Alex Honnold on Free Soloing with Shawn Raboutou

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I want to hear about some of the biggest lessons you've learned from your climbing Heroes and I have three people that I've picked out but if there's any others I think it'd be really interesting uh Tommy Caldwell Jonathan siegrist and then Peter Croft yeah good choices though Peter is definitely has been an inspiration my whole life and Tommy kind of has to and then jstart just feels a little bit more like a contemporary you know we're like friends friends yeah like I mean he is super inspiring and he just sent like one of his hardest roots and haven't seen how much he put into it and I mean actually I was so yeah he just sent stoking the fire for people listening yeah which is like a hard 15b you're like it's pretty proud but um I would say that Jason and Tommy the thing that I've maybe gotten the most from both of them are basically uh respecting their commitment to to hard work you know like the effort that they put into climbing and how much how well they've done because of the effort they've put in you know I mean Peter's inspiring a whole different way and especially now I mean I'm pretty good friends with Peter uh now I mean we're both Northwest athletes we hang out we like the last time I was in uh Bishop I was there for a day and I basically rallied him to go sport climbing with me because uh that owns River Gorge which is his favorite Crag it's home Craig he goes there four or five days a week basically with even on the days that he's not climbing he goes with his dog to like hang out and just like walk around the gorge and and actually I'd say that's one of the things that I'm really inspired about uh that really inspires me by Peter is just his lifelong commitment to climbing you know it's like he may not be doing the craziest things he's ever done he may may not be you know like setting records but he's still just out every day he loves it he does it he's still putting up new Roots he's still like you know he basically still sort of puttering along like doing the thing that he loves to do all the time yeah I'm like that's so awesome and like that that'll almost certainly be me someday because I just like love going with Craig like I love climbing pitches totally but yeah so I'd say you know from Tommy and from j-star that sort of commitment to Excellence the hard work the dedication you know I'm inspired by by what they put into it and then from from Peter I'm probably most inspired by just his whole life around climbing you know the climbing's been at the core of his life for his whole life you know he's just so like when he talks about somebody Ruth that he did he still just lights up he looks like a little kid he's got a huge smile and he's so psyched you're just like man I hope I have even a fraction of that passion in anything my whole life totally you know he's so into it yeah I interviewed him he was uh he was one of my early interviews like number 10 or 11 or something and um he like forgot we were recording he was like holding the mic and his hands were doing this and yeah he's all fired up yeah he's all fired up he's sick yeah yeah it's really cool yeah it's funny because you know he's like he's all like wrinkly now and you're like because he smiled so much your whole life you know okay which is amazing yeah probably because he spent his whole life outside in the mountains totally yeah he's so he's got that like amazing weathered yeah look I want that someday for sure yeah but then you need to climb more Mountains and fewer Boulders it's true or only Boulder in uh Rocky Mountain National Park yeah if you're at altitude he's getting worked by the time if I do end up looking like Peter it will be because because not because I got into climbing mountains yeah who else would make that list for you I'd say that I sort of draw inspiration from almost anybody in the right ways you know I I try not to put anybody on a pedestal where it's like this person is like an insane you know like I mean certainly when I was younger I did a little more like you know I sort of deified Peter Croft a little bit where you're like he's the man he's the Peter Croft yeah but you know as I've gotten older and a little more mature and whatever else you're just like and you're all these people yeah and you wind up as personal friends with all these people you're just kind of like we're all human we're all just doing the best we can we're all just going climbing but that's not to say that you can't pull you know nuggets of oh nuggets thank you nuggets of inspiration or like fun little Pearls of Wisdom like you can't draw things from people that you meet yeah and even if they aren't even the best climber like you know or even if every other aspect of their life is a complete show you know there might be that one thing that you're like man you are so good at that though um you know like I mean actually a good example as soon as this show I just immediately thought was a whole mellow crew I was like no but but I think that's actually a perfect example where like a bunch of the Mellow guys you know I mean they're all the strongest Boulders in the world they're incredible climbers they're very inspiring in a lot of ways you're like when you see the the Excellence with which they climb the the passion they have for it like those kinds of things I'm like oh that is definitely something for me to emulate in my climate I'm like they are incredible would I want to lead their life no you know it's like I don't want that lifestyle I don't even want to climb the things that they're climbing you know like half the time I'm like that doesn't even look that cool we're like that's just that looks heinous you know look at how small the holds are but you can still be inspired by how much effort they put into it and how how well they they climb I went so long with Sean Rap too and he did yeah he wanted to Solace and things in Yosemite okay that's cool he was there working some you know futuristic project and um yeah yeah bowling project yeah and maybe one of his fingers was hurting a little and I don't know he's like on a rest day and he just wanted to go solo something so I did two days with him selling different routes and it was interesting because he doesn't really know how to crack clam so you know we were trying to be selective about things that he could climb without having to jam too much but uh but he's so good he's such a good climber um he basically taken him so long like that was kind of I basically have an open policy that anybody who can has either climbed 515 or v15 I will take them so long anytime like basically there's a certain level at which like like if you can climb that hard like you're gonna be fine sure on easy enough terrain like you can do a one arm on any of the holds that you're touching like you're gonna be fine yeah you know but convention is like he had no history of he had no background for that kind of thing and he just looks so smooth and compo he's just such a good climber he's like that you were I was like this is next Generation that's cool like you are a great climber that's cool to hear he's so so chill I know he's so chill I can see him being like halfway up a multi-pitch solo and just being like this is cool you know just I think he was a little nervous maybe I think he was a little like oh this is a lot you know because we climbed three different routes up to the top of Yosemite Falls basically which is pretty cool one of them I'd never done before uh it's called via Aqua it's like next to the waterfall it's it's pretty neat and you top out basically at the at the guardrail for like tourists looking over the waterfall so it's like this pretty cool position and he climbed well the whole time looked great having a good time but I was like I think he was a little like damn this is crazy you know it's like obviously he's kind of a freaking big wall on Yosemite it was awesome yeah I can actually like I can more picture him topping out and being like that was scary and like that yeah yeah exactly exactly you're like was it he looked really chill all the time yeah it's so exciting what's happening in bouldering right now like it's crazy it's popping off v17s are going down and yeah do you follow that kind of stuff yeah yeah I followed I follow the news on like all the time and then I'm not really on social that much so I don't uh I don't see like all the firsthand you know people posting stuff but I would say I'm pretty up on the news yeah I mean I'm like I'm freaking paid to rock climb I should have some sense of what's going on yeah and that that I kind of hope to hold on to for you know basically my whole life like some idea of like what the hardest grades are and stuff yeah and and like who the the talent is in climbing right now like who's doing the cool stuff yeah who have you been most impressed by that most people don't know about oh I mean it depends what you mean by most people you know if you mean like Americans on the west coast then you know there's like a whole slew of Hard Men British folks like you know will bossy whatever who just did uh burning Dreams yeah and then who's the other really strong um British guy I'm blanking on his name right now in Roberts yeah yeah he's been on the show yeah oh yeah cool yeah nice yeah well bossy is actually coming up so yeah cool yeah yeah you're just getting the good guys that's trying to you try to only interview the Mellow crew is so hard to pin down yeah dude well we tried we interviewed him for uh climbing gold and uh it was supposed to be all four of them and uh only two showed up and yeah and like no idea yeah it was classic yeah the four being is that like Sean Jimmy Daniel and Juliano yeah okay yeah got it and so we only wound up talking to Giuliano and Daniel okay but but it's funny because when Daniel is sort of the the Elder Statesman the like mature responsible one of the group you're like damn you know exactly Daniel has actually you know matured like Daniel is you know sort of a Elder Statesman of bouldering now which is hard to believe and hard to imagine but you're like man he has been at the highest level of bouldering for like 15 years or something yeah I mean he was like winning ABS comps 15 years ago or more yeah Daniel if by some chance you're listening to this you have an open invitation to be on the podcast I've tried to reach out he was actually he was really good too on climbing gold nice I was I was like I felt like I saw a lot of like you know personal growth or something I'm like oh Daniel you're really like that's great it was pretty great [Music] um
Channel: The Nugget Climbing Podcast
Views: 74,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Climbing, Rockclimbing, Bouldering, Outdoor Climbing, Adam Ondra, Magnus Midtbø, Emil Abrahamsson, WideBoyz, Pete Whittaker, Tom Randall, Tommy Caldwell, Aidan Roberts, Alex Megos, Hooper’s Beta, Lattice Training, Climbers Crag, Wedge Climbing, Hannah Morris Bouldering
Id: KzE-j6rJZZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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