we broke up...

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you've just changed like a lot you're not the person i fell in love with it's over what's over us [Music] no it's okay like keep doing your mission keep doing your plan i just can't do this to myself we're better off if we break up bye regina [Music] i don't know i don't know what i'm doing i needed to break up with regina spinach's three weeks and we didn't even say a single word to one another she told me to trust her like she hasn't changed and she's still the regina i [Music] love does that really just happen is this real life daniel and i broke up oh well there's plenty of other i mean fish in the sea i wanted to be with daniel why uh you'll be better without him you're probably part of the reason we broke up you're always in my business and stuff looks like you won't be needing this wait no no no throw this away you gotta move on somehow right it's not over no it can't be over they say acceptance is the first steps [Applause] [Music] oh hey guys daniel okay i have something to tell you guys good news chad can i talk to you for a second yeah just swim when you you find regina um yeah i found regina good and i talked to her oh who is it look she's back in love with you again no no no no did you play the song for her the cd oh oh what about the stuffy you look just like you blue and white right here no guys i i didn't do any of that why why not um i broke up with regina that's a funny joke you're not serious i'm serious you're not it's over hold on what lie detector test you still don't trust me you're a really good prankster daniel did you break up with regina yes true he did break up with regina why did you give her the song i was going to i had the cd in my hands i don't know where it went the stuff plus she's still in my car oh he's right there oh look at him he's all seat belted up wait but daniel we won this at the arcade for you to give to regina this was supposed to solve everything she's really she wants to get back together i can't you know what just here take take this i'm just going to go inside and just relax for a little bit give me his phone what are you doing with daniel's phone i'm gonna answer when regina calls um is that good thing to do no but i feel like this can't be the end of ranul right yeah sometimes people break up and then they get back together but not all the time she'll probably cost soon hey i have my phone back just i don't trust you all no wait what do you mean i had some more things to change on my phone now that me and gina broke up you probably had her listed as like sweetness or something sugar pie sugar creams people call their girlfriend sugar all the time what do you call me chad hey daniel just saying hi to my favorite new spy ninja pet did we ever name him yet you know i kind of like water mel but uh i don't know you know maybe george someone said pickle that was kind of funny because it's green that's pretty funny what v what are you doing right there what did you just delete everything no not yet well oh it's confirming guys i just think i'm going to take a nap or something you never take naps no i'm going to take a nap guys i kind of wanted to take a nap alone oh might you say so yeah i thought this is your favorite position it's just i don't know i'm going through a new chapter of my life things are different now maybe i just sleep alone on the bean bag now where did me and v sleep though there's another bean bag oh right there oh yeah cool we don't need to nap right now me or daniel it's for the best yeah i just need to rest my brain yeah i'm tired oh i gotta go over here and sleep okay okay a lot of missed calls from regina i don't know why he's not answering them she clearly has something really important to tell him maybe we should find out whether what it is just in case it's important you're right but it is locked so i can't listen to his voicemail i have a solution there's a thing called face id i just tried it on you and didn't work yeah i'm not daniel i don't look like daniel i'm an expert at all locks okay i just need to get daniel's face okay it was like part of my song you go back to sleep now good night daniel can't do that at work all right let's listen to regina's voicemail okay hey daniel i guess that we broke up but i don't know i still agree with it i don't want things to end but can i just tell you one thing remember that pool video you guys sold with the hacker there's more to that video than you think there is i i just don't want to help you we've got those rafts right out of the couches yeah yeah yeah there's because remember why would melvin come all the way over here just to challenge us to a pool raft video it's almost like too fun he's got to have ulterior motives remember my woman's intuition kicked in and i i thought i saw someone yeah and you guys didn't believe me no a bunch of them commented that they saw something too let's get another laptop i'll show you all those comments everyone was saying wait a minute what yeah yeah what oh damn what daniel get over here quick what's all the ruckus look at this pool video pause the video right there oh great a freaking hacker sneaking into our house and who the heck is that person little weird feeling about this hacker but come on let's go in here where are we going look at this we're in you know regina's room completely empty she took all of her stuff but the most important thing is there was a hacker mask right here pz9's mask there's a camera right there was that always there maybe i can hack into that camera i can rewind the last week and i can see which stupid hacker stole of our stuff where's my phone oh maybe you got a chat where is daniel's phone weird you just probably gotta like check again don't trip me oh sorry i i wow oh here i had to oh it's in your pocket the whole time never put in my backpack so this camera has always been in my house i don't know i don't know i've only been in this closet just a few times okay i see you're right here all right we're gonna find out which dumb hacker stole all of our gina's stuff okay august 5th yes motion was detected around 3 37 p.m okay yeah like a hat is definitely opening up the door yeah yeah yeah yeah you see a little hair picking out there regina oh my gosh regina dressed up as a hacker and snuck into our house why is she like lying to us pretty much robbing us well she stole her own stuff will you hear that that's gotta be another hacker she left she left that room we have other security cameras around the house the gizmo net i'll just connect to the other camera to see the main room she's working with the hackers see wait so the whole pool challenge was just to distract us pc nine tricked us the whole entire time wait regina's going over to your desk is he she's staying and stuff out of here okay she's not just stealing from herself she's stealing from you now that's some stealing daniel tell me this my ninja tenants bravery yep loyalty that last one honesty is she being honest right now no no that's so i had to break up with her oh look at her she's cleaning my desk ah what did she steal anything wait what's all this stuff oh that's from building the raft all that yellow glue stuff that foamy stuff i got it on my fingers and got on my desk she loves you she was dusting right where these things were v remember you used to dust for fingerprints yeah wait is it a little broom yeah it's a little broom she's like taping it to the notebook that she found in your drawer oh and does she use one of these you don't need to i can see my fingerprints perfectly right there oh yeah your whole fingerprint uh kit is gone she's trying to steal my identity she's the master of disguise you know what i bet this was her plan the whole time they were distracting us with the wrath and melvin was like here chad use that yellow stuff and spray it on your boat and get it all over your fingers so you can leave very obvious fingerprints behind why do they need your fingerprint i just don't get it plan a plan okay these doors over here oh look dude he ripped his paper he got it caught in the door what a fool wait so it ripped it looks like it's still sitting there is it still around here wait could this be it is that is it trash it the plan i think it says the plaque the plaque this is definitely this is what the hacker drive what an idiot why not not you the hacker yeah no i know hackers getting sloppy over here yeah over here are you mark wobber dog sudden bark wobber dog you know the tree planting dude you guys what he plants trees we might get marky mark to plant a celebrity tree you guys you really know how to cheer me up oh you guys are such a funky bunch the joker yeah i don't get any of this thanks guys i didn't think i'd be able to smile today even though i have no idea what's going on including this everything's ripped off step one step two address there's not enough to this he ripped it in the doorway that's it that's it okay pointless no it's not pointless there's more to this we can find this how do you know there's more to this one you keep saying there's more of this yeah there is definitely more just we saw him with the full piece of paper and then this is what ripped off so obviously there's more to this well why why did you just randomly start checking the youtube video before like what's going on i mean randomly this is random we got some clues daniel what exactly does that note say right there it says step one there's more to this what's going on that whole water challenge has something to do with that paper and that plan yeah and the voicemail that regina left we gotta find the other half of that paper the hacker put it in his pocket probably in the backyard somewhere or maybe even and then step five i don't know what theme park let's go let's go outside real quick i think the hacker may have dropped the other half of that note in the pool why are you guys so sure that there's more clues to find we just know that there's more to what's going on woman's intuition yeah trust my woman's intuition okay let's look in the pool for a piece of paper guys keep your eyes out the hackers we're all over this thing the hackers are definitely up to something and regina's part of it i would love to know what my ex-girlfriend regina is doing to us so we gotta find this other part anything in the pool what's that brothers look you see that there's definitely something down there could that be a piece of paper we gotta go in no me no we don't have to go in i can solve this without the other piece of paper just give me a few days i can a few days yeah we don't have a few days this is urgent you guys should go in aren't you over your fear yet sort of i'll go in the pool i guess i'll do it okay all right you're ready not really but i'll do it for daniel let's jump in there we're finding these clues go daniel what's my ex up to oh regina yeah i know oh man you got two x's under your belt he can get him but he can't keep them oh oh i'm sorry it's too soon i'm so sorry here i go go danny show me your sickest move v what happened on my butt why i landed on something hard i'm gonna start searching daniel i found something you found something yeah yeah two little pieces four pieces of paper i think it's from it's it's it's what they're working on oh man it's so fragile it was like one piece and then i picked it up and it broke into look it says case case what are they trying to spell wow you guys that's impossible i mean whatever like my ex-girlfriend regina she's just up to no good you know who cares what her plan is right well it involves us we care she's stealing stuff out of our house getting my fingerprints for some reason took my gadgets what was the thing we saw in the middle of the deep end down there did you go there yet who cares i don't think there's anything left here daniel like regina said there's more to the pool video than we think what oops like regina said why don't you say that she said that on your phone on my phone i haven't actually talked around the phone in like a month oh yeah you should listen to your voicemails i did you how did you do that uh they were on your phone i just listened to them we kind of did a little whoopsie thing we're trying to help you though what did she say though she said guys there's more to the pool video than meets the eye they needed to free up time for regina to like do these stuff get my fingerprints we gotta figure out why it's probably in the deep end okay fine fine i'm going in the deep end y'all listen to my voicemail don't even worry about it daniel we're trying to help you because you're not thinking straight buddy this is the weirdest day of my life but fine i'll look in the deep end what is it daniel it's like this waterproof capsule and inside the capsule looks like a weird flash drive shaped as a skull like a skull and crossbone yeah we gotta like get that uh flash drive go for it damn oh daniel guys i don't know it's like chain it's like locked oh yeah see pick the lock me oh yeah can i give you directions on how to unlock a lock on on dry land uh i don't know i'm not the expert lock picker v i mean sure but it's gonna be a waste of time can you just come in and just quickly it's not even that deep spy ninjas if you didn't know the vivi is afraid of water she never learned how to swim so she's got a fear about it all right take that camera and then just just unlock it that's all we need it's like a capsule i don't want to open the capsule because then the water will flood in and then the flash drive will be ruined we got to bring the whole capsule up [Music] wait did you just say how deep did you go daniel we got to come up with an alternative okay up here is some rope step one grab the rope that chain i noticed was a white chain daniel is that all perhaps a a plastic chain attached to that cinder block yeah i think it's plastic plastic chains are known for being weak daniel will need to swim down attach the rope to the chain we will pull it then we will safely get the flash drive above water on water damage here we go yeah look at that boy swim like a fish he's a merman oh he's floating to the top that doesn't help [Music] you got it all right so if we all just tug we'll break that chain talk on that [Music] oh my gosh yeah it's loose yeah merman yes i am for a second i forgot about what happened today now i remember oh oh because we said merman yeah and i thought of regina when she was a mermaid that one time and how beautiful she looked oh yeah she's not the love of my life yeah anyway let's find out what's on this thing don't you want to see what regina's up to yeah okay open this up all right so just gotta plug this usb into the computer oh i need a dongle i'll go to the gizmo lab uh in my closet that's where i keep them all i'll be right back okay you going outside your closet's over there no i i'm there's no place i'd rather be and right here with you daniel what are you doing we gotta read the usb drive okay okay sorry sorry where's my dongle i know keep it uh over here maybe [Music] [Applause] it's really over huh oh my gosh everything reminds me of regina [Music] man i was taking daniel so long i thought he was grabbing a dongle from his closet daniel i guess we better go get him daniel daniel we're coming in the master's making strange beeping sounds hacker girl on mess what are you doing do you say hacker girl unmasked i just just fell on the ground and i misspelled so i was just hanging it back up you looking at the regina figure here it is here it is i found it the dongle there it is you were reading the book and reading about regina when she was a hacker girl it's just that everything reminds me of regina i know i know i made the right decision i still don't feel too good about me breaking up with regina i just need to see what this footage is to feel better if it's closure that you need daniel then let's close it up good words of wisdom hey daniel yeah [Music] we're gonna find more about regina right now on the skull and crossbones hard drive yeah got him let's see what regina's up to did i make the right choice there's a video file daniel get over here and look at this oh my gosh look at that step one distract the spine ninjas with a pool challenge yeah we knew that they were distracting us by with the pool challenge that was a big distraction step two have pc4 collect chad's fingerprints to figure that out she just collecting them off my desk step three use chad's fingerprint to open the briefcase what step four deliver said briefcase to 789 cannular street las vegas nevada 789 canyonlar street wait they're gonna use my fingerprints to open the briefcase they've been trying to use that briefcase to make themselves more powerful and ruin our spy ninja tour actually guys i saw her open the briefcase yesterday what at the warehouse i didn't know how she did it what's in there what's inside of it it's like a bunch of crazy i don't know just wires and stuff i don't know what it does it's a lot of gadgets in there though i can't believe it gina i i feel like i made the right decision then step five activate the briefcase and send a hundred hackers august 14th 3 p.m at the address i said ruin the spanish theme park and our tour that's what the briefcase does but how they're gonna i don't know but they're gonna do it tomorrow at 3 p.m we got to get to that address and stop them okay let me type it into my gps let's freaking go we got to be prepared to battle who knows how many hackers might be there tomorrow might be the craziest day of our lives the end of the spine ninjas as we know what melvin said the pz-9 and pz-4 okay spineless make sure to watch v quaint's channel tomorrow let's do a kick bump spine angels [Music]
Channel: Chad Wild Clay
Views: 4,323,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spy ninjas, spy ninja, chad wild clay, cwc, vy qwaint, chad and vy, chad and v, project zorgo, vy, chad, pz4, pz9, hacker, daniel, regina, melvin, unspeakable, carter sharer, breakup, girlfriend, boyfriend, broke up, raniel, daniel gizmo, love, crush, ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, pool, clues, hunted, bounty hunter, mexico, dude perfect, dp, world's longest, trick shot, suvived, spending, pennies, 24 hours, msa, my story animated, enjoy life, brent rivera, survive, biggest fear, fear, fun, funny, comedy
Id: 0e6fLGZy0tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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