ALL 128 Features In Minecraft 1.21 - Tricky Trials!

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hello I'm FX toy cat and Minecraft 1.21 or the tricky trials update contains 128 brand new Minecraft features and today I'm going to show you every single one of them and how they work obviously as well as making all of these new features they've also changed some existing features we will be showing those off in today's video but I won't be counting those towards the grand total and so let's get started and let's say that the first 40 features are all unique things in the Minecraft world but maybe some cynical people might call this big set of blocks 20 Fe features or even five but let's explain what they are first and then we'll talk about the technicalities because chiseled copper is our first brand new feature and it's crafted by using two cut copper slabs this will make a brand new decorative block and it is purely decorative but because it's made of copper it will slowly Expose and then weather and then oxidize over time creating four separate variants of it then we have the copper bulb a brand new copper block that functions in the Redstone world uh when you give it a redstone charge it will turn on and unlike a redstone lamp which sounds awfully similar it will hold that charge until you next press the button to turn it off this is a very cool thing in my opinion and it's a really great new light source just by itself but to come with that it has a very high cost it requires three separate copper blocks as well as a blaze rod as well as a piece of redstone but you do get foreign exchange so it's not all too bad but going to the nether is a requirement for making these yourself if you're not just going to mine them and also keep in mind that as it slowly weathers it will get slightly less light each time so the fully non oxidized copper bulb is the one you probably want most of the time outside of formatic build then we have the copper grate this is another decorative block it functions kind of transparently and it's crafted like so four separate cober blocks will give you four separate copper grates which makes it kind of expensive to cut craft uh just by itself you I would recommend using a stone cutter for this one but yeah full variants it goes exposed weathered and then oxidized the same is true for the copper trap door and the copper regular door this is crafted like so this is six separate copper ingots to make two copper trap doors that is fairly stingy you might say but at the same time it used to be six cover blocks so I think it could be a lot worse and then we have the Copper Door which is the same but vertical and you get three doors for this why is it that you get three doors when they're much bigger and only two trap doors when they're much smaller it's a question that no one knows the answer to but keep in mind these doors function like any other wooden doors in Minecraft it's not iron so it doesn't need to be powered and even though it's in the trail Chambers there's no relation to the key here you just open and close however and whatever you want and obviously they come in four separate variants so now you might be wondering why I said 40 blocks at the very beginning and that's because every single one of these blocks has a second variant and this is the waxed version so if you place honeycomb on top of any one of the blocks that I've shown before it will become a wax chiseled copper or a waxed exposed copper bulb and so this is especially handy for the cober bulb to make sure it always stays bright um but otherwise it's just a way of locking in a certain level of oxidization so 40 separate blocks really are 20 blocks waxed and unwaxed but Minecraft counts them that way and so do we so with that said next we have tough blocks tough is currently just a single Minecraft item you can't even make stairs until 1.21 has changed that all uh so this is tough stairs this is the tough slap this is the tough wall the most obvious examples but then they're crafted as you would expect but then we've got polish tough which is made from four tough together so it's no actual extra cost because four tough creates four polish tough and then you get slightly prettier stairs and slabs and walls or you can take four of those polished tough and combine those together and you'll get some tough bricks and this is in my opinion the best set block of the set and I think this isn't just my opinion Minecraft clearly shares it as you'll see in a future feature uh but with that said you can see we can make this into slabs walls and stairs and then we can chisel these BL blocks by taking two separate slabs of that and making it into a chisel tough brick or a chisel Tough by using regular tough slabs these cannot be made into stairs slabs and walls but they are very unique blocks and I love having a brand new chisel block that seems to represent another one of Minecraft's big almost boss-like foes and so with that said that's 53 separate features just in new blocks which I think a lot of people would cynically say like well it's great to have new tough and cober blocks but what if you don't care and the answer is you get lots of stuff for you so the trial Explorer map is a fun New item that you can find so I'm going to have to trade with the Villager first it's going to cost me 12 emeralds and wait what just happened to my Emerald did it did it get stuck in whatever this is anyway so you get 12 emeralds and we can use these 12 emeralds plus our uh you know obviously our compass and we can find a trial Explorer map this trial Explorer map will tell me exactly where I have to go to find my next trial chamber this is a really really really handy item because trial Chambers are quite well hidden below ground by the way trial Chambers are a whole feature in their own right and you'll notice they use all of these brand new copper blocks copper bulbs and chiseled copper and copper great but also a lot of tough bricks which is the proof that they're clearly the best of the entire set but yeah you can find trial Chambers all over your Minecraft world now this is one of the biggest structures and honestly it feels rude to say that all of that counts as 53 features well this counts as just one but this is just measuring it how it is there is one brand new structure that contains some stuff inside of it but by itself it is one feature it's just the biggest feature they've added in a long time so big that it gets the titular naming it is the TR tricky trials update after all with the trials uh being named after the tri spawners something you'll find inside of it we've deactivated this one um as it will do uh for 30 minutes after you take one down but when you go near an active TR spawner a bunch of mobs will spawn and you need to kill them all once you do so you'll get rewarded and some of those rewards include the tri key this is about a 30% chance every time you take one down you might also get food or other things that will help you out though this is basically the mini boss of 1.21 taking down TR spawners is a lot of fun and I would totally recommend that you go in and try it even if you're not necessarily A PVP person number 57 is the bog there are two brand new mobs in this update one of these is a bog I'm going to have to get out my sword before we do this uh one of these is the bog this is a brand new skeleton variant and I really love what they've done with this because unlike previous skeleton and MOB variants where it's just oh it's a zombie but he looks different and he has a slightly different effect no this is actually a different mob because if he attacks you he has a much slower cooldown to account for the fact that he actually will shoot poison arrows at use so bogs can be found in the trail Chambers this is probably the more natural place for them in my mind at least uh but they do technically spawn in the swamp and so if you're in a swamp you will find bogs just like how you currently find uh the version of it and the uh the snowy B it is a similar version of the Stray but for the swamp and I think that's kind of fun also there is obviously the bulk spawn egg a brand new item we have to mention which is why the breeze counts as two items the spawn egg and then the breeze himself the breeze obviously shoots out these big wind charges at you and drops Breeze rods which are fun they look like blaze rods but they're used for other unique things really really fun unique things then we've got number 61 the breeze Rod which is great by itself and can be crafted into things like the wind charges so wind charges are found Enough by themselves in TR Chambers but if you want to you can just at any time turn your Breeze Rod into a wind charge or four of them in fact and these wind charges can be used for all sorts of fun things but the most interesting is the Redstone effect so this means that this will happen with breezes too the reason there are so many Redstone components in the tril chambers is because they will trigger and they will make your your beautiful message into something a lot less beautiful is this a Savanah tree now and a and a Tetris block on the floor there it's hard to work out what it is because all of the buttons have been undone anyway we can also do this with doors for example and so if you ever want to open a door in the most unique way possible you know this is the way you've got to do it and so uh yeah trying to H you could make a fun game out of trying to deliberately shut all the doors like this but the wind charge is a great item otherwise let me show you why that is right after I show some other features there are fre brand new Pottery shards you can use these to make pots like you could in 1.20 I like the designs especially of this one uh there are obviously two brand new Banner patterns and there are also uh vaults these vaults will take your keys and spit out goodies in exchange for them the vaults can only be used once per World though seriously every single time you load up a Minecraft world vaults will generate and every player is only able to use them once if you want to use them again you have to get someone else into your world and that's something really important you want to know speaking of important things you want to know there's also these brand new armor trims I kind of like them but I could understand why not everyone would say this is the best Set uh if you're looking for a trim for your armor I think this is a great way of saying that you like the trials it'll make you look like a monster from them too which is kind of fun but speaking of looking like a monster let's use the wind charge and let's jump over these Hills look at this by the way look how high we're jumping just with a small jump if we were to crouch and then do it first we could even go higher than that but yeah basically this is a new thing that you can choose to do and uh you can also choose to get ominous bottles so this ominous bottle is found by this guy uh this is a Pillager captain or bad guy if you will they spawn around your Minecraft world but also in poer towers and they'll give you bad Omen bottles these bad Omen bottles can also be found in the uh the trial vaults themselves which is Handy and so if you drink a bad Omen bottle what happens well there's two things that can happen one of these is you can drink it in a village and this will give you the raid Omen status effect this functions exactly how a raid does in fact let me just quickly step in and you'll see that my uh bad Omen effect is going to become the raid Omen effect so it looks a lot like the old bad Omen and you have 30 seconds to get out of there just a warning should probably do that uh this is a very important feature it's a really cool change to the Badman effect you might be saying how and why and it's because the fact that bad are optional or they're really savable to later or you can use these ominous bottles to make the trial Omen status effect this trial Omen will lead to an ominous trial spawner it is a new variant of the tri TR spawner which will give you more valuable things wow is this a brand new type of key but yeah this is the entire drop table for it I think you get a lot of diamonds for it in the very minimum but also you'll find the ma enchantments you'll find rare enchanted books in general you'll find Enchanted and es and armor and I think it's just a very valuable thing to go for even if you don't get the mace which is if we're being honest what we're all looking for from it speaking of things we're looking for let's talk about the new status effects this is another kind of controversial one for the counting but it we again this is the consistent methodology we use for every single update and it tends to be uh that when you you know cuz when you get a brand new potion obviously you get a splash and a lingering version of that potion and an arrow of it so it means that we have four brand new status effects four brand new potions that you can choose to brew but that actually creates 16 brand new features but I don't think these are going to be heavily used unlike the so the I think the ominous uh you know TR spawner is an incredible thing you're going to want to come back to time and time again you want to find ominous bottles to make these because you want these keys so damn bad uh but these brand new status effects are mostly fairly negative so there is the wind charging potion which is made by brewing with a breeze Rod this will give effects that when when an animal dies or when a mop dies I should say um it will actually cause them to create wind charges I think it's a lot of fun personally so that is a bunch of armadillos With the Wind charging effect now a very silly little concept uh then there is the oozing effect the oozing effect will allow a mob to spawn slimes after it dies again mostly a negative for the player but you can use this for farm so uh it's one that you will want to set up at some point infested will cause a mob every time it takes damage to have a 10 to 20% chance of spawning a silverfish very very wild one but will affect some armadillos with anyway uh but by the way armadillos are a part of a previous update not part of 1.21 and then we've got weaving weaving is made with the cobwebs and this will lead to a potion which will cause an enemy when it takes damage to spawn cobwebs in the world this makes cobwebs renewable which is great this makes uh silverfish spawn which can then be used with oozing to spawn a lot of slimes because you can have silverfish spawn then give those the oozing effect to turn them into slimes which then creates a lot of slime balls and a lot of experience and this potion is for I don't know like if you're playing PVP and you want to have like a uh you know like a grenade drop after you die it's h basically the same but with a wind charge so that is a whole 20 features uh listed right there the effects themselves and the four separate ways to have it um each of those four ways is consistent across the four potions and uh realistically the way you'll encounter these most for the standard Minecraft player who's not getting too technical is in the TRS Chambers when you encounter an ominous TR spawner it will sometimes fire these effects at you and so if you can deal with a ominous tral spawner you'll get an ominous TR key about 30% of the time and you can use these to unlock an ominous Vault an ominous Vault has a lot of things you can get from it but the biggest and most important for many is the heavy core the heavy core is a brand new item that does precisely one thing at present and that is to create the mace I shouldn't have yelled it but it's in caps what can you do it's the only way to read that out so the mace uh I had nothing I could do about this I certainly couldn't have not written that in uppercase or changed it in any way but yeah with that said it is is worth mentioning that the mace uh is a brand new weapon and the most powerful weapon Minecraft has added it has gone through a lot of changes so there's some controversies about how and why and all that stuff um but this is a weapon which you can find in this update that will deal up to an infinite amount of damage to show you that let me uh let me go right here and let's uh go to the very top of the world and show you something fun I'm not going to get this on my first hit but brace for the mace because if I can hit this Warden on the ground so yeah this is something I said uh this is one of the hardest things things to do people complained about the mace all day and maybe you watching this video saying wait infinite damage that's crazy but basically as you fall the Mace will give you more and more damage as you pick up momentum on the way down every additional block Fallen adds more damage to the mace this is increased further with enchantments if you want it to be but even by itself this means by falling from 300 this lovely tower that you might have spotted earlier um if we fall from this down onto the warden as you can see we can kill him in just a single hit I'm impressed we've got that on the second go though it takes a lot of skill to actually Master Landing perfectly on something and you need to know exactly where your target is so if you think it's op then I I don't know I feel like it's actually fairly muted in the grand scheme of things but what isn't muted are the density enchantments this increases the damage that you will do uh when falling down onto a mop then we've got the breach enchantment this is feature 101 breach will allow you to decrease the amount of armor that an enemy has effectively your Effectiveness against them goes from 15 up to 60% with breach for which means that breach four is a better way to kill a neite armor equipped fo than a sharpness five neite sword even if you don't account for the fact that the mace can obviously do its big mace attacks and then we've got the wind burst enchantment the wind burst enchantment is a really really interesting one because when you attack something with wind burst you will launch yourself Skyhigh and this sounds like a fun thing by itself but it has the downside of when you come down you will not be protected from Full damage when you use a wind charge you uh oh when you use a wind charge you are what did what did I just do with that I I I have no idea what I have done uh but when you use wind burst as I will show right now on a villager uh hopefully okay this is yeah using wind burst will allow you to launch yourself into the sky but you won't be protected from the fools that come as a result so let's go there we go as you can see I just took 5 and a half hearts off damage and this is something that Minecraft are looking to buff not the damage taken but the height increased which means therefore the damage taken very very wild it's it's the wildest card Enchantment of the three but it is something you'll need to keep in mind that wind burst is the hardest to get enchantment but also the hardest to use the easiest one to die using and so I think it's the one I'll be using in survival but only with wind charges feather falling and probably also an elytra but we'll see how that one goes in practice next up we have the crafter the way I've been showing you all these crafting recipes is via these Crafters which use five separate iron a crafting table and a dropper and two pieces of redstone to be crafted what is happening in there you know I'm glad these guy I I I think these guys have done something bad by the way they're standing looking the other way at the door anyway so it's important to note uh that while we're here there is a very uh fun thing that the crafter does and it's the ability to take the things inside of it and craft them when it's given a redstone charge so if we have these items inside like we do right here we can use it to have the crafter spit out a mace from its mouth this is this is very very fun in my opinion so yeah the uh crafter is a very powerful new Redstone piece of equipment mostly for making Farms I think uh if you have a farm that has components that you want to have crafted down you can do that automatically and that's great I think uh the other uses for it are a little bit more limited but that's me talking as someone who doesn't do a lot of AFK farming and so something I like a lot more are the new music discs so there's three new music discs the uh the easiest one to get is Creator music box which will sound something like this I'm going to be talking over it and I I I I'm I'm aware of that don't worry but it's it's beautiful I like it who wouldn't and so it's a it's a very short version of Creator which is one of the other two songs you can get precipice and so Creator sounds like this it is I think the fan favorite of the free discs tell me what you think sounds like the music box version but get this right it changes after a few seconds [Music] [Applause] [Music] come [Music] I think it's really good personally but my uh so my initial thoughts were that I really really like precipice a little bit more this is by Aaron Shero so most of the Minecraft music post C418 has been made by Lena rain and both of these discs were but this one is made by Aaron sherop instead and uh I think the biggest critique people give this is it's not very minecrafty but I would say it's so great otherwise so me and the villagers will listen to this now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I love it I think it's so good but yeah this is one of the new music discs that you can have as part of this update and I think that these three are all worth getting but yeah you will get them from The Trial uh will find them in the trial Chambers you'll find them in the vaults and the ominous vaults and you'll want to go and get them at least I want to go get them I think this is a cool new collectible item and a cool new piece of customization which also informs what Minecraft have done with 107 and 108 here the new Panorama and the new music tracks so when you go to to the Minecraft menu screen it will look like this instead of like this every update there is a brand new one of these which I think is pretty great honestly every every now and then I'm reminded about some old ones like do you remember 1.14 do you remember 1.17 anyway the the point here is to say that there are also new music tracks which will play over this new Panorama but also in the game itself and so now we've got 20 new paintings to show off and as we go through this Gallery let's talk about some of the other major minor features in this update so yeah obviously we've got uh paintings which we'll get bigger as we go through because I think meditative is nice it's a reference to the poppy humble is nice it's American gothan you know I think these paintings are nice but what you might prefer more is the fact that TNT explosions now have a 100% drop rate on Bedrock they've had this on Java for a while it's finally on Bedrock they've updated the oxygen bar I think it looks really great personally they have also made it so you can stand on boats while in water mobs will spawn on the center of blocks rather than the corner this will mess up Farms by the way keep that in mind um a lot of farms rely on them spawning on the corner so just make sure that you know that they want by the way Tides is nice Soto is sunflowers Soto is the end boss wow I wonder what that could be referencing uh and Fern and yeah all of these paintings will be found in the natural rotation in the same way every other painting is found speaking of every other painting um the fact that cobwebs will have new sound effects and effect particles are no longer Blended together but separate grind Stones can be made with stone slabs rip super flat survival this is true if you had a flat world survival uh you can no longer cheese your way into getting a grindstone villager speaking of choosing my way into something here is kotan uh 118 here is uh how how lemons uh 117 I like this one a lot who who wouldn't love this one honestly then we've got a cave bird over here and then we've got over here bouquet as well as of course backyard and pond and the final feature is for you a ambient C cave [Music] South so these are all changes to existing features they don't count into the 128 whereas it is true that there are 20 new paintings and so we add each of them to the feature count which means that by the time we get to the end here we have 128 features it says 117 118 but we'll just we'll just go in that there's nothing we could have done about that no mistake being made here no sorry uh but anyway as you can see unpacked is a beautiful reference to pack.png and I love that Minecraft are doing this with their paintings a lot of the paintings previously were references to Art but these ones were made by Christopher Zeta strand the artist who made the original paintings but with references to regular art in there too but also a lot of Minecraft references mixed in with the batch which I just think is a beautiful way to do this there are lots more customization options that you have as part of this update and I think this is really great and so that is precisely why I've showed you all of these today hopefully you found this video to be useful and hopefully now uh you consider subscribing to the channel because I have heard that 99.9% of housefires happen to people who aren't subscribed to the ibx toycat YouTube channel Channel and there's only one way to prevent that my controller died just now which is a pretty perfect time if you ask me so thank you very much for watching I hope you all enjoyed and also thank you to adorable ho for putting together this world as he does every update and to Harrison for editing this video because I'll see you in the next one good bye [Music]
Channel: ibxtoycat
Views: 217,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft
Id: sPwK4zH5fiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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