Alien Abduction | Full Sci-Fi Horror Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so todd sweetie is that you brittany fun guys this isn't funny oh my god todd todd get the camera [ __ ] where is it damn it oh [Music] [Music] no it was something else if there's something in the sky but like a ufo or something genie baby you've been watching way too much discovery channel have you seen the pig's feet what you roast them they're good and they'll be kissing you again has anyone seen my camera i left it around here oh i'll find it what happened to you don't ask she said she saw a ufo fierce i've always wanted to see one of those it's just something up the sky i don't know what it was but i want to go camping someplace else do you hear me bud let's go camping somewhere else where there's like buildings and a toilet and it's 7 11. we're going to say sounds good to me here it is the moment of truth yes we love you baby saw it where's the rest of the sound the tone is fun now there was this high-pitched squeal i had to cover my ears it's not on the tank well maybe it was just inside your head from like high blood pressure or something it was not inside my head hey there it is i see it you see this the sun that's light bouncing off the lens no there oh it's just a bird you idiot i don't understand i saw it i taped it there was something up there well i believe eugene i'm sorry baby these things they happen all the time people think that they see these things and they're convinced but you know yeah you know it's kind of like this talk show i saw once where there was this girl and she kept talking to her dad but only problem was he was dead and so they did all these tests and stuff and they found out that she was like schizoid and stuff it wasn't her fault thanks a lot brooke you're welcome all right i lost it man are you serious man yeah i lost it what the [ __ ] [Music] some big [ __ ] animal [Music] hey [Music] you remember my code hey baby honey what's my do you know my code hey bud you remember my code [Music] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] bear [Music] on get out of here oh here man huh [Music] what i want to go out of here that's right 10 minutes is but okay hi gene we're on a spaceship so worried no worries i'm good now but i told you not to stop what the [ __ ] was that [Music] guys what in the world what i'm not going in here no [ __ ] way it can't be any worse than sitting in here i'm not besides the recording of this could make us rich right okay i think we're being announced i'm here put the [ __ ] thing down [Music] hey oh [Music] i think she's waking up now you've had quite an experience welcome back hello my name is dr booker i've been assigned to your case now just relax while i examine you shh you are in a military hospital in a highly specialized trauma center do you remember what happened to you what about your name do you know that your name is gene i want a full t scan on her right away let's push this one to the front of the line i'll talk to the major let's see if she can slip her in i'm thomas by the way you take care now okay please take all medications as prescribed please take all medications as prescribed [Music] second shift take your meds [Music] tons try the orange stuff taste like carrots remember those um cranial 9.02 torso 18.36 pelvic 19.08 extremities 13.6 this one came with a videotape sir what was on it everything is that going to be a problem no sir no internal scarring no abnormalities she's clean all right move her up to phase two let's try to get her home any objections not at this point sir take her to the recovery room stay still this might pinch [Music] hello hello hello hello hello you seem to be feeling a bit better today i am is there anything we can do about this it's driving me crazy it's meant to calm you down i'll see what i can do i think there was a man in my room last night i don't think that's possible it must have been a dream well i've had lots of dreams did my parents know that i'm here the uh appropriate people have been notified yes can i call them not yet i have to ask you some questions first uh do some tests where are my friends they're not here now let's focus on you for the moment okay okay what happened to me then first i'd like you to hear something listen to this tell me what it is [Music] any guesses some sort of classical i don't know what it is though it's mozart now this well some sort of machine sound i don't know i understand i prefer jazz myself now let's begin the test take a look at these shapes tell me what they are well there are lines and there are circles and there are does it look like a symbol for anything not really do you recognize these did you speak another language besides english could this be another language i don't think so pick which ones are not made up uh the one on the left concentration camp are you familiar with this no maybe from a dream i said no what's this i don't have a clue now you tell me what's happened to me you were abducted kidnapped in a way how by who pretend i don't know you tell me i don't remember tell me anyway the last thing you recall um okay um i was camping with my friends and uh and they went to the store and i stayed and that's the last thing that i remember and then i woke up here we run a specific rehabilitation program in this hospital for people who have been taken just like you were by whom by curious beings intelligent beings from another world this facility alone processes hundreds of recovered abductions every year hundreds everybody knows they may not trust what they hear they may not believe it and that's the way the army likes to keep things no panic i need to call my mother and father no it's not please please please let me call my mom please let me call my mom you may have memories that could hurt us one day expose the mission you need to be cleared and unfortunately you did not pass this test what are you talking about i just want to go home i just want to go of course of course that's what i want too but our local commander is going to want proof that she can trust you now stop crying and act like you're happy with the results we're being watched remember those pictures you'll see ones like those again so keep your mind clear you'll need it phase 3 patient please report to room 26b phase 3 patient i don't like her give her a chance she lied today i saw it i'm sure she'll be just fine when she gets out we can't wait until then every class for abduction in the north atlantic region go through this facility any breach any contamination and i'm responsible just test her tomorrow she's almost there i'm telling you to move on i like this case i'm close to it well you'd better like it because if this does not clean up fart you're going to answer for it so please third shift take your meds [Music] [Applause] brit brett phase one patience follow me brett hey brett brittany you back in your area thank god i was so worried who the hell are you no talking what that's what this that's not the person you think it is what are you talking about that's my friend that's brittany you told me that they weren't here they aren't at least not the way they were before what what happened to them you were lucky your friends weren't gene watch it hey security breach security forces report today security forces report today room [Music] security personnel i just want you to know i'm ready to operate you know they have specimens here i've seen them little aliens in jars they're so hungry tell them tell them not to forget me back home come and play inside [Music] [Music] me it's bad it's bad thank you bad hey you can't go in here brittany brittany brittany sweetie brittany get away from me [ __ ] up it's it's me it's it's genie okay how do you know my name how honey i'm your friend fred i don't have any friends he's my only friend buddy bud you just woke him up look what you did to him you wouldn't cooperate see you made it just a little too big you did it wasn't me it wasn't yeah it wasn't me honey we have to we have to talk to dr brooker we have to make him understand that you you're okay and we have to get you and butt out of here okay todd honey it's me it's genie honey are you okay she's over here over here hi why can't you cooperate now what am i supposed to do let me go let me go i want to go home are you ready to serve your country you're [ __ ] great are you ready to serve your country yes yes my country is [Music] the only reason why you live never goes because wait wait wait [Music] la la la la la [Music] la la la [Music] la la la [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] ah oh there you are dr booker said you were strong he was right maybe you and i got off on the wrong foot this afternoon maybe i didn't really give you a chance at all would you like a chance now are you willing to cooperate what do you want no need to be so defensive i'm here to make amends nobody wants to keep you around this facility any longer than we have to least of all me so now we set you free let you go home would you like that all i wanted to go home that's a high one of course [Music] oh that's right i was taken too a long time ago we all were everybody that works here some stay and help others go back i stayed so you see we have more in common than you think i want to go to the storage room who let you know about the storage room she's just one of the other patients who was at lunch come come i won't bite come gene dr booker dr lat please report to nurse's station immediately dr booker dr lat please report to nurse's station immediately now now get out babe get off let's get out of here now shouting is gonna hurt [Music] [Music] sounds like they're about done better go in there and get that wheelchair in a minute i hate all that blood so oh ah [ __ ] uh so ugh [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] [Music] let's pepper spray i wonder if the memory stick's still working [Music] all right [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] alligator no it's a [ __ ] bear [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] uh um hey what are you doing here i need i need to get this tape to dr booker it's really important dr booker you a patient yeah [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so hi [Music] guys [Music] now give me a little egg baby give me one little bag and oh yes beautiful so beautiful just perfect uh i'm in a secret hospital used by the u.s military for people who have been abducted by extraterrestrials i am not sure how long i've been here i just saw live little alien creatures i taped it they were in jars they were small but they looked pretty dangerous let's get this body to the morgue what the [ __ ] happening hey hey get away from her [Music] hey we better call the major oh [Music] oh hey hi hey sorry um should i should i step out or no no i'm almost done sorry oh no it's no problem i you know if i came in about a minute later then you would be naked and no no just drive me nuts that's my old life to deal with can i can i look yet feast your eyes i look like everybody else too bad have we met you look really familiar yeah i've been around yeah yeah i'm telling no way got one of those things running around loose on the base man i'm not getting myself killed too so he assigned somebody else one of them things is loose yeah man what are you asleep i don't know why they keep those things so close to us anyhow i mean they give me the creeps my question is why do they keep them alive at all medical attendants please report to recovery back to the trenches are you coming all right well then i'll see you on the next run next round if we don't act now this is going to get out of control we can't afford to let this base get contaminated i'll step up patrol i'll set up the checkpoints myself checkpoints something big is about to happen and now i have to deal with this something big what an invasion yes they don't really think that those things will attack us no we're going to attack them now clean up this mess you need something in there dr booker's office straight ahead down the hall [Music] [Music] [Music] so i help you um i was just looking for dr booker do you have an appointment because he's not here right now do you know and he'll be back wait here a second i have to make a call and check out something security [Applause] so [Applause] i know who you are now yes you were a patient here last week i remember you how'd you get a job here so quick just lucky i guess will you know your way around yet not really well then i will show you the ropes uh where's that door laid too oh that door that is the rear access hall that's for special areas like for garbage um loading dock things like that are they like real x's oh yeah yeah sure that's where the the in and out access is can we go there to a loading dock no no that's uh only if you have a blue card shouldn't everybody know what's going on here look um we work for the military now okay now if we mess that up or threaten to talk about this on the outside it will terminate us without a second thought [Music] i guess they figure that there's plenty more where we came from come on [Music] blah [Music] yeah we get them pretty regular in here most of them don't even know where they are or who they are some of them don't even remember being found [Music] so many of them yeah it's only been this bad for a few weeks though will anything ever be the same again no everything was better before the food tasted better we had friends i shouldn't be talking like this that was a good memory one of the best we need to take this one to room 16. oh my god it's a little girl they like it if you talk to him hello hello what's your name my name's bonnie i'm five years old my name's dean um where am i you're in hospital sweetie you have to be strong now okay and when we get in there you just tell them everything that they want to hear okay okay you must carry a security pass at all times okay hey they they do this every once in a while just have your id identification ready okay oh here you go i need to see your id okay is everything okay or yeah yeah just give me step over to the side please hey look she works with me okay she's good this is checkpoint delta we need security up here right away i'll vouch for her okay sorry sorry security breach security breach security oh excuse me excuse me hey watch it sorry i'm sorry you come here to the freezer's gravity right i keep telling you there's more than one of them out there and if we don't get out of here i don't want to hear it let's just push all right oh what the hell are they doing man we already got checked once well pull it out one more time for the boss identification lieutenant she's with me yes sir this way get off of me i just saved your life you you left me you left me to get my head drilled open i know i know i'm sorry i was trying to stop it but you're quite a resourceful young lady we've tried this with others but but they never made it that far you on the other hand do you have the original tape here everything's on this show to everyone just get me the hell out of here i wish it were that simple what are you doing i needed that what you need is to show this video to the world do you understand eat this are you crazy eat this it's the only one eating a memory stick look gene i don't have much time if you ever get out of here they won't let you bring this memory stick with you but if it's hidden inside of you please put it in your mouth if you believe in something strong enough sometimes you got to make sacrifices there you are doctor we've been looking everywhere for you oh well you've found me what is this all about lieutenant why don't we escort dr booker to the interrogation room i need to ask him a few questions after you major wants us to check every are we looking for the runway girl more bodies both here we'll continue with the north wing excuse me has anybody else been in here oh no sir oh sorry to bother you there's a patient on the loose she's already killed three it's almost time it's almost time now we need to fertilize you it's time now uh i need some sperm and i don't want you to make a fuss or you're going to be in big big trouble [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes quiet quiet flying quiet right right i know who you are i am class 4 and you are coming with me yes you are [Applause] [Applause] hey can i help you oh yeah go go hey hey hey where did you go what is that smell why don't you just leave me alone i'm only going to cause you trouble because i know who you are and i want to help you all right and help me get my friends what friends they're in there three patients we can't take anybody out of it wait okay i'll buzz you right in you are entering an orange tag restricted zone dysfunctional patience only so i see you got yourself a blue card authorized personnel only oh sorry go right on ahead we can't take anybody out of here all right fine we'll take some people out oh honey sweetheart hey how are oh oh oh baby no no no don't touch it don't touch you see that orange wristband it means she's dangerous girl oh yeah she's a real mom brittany brittany honey honey leave me alone listen leave us all alone listen i came here to help i came here to get you invited okay i came here to take you home um just as soon as yes you remember home as soon as we find todd we can leave todd todd honey what do you need to find him for honey i know you can't have me back but it's okay because i'm gonna take you home and make you all better okay can we get going i think you can leave now okay come on let's go i thought i told you not to mess with the mentals i have business with these patients not anymore oh yeah [ __ ] i've just about had enough of you [ __ ] can we go now here take this guys out and put on these clothes these patients aren't to leave this room oh yeah i knew this was coming we're supposed to take them out that's a medical clearance pass card these are military prisoners um we have orders to take them to the lab to test them for possibly contagious diseases instant minor yes ma'am check their wrists clean move them out thank you spread out to the sides you take center round them up all you patience i want you against the walls please stop no more i don't like this place right he doesn't like it either okay you know where we're going i saw them take the garbage out this way doesn't know where we're going what is it oh sorry why don't we just get the hell out of here okay no don't touch it we're not allowed to hurt them [Music] [Music] come on guys come on come on go go go go go go i'll take him go walk up oh great take a step [Music] you like the smell of my clothes take them go go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] hey come on come on it's okay it's okay you're safe you're safe don't be sad don't be sad they'll be better off now you'll see it what are you talking about okay we ran away they did something good they just saw they messed up his [Applause] we have to let people know we have to let people know about this we have to get out of here which way is up i don't know i don't know this isn't exactly my department we have to be happy please we're breaking so many rules this place is falling apart this way okay what is it what's wrong i'm still on it we're still on it working together johnny is working with the aliens okay you're not making any sense don't you see the entire hospital is on their spaceship it's okay hold on it's okay it's all right i just do my job okay i don't really know what the big plan is you've known about this all the time yes haven't you i thought i was on earth i thought that i was going home home so it's it's true what they say about you that that you were never totally debriefed that what that you're some kind of a spy i'm not a spy how you know for sure i don't know anything anymore todd please it's oh it's okay kiss me one more time that's all i want to remember i'm so sorry you should listen to your doctors they knew what was up you should've let them drill your head while you had a chance todd you've been brainwashed they tried to do it to me but you can fight it todd please stop calling me todd that's right now you know what you're dealing with [Music] oh no no no no no humans stay in their pods you don't open this you don't open this ever hello little one soon you'll be one of us yes and see you let's see oh yes oh yes the time is now yes little one oh you're ready i have something for you yes i do this will make you one of us it won't hurt just a little one of us one of us is [Applause] so any questions you kill brittany no no no no i just shot her that's all you killed her so i did not kill anyone see go a little further you'll find what you're looking for see you see you see you see how screwed up you are somebody put a plug in the back of your neck and know you can't even remember who you really are you think you're her you think you're her don't you some pitiful slam of meat that's who you think you are i know who i am not like i do do you really know who you are yes prove it then for the sake of your entire stinking race would you prefer being human uh [Applause] hmm we never kill our own kind never every human being that we have ever taken is still alive in here and in other places we never end their lives and here you are feeling just like a human even thinking that you are one so what's the first thing that you do murder is it any wonder we feel it our duty to breed mankind out of existence what are you gonna do shoot me that was the plan yes but now if we do there's no way to replace you and we need a copy of you back on earth now there's nothing left to build on so let's try it another route dr booker yes you started this whole mess now you clean it up come closer gene so this is your creation doctor yes and your collective memory has been nerve blocked successfully i attempted it yes no collective memory no symbolic society no knowledge of her birth world she must feel totally alone dr booker i think you owe this girl an apology i'm sorry how touching remove the block remove it now soon you'll join us and the fear will be gone then you'll return to earth to your old human life you'll do our work from there will i still be who i am i hate to tell you but right now you aren't anyone at all bring her back alive we'll all be over soon get this finished with doctor now stand still this will only pinch for a second excellent thank you doctor you know you have been a lot of trouble you shouldn't have done that we'll grow another one well what if he really didn't remove the nerve stable what if it's just part of the act gene what are these letters numbers the symbol for the collective i'm ready to serve he removed it grow another batch of her friends i want them all in place on earth by this afternoon she can wear what she has on hey hey over here hey are you okay hey are you guys okay down there yeah we're okay we got a rescue team coming on the way they should be here in just a few minutes yeah we're just a little hungry and tired of course of course here hydrate yourselves have something to drink you know you guys are like national heroes now i mean lasting as long as you did you must have quite a story to tell we just want to go home well you might find that kind of difficult seeing as how your house is pretty much turned into a tv station with all the reporters and such which uh if you don't mind me being the first to ask what exactly happened [Music] so [Music] my [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Sci-Fi Central
Views: 214
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Keywords: full free movies on youtube, latest sci-fi movies, science fiction movies for free on youtube, Full Action Sci-Fi Movies for Free, latest hollywood movies for free, SyFy channel, The Asylum, hallmark channel, Sci-Fi Movies, Movie Central, full free sci-fi movies, classic science fiction movies, old school sci-fi, Alien Abduction movies
Id: tcIcCcplhn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 2sec (5522 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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