All Draco Malfoy Scenes (Including Deleted scenes)

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now while you're here it's true then what they're saying on the train harry potter has come to hogwarts harry potter this is crab and goyle and i'm malfoy draco malfoy i think my name is funny do you i need to ask you yours red hair and a hand-me-down robe you must be a weasley you'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others potter you don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort i can help you there [Music] i think i can tell the wrong sort for myself thanks [Music] slytherin there will be no foolish one-waving or silly incantations in this class as such however for those select few who possess the predisposition i can tell you how to bottle fame brew glory and even put a stopper in death fame isn't everything put your hand down you silly girl for your information potter asphadellen guten it will save you from most [Music] poisons find themselves out of hogwarts before they can say quidditch you see his face maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze he'd remember to fall on his fat ass give it here malfoy no i think i'll leave somewhere for long but i'm defined [Music] how about the roof [Applause] what's the matter potter a bit beyond your reach [Music] give a hair mouth for your i'll knock you off your broom is that so [Music] have it your way then [Music] one of the wizards most rudimentary skills is levitation or the ability to make object wingardium leviosa [Applause] [Music] nothing i repeat nothing gives a student the right to walk about the school at night each all four of you will receive detention excuse me professor perhaps i heard you wrong i thought you said the four of us no you heard me correctly mr malfoy you see honorable as your intentions the pity they let the old punishments die it was a time detention will find you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons god i'll be serving detention with hagrid tonight he's got a little job to do inside the dark forest oh sorry lockless hagrid oh god man you're not still on about that bloody dragon are you the forest i thought that was a joke we can't go in there and there are werewolves ah hagrid harry you'll go with mouth okay then i get frank you wait till my father hears about this this is servant stuff if i didn't know better draco i'd say you were scared scared potter did you hear that [Music] come on frank [Music] 312 points in house [Applause] and outstanding courage [Music] uh [Music] don't touch anything draco yes father i've missed a pleasure to see you again and young master malfoy too i must show you just in today and very reasonably i'm not buying today morgan i'm selling silly draco you are aware no done act with me and far embarrassing for the ministry what did i say nothing exactly sorry father come on we go it's a pleasure to do business with you it's 27th week atop the daily profit bestseller bet you loved that didn't you potter famous harry potter can't even go to a bookshop without making the front page leave him alone oh look potter you've got yourself a girlfriend now draco play nicely we meet at last forgive me you must be very brave to mention his name only increases fear of the thing itself miss granger children it's mad in here let's go outside wesley senior lucius see you at school these are still only seedlings quickly the earmuffs malfoy that's right and that's not all that's new this year how did you get those a gift from draco's father um my father can afford the best no one asked your opinion you filthy little mud blood she'll pay for that one malphite eat slugs [Music] enemies of the air beware you'll be next what's going on here i'll kill you i'll go side now it's your turn who would like unable to sway the chamber of secret parting he sealed it until that time when yes can you tell regardless worried all the teachers are but if there really is a chamber token then that means the arizona has returned to hogwarts let's think who do we know [Music] what this go ahead training for the ballet potter you'll never catch me [Music] well [Music] stop making such a pass you can go [Music] one's at the ready scared potter on the count of three [Music] where have you two been picking out in the great hall all this time why are you wearing glasses uh um reading reading i didn't know you could read and what are you doing down here weasley mind your attitude malfoy well sit down you'd never know the wheezies were pure bloods the way they behave they're an embarrassment to the wizarding world all of them what's wrong with you crab you know i'm surprised that the daily prophet hasn't done a report on all these attacks i suppose dumbledore was trying to hush it all up father always said that dumbledore was the worst thing that ever happened to this place what you think there's someone here who's worse than dumbledore oh do you good one girl you're absolutely right saint potter and people actually think that he's the heir of slytherin you know i don't coil i told you yesterday how many times do i have to tell you is this yours it's been 50 years since the chamber was opened he wouldn't tell me who opened it only that they were expelled the last time the chamber of secrets was opened a mud blood died so it's only a matter of time before one of them has killed this time as for me i hope it's granger what's the matter with you two you're acting very odd [Music] hey where are you going [Applause] potter is it true you fainted i mean you actually fainted exactly how to do that oh yeah terribly funny really witty god this place has gone to the dogs waiting till my father hears that dumbledore's got this oath teaching classes shut up malfoy [Laughter] dimensional [Applause] yes you're not dangerous at all are you great calm down it's just a scratch you're gonna regret this class dismissed when you're bloody chicken does it hurt terribly draco it comes and it goes still i consider myself lucky put into mad another minute or two and i uh could have lost my arm i couldn't possibly do any homework for weeks this class is ridiculous very good well so much for the easy part oh thank you as an antidote to your ignorance wolf werewolf you do shopping for your new dream home big ground for you isn't it weasel bee don't your family sleep in a one room shut your mouth malfoy oh not very friendly boys i think it's time we teach weasel bee how to respect his superiors i hope you don't mean yourself how dare you talk to me filthy little mud blood who is that don't stand there do something get away ah come to see the show you you foul loads of some evil little cockroaches hermione no it's not worth it oh [Music] okay i'm gonna get that jumped up in my blood my words go on harry yeah let's see [Music] reigns you'll be the first to know father and i are in the minister's box by personal invitation of cornelius fudge himself don't boost draco there's no need with these people [Applause] when it comes to the dark arts across classrooms completely harmless scores of witches and wizards have claimed [Applause] potter why so tense potter my father and i have a bet you see i don't think you're gonna last 10 minutes in this tournament he disagrees he thinks he won't last i don't give a damn what your father thinks malfoy he's vile and cruel and you're a pathetic pathetic oh no you don't want to funny i think you're thinking what are you doing teaching technically it's a fact oh my father i heard about this professor professor come on it's one thing [Music] how dare you besides i can take care of myself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] our hearts beat as one the bonds of friendship we made this year will be more important than ever i'm surprised the ministry is still letting you walk around free potter you better enjoy it while you can i expect this to sell an azkaban with your name on it what i'll tell you complete nothing a carefully structured there's nothing in here about using defensive spells using what exactly are you insinuating oh delores methods i am a tolerant woman but the one thing i will not stand for is disloyalty disloyalty divination for the inner eye sees sights to which the outer world is blind been in this post how long exactly 16 years quite a period dumbledore it i'm sorry predict something the inner eye does not see upon command no wait wait i you are in grave danger [Music] there'll be no need to talk only to thinks more like it working hard [Music] [Music] if i'm trying to help the weasley girl you were going to dumbledore weren't you no you're sent for me snape yes have you brought the veritas here i'm afraid well if you won't tell her where it is it's probably just the thirsty messing around come on jacob sit down we'll be at hogwarts soon hogwarts what a pathetic excuse for a school i think i pitched myself off the astronomy tab i thought to continue for another two years what's that supposed to mean [Music] let's just say i don't think you'll see me wasting my time in charms class next year amused blaze see just who's laughing in i can vouch for mr malfoy nice face potter you two go on i want to check something didn't mummy ever tell you it was rude to eavesdrop potter she was dead before you could wipe the drool off your chin that's for my father enjoy your ride back to london ah hurry my boy we need to worry we've brought someone with us i see any friend of harry's is a friend of mine get your books out yes miss granger sir the most powerful love potion in the world it's rumored to smile differently to each person according to what attracts them for example i smell now ammo attention never succeed foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] um three butter beers and some ginger in mine please [Music] that's why i wear shoes to bed i just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor he claims to have been invited to your party okay okay i was gate crashing happy i'll escort him out certainly i did hex that bell girl maybe i didn't look to you to protect you i made the unbreakable vow i don't need protection i was chosen for this out of all [Music] no i was chosen this is my moment [Music] [Music] [Music] harmonious i've been trying to remember honestly [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you know what you did malfoy you hacked her didn't you [Music] hmm [Music] uh [Music] all nervous good evening draco what brings you here on this fine spring evening who else is here i heard you talking i've been talking draco you are no assassin how do you know what i am done things that would shock you i like cursing katy perry hoping that in return she'd bear a cursed necklace to me trust me i was chosen easy for you very good the vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement i've been mending it borgin and burke's they form a passage ingenious draco i don't want your help don't you understand i have to do this i have to kill you he's gonna kill me well done draco good evening bellatrix i think introductions are enrolled don't you love to elvis do it just like his father [Music] oh do you bring news i trust it will happen saturday next yeah they got that right then am i to volunteer myself for this task i want to kill the boy and your bloodlust bellatrix if i am to kill him i must do it calm sure now we won't be forgetting who actually caught him i hope mr malfoy you dare to talk to me like that in my own house don't be shy sweetie come over now if this isn't who we think it is draco and we call him he'll kill us all we need to be absolutely sure what's wrong with his face yes what is wrong with his face he came to us like that something he picked up in the forest i reckon ran into a stinging jinx see you too give me a wand we'll see what our last spell was call him [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on what brings you here potter you have something of mine i'd like it back it's powerful but it's not the same it doesn't quite understand me know what i mean [Music] foreign [Music] drake ah well done draco well done and who might you be young man well neville i'm sure because you're wrong harry's heart did beat for us look after each other
Channel: ThatArgentinianGirl
Views: 910,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Only Draco Malfoy, Tom Felton, Solo Draco Malfoy, All Draco Malfoy scenes, Scenes, Movie, Film, Harry Potter and the deathly hallows, Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte, Part 2, Parte 2, Parte 1, Part 1, Philisophers stone, la piedra filosofal, la camara secreta, The chamber of secrets, The prisioner of azkaban, el prisionero de azkaban, El caliz de fuego, The goblet of fire, La orden del fenix, the oder of the phoenix, Half-blood prince
Id: r705SEWqOzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 57sec (2337 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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