All 33 Phantom Liberty Iconic Legendary Weapons - Cyberpunk 2077

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hello guys Lynn here and welcome back to another weapons guide video in this one we are going over 30 new legendary iconic weapons and how to get them in Phantom Liberty many of these are missable nearly all in fact but the New Black Market vendor in Dogtown will give you most of these back if you missed them for credits however there are some like the ones found in the game's endings which are missable plus a few other ones as well and so we're going to jump straight into it and look at all the ones you find during the game's side missions and gigs and you need to make the right choices during these missions in order to get the weapons our first iconic weapon is called cheetah you get this if you decide to kill Angie during the mission no easy way out vocodive is found in a box in the police station during the mission waiting for Dodger there's also a second weapon you get during this mission called Roscoe and that's if you decide to kill Dodger at the end of the mission one tough oguo defeat the robot rmk2 in the mission treating symptoms during the mission Shot by both sides you can get two different unique iconic weapons in this one you can either get risket and you kill Dandy and he will drop this weapon or you can get all reliable and you can let Dante kill Brie however if you want to you can kill both of them and pick up both during the mission a spy in the jungle I'm waiting for you upstairs to get baby boomer you will also get a unique tank top during the mission Dazed and Confused tell litter in your conversation at the end of the mission to convince tul he is a clone and when you do this will result in her giving you the baby boomer weapon as a reward if you want to you can instead read tools letter which is in his cell in the basement of the building you're in and then you can get Lena to read the letter to Tool and you will get Lena's unique tank top instead as a reward to get ambition rescue Hassan during prototype into the scraper he will then later contact you in the story to give you the weapon now we are even it seems manzanella I'm pretty sure this one is miscible as it doesn't show up at the black market vendor and to get this you have to start run this town for Mr hands but it must be done before starting the game's final mission immediately after you do the Firestar Mission I won't go into too many details but once you've done Fire Starter you will then talk to Mr hands and he will give you the weapon at the start of the mission when you go see him Hercules 3ax is found in the armory in the mission's roads to Redemption close to where you disarm the bomb crime stopper you get this gun from a suitcase and the DA's VIP Suite on the Upper Floor of heavy hearts during the heaviest of Hearts side gig now this one will not show up at the black market vendor for some reason it doesn't seem to let you back into the da Suite either if you miss it in the mission so it could just be bugged so make sure to pick this up when you're here Chris Chris you get this in sliders Hideout it requires a key card from the wellness center in order to get this though and you get that during the mission treating symptoms but you have to make sure you pick it up during the quest as you can't return to the wellness center once you've done the quest there's also another potential piece of loot you can get from The slider's Hideout during the treating symptoms Quest and that is if you kill the guy at the end he has a key card for The Hideout unfortunately I didn't pick this up I don't have a save to go back and check so make sure you kill this guy and you take the key card with you as well because there could be a potential other room in The Hideout where you can get some loot maybe even a unique weapon but it's unlikely to get Carmen you need to convince Paco to leave in the side quest balls to the wall got a new life thanks to you good to give gifts to friends eh you're kidding right scavs of all the things you could have been you choose to be trash to get dessert during the quest the man who killed Jason Foreman you have to put a gun to rinder's head and he will give you a stash key in order to save his life better choose your next words carefully listen to me just listen I'm expired Goods a Walking Corpse can't decommission me more than this tell him Leon rinder's dead and so those are all the weapons you can get from the side missions and gigs we're gonna move on to areas of increased to criminal activity air drops and just found around the game world first you can get these three weapons from randomly in airdrops you will just have to keep going to the airdrops and checking what's inside most of the time it's cyberware or weapon mods but eventually you will get either The Alibi taigan or Leica found inside next we have three weapons found at the game's three increased criminal activity areas you get Raiju Sparky and ago you will find them in the final room of the criminal activity area the agao is actually dropped by the boss who has the key to the final area called ausarin so if you go through all three of these areas you will get them easily enough foreign the qbx mod 2 this is a gun found at the bottom of a big circular pool of water just across the street from the Golden Pacific fast travel the color mag xmod 2 is a really cool weapon this one is found in terracognita in South dog town close to the increased criminal activity go to this area here with a spaceship statue and you just walk behind it and you will find the weapon inside of a head next guys we have four related to the main story first Hawk you will find this in your apartment in Dogtown after Reed goes to your apartment and talks to Myers they will leave and you can get the weapon during the quest Lucretia my reflection Her Majesty is given by Alex at the start of the main mission get together sure is resetsu is a reward during the main machine you know my name it's a really cool sniper rifle the bridge now the ndi Osprey you get this from the case on the left in the Armory of Alex's safe house during the birds with broken wings mission lastly guys we have five weapons all tied to the game's endings you can't get all of these in one playthrough because you can only do one ending you will have to choose which of the weapons you prefer so if you do reads ending you can get the bald eagle the Fang and the Wild dog if you defeat Kurt Hanson if you decide to go for songbirds ending or sobies ending you can get Murphy's Law this is actually just dropped by one of Kurt Hansen's random men during the fire starter Mission when you're trying to escape the stadium so make sure you don't miss this as it could be very easy to miss Pariah you get this from read at the end of songbirds Quest if you fulfill her wishes so guys there we have it they're a unique legendary iconic weapons you will find in cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty many of them are missable many of them can be then bought at the black market vendor if you miss them but the ones you missed at the endings the Kurt Hansen ones the Murphy's Law Pariah they will all be missable if you don't get them but of course you can only get the one from the ending that you choose so make sure to pick wisely lastly there is a secret blackwall weapon called uribus or you can get a secret cyberware and black wall is the same thing that's corrupting Songbird and it's kind of what the whole Phantom Liberty is about you can also get infected by using this and it's a very cool weapon Arch everywhere and I'm gonna make its own video on it because it deserves one and it's very much miscible to make sure to keep an eye out on how to get that secret weapon guys like And subscribe for more guides and I'll see you in the next one bye [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: LunarGaming
Views: 70,192
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Id: JQFEc3Ba4Sk
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Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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