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[Music] St morning guys we are at the 54th all Japan koi show 2024 um just got here now about halfast 8 in the morning um just get here before the crowd start to come so I can get a bit of footage um what we'll do is we'll start over um probably at the Grand Champion and we'll have a look at that first um it is a I love the way that they do the Japanese shows because when they do the judging so all like the big major Awards they'll put in separate tanks in the in like one end of the show which means it's um it's just easy for people to see what's won rather than walking around every vat and looking at the awards on the thing you can actually see which fish have won the grand champion mature Champion Supreme champ whatever whatever they've got um nongo sanking jumbo and the best in size is also Sakura prizes so it's a real good way I like it I like the way that they do it um so we'll have a quick look around now we're going to have a look at the GC um I have looked at it and it's phenomenal phenomenal and water a koi I just want to go have a look at another sanki as well because just as I was getting in now I saw a little bit of um a bit of stuff online about the the body size and the shape so we'll try and have a look at that as well um but yeah let's have a bit of a look around see see if the new camera is doing it doing its thing so I believe there was 2,400 um Co entered um this time so let's go go over to the um GC so as you see you know you've got all these so it's dead clear how you can look at things so so where she is the champion it's a beautiful Koi really is got Ken roll there congratulations thank you very much [Music] beautiful Kos I see before this ooy of this koi both sanki both sank wow amazing yeah so as he said then it's um the male was sanki and the female was sanki also um this koi was bought um I believe I'm not 100% sure an auction at Nissi um um and it's owned by Alexander um a Russian and it was I think handled by nakamori toosi but she is stunning absolutely stunning people say what they want about this koi show but the the right fish always wins this is spectacular koi the body shape everything [Music] it's a few little points to pick but and I've not had a look at the other fish yet really so this is the first tank that I came to but she's beautiful wow now I've got let's go to look at the jumbo champion this was causing a few little stirs on Facebook before I came in a people saying that the um the head was too small for the body but the body shape I I I couldn't see where people are coming from with that but you've got to understand the Bloodlines and the the what these people are trying to achieve in koi I mean I love this size I love this style of koi it's like the old dichi style it's like what did E the current dichi style it's like I like it but I can understand where people people are coming from regarding the koi but she's she's magnificent it is a magnificent koi and I think it'll probably come down to personal um opinion on the head yeah she's certainly bigger on one side but again you've really got to appreciate how they get a koi this size it's just mental how that they can do that with these koi it really is microphone off again just one second I might have it too close to me now just start at the beginning here morning morning I'm not sure what the prize is the Mia Mia hideo prize that's a beautiful CO as well tiny bit weak on the back end baby Champion look at that guys I wonder if it makes it look at this Masashi over 95 it's over a meter that I don't know what it is [Music] but the male champion not a bad body jumbo male [Music] jumbo Champion again we've seen this one this is the sanki a little bit controversial she's a big girl but do you know what I mean now with everything being close by so you can just walk around quickly and just see the major Awards we will have a walk up and down Superior [Music] Champion not my cup of tea but it's a nice coy very nice the priz [Music] is and this year the trophy is going to Russia need some other the major Awards let's have a look dichi over there oh wow nice ging goosi no Army dos shower many smaller prizes but I don't know this is nice offset marathan oh this is nice morning morning how are you I'm very good morning Cano I think I saw this on Facebook this week Koko actually quite nice if you're into this sort of thing [Music] I believe there was about 2,450 fish Ed this year and the good thing about been able to do the videos like this is that so it's like we've seen the the winners let's go and see what didn't quite make in there and that they they're the ones that always impress me because she sort of like you know they're just amazing fish oh look at this I think this is Kevin geny beautiful yeah so we'll going and have a look at the fish that didn't quite make standard into the um oh look at that that's [Music] nice so look at it's [Music] vast wow nice come on you guys so if you see now this is the Mt of the champion so obviously there's nothing in here because she's been taken up to the Grand Champion that this is where she was look at that just remember again guys you've got to appreciate the size of these fish and being able to get them to this sort of size and still looking as good as they do you really do have to appreciate that that's the appreciation that you've got to that you've got to look at it's like any show you do I look at the some of the fish and go I wonder why they brought them why did they bring that maybe they brought them for customers I don't know yeah so this he's like a fish that I just don't understand why they would bring it it's got a kui but they just do it like that ging key mats it's different K shower nice quite a few K showers here this [Music] year [Music] see you again look at the body on that what's that now sizewise um not sure probably about 75 that's got a tank of a body tank of a body nice Kabuto haraki very nice oh oh got an Achi mango Kashi as well that's nice hello guys they are looking in great condition the fish really oh might have been a little bit of um spawning going on in this one at some stage but look at that that's probably one of the biggest cargo series I've [Music] seen so obviously we're going down into smaller sizes now so so as you can see here as well which gives you a bit of an exper better better look so you've got the two showers and the Goro but then there was this kahaku which is now gone up to the top you can see that but that'll be up there somewhere nice Goki let's have a quick walk down but it is vast and I mean but the they set it up so fast I think we started sort of like Tuesday or Wednesday and this will be all emptied by Monday that's one of the good things about the um the professional dealers and breeders setting the show up they all send staff members down but like that's where we walked down and we were right up at the back and then we've still got that much to go so no doubt is the biggest Toy Show in the world and it's always good to come and have a look and see what's going on going down the sze nice beo beckos are making a little bit of a comeback recently now maybe not quite open yet but they'll have some they don't they don't have loads of dealers um places but like you know like booths but they have a few and I think somewhere somebody told me that there's actually koi for sale as well so let's let go and look for those I mean I'm sure there'll be millions of videos on the all Japan but we will see some more fish don't worry that's want to give you a bit of more of a of what goes on oh here they are so so you've got some fish that are for sale oh nice nice nice oh wow a big Sakai kahaku maybe for sale some lucky owner who's that don't know [Music] them definitely slow burners those don't eat your Co Mar not bad s [Music] marido love some of the Su on his sankis you know D shinro we got like trinkets come back and get a few of those then you've got the dichy stand where you can buy all their merch one like this years ago imagine breeders having merch now po not sure what this is no it's a food fish food have the lights maybe good morning morning morning is it Mia more food morning oh these are the um poyene boxes that they do the shipping with sometimes when it's warm and they've got the sort of like the um got like you can even put air pumps in there they're quite good A lot of people doing these sort of like now when it when the temperatures are a lot warmer quite good so I believe ringco the oat stand jpd Narita world nisho show and then back round was always funny I remember when we used to come with the um when we used to have the Press passes to come in on the Thursday and Friday and watch the judging and stuff like that going back a long time I always remember watching the judges pick the ballot and um I mean it's always it's nice to judge at the I suppose it's nice to I've been asked a few times to judge at the oldan but it's never really something that's that's done for me I mean they always I always used to remember matanoski um when matanoski was picking they used to do the secret ballot where they put the hand in the ballot and then it comes out with their size group and I mean you don't want to get these tiny fish you're going to be here all day and I remember him he got the small size and then just put so simply put it back in the box and start and kept picking until he got the jumbo fish that's suppose when you're in you can do that but yeah it is um it's not changed much which is good but we'll go back up there in a minute and we'll go back through the um I'll show you the because they've got pictures of all the grand champions from day one 54 of them um if they put the new one up now but and you can see it go past so we'll do that in a [Music] second back beautiful Goshi just one one of the things that you need to do when you're at the old Japan qu show is that you always always get um not attacked as such but they always um get the TV Cruise here nothing in there I'm just trying to get away from them they just follow you around oh look at that guys I'm just going to get away from him again kin so what we'll do is we'll just um have a wander up to the top again and we'll have a look at the um the pictures of all the um Grand Champions over the years see how many we recognize Ohio call you good yeah good Grand Champion beautiful yeah many yes and chinro koi farm oh you yeah yeah so let's um just have a quick look up here there's the boss oh hias how morning morning so here we [Music] go the first sanki imagine Hino it's the first Grand Champion guys then we go then we go down I I I imagine the very first famous koi was probably this one coming up now which is a sanki and they called it the crown sanki now whether it's true or or not I don't know but they said that um they said that it died when um I don't know how true this is by the way guys but they said that it died because somebody left the oxygen off in the air the air off when they were taking pictures of it and they left it off for too long and it died um but yeah I think that was probably that was in like all the manual tan isoy books manual the karoki books and stuff like that so that was all in there then you got some beautiful you know you're coming up now you know even even from the crown I mean even that sanki there which is this one I mean back in the day it was a beautiful Co it's still still nice now a lot of them are but you're getting into the real good size is the good stuff now see I remember I remember this car which was the marata um I remember that koi that kahaku this one so from pretty much from there I remember I've seen the fish famous is it lulan which was this kahaku here she won it twice which is there and there but yeah beautiful and then let's go to the other side starting to fill up [Music] [Music] so then remember all these it's a beautiful Kaku back in the day this kahaku was phenomenal this one she was beautiful absolutely beautiful then we've got the first ever um maoski um one me this was the first sanki to be over well first Koy to win the old Japan K over a meter this was a matanoski sanki then we've got the kahaku which is still I would I'll have another look at today's Grand Champion but this was my favorite ever um Grand Champion so had a power cut so that was my favorite the the sand danaku was my favorite then we go down and then we've got the the famous for England people anyway for England this was the only still to today this was the koi water bar Champion supplied Champion um which was the mask then the year after we had the dichi show which is still my favorite shower ever um magnificent I'd love to know what happened to but I remember that was one of the first ones um when we were sort of like getting online more and then people were posting the picture of it at 2-year-old that's that's pretty much when it started when that that that kind of thing when people were posting the the two-year-old pictures as well as then the grown-up pictures [Music] fantastic going across but I think it's great that they put these pictures up every year they put they're fantastic you know then we've got the um the kahaku there allegedly $1.8 million was it something like that very nice W it twice obviously then we've got the two recent ones got the sanki from last year start running out of space for these fish soon but yeah it's fabulous that they put that sort of stuff up really good so I think that the show's officially open now it's good that people just come straight up to the see the major Awards I love it when they do that Earth show [Music] let's have a look down here look like some nice fish wow get that fresh [Music] shower I hope the video comes out as well as the um what it's looking like on the screen of this camera it look fantastic oh wow that is a big girl you see but [Music] you can pick the points when you when you're looking at fish of this quality like all the fish here the only thing that you can do is sort of like try and pick at them you got to try and pick some you got to try and find some bad things you know I'll always state that there's never a perfect koi but you can tell now you know some gaps in the Benny on this fish the head some bits on the head red doesn't go far as back as it should do as a on the kahaku too much of a gap for me again it's subjective though guys everyone has a um [Music] opinion and as ginin kahaku go that's beautiful very very high high class ginin on that [Music] fish very high class again almost in a Zuma but that back end again it could done with like a centimeter more C just a centimeter because when these fish start expanding into the massive sizes they are I mean look at the um look at the back end on this where the red stops see for me just for me that's perfect where that red just stops there and we've got a little St you can see on the other one that's too big it's too much of a gap I don't like using the but the adome adome I think he very maybe not important so much on other koi but kahaku for me have to have to have it but you can see even see on this sanki as well so the Kaku again see the back end and again on the sanki I know it's got some black on it but still I prefer it not so like I said you because you're dealing with such high class fish you the only thing you can do is try and knock them down a little bit because then it gives you a better understanding of why they've not been picked it's all very well us saying we know a nice fish to to a bad fish um but the judges now we're not judging them oh look at that Coro show up now you don't see these that often I would have thought the fins have let that fish down the pecs because if they are perfect pecs that fish would be up at the top um in its own tank because that's a very very nice Coro shower very nice again let's look at the back end too much but when you sh in a ginin you've got a better chance of a normal fish goes in a gim ring clap maybe I'm I'm saying that I might not be right again you can tell that by it's not that's why it didn't win anything these are some of Fitz's customers fish see big shower don't know why that you wonder the these are the fish that you saw I'm not putting the fish down at all but you just wonder why they're here you know when you know that it isn't going to compete but maybe that's just the people just want us take the fish to a KO show which is great that's part of the hobby kindai [Music] shower different suig don't see him too often another kin shower maybe that's telling us something now that we need to start getting King showers maybe they're new for the season Tano paku slightly out of fashion with the Tano shower maybe that's very nice though that Kaku the Tano Kaku there look at the scalation very very good very very high class scalation got the guys just taking the crap out the top morning morning morning TV guys again quick run I'm going to do is I'm going to go back up to the top let's walk up there's anything really nice that H me learn but it is a spectacular event you know guys it really is I think you know so you do need to come and see this at least once and just spend a couple of hours walking around comparing um that he s because yeah the a lot of the fish here are entered well they're all entered by the breeder another king shower Cy guys but it cost a lot of money to have bats here you know it's probably costing even like now it's probably costing like 6 700 pound per tank so the customer pays for that and you know and I think narit always puts it on his Facebook at some stage how much it's cost him it's like tens and tens of thousands of pounds just to ENT to the koi for the customers you know and it's um fair play to them because you know they bring in these fish here you know all the big breeders all thear the Sakai the diches the eers all bring in these coer for us to come and have a look at and you really won't ever see anything better and there's no fish that you're going to you're not going to see better fish than these let's have a quick look on this right hand side see some more [Music] um more specials we go around the back big thank you the Benny on that's stunning look at the benit very very nice the pattern lets it down on the head but then it's not but oh a shirro not seen many of these this time nice metallic aiba head starting to get a little bit mangled ah weird and wonderful that's the tanaguchi co very nice not the best of head patterns oh maritan hi Sagi nice scales very very good Dos karashi Kishi she's ready to go oh hello decent size he s there that's a big COI but again you see people will say oh it's not got the best up SE pattern and got some shimmies on it and stuff like try and get him onto that size and still looking in a decent condition just try it's difficult very nice Kim's Koy Belgium right nice running from the TV people again this is what I was going to show you before right so we've got the the ban prize check it out right imagine judging [Music] these how how are you judging that really seriously that's nice so we'll have a quick look around this area then and then I'll probably call it a day I think it's long enough now that's a beautiful shup s guys for who was in this last time oh nice nice T show it's a beautiful day it's nice Benny K Benny Kik that's caky glorious day guess aoy okay so I'm probably going to call it a day there if I see anything else I'll video it but I think I've gone on far too long um but yeah what to show what a fish Grand Champion she's beautiful absolutely spectacular definitely the best fish won the show by far so beautiful Koi and we will see you up in the mountains on the next video cheers [Music] guys
Channel: Quality Nishikigoi
Views: 14,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koi, koicarp, koi fish, nexus 320, evolution aqua, koi pond, Nishikigoi, Tim waddy, waddington, Nexus 220, Nexus, Koi pond build, building koi pond, making a koi pond, koi for sale, Japanese koi, jumbo koi, bead filter, koi pond filter, pond filters, filtration, all Japan koi show, AJKS, koi show
Id: bri3VdgP45M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 27sec (2967 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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