but the vines from ingrained also kept healing the two of them making it impossible for them to die permanently which is why in the mod you keep seeing little Sparks of green popping up to show that they are actually being healed so they are basically in a state where they are forever drowning but never able to pass away a very similar situation to drowned Sonic if you guys remember that mod this Creepypasta is actually a counterpart to a creepypasta called drought where they fail to stop Team Magma's playing and a Groudon basically turns the world into a giant microwave slowly burning every person and Pokemon to death honestly if I have to choose between drowning or burning alive I don't even know if I can make that decision they're both just horrible ways to go out now actual fun fact about this mod is that boyfriend is such a crazy person that he actually puts on scuba gear here and Dives down to the bottom of the ocean just so he can battle May which in reality what he should be trying to do is figure out a way to get out of this crazy drowned Pokemon Universe the next Creepypasta on our list is going to be hypnos lullaby now the hypnose lullaby story actually reads A Lot Like A poem and it goes like this Come Little Children come with me safe and happy you will be away from your homes now let us run with Hypno you'll have so much fun oh little children please don't cry Hypno wouldn't hurt a fly be free be free be free to play come down in my cave with me to stay oh little children please don't squirm those ropes I know will hold you firm Hypno tells you this is true but sadly Hypno lied to you oh little children you mustn't leave your families for you will grieve their minds will unravel at the scene allowing me to haunt their dreams but surely all of you must know that it is time for you to go oh little children you weren't clever now you shall stay with me forever this Creepypasta is based on the Pokedex of Hypno where it kind of implies that there was a time where Hypno actually hypnotized a child and took that child away in the Pokemon game still it doesn't make it seem as if Hypno actually did anything to harm the child this Creepypasta takes Hypno and makes him like the worst case scenario of what he could do with his abilities the thing that really makes hypnose story so Sinister is that he tricks these kids in order to put the parents in distress so that he can basically devour their bad feelings right their nightmares and after he calls all that pain and suffering he could just let the kids go but it's implied that he does not now before we move on from Hypno I also want to talk about the songs be gone purpose and memories because we get to see small Hypno in this other version of Hypno kind of standing on a rooftop now I'm pretty sure the visuals hair kind of give away what Hypno is thinking about doing but a lot of people don't understand why he feels like this and from my understanding this version of Hypno actually had a trainer that ended up unaliving herself and now he feels like he has no purpose which is why he's on this rooftop definitely very dark but it does kind of give another perspective to why Hypno is doing the things that he is doing next on our list we're going to talk about all the Lost Silver Creepypasta characters but first I got to tell you the actual backstory of the Lost Silver Creepypasta and it goes like this so the Lost Silver Creepypasta actually originated on 410 and it was a thread from all the way back in 2010. now the original Creepypasta started with this person who was a use Pokemon fan and ended up going to GameStop to find a copy of Pokemon Silver and he ended up finding a copy but it was Dirt Cheap now in actuality that should have been the first red flag because if anybody has been to GameStop you know dang well no Pokemon game is cheap now when this person actually got the game home and loaded it up they noticed that there was already a save file on there and it was kind of weird the Pokedex had all 251 Pokemon in it and the person also had maxed out their money and their levels but the most unsettling thing was the actual party that the person had the party basically contained five unknown and one Cyndaquil and according to the Creepypasta the unknown spelled out leave and the cyndaquil's name was hurry the narrator of this Creepypasta also talks about finding himself trapped in a still version of the Bellsprout Tower and apparently parts of this room were just completely engulfed in darkness and even when he tried to use Flash the only thing that happened was that the room turned this menacing red color and as the trainer got deeper into this world he noticed that Pokemon don't faint here but they're actually unalived kind of like doing a Pokemon Nuzlocke but for real the unknown that originally spelled leave started spelling dying and then eventually even spelled no more in the original Creepypasta the narrator also had to end up battling Pokemon trainers from red and blue and I think some of them actually pop up in this mod as well and a fun fact in a creepypasta we actually see Celebi and we see Pikachu going at it and end up taking each other out by using parasong and Destiny Bond the narrator also noticed that the longer he was in this Pokemon Universe the more he started to actually lose his sanity but also pieces of his body and this is when we look at gold he literally has no arms or leg now when we actually look at the Friday night funkin mod we get to see go first fighting against red and a lot of people don't know this version of red is actually from a creepypasta called snow on Mount Silver and in that creepy pasta we basically see red get trapped on top of Mount Silver and his Pokemon basically start to freeze until they are unalived and since he can't fly off the mountain he can't use an escape rope and he can't simply walk down red eventually faces the same fate as his Pokemon and that's why in his mod we see him take on this skeletal form where he's missing a leg and all he's Pokemon are laying on the floor that's because this is how the Creepypasta actually ends for red the next character that we get to say in the mod is silver and he's in the song called insomnia he actually comes from the video game version of lost silver gold can run into him and battle his sleeping for alligator which is what we see here on the screen what's kind of funny though is in the my Cyndaquil uses something called Nightmare and it basically turns for alligator back into Totodile and then he simply faints after that and the last words that silver actually says to you is even now a lot of people have different interpretations of this but in my opinion I think that this kind of shows how a lot of these kids in the Pokemon games kind of have their moment of glory and then they just kind of Fade Out as you see in the actual mod he basically has no mouth it looks like it's been sealed in and his eyes are literally black just sunken and gone it's almost as if they're saying that as these kids reach their Peak they no longer have anything to actually offer they're just getting replaced by new kids and the Pokemon Adventure just starts over and I think this is part of the reason that we see for alligator literally being dormant here meaning that he has no more room to grow and now that's so over served his purpose he's basically just going to be forgotten now hearing this dark gloomy Forest if you're still with me in this video put down your favorite Gen 2 Pokemon mine is definitely going to be chicorita now the next character I'll be seeing this mod is actually called glitchy red and he's throwing a creepypasta of the same name now this Creepypasta hits home for a lot of people because first of all it deals with Pokemon Red which invokes a sense of nostalgia for a lot of people and it also adds some insight into why Red Is So Silent meaning why he doesn't talk now that some of this groupie pasta up it basically involves a person who bought a copy of Pokemon Red off of eBay and as soon as this person actually received the game and booted it up he knew that it wasn't a normal game but he ignored that figuring that he had spent enough money on regular Pokemon games in the past so he could deal with having one bootleg copy now the protagonist of this story played through the game pretty much normally up until he got to the part where he can do that missing number glitch but for whatever reason the glitch didn't actually work on this particular game so the protagonist just went on playing through the game and ended up going into the mansion that's on Cinnabar Island now when he walked into the Mansion there was actually actually some text that popped up that said nice try red and this actually started to creep this guy out because if you played through the Pokemon games before you know that this actual text doesn't pop up and it was also on all caps as if it was the actual player saying this now as he continued to progress through the game he noticed that red kept talking to him and red was basically asking why are these things happening to him why is he suffering why are there so many glitches in his world and why is he basically been tortured for doing nothing wrong now initially the protagonist thought that this was just a glitch but as they started happening more and more often he realized that this was something more than just a glitch this video game character seemed to actually be talking to him and be actually suffering based on these glitches and to make matters worse one day when the protagonist was asleep he actually had a nightmare that a kid in a red and white cap that looked a lot like red actually appeared in his dream and when his dream version of red saw the protagonist he attacked him scratching up his chest and his sides and this wouldn't have been a big deal is when the protagonist woke up he didn't have those same scratches on his chest and to make matters worth even to this day when the protagonist wakes up he still finds those scratches on his chest meaning even after he beat the game red still comes into his dreams and attacks him now while this grippy pasta is obviously kind of scary one thing that kind of always stuck with me is how sad it is as well the whole story red is basically just trying to understand why he has to suffer why does he have to die why does he have to be dismissed and forgotten even though he was supposed to be a hero like a Pokemon master and since he never actually gets the answer to that he just stops talking that's why whenever you run into him he's just silent definitely a scary Pokemon creepypasta but also very sad the next character that we see on our list is called strangle red and he's from a creepypasta of the same name and this one is also very dark the narrator basically talks about trying to trade his Charizard with his brother so that his brother can finally complete his Pokedex but during the trade something happens to where the game glitches and Charizard is basically lost forever now what makes this really sad is that Charizard was basically his favorite Pokemon now after a year being depressed in mourning the trainer finally decides is going to try to resurrect his Charizard so it has very much pet cemetery type of Vibes and he tries to use the glitch missing no in order to make this happen but in the game it actually has a quote that says sometimes dead is better and he does succeed in resurrecting something but it is not the Charizard that he came to love but instead a type of abomination in the game it actually gives him a couple of options and the last option is strangle and then the Creepypasta that's what the character actually chooses which is why it has the name strangle very sad Creepypasta because all he wanted to do is bring back his best friend and he ended up basically making that Charizard suffer death twice the next characters that we see in the model is going to be Hells Bell and bells above or aka the old man in the suit and this one is from a Kirby pasta called Pokemon hell bell and the Creepypasta basically talks about how a young girl inherited a copy of the Pokemon game from her brother because he simply didn't like gym for a Pokemon and apparently he had hacked into the game and got like six level 100 rayquazas since the young lady hated this Pokemon she went ahead and started trading those requires for other Pokemon and one of the Pokemon to see traded that Rayquaza 4 was bronze on now when she got this Pokemon she noticed that his nickname was hell bell and since she was very religious she was going to get rid of the Pokemon at first but she noticed that she couldn't trade it and she also couldn't put it back in the PC and even when she tried it gave her a message saying I can't go back on my own you need to take me back so trying to follow the direction of this Pokemon she does end up trying to take it back to his original owner and she ends up finding a old man in a suit now I believe that this old man is supposed to be the devil and I say this because if you look at the actual mod it looks like they're actually in a part of Hell there but in the Creepypasta he also asked for the woman's true name and he also tells her to breathe into the actual game boy and once she does this he says thank you now you belong to me and from that moment on she was basically like a cursed human meaning that she could barely sleep anymore any food that she ate basically tasted like ashes and whenever she would go around any type of wildlife they would either bark at her or just run away and while some people don't think that that's a big deal that's all animals even her own dog would run away from her at this point even though the dog should know that that's his owner that she loves and cares for him and while in my opinion this one isn't as scary as some of the other ones anything that actually deals with like the real devil is kind of creepy in a way now the next character that we say in the mod is actually missing no and this one is interesting because the missing number glitch doesn't really have a single Creepypasta that's dedicated to it but instead it has multiple different creepypastas with different scenarios the one thing that all these Creepypastas have in common though is that it usually deals with Pokemon getting trapped into their Pokeballs and then being corrupted because they can't get out these grippy passes are usually very sad because they don't just deal with Pokemon fainting but literally being unalived because they simply cannot get out of their pokeballs the next character we see on the list is called buried alive and he's the main antagonist other Creepypasta also called buried alive and initially he was supposed to be a Pokemon trainer who you actually thought is like a boss in the Pokemon Tower but later on he was actually replaced by marowak's ghost for the people who would have been able to make it to him the Pokemon that you would have face was a Gengar a muck and then two white hands now the white hands actually appear in this mod here and the white hand is basically a Pokemon which is depicted as like a shriveled decayed hand and the two white hands could use the Ability transform to actually turn into the opponent's Pokemon and attack them like that in the Friday night funky mod we actually see girlfriend pop up and it looks like her face is gone those are actually the white hands transforming into something that they know would be a weakness for boyfriend and if you did end up actually losing a battle against buried alive it would be this screen that says finally fresh meat and then buried alive would drag the player back to his grave and devour that person the next Pokemon creepypasta is going to be the unknown King now the unknown King has a couple of Creepypastas because he has gotten popular over the last couple of years but there's one in particular that I really like by a YouTuber named YouTube HK and it basically goes as follows so one night there was a kid that was home alone on Christmas Eve while his parents were out partying with family the kid stayed home because he was sick and then eventually he heard a knock on his door when the kid goes to check it out he finds a letter and a copy of Soul Silver now the letter basically tells the kid to take this game because the original owner no longer wanted it the kid was so excited to play it that he decided to go ahead and fire it up immediately now once he started the game he noticed that the letter had a set of instructions the original owner wanted the kid to not start a new game but instead to continue his foul and finish his Pokedex now the save file was technically only missing three Pokemon so the kid was excited to get a chance to actually get to see a fully fleshed out Pokedex the three missing Pokemon were Celebi Oho and Lugia so the kid set off to of course First Catch Celebi and once he captured it with a master ball he noticed that when he transferred the Pokemon to his PC it actually got transferred to something called Pandora's Box now this really should have been a red flag for this kid because most of you are probably familiar with Pandora's Box in case you're not it's basically a old Greek mythology myth and if you open up this box it releases sickness death and just basically evil stuff right demons but in this case defense why would he really be thinking that so he just went ahead and continued on as if nothing had really happened now remembering the rest of his mission the kid went ahead and captured the last two legendaries and once he had all the legendaries he went ahead and looked at the next part of the instructions on the letter and the letter basically told him to make a team consisting of mu Oho Celebi Lugia suicune and Moltres now the next step required the boy to go to the ruins of Alf and play the unknown radio in front of a statue at precisely 3 AM which of course is another red flag considering that 3am is the witching hour now once the a.m hit the boy spoke to the Statue he noticed that a cry rang out that he had never heard before and after that each one of his Pokemon would cry out and then vanish now once they were all gone a text box appeared saying that your sacrifice of your team has made way for the liberation of the unknown King soon after that the boy saw a pokedex entry of a Pokemon that looked like a bunch of unknown masks together into like a crab-like monstrosity the Pokedex said that this Ferocious Beast can sleep for thousands of years and when it wakes up he will kill anything in order to feed now the boy didn't think too much of this initially but as he started to travel around the Pokemon world he noticed that a lot of people were disappearing and after he ended up talking to Mr Fuji he learned that this is because the unknown King was feeding on people the story basically ends with a young man having to battle against the unknown King and been handily defeated but the most interesting part is that at the end of this a man in Black appears and he thanks the young man for freeing the unknown King saying that it wouldn't have been possible without him and I assume with some of the hints that they drop in the Creepypasta that this is supposed to be the devil now while this grippy pasta is definitely dark it technically has a happier ending than some of the other versions of the unknown King Creepypastas and a lot of The Other Stories the actual kid who's playing the game ends up being eaten at the end of the story so while this kid may have a little bit of trauma at least he gets to leave with his life the next character we're going to talk about is going to be hex Maniac now many of you might actually be familiar with the hex Maniac Sprite especially if you played a lot of the Pokemon games especially the Hoenn region games now that specific event that this Sprite is known known for is actually the event from Pokemon X and Y and it happens when you enter a specific floor in the Luminous City the lights begin to flicker before a character using the hex Maniac model appears behind the player and she's gliding like a ghost basically so they have no walking animation and then the hex Maniac stops and they say no you're not the one before gliding away and going off screen now the creepy part about this is that there's actually no exit on that floor except the elevator behind the player and after that moment the player is unable to find that particular character ever again and this is another reason why people think that it was a ghost a whole while so while there isn't a huge group of pasta attached to this character that whole little scene there is kind of creepy put down in the comments if you actually remember it the next character on this list is probably my favorite because it's super creepy it's called Sharon and it's basically like a mangled version of Gardevoir so a Gardevoir that's basically been dropped to zero HP and no matter what you do you can't actually heal the Pokemon so it's just stuck in this like state of undeath and in the story the Pokemon is found in an abandoned damage Pokey Walker and eventually the protagonist of the story ends up transferring this Pokemon to his copy of Soul Silver where they are then teleported to the old Chateau from Diamond pearl and platinum the protagonist then navigates through the building eventually coming to the spot where you capture Rotom in the sheno games and that's when this mango version of Gardevoir actually thanks the player for bringing them there before saying that they will come for the protagonist in five days and letting out a huge scream that actually goes through the DS speakers now this causes the actual protagonist to drop the DS in real life and the sad part here is that it's implied that this Pokemon actually does keep its word and comes for the protagonist in real life basically taking his soul now in the actual story called call of Charon it actually gives the quote that he uses it says thank you for bringing me here these souls and mind will rest now we're not done yet however your turn will come yours will come and I will in five days I will come get you which is super creepy especially when you probably think that the person who's actually planning the game is probably just a kid the next character that we have on the list and even though it's hard to tell is actually Wiggly tough and it's in the song called amusia and a fun fact here amusia is a condition that leaves a person unable to perceive music which of course would be a terrible fate for a Pokemon that literally lives to sing and the name of this song actually makes sense when you know the backstory of the Creepypasta which is named disabled the story basically starts with a kid that really wanted a Wigglytuff or a Jigglypuff so they ended up trading with somebody and they got a wiggly tough at level 26 but there was something off about the Wigglytuff from the start the wiggly tough had a name that was called disabled and when he looked at the Pokemon nature it said gloomy and I'm pretty sure even today there is no gloomy nature but definitely back in the day there wasn't a gloomy nature for Pokemon I think Shy might have been the closest thing to gloomy but basically when the trainer got this Wigglytuff it only knew seeing so he taught him a couple of other moves and then went out to start battling the first Pokemon that they ran into was ponytail which is why we actually see ponytail in his mod and as he was trying to attack Ponyta he realized that sing didn't work but also none of the other moves worked as well the thing that was the most creepy is that when he tried to use seeing time and time again it just kept saying that Singh was disabled and I think that was even more creepy is that the Ponyta in the game lost its regular Sprite look and actually just looked terrified the face that the ponytail is making in the mod actually is a good representation of this the trainer tried to battle two ponytails and each time they were able to run away because Wigglytuff just couldn't do any damage and more importantly couldn't sing now the part that's really creepy about this is that while the kid is holding his DS trying to figure out what's going on with his Pokemon he starts to hear a voice coming through the actual speakers and the voice is basically asking why why can't I sing and it gets even weirder when disabled asks the boy can you sing now initially the little kid says no but then disable starts to scream through this DS just saying sing louder and louder and even though this kid was trying to tell this able that he could not sing the Pokemon I thought that he was lying it just kept screaming through the DS eventually the kid dropped the DS and just ran out of the room and later on he decided to just trade the wiggly after some other kid now those of you who are familiar with Pokemon Creepypastas will understand this ending when he traded this Wigglytuff he actually traded it for a Cyndaquil in the cyndaquil's name was hurry if you understand that reference put it down in the comments if you enjoyed this video make sure to check out this video on the screen here and if you made it to the end of this video leave a smiley face in the comments people who didn't make it to the end will have no idea why you're doing it subscribe to daily creme remember the horse for us and we'll see you tomorrow with another video peace peace
Channel: Orseofkorse
Views: 344,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Friday Night Funkin, Friday Night Funkin', fnf, orseofkorse fnf facts, orseofkorse fnf, Orseofkorse, friday night funkin animation, friday night funkin mods, All Pokemon Creepy Pastas, Explained in fnf, (VERY DARK STORIES!), pokemon creepypasta, creepy pasta, All Pokemon Creepy Pastas Explained in fnf (VERY DARK STORIES!), ingrained fnf, Ingrained, hypno's lullaby v2, hypno's lullaby, lost silver creepypasta, lost silver fnf
Id: 2EMKT3gVgZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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