All 30lb Matches | Robobrawl 2024

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all right starting with our bot in the orange gear your luck just ran out cuz you're fighting [Applause] steeli and in the blue gear here to extinguish your chances at winning we have fire [Music] [Applause] hydrants deuki are we ready to go fire hydrant are we ready to go all right judges are we ready to go starting in three 2 one let's Rumble robots oh both robots throwing to life here facing off on each other oh stei going for those wheels on fire hydrant fire hydrant spinning right around trying to slam him with that disc oh uh-oh that wheel's not looking too good on fire hydr oh another big hit fire hydrant got to make back some ground here oh and out of the ring that's the match put down the controllers congratulations steel Lugi for the first fight of the robo brawl all right two Bots have entered the ring the arena door is closed starting with our bot in the blue gear I'll I'll let you know when when I figure out an intro for it it's TBD and our bot a little bit outside the orange gear uh You Got To Shimmy Shimmy your way back a little bit all right there he goes our bot in the orange gear here to bring back memories of embarrassing yourself at High School prom we have sweet [Applause] Tango TBD are you ready to go sweet Tango are you ready judges ready to judge then we'll start our countdown in three two one let's Rumble robots both robots revving to life here TBD slowly approaching sweet Tango doing that funky walking motion we've all come to know in love oh uhoh there goes the weapon uhoh looks like TVD is uh not tapping are they going back for [Music] more they're tapping it okay that's the tap out on TBD they do not want another hit from those weapons I can't blame them so let's hear it for your Victory sweet Tango all right we've got two bots in the arena and you know what that means starting with the orange gear and this one's built by UA you see alumni so if you cheer a little extra loudly that's perfectly fine it's going to destroy you but it needs one more cup of joe we have caffeine addiction and our bot in the blue gear it's going to chew you up and spit you out we have the corn cobbler we have received confirmation corn cobbler is ready to go judges are we ready we'll start our Countdown the three 2 1 Let's Rumble robots both Bots spinning to life caffeine addiction oh immediately getting a flip on the corn cobbler uh-oh looks like they might be stuck in that corner there maybe having a little bit of issue with that right Drive started a countdown on the corn cobbler 5 4 3 2 one knockout and that is it just as soon as it started it's over starting in the orange gear I'd avoid this Droid unless you want to get destroyed we have Paranoid Android Mark I and in the blue gear here to send you flying Sky High we have the Colossal Aven all right colossal Aven are you ready to go go oh flinging that hammer into action Paranoid Android are you ready to fight judges are we ready to go let's start our countdown three two one let's Rumble robots paranoid Androids spinning to life here oh driving right over those fancy Forks of colossal AV trying to dodge around get to the side get to the back uhoh we got smoke out of call that uh that doesn't look like a battery okay there's the tap on colossal Aven smoking itself and crowning Paranoid Android the winner all right in the orange gear you're going to need a drink after this crushing loss from bar Hopper and in the blue gear is about to send you to the Moon we have Apollo bar Hopper you ready to go Apollo are you ready to go judges and we'll start our countdown three two one let's Rumble robots both robots spinning the life here a classic vertical and horizontal fight both Robots dancing around each other trying to get behind each other and get those sink those weapons oh uh-oh bar Hoppers lost a tire it's still driving uh-oh into the back Apollo oh into the roof oh jeez Apollo's not done yet oh we got a tap we got a tap uhoh all right oh yeah sorry starting with our bot in blue there's no antidote to this robot we have snake [Applause] bites and and the orange gear it just needs one more mug it's caffeine addiction snake bite are you ready to go caffeine addiction are you ready ready to fight judges all situated let's start our countdown in three 2 1 Let's Rumble robots caffeine addiction spinning up snake bite going for a box Rush there uhoh and oh out of the ring that's it that's it that's it oh that is unfortunate all right starting with our bot in Orange are you scared you should be because this is the Paranoid Android Mark I and looking at our bot in blue your screws are going to be bent and you're going to take a dent when you fight Brent [Applause] [Music] bot Paranoid Android are you ready to go yes Brent bot you ready to rumble judges good to go and let's start our countdown three two one let's Rumble robots both weapons spinning to life here Paranoid Android charging right in near Miss hitting the wall oh uh-oh Brent bot getting underneath of Paranoid Android and Paranoid Android getting a fork stuck underneath the wall now we can call now he can call for an unstick at this point oh calling for his opponent to knock him in all right let's see it call all right we're doing the unstick go ahead turn off the weapons yeah as for our rules each robot can call for one unstick in a fight if they get something like their Forex stuck underneath the wall or something like that if they get stuck on their back in the middle of the Arena that's kind of on them but just because of Arena's being weird uh we allow one unstick now our Arena director kogan should be stepping in with the uh unstick crowbar it looks like uhoh looks like it's really stuck in there here we go kogan yeah risking life and limb for our entertainment seal the pod bay doors um think if we can get you to drive a little bit closer to the wall like no no no no back into the wall yeah yeah yeah yeah there we go that's about right okay drivers we ready to go hey hey I saw that we're not we're not starting yet okay are you ready to go you ready to go are these starting positions amenable to you I don't care we're restarting in three two one let's resume robots both Bots spinning up once more Paranoid Android trying to sink those saw teeth into the side of Brent bot brenot backing up here doing a little bit of a slick drive move there some nice drifting uhoh Paranoid Android is stuck underneath the arena again you can't unstick him anymore it's up to the mercy of his opposing Team 5 4 3 2 one and that is it we are done brenot is the Victor starting in the blue gear you're not going to be able to duck these attacks it's [Applause] goose and in the orange gear it's going to reduce your metal to rust we have [Music] steeli goose are you ready to go steeli and judges let's start our countdown in three two one let's Rumble robots stei revving the life Goose following suit trying to get that weapon in oh into the side of steeli steeli almost firing back not quite oh Goose going for that back corner of stuki oh in the front corner of stei tearing up that wedge stei trying to get around get that weapon in somewhere oh big tosses here stei that wedge is acting against it right now it's just become a latch point for goose to grab onto it count you're going to have to start a countdown 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 two one knock out and that is it your winner is goose I think some introductions are in order starting with our bot in the orange gear it's here to give you a beating Fit For A King we have [Applause] Harold and in the blue gear coming at you from a uiu team actually what what's that I smell is that scrambled Bots somebody's cooking it's crack Harold are you ready to go crack crack are you ready to go judges all right let's start our countdown three two one let's Rumble robots crack showing off some of that special strafing ability that it has thanks to those fancy Wheels oh Harold hitting those Forks out the front of it oh getting a successful Hammer off crack I don't think I can count the number of ell H oh into the top l oh oh that's the battery kill it kill it oh no not again not again dude no all right all right back away from the arena all right somebody deploy the fan [Applause] starting with our bot in red your chances at Victory are about as fake as the moon landing it's Apollo and in the blue gear I don't know how to pronounce it but it just looks like it would get you tossed out of any airport in the country we have sake stroven [Applause] Apollo are you ready to go sake stroven are you ready to go judges all right let's start our countdown in three two one let's Rumble robots oh both weapons weing to life that oh no no no no no no stop stop that don't do that that's it that's that's the fight no that's just a little delayed all right uh congratulations Apollo all right starting with a bot in Orange I'd give an introduction but I honestly don't think I can top that it's Hazard FR 3 and in the blue gear inside of you there are two wolves and they are both named Jeff Hazard fra three are you ready ready Jeff are you ready Jeff with one F okay judges are you ready and let's start our countdown three two one let's Rumble robots hazard Hazard fra in spectacular fashion loses all Mobility elements in the first 10 seconds of the match hang on hang on don't celebrate yet we still got to count him out 8 7 6 5 4 3 two one knock out and that's it making the winner for this match Jeff alrighty we've got a particularly exciting match up looking I cannot talk we've got a particularly exciting match looking like it's going to come up here starting with our bot in Orange it's got a message to deliver it's victory notice it's [Music] Apollo and looking at our bot in blue this Brew is going to leave you with some bruises it's caffeine [Music] addiction Apollo are you ready to go caffeine addiction yeah yeah judges and let's start our countdown three two one let's Rumble robots oh no not again all right turn off the weapons uhoh all right hang on hang on hang on all right grab our grab our stuff grab our stuff um starting in the blue gear some would say that rabbit is dynamite it's bunny Holly and in the orange gear here to turn you into scraps and Spares we've got box of Parts this this smells some intriguing things for this matchup box of parts are you ready judges are you ready and let's get our countdown started in three two one let's Rumble robots only one robot is rumbling oh oh we've got little nudges of movement out of bunny Holly box of Parts waiting for it to engage hey into the back of bunny Holly uhoh it's got its face up against the wall can it make its way out looks like we might not have left side drive out of that one oh another thunk out of box of Parts bunny Holly just taking it bunny Holly if you spin that weapon up you can maybe get some damage when he tries to go for that front plate again into the wall oh they're going for that back corner now bunny Holly maintaining just enough Mobility to be considered alive in the competition here box of Parts having issues getting that weapon and uh-oh that's not spinning 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 that is match bunny Holly's stuck in the corner and box of Parts proceeds to the next match starting from the bot in the orange it's the second hottest thing in the arena right behind your batteries it's crack [Applause] and in the blue gear Brent it's Brent [Music] bot CRA are you ready to go Brett bot are you ready to go judges you ready to go let's start our countdown in in three two one let's Rumble robots crack showing up their favorite holonomic Drive which lets them Drive sideways as well as turning and driving forwards and backwards trying to position those Forks underneath Brent bot so it can Hammer Brent bot wants no part of that though some excellent coordination going on between the two crack drivers we have one driver controlling the uh the drive and one driver controlling the hammer Sparks off the Arena floor interesting oh Hammer's on Brent bot I hear news reports that the hammer is not working on crack but that may have been enough in 10 9 8 seven he tapped that's a tap on Brent congratulations to [Applause] crack all right right starting in the orange gear it's better than a mango it's sweet Tango and in the blue gear you're going to feel pretty silly when you lose to the goose sweet Tango are you ready goose are you ready judges are you ready and let's start our countdown three two one let's Rumble robots oh those dual Spinners of sweet Tango and that spooky drum spinner of goose are both come alive uh-oh sweet Tango is not spinning one of its weapons oh no into the TPU siding there of sweet Tango oh and Goose has flipped them is there anything they can do 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 3 2 1 knockout and that gives it to your Victor the goose starting with the bot in blue newly reconstructed we have Hazard BR 3 it's did something just fall out it's wor it I don't know you want to put that bolt back in is running without the bolts bold move and our bot in the orange gear this bot is going to show you the ABCs of Destruction it's fire hydrants Hazard fraud are you ready fire hydrants are you ready judges are you ready let's start our countdown in three two one let's Rumble robots lawnmower blade stays on for more than 3 seconds oh lawnmower blade takes an impact in sticks oh we got a little smoke that's okay that's okay Okay we okay well Hazard fra knocked itself out but apparently not before dealing some some sort of significant damage to fire hydrants I see a bolt just laying on the ground next to it there all right yeah starting with our bot in blue cobbled together from whatever they could find in the dumpsters at Lowe's and Home Depot we have box of parts and in the orange gear you've heard of Duck and Cover but how about covered in Ducks we have Jeff box of parts are you ready Jeff are you ready judges are you ready we'll start our countdown three 2 one one let's Rumble robots oh no oh all the Ducks right off the bat no don't hit him with that weapon uh-oh it looks like a duck got stuck underneath their drivetrain oh okay they're free no not quite free they're they seem to be stuck on Ducks this might be just uh box of Parts is time to capitalize if we can get that weapon spining up oh kicking a duck around [Music] oh if he's stuck on his ducks that is not an unstick if he's stuck on the wood that is an unstick okay where's the unstick rake so yeah rules on unsticks if you get stuck and it's the Arena's fault like getting your fork underneath the plate or wedging them in the wall you're uh will'll let you go once uh if you get stuck on your own rubber ducks that you didn't glue down adequately that's on you anyway uh both robots are you ready to continue yes and yes judges are you ready to review all right huh receiver dead you're kidding me all right Jeff uh Jeff ran out of batteries making your winner box of parts in the orange gear we have steeli and in the blue gear we have TBD all right stei are you ready to go TBD and judges let's start our countdown three h three two one let's Rumble robots oh both of these disc Spinners spinning up very fast very angry oh into the side of [Music] TBD oh into the side of tbd's weapon too oh there we go TBD getting its licks in with that saw it looks like oh big impacts out here oh stei just going slug after slug on this guy oh the power oh the power switch oh no9 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 knockout and that is it congratulations steeli that's devious so in the orange gear we have the return of bar Hopper and in the blue gear we have Paranoid Android Mark I bar Hopper are you ready to go Paranoid Android you're ready to go judges and let's start our match in three two one let's Rumble robots oh bar Hopper with a failed attempt at a box Rush Paranoid Android trying to stick those saws on the side of uh on the side of bar Hopper maybe shred away at some of those Wheels oh no he's not scared to take it on weapon on weapon he trying to shred away at that too both robots backing up speeding up their weapons oh that doesn't look too healthy on those saw blades for Paranoid Android okay we're still driving though what can he still do uh-oh uh-oh both back panels dented in bar Hoppers trying to go for those Wheels if they can just Mash those uh metal outer plates up against those Wheels then Paranoid Android won't be able to Drive anymore oh and what do you know there goes that left side drive out of Paranoid Android oh that's just cruel don't do it don't do it he's trying to keep that injured side facing you that counts as movement ah another shot into the side oh into the weapon again you're just making sure that they stay down and they aren't coming back oh they're in the corner still movement oh no the poor saws and is that a shaft collar that I see on the ground I see two shaft collar on the ground I think end it put them out of their misery take out the other Drive side oh wait does paranoid andreid have drive back on the left side interesting you hit him and you fixed them one minut oh and dislodges the saw bar uh-oh one more hit and that's going to go flying send it into the pits get him oh come on one more one more get those saws out Knock those saws off of them those are still connected come on come on you can do it you can do it send those sauce flying come on one more one more good shot and that'll do it [Applause] yeah oh they're on the Chain still you got 20 seconds left yeah 15 seconds left and we have a 10 9 8 7 6 5 Four 3 2 1 and that's it we're done by the rules this goes to the judges okay the judges have reached a decision can we get a drum roll for your Victor P bar hopper in the yellow gear we've got the return of colossal Aven and in the blue gear we have sake stroven two Hammer saws ready to Duke it out to the death colossal Aven are you ready to go they are now ready to go sake stroven are you ready to go and judges are you ready to go let's close it out with a bang in three two one let's Rumble robots bind games are intense or they aren't driving properly it's kind of hard to tell sometimes both Robots dancing around each other neither one of them wants to make the first move oh we're revving up now oh out goes a side panel on sake colossal spinning back up for another blow sake taking a defensive position just trying to Ram that straight into him oh a Miss on colossal Aven weapon uhoh it looks like uh Aven arm is dead in the water here this could be sake stroven time to shine sake stren's arm still moves and it still spins looks like colossal Aven being reduced to attacking from the back here if it can reach it oh going for those Wheels oh slamming onto that front paneling [Music] there looks like colossal Avan may also be having some trouble with that right side Drive sake just doesn't want anywhere near that going in vertical spinner mode oh going for the weapon oh [Music] uh-oh oh what was that that was a hole in shaft collar smoke coming out of colossal Aven 2 just a little bit it's okay sake spinning back up for another pass colossal Aven not being intimidated spinning up two trying to take it into the fork as we have just over one minute left in this match is it just m does sake's arm look a little crooked well it still moves though which is more than can be said for Aven alen's not moving at all uhoh there we go a little bit more smoke out of Aven smells like a spring Breeze 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 two that's a that's a nudge that's a nudge knock that's a that's not all right we call it on colossal AV and congratulations to sake stroven for moving on in the brackets in the orange Gear with Easter R in the corner it's bar [Music] Hopper and in the blue gear they aren't from Illinois but they still enjoy corn it's the corn cobbler all right these are three minute matches and so we go ahead and get this started in oh sorry yes are you is bar Hopper ready is corn cobbler ready judges are you ready all right let's get this match started in three 2 one let's Rumble robots all right each robot spinning up their weapon going weapon to weapon oh a big hit from corn cobbler and it looks like bar hoppers off balance knocking off both impactors oh that's it that's fight that's fight knockout by K cobbler great fight we'll go ahead and get these robots unloaded from the box okay starting in our blue gear here to constrict like a cobra and bite like a boa we've got snake [Music] bite and and in the orange gear that's not drunken stumbling that's intentional Movement we have sake [Music] stroven snake bite are you ready to go sake you ready to go sad by that uh description you gave me well don't use sake in your name next time what can I say judges all right let's start our countdown 3 2 1 Let's Rumble robots snake bite going with a medium box Rush Sak not quite able to land that hammer quite yet snake pite just sliding around the arena into the wall uh-oh uh maybe stuck in the wall we need to see someof could call for an unstick here if needed unstick we're calling for an unstick all right looks like they were not stuck on the the arena that something just broke so uh congratulations to sake stroven all right we've got our next match coming up straight to you in the orange gear sorry to rain on your parade but it's taking the victory home we have fire hydrants and in the blue gear it'll destroy you so hard you'll be left wheezing it's bunny Holly fire hydrant are you ready to go bunny Holly are you good to go all right bunny Bunny's Holly is hoping some percussive maintenance will bring that drivetrain back into life so judges are you ready to go well let's start our countdown then three two one let's Rumble robots okay all right we have drive train somewhere here bunny Holly standing its ground not that it can do much else but oh they're going weapon on weapon almost weapon on weapon oh taking those Wheels [Music] [Applause] o 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 knockout Beauty all right congratulations fire Hy all right we are gearing up for our next 30 lb match all right starting in the blue gear you won't survive this magnet drive it's sweet [Music] Tango and in the orange gear I don't want to hear you wine when you lose not even rice wine it's sake [Music] stroven sweet Tango are you ready to go sake stroven are you ready to go judges and let's start our countown three two one let's Rumble robots sweet Tango spinning up there sake stroven eyeing him up looks like sweet Tango's got a little bit more Drive control than yesterday eeking in fors uhoh some brief glances there looks like a little bit of chipping on that uhmw of sake little bit on the uh outside armor there trying to angle around get a better shot at Sweet Tango uhoh oh Tango getting in that front plate now sake just trying to keep its distance and strike oh big impacts there it's like that Front plastic is notably better [Music] sake just trying to get in swings at that Central electronics box see if it can do some damage like what happened to tango yesterday but just getting those uh uhmw plates all around the side ground away looks like one of those Drive belts isn't too happy on uh on sake oh putting some dents in that TPU armor of sweet Tango and stopping the right side weapon or the white side weapon I should say uhoh sake may have disabled both weapon drives on on sweet Tango oh there we go sweet Tango getting that black weapon back engaged sake looking like it's attacking that weapon belt getting in at that central control node just trying to do some damage most of those attacks Just Bounce ing off of that TPU armor that's really what it's good for there deflecting those hits as we have just over a minute left in this competition sake really trying to get in angle in see if he can hit those impacts but not quite looking like it can do too much other than uh puts a couple pecs in that TPU then again Tango hasn't done too much damage looks like all those Drive wheels on ha is still in place and it's just chipped away at that front uhmw sake also not spitting its weapon at this point could be disabled or he's just saving the charge for one last attack right before this match ends as we have 30 seconds left oh near miss out of sweet Tango there oh there we go sake trying to bully it push it around here as we've got oh 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and that is it we're done this one goes to the judges and it looks like we've got our judge's decision too if we can get a drum roll for the victor of the last match sake stroven congratulations starting in the blue gear people often wonder where that second F went in its name well that's the F it gives to its opponents it's Jeff and in the orange gear fruit cobblers get all the fame but this robot will beat you all the same it's corn cobbler Jeff are you ready to go corn cobbler are you ready to go judges let's start our countdown three two one well that's Rumble robots oh both weapons spinning to life Jeff looking a little unstable there oh slowing down looks like corn cobbler is not spinning its weapon right now they trying to get in close oh it's almost grabbed Jeff by one of those Forks there spinning that weapon back up going in for looks like a wheel hit oh chipping tips off of that fork oh flipping Jeff on its back can it correct itself 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 one knock out and that is it Jeff got stuck on its head unable to correct itself unfortunately in the in the orange gear hongk hongk you're about to get hit by a truck it's goose and in the blue gear it's the battery burner the circuit Crusher crack goose are you ready to go crack are you ready to go all right they're ready to go judges let's start our countdown three two one let's Rumble robots crack showing off that straping right out the gate near miss with that hammer trying to go for Goose's back there oh big impacts out of Goose's spinner on those Forks of crack crack specifically uses such long for to try and keep those scary blades away from it oh CRA showing off that self ring but Goose just flipping it over and over again uh-oh it's on the back foot now Goose spinning up to full speed crack trying to lay that hammer into anything it can oh into the wall into the corner looks like crack holding up well so far but goose is far from done with that spinner of it so those spinners just making impact imp after impact on those Forks the forks doing a good job of deflecting those oh and out of the ring oh those magnets not quite able to help crack this time congratulations to Goose in the blue gear colored red so you know it's the best you can get it's Apollo and in the orange gear more destructive than a Milwaukee tool demolition hammer and faster than a Milwaukee tool M18 drill we have steeli all right steeli are you ready to go Apollo are you ready to go both Drive trains work right okay judges are you ready to go let's start our countdown in three two one let's Rumble robots Apollo holding its ground there we go weapon on oh oh almost flipping steeli out of the ring steeli 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 two one knock out and that is it just as quickly as it started stei got flipped on its head and not quite able to self right starting in the blue gear if you look in your dad's garage you'll find about 10 of these it's box of parts and and the orange gear they're pretty hyper it might be worth trying decaf it's caffeine addiction box of parts are you ready caffeine addiction are you ready judges let's start our countdown three and two one let's Rumble robots caffeine addiction spining that weapon up to life so is box of Parts oh oh just as quickly as it started it ended congratulations caffeine addiction starting in the orange gear Safety First no it's putting the safety of your robot last it's fire hydrants and in in the blue gear here to smash your Bot into a dent in the floor it's Brent spot all right fire hydrant are you ready to go Brent Bots are you ready judges let's start our countdown three two one let's Rumble robots oh fire hydrant busting out moves here going for that intimidation Factor on Brent bot uh-oh breaking off chunks that uh they're just auxiliary Parts apparently Brent bot just sizing up the threat not sure what it wants to do about this just try oh out goes the other hammer out of the ring RedBot just shaking in Terror here just trying to find a find it opening dive in and attack fire hydrant doing a good job of keeping it away showing off some sick moves there rbot just going in for it now he's not going to deal with this anymore uhoh looks like we may have lost drive on fire hydrant 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 two one knock and that is it congratulations to R [Applause] bot get ready to go so in the orange Gear with a little robot that's a bit scared it's Paranoid Android and in the blue gear ready to dance the opponents away it's sweet Tango Paranoid Android are you ready sweet Tango are you ready I do we have judges judges are you ready okay David are you ready to take over for announcing that I am kogan all right let's start our countdown three two one let's Rumble robots Paranoid Android bringing those saws to life sweet Tango spinning up just waiting waiting for Paranoid Android to come to in paranoid Androids backing out a little bit scared there uhoh here hit me stuck on the arena hit him you can call for an unstick you can call for an unstick if you want you don't have to get hit not yet oh wait wait wait wait almost there we go found some screws in the arena floor or something now paranoid Androids got a few less saw blades since the last time I saw it spinning up again oh interesting tactic he's waiting out sweet Tango waiting for a battery to die or a weapon to die or something oh one shot and out with those saw blades what is a Paranoid Android's next move terrifying he's a he's just improved his driving ability at this point uh-oh until he gets stuck on the arena again uhoh sweet Tango looking like it's going to move in for the kill [Music] here you can't he's calling for an untick Paranoid Android getting caught on our Arena floor and as such we uh knock him loose but just this once turn off those weapons uh we're going to go ahead call the match there send that one to the judges let's get a drum roll for your winner sweet Tango here to send you to space or at least the lid of the Arena we have Apollo and in the orange gear it's going to feel like you've been pelted with some Cobblestone when you fight the corn cob Apollo are You Ready corn cobbler and judges all right let's start our countdown three two one let's Rumble robots both Bots spinning up those verticals in high gear oh corn cobbler going for those oh big throws out of Apollo oh what's the this is this you can see some movement is that Milwaukee written on the bottom of corn cobbler I think it is 6 5 four three two one knockout all right that is it for corn cobbler congratulations to Apollo in the blue gears when he wins drinks are on him it's sake stroven and in the orange orange gear that's what these are in the orange gear when you get hit you're going to feel the Brent of the impact it's Brent [Applause] bot oh somebody brought a cheering section with them today sake are you ready to go RedBot are you ready okay judges all right let's start our countdown down 3 2 one let's Rumble robots sake not spinning up that weapon yet waiting to get in position there he goes grabing that up saving on battery ready to smack that hammer down as soon as he gets within range of Brent bot Brent bot quite light and agile there looks like it's had the pupil of one of those googly eyes popped out though so that's not good sake spinning back up now look like they might be fighting some right side Drive issues it's spinning but just so just barely oh there we go making impacts with that hammer sake still having issues positioning that doing a little bit of crab walking there oh popping that weapon up there we go rent by places itself right where sake wants it not quite able to capitalize with that weapon spinning full speed though ooh Brent bot running in for a fullon attack on that weapon uh-oh looks like Drive weapons might have been hit count down to 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 knockout and that is it congratulations Brent bots in the orange gear this bot is going to send you heading it's going to send you south for the winter it's goose and in the blue gear don't talk to me until I've had my morning cup it's caffeine [Music] addiction goose are you ready to go caffeine addiction are you ready and let's start our countdown judges oh yeah we have to check in with you guys too let's start our countdown three two one let's Rumble robots caffine addiction revving up the speed here Goose going in oh big impact right here caffine addiction trying to get at that side of Goose goose trying to get at the side of caffeine addiction oh a flip out of CA being addiction very nice able to land on its wheels and keep on turning oh and out of the box very nicely done goose in the orange gear we have the return of Brent bot and in the blue gear we've got Paranoid Android Mark I Brent bod are you ready to go uh Paranoid Android are you ready all right let's start our countdown three two one let's Rumble robots it's so quiet in the arena oh it looks like a Paranoid Android is still spinning up that weapon motor it's not going to do a much good though cuz it's not attached to anything he going to have two robots with a well choreographed dance sequence here hey uh if I can get both of you guys to stop for a minute um I would like to yeah hands off the controller I would like to make an addition to this fight if that's all right with you [Applause] two uh all right so here's the thing I've got an RC car on hand but I don't have anybody to drive it I'm wondering if I could find maybe somebody in the audience wants to come down here get a car how about you come on down in the black sweater yep come on down so let's hear it for our third entrance the RC [Applause] car all right all our drivers are you ready all right let's get back into this three two one let's Rumble robots oh RC car charging straight into the fight here uh-oh uhoh getting punched by Paranoid Android here you don't have to take that go right back back at him rent bot slamming into every wall in the arena uhoh Paranoid Android stuck looks like car is going to go for an assist here yeah hit him again back into him come on keep laring on the damage here yeah Brent bot trying to come in here uhoh Brent bot spinning up for some power here oh uhoh paranoid androids free looking to exact some revenge on the GU oh no oh it's flipped on the side on its head now come on knock it upright get him he's open think of the car yeah come on almost back into him they're both stuck on the arena everybody's stuck nope grent bot's out grent bot's right wheel still looks stuck there Paranoid Android back oh big hits oh Paranoid Android with the pin 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and that is it we are [Applause] done congratulations all our dri in the arena we've got our 30b match ready to go in the orange gear here to give you the moon and destruction it's Apollo and in the blue gear here to here for its magic trick it will make magic smoke appear from nothing we've got crab Apollo are you ready to go crack are you ready to go judges all right judges are we ready to go all right let's start our countdown three two one let's Rumble robots crack trying to move into position here get that hammer engaged oh Hammer right into that weapon that weapon sending off massive Sparks here uhoh smoke out of Apollo no he's still going oh and a flip on crack oh chewing up the sides as our Arena slowly fills okay Apollo has crack pinned up against the wall that's a tap out on crack all right despite that slaughtering it looks like Apollo is the Victor in the orange gear we have the return of sake stroven and in the blue gear we have box of Parts Sak stroven are you ready to go box Parts judges let's start our countdown three two one let's Rumble robot ooh sake starting with that hammer Prime to come down on box of Parts box of Parts shuffling slowly over there we go sake making impact after impact trying to take out that light on the top can't even smash it out box of pars not quite sure how to respond after that one we need to see looks like they might not be driving count down in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 two one knockout oh no a poor lad congratulations to suckage stroven ah jeez okay so in the orange gear we've got Brent bot in the blue gear we have uh Cor cobbler uh in the far corner from the audience we have the return of Paranoid Android 2 in the near Corner we have our RC car uh in the flashy red we have the return of crack minus hammer in the center we have uh sweet Tango and last but not least we have the printer of Doom competitors are you all ready all right let's start our countdown 3 2 1 let's Rumble robots uh-oh looks like crack immediately going in to try and Bully that RC car RC car fighting back grter uhoh burying crack and the RC car that Duck's been knocked off of it crack stuck underneath the printer printer being propped up by the RC car oh RC car on its Wheels again just trying to get out of there sweet Tango moving in creeping on Paranoid in oh there goes a wind a wheel uh-oh oh RC car stuck on its back now corn cobbler not driving anymore crack just beating up that prer oh crack under the prer now trying to push it into somebody yep ah mar car is going to be stuck until some good Samaritan knocks it down to its Wheels again re coming in to help it crack trying to come in to help it Paranoid Android just stuck on the side of its uh busted up wheels uhoh crack's not moving Paranoid Android stuck the only M the only person mobile looks to be uh sweet Tango and even there they're questionable at the best of times uhoh uhoh creeping towards Paranoid Android uhoh oh another pass sliding in for another just got to get in one good swing there oh looks like cor cobbler's barely moving just trying to slide in knock that RC car onto its Wheels once more oh a bump a bump almost we're still driving one more hit and that'll free up RC car again to go fight sweet Tango trying to move in oh almost Paranoid Android running away here oh big hit on the Paranoid Android we've got one minute left in this no one's tapping out it's the power switch Yeah sweet Tango just trying to shimmy its way in there that destructive Powerhouse oh it's moving again getting stuck on the arena oh s Tango looks to be stuck on some screws in the arena or stuck in a rough patch oh ripping off that back plate uhoh stop it stop it battery do not hit that battery just stay away from that Think RC uhoh there goes that black Drive pulley we have eight seven 6 5 4 3 2 1 and that that is it we are done RZ car dragging that battery sweet Tango losing half of its Weaponry crack just stuck uh corn cobbler I don't know how broken they are printer little duct tape on that printer and it'll come right back together RC car looks to be pretty much unharmed and will be in the Box again all right in the orange gear we have sake stroven and in the blue gear we have Apollo sake are you ready to go Apollo are you ready to fight judges judges are ready to go let's start our countdown three two one let's Rumble robots both weapons run to life oh saki trying to get into the side of Apollo there trying to just stay away from that weapon looks like Apollo is not driving too well but trying to just keep that weapon pointed towards sake oh oh sake is almost in there little bit Boulder he would have had a prime opportunity to crack at that top plate of Apollo Apollo just keeping that weapon facing him looks like he's not quite driving oh here we go Zak's in R position oh going to buzz in now [Music] cany movement countown in 10 n 8 7 6 5 4 3 two one knock out didn't call he didn't call for it all right and that is it congratulations to sake all right in the orange gear we've got sake droven and in the blue gear we have caffeine addiction sake stroven are you ready to go caffeine addiction are you ready judges are you ready to go then let's start our countdown three two one let's Rumble robots sake stroven spinning up caffeine addiction is as well oh immediately tearing a big chunk out of that uhmw that's okay that's supposed to break C be an addiction spinning back up here oh weapon on weapon with the hammer there oh big Sparks big flips can sake flip itself over at this point count down in 10 9 8 7 oh 6 hang on hang on can he do it a little helping hand from caffeine addiction 10 9 8 7 oh into the bottom and he's getting pushed around by caffeine addiction fighting back now can he bring that hammer down on him all right nice pin out of sake stroven seeing if he can turn that match back around in his favor oh and another flip and another C addiction dismantling him bit by bit out goes that back blate but sake's got him sake's not letting him go oh ah not quite with the hammer got be an addiction looks like it's gearing up for another swing sake into the wall a pin out of sake 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 release Beauty a nice fully executed 10-sec pan out of sake that's going to have some points for the judges oh caffeine addiction doesn't look like it's driving too well oh there we go maybe just stuck on something spinning up now trying to go for those Wheels pushing sake around sake trying to angle its way around see if he can hit that weapon with its own let see if he can pette slam it into the wall sake losing ground a little bit C addiction disengages sake goes in tries to claim that weapon into the weapon as we've just got a minute left oh sake sticking stuff in that weapon path now oh and he breaks the weapon belt off of cine addiction very nice slamming sake sake slamming caffeine addiction around the arena as we've got 30 seconds left in this fight both weapons disengaged now we've got ourselves a high power shoving match C being an addiction not quite getting the pin trying to see if it can push it around as we have eight seven 6 5 4 3 2 1 and that is it we are done this one goes to the judges oh Al righty we have a Victor for that match can we get a drum roll for your winner caffeine addiction goose are you ready caffeine addiction are you ready all right judges are you ready then let's start our countdown three two one let's Rumble robots oh both of those weapons roaring to life sparking off the floor uh-oh caffeine addiction getting at the side of goose and then Goose getting at the side of caffeine addiction oh big impacts there Goose winning that exchange oh caffeine addiction flipped on its head keeping that weapon facing Goose what's Goose gonna do go spinning down oh and caffeine addiction is back on its feet oh another slam out of goose caffeine addiction going in trying to deal some damage with that with that spinner not quite able to get it into anything important though lots of Sparks lots of Sparks coming out of this bot those Forks have been bent up on caffeine addiction to the point where it's hurting them instead of helping them Goose executing a pin on caffeine addiction all right Goose backs off let's caffeine addiction run back up to speed again are they stuck in the corner calling in a call in are they no caffine addiction slowly trying to wiggle its way out of that corner all right we are calling for the unstick so let's get our countdown in three two one let's resume robots oh cheap shot out of Goose goose getting that pin in oh here we go caffeine addiction shreding that weapon belt Goose has no more weapon hey tearing off a front plat [Music] uhoh C be an addiction as soon as that pin releases he's going to hit him with everything they've got got be an addiction that weapon scraping on its spot it's got to see if it can uh it can tear up Goose putting strikes on that weapon oh I'm sure that's damaging Goose more than it's damaging the caffeine addiction oh just grinding away all right Goose releases C an addiction not doing a great time driving Goose coming in behind it trying to go for another pin oh and it's Forks stop it on the on the flooring as we have 20 seconds left 4 5 6 7 8 9 [Music] 10 all right 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and that is it we are done this will go to the judges the judges have decided upon a Victor and your winner is let's get a drum roll kose and second place we've got caffeine [Applause] addiction congratulations and in first place honk hongk Choo Cho it's goose congratulations right nice
Channel: Robobrawl UIUC
Views: 2,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 54sec (4734 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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