Ali Abdaal On How Long Should It Take To Edit A YouTube Video

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so it sounds like you think of editing as being work yes okay why is editing a thing work because it's quite fun i i think what it is is i have gone into it not realizing the amount of time it takes and justifying i'm still trying to get my head around this so for like when you watch tick tocks they're like five seconds right and when you realize the amount of work that's probably gone on into those five seconds it's like you might have spent five hours editing something for five seconds work i can't match those up in my head which is totally old school thinking i'm fully aware but i can't match up the hours spent editing versus a five-minute kind of result how many hours do you think it takes to edit a five-minute video um it took me i've only done one proper video that i've uploaded it was ended up being a five to ten minute video i can't remember and it probably took me a good three hours i'm gonna say okay yeah yeah yeah i know how long your editing takes and that scared me even more okay i was expecting just like 30 hours or something like that oh my god oh god no no no no no no no three hours for a five to 10 minute video i think it's that proportion that's that's messing with my head let's do some quick math if you had a five minute video yeah 36 people watched it you'd have you would have wasted three hours of humanity if 360 people watched it you would have wasted 30 hours if 3 000 people watched it you you'd have spent all you need is 36 people to watch your video and you've broken even on the amount of time you spent editing it is that really a large amount of time no it's weird because when i get into it it's not like i hate it when i start it's the mental barrier to overcome to start it okay like this feels like a like a it feels like a heavy lift and you've got that oh yes big time yeah it's a heavy lift what what was that video that you edited it was a unboxing of my mx keys okay keyboard um multiple cameras are just a single camera single camera iphone okay no lighting no scripting properly i remember seeing this keyboard this video you showed me yes okay and the thought of doing another video scares you on the editing front you're like yeah because i actually i filmed two videos that day i filmed that unboxing and i filmed my macbook air unboxing and i haven't touched the macbook air unboxing okay because it feels like too much of like a yeah have you ever ever tried breaking it down into more manageable chunks uh i did after we spoke and then um didn't go back to it in the back of my mind i was like maybe i need to take ali's course the editing skillshare course mm-hmm yeah why the hell haven't you done that yet uh because i'm putting it in because you know it's nothing to do with that it's it's i'm putting it off because once i've done it i have no excuses to not edit it there's a guy i know called natalyson who who took that course a few weeks ago he's on 5 000 subscribers now he said he would he would have paid 400 for that course and it's free on skillshare yeah i know it's so it sounds like the position you're in where you're saying i know everything is important editing is hard i've taken zero steps to learn how to edit i've only edited a single video and the thought of editing the second one scares me basically um and then i come back to is youtube really what i want to do what do i actually want to make videos about and then you
Channel: Creators Campfire
Views: 15,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creators Campfire Podcast, Tech YouTuber Podcast, Bhav Sharma, Ali Abdaal
Id: fRB1FcD9yEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 4sec (244 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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