All Battle Tested Gear Location | How to farm and purchase/Steal | Octopath Traveler 2

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hello Travelers and welcome today I will be doing a full guide on Battle tested weapons and shield acquiring all these will also unlock the achievement battle tested gear so you will need the battle tested Blade the battle tested spear the battle tested dagger battle tested ax battle tested bow battle tested staff and battle tested shield and I'm also going to be showing you two ways to acquire these battle tests to gear you can either Farm them with a two percent drop or you can get them by completing a specific character's chapter via purchasing or stealing so to farm the battle tested spear head on down to Psy Village and you can Farm it from this guy right here the towns person and he has a two percent chance to drop it upon defeating him in order to purchase the battle tested Spirit you must complete hikari's full story then head to Coos Castle the NPC that you can purchase it from is Banky and he is located at the bottom section of Castle coup and during the day he is located at the throne room of Castle Coupe for the battle tested blade head to tropuhopu and for a two percent chance to drop you can Farm it from this guy the young man in order to purchase the battle tested blade hikari's main story must be completed after that head on over to Anchorage at the crack Ridge Harbor then head up to this Cliffside and you will encounter pendulum and he will have the battle tested blade along with the giant Shield the battle tested dagger can be farmed at clock Bank at the tavern on the top floor then battle the elderly man he will have a two percent chance to drop the battle tested dagger you can purchase the battle tested dagger at winterbloom and this is after completing Cassidy's main story and also completing melia's next chapter Psy quest after doing so you can come into the garden and talk to pluck and she will have the battle tested dagger at night time she is also located at the Old Tavern for the battle tested bow it can be farmed in new Delta with a two percent chance to drop from the Tudor the battle tested bow can also be purchased at the beastling Village after ochet's chapter has been completed the person you can purchase it from is kohazi and she'll be right here at night time she will be in this Hut for the battle tested X it can be farmed with a two percent chance to drop at Cape cold from this villager in order to purchase the battle tested X temenos's main story needs to be completed [Music] so come on down to the nameless Village and talk to Sir Ludo and he will have the battle tested ax the battle tested staff can be farmed with a two percent chance to drop and Canal brine inside the church from this MPC right here the cleric you can purchase the battle tested staff after completing particio's main story from or Rush off of rogue the battle tested Shield can be farmed in Mont wise with a two percent chance to drop from this card right here the battle tested Shield can also be purchased in new Delta from Veronica after completing agneas full story she will be located right here but after completing Her Side Story she moves to a different location after completing Her Side Story she'll be located in a new Delta theater [Music] and that traveler completes our full guide of the battle tested equipment these are all the ways you can acquire all the gear and you guys have a fantastic night see ya
Channel: Zelendes
Views: 11,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zxE5Gi1Hr0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 27sec (327 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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