Ranking The STRONGEST In Boruto: Two Blue Vortex | Boruto TBV

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how much stronger is Boro than everyone else in chapter S of Boro two blue Vortex mitsky and Boro straight up confirm boruto off the charts power but how does he stack up against ishiki Damon Jura and even Baron mode Naruto in today's episode of The boruto Stream I'm going to power scale the entire relevant boruto vers into tiers and rank them all the way from himari to Jura to even Boro but first if you guys wouldn't mind giving a like and subscribing to the channel it would mean the world to me all right let's get into [Music] it before I start getting into specifics I want to mention that this power scale is entirely based off of where people are at right now in the story except for Naruto Sasuke jigan and ishiki who are all either out of commission or dead I want to start the discussion off with one of the characters that we've seen on the widest ends of the Spectrum in terms of where they've been ranked prior to chapter 7 and where they're ranked now kaoki has had his fair share of showing great potential while simultaneously committing horrific snafus sometimes in the same chapter his getting caught off guard by mitsky was forgivable in that it was snake venom and he wouldn't have been expecting mitsky to attack and to mit's credit the man is a near-perfect or maybe perfect snake Sage that being said the earlier moment where kaaki gets embarrassingly face planted by a claw rme when code unleashes claw rmes all over the village is way more daming in fact at that point The Village was under attack and Kaki was more than ready to be attacked and still got caught lacking this speaks to a couple of important elements about kawaki's current power level and also informs on where Boro mitsky code and team 10 are as well that's because in chapter 7 Boro straight up tells mitsky that kaaki doesn't stand a chance against against him but mitsky first confirms it by literally saying kaaki is no match for you right now dude this guy is catching more Canon Strays than any other character in this verse or even in fiction right now the filler Arc Strays that Konohamaru caught are less ridiculous there are some important factors that I want to take into account yes mitsky is accurately power scaling kaaki it's safe to assume that since mit's job is to hang out with kaaki 24/7 that he's been around for the entire of kak's training and vice versa kaaki is determined to defeat boruto if you think he hasn't been training at all you are horribly mistaken you are wrong we've already seen the fruits of kawaki's training he's got the full eight spokes in his dojutsu and he can fly and while he did get embarrassed by a claw gme I do believe that kaaki must have had a huge part in defeating the claw gmes during the attack there's a baseline of power that we know kaaki possesses and he's at the very least a above where he was at at the end of boruto Naruto next Generations and at that point he had arguably the strongest peak level in The Village at that point I may have put kaaki somewhere in the realm of Jan maybe lower but not categorically lower kawaki's body is more suited for the karma marking than Jens and that's part of why he was selected in the first place but now kaaki has unlocked all eight spokes of his dojutsu which suggests that his Mastery of the sukah hiona and duoten powers are significantly more established at the same time we already know kawaki's opinions he believes that you should go all out in training so for kaaki that means he's never not in karma mode during his training and for a guy that has zero experiences a Shinobi prior to getting his karma kaaki is basically not a Shinobi he can't hold his own using just Ninjutsu and his Mastery of taijutsu is only relevant when his karma is activated that being said kawaki's peak strength in karma mode is nothing to be SC that he's already displayed the ability to go in and out of the da kokuten Dimension and basically use it as his own version of Kakashi's kamui and Chipen furthermore kawaki's usage of the sukah hiona black cubes and anti- sensoring Ninjutsu have probably improved significantly kawaki's power level post Timescape is probably at or close to being ishiki level already yeah I said that kawaki is already at the very least close to being at ishi level if not there already we already saw him display near ishiki level Tai Jutsu and boruto Naruto next Generations and now we know his body is properly utsuki enough for him to be able to fly kawaki despite all of the embarrassing moment so far and all of the Strays that he's caught is no slouch so it's important that I started for kawaki because you're going to see very quickly what this means for boruto mitsky Jura code and even bar on mode Naruto I want to take this opportunity to address why ishiki is above kaaki when I literally just finished arguing that Peak karma kaaki is ishiki level the explanation here is very simple ishiki is always ishiki level don't get me wrong ishiki has also famously let his guard down and gotten cocky more than once or twice but the mere fact that to our knowledge kawaki gets to ishiki level strength with the karma means that when the karma is not activated the kuki is less powerful than ishiki and for that reason reason ishiki has to be at least the head of kawaki on the list I would argue that ishiki is a head of code for the simple reason that code is meticulous and crafty like when he pulled Damon out of A's hands to knock Karma Kaki out using his claw marks but he's also kind of an idiot that got his eye taken out by a significantly weaker dude in Sasuke that was also outnumbered let's continue looking at this particular power scaling scene in chapter 7 the general consensus is that mitsky is accurately power scaled kawaki along with relative scaling for code and borto because mitsky is repeatedly portrayed as having a methodical approach an extremely high IQ we can probably say that mitsky is a reliable narrator as far as his estimation of other people's power levels goes even in relation to his own however when mitsky says that he wants to finally be able to go all out to defeat Boro I don't think we're supposed to interpret it as mitsky being more powerful than kaaki I think the point there is that he's finally being given the opportunity to fight with actual killing intent which we then see out of mitsky mit's snake Sage Mode Power is insane it just sucks for him that he was using it against boruto and conversely I wouldn't get too hung up on the fact that mitki seemed to be fighting boruto in a more aggressive way for more panels than code got before getting utterly embarrassed boro's end goal for the two fights were very different they both got no diff by Boro and that's important but if Boro was was interrogating code or was even trying 20% he was basically having a conversation with mitki while going through the motions in the of the battle and mitsky indirectly already power scaled himself below code when he admitted that code is stronger than kawaki and therefore kaaki is too weak to fight Boro then Boro filled in the remaining blanks as it relates to power scaling mitsky by saying well if he kawaki doesn't stand a chance against me then neither do you again the language here of not standing a chance and being no match doesn't bode well for any of the three people here not named Boro that I've mentioned so far all of them are significantly weaker than Boro and that is significant but I'll get more into that in a bit so if we're putting kaaki in as being planetary level power which I very much think he is I would say that code and mitsky are definitely in that range as well with code being higher and mitsky being just behind I also think that at this point we can feel fairly certain that kawaki is ahead of Jen and more specifically ahead of Jen plus 10 tales chakra who beat Naruto and Sasuke at full strength combined and mind you the Naruto and Sasuke that are on this list have Kurama and the renegon respectively in terms of figuring out where mitsky goes on this list I think the same basic logic I would use is that while we saw mitsky sage mode do amazing things in terms of strength and speed I think he would still be overwhelmed by Naruto's sheer chakra and Sasuke's renegon without those things I would put mitsky ahead of Sasuke on this list and I would put fuse mishiki ahead too I could argue that he should be higher on this list anyway okay so we've got ishiki and therefore Baron mode Naruto because that fight was pretty much dead even if it was edot tensei or something like that Naruto didn't have to worry about kurama's chakra running out then I would think barion mode Naruto would have a clear win here but that's an unrealistic hypothetical basis for this power scale I'd put Baron mode Naruto right ahead of ishi here before we fill out the rest of the high-end fighters let's quickly address the category that used to be as high end as it goes and that's KAG level KAG level is seemingly obvious ranking and with maybe a few small considerations here or there I think it's pretty obvious who's in KAG level in fact in a rare moment all five of the current sitting KAG are actually just KAG level including gar who is really the only person that you could even make an argument should go one level above but I won't additionally this is where I add in konah hamaru before the time skip hamaru had already mastered two different summonings Mastery of four chakra Natures including Yang release multi- Shadow clone Jutsu and even added a chakra nature to his Rasengan something that Kakashi and Mino the inventor of the Rasengan couldn't do although it's not really fair to Mino anyway on some level saying Konohamaru is KAG level is an indictment of chojo who I think Konohamaru would probably defeat but one thing that's often overlooked about Konohamaru is that in order to successfully pull off half of the Jutsu and techniques that he heavily relies on he's got to have insane chakra reserves just because he's not on Naruto's level in terms of chakra doesn't mean that his chakra isn't well above anyone else not named gar on this KAG level tier list again I'm doing this as IR relevant to where they were at during chapter 7 of Boro tuue Vortex or earlier so part of this is based on the assumption that he powered up slightly over the last 3 years let's jump up to the legendary Shinobi on this list because it's an absolutely formidable group of people starting from weakest to strongest with Sakura now don't get me wrong in sheer strength you could easily argue that Sakura should be way higher on this list but part of this is based on combat ability and Sakura has proven time and time again that she's really clutch in non-combat roles and really punches below her weight class when it comes to actual fighting she's no slouch it's just that in a fight I prefer the other Legends on this row over her and that starts with Kakashi at this point Kakashi has mastered all five chakra Natures yin and yang released he can do the renan purple lightning while he can't do kamui or Chidori or genjitsu or anything that he needed the shangan for anymore Kakashi has learned a boatload of jutsus including the eight inner gates and literally invented purple lightning to replace the Chidori he's a bad man but the next three people on this list are tough to tussle with a Roi maru's Feats are insane including killing the third Hokage albeit a weakened third Hokage who destroyed his hands in the process but in boruto Orochimaru has basically been allowed to run rampant with science experiments effectively making himself exponentially more powerful and deadly than his formidable former self was and at the end of shipin compared to now how strong is amim Maru probably incomparable probably not as strong as Delta though who can literally absorb chakra and fire a destruction beam that overpowers even the most powerful regenerative abilities basically Delta's eye cannons are instant kill beams if they hit you right apart from that her ability to absorb chakra attacks and redirect the chakra back into her attack makes her an absolute problem however she does match up rather poorly with one of the few guys on this list that specializes in non- Chakra based attacks and that is kashen Koji ring Koji is nothing short of an enigma in present day boruto we have no idea how he survived getting crushed by ishiki blocks but there are guesses and what we do know is that kashing Koji is jiah's clone but he's even more powerful because he's a perfect toad sage and he can summon real Flames from the Flaming mountains to engulf you his fire style is so strong that he almost casually burned Konohamaru alive and he's got so much chakra that he regularly summons a behemoth of the toad even though Delta's raw stats are better she has to be worried about someone like kashin Koji especially when we've already seen that she got overwhelmed by Naruto's chakra and risked overheating getting burned by kashin koji's endless Flames would be game over for her Koji has proven that he's extremely crafty too I wouldn't be surprised if he crosses into planetary level in terms of power to be honest but for now based on what we know he's firmly in the legendary category okay let's get the MC in here time to talk boruto do I need to talk Feats about this dude in terms of sheer resume at this point he's already to Goat there might be some dudes making the Tom Brady argument for Naruto or Sasuke or even ishiki who are more powerful or maybe AC crewed More Feats relative to their competition or something like that but when you've seen it you've seen it and the proof is there Boro is like Patrick momes you can just tell this dude is better than everyone else and that's because Boro has the perfect combination of mino's genius and speed Sasuke's technique nei's precision and Naruto's sheer strength and willpower I've said this before when it comes to being an actual ninja there is no one that has a better combo of stealth speed and technique he literally toyed with Cod and mitsky for panels and then confirmed Point Blank that kaaki was no match for him I'm telling you this right now leave Damon out of this for a minute if you take Damon out there isn't a team of four people in konaha right now that could take down boruto get your strongest team that you can imagine kaaki mitsky throw in Kakashi or Sakura or Shikamaru whoever else you want to throw in there get code in there they're all getting done up like Shadow clones and I want you to remember that I said that because I'm going to come back to why it matters later now let's talk about how Damon matches up because there's a very real threat for Boro on this list and it is not Damon who is frankly the next strongest known entity on this list with proven Feats much like Boro Damon absolutely toyed with no limit code and his reflection ability might be one of the most broken abilities in the entire story right now but there are levels to this and abilities like Damons have loopholes one is that if there's no one around for him to touch Damon becomes extremely susceptible to long and mid-range attacks and I think A Moment Like This that could spell Doom for Damon is when a flies off to save kawaki at the end of boruto Naruto next Generations chapter 80 the second factor is there is some inconsistency as it pertains to Damon's ability to reflect pure Tai Jitsu we see code able to yoink him from a claw Mark into the path of kawaki's attack while he's in A's arms and we see Boro able to yank him back when he's trying to kick himari maybe this is Damon coming willingly but I think that there might be a loophole there that is being shown on purpose if he can't reflect the Tai Jutsu of someone as fast as boruto it's going to be a real problem for him and just just remember Damon can't fly or teleport or anything like that he can run really fast but I'm not sure that he's categorically faster than what we saw out of mitsky and Sage Mode I don't think that Damon's abilities do anything for him if he gets stranded out by himself with multiple attackers that have mid-range attacks and strong taijutsu but I'm nitpicking here Damon is op as hell before I start talking about the only person besides boruto that can probably beat Damon and who I think is the biggest threat to borto on this list let's talk about where sardo ranks because for someone who has unlocked a [ __ ] shingon we haven't seen enough Feats out of sarda to confidently say that she's above s tier we see her use Chidori in fire style while dunking on some clog Rhymes and then immediately we see her get caught off guard in the middle of battle by a clog rme and someone named SOI gets devoured I'm putting sarda shikai choo and enene all in s tier in that order with sarda looking up to make a big leap into KAG level and enene staring back down at aing himawari is an interesting quandry because technically the power that Damon saw in her is already lying dormant within her however we've still yet to see it come to the surface what we have seen is her insanely good usage of the Byakugan and her very proficient usage of tautu with chocho for now himawari is an A- rank but the story is still young that same logic is what applies to sumeray as well she literally held her own against Kakashi in the anime and summoned a multi-dimensional yo-kai that was absolutely overpowered but since then suay has been working on ninja Tech healing kawaki's ninja arm and doing no ninja training sum's potential is insanely high but right now she's an a rank the next person on this list is a take all of the logic I applied to himari and sumeray and now bake this in AA is somewhat of an unreliable narrator this is why I think a is slightly misrepresenting her abilities in combat she has said that apart from her omnipotence shinjitsu and her senon dojutsu that she's only mastered basic Tai Jitsu but a can fly something that up to this point only otsutsuki deities can do without some Ninjutsu trickery AA is a lot stronger than she's leading on and I think it's on purpose she wants you to believe that she's an S tier or KAG tier but her sheer ability to avoid being attacked and influence others to attack her would be attackers makes her a planetary level threat even if her combat abilities are as basic as she claims they are which again I don't believe that's accurate at the very least her ability to fly suggests that her body is at least partially otsutsuki DNA and now the biggest question mark in terms of power how strong are the Shinju right now and how strong in particular is Jura we've seen Feats out of the other Shinju the bug Shinju appeared to be holding his own against boruto he got hit with shiden nagashi and didn't blink these guys also displayed a level of teamwork and coordination that I wouldn't have expected out of brand new life forms remember when I said that there wasn't a four-person team in konaha that could take down Boro well guess what this group of four drove boruto out of the tales dimension in a hurry and no I'm not saying that they are more powerful than Boro they're probably not but the situational Advantage they have is is that if they were to successfully devour Boro it's GG for the entire planet and that's a rough vantage point for Boro to take a one-on four battle from if code would have actually helped Boro I'm not so sure Boro listens to kashin Koji there and evacuates but there's a good chance that even boruto doesn't have a solid sense of juro's power level this is a guy with literally zero feet so far so let's not get too far ahead of ourselves but let's just list out the possibility abilities of his range for power Jura is most likely a creation from the chakra of either ishiki Jen or kawaki and by the way I'm going to make a separate video breaking down exactly who juro's counterpart is in a later video but back to the topic at hand based on the way chapter 7 ended and the other images we've already seen Jura is almost guaranteed to have some or all of ishii's powers including access to the dauten shrinking and chakra rods moreover if he somehow doesn't have access to shrinking then that's just all the more evidence that he's got insane strength to be able to lift the black boxes with these that's something that the six- Pats Naruto and full power boros Shiki couldn't do he's got dual renegon which implies that every renegon ability that we saw out of pay and Sasuke is on the table for Jura to make matters extremely worse Jura can fly and can also teleport using the claw marks in the same way that the other Shinju and Claw Grimes are able to do he also has the otsutsuki markings which implied that he's probably got Superior chakra absorption abilities than even the other Shinju Jura might be the worst possible matchup in this story for boruto and 1 V one I'm not so sure that boruto could take him outright look on the low end of juro's power he's still above kawaki that's a fact because kawaki doesn't have a renegon or the ability to teleport when you add the fact that it appears that juras end goal is to devour boruto or kawaki it's starting to look like he's the predator and they are the prey so yeah the pack of Big Bad Wolves might stop over to kill a fox on the way to hunt the Bison get it because they have horns and Naruto hosted the ninetail fox Spirit and the Shinju are a pack screw it what do you guys think where do the Shinju rank in terms of ability where does boruto rank did I misplace anyone let me know in the comments and if you haven't already please like the video and subscribe to my channel thanks [Music] toodles
Channel: Boruto Stream
Views: 3,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boruto, boruto: two blue vortex, naruto, naruto shippuden, boruto: naruto next generations, anime, manga, sasuke, sasuke uchiha, otsutsuki, sarada, naruto uzumaki, boruto uzumaki, mitsuki
Id: Li1O8RCIC7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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