All 30 NBA Team Mascots Ranked

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so out of the 30 NBA teams four of those teams do not have mascot some of them did have a mascot at one point in their history but not anymore so let's start out with number 30 we have the Brooklyn Nets with their mascot just their fans they don't really have a super fan or anything they just have a bunch of fans that go to their games they used to have a mascot back in the day but I believe in 2012 they got rid of him so basically their fans just normal fans they go to their games and it's very simple just a normal fan base nothing too crazy number 29 we have the Los Angeles Lakers with their superfan Jack Nicholson and he's a very famous actor he's known for a lot of really popular movies he's often seen on the sidelines of Lakers games I believe he's a season ticket holder but he goes to a lot of Lakers games and he's just a big fan and he's notable and because Lakers don't really have a mascot or anything I'm gonna put Jack Nicholson here number 28 we have the Golden State Warriors with their superfan mascot type thing the dancing mom and she went viral a few years ago for dancing that's pretty crazy dance I mean you can't go wrong with this it's a great dance but the words don't really have a mascot they also used to have a mascot back in the day but when they rebranded they removed the mascot so this is the dancing mom as the Warriors mascot looks pretty cool finally the last NBA team without a mascot is the New York Knicks and instead I'm gonna put Spike Lee and he is a famous movie director and producer and he's a huge Knicks fan he's always there at the sidelines encouraging the team I don't know about now because they're not as good anymore they're tanking kind of but he's just going to all their games and he's supporting the Knicks and he's just a huge fan he's always been and you can say that he's like their mascot now getting into the real NBA mascots we start out here at number 26 with the Celtics who have lucky the Leprechaun is their mascot now theoretically he's just a normal person but I guess you can argue because he's their official mascot it's a mascot he's not really made out of the fluffy mascot material that typical mascots wear but this is just a guy dressed up in a leprechaun suit it's kind of cheap it's kind of just raggedy nothing too special kind of bland in my opinion that's why I put him at the 26th spot mascot at the twenty five spot I have the Houston Rockets with clutch the bear and although a lot of people probably like this mask out a lot I'm not a big fan coz the Rockets had so much potential with having like an alien or something or an astronaut as a mascot but instead they chose just a normal gray bear it's very boring I'm not really sure why they did it but he is kind of fat chubby it's kind of cute but just not a great mascot in my opinion the Rockets could have done so much better and I think they could have picked one that better suits their brand and number 24 we have the Sacramento Kings with slam soon the lion and I'm not a big fan of this mascot he does resemble a lion pretty accurately but it's just something about it it's kind of off to me it just looks awkward and not really a fan of the Maine or the color of his actual costume and just the overall face in general I'm not a big fan of slamming and he's the number 24 spot and number 23 we have the Cleveland Cavaliers and they have two mascots which is Sir CC and moon dog moon dog is a pretty generic looking dog mascot it's okay nothing too special but Circe seemed not a really big fan of he's supposed to be a Cavalier but I'm not a big fan of the mascots that are supposed to resemble like real people so I think the cap should really stick with moon dog kind of eliminates ur CC not a big fan and I don't like the two mascot tech thing that certain teams and then they have to and number 22 we have the Philadelphia 76ers with their mascot Franklin the dog and I know this just looks like a typical mascot is very simple just a blue dog but as a Sixers fan I know that there was so much potential for a better mascot I believe when they were redoing the mascot they were gonna have either a moose or a Benjamin Franklin look-alike and I just think that they could have done something much better that resembles the Sixers a little bit better so this mascot not one of my favorites number 21 we have the Portland Trail Blazers with their mascot blaze the trail cat and blaze is a decent-looking mascot like the shape of it it's okay but I'm just not a big fan of the face it kind of looks a little bit too cartoony for me fluor mascot I'm not a big fan of this one so I'm gonna give it the 21st spot at number 20 we have the Memphis Grizzlies with their mascot Grizz and he's supposed to resemble a grizzly bear and in a lot of the pictures he's really beefy really strong muscular I think the face doesn't really resemble a grizzly bear at all and I don't really like the color I know the grizzly bears are this weird blue color the shade of blue but I just don't think it really fits for this mascot and the face overall just doesn't really resemble bear in my opinion so I'm gonna give it the number 20 spot number 19 we have the Minnesota Timberwolves with their mascot crunch and he's supposed to resemble a wolf but in my opinion I just see it as like a really cheap mascot costume it doesn't really look that good it just looks really low-quality and just not a good mascot so I'm gonna have to give it the number 19 spot and number 18 we have the Washington Wizards with their mascot gee whiz and I'm not exactly sure what gee wasn't supposed to be some kind of magic II creature type thing he doesn't really have a distinction no animal really it's not really a wizard either but he does have a cool wizard hat because he doesn't really have any special characteristics I'm gonna have to give it the number 18 spot and number 17 we have the Charlotte Hornets with Hugo the Hornet I just think he's a little bit outdated because I know the Hornets had him in Charlotte originally the original Charlotte Hornets team then he moved over to the New Orleans Hornets and now he's back in Charlotte again so I think they should really update Hugo a little bit maybe make him a little bit less fat in my opinion maybe add some color extra textures I think that would really improve Hugo and make Hugo a better mascot at the number 16 spot we have the Indiana Pacers but their mascot boomer and it looks like to me that boomer supposed to be a cat of some type so this mascots good not great nothing too special about it that's why I have them kind of in the middle of the pack here and I think the Pacers could find some kind of different type of mascot instead of just like a cat it just seems a little bit basic in my opinion and I think they can do a little bit better number 15 we have the Dallas Mavericks with their mascot champ and champ is basically just a simple light blue horse he's supposed to resemble the horse that's on their logo he is just a decent mascot nothing too iconic about him but that's why I have him at the 15 spot and number 14 we have the Detroit Pistons with their mascot Hooper which is another horse and I actually kind of like him a little bit better than the Mavs one I just think that the black works really well for the Pistons colors and I like the idea of it being a horse because the Pistons has like horsepower and just the whole idea of the Detroit area once again that's mascots nothing too special the only good part is the black goes really well with the color scheme of the Detroit Pistons so that's about it and number 13 we have the Miami Heat with their mascot Bernie and no one really knows what he is he's just a fun-loving mascot I'm sure the kids really like him in Miami I do like the nice touch of the basketball on his nose it kind of is iconic and the orange is really unique I don't think many mascots really are full-blown Orange and just really makes sense for the heat color scheme so he's a pretty decent mascot and I'm kind of a fan I like the fluffiness and number 12 for the same an eternity of spurs we have their mascot the coyote and I know a lot of people don't like this mascot because of his huge green eyes they're really protruding and it's just very iconic and when people think NBA mascots I think a lot of people think about this guy right here but I kind of like him I just like his overall design and I kind of like the coyote being a mascot for a team that's in Texas I just think this is just a really good mascot coyotes are native to Texas so this makes a lot of sense I'm just really good number 11 we have the Milwaukee Bucks with our mascot Bango which is a buck deer and I just think he looks really good with the color scheme of the actual team the cream and green looks really good with the overall style of the mascot the antlers are a great touch which makes sense for the Bucks he does a lot of cool dunks and all and it's just probably really great to kids so I'm a big fan of this one he's number 11 at the number 10 spot I had the Los Angeles Clippers with their mascot Chuck the Condor and I'm aware that a lot of people really hate this mascot as actually when he was announced by Steve Ballmer people hated him but I just think he's a really fun mascot it's really original there's not really many mascots with just two different colors and everything I know I might be the minority here but this is a really cool-looking mascot in my opinion and it's really different than the rest so big fan of this one have them at the number 10 spot and number 9 we have the Atlanta Hawks with their mascot Harry the hawk and as you guys know I'm a big fan of bird mascots and this one's just a really good-looking one I like the feet the giant feet of the hawk it looks really good and the red and the yellow beak just really worked for this one so big fan of Harry the hawk can't really go wrong with the bird mascot number eight we have the Phoenix Suns with their mascot go the gorilla or just the gorilla as he's known around the league I believe he's probably the first one that started doing like acrobatic tricks and dunking and being all funny and stuff during NBA games and during halftime he's basically the originator of all the stuff that NBA mascots do now check out the ESPN 30 for 30 on the gorilla and he's just a great mascot so I have to put him at number eight number seven I have the Denver Nuggets and their mascot rocky the mountain lion and he's just a huge giant yellow mascot and I'm a big fan of the jump suit it really suits him I like the whole yellow thing that the mascots going with and the tail looks really cool as well just overall I think he really matches the team and the colors and the overall design because mountain lions they live in mountains where Denver is located in the Rockies so it just makes a lot of sense and just a really solid mascot and number six we have the Toronto Raptors with their mascot the Raptor and he just basically checks off all the boxes dinosaur which is big fan favorite a lot of kids like them you know dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets and everything he's intimidating as well a little bit with the face that they designed for him funny and full of a lot of the antics doing fun stuff eating people there's videos of that check it out if you've never seen it it's just a great mascot and very solid for the City of Toronto number five I have the New Orleans pelicans with their mascot Pierre the Pelican and I'm sure a lot of people don't really like this I'm sure a lot of you don't really like this mascot but I'm a big fan the way the colors of the team work with his design like I like the little blue accents on his feathers and everything and it resembles a pelican fairly well and just really works well with the pelicans color scheme so I'm a big fan at number four we have the Utah Jazz with their mascot to jazz bear and I'm sure you think that he's a little bit scarier than the Grizzlies mascot and everything but I think that he just resembles a bear a lot better than that one and he just looks really cool so overall the actual mascot itself really is funny and I just like him a lot at number three we have stuffed the magic dragon for the Orlando Magic and he's one of my favorite mascots number three because of just his green color and it's very original it reminds me of Dragon Tales if any of you watched it back in the day and he has party horns out of his nose so it's just really original nothing like a lot of these other NBA mascots so I'm a big fan and it's also a play on the song Puff the Magic Dragon at number 2 we have the Oklahoma City Thunder with their mascot Rumble the Bison and as you guys know I love the bison tie-ins with the Oklahoma City Thunder and I just think he really resembles a buffalo really well so he's just a good-looking mascot and the color scheme of the team really fits him because he's overall brown and the orange complements it well and so does the blue so it just looks really good and I'm a big fan of Rumble the Bison and at the number one spot the best mascot in my opinion in the whole NBA is the Chicago Bulls with their mascot Benny the bull and as you guys know he's just really well known around the league for doing some funny stuff with different NBA players and the fans around and he has a lot of cool antics he's just really good-looking too with the complete red body and the face of a bull it's just really happy and probably gives the kids a lot of entertainment so Benny the bull best mascot in the NBA thank you watching this video guys I really appreciate it make sure you like subscribe and share this video with one of your friends check out my other mascot video where I ranked NFL mascots from 32 to 1 and check out one of these two videos on screen here I think you'd like them thank you very much for watching again and I'll see you guys later
Channel: Krazyloko
Views: 271,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nba, nba mascots, mascots ranked, furries, all 30, teams, nba teams, all star weekend, nba all stars, nba playoffs, basketball, sports furries, lakers, warriors, rockets, sixers, bulls, knicks, nuggets, thunder, suns, spurs, heat, kings, celtics, bucks, raptors
Id: vtuSGxWAmVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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