Cypress Hill - What's In My Bag?

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hey what's up i'm sindog i'm eric volvo from the mighty cypress hill and we are at amoeba and this is what's in our bag cypress block we plotted to take over this is the return of the helmet since day one pink floyd dark side of the moon [Music] definitely classic had a lot of memories with this i mean especially on the road we would like uh listen to pink floyd and um be consuming uh hallucinogens and uh you know tripping out on the sounds and you know eventually the visuals from their stuff but it's a classic record i mean one of the best selling records of all time and is to have this on the vinyl is great have you ever seen one of those pink floyd laser light shows oh yeah yeah we used to go to azerium at the griffith park and they would play dark side of the moon and stuff like that and great experience you know and it was one year that we all decided to like do like a laser light show kind of also to entertain ourselves you know while we're on stage but uh yeah pink floyd this is a this is a classic what you got man i got an absolute classic classic of a jab run dfc [Music] i got this because this was the band that you know made me want to rap i didn't i didn't rhyme until i heard these guys or saw them on on soul train and uh you know they were decked out with their leathers and their shoes with no laces and all that and i immediately was taken by that and then you know you had the dynamic of of d and runs you know voices which i think married very well and this was like the first uh hip-hop mega band right agreed yeah yeah this was them and they taught you know from there on we saw how to do it we learned how to do it from then on from that point but a very influential record king of rock is on this one and um that whole vibe and that look that they had back in those days was just you couldn't help but like it you know so i was just like many millions of kids around the world that saw these guys and became a run dmc fan and still to this day i still jam out on run dmc yeah that's classic yeah that's beautiful yes yes sir right there yes sir all right let me see what it got over here this yeah this because it's limited edition color vinyl but the root down ep from the beastie boys [Music] that's me right there and i was the only person non bc boys to ever be on the cover of any of their records i was heavily influenced already i was torn with cyprus and you know when i came back to touring with the bc boys you know i was little uh how would you say uh influenced uh more with cannabis and you see i have my pipe right there my sherlock holmes and that's why i will come up on stage all the time you know already smoking because of you know being influenced with cyprus but uh there's some really cool stuff on here and uh had good times rocking with these guys you know that's a piece of mca and yeah and it's the color vinyl limited edition i don't have this but now i do that's a great fact i didn't know that that that was the first time that happened yeah you if you see any beastie boy record no matter what it was just only those three guys and there i am and there you are here i am congratulations that was quite a feat yes quite a feat see what i got here is uh war's greatest hits and the only reason i got the greatest hits and not like actual war album is because they had too many jams you know what i mean they just had too many jams and there's one jam that uh my dad even liked to play call cinco de mayo on here and he was always playing that around the house [Music] but you know my thing was always like low rider and outlaw and stuff like this yeah yeah yeah so i'm looking forward to some good listening right here with this greatest hits two point zero two five point zero very fancy and uh to this day i still keep war posters up in my house and i i listen to war on the regular this i don't have this version of of a war record so i'm glad i was able to pick it up and i think one of the most influential bands of their era you know from their era going on forward you know what i mean there's a mix of like the you know latin rock you know soul yeah all of that all of that all that i still find them intriguing as a as a band because i kind of feel like you know if even if their stuff were to come out 10 15 years later after it came out it was still slam you know so this is a very very important record and uh and i can't wait to check it out low riders and them the first song on there we're in the [Music] kim were always one of the premier groups coming out of new york you know and rock him uh dope lyricist and everything and he wrote this book on sweat the technique and he breaks down like his rhymes and and just the way that he structured everything and you know he didn't even have to curse you know but he was very lyrical and uh his stories were just very visual in your mind and i look forward to like reading this and and and seeing what his uh story is about you know writing some of these classic songs and just his wordplay and everything like that and you know to me the way that he rhymed was like a musician like a drummer like it was really he had a rhythm you know and and that's what always gravitated to me you know listening to to to rakim i was seven when i wrote my first rhyme mickey mouse built the house built it by the border a earthquake came rocked his crib and now it's in the water this is going to be a nice nice read and you know and it's good to have it like in a book form as opposed to like a ebook you know you need to get back to like you know having this in your hands and you know just you know being able to read it so uh i recommend checking this out and learning some uh facts from from this guy our camera what would you rank him my name's lisa rc's top ten wow you know he's definitely in the top ten definitely in the top ten definitely yeah me too i got here uh ride the lightning by metallica [Music] i've always been into like uh rock and roll and metal and whatnot but this record was uh kind of different for me the for the song um for whom the bell tolls you know what i'm saying so and i know you all know for whom the bell tolls you all know metallica so it's not a secret or nothing so but um there's sometimes the band comes along and does songs that just stay etched in your brain forever and that's for whom the bell tolls had that effect on me and then later on when we were able to actually open up for metallica it was cypress hill and you know i was like i looked on their set list to see where for whom the bell tolls gonna be hey i'll be back i gotta go see a song and that was a great experience for me so um and not just that you know you gotta write the lightning on here and uh trapped under ice escape this is a really cool record and i think one of the most uh dynamic writing teams of all time and hatfield and norwich you know what i mean like the when those guys get to writing songs you know it's ridiculous with cliff burton right yeah cliff is on here cliff is right there yeah so that was important to you know i'm glad i saw that because uh anything with cliff burton is you know it's gold pretty much in in this world in the middle world you know premiere baseball yeah for sure so for any uh metallica virgins that i've never heard you know this album especially ride the lighting you need to go you know do that for sure what was it like playing with them it was wild um because james would come and watch us from the side of the stage every day and one day i saw him there and he was talking to my tour manager and after the show i asked him hey man what was that what was james telling you and he was like he was telling me that he's blown away with you guys that you guys are just like a metal band the reaction that you guys get out of your hip-hop quartet rivals out of any metal band that was on that tour so um that's what they were talking about and i was like mind you he never said hi to me or we never actually met on the tour but uh he would come by and check us out i don't know he was kind of like behind you yeah i don't know if you ever saw him there you know the the trip about metallica is that when i arrived at woodstock when we did woodstock 94 the first band that i saw like walking was metallica and i was like i was kind of floored like man they're here like you know i mean besides being there at woodstock you know metallica you know like no matter what genre you you you like everyone has heard metallica and and it was just classic to see these iconic guys it's like right there in front of me knowing there's no one that they were going to go and rock the stage soon after us you know what i mean so yeah metallica's that they're definitely they and they're still rocking to this day yeah nothing stops their train the train just keeps on pushing yeah just keeps on pushing no matter you know and they've had some big changes in their in their lineup over the past in their career but you know the music just keeps getting better and better you know it's it's not that it's just they're just a good band they just celebrated like 40 years together i think yeah yeah yeah amazing you think we'll get to 40 uh hopefully yeah let's see how the body holds up man yeah all right this album by uh mf doom and mad lib is is a classic among hip-hop heads got more lyrics in the church got our lords and they hold the mic on your attention like you know mad lib is a premier producer and just the way he constructs you know his beats and it will go from like you know blues you know rock you know jazz and everything so like you know how how mugs is you know influence like that and you know this this album here is like you will hear this at every single hip hop club you know um no matter what you know you'll hear jay dilla but you'll always hear him if doom you'll always hear mad lib and he is considered one of the premier hip-hop producers and this album came out years ago but it's it still slams to have this on vinyl is is great so i'm looking forward to to hearing this plus i thought the the mask was cool because he never saw his face he always performed with this mask that was the [ __ ] to me just to be able to do that and rock and everything like that so this is a good for you hip hop heads this is a a dope record to like to have in the attempt to study definitely that's a good one what i got here is a record with an old man with a bunch of sticks on his back he was trying to build a fire yeah try to get warm flamingo [Music] this is a led zeppelin iv and in in my opinion you know you could argue that this is the greatest led zeppelin record of all time as far as like uh you know songs and creativity and and whatnot you know just some of my favorites black dog stairway to heaven four sticks going to california you know those are some songs and if you ever had a chance to see them perform them songs you would have been taken back as well but um from the very first time that i i saw this album artwork i was just tripping on it i was just kind of like blown away by it like what does this old man and the sticks have to do with the record you know what i mean but that's like abstract art kind of a deal something that i believe we used in some of our artwork as well you know and it just made from the first time i saw it i was like i gotta listen to this thing i already had heard stairway to heaven but i had not heard like the the majority of the album so when when i when i put it on and listen to it it's one of these records that you could just leave on leave the needle on the whole way through you don't have to skip a song or you don't get tired of a song or skips no no skips no skips at all and then you know you got the grand jimmy page and robert plant john paul jones and bonham you know the original quartet doing their thing on it so if you're into rock and roll or you know even because some people have described them as like the godfathers of metal or something like that you know what i mean but i just think that they were badass and i think everything about the way they presented this album was bad but i mean not bad isn't bad but bad isn't good yeah so yeah led zeppelin forward man this is a this is where it all this is the center of it all right here they were they were more to me than just a heavy metal i mean they i mean john bonham he was one of the funkest rock drummers like ever and john paul jones laid down grooves and jimmy page you know it's the way that robert plant with his phrasing blues you know rock you know they they really like blended in all those genres and just made it heavy so uh yeah to me they're more than just like a i have a metal or rock group they just they just encompass everything a bit of funk yeah a bit of country yeah yeah they did all of that stuff and it was cool you know i mean and so even if you're not like into rock you can hear a led zeppelin record and you can you know you can you can rock out and funk out to it you know you can groove to it it's danceable you know everything so classic band right yeah i don't have a i don't have a lot of music that i force my kids to listen to but they have to listen to this this is musical education here and you need to know this stuff so yeah definitely that zephyr well you know you guys may not have this one yet but this is that new type of hill [ __ ] you know i'm back in black i'm certified with this [ __ ] boy i'm certified certified with this [ __ ] i'm really proud of this record you know used by blackmail i think it's a hip-hop it's definitely hip-hop album you know we've we've been a group that's always merged genres as well you know we all listen to different things but this album is that boom bap hip-hop stuff that you know our fans love and uh glad to have this out so uh be sure that you get this you know put this in your library and come over here and even put it in your bag yeah thank you so much guys we really appreciate you coming down today thank you thank you for having us yes for years i've been devoting grew it back then it sold it rolling littered and smoking living life out of focus i'm certified with this [ __ ] boy i'm certified certified with this [ __ ]
Channel: Amoeba
Views: 292,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: record, store, amoeba, ameoba, ameba, shopping, music, amoeba music (business operation), amoeba music, amoeba hollywood, amoeba records, amoeba what's in my bag, amoeba whats in my bag, whats in my bag, what's in my bag, what's in my bag?, interview, vinyl records, record store, hollywood, los angeles, la, indie, vinyl, lp, Cypress Hill, Back In Black, Insane in the Brain, South Gate, B-Real, Sen Dog, Eric Bobo, hip-hop, rap, west coast
Id: _5ApXPhCz78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 28 2022
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