[All Episodes] Baby Shark Brooklyn Doo Doo Doo | +Kids Cartoon Compilation | Baby Shark Official

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[Music] [Music] adventure don't be afraid cause everything will be okay awesome adventures so wait so dive in now is the time to have fun with our friend brooklyn curious [Music] great job brooklyn charming and mary grandpa did it [Music] come explore [Music] baby sharks home sweet home baby shark doo doo doo doo doo huh oh an earthquake hold on tight we need to stick together hold tight [Music] brooklyn oh brooklyn where are you here i am it looks like we're far from home why don't we split up to take a look around this place [Music] hey do you guys want to play what a scaredy shark wow [Music] over here hello there um my name is william do you want to be friends [Music] okay nice to meet you i'm brooklyn i have my very own shark friend my very first friend brooklyn i've been looking for you [Music] oh mommy i have a new fish friend to show you oh where is this friend huh huh where did he go crab cakes oh that really scared me this place is too dangerous by far oh wow oh well isn't that a sea turtle would you look at that they must have mistaken this rock for a turtle [Music] everyone's back so soon yeah oh but where did daddy go oh huh hmm i thought i saw him go that way huh to the deep sea where have you been who are you he's my new friend hi mama my name is william yeah he's my friend william [Music] it's really nice to meet you shark family well hello william a pleasure to meet you [Laughter] but you know over that way is where the scary deep sea is the deep dark sea the deep sea is home to a lot of terrifying creatures [Music] the clams told me they saw a shark heading toward the deep sea earlier [Music] daddy swim away daddy why'd you tell us to swim away never ever go to the deep sea because oh good this is it where have we come to oh well yes this place looks like a perfect new home for our shark family is this really gonna be our new home yes from now on this is but i don't think there are many fish around here who are like william though i think that's because a family of sharks oh what do you mean don't worry about it [Music] breaking news a family of sharks has recently appeared in our village [Music] today everyone was busy either hiding or fleeing and meanwhile one tiny fish has made friends with the shark family just who is this tiny little fish baby shark brooklyn [Music] bright shining rainbow lights colorful coral forest warm safe and beautiful colorful coral forest bubbling bubbling red lava hot and steamy volcanoes burning heartache dangerous hot and steamy volcanoes many amazing sea creatures deep winding underwater caves dreamy cozy and mysterious deep winding underwater caves spooky spooky endless sea dark and scary deep deep sea danger danger gotta watch out dark and scary [Music] secret place under the sea perfect place for the shark family full of laughter full of joy [Music] secret place under the sea full of laughter full of joy baby shark brooklyn hi everyone i'm professor brooklyn wasn't today's shark tale fantastic now it's time for some fun facts i'm so excited to share them with you i wonder if you can guess which sea animals might be waiting for us today today sea animal is the shark sharks have bendy bodies but their jaws and teeth are super strong they have powerful senses of sight and smell too sharks also have a special sense that detects electric signals from hidden fish so it's really easy to find prey i guess that's why most ocean animals are scared of me but i do have my best friend a pilot fish named william pilot fish often swim near sharks rays and sea turtles for food scraps and protection you see we were meant to be best buddies [Music] all right let's add these ocean friends to our collection join me again next time for another awesome adventure [Music] here we go all together let's dance [Music] [Music] let's go explore [Music] ocean with brooklyn [Music] don't forget to click subscribe subscribe search for baby shark brooklyn on youtube let's run to the baby baby shark brooklyn [Music] is filled with joy and adventure don't be afraid cause everything will be okay awesome adventures so wait so dive in now is the time to have fun with our friend brooklyn curious baby shirt protective great job brooklyn [Music] ocean with baby [Music] shark family bath time [Music] um i think it's time to visit the scrubba dub cleaning hub [Music] cleaning hub [Music] the scrubba dub cleaning hub is where you go to get scrubbed from head to tail for the deepest clean under the sea [Music] from head to tail that sounds painful oh you're going to be fine i got such a deep scrub i thought my scales were going to rub right off [Music] what a beautiful thing to say your words have touched my heart thank you thank you very much for saying that [Music] today looks super busy maybe next time [Music] [Applause] it's busy no more looks like you're the next one's up but sir we just had five enormous sharks swim in [Music] cleaner fish get your fins ready today we have a special mission let's give these big filthy sharks a little scrub a dump cleaning show me you can clean with everything that you've got [Music] [Laughter] i feel squeaky clean oh thank you [Laughter] let me think yellow and blue with dark stripes your blue string cleaner assess you're so tiny there's nothing to scrub no you call them tiny oh wait my head still feels so itchy your head really i meant my daily your tail [Laughter] you know you really need to brush your teeth more often i will i promise why is it that you flap your tails like that when you clean it's our way of letting you know we're here so you don't swallow us by the stick can't you clean a bit more i was having so much fun me too more cleaning please let me take it from here it must be hard work for you all cleaning sharks of our size oh it's it's no problem oh gosh a cleaner fish has fainted somebody please [Music] she's clearly overworked herself she needs to go rest up for a while oh dear i'll wait for thunder it's not over yet there's one more daddy shark let's go wait hold on and uh i should tell you that my tail is hurt [Music] hmm all right mission complete [Music] huh is that that's all it's over [Laughter] daddy why did you hurt your tail oh um well uh my tail is fine now no need to worry good job today everyone now go home and get some rest [Applause] is this the scrub-a-dub cleaning home um i think i don't know i think i i think that they moved oh fish tapes there's a year's worth of dirt stuck in my suckers what am i going to do baby shark brooklyn [Music] make some bubbles [Music] [Music] rub it itchy itchy mouth scrub it rub it itchy itchy back [Music] [Music] baby shark brooklyn hi everyone i'm professor brooklyn wasn't today's shark tale fantastic now it's time for some fun facts i'm so excited to share them i wonder if you can guess which sea animals might be waiting for us today [Music] today sea animal is the blue streak cleaner rash they're the cleaners of the sea blue streak cleaner grasses clean parasites and food scraps off of other sea animals skin any fish that needs a cleaning knows they can count on them to get squeaky clean these fish also have a great memory they don't forget their friends even after a long time wiggle wiggle swish swoosh when blue streak cleaner rasses clean the mouth of a big fish they shake their tails it's almost like they're dancing this wiggling is their way of telling the big fish be careful we're cleaning in here and please don't swallow us [Music] [Music] they're the cleaners of the sea they clean their fish friends wagon shake their tails so they don't get swallowed blue streak clean your all right let's add this ocean friend our collection join me again next time for another awesome adventure [Music] baby shark brooklyn eyepin let's bust some shark moves did it do to make some waves dance and kill the beat groove to the rhythm of the swaying sea here we go get broken [Music] how exciting will [Music] [Music] don't forget to click subscribe for baby shark brooklyn on youtube i'm in trouble i accidentally woke up a sea monster you'll be in danger if you don't run away quickly let's run to the baby shark runaway baby shark brooklyn [Music] don't be afraid cause everything will be okay awesome adventures so wait [Music] great job brooklyn [Music] [Music] baby come explore the ocean with baby shark [Music] brooklyn shipwreck scare today let's explore a shipwreck um william i heard there's a monster at the shipwreck isn't it dangerous to go there not at all if my new friend comes along with us we have absolutely nothing to worry about oh speaking of [Music] hello i'm brooklyn don't be scared brooklyn won't hurt us [Music] if everybody's ready why don't we get going [Music] me well i'm chi-chi and i want to be your friend if that's okay are you a shark too uh-huh hmm you don't look like me at all that's because i'm no ordinary shark i'm a hammer head don't worry i'm not gonna hurt you i'm brooklyn i'm william nice to meet you all okay are you ready to explore the shipwreck i've been there before and it wasn't scary at all i'll show you the way follow me is it just me or is the current getting stronger as we go what happened oh i think i just heard the monster [Music] really i don't hear anything let's keep going what there's nothing over there uh-huh come on let's go this way [Music] it's okay it's just seaweed oh gee william he scared me i i just really don't like seaweed that's all huh [Music] it's just me chichi [Music] what's wrong william i'm not scared or anything but if brooklyn and chichi are here who's over there [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] is everybody okay [Music] it's true there really is a monster at the shipwreck did it follow us [Music] i don't see the monster here [Music] you know i was so brave i squirted ink at the monster and scared it away what so that black cloud i saw that was only your ink huh i'm pretty sure i got the monster [Music] i too it so that's why the monster got mad and started going smart wait no the zap zap sparks park that was me the monster poked me in the side so i shocked it [Music] i'm the one who attacked it [Music] yeah the monster shocked me so i shot it back with water like kapow wow i guess that means we defeated the monster together so cool i can't believe we did it [Laughter] something seems fishy about this [Music] hey mommy i'm home did you have fun yeah we explored a shipwreck and saw a monster but my friends managed to scare the monster off oh daddy what happened to you oh hey brooklyn it's a long story oh daddy huh hmm i wonder where they're going the shipwreck that's a dangerous place for them to go on their own [Applause] oh [Laughter] baby shark broken [Music] [Music] i am a very brave [Music] blowing up popping out [Music] charging up the electric shocks hey i am a very brave ceo [Music] baby shark brooklyn hi everyone i'm professor brooklyn wasn't today's shark tale fantastic now it's time for some fun facts i'm so excited to share them i wonder if you can guess which sea animals might be waiting for us today today sea animals are octopus snapping shrimp goldfish and electric eel these animals have special defenses for when they're in danger [Music] an octopus can change its color to match its surroundings and get through tight spaces with its flexible body it also sports ink to escape danger with its big claws a snapping shrimp shoots animals snap snap with air bubbles a blowfish can blow up its body like a balloon some even use their sharp spikes called spines to threaten others an electric eel zapped up uses electric shocks to attack other animals but just between you and me electric eels only live in rivers [Music] electric [Applause] all right let's add these ocean friends to our collection join me again next time for another awesome adventure [Music] one two here we go all together let's dance [Music] of here we go all together let's dance [Music] [Music] don't forget to click subscribe subscribe search for baby shark brooklyn on youtube let's run to the baby shark runaway baby shark brooklyn [Music] [Music] is filled with joy and adventure don't be afraid cause everything will be okay awesome adventures so wait so dive in now is the time to have fun with our friend brooklyn curious [Music] great job brooklyn charming [Music] [Music] [Music] the marvel is milo [Music] um [Music] finally i gotcha [Music] [Music] [Music] but wait i think i hit something [Music] i must have bumped into him hey are you are you all right oh no what's wrong is he hurt i don't think so maybe he's just in shock or something [Music] [Applause] huh hey he's away are you okay hmm i'm brooklyn i'm william and i'm chi-chi we gave you a scare didn't we [Music] we're about the same size but you don't look like a shark uh-huh wow this feels great your skin is amazing oh my oh my hey do you want to go play in the coral reefs fun me too of course silly but aren't the coral reefs pretty far from here yeah but i know a shortcut of course you do the coral reefs are straight through there do you think we'll fit through there it'll be easy for william but us [Music] then i'll go first since i have the biggest head of the groom oh good idea if chichi can pass through then we all can for sure [Music] [Music] watch out for the falling rock oh wow gigi how did you know i'm a hammerhead shark i can see backward and forward at the same time [Music] oh wow that didn't take long at all yeah what did i tell you [Music] oh no okay let's try it one more time [Music] hey everyone hi i'm a speedy baby shark call me brooklyn i can see left hi i'm william i know everything about the village that you would want to know [Music] they're all so amazing but what about me what am i good at nothing i'm i'm just milo [Music] oh look what clams are stuck on you yeah we tried pulling but they've been stuck for a while and they won't come off oh just rub against milo i bet that'll [Music] work [Music] everyone in this village really is amazing super amazing [Laughter] that was fun [Music] then let's get scratching hey hold on let's all farmers we appreciate it [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] baby shark brooklyn oh my oh my it's okay scared and [Music] it's okay we'll protect you thank you feeling scared it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay we're with you it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay heavy clam sticky sticky oh so heavy can't even play wow it's okay it's okay milo will help you well they fell off feeling scared it's okay it's okay feeling shocked it's okay it's okay we're with you it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay one more time feeling scared it's okay it's okay it's okay feeling sharp it's okay it's okay we can do anything together it's it's okay it's okay hey shark brooklyn hi everyone i'm professor brooklyn wasn't today's shark tale fantastic now it's time for some fun facts i'm so excited to share them i wonder if you can guess which sea animals might be waiting for us today hmm today's sea animal is the sun fish sunfish are super huge in size but they are quite gentle creatures but when they feel scared or threatened they only swim straight ahead that's why bang bang they can bump into things sometimes they're also known as molas and doctors of the sea because they help fish in need when fish rub against the thick and rough skin of a sunfish their parasites fall off some antibiotic particles can form on the fish too it's no wonder that they're called the doctors of the sea [Music] itchy parasite rub them right off swimming straight [Music] all right let's add this ocean friend to our collection join me again next time for another awesome adventure see you [Music] here we go all together let's dance dance and feel the beat [Music] [Music] hey don't forget to click subscribe subscribe search for baby shark brooklyn on youtube the story of the baby shark's new adventure you can explore even more with this submarine let's run to the baby shark runaway baby shark brooklyn [Music] [Music] don't be afraid cause everything will be okay awesome adventures so wait so dive in now is the time to have fun with our friend brooklyn curious and friendly shirt great job brooklyn [Music] ocean [Music] a race to the finish oh our brooklyn has become quite the swimmer now don't you think brooklyn's gotten quite good brooklyn's gonna be all right hon just give it a little time [Music] i give you a score of 100. [Music] you're celebrating that watch this supersonic cyclone who is this guy i'm so i'm the fastest the coolest are you okay i just went to the coral reefs and back i brought back some coral and seaweed whoa that was super quick saw seaweed and corals big deal i bet it would take you the whole day to make the trip no it wouldn't it would take brooklyn only oh half day maybe what i can swim fast if i want to hmm oh come to think of it you want to race me what race me the fastest swimmer in all of the sea against you all right you're on and if i win you can't make fun of me anymore fine then let's do this you can do it [Music] our competitor's soul swam off before i said go [Music] if you want to take a head start that's fine by me okay okay let's try this one more time ready set go oh [Music] what a slowpoke i'm so far ahead hmm nowhere to be seen i guess i'll just hang out here a while [Music] um thanks huh who said that someone's coming down the track could it be brooklyn thing [Music] well brooklyn's still not here yet there's berkeley hey took you long enough do you still think you can win can't you see i'm the fastest in the sea i'm a sailfish can't you see [Laughter] whoopsie saul didn't see that rock coming he was so close to the finish [Laughter] [Music] will brooklyn win the race after all oh we're proud of you brooklyn i can't believe i lost i'm the fastest you lost because you got careless i know you're a faster fish than me oh finally uh thank you brooklyn [Music] oh what do i do now oh i don't have any friends left to race with hmm i have an idea since you get around so fast why don't you be the news fish for our village we could use your help news fish huh yeah keep everyone up to date with important information and take other fish forever but you could do it in a flash because you're so fast whoa hmm ah that does sound pretty fun good evening i'm saul and i'm here with a saul scoop bringing you the speediest news in the sea now why did he tell me that good zing the saw scoop special turns out milo the sunfish is taking a nap [Music] the saul scoop brooklyn and william are hanging out today [Music] that's not news those two hang out every day now the news is nonstop nonsense baby shark brooklyn [Music] speedy speedy speedy speedy speedies beast beady speedy sailfish beady sailfish speedy speedys beast beady long body nimble fins i am a sailfish oh i'm the fastest [Music] giant sail pointy bill i am a sailfish oh i'm the fastest in the sea i am the champion [Music] sailfish sailfish i am a sailfish i'm the fastest in the sea i am the champion [Music] super fast i am a sailfish baby shark brooklyn hi everyone i'm professor brooklyn wasn't today's shark tale fantastic now it's time for some fun facts i'm so excited to share them i wonder if you can guess which sea animals might be waiting for us today today sea animal is the sailfish check out its big dorsal fin shaped like a sail and a long sharp fill pretty cool right when a sailfish hunts it uses its large dorsal fin to corral its prey and uses its bill as a weapon because sailfish are the fastest fish in the sea they're nick named the cheetahs of the ocean not only can sailfish swim fast they can change color fast too they can use it to confuse them or use it to communicate with other fish see i don't know about you but i think the speedy sailfish are really neat [Music] changing color super super fast oh speedy speedy sailfish all right let's add this ocean friend our collection join me again next time for another awesome adventure see you one two here we go all together let's dance here we go all together let's dance [Music] [Music] [Music] hey forget to click subscribe subscribe search for baby shark brooklyn on youtube let's run to the baby [Music] [Music] is filled with joy and adventure don't be afraid cause everything will be okay awesome adventures so wait so dive in now is the time to have fun with our friend brooklyn [Music] great job brooklyn charming baby let's go on an adventure [Music] the case at 94th and ocean hey william huh i heard your uncle is a detective can i meet him hi ray hello um sure thing but no way your uncle really is a detective uh yeah he's a detective at least he thinks so i'm the best detective in the sea let's see here you're a shark right wow you figured it out and you seeing as you're playing with a shark you must be a shark too whoa you're right sir oh brother i play with him too am i a shark then hmm last week while you were sleeping who had a little action that's just between us and you're a a sure a show i'm ray the eagle ray nice to meet you yes and just as i thought i came here because i have a strange taste detective about a ghost that's haunting 94th ocean and then the ghost went wink [Music] that's the sound it made i was scared steve as a board i heard a weird noise so i went to see what it was [Music] i see obviously the culprit we should go to the scene and check it out all right did you did you hear that there's no one here i guess we can head back then hey there's someone over there [Applause] [Music] if you're not a ghost then this oh this tail hmm mostly white from head to tail my job i have correct the case you're none other than you're an albino bull shark aren't you absolutely right you're an albino bull shark i'm a shark too nice to meet you yeah we can be friends huh i can be friends with you i'm leo i knew this would happen everyone i meet is scared of me i i i'm not i'm not scared of you a bit yeah look at my eyes they're really far apart and you have one eye in the middle that's great he's right my mom told me that the sea is really big and there are lots of different kinds of friends we get to make too yeah exactly the culprit behind all the ghost noises at 94th and ocean is our new friend the albino bull shark ghost noises i wasn't making any ghost noises you weren't who's there come on out don't be scared [Music] her name is dora but she has a hard time speaking in front of others because she's a little shy i see so you're the one making the ghost noises yes but they were wrinkled ghosts sounds so she wasn't trying to scare you she was just practicing saying hi but leo how do you understand dora so well i guess it's because i'm not very good at talking to others either it can be hard to make friends when you only have one eye no i think your eye is unique and special yeah me too and look at us we all look different from one another it's okay it's okay to take your time brooklyn's right it's hard to understand if you talk really fast that's right you know i think this makes all of us friends this case is closed say hello nice and loud hello hello oh yeah easy huh just be confident wow you're a great see singer rising star the adorable singer [Applause] [Music] we're special we're special we're special [Music] oh this song makes me cry every time i hear it i'm your biggest fan leah's doing great at hosting the concert too baby shark brooklyn [Music] twinkle twinkle pretty eye my one eye is embarrassing no no it's beautiful it's not embarrassing just different and special you and i are different we are all so different everyone is different i am special so special we're special we're special we're special we're all super special it's okay just talk slowly stuttering is embarrassing no no take your time it's not embarrassing just different and special [Music] we are special baby shark brooklyn hi everyone i'm professor brooklyn wasn't today's shark tale fantastic now it's time for some fun facts i'm so excited to share them i wonder if you can guess which sea animals might be waiting for us today today sea animals are bull sharks and adorable as octopuses bull sharks are fierce and aggressive just like bulls and they have special organs that control the salt and water levels in their body which means they can swim in both oceans and rivers there was even a very special bull shark unlike any other discovered that was albino and had only one eye that's our friend leo adorabella's octopuses have an umbrella shape so they're also called umbrella octopuses they live in the deep dark sea and their bodies hold a lot of water that makes them very soft and bouncy but they don't have ink stacks so they killed squirt ink like other octopuses [Music] swims [Music] aggressive and wild soft bouncy body yeah all right let's add these ocean friends to our collection join me again next time for another awesome adventure [Music] baby shark broke an iphone let's bust some sharks moves did it do to make some waves dance and feel the beat groove to the rhythm of the swaying sea here we go get rock climb the big [Music] how exciting will it be [Music] [Music] search for baby shy brooklyn on youtube i'm in trouble i accidentally woke up a sea monster you'll be in danger if you don't run away quickly let's run to the baby shark runaway baby shark brooklyn [Music] is filled with joy and adventure don't be afraid cause everything will be okay awesome adventures so wait so dive [Music] great job brooklyn charming [Music] let's go on an adventure [Music] [Music] baby sharks volcano adventure i heard it's nice and warm by the volcano oh beautiful volcano what a sweet name volcano boom wouldn't interruption be lovely sounds dangerous to me sounds like they're going to visit volcano village volcano village oh i'm going to have to fly oh and brooklyn don't forget to stay away from volcano village it's dangerous there okay volcano village let's go too it'll be so fun are you [Music] but sure villages oh hello there milo why don't you come with us oh um homework oh volcanoes i didn't know we were coming here oh my oh my [Music] [Laughter] this place is great right uh oh i'm so sweaty it's way too hot in here huh what the three of us are fine william you must be extra hot because you're so teeny tiny oh no will you be okay william maybe we should go back huh oh good idea we should definitely get out of here wait what oh come on even little shrimp is going let's go william well home you're right i guess if that tiny shrimp can go it can't be that bad let's go [Laughter] [Music] isn't it romantic here just the two of us honey oh stop my tail keeps scraping the ground oh that's odd now that you mention it it does look like the ground has risen a bit oh it's true it's been a lot hotter lately too i'd better go tell brooklyn to be careful you're right being careful doesn't hurt speaking of where did brooklyn go hmm [Music] wow this is awesome hey everyone take a snip it smells super weird huh it does the pillar right behind us is glowing red huh wow you're right that's so cool that you can see behind you without turning around yeah it's super cool i could see everything wow what's this glowing goo it's really hot wow this is so cool [Laughter] [Music] look how strong i am i hit the ground and it starts shaking huh hold on [Music] chi-chi stop that you're scaring me oh that wasn't me this time [Music] brooklyn let's get out of here brooklyn are you all right yeah but we would have been in big trouble if you and mom hadn't come and that's exactly why grandpa warned you not to go there you can't go there on your own ever again understood yeah i promise i won't go again oh are you guys all doing okay [Music] it was so scary i'm sorry we are fine that was a super a scary eruption [Music] i'll never go back there me neither from now on you should always let a grown-up know where you're going to be okay okay yikes a volcano nope it's just me gotcha william [Laughter] you know volcanoes don't scare me at all no one bit i was scared [Music] [Laughter] baby shark brooklyn [Music] me smoke let's go discover volcano village red and steamy be careful it's hot burning volcanoes are waiting to see us come with me break brooklyn let's go let's go fiery hot red pillars [Music] let's go [Music] oh [Music] hi everyone i'm professor brooklyn wasn't today's shark tale fantastic now it's time for some fun facts i'm so excited to share them i wonder if you can guess which sea animal might be waiting for us today today sea animal is the hammerhead shark they're called hammerhead sharks because they have a head shaped like a hammer their eyes are on the sides of their heads so they can see forward backward left and right a full 360 degrees of vision their wide head shape means they can easily detect changes in water temperature and pressure and the electric fields of other animals this makes them great hunters and hammerhead sharks are very agile so they can change direction easily even at fast speeds they're strong and athletic just like gigi [Music] right [Music] [Music] all right let's add this ocean friend our collection join me again next time for another awesome adventure one two here we go all together let's dance three more feel the flow all together baby shark brooklyn let's plus some shark moves make some waves dance and feel the beats groove to the rhythm of the swaying sea here we go get rock climb the big high fit one two here we go all together let's dance three four feel the flow all together [Music] let's go explore the sea how exciting will it be [Music] baby [Music] search for baby shark brooklyn on youtube let's run to the baby shark runaway baby shark brooklyn [Music] is filled with joy and adventure don't be afraid cause everything will be okay [Music] great job brooklyn [Music] see you later the best couple contests have you seen your grandpa uh grandpa [Laughter] i did see him in the cave earlier the cave oh every time he goes he gets distracted and forgets about everything hmm this necklace is going to make the perfect anniversary gift for her oh but there's one thing missing hmm should i add a seashell oh or this pretty stone here [Music] oh my [Music] what were you doing in the cave today you forgot about the picnic didn't you [Music] all right the picnic i guess it slipped my mind that's it i'll never picnic with you again oh wait wait i'm sorry my grandparents are arguing how can we help [Music] how about we get them to enter the contest contest i mean the best couple contest your grandparents will win i'm sure of it wow fantastic idea oh so we think you should enter the contest huh best couple contests yeah if you both enter the contest together you'll for sure win the title oh no no i think uh i'm too old for that contest best couple my finn ah you know you want to the first place prize is a jumbo pearl from a king lamb can you believe it what a king clan pearl oh you know we should give it a try one two cha cha cha one two cha cha we we are wheels [Music] oh he's built a masterpiece no playing favorites i know that's your brother everyone is coupled up i'll accept him [Music] turn right [Music] i said to turn right not turn left oh this is too confusing [Music] are my grandparents going to be all right they won't make it past the first round welcome to the best huffle contest who do you think will be this year's best couple the first couple in our contest is mr and mrs seahorse they will be performing a beautiful dance [Applause] we're seahorses every couple weeks my darling [Applause] [Music] hey who knew mrs seahorse could fly i wonder how the seahorse couple will score the next couple up is mr and mrs blue whale wow [Music] i mean mr blowfish alone without a partner yes give it up for mr blowfish he sure can build a terrific house we will only let you move forward if our partner moves into that house before we continue with the contest who wants to be my lucky partner last but not least grandma and grandpa's shark we're grand sharks are lovely we can dance still remember the day we danced together for the first time you were so wonderful i remember you were wonderful too we had some good times back then didn't we and we had plans to travel around the entire ocean remember well this year the title for best couple goes to [Applause] the winning prize is a king clam colossal jumbo pearl [Music] [Laughter] finally the necklace is complete oh i saw grandpa making that necklace in the cave oh you should have told me that you were making me a present i wanted to surprise you i love you and my dear i will always love you you're making me blush [Music] [Music] baby shark brooklyn welcome to this year's best couple contest our first couple is mr and mrs seahorse [Music] show up next are the elegant mr and mrs blue whale oh [Music] just for you i love you [Music] baby shark brooklyn hi everyone i'm professor brooklyn wasn't today's shark tale fantastic now it's time for some fun facts i'm so excited to share them i wonder if you can guess which sea animals might be waiting for us today today we'll learn how seahorses whales and white spotted puffer fish show their affection seahorses are romantic creatures who have one partner for their whole life every morning they express their love for each other by winding their tails around the others [Music] whales show affection by circling around each other and singing beautiful love songs white spotted puffer fish are a special kind of puffer fish the male works tirelessly for weeks to build a nest for the female to lay eggs he does everything he can to build the perfect nest padded with very soft sand in the center [Music] oh [Music] all right let's add these ocean friends to our collection join me again next time for another awesome adventure see you one two here we go all together let's dance here we go here we go all together let's dance [Music] don't forget to click subscribe search for baby shark brooklyn on youtube the story of the baby shark's new adventure you can explore even more with this submarine let's run to the baby shark runaway baby shark brooklyn [Music] don't be afraid cause everything will be [Music] okay [Music] great job brooklyn [Music] [Music] [Music] brooklyn catch the thief [Music] my prized tooth collection it has disappeared [Music] disappeared out of the blue teeth don't just swim away daddy i know what to do i'm gonna catch the thief and get your teeth back for you [Music] my most precious trophy has gone missing i there's a thief here with something stolen from you too you too somebody came and stirred up our house and stole my dad's tooth collection oh my spines my friends and i are gonna catch the thief no matter what [Laughter] my priceless shell that i shed got stolen from my collection it was number twelve i see i heard that a creature with a long body and many legs came out of spider crabs house long body and many legs [Music] mrs sea snake stone has gotten missing let's find it for her i think i saw someone pass by here a minute ago tell us who it was wait did the someone you saw have a lot of legs well i'm not really sure [Music] if the culprit had many legs eight tentacles you must be the thief it's not me you said it had a long body sea snakes fit that description right could it be don't look at me i have something stolen too without proof [Music] wasn't someone saying that the culprit had many legs it's not me the culprit has a long body right hmm but now to think of it the creature i saw didn't actually have a long body perhaps there's more than just one beef oh or maybe it's just one thief that can transform oh what in the sea am i saying i think that transforms transformed i just realized i think i know who the culprit is [Music] over there i think that's the thing oh i can be a spider crab or i can be a long poisonous striped sea snake i can even turn into a flat fish that swims on its side [Music] you're the thief aren't you [Music] hmm [Music] oh [Music] i swear i only wanted to borrow all those pretty things oh my prized tooth collection and i have my trophy back [Music] i think you're really cool you can transform into all kinds of animals uh-huh yeah it was just like whoa totally so how do you actually transform i guess i'm just a natural talent a mimic octopus can transform into at least 10 different creatures is that true wanna see flat fish yikes [Music] slithering sea snake [Music] that's so cool you have such an amazing talent that's right it's incredible so why don't you use your talent for something good huh something good come here why don't you try uh-huh okay [Music] [Music] how mimic octopus is doing me too oh i heard that former thief is totally reformed now that dear octopus is helping all kinds of neighbors that's wonderful i'm sorry i'm late i had so many errands it's okay she didn't notice a thing baby shark brooklyn [Music] who is who is who is the thief who is it who is the thief [Music] let's think about it together yeah it's not me then who could it be baby baby steak is the thief me yeah it's not me then who could it be [Music] me yeah it's not me who is who is who is who is the thief who is it who is it who is who is who is it [Music] baby shark brooklyn everyone i'm professor brooklyn wasn't today's shark tale fantastic now it's time for some fun facts i'm so excited to share them i wonder if you can guess which sea animals might be waiting for us today today's sea animal is the mimic octopus a mimic octopus has the ability to change its skin color and movement so perfectly that it fools everyone they don't have poison or ink for defense instead they transform to protect themselves when a predator is near a mimic octopus can pretend to be a poisonous sea snake and when a mimic octopus sees prey it can take the shape of a rock or coral it's a great way to hide and catch prey a mimic octopus can mimic more than 10 different species no wonder they're called the transformer of the sea [Music] number one transformers join me again next time for another awesome adventure see ya [Music] baby shark broke an iphone let's bust some sharks moves did it do to make some waves dance and feel the beat groove to the rhythm of the swaying sea here we go get frog [Music] let's go explore the sea how exciting [Music] don't forget to click subscribe search for baby shark brooklyn on youtube let's run to the baby baby shark brooklyn [Music] is filled with joy and adventure don't be afraid cause everything will be okay awesome adventures so wait so dive in now is the time to have fun with our friend brooklyn curious baby protective of his baby shark loving great job brooklyn [Music] let's [Music] the spectacular sardine show [Music] um village festival's coming up this time every year the sardines come to perform at our village festival huh wow yep there's even a talent show where we can show off our skills did you say talent show [Laughter] we have to enter our family will knock everyone's skills off wowie this festival is going to be so [Laughter] fun [Music] it's finally here festival day wow oh hey ray you came too yeah i can't wait to see the sardine show this is my first time i'm super excited thanks for coming the amazing village talent show is about to begin [Music] i am a shrimp i don't want to be swallowed by a whale what in the sea is he talking about do you have any idea at all no idea [Music] [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] baby shark brooklyn what's taking the sardines so long [Music] come on the saul scoop [Music] the sardines i can't make the festival the sea current changed so they're skipping our village this year [Music] well we should go home too can't we wait a little longer [Music] hey i think the scenery changed again really [Music] i'll go find them seoul should be back soon be patient brooklyn okay oh i don't think they're coming let's [Music] the sardines are coming i have to hurry and spread the good news we almost had to skip this year but after hearing that a special shark was eagerly waiting for us we had to come back [Applause] ladies and gentlemen we are the sardines wonderful amazing talented sardines [Music] shiny [Music] shiny shiny shiny sardines granny granny granny grandma shark [Music] see you all again next year good night [Music] um that rap touched my soul you go grandpa shark you go baby shark brooklyn welcome ladies and gentlemen we are the sardines wonderful amazing talent talented sardine cool fleshy dancing makes everyone happy [Music] shiny wonderful amazing talented sardines cool fantastic stunts make everyone happy shiny [Music] wonderful amazing talented sardines cool exciting singing makes everyone happy [Music] chinese [Music] baby shark brooklyn hi everyone i'm professor brooklyn wasn't today's shark tale fantastic now it's time for some fun facts i'm so excited to share them i wonder if you can guess which sea animals might be waiting for us today today sea animal is the sardine sardines have long bodies blue backs and silver bellies they also have around seven dots on their sides all lined up sardines mostly eat plankton and they travel seasonally to find large amounts of food and the right water temperature [Music] when they travel sardines swim in schools made of mighty numbers this protects them from large sea animals together they can appear 300 times bigger than an elephant who would mess with something that size silver glittering little fish by itself it's tiny tiny tiny but together they're giant giant giant [Applause] [Music] all right let's add this ocean friend our collection join me again next time for another awesome adventure see you [Music] one two here we go all together let's dance three more feel the flow all together [Music] here we go all together let's dance [Music] with don't forget to click subscribe [Music] don't run subscribe quickly let's run to the baby shark runaway baby shark brooklyn [Music] don't be afraid cause everything will be okay [Music] be mommy shark great job brooklyn [Music] see you [Music] sos crown of thorns starfish hey there you are that was pretty quick i thought my color makes it hard to find me just look the coral forest has turned gray what do you mean oh my what happened here no my home's destroyed it's all over for me brooklyn i have bad news i have to move away but why no i can't even imagine the village without you [Music] william are you really moving yeah is it because the corn forest has tried out little fish like me can't live in a place without any corals what oh no oh thorns of a poisonous crown of thorns starfish what a crown of porn starfish oh what's so scary about a starfish all they do is take naps under rocks it's nothing to worry about [Music] yeah they're the reason for the coral forest drying up then let's get rid of them that way will you won't have to move away from here well yes but kicking them out is easier said than done i can tell you let's work together it's our village and we gotta protect it [Applause] down here down there get away goodness gracious i don't think we can keep this up for very much longer [Applause] i've never dealt with these stony critters before i'm not sure how to fight them off i know the old giant clam he might know what to do he slept here forever i'll go right away and ask him to defeat the crown of thorns starfish fine triton's trumpet guardians [Music] is what he said then let's go find the triton's trumpet guardians let's go [Music] trident trumpet guardians are you here oh i think i see someone did someone call for us huh who was that [Applause] the yeah crown of thorns starfish have taken over our village the coral forest has completely dried out it's really bad all of our friends will have to leave we came here because the only chance we have at defeating them is you yes that's right please guardians you must help us help us save our village so that william doesn't have to move away [Music] you say you need our help yeah yes we do we need it right away very well all right then we will help i will help as well [Music] oh they just keep on coming and coming all right look there are too many of them we're completely outnumbered we can't keep fighting them up [Music] leave forever [Music] i declare there will be no more crown of thorn starfish titans trumpets will make them run and save our colorful coral forest this is well done it looks just like a triton's trumpet guardian well this should keep those nasty crown of thorns starfish away william i'm so happy brooklyn [Music] need a lift not necessary i hear you then i'll be on my way a bad idea is what i was going to say by the way thank you for saving our coral forest safe travels baby shark brooklyn [Music] the coral forest is in danger oh no [Music] who's behind it [Music] [Music] [Music] starfish [Music] [Music] the colorful coral forest disappears triton's trumpets will make them run and save our colorful coral forests [Music] brooklyn hi everyone i'm professor brooklyn wasn't today's shark tale fantastic now it's time for some fun facts i'm so excited to share them i wonder if you can guess which sea animals might be waiting for us today today sea animals are the crown of thorns starfish and triton's trumpet a crown of thorn starfish has spiky poisonous thorns all over its body they feed on coral until all that's left of it is the skeleton that's why coral reefs with a lot of crown of thorns starfish eventually get sick but coral reefs can be saved with the help of triton's trumpets who are enemies of crown of thorns starfish so crowd of thorns starfish gets scared when they see triton's trumpets and they hurry away as quickly as they can triton's trumpet guardians help us save our colorful coral forests pointy pointy poisonous storms destroying coral reefs crown of the starfish help save the corals all right let's add these ocean friends to our collection join me again next time for another awesome adventure see you [Music] here we go all together let's dance [Music] here we [Music] let's go explore the [Music] don't forget to click subscribe subscribe search for baby shark brooklyn on youtube let's run to the baby shark runaway baby shark brooklyn [Music] don't be afraid cause everything will be okay awesome adventures so wait so dive in now is the time to have fun with our friend brooklyn curious and friendly shirt protective great job brooklyn charming and mary [Music] grandpa family [Music] come explore the ocean with baby grandma sharks concert [Music] it does feel so good to sing in the morning do you like it yes it was a lovely song hmm anything else [Music] it's a shame you don't have a bigger audience grandma don't be silly the entire village knows about your singing voice you don't say then why don't i put on a concert for the entire village [Music] now isn't that a great idea come on brooklyn let's go find some performers to join us is this okay hey everybody how are you have any news do you have any news to report if you do please let me know so hi sweetie i'm putting on a concert and i'm looking for performers will you be a dear and spread the word that i'm holding auditions for musicians ah grandma hold on yep saul's scoop of the day grandma shark is holding auditions she needs performers for the village concert so please come out zing zing the line is super long i know right get ready for auditions oh wow the turnout is better than i thought the first contestant is the midshipmen this way hmm okay show us what you got [Music] you're in but he hasn't started singing i've heard enough audition passed thank you very much oh grandma shark must have her own set of standards huh i guess so up next snapping shrimp oh this is gonna be good my special talent is crying on command oh how do we define love beautiful like the sun [Music] hmm we've had enough of the tears now do you sing or play something unfortunately not he just wants to be an actor he's a bit tone-deaf with music sorry guys um this is a music concert audition ah ma'am i can't sing but i can do this [Music] what kind of concert is she planning beats me okay stand at attention [Music] oh you pass with flying colors [Laughter] oh dora you're auditioning too [Music] my [Music] oh wow i am enraptured [Laughter] [Music] this gassy toot sound is exactly what i was waiting for ah the next participant is hey you can't all rush in together um you pass pass pass [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the village concert will now begin [Music] uh [Applause] [Laughter] i know my grandma is totally rock and roll right [Laughter] oh pass hmm [Music] what is going on here grandma's going to put on a second [Laughter] concert baby shark brooklyn [Music] time to begin [Music] [Music] wow it's fun let's go again [Music] [Music] let's go again get ready silence please [Music] baby shark brooklyn hi everyone i'm professor brooklyn wasn't today's shark tale fantastic now it's time for some fun facts i'm so excited to share them i wonder if you can guess which sea animals might be waiting for us today today's sea animals are the musicians of the ocean midshipmen fish snapping shrimp crawfish and seahorse a midshipman fish sings in a deep voice but he only sings at night that's why he was wearing sunglasses at the concert a snapping shrimp shoots loud air bubbles snap snap by clicking its claws together a blowfish makes a fart like sound its mouth a seahorse makes clicking sounds by moving its head click clap back and forth it was an amazing concert thanks to all of these wonderful music making friends [Music] deep deep midshipman fish air bubbles pew sapping [Music] [Applause] all right let's add these ocean friends to our collection wow we made so many new friends until next time bye [Music] one two here we go all together let's dance three more feel the flow all together baby shark brooklyn let's plus some shark moves dance here we go all together let's dance [Music] [Music] hey don't forget to click subscribe subscribe search for baby shark brooklyn on youtube the story of the baby shark's new adventure you can explore even more with this submarine let's run to the baby shark runaway don't forget to click subscribe subscribe search for baby shark brooklyn on youtube
Channel: Baby Shark Official
Views: 2,597,287
Rating: 3.6865671 out of 5
Keywords: pinkfong, family, kids, children, toddlers, babies, preschoolers, preschool, education, educational, videos, kids education, education for children, preschool learning, videos for kids, kids videos, kids animation, songs, songs for kids, songs for children, nursery rhymes, baby shark, baby shark dance, baby shark song, baby shark challenge, cartoon for kids, for kids, educational videos for toddlers, ocean animals, cartoon, baby shark animation, baby shark brooklyn, playtime song, friends
Id: uMIw3FKbUhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 49sec (9409 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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