Aliens: Bug Hunt Playthrough - Solo Mode

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welcome today we're going to be doing a full solo playthrough of aliens bug hunt oh yeah so i'm going to be explaining how everything works as we play the game but if you just want a really quick overview of how the game functions i have a separate specific video just for that so the story is that we've lost contact with all the colonists on lv426 so our goal is going to be to get into the colony and complete our three missions one two and three and after we complete our three missions we need to escape from where we entered which is gonna be here in sector three now we can lose the game in one of three manners so one way you can lose the game is if one of your squads wipes completely so i'm going to be playing with two squads i've got the red squad here and the green squad here and in each squad you're gonna have three people i've got two grunts and i've got a special character so if all three people in one squad die then i lose the game and the squads all the green squads are represented by the green miniature and the red squad by the red miniature so another way i can lose the game is if my xenomorphs which are going to be the aliens in the game they are represented by these dice over here if they need to spawn and i have no more xenomorphs left in my reserve area to spawn the colonies become overrun and you lose the game that way and i should mention too these little holders for all my tokens those are my personal ones these don't actually come with the game so and the last way that we can lose is if i ever need to put a xenomorph phase card which i have all the extra ones right here if i ever need to put any of these into the phase deck and i don't have any more xenomorph cards available to put into that face deck so those are the three ways you can lose there's a lot of way to lose in this game [Laughter] so anyways that being said let's get to it so to start the game what you're going to notice is i have a hive track right here and i have a token that's representing where i'm at on the hive track so essentially what the hive track does is it tells you when you need to spawn more aliens and you're going to know that you need to spawn more aliens whenever you reach one of these green symbols one two and three and as you'll notice we actually start on one of the green symbols which means that we need to enter our xenomorph phase so what's nice is this game for the xenomorph phase it has a little reference right here so you know what you're doing um if you ever forget so because we don't have any xenomorphs in the playing area i skip step one and two which is attacking and moving with them and i go directly to step three which is spawning xenomorphs so to do that i go to the tracking deck and what i'm gonna find is i'm gonna find essentially a blip uh i forget what they call this like the the blip the blip deal so this card's gonna be split into five sections one two three four five and they're gonna correspond with the sectors of the game board so i've got sectors one two three four and five and based on where you see the blips that's where you put the aliens so what this one is showing me is i start with two aliens in sector four so i'm gonna put them here and what you're gonna notice is uh these the alien dice you're gonna have like a white side a blank side and a red side it doesn't matter what side that you put them face up uh but whenever we get to rolling them then it will matter so uh the other thing about these uh tracking cards some of them are gonna have text on the bottom which this one does which we now need to resolve so it says drop ceiling put a xenomorph into each tile that still has an objective counter on it and because we have no tiles we're just gonna ignore that and with that we're ready for our first turn and i should mention too just because it's bothering me um for the hive track i've got a little white token here the game does come with a neat looking xenomorph token to represent it but it kind of blends in with the board so i just kind of figured the white token would be easier for you to see so anyways okay turn number one let's do it so the way you determine who moves is you go to the phase deck you reveal and uh i started with the xenomorph card um and the title doesn't really matter it's just flavor text but when i draw xenomorph card what it tells me is i need to move up one on the hive track so there we go and uh because i moved it up and there's no symbols next to it i don't do anything i'm just getting closer to spawning more so next turn ah very good and now we've got a green card which means the green squad gets to go so what you can do on a turn it's pretty it's pretty simple there's only two phases there you move and then you perform an action uh so for movement i have three movement points and uh as long as you're moving not through a barrier it's only going to cost you one but and i'll show you what those all look like but anytime i explore a new tile my movement will end so i'm going to move the green squad there explore this tile let's see what we got ah perfect now i can explain everything um so wherever the light is on the tile that's where you're going to match up where you came from the barriers and they're a little hard to see because it kind of blends in with the tiles you've kind of got like this junk on the outside these are going to be your barricades so if i want to move through those it's going to cost me two movement points and then i've got an opening right here so i'm gonna put that there matching up the light side put my guy right there and you're also gonna notice i've got a xenomorph icon so that's a one and that means that i put one xenomorph into this tile so whenever you explore tile your movement ends and now we get to go the action phase and uh what's nice is that the player boards also have references if you forget how everything works but for the action phase it's pretty straightforward i can either shoot xenomorphs capture an objective breach a barrier which is going to be one of these guys or i can reload all my people and i think what i'm actually going to do here is because i have a barrier on this side i'm actually going to breach this barrier and the reason you want to breach barriers is you can shoot in your own tile and you can shoot at aliens in an adjacent tile to you so long as there's not a barrier so when i breach it that opens it up and that kind of frees me to do that um so anyways that's it that's his turn next one ah red team perfect and this actually works really well so i'm gonna do one movement point here because there's no barrier and then i've broken down this barrier so i can move here and one important thing to know about movement and having xenomorphs in your tile and this is going to be key to winning the game i can only ever move or exit a tile that has a xenomorph in it if i have another squad in that tile with me which i do right here or if i had another squad member in a different tile that i was moving to uh so like say i had the green one here and i had this tile shown i could move the red one here and escape or vice versa so anyways one movement point here and i'm gonna do two movement points right here and explore this tile oh perfect cool and uh this is actually our first objective token fantastic so what happens there is i put one of these objective tokens in the middle and i actually have two xenomorphs in this tile as well so i now have four people in this tile with me [Laughter] which is great um and i think what i'm gonna do is because that is a lot of xenomorphs i'm gonna go ahead and shoot and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna use drake right here and i'm gonna use my grunt and when you do the shoot action each card they have a number of bullets so the grunt has two bullets and drake has three bullets so when i've depleted both of them i've dragged them down showing that i'm going to use them to shoot and what i do is i add up their bullets so that's five bullets total which means i can target five aliens uh so what i'm gonna do now is you start by attacking everything in your tile and i i've kind of house ruled this a little what the game says is i can roll all of these dice at once uh but what i kind of like to do is i like to roll just the dice for each character so like the grunt for example because they have a bullet value of two i'm just gonna roll two of the dice and you'll you'll see why i do that because i like it uh for how it comes to allocating wounds so let's roll the dice nice this is perfect actually so if it's blank that means i've killed them and i put them back in the pool but if it's red that means that alien actually ends up attacking the person who's shot and and this is the reason i kind of like doing the attacks separate because i'm going to take a wound and i'm going to give it to the grunt and um the thing is see if i just roll them all at once um the rules say you can allocate who you want to get damaged but this is kind of why i like rolling them separate so it kind of takes that out of my hands um i kind of feel like it's more thematic that way so anyways okay i've got one wound they're double-sided i don't look at them because that's going to come into play once i have max wounds and this grunt has four health so i've got one wound so far so that's the grunts attack now drake he's got three attacks so i can hit three people and i'm gonna roll these two first nice i've killed them both someone put them back in the reserve he still has one more bullet left uh you can't attack the same xenomorph twice within your action so what i'm going to do is i'm going to attack the xenomorph over here because there's not a barrier right there so that means i can attack them and that's why i breached because i knew i could support with the the the people with each other so let's roll it's blank and i've defeated that xenomorph fantastic and that's a pretty good turn okay next green team gets to go and what i'm going to do with the green team i'm going to move one down here and then i'll move one here to explore the tile and again the way i kind of like to think is i i always like keeping my team tight so i can have them back each other up because whenever you get into a spot where they're isolated it gets really hard if you roll them bad if you can't kill them so nice fantastic so there's nothing in this tile and what i'm going to do is my action i'm actually going to use my grunt for the green guy to shoot this one so he has two bullets because i can only shoot one at a time um i can't shoot him again like repeatedly on a single turn i can only shoot him once so let's see what happens nice and i've killed it fantastic and uh that is green's turn what do we got okay red's turn and uh this one's gonna be pretty simple i'm just gonna i'm not gonna move with them i'm just gonna spend their turn to pick up an objective token now these are double-sided they've got an x and they've got a regular one and what happens is when you pick up an objective token i can decide which objective or mission to put it on and this is important because each of these have different abilities that i can use now so for this one it says activate at any time destroy up to three xenomorphs in a single tile that contains no squads that's pretty good this one is activated at the beginning of the xenomorph phase to ignore the attack or move step that is also good and uh and then i've got attack at any time remove up to two wounds on any character or activate it any time uh that's also good ah let's see i think i'm gonna do i'm gonna do this one so i have the ability to destroy three xenomorphs in a single tile that contains no squads so that'll be pretty good if we start spawning a lot so that's red's turn we move on i've got green let's keep exploring and i'm gonna explore this way yeah let's explore that way so that's two movement points because i went through a barrier but i explored a tile nice and because i explored a tile i end my movement i've got a tile with an objective token and i have two xenomorphs that go in here and my thought again is for my action i'm just gonna breach right here so i can have this red guy support me if need be fantastic and yeah here we go oh what do you know the plan worked and uh actually i think what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna have red move here and hopefully there's not a barrier okay there is that's fine oh wow got another objective token um i did shuffle the deck and uh this is not common um for this many to show up this quickly uh but pretty neat okay so i got the objective token and i've got a xenomorph right there so hmm you know i'm going to breach again and and my thought is like i keep saying i like having my people support one another so i'm going to reach there so they can kind of almost draw the fire and attack um essentially i'm more efficient with my bullets right because if i if i just use my grunt to shoot i can only hit that one but now that i've breached when i shoot i can hit this one and then one in the other tile so okay here we go xenomorph card so the high track goes up one and oh nice and this is a wild card so i get to choose who gets to go and i think what i'm gonna do is i'm going to yeah i'm gonna have green go and this is gonna be pretty neat um i'm gonna have green move here and the reason being is i can move them there i'm going to deplete both of my people so i get a fire for a total of three and i could have done it here but the thing is if i have a red face show up when i'm in the same tile with them i'm gonna take damage but because i moved here i'm only fighting one in my tile whereas these other two if it's a red or a white face and an adjacent tile they just come at me and they don't uh they don't do damage so let's do that i'm gonna start with the grunt we're gonna say he's rolling for the one on the inside nice and that one is dead you know i've got one more firepower for the grunt well actually it doesn't matter now because no one can get hurt so i'll roll everything what do you know [Laughter] that was good planning um so what happens is because they're too red in adjacent tile they don't hurt me but they both move to my tile so that's my turn and now that the phase deck is empty we go ahead and we shuffle it and you might have noticed this is the only deck that i have sleeved and i sleeved it because there is a lot of shuffling of this deck all right let's do it okay red um and you know i'm just going to use the same thought process so i'm gonna move him here i'm gonna deplete the grunt i'm gonna shoot these two in the adjacent tile nice okay well i killed one the other one comes towards red that's their turn xenomorph phase oh nice and now i've hit the xenomorph phase on the hive track so now what we do is we go up here so attack so every xenomorph that is in a tile with your squad does one damage to the point man of your squad and the point man is the person that i have in the rightmost spot so put a wound on him and now i'm gonna move the xenomorphs one space because they're already in a spot with a squad they stay and then now i spawn oh that is not good um so i've got three in sector one and three in sector two and the reason that is not good is because the next time these guys move if i am not adjacent to them or near them they will just move towards these sectors and escape and every time they escape i start moving up the hive track very quickly so there we go that's the xenomorph phase ah and there we go again next okay anyone can go and huh i think what i'm going to do because i just kind of want to get out of this spot i'm going to collect this objective i'm not going to move or attack or anything oh i need to reload actually that's okay i'll just collect the objective and i'm going to do hmm i'm gonna do this guy which i activate at the beginning of the xenomorph phase to ignore the attack i just saw this nerve gas attacked at any time or activated any time destroyed the three xenomorphs in a single tile that contains no squads but i'm thinking i can't use that one on these people because they're not actually on tiles they kind of thematically i think they're like hidden in the vents or whatever so i have no idea where they are i've got a inkling of where they are so okay um that is my turn green gets to go again fantastic and i think what i'm gonna do now i'm gonna move one and i'm gonna move that's a barrier right there isn't it yeah two and i'm gonna move three here just to get green moving over there okay nice and i have a xenomorph spawn in here with me and for greens action i'm just going to go ahead and reload and again the reason i was able to move through the xenomorph one was because there was a squad already in the same tile with the xenomorphs that's why i'm able to kind of freely go through it okay reloading was my action red goes now red pretty much needs to fight the xenomorph because i have no squads near me i can't get out of this tile so i'm pretty much stuck with the red so i'm just going to reload for their action red gets to go again let's shoot the xenomorph so i'm going to deplete this guy please oh man it was red uh and this is where things can get dicey because uh now i can get stuck with the xenomorph so that's my turn green one goes and actually i don't think i played this the best because now i'm also stuck here so i'm gonna deplete this guy to shoot at this xenomorph all right cool okay so that one is down i shot that was my turn and green gets to go again and i think what i'm gonna do because i don't want red to be stuck i'm gonna move one here use this guy to shoot this xenomorph oh man i got too excited and threw it off the table one second and we roll again fantastic it's dead okay phase deck is empty and now we shuffle and uh trust me i am shuffling they they slip in between each other very nicely and now we go again green okay and what i'm going to do with green i'm going to go 1 and then 2 3 through this barrier here and my thought is i'm kind of putting green here because next time i trigger the xenomorph phase when they move they're going to move to me because i'm adjacent to them so i'm going to do that and i'm actually going to breach right here just in preparation so okay what do you know green goes again okay i can't shoot them because you cannot shoot a empty uh a space that doesn't have a tile so i'm just gonna go a little bit deeper so one two let's go over here okay and just so i have a track backwards i'm gonna breach behind me okay xenomorph go one and you know i'm not too worried about this time because i know at the beginning of the game i've only loaded it with two xenomorphs in the deck the i do start adding them as i hit track nine so ah and there you go so xenomorphs go up again so now i know the rest of my deck because i've already played two xenomorph cards i know there's not gonna be any more okay we got a red guy and i'm just gonna spend their turn to collect an objective and we'll just diversify and put it on this one so now i have one for each person and that's red's turn red goes again and we're gonna go one hmm yeah i think i'm gonna go two and three that's all i can move ah anyone gets to go fantastic and what i will do because there's no barrier here i'm gonna move one here and then two into their tile and i'm kind of aggroing them now and nice that uh that might have been the best orientation we could have gotten so and the reason being because there's no barriers here so i'm kind of i'm freed up on that side so i put two xenomorphs in there a mission objective and green is definitely in it now um and i think what i'm gonna do is i'm actually just going to reload don't reload or want to get out of there yeah let's reload so i'm just going to reload with green and my thought is if i can get red to come up i can shoot at these guys with red so that way if there's any misses they don't attack anybody they just come towards red ah it's green okay well not the case um and i think oh you know what yeah i can do this i can i'll just use that thought process but for green so move green there and i can move there because i have a person supporting me and i am just going to unload and deplete everybody so let's do two for hudson nice let's do two for the middle grunt oh man they are just slaughtering them in the point man okay cool and that's where my strategy worked because it was red uh i don't get hurt but he moves to there with me so that's green's turn and now we have red and for red i'm going to move them up one i'm going to um no i probably need to attack because i know uh i know the hive is going to get triggered next time that a xenomorph card is shown and because of that i know green's going to get attacked so i don't really um do not want them that's okay they can attack green i've got a i've got a lot of health on them i'm just going to collect the objective token oh you know what because i can use one of these cards to uh activate the beginning yeah the xenomorph phase ignore the attack so i could use that but sometimes if you're in like really bad spots it's uh it might be more prudent to save to save that one because i've i've been in spots where i've had like six xenomorphs on me and it is bad news bears um so okay uh we're doing pretty good and here we go ah there we go move it up now we do the xenomorph phase they attack all the squads so this one will attack the point man for green and now we move them uh this one's in green but these guys because they're adjacent to my red guy they all moved to my red one and now we spawn more xenomorphs and ooh we are staggering them so this is going to be neat so i've got four in sector four so the way you do it when you already have tiles out i am going to start closest to the sector that you can and see how this one has two guys that have already spawned there before i'm gonna do two of the three spawn right there and then for the last one because there's no hive markers on here i put them on the next closest our next closest empty space with no tile in it closest to here so let me put that there and uh for sector 5 it actually works out because i have one two and three and uh now now you can see why you could lose based on not having dice because if these people start escaping uh things get uh dicey very quickly okay here we go uh red goes and yeah i think i'm gonna do this i'm gonna go down and i am gonna just try and shoot everyone around me so i'm going to deplete these two people so that gives me a total of five so let's start with the point man nice he's dead and the point has one more and i think i'm going to i'm gonna shoot this one down here okay he comes to our tile and then now drake has three so let's see if we can just finish all these off here ah okay so i defeated two but one of them is going to come into our dial so that is the situation okay red and you know what i think i'm just gonna try and leapfrog out of here and try and focus on getting missions so i'm gonna go one and i'm gonna go two to explore another tile oh actually i didn't want to explore but i've already revealed it dang it that's okay and i'm just going to reload with red yeah because i didn't want to explore because now green is stuck but that's fine okay well let's see uh you know what yeah let's double down on it we're just gonna yeah well green is kind of stuck okay it feels like a waste of an action that's mine so move there deplete that red guy roll two ah and they're two whites which means they both come to red which is actually pretty good because now i can leapfrog with green very good so now anyone gets to go and i'm gonna do one two [Music] and i'm going to reload with green perfect green goes again and what do you know it worked out let's actually do these two people so i'm gonna that gives me a total of four bullets so now i'm gonna roll for two up here nice i've cleared red space and now i'm gonna hit the two down here do you want to do that actually no i'm gonna hit one here and one here because this guy would go to potentially sector 4. nice clear that out and clear one down here it's red so it moves up to me and that is my turn green gets to go again man green does not stop but you know what i'm just going to get out of here i'm going to move to red one two and let's keep exploring deeper into the facility nice and it pays off i get an objective token and one thing to keep in mind is uh my tiles i can go six across is the deepest you can go and then five is as high as you can go up huh so let's see greens there and i think what i'm going to do is i'm just going to collect the objective token i'm just going to kind of peek my head and run let's see how well that does for me so okay uh that is green's turn xenomorph phase ah perfect so we've hit the top of the track so what this icon means is i take one of these xenomorph cards and i put it in the discard so now there's going to be three so now your hive track is going to go up a lot quicker okay green card um huh well i can't really do much so i'm just going to attack with hudson these two oh man two reds that means i take two wounds for hudson that did not work out uh also has four health and yeah so now i shuffle all these again and we carry on so i'm actually looking okay if i get the see it's once you hit this top track the first time things start getting dicey pretty quick because now it's uh every time i'm going to be hitting three cards that i work through the deck so green gets to go and i'm stuck i can't do anything all i can do is reload because i have xenomorphs in the tile with me anyone can go so i'm gonna have red come over here one and i'm gonna have them support so deplete this guy shoot these two xenomorphs see if i can help green out nice and they're all blasted away okay ah xenomorph so uh what you do is now you go back to number one and number one has a xenomorph phase so what do we do we attack there's no xenomorphs in the same tile as my squad so nothing happens there and now we move and what they do is they move to a space um that has a squad in it if it's adjacent to them so this one would actually move to the red one and it's only adjacent not diagonal so this guy what he does is he moves one closer to the apc tile which is here and this guy actually moves to sector five and escapes when they escape you automatically move one up on the hive track it doesn't matter the quantity this could have been three or four but for every sector that they escape out of during this phase you move it up one so escape there and then this guy also moves one closer so now you can see if you like if you let a lot of escapes happen this thing just like boosts up very quick and there we go xenomorphs again and because i let that escape happen what's gonna happen is it's gonna trigger again because i know i have one more xenomorph card in here so uh yeah things things can get bad pretty quick so i'm just gonna keep trying to do my objectives i'm gonna move to green one and then i'm gonna move up here nice fantastic and dang three xenomorphs so one two three but i've got a objective here and hmm you know what because i know that there's a xenomorph card in the phase deck that means whenever i trigger this three of these people are going to attack my point man which pretty much renders him dead i could use this to stop the attack but i more so want to stop the movement from moving the xenomorph phase um let's see if i can just escape and be a weasel um i'll just collect the objective and see if i can get out this way so i'm actually doing pretty good i only need three more objective tokens to win the game so okay that's my turn nice green gets to go and there are barriers all around this thing there are so i'm gonna go one two three to explore this one nope nothing but what i am gonna do is i'm going to breach this tile any rolled away to help support red on a future turn okay ah okay xenomorph phase here we go so what's gonna happen is the attack so one two three are gonna attack my point man for red and uh what happened now is uh oh actually do i wanna do the attack i'll i'll stop the attack by flipping over one of these mission abilities so that i'm gonna skip the attack phase because this guy lets me do it oh wait no not that one wrong one there we go activate at the beginning of the xenomorph phase ignore the attack or move step so i'm gonna do the attack so they are still gonna move so this one's gonna come up here and i've mildly screwed this up that's okay uh these are gonna stay this one's going to escape which means the hive trap goes up one this one's also going to escape which means the hive track goes up one as well and when they escape i just leave them here because they do not return to the dice pool and now we spawn and nice i've got one in sector one and because oh yeah because none of the tiles have hive numbers on them it's the closest empty space to the sector so it goes there and then in two i have one as well and then there's some text we've got company play the xenomorph spawn step of the xenomorph phase again that sucks um so now i'm gonna spawn again and now i've got three in sector four so i'm gonna do one two three and that's the turn okay red goes um and i think what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go one yeah i'm just gonna try and outrun these people so i'm gonna go two up here nope nothing i do have a xenomorph with me okay and ah man what do i want to do oh you know what i can do i'll do this activate at any time destroy up to three xenomorphs in a single tile that contains no squads i'm gonna do that to get rid of these and that's just to keep them from escaping and what i can do to kind of take the pressure off me i'll do it again and get rid of these guys nice uh let's see and i think yeah okay but i still have my turn so you know what yeah i'm just going to go ahead and fire so let's see if we can just clear everything oh no no i'm going to reload i like this little leapfrog thing um i really like doing that so green perfect and it's going to work out because green can escape this one because there's no barricade and i can explore this tile okay nothing there and for green what the heck we'll just shoot at a xenomorph nice gone boom and red gets to go i'm gonna go one two three because i have one two three four five okay so i'm still good on space okay and i have one xenomorph in that tile with me and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna breach here because i my thought is we're gonna start leapfrogging again but now i'm gonna move down here and uh i so the one thing is because there's a barrier here i can't move red over into that tile with green because i can't do that whenever there's a barrier in the way so uh yeah now we're gonna get dicey pretty quick because if i know i have three xenomove cards in my deck i've got one two three spots which means i'm gonna add another one to the deck and i'm gonna do the xenomorph phase again so um will be fun okay yep and red goes um ah man okay can't move out because the i can't move here like i want to i can't move there because there's a barricade so i was actually hoping i get green first so that's fine uh let's go ahead and use and we'll use the point man the grunt ah okay he takes the damage xenomorph stays grab a token that is his turn oh boy red gets to go again and this is how you start burning through turns if you get stuck like this okay thank you xenomorph gone red goes again um all right let's just move one down here explore come on give me a mission nope okay and there are two xenomorphs in this tile one two and i think what i'm gonna do i'll just go ahead and i want to reload yeah it's fine we'll just reload very good green so i'm gonna see if green can maneuver over there one one two three four five so i can do one more six ah nope nothing in that one and for green i'm just going to go ahead and reload with them oh actually no i'm not going to reload um yeah okay though green goes again i'm gonna go one two to this tile ah nothing and is there a barrier there there is so i'm going to yeah i might as well just breach i got nothing else to do um okay xenomorph that gives up one xenomorph here we go okay the attack and yeah that's fine let's let him do it and i think yeah that's okay well um attack at any activate any time destroy three xenomorphs move you know what no i'll take the damage this time and what i'll do is i'll keep them from moving yeah so that way that one won't escape but i will get attacked by red so they're gonna take two wounds one two so now they're at their full one so they take another damage i gotta start flipping them over and some of them have kia on them which means you die so that's the attack now they move and i said i'm gonna skip the movement phase so we're safe there and now we spawn okay i'm gonna have two in sector one uh but now because i have tiles i have one and two the tiles have xenomorph icons on them and what's it say mindless charge play the xenomorph attack step of the xenomorph phase again awesome um and i think what i'm actually gonna do i've got this one that says activate at any time remove up to two wounds on any character so i'm gonna use that to get rid of two wounds on this grunt and then we do the attack phase again so we're gonna hit him again so he remains at four so i think that works out okay ah now anyone can go and i'm just gonna piggyback my way out of here so i'm gonna go one explore here two and i'm just gonna try and essentially outrun them and beat them by getting the missions as quick as possible green goes so i'm gonna go one and two down here nothing again and xenomorphs go up here i take another xenomorph card and put it in the discard so now i've got four xenomorph cards in my deck and very quickly nope not supposed to see that um very quickly the deck gets very thick okay and okay cool i think that's good enough all right let's put it here and i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna flip this token again to get rid of two wounds on the grunt um and and one person can die um i just try not to have anyone die because then that's like less firepower i can have total right so uh let's see all right let's carry on all right xenomorph phase awesome so i say phase card so i bring it down to one on the hive track i trigger them again so now that i trigger them uh attack and i can't i've used all my mission abilities so they attack they're not in any of the tiles with any of them so now we move and things are going to get bad pretty quick uh so because a lot of people are going to move so this one goes to sector one which means i move up one on the hive track this one moves closer this one moves closer this guy escapes so i move up again this one moves one closer ooh where was this i would just say it was here these move one closer this guy moves one closer and now we spawn oh boy so i've got three in sector three so i've got one two three and then i got three in sector four one two three awesome um red let's go one two so reveal a tile no missions there okay that's their turn oh i guess i have more of a turn um nothing i can really do i guess i'll just breach up above me all right green's turn oh i say green's turn um red's turn again so i'm just gonna go down here and explore ah there it is there it is mission token and two xenomorph and i'm just gonna use my i'm gonna use pick that up right away red goes again and i am forced to fight so let's use drake you can shoot three but kind of a waste but it's fine nice takes them all out that's his turn anyone gets to go let me go one two and three and i'm just trying to get a little bit closer oh fantastic mission token and a xenomorph there with me i'm gonna take the mission token i actually only need one more um and i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna use this right away to kill up to three xenomorphs in a single tile and i'm gonna do these three so they don't escape okay ah xenomorph face here we go so uh this one attacks my point man for green and now everyone moves so up one up one up one one this one escapes so we go up one one one one one one one okay there we go now we spawn more i've got one in sector one i've got one and two one and three and that's it okay here we go green goes and let's maneuver our way out of here one two and three to this tile oh there it is there's the last one now i just need to escape so i've got a xenomorph in the tile with me and i'm gonna automatically just use my action to collect that and uh yeah that's green's turn so now i've actually filled up all my mission things so i just have to get to sector three and escape let's see if i can do it ah green okay um i can't move because i'm stuck so i'm gonna use this guy to shoot ah nothing it's white so it's a miss that's my turn xenomorph go up one green goes again yikes so do this aha killed him that's my turn ah xenomorphs again and now we shuffle yeah it's gonna get pretty tight cause i've got a huge swarm to get through um oh and actually if i have too many spawn steps i just realizing it because this is potentially four spawns oh i can kill a move step with the one ability and that might save me all right let's see what we got oh xenomorph phase okay yeah i'm going to do that right now so ignore the move step for attack no one's in there with me i'm gonna ignore the move step we're gonna spawn more enemies so in sector two i have one and what's this say facehugger attack each squad must deplete one character if they don't their point man takes a wound so i will deplete a character deplete a character and that is that red goes and now let's let's get the heck out of here one two oh that stinks that's all red can do huh yeah that's fine we're just gonna breach here so it's less movement for us to move through and what i'm trying to do now is i'm trying to just get back to sector three um because that's how we're going to win so red goes again so i'm going to go one two three i'm going to use this guy to attack so i'm going to attack this one in my tile does the damage and i get to do one more because he had two ammo and moves over to him that's okay anyone gets to go so i'm gonna do green one two and three with red let's reload i think we might have it actually um okay reloading was my action green goes again so i can go here one oh no i can't leave if there's a barricade so let me for my action let me just breach this right here oh we are so tight red goes nice so i'm gonna go one oh and they have no ammo so i'm gonna reload i feel it i feel it oh the xenomorph phase that's fine okay so all this is gonna do is add a xenomorph card to the discard green goes nice nice so i have one two i piggyback so green's in the safe and i can shoot with green uh but i don't think i am because if i shoot with green and i miss this one it causes it to escape oh no oh boy this is where it's gonna get dicey so what's gonna happen is is um we're gonna do this thing so okay uh red gets attacked for one and then now everyone is going to move and i can't not move so i'm gonna go one here so that moves it up one these guys go one this group goes one which moves it up here this one moves one this one moves to red they're with red this one moves here here here okay not so bad and now i'm gonna spawn i've got two two and two so oh no is that it no no it's not okay so i've got one two two and four one two and two and five one two okay i did not trigger another xenomorph phase so i'm clear there um yeah cause i only went to this one so please be red ah no okay so xenomorphs gonna get triggered again uh and what i'm gonna do before red gets murdered oh it doesn't even matter okay so four people are going to attack red so because this is my point man and he already has four i'm gonna flip and the first one is kia so he is dead gone everyone shifts over there's three more attacks so i'm gonna use this to take off two wounds from him which is one two and the third one gets added and that's the attack now we move so here yeah this move they stay all of these guys converge under red he cannot escape [Laughter] [Music] this one's gonna go here move the hype track up move move and now we spawn okay here we go i've got two in sector five oh my gosh one two and i am almost i have literally two left let's see what this ability is um oh no mindless charge play the xenomorph attack step of the xenomorph phase again oh boy um so i've got one two three four five six seven are going to attack so one two three um yeah and only your point man takes the damage four oh five okay this grunts dead move it over this is really close uh six and seven okay so we're good there please just give me a red card oh no it's green um oh man i don't even know what to do i mean do i don't even have enough six i could use the six to attack but you know uh if they escape then i'm just gonna move this track up and pretty much if i trigger the xenomorph thing one more time yeah so i'm honestly i think i'm not gonna do anything um i don't think i've ever not done anything but uh yeah let's just do that okay so i'm not moving because i've already escaped and oh man okay here we go oh xenomorphs green oh come on uh okay i'm not gonna do anything with green oh boy xenomorphs oh and i think that's the game wow so close yeah i've got no more abilities i can do yeah jeez oh man okay so we attack i've already used all the abilities on my card and this is probably why i should have saved it for the end um okay so they're gonna attack so they're all going to attack drake one two three four five six seven so one two ah three four five six seven so i've got to reveal three if any one of them are a kia he's dead red squad has wiped and we lose the game and there it is i almost never do good with these um i'm just curious oh yeah okay awesome um i had no chance whatsoever um dang okay that was a really close game uh yeah honestly that's what i really like about this game is how everything ramps like it gets so intense because you can the beginning of the game i had nothing on here and then we end with this and oh man i i was literally one step away and uh you know maybe in hindsight maybe it would have been wise for green to shoot um but even if i shot with green the thing is if i were to miss they would come towards green and escape and advance this again so i was kind of in a bad spot either way because if i advanced it up i would have spawned more people and done the attacking and just out of curiosity um oh actually you know what yeah because the movement would have killed me too i would have gone here um if red hat survived for my movement i would have gone here triggered this one up they would have moved over these guys would have gone to red just pile them on there um these guys would have gone here which would have triggered another xenomorph phase and i never even did the spawn step on this one so yeah there's no way i wasn't going to lose on that either so i would have spawned oh yeah six i would have ran out of dice there as well so i would have lost both ways so anyways um that's the game hope you enjoyed it um that is a solo play through uh aliens bug hunt and yeah it's a i really enjoy this game it's it's it's a fun little uh fun little game so anyways hope you enjoyed the video until next time so long farewell
Channel: Board Game Time-Lapses
Views: 3,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aliens: bug hunt, aliens bug hunt, aliens bug hunt board game, aliens bug hunt game, aliens bug hunt board game review, aliens bug hunt review, aliens bug hunt game review, aliens bug hunt playthrough, aliens bug hunt bgg, aliens bug hunt game playthrough, aliens bug hunt rules, how to play aliens bug hunt, aliens bug hunt board game how to play, aliens bug hunt solo, aliens bug hunt solo playthrough, aliens: bug hunt solo, aliens another glorious day in the corps
Id: bhD2cD9p4vA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 26sec (3386 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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