All Kingdom Hearts 2 Keyblades Ranked From Worst To Best

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yo what's up welcome to nyx's ranks every single kid leading Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix starting from worse and working our way to best this not only takes in mind the attack and Magic points but also the ability attached to it and the design keeping that in mind let's get to it number one hit and drag you get this from mulan's World this keyblade kinda sucks no big magic nor attack points but that's okay because you're still at the start of the game MP rage is cool ability but at the start you're not using that much magic there's just not that good magic abilities for you to use so this cubelete eventually falls into the dumpster plus Ultimate Weapon has MP has tag which makes this even more of a trash keyblade number two fatal Crest you'll get this from one of Henry's cups and keeping in mind how far in the game you get this it's not that great it comes with berserk charge a skill I believe you already haven't locked at this point but I'm not sure this ability in enables you to land infinite combos whenever you're out of MP but you still finish enemies with the whatever that combo is when you spam Square in the air but technically looks cool and has some nice magic strength I believe it's the biggest magic out of any weapon but even so not a place in the podium number three fan rear fan rear is unlocked after beating sephiroth this has the highest attack points out of any keyblade and comes with a negative combo ability basically your combos gets shorter and you get to use the finisher faster I don't use this straight up the magic is only one point which is still one point higher than Hero's Crest but nothing special keeping in mind a bit safer rod for this even though this is the longest skill blade I believe it's nothing that great number 4 monochrome this is unlocked from the Timeless River level it's not that cool looking but has decent stats three attack and two magic comes with the item boost ability which boosts the items you use and it's a thing you should be using on critical mode even though I don't which makes it so that this is another keyblade I never had to my rotation it can be cool because potions and eaters would be grateful for the power up but other than that no usage for this by the way am I the only one that gets Pinocchio vibes from this keyblade I don't know why number five Photon debugger Photon debugger is kinda trash to be honest three attack points and two magic points but it comes with a thunder boost ability which boosts the damage of your thunder spell and that seems cool but I never find myself using it the hidden effects are cool but I don't care never found a usage to this you can kinda use this to destroy the nobodies in the assets Tower but then you're not using Gold Wing for the XP boost so this is trash throw it in the dumpster number five follow the wind this kinda hurts because I like Pirates but anyways this comes with the draw ability enabling you to draw drops from further away I believe three attack points and one magic okay stats but again not that great keeping in mind you have Hero's Crest and Kingdom key at this moment you'll probably be using one of those at least the Kingdom Hearts 3 keyblade from Pirates of the Caribbean is better and turns into a flag so that's a big double number seven Guardian Soul Oren is a memorable party member and this kibling is something I look at and can Envision Oren on it even though I'm keeping that in mind the skiblet is not that great it looks cool and the blurry is cool and the ability is called reaction boost boosts the damage from your reaction commands and the keyblade has 5 attack points which is great but I don't use this ever at the time you unlock this you already have rumbling rows which heads one finisher to your combo and that is way more valuable for me since it's not every time you get a reaction deal in damage Situation Number Eight Star Seeker this killer doesn't have much more utility compared to the ones before it comes with the air combo plus ability which adds a hit to your hair Combos and it looks cool I like the moon theme it has three attack points great for the point in the game you're at which is the start but you'll have it locked on Valor phone and its only utility is allowing you to switch it number nine two become one this kinda hurts because we're still in whatever territory two become one comes with light and darkness an ability that allows you to unlock finder form and that's it if you happen to be using this around you're going to end up going to Black Sora every time so this keyblade really sets and the only reason this is this high in the list is because of its design this looks cool and it comes from Roxas which is another way of saying it came from Sora after he committed suicide number 10 wishing light up and this is not a good keyblade the only perk is that it allows you to level up Master form other than that this is straight ass number 11 slipping line this Cubit comes from Squall which is his first name it has 5 attack points and 3 magic points well balanced keyblade and comes with combo plus this keyblade is good but I don't ever remember equipping this for something other than this video so there must be a reason for me not to use this maybe if instead of Leon Tifa gave me a keyblade from her chest I would use it every day number 12 sweet memories this keyboard is not for combat and it's kind of weird the fact that it's this far but its ability Drive converter is great for leveling up Master form which is literally the only utility for this other than that this is used by Pro players to humiliate their enemies but I like this keyblade because it comes from Winnie the Pooh and that's kinda based number 13 Gold Wing go Wing is another keyblade good for nothing basically but the XP boost feels good the only utility is for leveling up until Level 99 and after that you can throw this to the dumpster but it comes with the value it's Yuna and request that gave you the keyblade and that other whoever it headings but we don't care about her number 14 Kingdom key the first keyblade is great you keep her until quite far in the game which is code for Olympus Coliseum because then you get Hero's Quest but it has damage control which reduces the damage you take in a critical situation and that's a good ability and you're kind of stuck with the skill light in the start so make good use of it number 15 Hero's Quest speaking of it here it is 4 attack points and zero magic points at start you don't even have that good magic skills so it doesn't really matter so this is the keyblade you use to replace Kingdom key and then you keep going solid keyblade and even comes with air combo boost which boosts the power of your hair comb which is what you're gonna be using that dinosaur does in the air is the coolest combo ever and it feels good number 16 circle of life I don't like the Lion King's world but this Skillet is good it comes with MP haste which is cool gets your MP back faster after you use it even though Ultimate Weapon Does It Better solid attack points 4 magic is trash but anyways you gotta sacrifice it for the MP haste number 17 mysterious Abyss this Cubit shouldn't be this far in the list but it is I do like Ariel the original I mean I don't even feel like watching the new movie The keyblade looks cool came from Ariel which gives a Sentimental boost to it blizzard boost boosts the damage of ice magic and that would have ice powers if I could choose an element for me to have powers 3 attack points and three magic points pretty solid keyblade but you're never going to be using this so it's this far solely because it looks cool and what this represents plus the bubbles from when you hit look very cool number 18 Bondo play this cubelete comes from Max which is one of the coolest characters around the keyblade design is obviously inspired in EXO's chakram which are very cool weapons comes with 5 fire boost which is basically the only magic you use on final form and fire is one of the best skills in the game it's great for leveling up both wisdom and final form Axel is weaker twice and Ariel's keyblade would be good against him but that's not how I play and I keep on the flame on final form even after getting it to the max level because the keyblade is that good got it memorized number 19 oath keep oath keeper is super cool both keeper and Oblivion I guess represent light and darkness obviously and show how not racist rocks exist for holding both of white and the black keyblade odd keeper has 3 attack and three magic solid keyblade one of the most used keyblades by me takes me a while to find a keyblade to switch and comes with the form boost ability which allows you to stay longer in Drive forms Oblivion has Drive boost ability which shows you how well black and white go together when they work together this Cube lady School Number 20 rumbling roads the keyblade you get for helping Beast save his marriage this Killer looks cool the blur is one of the coolest in the game five attack points and zero magic which means I don't even need to warn you you want to use combos instead of magic finishing plus allows you to add one extra finishing hit to your combo and this Skillet is good looks cool and has nice abilities great keyblade and congratulations for the Beast for giving this to us congratulations on the marriage number 21 decisive pumpkin unlocked after beating the Halloween abortion this is one of the best keyblades in the game it had to be we're already on top three it comes with combo boost which instead of adding an extra hit to your finisher makes it so that your finisher deals more damage I prefer beating the enemies faster compared to having the opportunity of dealing them more hits and this keyboard has 6 attack points and one match one point better in both stats compared to rumbling rows this keyblade looks cool and I love Halloween the this keyblade is cool Jack Skeleton is one of the best party members and great killblade and I like it number 22 Oblivion Oblivion is old Keeper's black brother six attack points and 2 magic points one magic higher than the sassy pumpkin this keyblade looks very cool a mix between black and purple the blur is very cool the ability Drive boost allows you to recover Drive orbs quickly together with oath keeper you get back the drive forms faster and stay on them for way longer Roxas has a nice build with these two keyblades this keyblade is cool I honestly don't use it that much because at the end game decisive pumpkin is still the better keyblade which you use until you get Ultimate Weapon but this one is cooler so it gets second place number 23 Ultima weapon this is just the best keyblade in the game 6 attack ones and 4 magic points only loses for fan rears attack points and fatal crests magic but everything accounted this keyblade comes with MP hastega which is probably the best ability in any keyblade recovers your MP faster and combo with the wisdom form leveling up abilities this is a great it looks cool honestly the best looking keyblade in my opinion this is also better than all the other games as ultimate weapons crafting this is relatively easy even though it takes time but other than that it's all cool well that's gonna do it for this video If you disagree with anything make sure to comment down below how you'd rank them I've got some other videos coming soon obviously and watch my other Kingdom Hearts 2 videos and maybe sub if you like see you around foreign
Channel: Nixis XD
Views: 16,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all, kingdom, hearts, two, keyblades, ranked, worst, to, best, final, mix, nixis, xd, nixis xd, keyblade
Id: yQmO0v_hrz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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