Align Vocal Tracks in REAPER

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[Music] hi i'm kenny joya welcome to another one of my tutorials in this video i'm going to show you how to align vocal tracks in reaper i have a project in front of me here and i want to align the lead vocal track with the double tracks and the harmonies to make the timing match with the wii vocal let's see what it sounds like now come on let's go we're not fast you're just too slow let's get this show on the road let's go now it's not bad but we could tighten it up a bit to make every line match the weed vocal so let's go through how to do this the first thing we'll do is we'll select all the double vocals and the harmonies just right click drag to select them all then we'll hit d to open up dynamic split which looks like this we'll turn on transients and when gate closes and go down here and choose set transient sensitivity we can adjust the sensitivity and the threshold right here let's zoom in a bit and make sure it's going to create splits and all the transients on the audio let's make this a bit lower right about there looks pretty good now it's better to have more than less as we can just delete the splits we don't need we can close this and switch this from splitting selected items to add stretch markers then edit from here and create stretch markers on all the transients on the audio tracks like i said we could delete the extra ones or add some in as we need them let's go to the beginning right over here zoom in now besides deleting the ones we don't need i'm going to also want to move the stretch markers without affecting their stretching and we could do that with a mouse modifier let's go to options go to preferences and scroll down here to mouse modifiers another context make sure we choose media item stretch marker and left track now by default none of these behaviors are going to work so let's either replace one of these or write a new one down here i'm using a mac so i'm going to use control but you could also use any of the windows ones down here double click it and go down here to move stretch marker preserving all rates and switch it to ignoring selection and grouping this part's important because we're going to group them later we don't want this to affect grouping so if i hold down that modifier i can move the stretch marker without it stretching the audio so i can just put it in a better place but these are pretty good right here at the end as well these look good we could delete this one alt on the pc option on the mac for this one and this one do the same for here here these look pretty good let's add one right here hold ctrl on the pc option command on the mac and just click it and that adds a stretch marker right there let's delete these two and adjust the length let's put a stretch marker right here and right here let's delete this one move this one and this one so they match up let's delete these and this one [Music] these look good so adjust this one let's take some time to get it right but it's kind of worth it in the end let's add one here we adjust this one these look good move this one delete this one move this one to here these look pretty good delete these this one just go through it line by line making sure the stretch markers are in all the right places that's kind of important when lining things up then we get the s sounds perfect because those will be more obvious if they're off these the endings or the length of the sustained notes add some right here that looks pretty good like i said this is going to take a little time but making it perfect will give us better results in the end so now let's just zoom in in the beginning then we could group these items and move them all together so it's right click drag to select them all type in g which is going to group the items now watch what happens if we grab one of the stretch markers and move it past another they grab each other so we can move this to line up with delete vocal just like this and do the same thing with the ending right here line it up with the ending of this note now this should be perfect and just do this with every phrase that's being sung just line them up very quickly and they group together to line them up with each phrase or note and it's really useful for the s sounds to make sure these line up perfectly because like i said we're really going to hear that difference and if we need to delete any of these points alt on the pc option on the mac to clear them or turn off grouping alt shift g on the pc or option shift g on the mac turns off the group and we can move this one separately turn grouping back on and they behave as a group again like this let's move this one over here line this up with this one and line these up over here do the same with the ending like that and that in the beginning of this note and line them up perfectly go the end over here line them up and they're perfect again and just do this for each phrase and just like that it should be perfect let's see the results come on let's go we're not fast you're just too slow let's get this show on the road let's go it sounds perfect and like i said it does take a bit of time but as you do this more often it'll go quicker each time and the nice thing about this is you can always tweak it afterwards we just zoom in there's a certain section that doesn't sound right just grab it and just line it up again until you're happy with the results so that's pretty much it that's how to align vocal tracks in rebirth i hope you learned something hope you can use it and i'll see you next time thanks [Music] ah you
Channel: REAPER Mania
Views: 18,855
Rating: 4.9917469 out of 5
Id: YoaBNqvCyCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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