All 51 Cursed Techniques in Jujutsu Kaisen Explained

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curse techniques the central power system of Jiu Jitsu Kaizen and today we are going to talk about every single one that has appeared in the manga up to chapter 218. we'll be going in the order that techniques are introduced so we'll be starting with the 10 Shadows technique the 10 Shadow technique allows the user to summon 10 predetermined shikagami these shikigami can vary an appearance and power depending on the user in season 1 we're introduced two Divine dogs a pair of dogs that can easily Trek and kill cursed Spirits nue a giant electrical bird that is capable of paralyzing opponents Great Serpent a giant snake chica gummy that can immobilize opponents in its mouth toad a toad which can capture prey or be used to recover people via its mouth and Max elephant which can spew large amounts of water from its trunk and be used as a weight then in season 2 we're introduced to tunu shikigami the first being rabbit Escape which is mostly used to distract the opponent giving the user time to reposition or run away and the other being maharaga mahuraga is most likely the strongest shikigami in the 10 Shadows it's a night untameable shikigami that can shred through cursed Spirits with the sort of extermination and can also adapt to almost any attack or situation we're then introduced to two more shikigami in chapter 218. the first of which is Serene deer which is capable of reverse curse technique and neutralizing curse techniques that come in contact with it the other being piercing bull whose attack power increases the more distance it travels in addition to these nine shikagami we have also seen some combination shikigami those being Divine dog totality and this toad nue combination we saw for a brief second on top of these shikigami the user of this technique can also use the shadows for storage and even travel they also seem to act as a liquid in megumi's domain but we don't know if that is an attribute that is exclusive to that domain the next curse technique we're introduced to is nobara's straw doll technique this ability is split into two parts resonance and hairpin resonance allows Navarre to strike her opponents with cursed energy directly if she attaches a part of them to her straw doll Effigy and then strikes it with her Hammer the cursed energy sent back to the victim automatically attacks their most critical body parts and manifests as a large black Spike hairpin allows Navarre to detonate nails with cursed energy causing them to explode at their location and deal massive damage next up in season 1 we are introduced to Gojo and his Limitless technique this technique gives the user complete control over space at an atomic level via cursed energy this results in four techniques the first is infinity which is basically the power to stop but when we take a closer look it's really the power to slow things down an opponent who tries to hit an Infinity user will never reach them because even as they get closer there's still an infinite amount of space between them the best analogy can give for this ability is how two numbers might be close together but they will never actually be next to each other because of the infinite number of fractions between them the next technique is blue which is done by increasing Limitless and bringing the concept of negative distance into reality this makes reality try to fill the negative space by pulling towards the force of the impossibility which creates a magnet-like effect the next part of Limitless is red where does the cursed technique reversal of blue and it creates a repelling force that pushes the opponent away from the user it creates twice as much energy as blue and is incredibly difficult to use when you combine red and blue you create Hollow purple by combining The Impossible Infinities of red blue the user creates imaginary Mass this forces reality to delete Mass to make up for it essentially deleting anything purple touches from existence the next curse user we're introduced to is actually the cursed Spirit jogo jurgo has an innate technique that allows him to create flames and heat-based attacks out of cursed energy this gives him complete control over these Flames when in combat he can also create these little bumps which explode with lava and these Ember insects which approach a foe and then explode the next person we're introduced to is mojito Mojito's main ability is Idle Transfiguration which allows him to reshape the soul he can use this to easily kill humans heal himself and transform his body into an unlimited number of objects or weapons he can even use adult Transfiguration to create a clone of himself another major part of idle Transfiguration is the ability to create transfigured humans and use them to create even more effects this includes Soul multiplicity where mojito merges two or more souls to create a reaction this reaction usually manifests as bodies repel where the bodies explode in the direction of the opponent mojito can also use Soul multiplicity to to create a polymorphic Soul isomer which is an independent transfigured human with high damage output and low durability the final ability relating to idle Transfiguration is instant Spirit body of distorted killing this is a new form for mojito that he discovered after finding the true essence of his soul it is extremely tough and seems to do more damage as well next we have the ratio technique belonging to nanami this curse technique divides his opponent into 10 sections and creates a weak spot at the ratio of 7 to 3 along these sections these sections are freely chosen by nonami and don't have to be the full length of a limb or a limb at all this technique can be used on inanimate objects as well via collapse after Anatomy we get introduced to the Kyoto students and the second years of the Tokyo school including inumaki and his cursed speech cursed's speech is basically using speech to force an opponent to carry out an action it could be anything from Runaway to explode to die but the stronger the word the more cursed energy it takes and the more backlash there is on the user this ability also affects the users in their day-to-day lives as they can't really talk without using this technique as a result we see inumaki speak in low power words like food words to avoid any accidents while we're on the subject of underwhelming inherited techniques let's talk about another one blood manipulation blood manipulation is exactly what it sounds like the user can control their blood in a multitude of ways from piercing blood basically a blood bullet to flowing red scale which allows the user to increase their physical capabilities by heating up their blood the obvious drawback of blood manipulation is that it requires blood which is in short supply for humans but Sorcerers find ways around this such as blood tipped arrows blood bags or being chozo speaking of chozo we do see him use some unique techniques in his fight with kanjaku but I'm not sure if these are classified as blood manipulation or not next we have puppet manipulation which is utilized by kokichi muda AKA Mecca Maru puppet manipulation allows the user to remotely control Kurt's corpses over a large area these puppets can have their own abilities and attributes as we saw in Ultimate mechamaru which had a bunch of abilities ranging from a sword option to a Giant Cannon next we have tool manipulation which is used by Momo via telepathy Momo is able to control the broom that she rides upon using a to levitate and move independently of herself she also developed wind Scythe which allows her to use her broom to create a strong gust of wind this ability can also be used as a signal as we saw against kanjaku in Shibuya next we have Maya with her construction technique this is another one that is exactly what it sounds like Maya is able to create objects out of cursed energy and unlike objects created in a domain these ones stick around this technique is incredibly powerful in theory but it requires an immense amount of cursed energy to use this resulted in backlash on May's body and a limit to what she could create for the majority of Jiu Jitsu Kai's in construction seemed to be one of the worst abilities in the show until yozuru came along and showed its potential yozu was originally in a similar bind to Mai until she Drew upon inspiration from the Energy Efficiency of insects this allowed her to develop a liquid metal technique to create an insect carapace which gave her much greater strength let's move on to another disaster curse in Hanami similar to jogo Hanami is able to turn their cursed energy into wooden plants this can be as a massive roots or wooden ball that shoots spikes or a cursed Bud which feeds off the cursed energy of a victim to grow or a field of flowers which basically acts as a distraction they also have this flower on their arm but we never get to see it used so we can't say what it does alright time to introduce the first real man of Jiu Jitsu Kaizen Toto Toto's curse technique is Boogie Woogie it's a simple but very effective technique that allows Toto to swap the location of two objects with a certain amount of cursed energy with the clap of his hands this could be two Sorcerers a sorcerer and a cursed Spirit a cursed weapon and a shikigami anything he wants as long as it has above that threshold of cursed energy next we have the rot technique utilized by ESO and kichuzu this ability gives the user toxic blood anything that touches the blood will corrode and it can burn skin as well it's not strong enough to kill a sorcerer outright but it is still extremely painful this technique comes with the extension of Decay which does kill its victims as anyone who is touched by the blood will erode to the Bone within a few hours it's about time we talk about another special grade so let's dive into ghetto and his cursed Spirit manipulation this ability is fairly self-explanatory upon beating a cursed Spirit ghetto has the option to absorb that cursed Spirit instead of exercising it outright this spirit is then added to his Arsenal and can be used later for combat if her curse is more than two levels below ghetto he can absorb it without even having to defeat it ghetto also has a maximum technique in Uzumaki which allows him to use all his cursed Spirits at Once In A Massive Attack this technique also has a secondary effect of being able to synthesize the abilities of cursed Spirits at grade 1 or above allowing ghetto to use said ability one time the user of Chris manipulation can also fire off many uzumakis which seem to be a similar attack as maximum Uzumaki but with less spirits and on a smaller scale it is unclear if this ability has the same synthesization effect as maximum Uzumaki next we have tangan tengen's technique is immortality but this immortality comes with a Twist it gives tengen eternal life but does not stop his body from aging as a result their body must be reset every 500 years by finding and merging with a plasma star vessel if this is not done every 500 years tengen will evolve into a cursed Spirit up next we have Bag Man Bag Man Has a cloning technique that allows him to produce four clones of himself and change out his real body with Cyclone at any time that's pretty much all we have on this guy so let's move on to nobito nobito shares the technique with Noya in projection sorcery this technique breaks one second into 24 frames of Animation using the user's field of view as a projection range the user can then trace the predetermined set of Moves In Those frames and execute them in a single second anything the technique touches while it's active will have to abide by the 24 frames a second rule where there will be Frozen as an animation for one second the longer the sorcerer is able to maintain their ability the higher their top speed will be however this ability is not without its risks as the predetermined path cannot be adjusted once it is set and the path cannot break the laws of physics extensively or they will also be Frozen as an animation next we have eno Eno's ability is auspicious Beast summons it allows him to summon one of four beasts the first is kaichi which is a homing horn that doesn't stop until it hits its Target the second is Reiki which covers Eno in water and protects him from danger the third and fourth are Ryu and Kirin but we have not seen them and we don't really know anything about them after Ina were introduced to awasaka his technique is inverse this ability makes hard hitting attacks week and week hitting attacks hurt but there is a maximum on both ends in Allegiance with awasaka is ogami who has a seance technique this technique allows her to summon the body or Soul's information from a dead person and lets her or a willing substitute shapeshift into that person if ogama uses the Soul's information instead of the body she runs the risk of also Reviving the person's personality which creates issues let's talk about the Mistress of incest herself meme has a pretty mediocre technique by her own standard bird manipulation allows her to control Crows with cursed energy she can control multiple birds at once if the control she holds over them seems absolute this ability is great for surveillance and has decent combat potential as well thanks to bird strike which allows Mimi to force a bird to kill itself by colliding with her Target this ability is probably strong as it has only ever been survived by Gojo but we don't have much evidence for her other targets which means it could be weaker than it appears if she's only used it on weak spirits and Gojo next we have Dagon Dagon uses water manipulation as his curse technique like the other disaster curses daegon can turn his crew first energy into water this allows them to create huge waves in an enormous volume of water he is also able to summon shikagami but as far as we can tell that might only be tied to his domain following Dagon we have nanako her technique is pretty simple she can use her phone to photograph her subject and then manipulate said subject she can use it on herself to teleport as well but only one time the next Chris technique we're introduced to is haruda's Miracle this technique stores everyday Miracles and erases them from her rudest memories they are then released when haruta's life is in danger allowing him to live attacks that would be otherwise fatal next we have the only first year at Kyoto High School arada this technique is like reversed curse technique but worse he can patch Sorcerers up to make bleeding stop and dull pain but it doesn't actually heal the injury these effects are also only applied to injuries that are incurred before he uses his ability it's time for a couple of the big baddies next we have sukuna at this point in time we do not know what sukuna's innate technique is but we do know it has two sub techniques those being dismantle and cleave dismantle is sukuna's run-of-the-mill slashing attack it can cut up opponents from a distance and is especially effective against cursed Spirits cleave on the other hand adjusts to the toughness of his opponent so he can kill them in just one hit he also has an unnamed fire attack that was showcased in Shibuya but we don't really know anything else about them the next villain we're going to talk about is Ura ume uru ume's curse technique is ice formation allowing them to create and control ice so far we've seen this take two forms the first is Frost com which is capable of freezing large areas and Sorcerers in ice immobilizing them or at least slowing them down the other technique is called ice fall which allows her to telepathically control ice shards following urumi we have masamichi who can create cursed corpses it's unclear if cursed corpse creation is an ability exclusive to masamichi but it basically allows the user to infuse inanimate objects with cursed energy which brings it to life and puts it under control of the user there is one special case which is Panda who is a cursed corpse capable of acting independently of Yaga as far as we know this is the only time it's happened in the world of Jiu Jitsu and not even masamichi knows how he did it let's talk about the Xenon Clan and their cursed techniques most of these guys don't have named techniques because they were all killed by Maki within like a page but one that does is ogi ogi's Curse technique is blazing courage and it allows him to create Flames that manifest from his weapon it can make the flame stronger and use them to replace a broken weapon next is trojiru who can create hands out of the ground then there's ranta who's able to paralyze people by staring at them but if he tries to paralyze someone much stronger than him his eyes will bleed and the final Xenon is jinichi who has the ability to create giant fists propelled by cursed energy these punches are extremely powerful as they are capable of destroying buildings we have one character left to talk about before we get into the culling games and that's Kirara Kirara makes use of the ability to love Rendezvous which appoints 5 stars in the shape of the Southern Cross to a Target and marked cursed energy if someone is marked by one of these Stars they must approach the user in a determined order where the stars will attract to each other okay let's get into some of the culling game characters starting with a couple of weirdos hanyu and Haba have similar abilities they can turn their hair into a plane and helicopter respectively both of them need to concentrate their cursed energy into their hair for the technique to work and as a result they're both vulnerable to attacks on the rest of their body our next curse user is hiromi higuruma higurumu's Curse technique allows him to summon judgment as a shikigami it doesn't do much on its own but it plays a major part in his domain deadly sentencing this domain creates a courtroom where all participants inside must follow the rules in this domain higurume acts as a prosecutor and his opponents become the defendant the defendant must dispel claims made by judgment and both parties have one opportunity to convince the judge of their case the result of the trial can have multiple effects on the battle from stealing opponents cursed energy through giving them a death sentence giving higuruma a One-Shot weapon another heavy hitter we have is Reggie Starr Reggie uses the technique contractual Recreation by burning contracts like receipts Reggie can recreate whatever is on that contract this can be both physical objects such as cars and non-physical objects such as spa treatments which will activate the effects of the spa on top of this the physical object can be given commands like a shikigami but they will disappear after carrying out the command let's move on to some of the smaller Cullen game characters starting with iori iori has the ability to blow up a detached body part another small character is chizuru who has this claw hand but we never see him successfully use it so we don't know what it does and another is Remy who can use her hair as a scorpion tail to attack her opponents another smallish character is takiba takaba might be one of the smaller characters in the show but he has a kind of crazy ability comedian allows takaba to bring anything into reality if he thinks it will be funny this power could even rival that of saturu Gojo but takuba is an idiot and is completely clueless to how his ability Works moving to Sendai we have another major character Yuda yuda's main ability is Rika a very powerful shikigami she can act independently of Yuda and be directly controlled by him she has her own supply of cursed energy and when you would have fully manifests her you can fully access this cursed energy as well as a wide variety of cursed abilities she has stored within her this gives you the ability to copy Chris techniques he has seen But there might be additional conditions we don't know about we've seen this ability be used to copy cursed's speech Sky manipulation and more speaking of Sky manipulation that is the next curse Technique we are going to talk about Sky manipulation allows the user uro to control the sky turning it into a surface that can be manipulated to her Advantage she can use it defensively and offensively via thin Icebreaker which shatters the sky like ice and Strikes her opponents it's worth noting that thin Icebreaker doesn't hear her opponents directly it hits the sky around them extra of the final person in Sendai Ryu ryu's main ability is granite blast which is a giant blast of cursed energy powerful enough to destroy a city block moving on to Tokyo Colony number two we have one technique to talk about which is Charles's G warstath this ability lets Charles Zeus his opponent's blood to draw and Mark his opponents with a manga panel this marking allows Charles to sing to the Future and the more blood he draws the further into the future he can see that's pretty much all we know about this technique as of right now so it's time to move on to the last major antagonist kenjaku kinjaku's innate technique is body hopping this ability allows him to move from one dead body to another once inside he gains the host's cursed energy curse technique memories and some of the old host's personality he retains his old host's curse technique as well but we don't know how many Chris techniques he can hold out at once as after a certain point techniques will overwhelm his brain in his current body he has access to Cursed Spirit manipulation and anti-gravity system which is actually the Chris technique we're going to be talking about next anti-gravity system is a cursed technique that belonged to yuji's Mom que hori this ability allows the user to negate the effects of gravity and gravity-based abilities it also has a curse technique reversal which allows the user to increase gravity in a radius around them we are down to our last two curse techniques and the next one is our final special grade it's Yuki sakumo's star rage star rage lets Yuki give herself virtual Mass allowing her to hit extremely hard one-shotting special grade cursed spirits and almost completely severing limbs as well she can amplify her Mass to the point of creating a black hole but it's more of a last ditch effort than anything else as she will also be consumed in the process probably she can also apply the Mastery creates to her shikigami Garuda which can be used in a multitude of ways giving this technique even more flexibility this technique also seems to come with some sort of technique nullification bonus but it's hard to say exactly what this does if only we got to see more of her so this could be clear terrified and the last Technique we are introduced to is Angel's technique nullification technique Angel has the ability to nullify any curses and curse techniques including barriers and seals such as the prison realm this ability might even be able to revert a reincarnated sorcerer back to their original estate but it would probably kill the vessel in the process we can see this technique manifest as Jacob's Ladder which was a huge pillar of light that was able to do heavy damage to sukuna unfortunately we don't know what else she's really capable of because well you know and that's it that's Every curse technique introduced to Kaizen if you enjoyed this video please consider subscribing it really does help a lot and I would appreciate any support I also recently created a new Twitter account so maybe check that out as well thank you so much for watching and I'll see you again next week for another video
Channel: This Is Chris
Views: 400,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jujutsu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen explained, jujutsu kaisen manga, jujutsu kaisen anime, jujutsu kaisen season 2, gojo, sukuna x megumi, yuji itadori
Id: 6c6SRilvXuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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