All MLB Mascots Ranked Worst to Best

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mascots everybody loves them some even say they're the best part of baseball well at least I'm sure somebody said that at one point anyways here's my opinion of all the MLB mascots ranked from least to best in my totally unbiased opinion number 30 is the angels with rally monkey yes he is a real monkey but he's not even the official mascot and he doesn't go on the field he's just shown them the jumbo screen sometimes when the angels are losing to give them good luck so that's why he's last on my list but still it is impressive they got a baseball uniform on a monkey number 29 is the Dodgers because they have another unofficial mascot he actually doesn't even have a name and he's just a guy in a Dodgers uniform actually I'm sorry he's not considered a mascot he's considered a unique performance character yeah totally not a mascot Los Angeles wants a mascot so bad that one time a guy dressed up as a bear jumped on top of the dugout started dancing and got arrested poor bear number 28 is the New York Yankees their mascot isn't around anymore and there are barely any pictures of him his name is dandy get it like Yankee Doodle Dandy I didn't come up with that joke okay he also has a moustache which makes no sense cuz the Yankees have a no beard or moustaches rule and it turns out that he's actually supposed to be a bird I give up number 27 is the Mets with mr. met now mr. met is very popular and in most other rankings he's towards the top I'm not sure why though he's just a baseball head he's not funny and he came up with the same idea many mascots came up with now weather he came up with that before the other mascots I'm too lazy to check but they're not that good ideas and there's also mrs. met which is another baseball head that's not funny I know mets fans are gonna say that I put mr. met on the bottom because I hate the Mets well right now they're doing so terrible that you don't hate the Mets you just feel bad for them number 26 is the Orioles and moving past the fact that I hate the Orioles with every fiber of my being their mascot is an Oriole duh I mean it makes sense it would be weird if it was something else and it's the only mascot that's head is the official logo but its name is the Oriole bird with such an uncreative mascot at least come up with a creative name it should be something like well I'm not the one whose job it is to come up with names for the Orioles mascot whoever's job it is though who they hired to come up with a name for the mascot you stink at your job I hope you get fired by the way why do the Orioles fans hate the nats so much I mean we're not even in the same league both literally and figuratively so anyways wait what does that flag say Orioles Division champions how old is that photo? number 25 is the Texas Rangers with captain Ranger what it's Ranger's Captain you've got to be kidding me Captain Ranger sounds so much better okay anyways he's a horse okay I'm done let's move on number 24 is the Cardinals with Fred bird so his name's Fred he's a bird and his name's Fred and he's a bird and yeah his name's Fred and he's a bird that's all I got there's nothing else about this mascot he doesn't try to be funny he just walks around he's for some reason named Fred and he's a cardinal not very creative they also have rally squirrel which is pretty much just if a squirrel runs onto the field you go oooh rally time you know people are smuggling them into the ball park other teams stole that idea too the Tigers have rally goose the Royals have rally cat and the Nats have rally pigeon what should the Orioles have like rally Bigfoot when Bigfoot walks onto the field then the Orioles will start doing well number 23 is the Tigers with paws first of all his costume isn't very elaborate it's as if they were like we need a mascot so they ran to the thrift store and bought a tiger costume he does have a very active Twitter account though he tweets out about every single day but this guy gets paid to dress up as a tiger sit in an air-conditioned room and tweet I want your job I'm just kidding the things he tweets out are actually pretty funny but he should spend a little more of his time being funny on the field that's one of the things mascots kind of have to do number 22 is the Toronto Blue Jays eh gosh it sure is fun to talk like this their mascot's name is Ace and at first you're like oh he looks cool but then things about him don't make any sense like what are those pants last I checked Blue Jays do not wear a ripped pants and you would think the logo would look a little bit like the mascots head no they look nothing alike there is also Ace Junior which is just like ace except a little bit smaller there used to be a female version of him named Diamond but they got rid of her misogynists anyways his name is ace cuz it's like ace pitcher and there's gambling down there but it really is sad when you think about how many people are losing their money over there when they bet on their team number 21 is the Cubs with Clark the cub here's a little song I made up Stop Cubs Stop, Stop Cubs Stop, Hey Chicago What do you say the Cubs are gonna lose today so if you don't already know I hate the Cubs even if I did like the Cubs though their mascot is still pretty lame they don't got the power they don't got the speed they're gonna be the worst in the National League This isn't the year and the cubs aren't in. So Don't come down to Wrigley Field Stop Cubs Stop, Stop Cubs Stop somebody go grab a mop cause Joe Maddon just threw up clark doesn't try to be funny he just takes pictures with people and his team won the World Series somewhat recently and they couldn't have done it without Clark number 20 is the Royals with Sluggerrr I think he spelled it wrong compared to some of these mascots that's a hilarious pun sluggerrr isn't funny at all and sluggerrr's costume is lame just has a head and arms all Sluggerrr really does is wave the flag when the Royals win although there is one thing about Sluggerrr that I think is cool how the crown is built into its head speaking of Sluggerrr one of my baseball cards has him on it we've got your bases covered in cheese Royals blue cheese slides down your throat what the heck this is weird I want my money back actually no that's kind of cool I also have Honus Wagner the one that costs three million dollars I'm just kidding it's not real I don't want people breaking into my house for this number 19 is the Marlins with Billy the Marlin he does look different now though thanks to Derek freaking Jeter who bought the Marlins recently before Derek Jeter after Derek Jeter before Derek Jeter after Derek Jeter before Derek Jeter after Derek Jeter Derek Jeter why must you get rid of things that are good anyways the NL East has a lot of good and popular mascots but I feel like Billy's the exception he has a plastic head and these weird pants and just gloves and shoes they could have done a little better than that and the only thing he's really known for is that time a warm-up pitch hit this truck that he happened to be riding on but I don't mean to make him sound terrible he is okay number 18 is the twins with TC bear and he's a bear cuz I guess there are bears in Minnesota but he totally copied Clark the Cub or Clark copied him but they're both not that good ideas I could think of a million better ideas for the Twins mascot than a bear called TC Bear Like maybe he could have a twin or something so yeah he's not the best mascot but he did catch that baseball in his mouth one time Wow how can you do that when you have a mascot head on That moves you up in my list number 17 is the San Francisco Giants with Lou Seal it makes sense that it's a seal cause it's in San Francisco and it's a pretty big mascot cuz they're the Giants but he doesn't really try to be funny and he's a little strange like for example is it a boy named Lou Seal or is it a girl named Lucille? like augh I mean he's okay but to be honest I miss the crab number 16 is the Chicago White Sox with southpaw his name is southpaw cuz it's like the south side of Chicago but I have no clue what he's supposed to be is he like a monster or an alligator I'm kind of on the fence with this one which is why I'm putting it right in the middle speaking of the White Sox you would think that they'd actually wear white socks they don't they wear black socks things like this drive me crazy number 15 is the Padres with the swinging friar they should have kept the chicken though the chicken was a much more funny mascot if they kept the chicken they'd be higher on my list but I've got to admit the swinging friar is pretty cool too it's like the singing friar but the swinging friar and he's unique it's a different look than most mascots have he's funny and funny-looking but I like it number 14 is the Mariners with Mariner moose he's a moose because there are mooses in Seattle it's moose not mooses that's what I met mom she's an English major but I like how the Mariners mascot is a moose it has a big furry head and it's a little bit funny and a little bit funny is better than most mascots he did pull another Oriole bird with the name though my gosh whoever's job it was who came up with that na- wait did I already use that joke? number 13 is the Indians with slider he's a pink monster in case you're blind and you can't tell so is it like slider like the pitch or is he a slider I'm so funny anyways I want to hate this mascot but there's nothing bad I can say about it so never mind I like him and they have racing hot dogs why not number 12 is the Athletics with stomper first of all the athletics is like the dumbest name for a team ever and second of all why is their mascot an elephant the A's have always had a thing with elephants they're like in all their logos and stuff what the heck they're like the least athletic animal you could think of they can't even jump but I like stomper he's funny and I mean I don't not like stomper number 11 is the Rockies with dinger he's a purple Triceratops because they found lots of dinosaur fossils near there and I just like this mascot why cuz I just do number 10 is the Diamondbacks first they've got Baxter the Bobcat some people think it's kind of weird that they're called the Diamondbacks but their mascot's a bobcat I don't know it would be kind of hard to make the mascot a snake when they don't even have arms or legs but I think he's cool and he does actually do funny stuff not every mascot harasses is the players on the other team they should though they also have the luchador he's kind of creepy I'm just going to ignore him they also have the racing legends they're kind of full of themselves but I like the idea it's Luis Gonzalez Matt Williams Randy Johnson and Mark Grace they're kind of cool to watch I like how they have different colored Diamondbacks uniforms too bad the Nats don't have legends yet they will though number 9 is the Reds first they have mr. red remind you of anybody they also have rosie red and mr. red legs and gapper a red monster I mean why not they are the Reds why not have a Red Monster as one of their mascots I like how it's a whole family of mascots and best of all they all race yep the Reds have good mascots by the way I know what I said about baseball heads but I was referring to mr. met mr. met's different he's a baseball head in my division number eight is the Tampa Bay Rays with Raymond I've always liked Raymond you would think it'd be kind of hard to make a ray into a mascot when Ray's aren't fluffy and they don't have arms or legs but you can still tell exactly what he's supposed to be I like Raymond he's one of my top ones there's also DJ kitty yeah nothing says Tampa Bay like a DJ cat but heck I'm a cat person No Don't play with that. Noooo Number 7 is the Pirates and they used to have Captain Jolly Roger but I'm starting to get the feeling he might not exist anymore because people keep writing on one of my videos Captain Jolly Roger doesn't exist anymore so now their main mascot is pirate parrot he's a green parrot who wears lipstick but that's not who I'm talking about right now I'm talking about the Racing perogies it's Cheese Chester jalapeno Hannah sauerkraut saul a highly intelligent oliver onion and bacon Burt yep they're one of the best racing mascots in baseball they're almost as good as the racing presidents but not quite number six I don't mind this team too much now I admit screech isn't exactly the most funny and energetic mascot but ever since he hatched out of the egg all he does is sort of walk around has a birthday once in a while wears a raincoat when it's raining and pajamas when it goes into extra innings waves the Nats win flag when the Nats win screech is okay but he doesn't try to do that funny things he recently started this thing though where he takes his bat and walks around and hits screech balls into the crowd they look like this I've got my hands on a few of those so you're probably wondering why did I put the Nats so high on my list the answer is the racing presidents they crash into each other with their giant heads they're full of action and everybody loves the presidents races including me boom smash boom I love the racing presidents bringing the Nats to number six on my list let's go and I got this signed by Abraham Lincoln George Washington and Teddy Roosevelt the racing presidents number five is the Red Sox and we all know the Green Monster in left field so their mascot is a Green Monster that's wally the Green Monster there's also Tessie the Green Monster and righty and wait Who am I forgetting oh yeah lefty green monsters and Red Sox it's perfect if I were a Red Sox fan actually no I do not want to be a Red Sox fan but if I were at least my team would have good mascots number four is the Atlanta Braves Dangit! I hate it when I get myself whistling that the Braves have a history with mascots first they had Chief Knockahoma that was controversial so they replaced him with a baseball head called Homer like Homer the free and the brave every heart and now recently they revealed their new mascot blooper some people say he's a mix between shrek beaker the Muppet and Odie from Garfield and some say that he totally copied the Philly Phanatic I don't know he's pretty funny here's a time he asked Manny Machado for his autograph he told him to sign it right there but it turned out to be a check to blooper for three hundred million dollars they also have the freeze in between innings sometimes the freeze races a fan from the crowd he gets a huge head start but the freeze usually wins anyway Wow can't beat the freeze such a good original idea I think I can beat the freeze though without the head start and there's also racing tools not bad Atlanta number three I've got to give to the brew crew they have a lot of mascots but let's start with beer barrel man other people think he's kind of lame but I think he's cool I've always liked this mascot he's very unique even if the Brewers just had beer barrel man I'd still put them towards the top but there are more like the racing sausages now I'm a vegetarian but I'll put that aside for now it's a race between a Polish sausage an Italian sausage a hotdog a chorizo and a bratwurst and they're so fun to watch but best of all is Bernie brewer he goes down this huge slide above the stadium each time a brewer hits a home run gosh it would be so much fun to be Bernie brewer I'd get to go down that slide the only hard part would be pretending to be happy when the Brewers win number two is the Phillies and I hope you know this one the Phillie Phanatic now I hate the Phillies but the Phanatic and I go way back as you can see it was very crowded so it was hard to get a good picture but the Philly Phanatic is very popular and I couldn't agree more the Philly Phanatic is one of the best mascots in baseball he's hilarious he does crazy stuff he's got to be drunk he rides around on a tractor do not attempt that shoots hot dogs into the crowd and pours popcorn on Mets fans I love it all however if they were Nats fans that would be a different story there's also the Galapagos gang they dance they scare kids and they eat people really cool but what does the Galapagos have to do with Philadelphia number one is the Astros with orbit he's so funny how's he funny you ask? how's he not funny hey hey you want to play twister uh hello twister let's go on a Safari whoops let's find some Tigers ooh there's some hey orbits a person inside of that costume Hey oh he's helping me up yeet Hey Wow where does orbit come up with all these jokes sometimes I wish I came up with them first but too late orbit did Hey look the cotton candy guy hey wanna catch this baseball all right come on just stand over there come on go long go long all right longer farther farther okay that's good all right just a little farther and go all right free cotton candy for everybody let's catch some Trout gosh I would give my life to be as funny as orbit but wait a minute how would I be as funny as orbit if I didn't have a life I would be dead dead people aren't that funny actually never mind I already don't have a life but I'm a little funny right I could watch videos of orbit all day see ya I hope you enjoyed this video I can't believe you watched the whole thing with an American attention span hmm I guess you must be a Blue Jays fan anyways if you like this video please like and subscribe and if you didn't like this video also please like and subscribe
Channel: Joe Samels
Views: 308,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MLB Mascots Ranked, MLB Mascots, MLB, Baseball
Id: Sabbu-3FJLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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