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what do a Kean and a Brunell wine have in common well besides being amazing red wines from Italy that is need a hint both wines are based upon the same grape Sano it is one of the most important Grapes of Italy being after all the most cultivated red Variety in the country so it's important and we should learn some more about it I'm Jacqueline from Vero and in this video we are going to find out what is so special about sanio VES to make it coveted for famous wines like the aforementioned kianti and Brunello to help us understand let's first look at a touch of history for such a famous grape the history of Sano VES is actually a little murky while it's generally agreed upon that the grape originates in Italy the regions of Tuscan and Romania both try to claim Birthright a popular theory is that it comes from an area of Roma nearby to the neighboring Tuscany moving back to Modern Times Sano Vines can be found planted in a number of Italian regions reaching from coast to coast of the peninsula across the central area as well the variety has spread internationally with significant plantings being found in California Argentina and Australia so what is the wine from this grape like let's start from the outside and work our way in first the color you will notice that San Joo VES wines are usually a medium red color moving between a garnet tinted Ruby and a garnet color depending on the Aging they are not super deeply colored and they stay on the lighter side of the transparency Spectrum this however is not a sign of quality but rather a quirk in the biology of the sanov grape itself a red Wine's color comes from the skins of the grapes which contain anthocyanins or pigments during the wine making process these pigments are extracted and this is what gives red wines their Ruby Garnet or purple colors there are are a few different types of these anthocyanins but today we are interested in one in particular cyanin so cyanin is a particularly unstable pigment and is easily broken down by oxidation meaning that wines with a high amount of cyanin are more prone to having lighter tinted wines and guess what sanio is one of those grapes rich in cyanin this means that it will never have a dark Ruby black or purple color but always remain a bit lighter and a little bit more see-through in your glass however it is important to note that one should not judge a book by its cover or rather a wine by its color for while sanio VES might be lighter of color this does not mean it is light on bouquet or flavor in fact it's quite the opposite after all this is the same thing that happens with the famous bolo wine that has the same trait with the nebiolo grape also is very rich in cyanin and neither of these wines are considered little wines all right so what are some of the most typical Aromas and flavors that we can find in a sanio wine this is where it gets interesting you see Sano can be very sight sensitive so depending on where wine makers decide to plant it the wine will reflect this decision for example consider just the differences between a Tuscan sanio or a Roma sanio there're two regions that are basically next door to each other but create vastly different wines in Romania at a slightly more Northern angle to Tuscany we find sanio vases that have more acidity more floral bouquet and stronger tannins it can require more time to ripen on the vine to reach its full potential in this area yet in Tusk where kante Brunello and Vino no de monano are from the Sano wines finish with more full-bodied rounder and with a softer tanic structure what are some of these descriptors that we find in Sano well on the nose typically you will find lots of fruit notes especially sour cherries and some herbal and earthy T undertones too but it is on the palette that Sano excels here flavors can range from fresh and fruity like juicy cherries and berries to herbaceous like crunchy Garden Tomatoes sometimes you can taste sweeter notes as well like vanilla or toasty things like coffee beans in well-made wines the crunchy acidity will blend with the rough tannins to be evened out with a juicy softness and it is worth to note that just like Sano VES is site sensitive it is also sensitive to aging and wine making techniques what flavors might start out as fresh Lively and fruity with time and wood aging can be rounded into Fuller chewier wines this is why Sano VES can be such a fun wine to explore the combinations and ways to try it between location styles are endless and that was sanio VES now where can you find yourself some delicious Sano wines to try well at the veros shop at you must only pick where the sanio comes from if you are looking for sanio from Romania you need not look further than the Brasi Winery offering San Superior and a sanes Superior Reserva the Limestone and sand soils of their bertinoro Vineyards give the wines just the right amount of stress to produce amazing fruit and and Vero Tuscan Sano veses can be a bit more diverse you can try the woman-made allnatural Taron from laloa in Mara in southern Tuscany or you can head into the historic and famous Village of montal Chino to find the canalino winery here they produce three San OES wines all made with Native yeast fermentation in fact sanio is the only grape they grow you can try the lighter Fair Roso Toscana the baby Brunello Roso monachino or head straight to the top of the list with the king of Italian wine Brunello de monino all right are you now ready to taste some sanio VES wines from Italy remember head over to the veros shop at and check out the links in the description below for more of our coverage on sanio VES thanks for joining me today remember to leave a thumbs up below if you enjoyed this video and I'll see you at the next one bye
Channel: Vero
Views: 3,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sangiovese, chianti, brunello, montalcino, grape varieties, italian red grape varieties, italian red wines, red wines from italy, brunello di montalcino, rosso di montalcino, emilia romagna sangiovese, toscana sangiovese, sangiovese taste, sangiovese profile
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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