ALL 54 Raised Veggie Garden Beds Walk Around Tour (JULY)

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g'day I'm Mark from self-sufficient me and in this video I'm going to take you through our whole veggie garden all 54 raised beds it's gonna be a cracker because the veggie garden is pumping so let's get into it [Music] our garden isn't the only thing that's pumping at the moment there's tractors going there's people mowing their lawns there's people cutting down trees and chipping wood the whole neighborhood's a light today so you're going to hear quite a fair bit of background noise well that doesn't matter because that's acreage living isn't it and it's the smell and the sound of people getting out and getting into it so what we're going to do is we'll just start from the front here and we'll just work our way all the way back I'll try to keep you synced into where the location is from my top camera looking down on us and I'll take in a bit closer with the handheld now I should say I do have more than 54 raised garden beds I actually have 60 of them but they're not located here in the main veggie patch so I'm just going to show you these 54 and we can show you those other ones another time because I'm working on them and they're some special projects right let's just start from the front this is going to take a while but I'm going to enjoy taking you through all the garden beds and everything about them and all the experiments that I'm doing at the moment okay starting from this bed here it's a legacy bed I don't know why I call it that but it's a throw over from last season the pumpkin is still going but it dies back through winter but we have a Perpetual pumpkin growing here our pumpkins never die they just go slower and then they take off again in spring and summer so we've always got pumpkins and you'll see some of them later on down there so I'm just leaving this one grow I might transplant some of it later in the meantime you've got some lettuce that's coming up this is all self-seeded in this bed it's the right time of year for lettuce and that comes up through the Pumpkin Vine which is dying back slightly at this time of year allowing these other crops to come and grow between them which is pretty cool here we've got spring onions springing into action this bed here if you've been following my videos is quite an old bed of spring onions it just keeps on growing self-seeding and then coming back up again it's a wonderful bed I love it and it's a really good way to keep a continuous supply of onions here's a couple of those pumpkins that I was talking about I generally leave them in Winter to sit on the garden bed out into the Sun and they cure they cure beautifully in winter time and then I can bring them inside but they don't have to be straight away picked and taken inside and put in the pantry they can sit for a couple of months here and just sweeten up lovely in the winter sun this bed here I've just let Dill self-seed that's going to help us out with our cucumbers that will be starting soon it's just still a bit too cool for cucumbers we've got some Japanese mustard growing here self-seeded as well and some eggplant that we're growing through summer and are just starting to rot down what I tend to do is I let these things rot it's one or two of the fruits and then seedlings will start coming up and then I'll transplant those seedlings around the garden coming in Spring and you can see here this is our Everglades tomato the really tiny well Tiny Tim tomatoes tiny Tom tomatoes here they are here they'll develop more this whole crop will develop more when spring hits oh they are wonderful tiny in size big in flavor but I like these because I don't stake them and this is the several season in a row that I've grown them in this race garden bed here and you get literally thousands of those tiny tomatoes out of it to make the best sauce the cutest in salads they're easy to pick and pretty much grow itself and then just keep coming back season after season in this bed here I've got a couple of tomato plants growing and a few of these celtous plants tree lettuce a couple of these nasturtions they just come up everywhere and I'll leave them in place if I if they're in a good spot and not smothering something else out because the bees love them we don't eat them that much this next bit along here is dedicated to some onion crops garlic chives here they're also going a bit slow over winter these are perennial leeks they don't grow as vigorous as the standard leeks but they do grow all year round here and then you've got these Japanese onion or the Raco onions that I've pickled before they're a really good crop to grow and very Hardy and grow all year round a bit like the spring onions there in this bed here I've got rocket that has gone to seed and I deliberately do that because you know you've got the bees that got the native bees here the little ones that are flying around they look like little flies and then you've got the old honeybee here and now that I keep these I'm very aware of letting some or if not most of my garden go to flower go to Seed and Feed the Bees I've always done that anyway I've always been a pollinator or bee feeder I like attracting pollinating insects into the garden and now that I do have our own bees I'm probably even more aware of it but not so much so it's just something I've always loved to do is collect my own seed and regrow it anyway but if you're helping out nature why not in this case now it's making honey for us here we've got a type of Ginger oh what is this I can't remember now I've been growing this a couple of seasons to try to grow it out and then I'm going to show you guys what it is Karachi Chinese keys a spice well-drained soil yeah it's been growing quite well here but I'll let it it's died back now because it's winter time like most types of ginger plants and turmeric and all that they all die back over winter and then I'll give it another season dig it up and we'll see what it's like and then I've just resting the rest of this bed here this next row of beds I've got these Globe artichokes and there was another one that has died back I've got my watering can sitting on it but unfortunately well for this we fixed it up we were able to get rid of the aphids on it and you can still see there's a few lady Birds on here lady beetles and they're keeping guard hello what are you doing yes hello how you come to see me we'll talk more about her right at the end of this video there's a bit of a small story to it and we'll save that along here I've planted or transplanted some strawberries actually I transplanted them from this bed over here I might as well show you they were starting to get all matted up like strawberry plants can do and that isn't a bad thing you can take that as a good thing because what you can do is if your strawberry plants start getting too close together and get it growing on top of each other well then you simply dig them up and you've got twice as many you divide them up and then you can just keep transplanting them out you can give some away if you haven't got the space or you can grow some more like in our case I'm just making more and more garden beds and I put a fig in its place here because I just wanted to try this white Adriatic fig that I hadn't grown before and I wanted to see how it goes in a container and I transplanted the strawberries that I got out of that all in this long raised garden bed that's I got more I got all of those strawberries and more that I planted the residual over there and I'll show you soon but yeah they look like they've transplanted well I only did that yesterday and they'll be providing us with fruit all the way probably Into Summer this next bed here as you can see I've got lettuce and a couple of potato plants from probably last year's crop that I left the Ugg tuber in the soil and they've they've come up so that's by accident but they look so healthy you've just got to keep them going they're not hurting anything so I'll probably get a small crop of potatoes out of these whatever they are some cos lettuce you can see we've been harvesting them Harvest cut we're not really cut and come again but they can they can grow back but causes a hearting variety so that's why I've grown them in threes here so you can just keep harvesting them as they mature and no longer here are mini one box they look gorgeous oh beautiful beautiful healthy warm box with leeks on the side both sides I'll come back around the other side and have a look at it I had an overflow of leaks from this bed here I grew leaks and I grew them from seed and put the sprinkle the seed around and a million of them came up so I've been thinning them out we'll send them out and we'll eat them the smaller ones leave the bigger ones to grow on beautiful I love these thin dirtiest raised garden beds I wanted something that would fit in that thin area and it works in there really well fitted in there nicely like I've already said I've got leaks here that I grew from seed millions of them look at them and in the middle here I'm overwintering a habanaro but you know it's even still growing all this time all through winter and now we're coming to the end of winter you know one more month of winter to go just about and it's still been growing fruit it's suffering you can see that but bye G by jingos buy cracky it's doing really well for a chili I've got another chili over here that I'll show you as well let's say I think it's a Sereno a an orange Sereno um don't quote me on that I can't remember but I've trimmed this all back you can see all the trimmings here I should Harvest some of those chillies well we've got so many of them but you can see it's suffering too but what I generally do is I give them a good prune and I've given this a good prune as well you give them a good prune and then come spring and when the weather starts warming up give them a boost boost with some fertilizer and then they'll pop and they'll get another season out of them usually get about three years you know out of a chili plant before you just change them and it's easier it's just saving some seed and replanting it sometimes when the seed just drops or you prune it back throw a few extra chilies in the garden bed and then they'll come up in spring summer and you'll be able to transplant them wherever you want or keep them in situ speaking of growing from seed all this tree lettuce here saltus is all growing from seed I transplanted them out of that bed there and on the lawn and places where the last crop of tree lettuce I grew went to seed it's lovely to harvest young these shoots and then when they start to get their big stems you start then eating the stems as well before they get too big and here is our remnants of our sugar cane I've got a really cracker I reckon of a sugar cane video coming up so keep your eyes peeled for that one you'll be surprised at how many uses I got out of our sugar cane the old perennial basil here that attracts the bees forever and it's forever flowering and forever giving you basil leaves for Thai cooking you know it's a wonderful plant and you've seen that many times in my videos this isn't included in the raised bed this is a small pot I don't know if you remember but the sweet potato took over this whole place and we cut it all back actually Nina did most of cutting back and cleaning up now it's still coming back out of this pot here I don't know the tuba must be humongous in there we've got our half barrels of strawberries all coming to life all starting to flower and and fruit look at that one do I I just well it's a little green I suppose but let's try it hmm you know it's good Dodger wow look at that one I'll leave that one for Nina and here's some more I love these half barrels for growing strawberries in they look cute but they also very practical and over here is more of an overflow that I made that I put some of the the the Oil Well when you when you over summer in this case strawberries they they put out runners or they get crowded like I explained before and you transplant them or even the runners pop over you plant those runners and you just keep multiplying your strawberry crop and so you really don't need look at the size of this one lovely I've got some beautiful fresh well not fresh but some beautiful well-rotted cow manure in this bed here and that is helping to nourish those fruits as they're starting to really come into age right now and I'd say in the next probably month we'll we'll just have strawberries Galore here probably make jam but look we just love them fresh so much that we rarely have any left over for Jam but yeah very easy and like I said before some of these plants are quite new that I've just planted in here as well I've got my ever growing mint that we've been growing here for a decade this is the time of year for mint it dies back in the summer you can still Harvest it but it's kind of Woody and not as good but this time of year the mint is just mint that's all I can say oh it's beautiful lovely and plump wow behind me here is the tamarello I'm growing in this pot I'm counting this as a raised bed I wanted to grow the Tamara La I've got another one too that's in a container that I need to plant out somewhere in the garden maybe down the back there but because we've got clay soil these don't do well at all they die quickly in the clay I have noticed in the past tamarellos grow better in in the garden beds but I'm going to keep this one short and small so that it doesn't get too big and start shading out other plants so if it's continues to grow up which I don't think it this one will because I think it was already truncated but if it could continues to grow bigger I might just knock its head off and we'll keep it small and and see how well it fruits speaking of the sugar cane before here I've made a sugar cane teepee with some of my spare stuff a bit like you would use bamboo and at the base here they haven't come up yet but I've planted some beans and those beans are going to come up here and they're going to make a bean teepee and around the base of it I've got this parsley growing it's a curly leaf parsley I do have a couple of other raised beds that's that'd be 62 if you counted those two but they're not in the veggie garden technically so that's where most of the herbs are I've got a flat leaf parsley over there we've got herbs scattered throughout the veggie garden for space reasons because you can't grow all the herbs just there near the house which you'd like to but for practical purposes of course you grow them near the home the one of those principles of permaculture I guess but other practical reasons we grow herbs like you mention and other parsley and that and the and and turmeric and and other spices out in the veggie patch because galangal is another one that we even plant in the orchard because it's such a big plant you know simply for space reasons it just makes sense this bed here has got sweet potato in it it's got a whole bunch of weeds that I need to weed this bed and get rid of it I'll probably dig up the sweet potato before spring and I might change this bed and grow something else in it because I've had sweet potato in it for quite a while so dig up the sweet potato Harvest it eat it and yeah grow something else in this bed here is taro the tarot has died back and is going slow almost a dormant State because of winter I have dug up some of the tarot from other parts of the garden and transplanted it back in here is some tarot that I've harvested it's still the tubers are still hard and still able to be eaten and I'll probably take them into the kitchen later but yeah some are more small Tara plants all these once I weed this bed and there's some eggplant here as well and they'll come back they're overwintering but I'll probably clean up this eggplant that eggplant's died I'll probably clean it up weed this bed and then just leave it as a Tarot growing bed only and once summer hits this tarot is going to go crazy I'll give it some fertilizer boosted up this next bit along here is an experimental bed it's growing radish and mostly lettuce lettuce crops look how gorgeous they are they are so healthy and beautiful but this container here it holds water and that water runs into these Ollie you know the clay the clay pots the ancient Egyptian or ancient Middle East I think way of of watering plants where they used to use those clay pots and they fill the clay pots they'd have them in the ground and then they'd grow the veggies and the plants around these clay pots and the water would seep through it and that's the principle would slowly seep through and over time water the crops and that's what this system is doing and I'm just testing it out and then I'll bring you a video on it on what I thought of it I would think it's probably even better for smaller containers but I haven't tested it in that yet I've just tested the whole system on one raised garden bed here because of the constant water and it's got access all the time it's not getting water logged mind you because it's only just sleeping through enough for what the plant needs they are cos lettuces and I showed you the causes before over there they weren't near as big as these ones here these ones here are getting water from the ollie system those are hand watered primarily and so you can actually see the difference moving along we've got these mini cabbages very healthy grows excellent this time of year of course I don't use any pesticides at all on the garden don't need to especially if you grow at the right time of year and you give your plants plenty of nutrients they have their own ways of combating against pests I forgot to mention I've got some rhubarb growing here that'll grow well into spring before it'll get too hot for them in summer but I might transplant them to a more shadier spot through summer and see if I can over summer them got two different types of zucchini plants that have grown well through winter you've got that yellow variety here and the standard green oblong one beautiful it's a nice big one through there then I've already done a video on this that's the red spinach or the amaranth here's another leak hang out at the side here trying to get more sun and the well baby leaf spinach not baby anymore but uh yeah we're we're getting plenty of spinach out of it I've even freeze-dried some of this we can either crumble it up and use it as a drink or you can not powder it up but instead just leave it the way it has been freeze-dried and use it in quiches or whatever that freeze dry from Harvest Right that I've got links are in the description below not sponsored but I do have an affiliate link with them but I can tell you after the last few years of using it it really is a fantastic device especially for this type of thing around Harvest Time when you've got a glut and you really want to preserve such a beautiful Harvest well then you can preserve it through freeze dry which is one of the best ways to preserve the nutrients and once you rehydrate it it pretty much preserves the Integrity of it as well especially if you're going to use it in cooking and other things like that or drinks smoothies then I've got my gourd tunnel or my tunnel trellis I count these big long beds as one so there's only two there out of that 54 that I talked about you can see all the nasturtions they all agree self-seated and I've left them strategically you know where they've started to grow and even I'm gonna tie this tomato plants up next to these peas but these peas have been feeding off us probably the last there's only 12 plants or so but they've been giving us I reckon five kilo of of peas snow peas wonderful crunchy beautiful and stir fries you can freeze dry these as well but wow they're just good to eat like that and so I let the disturbance go they bring in the bees helps pollinate the flowers I've just let these peas grow up and they'll flop over that tunnel trellis more nasturtions but in here are other crops but that's not too bad because they're not hurting these other crops my BRC kale beautiful kale ground through here look at it and the Kyle will not fight but compete happily with these other plants and they'll grow fine together look at this beautiful isn't it absolutely beautiful let's go back down this side all kale here mixed in with these flowers kale and then I've got this cauliflower that we just couldn't keep up with that I probably should be harvesting it and freezing it we still eat them like this even though the heads are starting to open up it's fine we eat them like that and I'll I'll pick these and I'll eat them I might even preserve some of them but yeah got cauliflower in there and now these self-seeded tomatoes they're a secondary crop that will grow up through self-seeding they're growing happy in place I've just pruned them back a bit and I'm growing them up and they'll grow over over the and into the tunnel trellis here they got the peas again on this side some of these here I'm just letting get big so that I could keep the seed we can either keep the seed to eat them or we can look how big these things are they're like marbles keep them to eat them or keep them to dry and then we can replant them next season you're so sweet I don't have a good feed coming around the garden here um this side radish self-seeded again grow on their own a mixture of daikon Japanese radish and other types a zucchini plant that I transplanted in here I could pick that one actually and I'll remember to get that later on because I want to have zucchini tonight for dinner and then mainly tomatoes along the back I don't know if you remember my video on refurbishing this this had fallen over this long race garden bed or was starting to fall over and I put in these posts at the back here to refurbish it and hold it up it's worked really well I know it doesn't look fantastic I'm not in the business of my garden looking beautiful beautiful and looking good that's subjective for a start and it's not my main aim my main aim is productivity reusing things like I have reused here a lot of these materials are recycled and reused or the materials that can be recycled in the future like these posts here made from recycled plastic in the front of the tomatoes and I'm training these Tomatoes up to grow over here I've got celery all the way along and that's about mainly it unless there's a self-seeded lettuce or something there's one here that's probably a celtis that's uh found its way in here but they're all either placed here or self-seeded here these tomato plants and I'm just training them up on this jute on this side where I've got the radish that you saw down there in those two small ones these are small herb beds I like them because you know they're like a big pot plant but a small raised garden bed we had a fair bit of limes that we couldn't eat or give away so I've loaded them up these beds have sunk over time and what I've done is I've loaded them up with some of this waste fruit rather than just putting it into the compost I've loaded it up and to three quarters full there's some soil under here probably halfway soil where it's just sunk right down now I'll put dirt on top of this or soil and what will happen is that'll all Decay underneath it it'll all sink down again but you'll have this Rich beautiful a compost type fertilizer soil that will help sustain the plants that are on top you get rid of the waste you recycle the waste you feed the worms and the microbes and the animals in your garden you also feed the plants that you put back in there and everything is cyclic and recyclable look at this Reedy stuff here that there is a water chestnut now I'll be bringing you this experiment of growing water chestnuts that's on on the way it's in the pipeline and I think it's going to be a really good video but that's died back now as it does die back in winter and it's time to harvest them before they start reshooting and that's not a research that's probably still part of the dying back process but yeah anyway I'll bring you that in here I had an elephant yam that elephant yam has died back now and I've got a pumpkin vine growing over the top of it a few chili plants I will probably give the elephant yam another year in there because it was pretty young and then I'll start digging it up and having a sample of it and doing a video on it and checking it out but in the meantime I just wanted to grow it a couple years in a row and and get it populating this bed the other round raised garden beds here some of them have got tomatoes in it all the way over there but mostly they're bare one had ginger in it this one had nothing in it I've got to fill them up again they've sunk this one here oh you got pumpkin vine everywhere at the back here growing wild but yeah it had ginger in it I'll probably dig this Ginger up the ginger is a small variety of ginger oh so it smells nice but what I I like the bigger tube of Gingers this can be finicky too finicky so to play with so and to cook with so I think I'll grow ginger a bigger variety and maybe just juice this up I think probably the best way to do it Juice It Up keep the ginger juice for cooking and and drinks the oldest beds here these were I purchased these birdies beds in 2008 that one's bare at the moment not sure what I'm going to put in here just yet this one has still got my sweet potato in it it's like a Perpetual sweet potato bed and I see no reason to change it just yet because the sweet potato is still growing great sweet potato slows down through winter if not stops completely and dies back but you can see it's still growing very well and this will become pumping again once the summer rains hit and the heat starts coming back this bed here looks like it's full of weeds but it's actually dead asparagus and now is the time of year when I get rid of the weeds and I cut all the asparagus back re-mulch it re-fertilize ready for that asparagus to rest and then come back into spring these two beds here have been here for a while blueberries and then I've planted this dwarf coconut and I'm Keen to see how that works out early days yet that's why I haven't talked much about it the blueberries need topping up you see the bed has sunk and that's why in this one I built the bed up as far as I could and I actually compressed the soil down halfway as much as I could as well I have put this wire around it or this mesh because the bush turkeys were Reiki get off they had some type of issue with the coconut palm and they were trying to dig it all up it's got some nasturtions there and I put tomato growing out of it I've got so many I leave so many plants go to seed that you have these volunteers popping up all over the garden continuously so I have all these free plants on the go always I could either discard them and put them in the compost leave and grow where they are or dig them up and Transplant them somewhere else in the garden and most of these or all of these now is that new area where I got rid of the banana the big tour banana trees only kept the dwarf and we've created all these new raised beds in this area that used to be pretty much wasted I did forget to mention this Cherry that I put in this first rose garden bed or one of the the First new one out of this mob here and uh yeah it's a mini Royale it's supposed to fruit in the subtropical climate it's supposed to be a low chill but we'll see we'll see how it goes looking at maybe planting some potatoes in here to have a end of winter and into spring before summer crop of potatoes these are a royal blue we've got a King Edward I might plant them in these two beds here not sure yet and you can also see I'm putting down some gravel here some drainage this is a 40 mil drainage fairly big Stones it spreads easily well it's actually pretty heavy to spread but what I like about it is like a spideful or a shovel full can do a lot of area all this here was from 700 kilograms three quarters of a ton just under you can see how much I've got out of that the banana trees sucked up all that extra water because it's down the bottom of the hill here it gets closer to the water table and this can get really mushy especially through wet weather I've got more rocks to put down here I'm going to Grass over the top of it and that should be fantastic in these other beds here I haven't made up my mind yet what I'm going to grow um possibly some final salad crops for the end of the year maybe some summer crops I might put some Rosella in there uh who knows um there there's plenty of space so I don't know maybe some ginger and turmeric chilies Peppers capsicum I'm not sure yet but I'll have fun trying to work it out Bella Bella hello hello yes yes yes yes yes yes yeah well this is Bella say hello too soon do you think you know we lost scooter and I'll put it down oh uh yeah we we lost scooter thanks for all the well wishes and condolences I did that Memorial type tribute video to scooter it was a fantastic dog and uh we miss him terribly but uh two days after losing scooter this is the story we were thinking maybe we won't get a dog for a couple of years we have sort of we're mourning and still I'm to an extent morning scooter and then we get a phone call from the in-laws and uh Doug my father-in-law God bless him a lovely guy and Sandra lovely lovely lady they got Bella they've moved up here to Queensland they were living in barrel and they they got this puppy a new sort of Life a new chapter in their life coming up here closer to family here and and their daughter but unfortunately looking after a puppy at their age proved really difficult and it was a very difficult decision for them to give Bella up but what happened was Nina's mother rang up and said look Doug's had a fall there's the dog's always at his feet and you know being in the 80s when you're falling over that can be really bad so she was devastated and she was saying we have to give Bella away I've tried ringing up the lady who we bought Bella from and she won't take her back so what do I do have you got any ideas on on how we can sell her off or give her away and Nina basically straight away came to me and I said look there's a vacancy you know we this Nina actually picked up Bella at four the in-laws and yeah for her mother and picked her up and so Bella already had like a first contact with Nina and and they grew an instant attachment and then Nina gave them the dog of course and Bella was going not well there for for a good month they tried their best and in the end you know we said we'll take a um even though it is does seem a bit soon uh in in retrospect it's it's not too soon scooter is a beautiful dog and he'll always be remembered as that uh Bella's a different dog she's got a beautiful nature she's a wonderful puppy she's already playing fetch she loves being outdoors and in the garden he's a real tomboy so she's fitting in very well we just could not give her away to someone else um and that's the way it is here she comes now hello hello yes yes all that energy of a puppy it's like having another child good girl good girl yes so that's the story of Bella and that's the wrap-up of the Garden Walk Around the veggie patch tour of the 54 raised garden beds I hope you enjoyed it if you did make sure you give me a big Bella hella beautiful thumbs up and share the video around subscribe if you haven't already thanks a lot for watching bye for now bye for now cheers what are you sniffing for what are you looking for where's your ball where's the ball where's the ball where's the ball
Channel: Self Sufficient Me
Views: 144,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garden tour, organic gardening, vegetable garden, raised bed gardening, raised bed garden, vegetable garden tour, growing food, raised garden beds, raised garden bed, vegetable gardening, garden design, raised bed gardening for beginners diy, raised bed gardening ideas
Id: M_Jgm6doxNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 0sec (2520 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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