All Chapter 1 Quests and notable changes - Gold Ore | Item Bases | Royal Coffins | Dark and Darker

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hey everyone it's demo oh I I meant the mood um anyway today today I'm going to show you a quick summary for the major changes of this wipe and also all the quests available to us right now so it's going to be quests going to show you all of the new item bases uh where you can find gold or now where you can find Royal Coffins on caves and we'll briefly cover the changes to the random attribute modifiers on gear so so let's uh let's get into it yes so first we have Alchemist file three Alchemists lost Sons Invisible Sun healthy Sun protective Sun next golden opportunity kill five Cobalt archers kill five Cobalt axemen all this so Alchemist can make better potions I don't think he's a nice guy Frozen secrets explore the wolf cave location once you do this Alchemist should let you craft magic protection son for the first Quest the fortune teller requires you to buy a drink from her so you can get Lucky Drink three portions of luck and she will let you move on to second base which is which is hidden Destiny survive the dungeon three times she will reward you with essential tools for the kitchen last pulling back the veil AKA Third Base kill three de kill three death skull kill three mimic and three death beetles so as you can see slowly but surely whale is being pulled back embracing your spiritual journey requires patience patience you know blah blah blah blah the usual Goblin mentioned first Quest away with the green skins I guess he's not a goblin himself uh he just uh has Goblin merchandise see seeing how you have to kill 15 goblins for the first Quest second Quest secrets of the dead but this is okis explore the alar third Quest turn in 10 Goblin ears the flavor text says ya no ear no Pride well done very well indeed he uh Goblin Merchant is Michael Jackson confirmed next I am a surgeon first Quest reliable medicine turning five bandages looted second Quest Alchemy dangers where you have to kill three Goblin Mages one and one giant stiped and Last Quest is natural aid explore the stone Graves a location on the goblin Graves for Tavern Master first Quest missing map explore the barracks location on the Hing grips next comes with the territory uh kill five skeleton archers five skeleton footmen and five skeleton guard man Last Quest hidden reserves turn in five ale and he gives you ale back as a reward so that's some kind of a money laundering going on a laundering collect their first Quest kill three Frost wolves one giant bker five Frost Walkers also I I Noti this flavor text you seem to be collector of extinguishing others quite effectively does that make sense I don't know I don't think it does second Quest give him the St some kind of give him treasure he will put it in his room so his room looks better not much of a collector if his room doesn't look good already third Quest collect eight cobal ear okay we are collecting Treasurer ceremonial secret turn in five ceremonial daggers okay easy next Quest forbidden rituals um explore the old tomb location on the Hing Crypts easy peasy third Quest EO of Eternity where you have to kill three r and you get 50 gold three lock picks blue te cloak for the experience 75 Affinity last we have Woodsman fires compassion so turn in five campire campfire kits the flavor of the quest is actually finding someone Le Smith's daughter you'd assume she'd learn not to disappear after the first first quest line we had anyways second Quest invasive pieces kill five demon dogs one demon Kor and and that's it third quest for Woodsman Fortune's guidance explore the prison's a location on the H en Crypts uh apparently this location doesn't exist as far as I know so that's at least what I have heard also as far as I know all of the woodsman's quests give you square upgrades so that is nice as well good to know uh I have made the quests spreadsheet for all the quests you might need so so far we have 24 quests which is chapter one and if you want you can fill the these Quest by Quest type AKA find kill explore use yeah simple as that also big thanks to schnappi for schnapp snappy c h n a PP I thanks to Snappy for uh helping me fill out this spreadsheet it saved me a lot of time and I was able to push this video to you guys at an earlier time than I would have otherwise so thank you so next I'm going to cover the new item bases I would also first like to point out that the some of the existing existing items got changed for example norn tunic has two decks two agility heavy gaunlets to wiger two decks a lot of some of the other items were changed as well so keep that in mind so first we have Crusader Helm two decks two agility as the base Norman nasal Helm two strength three wigger Barbarian helmet great Helm three knowledge as the base okay wizard solid two decks to agility salad two strength two wiger open salad what's the point of this one hello oh wait Bart can use this and Ranger okay makes sense so now we have spangen Helm someone just wants me to suffer two Dex to agility uh in the base Ranger can work this why is it Ranger okay top FM what annoys me about this Helm is that every single helmet has first hch damage reduction then projectile reduction except for this one see head shot then projectile projectile then head shot and it's just messing me up so yeah uh 21% head reduction so that's the highest of all helmets in case you want to do some specific build shig against I don't know so now we have turn sh two decks to agility low boots for knowledge I mean I'm saying the numbers but it depends on the quality of course stitched turn who named this stitched turn SHO will will will will buckle boots Max Health okay light gaunlets two strength to agility so it has agility now oh wait these are light these are not heavy okay uh myy gloves so nice way to get magical healing for warlock very very nice moving on PO point and it has two build two resourcefulness one knowledge I mean the green one but yeah these are the base stats champion armor stren strength wiger Grand brigine two decks to Ay on the green one green one okay studed letter strength and wiger in the base also has magic resist dark quas knowledge will resourcefulness so this is not the same as dark plate armor do not do not be mistaken Crusader armor knowledge only for cleric I mean technically warlock as well warlock can use this with demon thingy armor thingy light aeton five Max Health it's my favorite for rogue because it just looks so nice especially if you have BL sters on it's just so beautiful also uh the gears also the gear can roll um two all attributes that applies to chest pants um I don't have it on the pendant here but uh you can get two on pendant and one on the ring one on the ring so for a total with plus eight so pants chest ring ring so if you're curious about the new enchantments and how they work you can check out the Wikipedia I'm going to put it in description so it's a good place to find the ideas for new builds for example I'm going to eventually do armor penetration Rogue uh with we weak point and Max armor pen rolls for all of the items could be interesting against PDR so yeah okay gold door currently it can only be found in Inferno the crypts map and currently there's no use for it but eventually with the new quests and new rewards for the quests you'll be able to use it so so far uh I have found it only on the spider layer but there could be other locations in Inferno for the goblin cave enjoyers they have added the ro royal coffin in the cave tombs so as far as I know this is not common knowledge but um this room is a good good looting spot so might as well check the Roy cofin spawn it does not uh it does not have a 100% spawn rate so keep that in mind I have seen here and there a few comments where people ask what the Rogue Shimmer looks like exactly and here is an example it actually looks like the hidden from a 2005 game called hidden source and that game holds a special place in my heart in fact if you check the first video on my channel uh it's actually me playing that game so that's like a small fun fact I guess J as an outro I will show you how my forgetfulness resulted with us losing the unique crossbow that we got from the Lich for me it was my first Lich kill this wipe actually so anyway thanks for watching this video if you find any of this information useful consider dropping a like and subscribing nice I don't know I can literally f
Channel: Damood
Views: 4,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark and darker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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