Alex Bregman Joins Adidas!

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adidas to take one market what's up y'all it's Alex Bregman from the Houston Astros you nobody loves spotlight for this guy [Music] [Applause] [Music] when I saw super excited I mean okay this is gonna be a big announcement I think everybody's really excited Alex to work with you and kind of just see I think there's gonna be a lot of fun stuff it's going to be able to be creative a stick rundown with being it's getting hot so put you in some fun lifestyle stuff first some more fashion stuff and then we'll get into the on-field side the way the way I see like your your place and like Athena space cause you kind of envision you as the face of like our oddysey really which is the lightweight cleanups kind of that speed quickness kind of flashy player got got the kind of swag on the field so I got the feel that's kind of a 5-0 lead means to us and we kind of see you as like a top of that franchise for us like the dude it's not like for example we've got judge as our icon cleat he will be whereas I country and then you the writer there as the ADI zero guy so on our side that's kind of how we want them for us today like we want it to be fun and we want we want something celebrations we want to have a blast want this to be like a celebration of you joining the family join and it's kind of being able to join the brand that helps you like express yourself where's the dope stuff and have fun everyone has a voice us like the next generation of baseball the future of the game you know there's a lot these opening day cleats we have that will show you are technically banned by the MLB because they have gold in them which we think is silly all the wear alone care yeah so that's what that's exactly the at attack anything we ordered that'll be on our whole Opening Day campaign is to rewrite the rules of baseball a little bit like we're gonna do a clean up my thanks real quick I look like hammered this morning these exact ones last year at some point but the golden yellow gold one remember that he's still good I mean normally like low tops I'm I was always skeptical on where he's going Palance feel really these don't feel like low top sexually I know people say that they aren't he'll definitely bit a little bit more of this than last year's one but this year all the new played out pretty completely new plate and then it's got the same kind of new lacing places I can go a little bit wider if you don't sweat what's up everybody we're here on set and West Palm Beach Florida about the start good deed is shoot away [Music] [Music] there's no right or wrong answer and anything like it's like if we just bleep stop talking about joining team adidas no I'm fired up super excited it's gonna be an absolute blast working with Adidas and trying to kind of create and trying to get it into a new space a little bit try and do some of the stuff that we want we've been wanting to do for a long time yeah like what you're building yeah be yourself how does that come to life for you like on the field off the field just with I think I think kind of wearing what wearing what I want to wear kind of getting into the getting into the lifestyle a little bit more than more so than in the past kind of getting into that world and I haven't really been able to but I'm looking forward to it how does like the MLB play a factor in that and like the rules and like what are your thoughts on all that sort of stuff like you know you said earlier you want to wear what you want wear yeah I think I think this year when we win another World Series uh we do what we want the rules change in the wild players to be themselves and kind of do what they want to do and make this game really should have similar to what the NBA is done with like we're like westbrook's wearing green shoes Oh exactly wear whatever they want coming to the ballpark and wear whatever they want while they're playing is their plant playing they're do you guys get stoked for like players weekend in the locker room yeah guys are guys that guys are fired up that's like the most fun yeah that's players weekend's awesome you get it you basically get a show you our cat and honestly players weekend should be every weekend ya know there's the whole season are you gonna make more of you have more of an emphasis on that kind of pregame look as you're walking into the game and like I mean I imagine that the MLB would probably want to want to capture that more right like David Meeks well yeah we've already we've already talked about that no we're going to MLB is gonna make more of a point of it and then yeah I know the Astros are as well we're gonna be we're gonna be kind of red carpeting it up on the way in love it love it adidas wise are you interest level of pushing fashion more Dida's originals and also kind of like you know with Eric and the baseball team cleats and designs and like are you it shouldn't both or is one kind of more I want to push the I want to push the baseball stuff and I want to push the fashion stuff I want to do both I wanna I want to push every I want or adidas Originals Pharrell Williams stuff and all that stuff I want to be doing wearing that and maybe who knows maybe we blow this up and we start creating our own stuff in here some of the dugout celebrations you guys doing yeah we kind of want to make it like a like a NFL Enzo yeah kind of have our own touchdown dance in there after we had a homer think of it I think it makes it really fun but fans are engaged with their the fans love it I can't tell you how many times I've gotten videos if the fans have sent me of them doing it I stare their office or doing a little routine after we had a home run so we know it's like catching on and we're gonna have some new and improved better stairs this your class that's a dozen tasks like are you already thinking about this this season of like doing something different or oh yeah we're gonna we're gonna have every every single one is gonna be coordinated kiss at one point last year we were hitting too many home runs and not thinking about celebrations exactly so there was like one in the middle there where we had no idea what to do so we just looked at the camera but there are some levels there are some long suiting when you like dude we need actually like think about this now oh yeah we'll have 40 before the season starts kind of okay so we can find that we might run out yeah you probably will Merryn out with just two guys when you think about like someone like the blog's that are out there magazines like things like hypebeast sports those like them all those type of publications which ones do you feel yourself like fitting into more of like a you know like men's health or like a hype beast or you know like what kind of talk to me a little bit about that like if you could have put yourself and I could put myself anywhere No Sports Illustrated G cubes thank you I tagged GQ it on my Instagram man definitely not bleacher report no I'm kidding some of their stuff how are you yeah good whatever y'all got James Harden doing I'm in perfect what do you think of the hard entry where I'm to work out yeah yeah I want to talk about batting practice that seems to be the time kind of the NFL pregame guy that's like that's when you show out that's when your best clue yeah well I wanna I wanna I want to wear like Alex and I were talking about the scissor day for batting practice I'm gonna wear crazy Adidas shoes whatever like yeah that's like yeah now able to hit it yeah not like great form yeah yeah this but a little more different Adidas shoes like people are gonna be like damn they're sick yeah start putting cleats on the bottom I'd like just normal shoes yeah for us we've talked about wanting to you hadn't mentioned it like the red carpet like the NBA does like you see like PJ Tucker walks into every game and they got him on whoever sneaker sneaker vlog with his kicks for the day like we want we want baseball to start to get in that place and then also with BP like you look at like hey y'all sent me my cleats to my house over I'll walk in rocking my clothes above the nude very sweet to that day's game to feel not whole we're here who are you looking up team just like when you're when you're coming up as a young like in the baseball just yeah baseball and just if there's anybody else to be I was looking at to a lot of people I guess but that's I just I I watched I watched the MLB I watch the NFL I watch the NBA L watch the MMA watch all kinds of stuff like that and I just like how I guess I guess you could say McGregor Conor McGregor just what have you been focusing on just getting ready for the season and also kind of building a brand like whatever well was going full full full speed ahead until I found out that I have bone chips in my elbow so how'd he get surgery and then basically just rehabbing that crush in the body core yeah building that building that getting ready to go because I don't care if I had a surgery on anywhere like it there's no excuses there Denise um you need to go there absolutely kill it this year that's my mindset so I'm started hitting a few days ago and to be honest my offseason it's been been great we've been like you said we've been building kind of building our brand but just more just interacting with with people and interacting with with the fans I'm ready to go I'm excited I can't wait for I can't wait for the spring training kickoff and this season to get started when you sorrow yesterday someone said that the Astros have four MVP candidates what goes through your head when you hear that I think like we should we have five honestly yeah I think I I think they were talking about all position players but Verlander already won an MVP so no it's it's exciting and I expect this I really expect great I have a huge year last question if you could take what are some in a what are some fit your favorite Adidas shoes and if you could have any of them vehicle I like all Pharrell stuff so I taking VP and some of those pearls yesterday yeah listen that's another thing we're gonna do we're gonna be taking VP into just different shoes that you would not normally take be beer yeah that's not yeah yeah but um that's fine I would throw those on there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they're not coming [Music] I'm gonna be just like mean mug in the camera walk-in we're coming back right please do etc etc [Music] well face what face we're gonna do another walk quickly there's my sexy when you just got done filming first video to be like more photographers wouldn't know we're gonna just got guns builder but that's fine that's my easiest thing yeah I wanted to be like them yeah like sliding in some be in exactly [Music] [Music] I just saw my makeup looks horrible I can't believe I can't believe that this is this is what you came up with word it out you know or is this just how bad [Music] go through the kind of blue steel then a smile that I'm freeze-dried double chin this way you're looking up that way then you go to yeah yeah I always thought that was a gang some the greatest regular here but you can come to film profile [Music] Coco like that team adidas we're taking over baseball pay the new Rose coming for you whatever a good way of a baseball coming for you team adidas now we're gonna get you to each other [Music] [Applause] [Music] come where the long socks get-along socks yeah right in here those guys we're about to go take some ground balls dump some stuff stay tuned comment adidas if you want some sign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my notifications pop up on the wall that guess you're just innocent it's like you're on your phone and then weekend descriptive excellent like what what message should be sent to you is it Florida annotated whoever [Music] we're all sweet and then we'll have yeah you'll because we can't use the full mark so we actually put you right here so let's actually have you on please Alex and then keep in for your photos of episodes foot party party time oh yeah no no you're good yeah well time for still big a big restriping on camera and then I like it his face give a little flex Alex yeah okay that's something yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] gameplay you want Jason or only some grumbles yeah yeah yeah very that's that's all going over the top of him I guess Lord oh no talk if you want if you want it if you want to hit him once twice that's fine it's like okay he's covered under the insurance [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I just miss them already how to look at this do you think your sunburn on my face round to night sesh making sure I wear this under my hat this year let's talk about second friends right Megan shot where this under my hat the sure bean Frappuccino if someone's making around my waistline have you erasing the caramel have you like burning out all that sort of thing so so this hoodie we were kind of thinking for the lifestyle bye okay so for this like video that we're doing the like welcome yeah we know the adidas family yeah so you're planning on getting like a video from Mike harden our video from juju yeah doing from Pollak but to talk but they don't work on yes as you can he's a base celebrity so we'll do our glass think celebrities big-time so well 31 million yeah we're gonna try and get as many guys as you can so I send in a video so yeah I'll put the ask out to a bunch of baseball guys bunch of football guys a bunch of groups guys see you discussed it I mean though it takes like five seconds to make it hey Alex welcome to the family so if there was one soccer player you'd say Papa who else is with adidas messi yeah i get messy I've never danced [Music] so we're gonna try and take this do a little bit of green to neutralize the red and blue face Tatiana yeah I don't think I've ever heard the song either I just saw really doing it the probit yeah I wouldn't mind you got to do it I do this time is the IANA dance they do it still you gonna battle them anyway [Music] [Music] [Applause] video all evening so yeah you guys already start rolling [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is like the photo in the picture that we had of Robinson does people need like a life doesn't matter besides what is the impact it makes on other lives right and that's kind of like if you if you read mind like I'm Jewish like I've got a few read if you read my like Torah portion from when I was 13 years old I remind me my speech from my bar mitzvah it was all about making an impact of changing lives helping people making a difference and yeah kind of being a leader yeah well I I thought I thought it was fascinating that you took it upon yourself to learn Spanish but I think that it showed like an awareness about the baseball above us I think a lot of players will may wanna be a leader in right and in order to be a leader you have to be able to communicate to everybody and you have to be able to figure out what makes each person tick and I feel like if I didn't learn if I didn't learn Spanish well enough to communicate with these guys I wouldn't be able to fully get in there and yeah they wouldn't feel like I was fully invested yeah I mean totally yeah like Carlos Beltran just such a big influence for us because he was able to do that he was able to speak English speaks Spanish bring a full clubhouse together Brian McCann communicated with every single person I kind of saw how they led in seventeen yeah and I wanted to do the same I wanted to I wanted to give I feel good he's my favorite part of the day on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and [Music] and that ready dance yep and keep that and I like to push towards you just maybe eyes keep eyes on the lens we're all up to him this collar out here this way the dark you know yes sir with the Stars the stars ain't there no more [Music] [Music] thank you I'll race you for it let's turn on the headlight there's now they say the movie [Music] [Music] so you go slow first just like that camera speed adidas take one marker listen up yalll it's Alex pregnant from the Houston Astros team adidas is gonna be taking care y'all this weekend I got that I got the truck yeah what's up y'all it's Alex Bregman from the Houston Astros team adidas is gonna be taking care y'all this weekend I got to try out the cleats but they're gonna be giving y'all their badass am I allowed to say badass yeah people [Music]
Channel: Alex Bregman
Views: 274,904
Rating: 4.8637338 out of 5
Keywords: alex bregman, adidas baseball, adidas, baseball, adidas baseball cleats, adidas baseball bats, adidas baseball glove, adidas baseball pants, adidas baseball bag, adidas baseball turf, alex bregman adidas, adidas bregman, bregman, adidas commercial, adidas shoes, adidas cleats, adidas shoe collection, adidas shoe review, adidas shoe commercial, adidas baseball gear
Id: PqC8sb0fmEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 23sec (2243 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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