Alf Hågedal - Novelty Accordion (Erik Frank), Jyderup 2012
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Channel: Alf Hågedal
Views: 37,201
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: Jazz Accordion, Jazzdragspel, Swing, Novelty Accordion, Erik Frank, Alf Hågedal, Accordéon, Accordion, Dragspel, Trekkspill, Trekkspel, Akkordeon, Harmonika, Hamoniku, アコーディオン, Accordion (Musical Instrument), Træf Jyderup 2012, Jyderup 2012, Jazz (Musical Genre), Live Concert, Live Music, Concert, Excelsior Accordions, Chromatic Accordion, Button Accordion, Senheiser
Id: dG85_3zlch0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2012
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