All 14 Shinjutsu In Boruto Explained

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shinjutsu the Pinnacle of chakra manipulation in the boruto universe well to be more precise shinjutsu pretty much allows the user to perform chakra based techniques without the use of hand signs though there are techniques within the universe that don't necessarily require hand signs but are still classified as Ninjutsu not shinjutsu that's because there is an added qualifier to this classification which would be the divine nature of the abilities themselves you see as revealed in chapter 75 shinjutsu are Godlike abilities that are neither Ninjutsu nor Sage techniques they were instead classified as phenomena equivalent to Divine Miracles now just to be clear shinjutsu does require you to have chakra in order to use it but one does it need to concentrate by weaving hand signs in order to mold it as see with Ninjutsu or senjutsu with that being said we have at least 14 established jinjutsu abilities in the boru universe at this point in time so I'm going to use this video to explain all of them so what will you do you vulgar creatures train and persevere endlessly and pointlessly all for nothing let's get started with one of the most overpowered abilities in the entire franchise known as temporal rewind now this technique is absolutely broken and of course I'll explain why how it works is that in preparation of being attacked the user activates their renegon as glowing blue and then the technique allows them to warp several seconds into the past now while normally defensive essentially allowing the user to seemingly t report away from danger repeated usage of the technique itself grants a pseudo form of Clairvoyance so using the acquired knowledge of how the near future will happen a perfect counter strategy can be formed from being able to tell how the enemy will move so in the hands of anyone not named orik tsuki it's almost impossible to lose with that said our next ability is the shinjutsu known as karma now this Jutsu is absolutely broken in the sense that it pretty much allows your Suzuki to attain a form of immortality by by constantly resurrecting within a new body to be more specific the carail is stated to be an highly compressed otsutsuki backup file this compressed file slowly extracts over time and once all of that data is fully extracted The otuki Who implanted it would then fully resurrect within that body so the concept itself is pretty simple we've actually seen a version of this technique before in the form of Orum maru's cursed seal this allowed him to impart his powerful sjuts chra to sumone in build with his curse mark which then allowed them to enter a curse Mark state or undergo Sage transformation it was also later revealed that a copy of his Consciousness is stored within the seal itself which is why Sasuke was able to resurrect him during the war so it's pretty clear what influenced the creation of the karma seal itself even so the karma seal still goes way beyond that in the sense that it's also capable of converting yotsuki data within it to another person's component while still remaining genetically otsuki at its core that's so boruto became 100% otsutsuki while still retaining his own Essence also note that the process of overriding the vessel only overlays y Suzuki data onto the existing human data until y Suzuki chooses to resurrect that's why vessels like Jan retain this human form for years even though he was 100% ishiki or tsuki oh and the carail itself also provides the vessel with the ability to absorb pure chakra based attacks use SpaceTime Vortex and also amplifies their physical prowess as well as their abilities next we have the SpaceTime shinjutsu now this technique appears to be need to all susuki even the ones without renegon such as kinshiki and the Shiki tsuki it pretty much allows them to travel to different locations by manipulating a specific point in space there's also a more potent form of this technique known as yamu hirasaka which is also said to be the progenitor of all SpaceTime techniques in essence it pretty much allows the user to open Rifts in the fabric of space that then allows them to instantaneously transport themselves to different locations dopin can also be used to connect different spatial locations within the same Dimension or even to create Pathways that links two Dimensions together these Pathways can then allow the user to retreat disorient enemies or execute Ambush attacks at a moment's notice that then brings us to Damon's reflection ability which is one of the most overpowered abilities in the entire franchise you see Damon was implanted with the cells of shibai otsutsuki along with being genetically modified which is what led to his immense strength in addition to that he also received a reflection ability and in essence this allows Damon to reflect all attacks if he's touching someone with his palm and it also allows him to reflect intent which doesn't require him to touch anyone so it's basically a twoin one ability which allows him to reflect intent whether it be murderous or damaging in any way and it's also stated by aah that the stronger the intent to kill the more powerful the reflection will be a full simply picture in the killing scene will cause the end result to be instantly reflected upon them this will show when kaaki tried thinking about slapping Damon to test his abilities the slap itself was reflected upon kawaki without Damon needing to touch anyone this is similar to how he was able to reflect the guard's intent to cut off his head without needing to touch anyone there as well then you have the other reflection ability that allows him to reflect launch attacks as long as his palms are touching someone else this was see when kaaki tried to attack Damon with a strike in chapter 74 and it was also seen back in chapter 67 as well when code brought Damon to the battlefield in the middle of kawaki's attack which was then reflected there's also this time when Co tried to place his CL marks on Damon that were also then reflected code had no intent to harm him now there are also times when physical attacks are launched at Damon but were not reflected for example when Damon first fought boruto but boruto's kicks nor his intent to kick Damon was reflected even though he was touching boruto with his palm byad way the reflection ability does still work on the person he's touching if they choose to attack him this was show when code's intent to scratch Damon with his claw was reflected as pointed out by code himself so what this likely implies is that Damon is capable of disabling the ability if he so chooses to do do so thus being able to fight normally which then explains why B's attacks weren't reflected in this specific instance another important thing to point out is that there are no existing counters to this ability some might argue that you might be able to bypass it using genjutsu seing jutsus or by fighting Damon without the intent to harm him however this just isn't true let's use aah as an example her charm ability prevents you from causing her any physical harm even if you want to do so you physically can't do it as see when Cod Tred to slicer with his claws now what you likely didn't notice is that Cod was able to place his claw marks on her body the reason why this is possible is because the CLA Mark itself doesn't cause harm this was explained by aah when Shikamaru was able to restrict her movements using Shadow paralysis the reason why it was able to do so is because the Jutsu itself doesn't directly inflict harm so the same logic would apply to Cotes Clark yet as seen in chapter 60 Damon's reflection ability reflected CO's claw Mark onto him which means that it doesn't matter whether your ability indirectly are directly causes harm it will still be reflected so again Jutsu ceing Jutsu Shadow paralysis it doesn't matter all of them would still be reflected even though they don't directly cause any physical harm also note that his ability does transfer to the person currently touching him which means that any attack directed towards them will also be reflected up next we have the tool creation technique now this ability doesn't have a name so we're just going to call it what it is which is an ability used to create tools so in essence the user has the ability to manifest special red glowing malleable chakra which when on standby floats behind their back the user is then able to manipulate it to form various makeshift tools and weapons similar to the truth seeking orbs now there is another variant of disability which manifests in the form of oros shiki's fishing rod it is a tool created from Chakra but it possesses different abilities such as the ability to penetrate strong defenses and extract chakra thus imbuing the user with the ability of the the person it was extracted from though it does seem like you're only able to take one ability at a time that then brings us to miki's renegon abilities now these abilities also weren't given a name per se but they are indeed shinjutsu abilities of miki's renegon to be more precise the right hand renegon allows Miki to absorb any chakra based techniques then augment it and discharge it using the left renegon the right renegon also seems to allow mishiki to turn living being into Chalker fruits as seen with kinshiki though it isn't clear this extends to nanot susuki since he never did this to his opponent so we'll have to wait and see I guess up next we have the Deep Crimson spiral now this shinjutsu is simply an amplified version of the renga mishiki absorbed using his right renegon the changing properties gives it a reddish color and also increases the size and potency of the technique itself next up we have the black receivers now these are said to be a trademark of the renegon but we've seen characters use them without the renegon such as ishiko susuki and by extend men kawaki The Vessel of ishiki these rods can be used to absorb Chun or restrict movements and can also be used to transmit impulse signals into specific targets up next we have code's clar Mark and this is also A Spacetime shinjutsu by the way but I kept it separate from the initial category because it's somewhat different or more special in some sense so it basically allows Co to travel from one point to the next just like space time ninju but he's also able to use it as an attack as seen manyy used it to shr the tels and create to the claw Grimes and it's more so similar to Flying Thunder God since he's able to place the claw mark on individuals and objects and then later use it to access that location next up we have sua hikona now this is an ability of isik's unnamed dojutsu which pretty much allows him to shrink to a very small size now this ability also works on objects and jutsus but it doesn't work on living beings aside from ishiki himself so he can't just shrink people so that's one limitation of it now this ability can be broken if used properly since J was able to shrink his rods to a very small size then insert them into your body and expand them instantaneously so if you aren't someone who possesses insane region or plot armor then this ability might take you out up next we have D kokuten or duten now this ability pretty much allows ishiki to send you to a dimension where time doesn't flow and it can also store objects food clothing plant life it doesn't matter and as see with ishiki the ability is actually quite fast with objects almost appearing instantaneously so if you aren't fast enough he can pretty much NE You by dropping a cube on top of your head or by just sending you to a dimension where time doesn't flow does freezing you in time now before we get to the next one on the list I'm seeing that almost 83% of you guys are not subscribed to the channel which is absolutely insane so if you guys are enjoying the content just hit subscribe you know like the video and get it into the algorithm that would mean a lot to me so just get it done and let's move on with the video now next up we have the stening gun which is simply a dojutsu ability that can project one's Consciousness to any location to see our here any present event and this also applies to events taking place in a different dimension as well as any past event up until the moment of their birth though there is one limitation which is that they cannot perceive events within a separate spiritual plane or mental PL that then brings us to omnipotence you see in Boro chapter 79 adah's true ability was finally revealed and the name of that ability is omnipotence mishiki later explained that omnipotence is an ultimate power only an all almighty God can wield it's a programming language that the gods were said to have used to create Worlds the will to make anything real that's what omnipotence is so in essence omnipotence is a reality warping technique that allows the user to bend reality to his will but there are some key details we need to address now a was first introduced as a character who has a charm ability which pretty much makes everyone infatuated with her anyone aside from ukis and blood relatives she was then stated to have received this ability after she was implanted with the cells of she I about susuk himself the scientists who run these experiments known as a model confirmed that he didn't manufacture the abilities using Shea cell the abilities themselves came from shibai this was then somewhat later contradicted babom mashiki when he said that he has knowledge of every shinjutsu in existence and adah's traum ability isn't one of them now what Miki said was later backed up in chapter 79 when it was revealed that adah's traum ability isn't a shinjutsu ability stemming from the otsutsuki in fact it was a new ability manifested by aah using in the power of omnipotence it's then explained that adah's traum ability is just the result of adah's subconscious desire made material by omnipotence because again omnipotence is the will to make anything real and aa's desire was to be loved so in using omnipotence she was able to manifest that desire into a reality thus making everyone INF fluctuated with her so in essence the tra ability isn't an ability by itself it's just a manifestation of adah's deepest desire caused by omnipotence now Miki also stated that aah can't control the abilities since she isn't otsutsuki which is why this was all done subconsciously we also then saw the ability being used again in chapter 79 with a accidentally manifesting kawaki's desire to make boto an outsider as stated by amiki this current phenomena is kawaki's desire becoming reality he went through a and invoked omnipotence to cause you and him to switch places so no kawaki is the son of the seventh okag and boruto is the outsider omiki later explained that people's memories have been altered any common knowledge involving B and kaaki has been changed this is possible since every person's Consciousness is by nature linked through chakra so a God could meddle with it if they so choose to do so now the ability does have some limitations since Miki stated that it doesn't affect the otsutsuki fight such as boto and kawaki nor does it affect the Caster it's also confirmed that the ability doesn't affect sarda and Sumer for some unspecified reason so in a sense omnipotence or omnipotence is the most broken ability in the entire franchise oh and by the way way you can't simply tell people the truth and expect omnipotence to be reversed in fact it was later revealed that the ability itself is in continuous effect so as soon as someone notices a contradiction the ability then overrides it once again and forces them to either forget it or accept it as it is so the only way to reverse omnipotence is by using omnipotence again to change reality that then brings us to Rasengan USU hio which b adoped as a renga that incorporates the planet's chakra and rotation he then said that the power rushing through code's body will never decip itate just like how a planet will never stop spinning this is then backed up by Damon referring to the power as planetary spin by the way I did make a video that goes in depth on the inner workings of uzo so if you want the full anime science breakdown you guys can watch that video after this one so the smise explanation is that the only reason why we don't perceive the Earth's rotation is because we're coupled with the Earth's surface thus moving at the same constant speed both have found a way to loosen or remove that connection which causes coold to feel the full effects of the Earth's rotation this causes cod's Vision to get distorted and also causes an extreme case of vertigal in addition to that this also causes cold to experience the Coriolis effect which affects the Motions of objects that are not anchored to the Earth's surface and move relative to it thus causing them to appear to follow a curved path due to the Earth's rotation this effect is demonstrated by these guys throwing a ball back and forth without rotating the reference frame as you can see the ball travels in a straight line however when they try to throw the ball while the frame is rot ating or spinning it constantly curves to the right that is known as the Coriolis effect so in ense COD not being able to land a hit on boruto after the Rasengan crawled up his hand was actually the corol effect causing Co to always curve away from his Target or it could just say that it's boruto spamming flying Thunder God I guess either way the Jutsu itself is pretty busted now just to be clear this Jutsu hasn't been confirmed to be a form of shinjutsu but B of being 100% of susuki pure susuki at that and the Jutsu not requiring hand signs does point to this being first naturally developed shinjutsu as a new susuki with that said those are all the known shinjutsu abilities in the Bor Universe of course mishiki had different abilities like spamming the dogs and the golems and all that stuff but those are just mishiki manipulating nature transformation to form those animals so it isn't anything special really but if I did indeed miss any shinjutsu abilities you guys can let me know in the comment section down below but with that being said again guys if you guys like the video drop a like you know comment down below your opinions on these listed abilities and subscribe to the channel if you're new you guys on the next one peace [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] out
Channel: Kidomaki
Views: 21,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boruto two blue vortex, boruto vs kawaki, boruto, boruto timeskip, boruto chapter 87, boruto spoilers, boruto manga, boruto manga leaks, boruto two blue vortex spoilers, boruto timeskip spoilers, boruto rasengan, boruto new rasengan, boruto sword, Sasuke, Naruto, naruto flying raijin, boruto time skip, boruto two blue vortex chapter 7, boruto vs mitsuki, Boruto Vs Sage Mitsuki, shinjutsu boruto, shinjutsu explained, omnipotence boruto, rasengan uzuhiko explained
Id: Yo4AbbM-eEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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