Alexa Chung - A Right Royal Wedding Hair Tutorial | ALEXACHUNG

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hi welcome back to the hair chair Alexa Chung here George North look behind me so always one step behind wait just kidding so George today I'm wearing my business suit I'm ready to be quite serious I want to look like a respectable woman who's still quite feminine a style icon of mine in this moment might be the one and only mega Markel a dear friend of yours you did you did make a models hair I call her royal the Duchess Duchess of Sussex whatever you did Megan's hair for a wedding the evening look yeah the second look and my mom and sister were watching it on TV and then they text me they said I think I can see George Norwood at the Royal Wedding so I texted you and you didn't reply so I thought you definitely were there anyway can you please give me mega Markel's after party wedding chignon yes great we're gonna do like a version like a messy bun kind of at the back here yes what we've done is you can watch our other tutorial before and how to get the tongue so we're going to give you wavy hair so if you go look at our other video get some texture in it tongue it around the face so you've got all the texture in the hair like this and then we're going to get some height and back combing in here do you think this will suit me I think yeah we'll give it a go give it a go let's see it's actually not something we've done yeah it is something we've done before actually I'm gonna give you some back combing in the top here it's not very rock and roll the chignon is it we're gonna make it rock and roll mm-hmm it's all about the attitude yeah you're gonna own this oh I love your messy bun we're actually gonna back home all the way back to the nape mm-hmm you've given me that funky fringe again that yeah why do you think I'm gonna back home all the way down to the nape you know that it you guesses I can do it so there's enough grip in the middle section that it remains in place is that right yeah boring I thought you were gonna be like okay you pretty face not even okay so we're just going to backcomb basically yes to give you grit because I'm thinking ahead and like where am I gonna put my grips in oh I'm gonna put them in at the nape so I better put some backcombing cuz the backcombing acts like a pincushion so here we go the bigger the cushion the sweeter the pushin totally I think it makes a lot of sense for this moment okay and then we're gonna work all the way down to the nape I look quite royal actually this is not that I look royal but I'm wearing jeans and a blazer which is quite sort of accidentally it looks great yeah maybe this is the look guys and then we're gonna also back home at the sides here and we're gonna back home I call it directional backcombing it's back homing in the in the way that you want the hair to go so we want this hair to go back so I'm gonna spray a little bit takes just spray your hair spray in it first always spray that before you back home and then I'm going to back home back like this who do you think it's got the best hair of all time that's a really that's it if gone isn't it sorry no no I think like her Jame Birkins of a huge yeah you know icon no I think is making more and more sense to me at this point is me meg Ryan in when hairy me yes hi or wise hair why is her she could have had a shag yeah totally the no obviously I love your hair correct answer you live that you live to see another video you know that Alexa hair is one of the most searched things on Pinterest yeah so I like to think we're doing this we're keeping the people of the people happy the people well that's cool see can you see I'm back coming that back oh yeah you know okay I'm gonna keep back coming here do you think I could ever get a crop be real with me actually yes because you're pretty this is what I come to George for no I'm just saying that you've got quite a pretty face so I think we'd have to be quite careful yeah run the ears yeah you've got as you said a longer face so you want to be careful not letting elongate your face too much so I would maybe say keep some hair at the size so that you wouldn't suit the short back inside I really want to talk back in size well okay say short back insides anymore or do they is that what boys ask for in the barber yeah if you're a barber yeah if you go to a barber absolutely so then we back combed it all can you see wow I look terrible quickly move it up okay fine so what we're going to do in the back here is we're going to section it into three so one two three we're going to take the first section we all know how to do a bun you grab your section you twist it round and round and round and you kind of coil it into itself and you've got a little bun there yeah and then we're gonna take grips that are the same color as your hair you get them in brown black and blonde we've got brown what about ginger you get them yeah I don't know if you do red grip so I would use like a brown grip okay there's a huge market there strawberry blonde grips strawberry grips I would just use like brown if I'm honest okay fun number one you can see in there and then we're gonna take bun number two we're gonna sort of twist it right I know that you did it in three yeah this one do are you're making me three buns yeah which will maybe go into which will look like we've done this before it will look like one bun when it's done and then we twist it and we can then leave a little bit some people like it quite tight at the sides or not I know you like a bit of width so I'm gonna like yeah leave that like that the hair we should do is like Bjork circa 1990 we always creating three little Bjork things yeah that's what we're doing it's oh so quiet fun number two you can see it's very pretty okay and then we come around to this side I'm gonna tell you right back there and then maybe this has gone a bit quite a bit more back combing in there I'm secretly yawning while my head is this direction or not so secretly maybe you could see that having your hair done makes you sleepy I know it's so relaxing relaxing yeah exactly okay we're gonna pull that and this is quite easy to do on yourself because it doesn't have to be perfect ya can be quite in fact it should be quite messy and undone that's the whole vibe so at school I used to do something like this but all over my head cuz nineties the other thing used to do is I had a bob up to here for most of school and I used to pull two strands always the two strand things bicycles people and then two clips here I know but not people that were really too young for it first time around and I guess that's the same as us like I know but referencing the sixth I think I'm one of these people that says oh I did that first time around I never thought that way yeah it does happen isn't it lovely and so then that's all back what that you can do you know what this looks like not to rape myself or anything but like if I had glass and kind of real glasses for a sec course like when they cast someone I'm obviously of the right age to play a scientist at this point use you in in films and they're like they've cast a girl like this and she's like I have your order it didn't know how no she's a scientist like the meter think megawatts we're at five point six there's no way we're gonna make this and you're like well she doesn't know that's a bit mean as well would this do so then yeah so and you really dog just who doesn't really know anything I'm very nervous to be here just kidding and then you as with always then pull the boiling hot guys all the bits out you want it looks really pretty from the back hello how are you how they lovely to meet you have fun with it like you can't see the back so don't try to be perfect so yeah you can't see I've made you look like a fool do I let joy look a bit like Princess and no it's like Harry's now about being undone and less structured and messy and it's a really nice modern updo we're on really two different wavelengths here aren't we I really like it's very nice thank you this is how I should do my hair yeah and you could do this maybe I do need to move on from the like oh and with the men here and do more like hello I have a serious business and I worked really hard at it maybe you can let's go through those figures shall we [Laughter] why are people with glasses clever we're not we're just pretending to be ok everyone thank you so much for watching subscribe hit the bell ding-a-ling don't forget to comment your comments are so nice so thank you so much for writing them and George would love you to watch his YouTube channel when it launches yes please but for now it's goodbye from me and it's goodbye from this guy cheerio that's how for now little TBT for a very small section of society can you do that one how we're really cross pollinating a lot of cultural references you you
Views: 680,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alexa Chung, Met Gala, Fashion, Clothing, Chung, Comedy, royal wedding, meghan markle, duchess of sussex, royal style, style, hair tutorial, hair, makeover, george northwood, messy hair, vogue, wedding style, alexa chung vogue, british style, DIY hairstyle, simple hair tutorial, iconic hair looks, wedding hairstyle, HOw to, get the look
Id: K8WlXJfhLC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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