Ali and Sly

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He said get your hands outta my face to Muhammad Ali!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Stannis_Stark 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

Spent a bit of time looking for Sylverster Stalone before it clicked that I was an idiot.

Seems like Sly was doing a good job interpreting and mediating, but Ali had his Malcolm X separatist ideas and the Congressmen had his optimistic political rhetoric. But Ali didn't buy into it and was understandably doubting the honesty/reality of talk like that.

Sly seems cool about all of it, just doesn't want anyone being mean.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/ntourloukis 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

What a good show. Honestly. You have differing views from many sides all trying to make points and there is common ground being exposed. Whether or not the people talking see the common ground is irrelevant, the viewers can see it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SquishedPeter 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2017 🗫︎ replies

I never realized what a racist asshole Ali was.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Retrogressive 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2017 🗫︎ replies
waiters say things do you like our wives say to us you know be careful when you go out in a car does she ever say before a fight you be careful don't get hurt trains that will never occurs mother neither don't worry yeah do you ever is ever concern you that you could really get injured in that ring do you think about that at all no limitation you I guess it's because I knew it I hate how you couldn't pay me to be a jet plane pilot you couldn't pay me to get you get in the ring with guys like George Foreman and year I was on a plane not long ago some kind of smoke alarm went off in it and smoke started coming off footing stewardess running back and forth it's a scary feeling oh you know you do it again sit down and you can't see nothing but houses and you have a engine pop or something blow up your me just see death you know they ain't no way out of this now when that happened did you pray mmm that's a silly question Otis because man I'd be well in discipline you don't happen really so I don't wait to the top of this no see I prayed before take off us and let it take off our law I use the term Allah don't say Jesus I said Allah saying the book says he who calls on my name shall be saved black folks been calling Jesus for 400 years and still getting home we call I don't get married we free we Muslims we calling right God and I call Allah and I've been on planes did everything and I've had white passengers to come on says we glad you on this plane wise ones daggers man wouldn't know it but wisely I said why he could let out he said you have too much to do this guy told me a week ago he said you have too much to do too much of your people you represent too much no you're not gonna go this way and when I heard you in first class I quit worrying about just playing some people search the guns plain to see oo bishop or Cardinal or priest and they really feel better to see five or six sisters Catholic sisters they really feel better to know that these people on the plane they feel God is with them yeah I always on the way in if I can peek in there and get a look at the pilot and if he recognizes me always want to know what kind of a night he had I check on that I want to make sure he wasn't out but they listen your question like I don't worry too much about getting hurt you get hurting cause people die every day race cars you know they hit balls and burn happen then you see if you get yourself in condition and you know what you're doing you know too much like a plane pilot he don't worry about it he knows how much the plane to take and I don't so I'm more frightening here you're in the right mood for some Muhammad Allah poetry Muhammad Ali poetry if he got something for us today little sub missus ridin on my horse of hope holding in my hand the rain of courage dressed in the armor of patience the helmet of endurance on my head I started on my journey to the land of love and it's nice here's that Committee Chairman Democratic congressman from Ohio Wayne L Hays well congressman why do politicians have such low credibility today yeah well I think it's partly because there's so many problems in the world and people are so dissatisfied and there's many things they want they can't aspire to and they turn to the government and the government doesn't satisfy them and so they figure that and they get it done they give up would you ever get into politics Mohammed and no sir because see when you people discuss things they're not they're not our problem so I'm looking at the black people as a nation and all of our problems you all don't have nothing to solve them say we need a spiritual divine man and I believe you lied to Mohammed is that man we have prostitution problems in New York City mainly and all I see is the black sisters being used by all type men and they know politicians mentions it we had no problems gang fighting among self a lack of love for self no respect for women we don't have no property we don't have no land we work for hundred years to make this country the wealth is controlling planet none of you politicians talk about repaying us for the 400 slave labor you're not the ones who slaved us who lends us a rapist but your people stole the property left with you and you still guilty because you keep it all the TV stations all the legs this is our omarion's the holiday ends all the land everything is yours so ain't nothing in politics for us yeah but it's a politician couldn't you help the blonds because I got half the white man's flag over me and I got a representative no though I'll change I disagree with that Mohammed I you know there are a lot of jacks in Congress and they don't have the white man's play don't fuss the Bravo TV - don't Biggles I'm losing my wife let me talk with him I'm talking to them yeah i'ma talk to everybody here well I'm talking them now the techie I'm Faisal talk to everybody let me talk to them I mean they asking me questions I understand this is what this is our problem I understand you understand we got to get together we're done and I think politics have a problem I'm talking to brothers no but I change the colors play I'm six but I'm not you talk about the flag over your head we gonna change the color slag okay that's a heck of a job yeah well it is a job you never get no stuff they don't make no sense we were talking about some toes I guess some estimates it is zero let's look at this and see what I'm talking hope the people can watch your shirt and see what I'm talking about they will they let my girls they like they able to understand like people do understand brother what I was saying was this is that I don't think I can get no office in this government and don't represent the country which represents all the people I'm not saying it's bad ribs on people I'm not saying I won't represent people one day but G what you do man but no way the maturity is first of all they get into I just thought first home God helps himself themselves I gotta help myself and clean it myself and love myself and do for myself before I can go to help others I don't have time to get white people cause enough white people help white people I have no time that long Jews there's enough millionaire bigger than Jews they up the Jews it's enough black people let black people right so my program is only worry about my people first that's what I'm saying and I can't be in no politics saying I'm just for the black people it's not right yeah where do you live a brother would be right back I was on a show like this we'll be cut away for the commercial breaks a lot of things you said that I like to hear repeat it I'd like to you to repeat what you said about the congresswoman from Texas well I I want to say this to Mohammed before and we got a little side argument going one of the brightest minds in the United States Congress today is a freshman congresswoman from Texas a black woman by the name of Barbara Jordan I think she can get I think she can get to the heart of the problem about as quick as anybody we had a meeting just a few days ago with a group of British parliamentarians to talk about common problems and I took her there I asked her a special favor to go to this meeting yeah but he said and she was lack of people that have a lot to say well that's true but there's a lot of white people that have a lot per se in Congress but it only can be 435 congressmen and again in time out of year well the blacks and now are getting elected and let me say this Barbara Jordan was elected from a constituency that doesn't have a majority blacks but what he's saying is that he didn't care by being elected well I you know I said that's up to him to go to decide that that's not for me to say but I am saying that she black people are making a contribution in that field but isn't it time that we all live together well I don't think we can live Sam believe it to have you I don't think we can live segregated I don't think you can segregate the Jews into one compartment that blacks into another the white anglo-saxon Protestants into another the Catholics into another I think we're all here in this country and we're going to have to live together and get along together and you're your entertainment wouldn't go if nobody but blacks went to it or paid or got admissions and your fights about that your fights wouldn't worse what they do all right think I want to say one thing if didn't a white man come to hear him we got part of me and black people that love his music he don't need no white artists I just know for a million people in this country they're just saying I can't let you stay on the TV there and say that he would make it one from white people well I'm not saying he wouldn't make it but I'm saying he wouldn't make it as big as he did right because a lot of people what he's saying is that it does not make you big some else'll cause white people come how much we didn't say that he said you're cutting you wouldn't go as big when said 'i know what your fights is what does it wouldn't be everyone follows way to leave it America wouldn't be nothing if it wasn't for my people slave in the working for home we're fighting all in the war yeah then you talk about it I didn't white people cutting my face whenever the money we built the country that's what I found all the wars we were less we're gonna cash we made it and some of them all of us were in on we want to give your life before we want to give you some credit Muhammad but after all your 11 million out of 210 million so you didn't do everything the white skin sent me here you didn't everybody made a concert if you did do something you killed off all dyndns then you brought us over Rob doesn't ever advice Tennessee is there you know there's a way to say all of this without having any animosity exactly that's right all right I will sweetie ain't no animosity nobody hit nobody you better should not sound like it words are more powerful than kids that's why it's that's why I'm already I think it's a fairly simple art sim well Justin plist ik argument that we are having here on the one hand saying I can't we all live together now we know that it's tough to live together and we know that there are animosities if we know that there's back dues and back pay and back things that are owed to people and not just to black as well as to women as well and to other minority it is not soothing simplistic is man and his wife don't live together in perfect harmony all the time sometimes I have problem you take a house you take a country you kill off all didn't you kill off the blocks and you get everything is yours Nathan let's live together without giving up not the reason now you want peace you got it saying you don't conquer the world now you want to be feasel but people interested in a normal piece yeah but if somebody said I only care for whites we would label him by very ugly epithets and if I said I only care for Jews and nothing else I would be labeled as an occlusion re only cat lady freedom I only care for the freedom and the unity of my people everybody else's got it not by that well I'll tell you what I bet you the Vietcong who we black people will not be able to food not to go who those who help fight I bet you the Vietcong is more citizens and can come here and put on a little suit and get more freedom and move in neighborhoods and put a business where nickels came I believe it that's not believe it I believe they're under a dictatorship just like the Russians or Japanese can the Germans can everybody's not American can go and do what Negroes can do so quit being hypocrites on this TV the whole world Oh Negroes the lowest like the most down the most disrespected and less protected than anybody yeah ain't got nothing well what about the white man who can't pay his rent a lot of times in some countries you get out there not all the poor black not no full right well then I'm looking for my black brothers you look out for your White Brothers that's that that's what I said earlier how you say hey I don't wait hours for what what does help each other help yourself first what is what is the answer well I think the answer if there is an ass he pulled the truth honest laughing and giggling now you're talking about why are you laughing and uses TV time to tell me you see the laughing and giggling that is not phony the laughing I have a function here my function is to entertain these are many people out there happy Jones I possibly because it's not phony I don't have a bony bone in his body you want to know why I'm not coming on giggling mouth I didn't say that I said you look troubled I didn't say why aren't you laughing I'm always trouble well no not always cuz I now you're the world fully implicit if I wasn't who I was I'd be someone's the restaurant Sian got no time to be looking like I'm so happy yeah but he's almost the catch of hell and catching hell and catching hell dear yeah yeah that's right all you all hypocrites and only you a hypocrite yourself well what's the answer cockroach the answer is that you know it's easy to sit back and call everybody else in the world epic ripped I'm not gonna call anybody but I think I think anyways right soon the white person in this artist that's all when I tell truth my people ain't nothing but a hypocrite I don't blow I don't hate black people listening and I don't see well I don't dislike him and I you know and I don't see why you should this any weight with the government tell them to get together and unite and do something come on you tell them to get together you take your face no complexion to the White House and repay the black people follow the work that I'm doing all the slaving get out brother the master if I didn't do something repaid well let's maybe we ought to start back in Africa with the tribal chiefs who sold the slaves Aden same universe Plato means you know you can't go back up to 500 years if they didn't say first can't do it they didn't sell you dimension just be happy look at back
Channel: akilmosq24
Views: 372,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:stretch=16:9
Id: vBFAHd189V8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 15 2012
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