Albion Online Top 10 BEST Builds w/ Full Guide and Gameplay

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today's albion online video is all about showing  off many useful and optimal builds this is going   to be a guide on the builds the items you'll need  to use the items and why you would want to use   them and I'm also going to show off extended  gameplay of each and every build in action so   that you can see how it works I'm going to be  talking to you through how it works I'm going   to be explaining my actions and so on and so forth  and we're going to be covering a very wide range   of activities in today's video including like full  loot Zone PVP action PVE stuff safe zones I'm just   going to go over so so many different builds this  should be a very very long video by the time I'm   done with it and I will I will do editing to save  you time in between me like running around the   world and stuff so let's get to it build number  one is a stalker corrupted dungeon build that   you can clear the dungeon in 6 minutes or less  depending on the layout this is is purely for   PVE ratting this is not for fighting other players  though you can but a lot of people run counters   to Cur stabs in corrupted Dungeons and The Meta is  just disgusting and it's not fun for me to play so   this is PVE this is just you you farm bosses and  mobs and you get Loot and treasure and you sell   it and I'm going to go here's here's everything on  the screen but I'm going to go ahead and hide the   text now and talk about it so that you can further  understand so here we go starting with the curse   staff now I'm using a tier six curse staff because  it unlocks of the uh other abilities on the staff   and for PVE you want curse tar and curs beam and  I didn't put this on the screen but if you get   invaded you want to switch to curse sickle and  desecrate so that you can hold players in place   in traps this makes it really hard for them to  approach while you escape and break crystals also   passive one for more damage then on Mage cow you  want fire breath with passive one for PVE if you   get invaded swap to the Boop the force field this  will knock players back into traps and knock them   away from you cleric robe you want uh the uh third  ability here the R3 and for those that don't know   this is q1 this is Q2 this is Q3 this is W1 W2  W3 W4 Etc all right and uh then Soldier boots now   you normally just run rejuvenating Sprint with the  passive here but if you get invaded swap to wander   lust and this is a hopefully you don't get purged  that's all I can say uh run a cabbage soup energy   uh potions which you won't use but it's just  really nice to have uh and I just use a torch you   can actually go without an offand if you have very  high specs but you need at least 4.2 if you have   no spec 4.1 works with Max spec because of the  item power requirements and I just threw on a 4.1   Cape to get my item power you want your item power  to be above 800 for stalker corrupted dungeons my   item power is 847 so I'm able to enter now for  corrupted dungeons the quickest way is just just   being carely own you can't be faction flagged  while you do this activity anyway and just exit   through one of the the four corners of of the  uh the area if there are gankers on the map and   you're very short on money just go back into town  and exit through another Zone and uh just wander   around the zone until you find corrupted dungeon  so right now there's three gankers on the map and   I'm going to go ahead and risk it here and uh just  swap some abilities just like if I was invaded and   I I'm I'm pretty good to be safe I'm going to  go ahead and cut it to when I'm in the dungeon   now and remember this is not a corrupted dungeon  this this is a solo dungeon we're going to find   a corrupted dungeon also if there's no gankers and  you come across a boss this build does melt bosses   pretty quickly here so I'm just going to show you  the speed at which I can kill things so let's go   ahead and just drop a death curse here and uh  you know just hit our spells make sure we're   dodging and again we don't need the capes and  all those crazy abilities you can see here that   uh this boss is already toast even though uh yeah  I'm just in flat six here so again uh it's it's   worth it to stop and kill these bosses if you see  them you know 30k Fame pretty good and some items   all set okay this is a corrupted dungeon when you  Mouse over it says corrupted dungeon you want to   make sure that stalker is selected we don't have  the item power for Slayer I'm pretty damn close   actually um Slayer is way you get invaded way  more often and you need much higher item power   so if I if I put on full at Max spec with full 4.2  I could probably or flat six it looks like I could   possibly make it but this is just for stalker  and we're going to go we're going to go ahead   and enter the stalker dungeon and now I'm going to  walk you through an entire stalker dungeon so if   you don't care about stalker dungeons skip ahead  to the next build now this is a PVE build so we're   not touching this Shrine by touching this Shrine  you're more likely to get into a fight we're going   to eat the cabbage soup which you could wait until  you're injured to eat that but um I've got my PVE   skills all set and I want to look at the map now  and I want to find the boss spawn so this is a   boss spawn cuz it's a dot in the middle by itself  the this little shape that looks like a cross with   with some mobs that's a that's a treasure and  then this one so there's always three bosses and   then this empty space is the area in which uh the  main boss will spawn so you want to make a route   to hit up all these bosses but also not backtrack  too much so I'm going to start uh I'm just going   to clear I'm going to clear to this guy and the  faster you clear this dungeon the least likely   you will likely you will be invaded so again if  you see these little chests make sure that you pop   them because they can have loot in them Sometimes  good sometimes not so good and the way you're   going to do this is you're going to cast your  death cursed first put the puddle under the enemy   maybe weave some Auto attacks this should stack to  four and explode and kill the mob now your death   curse will be on coold down so for smaller mobs  like dogs and bats you just put a puddle under   them and they die they just immediately die so  there we go and then my death curses back so I   can death curse this guy maybe hit a few Autos  while I'm walking away put a puddle under this   this bat and you can see that I'm moving very very  quickly now for groups of mobs like this we put   a puddle under them we let it stack to two push  our W and that's going to melt their HP bar like   so for a single Target you can just put the death  curse in the puddle and they're dead they're 100%   dead you don't have to worry about it anymore even  for other single targets you can still W them and   you can see that I'm clearing very very quickly  and uh also an item drop very nice there we go   and uh again you can be popping boot while you do  this you can even use your helmet to kill things   slightly faster if the enemy paths out of your  puddle for whatever reason but you can see here   that uh you know I'm able to continuously move  and this one this failed so I death cursed them   but I didn't aggro him so I dealt like no damage  there so I went ahead and used my fire helmet I've   got a puddle under him I'm going to attack this  guy and I'm taking some damage now so I'm going   to pop my armor become completely immune and just  nuke this guy down my immunity phase and look at   that now that I'm out of combat that cabbage soup  is healing me right up very very quickly so there   we go death curse in the puddle we're just going  to walk right past this lad here this infernal   monstrosity and then he pops now before I engage  the boss I'm letting my HP return to full and then   I'm just going to dump all of my spells all at  once weave Auto attacks dump another puddle I   want to constantly have this boss under puddle  and I can just keep out of range and Dodge his   attacks once the puddle or once my death curse is  popped I want two puddles into a w and I want to   cast W when he's not casting something cuz then I  lose damage all right and then again I just cast   my death curse every time it's off cool down my  helmet which is that fire breath spell every time   it's off cool down cast puddle every chance  I get and the boss Falls and this is a Fame   toome chest of course it is Boo and um there we go  got really crappy items and yeah Fame tone chest   happen so let's pop boots and you want again you  want to clear this dungeon as quick as possible   now you'll learn certain mob movement patterns  like how they move how how they jump how they   engage there's spell AOE abilities here but your  puddle and your w spell is one of the highest DPS   combinations you can do and uh you will not have  Mana issues you can see that even though I have   energy potions that's just in case but I don't  really need them so again this time I puddled   and then death cursed that guy I didn't need to  do that now the these bigger enemies the demonic   Sorcerers well they can really put the hert on  you especially with a lot of explosions but our   build allows us to put puddles on the ground  dealing damage over time while we're evading   the enemy's attacks that's why I love this build  it is foolproof and easy to do now these are melee   guys so I'm going to move near the ranged guy then  put the puddle down then select one of the melee   guys cuz they have more HP and then use my w spell  on them so that they all die at the same time and   uh hopefully not a toome chest it's a good chest  this time only 3,800 I don't have premium active   so you can see here that we've almost completed  the dungeon and by the time I clear these mobs I   can fight the boss then I can run and fight this  boss and then go to the next floor and I can do I   I can do this in like 6 minutes now you can you'll  not like for me my recording software says I've   been doing this now for 5 minutes you can verify  this by looking at the play time on YouTube that's   fine and you can also pop armor to avoid traps  like so now this guy I only got two curse stacks   on I'm actually not doing very good with the  puddles at the moment but that's fine because   again this build is very very forgiving this  build is super duper forgiving and uh see I'm even   stepping into the traps but I'm not I'm fine like  uh you'll notice there's a lot of builds a lot of   meta builds people will make guides uh on how to  do things you know in corrupted dungeons as one   would you know on YouTube and twitch or whatnot  and uh you'll notice that their build while their   build is amazing at killing players their build  has lots of control uh their builds you know have   lots of Mobility but they don't kill mobs quickly  they do they cannot clear mobs so if they don't   get a fight with a real player also there we go we  po the boss we're right next to the boss so good   pathing on me and yeah we're at 6 minutes so I'm  a little bit behind my normal speed I'm a little   rusty now there's two different bosses for the  main bosses you can fight and again you just stack   puddles and you just avoid their spells that's all  you do and just cast your spells when they're off   cool cool down it's brainless it's easy and uh  when he does a laser you could pop your armor if   you don't want to take any damage since that's not  really something you could Dodge but uh you know   you can weave Auto attacks one thing that I see a  lot of new players not do is weaving Auto attacks   when their skills are on cool down so again see I  can Auto here while I'm dancing out of the fiery   Flames hit the laser and see this boss is like  pretty much dead here hit him with the death curse   hit my helmet my armors there's everything I can  do if you want extra damage on your death curse   what you can do is you pop your Armor's ability  your shield and then once you have the shield   you have a damage boost and then you can cast  your eell which snapshots the damage boost for   more damage and there we go we just made 54,000  silver and remember our set's only worth 70,000   we have one more boss to go do and so let's we  can just skip all the mobs we don't need to kill   the mobs anymore once you have gotten the maximum  amount of points to unlock the main boss you can   no longer be invaded and I don't think they're  going to change this at anytime in the future so   you know I if so look in the comments and someone  be like well in in this patch they changed it   they probably won't though so anyway I'm going  to engage this boss with not a full health bar   because I can because well we're very powerful  there we go so again just puddles into death   curse pop my helmet there dodging attacks and  just lasering a down you want to make sure that   you cast your your w spell while there's a puddle  underneath them because that way it's refreshing   the curse attack cuz every time your laser ticks  or does damage it's removing a curse stack so as   long as they have and I'm just standing in the  lava that's fine easy right and there we go we   got another chest unfortunately the oh it's  another tone chest you know curse my luck but   hey there we go that was the corrupted dungeon  now you can push the a button and then you can   go to the next dungeon and you can rinse and  repeat this and get a whole lot of loot now if   you get invaded and you need to run away again you  switch your skills there's going to be crystals on   the map you just run to them and you break the  crystals and with with your Cur staff you can   break the crystals while moving it's really easy  to do uh the death curse will absolutely pop the   Crystal and if the enemy does not have counters  to your build like they don't have uh the night   helmet and they don't have cleric robe you could  most likely just kill them straight up or force   them to run away you don't have to run you're a  first staff player you're the most feared of all   builds in the game and because of that Mo almost  everyone runs counters to this in the meta for   corrupted dungeons now when you go to the surface  once you're done you're going to get a shield and   you're going to look at the number of gankers if  the number of gankers is high look for exits like   uh avalonian portal dungeons etc etc you could  just hide out in a dungeon uh but uh you know or   you could risk it and you could try to R back  and yeah pay some silver it's very very cheap   because our build is cheap and then you can go  to carolon and you know turn all this into silver   easy peasy we made a 100K in what 10 minutes super  duper simple now honestly I only recommend doing   stalker or Slayer corrupted dungeons for PVE if  you have premium and it is the bonus day which   right now it's Gathering hide which I should be  out Gathering but whatever um so again I only do   those and see good numbers when it's a bonus  day and with premium next up we have the PVE   tracker Monster hunting build and this used to  be a Members Only video it's been about a year   now since tracking's been out I think so I think  it's time that I can make this little build public   and how it works and why I use the items that I'm  using so I'm just going to scroll it on the screen   for you so you can pause the video if you want  there we go and let's talk about what we have   here so it's pretty much the same thing we got Cur  stav again with the tar and the laser beam okay   but this time we swapped out our armor for leather  for stalker jacket because when we use electric   field it's technically a DPS increase and giving  us more defense means we can survive certain   encounters and uh we also swapped out our boots  for Guardian boots this makes some of the fights   it's kind of mandatory for some of the some of the  tracking fights uh though if we are being pursued   we do have to switch to rejuvenating Sprint uh  I did swap out the food for roast pork this is   very important for sustain because these enemies  have lots of health and well we're using a cheap   set so we don't uh Mage cow is still what I use  just to DPS down the enemies faster you can also   use a uh cleric cow for more defenses I don't use  a cape in this build so uh the cost is actually   Wrong by about 3,000 but uh you can put a cape on  if you want more Mana regeneration you don't need   it I swapped out for healing potions just in case  and you'll need a tracking kit I'm using a tier   four tracking kit you can unlock this very very  quickly in like your first hour of tracking so   there we go now the same thing we're just going  to exit through one of the car Leon corners and   uh let's go ahead and let's go ahead and pick  the southwest corner this time let's go into   the bridge watch zones and uh we're going to see  how tracking is now I'm tracking currently on the   west server the America's server and so there's a  there's a lot less players it's also morning time   where again there's not a lot of players online I  also went the wrong way uh you could clearly tell   I don't navigate Carone much but uh essentially  dur playing during off hours and playing on a   server with less people is going to make this  way easier than playing on like Europe I guess   or even Asia at the moment you're going to have  to again there's lots of competition so the way   the tracking kit works is there's a hotkey and  I believe it's the U button by default I think   so if Y is inspect yeah U is tracking so you just  uh push your U button and it's going to put a big   circle around on the map and we're going to see if  we can find any tracks there were no tracks found   in this big circle so we're going to ride all the  way out here and make another big circle until   we find some tracks and again be wary there are  three gankers on this map now my gear is not the   greatest they might not kill me but I I do have  a lot of crafting Fame so when they inspect me   they're going to be like oh he's doing a transport  and look someone just died just above me so um I   can assume that is where the gankers are and  just to be safe you should switch to more PVP   oriented skills like uh you know vile curse and  desecrate you know with Boop and uh you know run   speed instead uh if there are gankers on the map  while you're looking for your tracking Target so   again I'm just going to ride maybe a Zone away get  away from these gankers and also as a nonf flagged   player in a Red Zone you could run to these  outposts but you can also attempt this in the   black Zone there's going to be way more tracks in  the black Zone the problem is is that you're going   to have entire guilds that protect their zones  and again I'm I I ran all the way out here so I   put a big circle around this area and see if I can  find any tracks you're going to rinse and repeat   this this this is a process so we have a rare  Quarry track not the ideal one you really want   the animals because of the rare drops but this is  still silver this is still an adventure so we're   going to run over to this icon now and now there's  four gankers on the map so yeah I'm again this   this build is only 70k so here's the tracks we're  going to left click on it it's going to channel   the tracks for those that have never done tracking  before and uh let's see where it leads us so there   we go we have finished tracking and now it's right  here in the middle and that is where our hunt   begins so if there's a lot of players in the zone  and too many of them are near the mob it'll run   away also other players can attack and steal the  mob also gankers will see the mob and then camp   nearby and when you engage it they'll run at you  from off screen and kill you and take your stuff   tracking is quite dangerous and I'm going to be  honest I haven't done it enough to know the profit   margins or if it's worth doing so there's the boss  Harvester of souls tier four again this should be   a pretty easy fight and we fight them the exact  same way we open with with uh the curse stack we   put a puddle down hit the armor just try to DPS  DPS it down damage per second it down as fast as   possible dodging its attacks casting laser when we  get a chance and uh again just dodging its attacks   putting curse attacks on trying not to aggro the  other animals around or near it and I don't know   what that puddle does but I don't want to stand  in it looks dangerous I've never fought this enemy   before ever I don't know what his attacks or his  skills are this is the the very first time I've   ever encountered this enemy and you can see he's  like attacking me with stuff I'm using my growth   boots here trying not to get my Mount despawned  and you can see this is a pretty rough fight right   this is this is a this is a a battle of attrition  here you can see I'm kind of low on Mana too my   Mana is getting a little bit low and it looks like  he's running away now that was that's what that   exclamation point was it even says here Harvester  of souls fleas because it's exhausted so what that   means is now we got to go up here and continue the  fight now the enemy isn't going to to heal he's   going to be you know low HP so again this gives us  time to regenerate our Mana now if if you ran away   that just resets the fight he'll reset to full  HP you got to start all over again so uh we could   do something about Mana by switching our offhand  but I tend to not need it and I was going pretty   pretty hard with the skills you don't have to spam  the skills as as much you could just keep it um   you know efficient and just use puddles and death  curses if you want uh just casting puddle and   avoiding attack will pretty much kill everything  in the game uh mostly everything in the game and   again oh we here's a dead player let's see no  good loot what was his name what's your name Jo   josy rip in peace josy all right so that is the  tracking that we need to do this is so so we're   we're still tracking but we got to clear the mobs  on top of the tracking so again we're just going   to clear these mobs out real quick I'm waiting for  them to cast their abilities there we go then I   hit my abilities while I'm not standing in theirs  and that's the that's generally how do PVE in this   game I got clipped by that so now I'm bleeding  all right so while I'm bleeding I can't Channel   this it'll interrupt it so you watch see so I  got to wait for the bleed to wear off there we   go and now I can Channel this and we can continue  to track our Target and um again if you know what   tracking is then you can skip to the next build  but uh you know again I'm making a long video   today because there's a lot of new players that  don't know what this stuff is and other players   who aren't hostile they can help you um but uh  I don't think they get the loot I'm not entirely   sure again tracking to me is uh it's something  that I don't really do cuz when when it was   popular at the time everyone was doing it which  means without a group of friends to help guard me   and fight things and and I would say tracking is  more of a group activity because there are some trackingsm but it's my mob so I don't know how  this works so we're going to see but yeah this is   this is my freaking Target dude like so again I've  got the i' I can out DPS this guy pretty easy and   that's kind of what the build's for I don't know  if he's just helping me so we're going to see do   I get the loot does he get some loot too I can't  really communicate with him or anything but yeah   down he goes let's grab the loot 18,000 we got  some experience there and how much Fame did that   give me that gave me uh 36,000 fame um and then  for completing the the tracking I got 472 Fame   and I it says I I received oh no wait that's  combat Fame credits being converted because   I have autores on that's what that is oh see did  you hear that noise this guy is also tracking so   uh interesting right uh anyway so that's tracking  and uh how much do we make in what 6 minutes we   made 20K so not a lot but you can get rare animal  drops you don't have to track the quaries that was   just a silver pile icon you can you can track the  rare animals which gives you potion ingredients   for uh upgrading you know Enchanted potions and  ingredients for the Beast Shape Shifter staffs   and if you get you know a rare one then hey that's  money in your pocket I don't know the silver per   hour I I'm not experienced enough to tell you  this I'm not going to be doing this I I I find   these activities at like I don't think it's a good  activity for solo players end of also I realized   I didn't even eat the roast pork so those fights  I didn't even have the sustain this is 9.45% life   steal which would have topped me off even even  even better man build number three is almost   entirely the same thing as build number two with  a few alterations this one is for PVE open world   mob farming if you want to fame Farm in a red or  black Zone because you don't trust the yellow zone   guides or videos for some reason whatever you  know you're loss but essentially it's the same   exact build we're using the curse staff um here's  the abilities we're using the stalker jacket for   damage Mage Cal for damage Guardian boots in case  we encounter a spiky boss and these things can   really hurt your HP quickly so you kind of need  this ability um when using you know a cheap set   like this torch healing potion I did use I'm  using cabbage soup you could use a roast pork   but cabbage soup is just way more reliable this  build only costs 67k so open world mob farming   in this manner is you grab a mob Camp you want  to find mob camps of four or more targets put a   puddle down on the pile of enemies attack the one  in the Middle with your w spell and just blow all   of your abilities here now the problem with this  build and yes this build has problems but it's so   cheap it doesn't really matter okay is that your  puddle your uh stalker jacket your helmets your   laser these are all area of effect spells so all  a player has to do is when if you're over here   farming and they're a ganker they just ride up  step in your puddle that despawns your Mount and   then with your Mount despawned you are dead you're  basically dead so um but this build is very very   fast at at what it does it Fame Farms insanely  quickly it's Mana efficient and uh you'll notice   that like killing enemies here I'm just picking  up silver earning Fame so if we look at our   combat log how much silver did we get so that's  uh besides you know me spending 5,000 silver there   on combat fing prints so it's 800 there uh let's  see hold on uh you know we can 8800 there again   so you're going to make your silver back very very  quickly just just by killing mobs so some people   are like well it doesn't matter if you die now  for me personally I don't like dying and giving   up my loot to other players I just I really hate  that but you can see here we can just grab all   the mobs and you know our horse is tanky enough  it's fine this is uh what we do when you just put   some puddles down right the big guy here we're  going to I mean I'm going to grow big cuz I'm   going to take some damage here but again look at  this we are just nuking all of their health bars   so quickly uh uh let's try and oh I'm standing in  the in the fire that's fine you know we're tanky   enough to stand in fire though this is dangerous  if a player rides up we are not in a state this is   for rapidly killing so that that was 1,914 silver  now um if we take a calculator 1,914 if you had   premium and we add 50% to that it's actually 2,871  silver for people with premium all right and also   an item drop there so I'm going to like you know  you make your silver back very quickly the whole   point of running this build is that it's one of  the fastest builds to just kill an entire mob   camp on the cheap and um you know in a one V one  you can swap to PVP skills and again curse staff   if the enemy does not have a counter you win it's  an automatic win they can't do anything so you can   ride around and you could do this in tier eight  like this gear works for tier eight black zones   this works in The Mists this works for it doesn't  have to just be open world I wouldn't use it for   dungeons because it lacks Mobility but like even  like these little enemies like this like I put a   curse the death curse on him he's got four Stacks  he's going to dash over there for a while and look   at that we've already like halfway killed the dude  all right it's a very powerful it's just really   powerful build to stack all my aoe's and I'm just  going to face tank that because why not I'm still   dealing damage even though I'm stunned because  that's just how my skills work and yeah again   this it's just too easy and look at that 149k we  just got a dungeon map a large group dungeon oh   man I'm I'm just going to I'm just going to when  when you get a really Gucci lucky drop you just   teleport back to town oh no I'm paying 90,000  to teleport here's the here's why here's here's   why your teleport costs so much okay if you look  at the item value your item value of everything   like this Armor's item value 500 this is 150,000  so you're paying a tax on that when you teleport   home so I'm just going to I'm just going to I'm  just going to go sell that and uh yeah let's move   on to the next build also I promise this entire  video isn't just curse staff builds it's not I'm   going to there's going to be a bunch of other  builds don't worry but Cur like I tell everyone   are you a new player what is the what is the best  overall weapon you should use curse staff curse   staff is the most versatile the the weapon line  is the very first weapon line you should always   max out if you plan to play this game long term I  know on on Europe and Asia I played be paaws and   that's cuz I just want to gank people and Dismount  them that's the only reason okay and we're going   to get to those builds too we're going to get  to all the builds today this is a massive video   I'm so excited I'm like the girl that's like oh  you don't want Chick-fil-A sauce the next build   is a controversial one and this is PVP Mist rat  and this is all flat 4 you can go 4.1 if you want   a bit more power but essentially this is a 9,000  silver build and the entire point of playing it   is to rat other players and take their loot in  full loot Mists so uh it's again it's a curse   staff build and uh here we go just q1 W1 passive  one you got Hunter Hood in case someone fights you   you hit reflect that's going to deal more damage  than any other helmet that you can possibly use   cleric Rob buys you enough time to possibly get  the kill Soldier boots Wanderlust allows you to   chase wounded players that's all there is to it  you don't need an offhand it's a waste of money   you don't need cap bag potion or food if you  need to carry uh someone's loot you either pick   up their bag or you switch to your boots carry  weight that's all there is to it you're using a   mule so that you can be dismounted and immediately  start combat it's so cheesy funny enough this guy   says swollen Mists no way it's so over the angry  cat he knows he knows I'm ratting the Mist I'm   so Infamous and before I show it off once again I  have two entire dedicated videos to this that are   kind of recent I have this one it's a month old M  rat guide to easy Millions if you want more info   and just to see how much you can make I also  made this exact same guide a year ago called   100% win method and misss I broke the game and  you're going to see me get make multiple millions   of silver with these methods it's so funny now I  don't recommend that you PVE with this build at   all it's not very efficient you could do it it's  super cheap so you don't really lose anything by   doing it but uh in Brazilian you're going to go  to The Mists and then go into solo lethal don't   do the Duos you can't kill Duos unless you get  real lucky I guess but um all you're do all you're   going to do is you're going to use your mule and  you're going to ride around to the hot spot so   we got a Gathering Spot we got a turbulent Mist a  camp and a gathering area so where am I on the map   on I'm in the very bottom and I'm going to ride  to this turbulent mist and what I'm going to do   is I'm going to wait for an opportunity to kill  another player not in a fair 1V one not anyone   with full HP I'm simply going to just hover around  hot spots and uh when a player gets low HP I will   use mobs or other players AOE abilities to Simply  kill them and uh as a cur staff player I deal tons   of damage I have Mobility with the one or less  they can't really run away and uh I'm going to   avoid as any kind of fighting if you know uh  if other players are also mounted or full HP   so right now this guy is a yeah he's an A3 death  Giver so if I could manage to catch this guy at   low HP it's free loot it's multiple millions in  free loot I'm only risking 9,000 so what I can   do is most likely no one's going to challenge  oh he's yeah I'm dead so I'm just dead here oh   no I lost 9,000 so uh when when you're in a fight  you're going to cast your armor immediately hit   your reflect immediately cast your death curse as  soon as you can you can see that even though I'm   dead look at his HP it's I I dealt at least 40% of  his health to a full 83 guy right and again I only   lost 9,000 and a minute of my time whereas if that  guy died he would lose 10 to 20 million I forget   exactly how much it is but it's so quick cuz as  soon as you die you just run right back to the market and then you just just hit a rear button  and you go back and you do it again and again and   again and so here we go you just go to Lost gear  um on the buy so we're going to go lost equipment   search 8K buy an equip boom done we're back in  the fight it's literally like two or three mobs   worth of silver if you think 9,000 silver is a lot  you've got some Gro to do young man but uh again   this build is basically you just rinse and repeat  now that guy was a little crafty with how he got   me I wasn't paying attention I'm looking at my  recording software it's it's going to happen but   at the same time at some point that A3 is going to  get into a fight that he can't exactly you know um   you know avoid and then you're going to be right  there to take 40% of his HP away or all of his HP   rather and then scoop up the loot this the thing  with this is while it's not consistent silver per   hour it it it's super fun it's super efficient and  uh over the long period of time when you're just   throwing 9k into the wind you will hit those juicy  jackpots now unfortunately you have to wait 5   minutes to go back into a solo lethal so I've got  two more minutes to wait all right attempt number   two here make sure you're going into the lethals  and again we're just going to hover around hot   spots so more tips you want to hover around the  big and the small camps and also um you want to   make sure that your game's audio settings are very  loud so I'm going to turn sound effects from 40 to   100% here and you want to listen for other players  doing things you can hear a player attacking and   fighting outside of the name plate render distance  so I'm going to get near this Camp is this even a   camp yes and I don't hear any fighting so I'm  going to listen there is nothing going on here   and you have a pretty big listening radius so I'm  going to now ride to the big camp and just listen   just listen for players if I can catch a player  essentially with their pants down I can run in   curse them up and scoop up their loot and then I  can just go back to brasilian and sell it and uh   buy Infinity more sets like once you get once  you kill one guy all those 9k sets you've been   throwing away simply pay for themselves and as you  can see if I can deal 40% of someone's HP to an   8.3 player like that dude had what three over  3K HP 40% of that that that's a lot that's uh   that's 1,200 damage at least minimum right so  like if I can catch any player with less than   1,200 HP and I'm going to deal more damage oh  here we go so you can hear the Sky Fighting is   in four four death givers so I can't see his name  plate and I can't really hear him either but let's   get a little closer see now I can hear him I can  hear him slashing a mob right but I can't see his   name plate he can't see my name plate and um get a  little closer now clearly this guy I can there's a   no still no name plate wait there there is it's in  the very you can barely see in the top corner of   my screen now he can hear me Mount like oh he he's  his HP is getting a little low there 2,300 right   now right and uh yeah if his HP was lower like  he might not even see me so again we want that   HP low we want that HP nice and low and well he's  got soup so he's going to heal he's coming towards   me now you can see his name plate bobbing towards  me so again oh we got a we got a um a Nightfall   Abby this is a tier six uh we're going to we're  going to cover builds for this later this bu   is not optimal for this so if you want you  technically could jump in here and make your   silver back immediately right but it's it's slow  you're you're not a you're not efficient in a flat   four even with the max spec like me okay so we're  going to again sometimes these Mists won't have a   lot of players and sometimes they'll have a lot  of players so you just have to hover around the   hot spots until you find the Gucci juicy players  and then pop them and sometimes there's even Loot   on corpses like really gued out like 8.4 play  players won't loot everything that a dead player   has so you can just make free money that way also  sometimes you can find Enchanted mobs boss mobs I   would say it's worth it to try to kill a boss mob  you're a curse sta so you can absolutely do it um   depending on the tier of the Zone but yeah just  ride around until you find someone in trouble   and then take advantage of that trouble also one  thing you shouldn't waste time doing is fighting   other rats essentially this guy is a flat 4 fire  staff user he's got 41 like Mage robe and stuff I   could probably kill him but like his set's worth  nothing okay like 2,000 on the weapon half of   this is going to trash the mount it's again this  is a waste of time for me to fight so there is   no reason to engage that guy but um as rats you  can work together to kill a bigger Target enough   of flat four guys can take out the A3 death Giver  dude no problemo but you would have to coordinate   I'm muted and I can't coordinate with anybody  but it is a viable strategy also if you see a   gatherer you're almost never going to be able to  catch these guys especially with mining work boots   you know any kind of Sword users you can't purge  them so don't even think of them as targets you   won't be able to rat them at all but like what  now this guy is fighting he's probably baiting   me to try to fight him right it's it's not it's  something that's simply not going to happen now   here's another rat build uh this guy's the 41  double bladed this one's more Mobility based   but it doesn't deal as much damage as quickly  as the curse staff also it's more expensive so   again not really recommended to run that build it  is viable but it's uh it's not as consistent so   oh I found a crystal spider you technically could  solo a spider but there's again there's a lot of   players hovering around we got this guy oh little  carving sword guy he's wounded so what we can   do as rats is yeah see we're just going to hover  around this dude if he gets wounded enough we just   dis get dismounted and he might try to fight The  Spider and it looks like he is so if this guy gets   wounded enough I can stand in the spider's area  of effect spells and Engage The Sword user and oh   look he's jumping towards the mounts here right  and see so he's he's you know he's thirsting I'm   thirsting and uh this sword guy he's baiting us he  he knows what he's this guy knows what he's doing   man but he actually he may not he doesn't have  spec he's he's he's like 83 in carving and he's   not anything in Mist Walker jacket he does have  Undead Cape be aware of Undead Cape it does make   it very easy for players to retreat now me being  a rat that I am I don't want this guy to kill the   spider right I'm actually just going to well maybe  my M my Mount is so close to being dismounted the   sword guy knows the sword guy knows come on I just  need one bad happening for the sword guy like just   one big hit from the spider on the sword guy right  but he keeps jumping on me so to me this is he's   he's at 2,000 HP oh look at that he he oh oh oh  here he comes look at the 44 guy well now oh y   look at this even though I didn't kill anybody  I just made I just made 47,000 uh 244,000 see   you later see you later see I risked 9k I didn't  even fight and I made 244,000 I am not joking this   build is just absolutely redonkulous that guy did  all of that effort to kill the spider another guy   the 44 blood Letter R runs up ruins his freaking  day and look who got away with it look who just   escaped it's to me I don't care about the silver  I don't care about the thrill of PVP I care about   the salt that guy is pissed but hey we got it  on video this is too funny man look at that so   again it pays to be a rat it freaking pays man so  essentially this one little small encounter paid   for 27 of my sets so again you're going to get  multiple encounters like this it's not consistent   it's quite random but I have spreadsheet every  single one of my ratting sessions with this build   and out of 300 sessions I'm averaging well over  1 million silver per hour doing this but for me   it's just it's just fun it's just funny and now  for a PVP punching up build what this build does   it counters a lot of melee it allows you to  punch way above your item power class on the   cheap so essentially if you are fighting other  melees that's so much spellcasters or anything   but other melees then you can win with inferior  item power and I'm going to prove and show this   to you so here's the build and uh let me go ahead  and hide the text now and and talk a little bit   more about it so we have the Wildfire staff q1  allows you to spam High DPS Firebolts W2 lets you   uh get some spacing from melee the E ability deals  it's it's basically your punch-up ability as long   as you can land this you're dealing tons of HP to  even really Gucci geared players and U the passive   3 lets you cast much faster you tell of spells  let you cast much faster the cleric robe will buy   you some time while you just pump Firebolts into  someone's face the soldier boots you're going to   be using uh the reju rejuvenating Sprint most of  the time but some people who have high Mobility   builds you might need to use wander lust uh Hunter  Hood again this lets you just be defensive with   extra damage resistance and deal damage back to  the enemy when they pop their combo on you it's   free damage it's the most damage heretic Cape is a  kind of a niche choice and this thing is great for   melees that jump on you and you don't have any  other option you pop your boots they're rooted   in place you pump them full of Firebolts they die  poison potion is a huge huge huge damage modifier   that also allows you to kill um uh higher IP  targets and you throw this as soon as their   Undead Cape is about to pop and they will die uh  most of the time the beef stew is the higher DPS   Choice over omelette omelet is the better Mobility  choice but beef stew overall is going to let you   punch up even harder this is not my build this  is toxic af's build this is what the video looks   like murdering in the Miss Volume 2 and this was  done 6 months ago his channel named toxic AF 716   subscribers Wildfire solo PVP murdering in the  Miss episode 2 so go check this video out and   I'll tell you why so at this part of the video  he encounters an 8.3 bloodlet stalker jacket and   yeah this is a like this is a very dangerous build  that he's up against he's in 5.1 I just showed you   his build he's in 5 .1 this is his opponent okay  and this is a 1 V one 100 to zero completely Fair   he didn't catch him off guard no one's ratting  anybody and look at that it's like not even like   20 seconds later this guy is full dead he still  has half his HP and he made 17 million like he   has 150k build and he made 17 million super  easy consistently and if you don't believe me   his character name is powerful go look him up on  murder Ledger he's got multiple kills like this   and in the video too but yeah this is the build  to counter all those doofuses that are running uh   you know double bladed blood Letter dual swords  though dual swords is still for me kind of hard   to fight I'm not the most experienced with this  build uh let's see what oh we got a little fight   speaking of dual there there's a bunch of people  fighting it's it's dual swords are dual swords on   dual swords violence look at that what do you what  is that oh that oh yes please fight me please I   want you to fight me I'm switching to wander lust  here because I can C I can probably catch these   dudes I can probably catch them okay he mounted up  where's the other guy at no no he didn't Mount up   oh dang I wasted my Cape I don't again I'm not the  expert at playing this build what about this guy   what about this guy no that guy turned it in so  yeah let's fight him he's probably not going to   turn and fight me but uh yeah oh man like you can  you can run into melees with absolute confidence   you can get away and uh again I got 40 seconds  on my mount so we got to keep this dude in combat   oh what do we have okay that guy rooted me yeah  does he want some I I absolutely want some even   though I'm at a disadvantage at the moment um  and this other guy's trying to get dismounted   this uh infernal dude let's eat our food why  not let's get a little damage boost you know   what let's pump The Infernal guy let's get him  in the fight let's get him in oh missed missed   me see look I can fight absolute confidence as  soon as he ease me yeah there we go there we   go and yeah we can just pop all of our things  look at how much damage I'm doing to this guy   he's dead he's basically dead and throw bom potion  why not did I throw my potion okay well I think I   just did a bunch of damage into his reflect  let's see um maybe I don't know but uh again   I'm not the most experienced at this so I'm not  doing the build it's absolute justice but um you   can you can One V one melees I don't think that  entirely was a one I'm going to review the footage   all right so this was the scene I pumped half of  my abilities on this guy and look how low he got   and then I fought this guy with just my q spell  in a potion and look how low he is so someone's   killing somebody here after this fight and uh yeah  I threw away 150k it's that's not a lot of silver   for me and yes I know that these dual swords guys  you know their sets were probably cheaper so it   wasn't a good trade but it is a thrilling fight  and um I could have I could have just ran away   you know and and used heretic you know Cape if  I used it properly again I'm not experienced in   this build I have like maybe less than five fights  under my belt with this build I just want to share   it because players that know what the hell they're  doing can really kick ass with it and just to show   you the raw damage potential okay so here we go  let's see now that's the F the the second guy   jumps me right here so he gets hit by a fir wall  and then he gets hit by the Boulder and look at   his HP right now he's uh he's down 20% and then if  you look down here he's down another what is that   40ish per he yeah so he goes from 80% to 40% life  and just like two hits whereas this guy I start   fireballing or fire bolting him and he goes from  80% just trading fire you know Firebolts down to   40 like not even 40% not even right down to at  least 20% just from Q spam so again if I was to   land all my attacks on just this guy and not both  I don't I know why they decided to fight me that's   kind of weird you know that they're ganging on me  but I guess I am the counter to their build so it   makes sense I don't know man it you know not a  fair fight but the point is is that uh dude this   build slaps against melees but yeah go check out  power powerful's video toxic AF okay he hasn't   played in a long time he hasn't been online in uh  let's see 5 months and 10 days so yeah it's been   a while man all right so this guy he's got okay  we're going to fight we're going to do do a little   one V one here so it looks like he's willing to  fight nice little even fight here let's go and   go ahead and pop just my defensives here and let's  see if we win and look at that look at that damage   that I'm dealing him man oh jeez now he's hit me  pretty hard too but look at that so this guy had   higher specs than me 200k very nice nice little  even fight and uh I'm glad that he decid promps   to Glacier here this guy's a total Chad you know  decided to fight a leral counter build I think it   was a decent fight we know very fair very even so  you can see that um it's uh it's just a counter to   melee it just is and um you know like like a blood  Letter you know like if you do your cool Downs   right I probably didn't even I'm not doing this  build Justice I'm going to be real I'm not much   of a pvper with with fire staff or anything I uh  well Wildfire staff you you got to go watch uh you   know that video that I I link that I showed on the  screen please it really does it justice again I   didn't even pop boots I there's a whole much bunch  of stuff I didn't even properly do man next is an   more allpurpose PVP build that is one of it's one  of my favorites for this is for red and black Zone   stuff I'm going to show you a variation of this  build later for yellow zone ganking uh which is   again we're going to keep the yellow stuff later  in the vid but essentially uh we're using uh it's   a be paaw build it can Dismount players it's good  for open world ganking it's good for mist ganking   it's a it's kind of an all-in build you can't  really run away if you pick a bad fight and they   turn and fight you and it's a counter build you're  basically toast but uh for everyone else you catch   them off guard and that's the whole point you just  catch them off guard you hit all your abilities   you will most likely kill your Target and if you  Dismount a player you can chase them down and kill   them without needing to purge this is purely  purely damage and very low skill ceiling let's   go over we got Bear Paws with a Q3 ability this is  the root players uh W2 lets you chase them passive   one for more damage we have the stalker jacket  for damage because you're going to be on top of   your target the stalker jacket is going to really  really do its its job and stalker jacket is one   of the better armored leather jackets Mage cowl  is for more damage uh Royal sandals is for Chase   and more damage beef stew for more damage poison  potion for more damage we got damage damage on   top of damage I do not recommend this build for  corrupted dungeons for PVP you can you can use it   for PVE it's okay but uh not for PVP there's too  many meta counter builds just don't do it in there   and the whole point of this build is overwhelming  your opponent with Superior item power unlike the   previous fire Wildfire staff build where you're  using inferior uh item power you want to be 1   to 200 over your Target and you will almost  always squeeze out a victory unless they're   well a wildfire staff or a curse staff those are  pretty dangerous too so here we have a 44 guy and   a 53 this is a pretty tough fight but if I get the  jump on him I might be able to kill him especially   while he's out here Fame farming so I'm just going  to flag up office oh I am busy I got to wait for   my silence I'm going to flag up off a screen and  stalk this guy and kill him maybe we'll see it's   a tough fight the entire point of this build is  to run at a player and attack them as a surprise   so yeah this guy uh he says wait let me take a  photo please there's an 8.3 he says um now here's   the thing right I want to murder this guy and uh I  don't have the surprise initiative anymore he sees   on PVP flag U maybe he thinks I'm nice cuz I'm Mr  YouTuber man but um I am like he's just following   me around and I'm you I'm not going to be able  to freaking beat him in a 1 V one so uh yeah   it's uh it's not happening we got to we got to go  different map you know maybe going to the m oh we   got a that's a flat seven guy now okay that's  another tough fight battle axes are anything   with sustain is notorious for like squeaking out  a win but he isn't plate ew This Guy's build is   gross I want to like maybe see if I can catch  him with his pants down right again this is   a very sneaky build you got to like you got to  listen in that's why my volume turned up right   now you got to listen for them fighting from off  their screen and then when they you know they're   fighting mobs or they're busy you jump them you  just full-blown jump them and then hopefully they   can't get to one of the exits but I'm going to  keep looking for victims oh man there's a big   juicer now he is a fire staff though and I got to  take that risk that guy is a big juicer oh boy is   he a juicer I man what's your stats bro are you  oh you have no you've never killed a player you   have never killed a player you're you're a  little whale so someone's a little whale now   can I Dismount them like they' they've spotted  me and that's bad but are they going to are they   confident that they can stick around out here okay  let's see what what are you you're riding a boar   I can Dismount that I can absolutely Dismount a  boar especially if you waste your boots I've got   to try for this I've got to try for it they're  kind of pass weird they're like pathing here in   the corner if they continue along the corner here  okay they're oh they're dismounted I'm dismounted   okay let's go oh I got to eat the food note now  they're remounted I'm eating the food where'd they go oh did they go in the Mist I think they went in  the m a greater Mist oh good luck with that I no   no they didn't the Mist would have closed they're  down here we are we are following a big juicer now   if we pump a big juicer M that would make a fun  vid wouldn't it absolutely would but I'm going   to keep trying all right they are just north of  me I'm going to just run at them and see what happens oh man oh we were so close now I  didn't break their Mount so they could still   Escape but I have I have W and E in like  3 second this is a big juicer man I'm my   heart be oh my heart's shaking man my heart's  beating my heart's beating oh man we're about   to get paid oh that is my oh look at it all  trashed it all trashed no oo oh they're here gathering this is Peak albian this is why people   play this game they love this  part I rised 400k this uh dude my whoa oh I like thank thank you for  the mount kind stranger oh my goodness   this is my favorite albian video now I love  this build 3 million I just made 3 million   but oh dude dude his [ __ ] weapon look at  the weapon the weapon was worth 8 million   trashed the armor 2.8 million I'm pretty sure  that trashed um the helmet 1.7 million trashed   my freaking lock the boots did I get his I  didn't even get his boots dude everything trashed dude this is how Goldstein feels  every freaking day and uh my heart can't   handle this I'm I got to go like take a break  hey [ __ ] peanut buttery he's like hey I got   him my guild m in brail's like no way Soul just  killed that guy hell yeah dude hell [ __ ] yeah   and we got it on film and you're in the video  dude and I bet some of you are going to feel   bad you're going to feel bad that I you know  pumped a whale but look at what he was doing   he wasn't playing the game efficiently at all  he was just like he just card swiped and then   was [ __ ] gathering with like not even in a good  Zone not even sure what he was doing man just um   you know if they if people don't watch my videos  I can't feel bad for them that's just how it is   okay let's take a little PVP break that was a  little too intense for me okay we got Earth sign   MERS this is a budget mist and Abby PVE build  that will rapidly clear camps mint for the red   and black zones mostly for Mists and abies but you  can use this for open world mob farming it's fine   it's not as easy and you can't really kill spiked  bosses with this build in like the black zone so   it's more of an Abbey and a Mist build it's really  really quick for clearing Abbey camps but uh let   me go ahead and uh talk about the build here so  we have the Earth sign MERS uh Q2 is for mobility   and damage uh W1 is mobility and damage so you can  escape gankers kind of sort of uh the E ability is   where all your damage is from this is what wipes  out entire poles then you have cleric robe you're   just wearing this so that your e does more damage  but also you can go immune and then cast your e   and you're going to deal even more damage so  again this is purely just pure damage right   and while I would say stalker jackets a viable  Ultra alternative it really Nerfs the damage   of your your e you really want to pump up your e  damage as much as possible uh Mage cow uh as far   as pumping up damage it is cloth but the the fire  breath can't be beat for damage and AOE Guardian   boots lets you tank mobs especially in abies like  if you get a tier eight Abby you're wearing 4.1 so   the mobs are tough but with this these boots you  can still clear them you can still clear rooms uh   be St for damage minor healing potion just because  it's super cheap and it comes in clutch sometimes   so you don't get downed but that's pretty much  it so all you do is you find you know a you know   a mob camp and you want to pull the big mobs not  the little ones the little ones don't really help   you clear the camp quickly we want to we want to  pull as many of these upgraded mobs so we have   an Archer we have the Mage and we're going to get  them closer together and then you just simply push   e on them that's all you you just push e you're  going to get hit whatever you can't be interrupted   they're going to pop and there we go we've uh  oneth thirded the camp with a single ability   then you just chill on your Mount and you list  for other players you look for gankers you wait   you know a few more seconds for your cool down  there we go 5 seconds remaining we're ready for   the next ball and again you want to pull multiple  enemies with this to be most efficient uh right   now doesn't look like there's a lot of potential  for oh here's another double so again just just   push e on them and then they die and yeah you'll  you'll get hit by stun arrows and spells whatever   but the enemies are going to just explode and die  now for higher tiers like tier seven tier eight   mobs you're going to need a little bit more work  you're going to use your Q uh your q spell and   your w spell it still deals decent damage like  you can see that uh basically I'm not finishing   my q spell I'm just using the first ability the  second one is a poomp up and hey we got a purple   chest what do we get 39K not a bad start remember  this build only costs 35k we just made our build   back so if we die we're not really at a loss also  this is good for like rescuing the Wisps you just   Dismount and uh you just kill the enemies here  and then pop uh before they get to cast their   spells and yes I am 100 spec but it still deals  ridiculous damage even with no spec it is by   far this is by far the biggest AOE that hits the  hardest okay it is not the best for single Target   damage it is not the best for uh you know like  sustain it is it is just a burst ability that lets   you immediately kill enemies effortlessly you just  grab them all you pile them up you push e on them   you can move the aiming around and then this guy's  going to explode and if he doesn't die that's fine   you got Q you got W you got fire breath uh and  then in 10 seconds you can punch him again it's   very good for Mob clearing for in for cheap it  is the best mob clear for the cheap and yeah   like a single upgraded mob they're still worth  dismounting and fighting right so I'm just going   to Dismount fight it's going to heal whatever pop  my you know W pop my Q pop my helmet and look it's   already like dead I'm in 4.1 it's already dead 7K  Fame 2K silver and those are numbers with without   premium by the way without premium and again you  could do you can Farm open world with this if you   want you could absolutely Farm open world but uh  it's got long range Long Reach it's a very wide   AOE there's uh and there you go like it's just  the it's so easy also um you know it's kind of   funny oh oh an Abby perfect perfect perfect oh but  there's a chest there's an Abby a tier six Abby in   a chest I got to go for the chest I'm sorry I'll  find another Abby Maybe possibly I don't know man   but oh man is what's the time on that okay I got  to I can check the chest if there's no players   I can run back to the ABY choices man choices  oh yeah there's two players and I'm a PVE set   I can't I can't rat them I can't fight them it is  absolutely pointless let's run back to the ABY all   right so when doing Nightfall ABY you're going to  spawn next to like a tile set so I'm going to do   this tile set this is my tile set someone spawned  like right here for that tile set someone spawned   right here for that tile set someone spawns  right here for this tile set etc etc so you   want to do the tile set that you spawn closest to  and there's a chance that guys spawned here here   here here here like there it depends like someone  might go out of the way to go to this one cuz they   like the corners it's really luck dependent if  you're going to run into other players but uh for   now I'm going to switch to refreshing Sprint so I  can run away whereas if I'm fighting a hard enemy   I'll switch to the growth and so the way I'm going  to play this is I'm just going to aggro as many as   I can and well eat my beef stew and uh yeah just  punch the hell out of as many as I can so there we   go we are hitting like the entire room right now  and uh those are going to pop everything's dead   except for this upgraded mob and uh so there we go  that's like one combo that I've cleared this room   I cleared this room in like one freaking combo now  unfortunately I'm running beef stew for damage but   you can run cabbage soup if you feel like it so  that you can regenerate a little bit faster and   you could also just use boots to like position  quicker so I can just boots here you know grab   the mobs you know just kind of way jangle them all  together here just like this pop this pop you know   helmet you know and then boom I just cleared again  this is in flat four this is a tier six Zone what   do we got green chest no not so good like green  chest is whatever dude but 3K is 3K I'll take   it and again I have Mobility Mobility Mobility  I have immunity so I can I can put on a shield   and then I can punch for even more damage and of  course I don't have have to use my e to clear I   can just use q and W's if I want I can just use  my helmet and breathe fire into the enemies you   know let them all stack up like so and again I I  I can take it slow if I want I don't have to take   it fast I don't have to be rushed and I don't have  to take big risk you know like oh no I'm fighting   the enemies and U my HP is going to get low so  instead you see what here I cleared these mobs now   I can just basically fight this dude straight up  heal his little Minions on the side I'm going to   have to tank that and yeah that hurts it's really  not a good idea to tank mobs but uh that's fine   because look at his HP we've already dealt like  over 2,000 damage to this guy I've still got my   armor my boots uh also you know because I'm in 4.1  expect to pop your Buffs okay so again you're not   supposed to be fighting players with this you  are simply supposed to just kill mobs for fame   and loot chests and that's all you're doing here  now because I don't have premium active the loot   is probably not going to be that great but hey  I've been getting lucky today we might get lucky   you never know that's part of the whole go to the  black Zone you might get lucky probably not though   and one thing you'll notice is that if you watch  streamers that do this [ __ ] all day they're   wearing Gucci sets very high tier sets I'm wearing  4.1 and I'm just killing everything like easy   peasy Li and squeezy right it is such a brain dead  and easy build and it's got Mobility you won't   fully escape from the double bladed and the blood  letterers if they catch you way out in the open   but I can most likely make my way to an exit like  say I got some Gucci loot from a drop oh we got   what is this a treasure Coffer and uh so you  can just get the random loots uh so like if I   do see someone and they are you know pursuing me  with intent to kill as they're popping boots or   popping abilities or trying to get close to me I  have enough movement abilities if I'm aware that   they're doing it to to escape and make my way to  an exit like right now I'm worth 48k my build's   worth 31k so again it's not a lot but uh hey if  we do loot something Gucci we can exit immediately   we're very very mobile so we're High burst High  Mobility for PVE it's really great now once the   chest spawns you it you generally want to try to  make your way towards it and the reason why and   the reason I say this is there are often times uh  there's just times when you go into the Nightfall   Abbey and there's no one else or there's no  one even willing to scout the chest you also   another reason is if you get to the chest and two  really juicy players are fighting hell you got the   mobility you can get in there and finish off Loot  and Scoot baby it's uh it's that good so I'm going   to start clearing my way towards the chest and try  to stack up more of these Buffs CU again if you   find a similarly geared player but you have way  more of these Buffs you're almost always going to   win the fight uh assuming it's a fair 1 V one of  course you know but uh and they're not a counter   Builder they're using a very gued out set but uh  the thing I love about earthside MERS is it can't   be interrupted it can't be disturbed you can't  be forcefully moved while you're casting the e   Mobs Can Only hurt you really bad while you're  doing it right and uh oh what the what was that   green laser that kind of shot across the screen  that was weird right so again like it's just such   a nice and easy build it's chill it's a very  low cool down it's not Mana intensive at all   it it's great it I recommend this so so much also  sometimes players will leave loot behind because   they're too Gucci to care like there's 600 Silver  it's not much it's something but but that that   does show there is another player roaming around  and he's willing to let loot go which could mean   that he's pretty pretty geared out the wazu and  again if you see empty chests or empty rooms then   you know there's other players around so I have to  be wary I have to plan an Escape Route uh that's   a little hard to get to from here is that is  that where I'm going to run to right now I'm   worth 100K right and I yeah I get to keep at least  30k of that 100K it's not a big loss if I die for   me personally but I'm going to get near the chest  and I I hate fighting near the chest cuz it makes   noise so because I'm near the chest I don't want  to engage enemies at least not yet maybe we'll   see if there's any name plates nearby uh sometimes  Gucci players won't even Scout the chest because   they don't want to lose their sets to like invis G  oh we got somebody what's he wearing he is uh yeah   that's a counter build remember we talked about  this build earlier look what he's wearing yeah so   he's got the chest I'm just going to I'm going to  go the opposite way now to this tile and clear it   and get some Fame get some treasure possibly maybe  we'll see and I'm going to continue this until The   Mists Clos I'm just going to ride the outskirts as  far away from the chest as possible I uh I could   stick around if I because I'm a Mobility build I  could stick around I could run from the fire staff   guy but if another Mobility build catches me after  I've already run away from someone then that means   that I can't run again for a little while and  they'll just run up and kill me so I'd rather just   Farm these rooms and uh you know just take a chill  this is supposed to be a PVE build so let's get to   can can I move this guy I don't think I can move  this guy but he can't move me watch see look he   can't he can't y me and that's the coolest thing  about this build you are unable I know that sounds   weird to say but whatever now many new players  aren't aware about how to weave Auto attacks you   want to Auto attack and then use your abilities of  course you want to open with your strong ability   here that's in the exception uh and also I don't  like getting hit by the skills but essentially   like you want to Auto and then use skill that way  uh it's just a higher DPS damage per second right   I I know I'm not giving it justice that would  be like a whole video in on itself it's called   orb walking and like DOTA and possibly League I  don't know what they call it League attack moving   or something but essentially okay so that room's  cleared so oh we got a guy and he's a curs staff   so I obviously can't fight that but I can run from  it so I'm not too worried he probably knows that I   can run from him so he won't bother and a lot of  players will look at your gear and like oh well   his gear sucks I don't really care right so I'm  I'm not going to pay him too much attention I'm   just going to continue clearing rooms and if I see  his name plate in the corner I've got a plan to   just run through come on okay finally a not like  the whole time it's been blue or green chests 330k   boom easy money and look at that we got some  upgrades we got some juicy upgrades now I am   wearing a bag if I'm overweight I can switch boots  and switch to weight let's get the hell out of   here I mean I'm really close to an exit so I could  I could very safely clear this room without much   worry so let's just position oursel like so try to  hit everybody yeah kind I kind of didn't hit that   one statue in the corner but like again this build  is just it's amazing I mean I've been playing like   I don't know we ate food like 15 minutes ago okay  and we've made 440k it's it's really revolutionary   now this is without premium but again I got lucky  I got a little jackpot and we got some upgrades so   again let's finish these guys off real quick  I'm watching the corners of my screen while   I do this cuz I'm very paranoid that someone's  going to run up and gank me but uh yeah I I'm   like I'm good to I'm good to leave bro I'm good  to leave I can I can slap on these upgrades like   that's a 62 stalker jacket yes please you know  now I'm I'm a little more formidable right did I   get anything oh little six 61 graveguard really  don't have much use for that but yeah it's time   to go and then go back to Brazilian and sell  and we are all set we made some okay Fame doing   and we risked almost nothing oh now I could clear  this mob camp but I'm risking almost 500,000 to   do it it's not worth the risk I'm going to go bank  and then I can come back out continue farming and   again if my set's only worth 35k and I've made  well it says 231k now for some reason oh that's   cuz I put the armor on yeah the armor is 200k like  the point is is that um you're going to make your   money back doing this but if you don't get any  jackpots and you don't get lucky and I've been   very lucky today as you can see as you can clearly  tell man um you know it's it's going to feel good   it's going to feel fun and you're going to feel  accomplished or whatever it is you're you're   seeking now for a hard to Dismount transport  build and this one is pretty basic this one has a   lot of functionality mostly you would use this to  transport Hearts you can transport to Carol Leone   though I don't recommend it because the harder  you are to Dismount the bigger the gank Squad gets   whereas heart transports it's usually like three  or four people and that's about it now channel   members actually know this build and they have a  very specific use for this build which I will not   disclose publicly if you want to know more about  it and it involves uh a very risky procedure that   can make you insanely powerful you'll have to  become a channel member click the join button   down below but let's go over the build now and  essentially you're using a broadsword or a Car Any   kind of one-handed sword weapon tier six or higher  so that you can have iron will this allows you to   not be purged uh it also increases your defense  move speed Etc the combat abilities do not matter   Nei neither does the passive using judicator  armor because if you do get dismounted you can   pop the shield massively increasing your damage  resistance while you pop all your other cooldowns   adjudicator armor is also a very high HP very high  defense armor in of itself compared to other plate   armors so it gives you the most damage red uction  while you are mounted then you have the astral   AIS which I forgot to put on the screen oh well  um this just gives you way more defense against   players and mobs and there's no other better  Shield than that Fort Sterling Cape if you get   crowd controlled you will break the crowd control  at least one time every about 2 minutes the minor   Camp if you are dismounted you can pop this and  become immune to stuns root slows and silences   for 6 seconds allowing you to escape and minor  work boots lets you run very very quickly um and   increases your carry weight while you're running  invis potion lets you go invisible to to Juke the   grizzly bear is a very high HP high armored mount  with decent speed it has a passive that increases   your move speed when you are hit so when gankers  jump you on your Mount you will be running faster   you won't be crowd controlled assuming the F you  dodge the rest of them when you hit that first   one the fort Sterling Cape cleanses it you're free  to move and very quickly uh also the grizzly bear   is just cheap one of the cheaper Bears because it  is a monthly reward if you are on Europe you will   have to settle for any other bear Mount and those  Bears will not have this passive that's why the   grizzly bear is the best bear now this is one of  the more expensive builds so far in the video it   is about 16 million silver but it allows you to  do infinite heart transports uh without any kind   of penalty or worry or stress it'll eventually pay  for itself and these items have other uses outside   of this so it's always good to have now if you  don't know what a heart transport is you can go   to any of your faction captains and you can click  this little trade missions box and then you can   do a transport mission to another city I'm going  to do one for martlock I'm going to transport 15   Beast Hearts um let's see uh I want to make sure  that I I I'm not too overweight even without the   mount so I'm going to unsummon the Mount and see  what my weight would be at I I'm curious so I'm   going to click this click Mart lock here click the  contract and no I would be way overweight if I'm   just mounted so that means I would fail the quest  I have to be on the bear if I'm dismounted it's   over anyway uh so uh let's go ahead and reopen  that now and do marlocks quest line and we're   going to accept so what that did is that turned  my hearts into these triple boxes I now have to   transport them near martlock and we're going to  start the timer I'm not going to record the whole   thing but uh on screen here is a timer I'm going  to start it and uh here we go and here we are at   the drop off point you get a shield you can come  in here you're going to turn in the first part   of the heart transport and turning invisible now  we have to go back to bridge watch to finish the   quest you can see that this took about 7 minutes  to get here yeah it takes a while Bears aren't   the fastest and this is just the one town over  you can do heart transports Two Towns over three   Towns over for yeah a slightly bigger reward but  is it worth the time no not really so I'm going   to go ahead and head back now so if you ever see  a player even though they aren't faction flag turn   Turn Around from the direction they were normally  heading and they start following you or hovering   around you it means that they have a friend in  an opposite faction and they are scouting you   so that uh they can you know have their friend  kill you but in my case it's probably just a fan   wanting to get a screenshot or something so I'm  and again this build is super beefy so unless   they bring like five people in 8.4 gear they're  not dismounting me and even if they do I have   multiple methods to escape even though I'll be  overweight with the Dead bear the boots ability   gives me carry weight which will give me enough  time to make a little bit of distance and get   somewhere safe possibly also do note that these  little these little circles even though I'm not   transporting the hearts here cuz this is Bridge  watches it still gives me a safety bubble so if   you are being pursued you can run to one of these  any of them and you will be protected as long as   you have you know the the heart transport logo  on your character here we are arriving back at   Bridge watch and it didn't give me a shield when I  entered here by the way uh but once you reach the   town and once I do the turn in I'll stop the timer  it's about 15 minutes as you can see and that's   using the Boost so give items there we go it  completed in 14 minutes 42 seconds now we spent 15   hearts um the Beast Hearts to get 19 Rock hearts  and uh let me just show you the price diff because   you can't go by estimated market value on these  things these things are massively botted and uh   you know different markets have different prices  so if I go to Beast heart and right now if I buy   15 Beast Hearts they are 569 355 so let's pop that  in a calculator uh 569 355 okay cool we got that   number and now if we sell the rock Hearts not to  these guys but you just do a sell order then uh   we make 672 927 so we're going to now subtract our  Original Number of the Beast Hearts which is only   103,000 and so this means that we're only making  hold on 103 572 uh multiply that by four so we're   making 414,000 silver an hour doing this it's  really not worth doing this does not level up   your character this does not give you faction  points uh it's a really bad method for silver   it's it's super risky if you're not wearing this  16 million Set uh and and even then you know a   group can still Dismount you and earn you know  whenever they Dismount you they're earning 250k   you know of course when they split that multiple  ways it's even less but it's uh it's just not an   activity you should ever bother doing and to prove  the tininess of this transport build I'm going   to ride head first into an army into a freaking  Army well maybe they're a little scattered cuz I   guess they're fighting there was more players here  but um they're not even going to bother to shoot   me cuz they're currently in combat with Bridge  watch but uh um yeah let's just stand on top of   these guys and you can see that uh they're barely  tickling my mount's HP pool like even though I'm   standing directly on top of their AOE attacks  and there's uh well this is just a small pile   of people uh again they're they're barely hurting  me here they are barely barely hurting at all and   so yeah I'm just standing in their attacks and  these are geared players 8.3 on that guy this   guy is 8.3 8.3 see they're all 8.3 players most  people transport ganking aren't going to be an   83 there are a few that will but um and I'm I'm  able to run away I still have half my mounts HP   after all of that you're not getting dismounted  you're you're unless they have an a full Army   dedicated to holding you down and fearing you  and stuff so uh and then let me do one more   uh just kind of Defense comparison here so what  I'm going to do is show you the damage that you   receive with and without armor so we're going  to we're going to let this thing attack me so   damage six damage so it throws a knife for six  damage I take off my armor you can see that it now   hits me for 12 damage double it does double damage  without the armor okay and uh you know like the   harder these things hit the more I'm reducing it  right so that's why you wear armor a lot of people   you'll see people on transports naked thinking oh  well the bear is you know provides 323 arm armor   well yeah it does but my plate armor here also  provides another 300 armor and that's why I'm   able to reduce the damage by a whole 50% it is  absolutely worth doing so yeah like here's the   faction boss right you know these guys all banging  on me on my Mount it's and this guy even this guy   a83 bearpaws hitting me it's they're they're not  going to Dismount me I can simply just walk away   it's it's this build it's not impervious okay  if you face 10 people dedicated to bringing you   down with the correct build they will hold you  down and chip away at you until they break you   and then they will take your stuff so you have to  use caution with this but out of all the transport   builds like if you're transporting 200 million  through the roads or something this is the build   that you want to use absolutely now this is a solo  dungeon speed clearing build but solo dungeons are   terrible in today's iteration of the game Back in  the Day in 2018 2017 2019 early 2019 solo dungeons   were the only real ways people Fame farmed it  was also a good 2 million silver per hour farming   method and premium was only 6 million silver back  in the day the Glory Days but those days are over   Robin heny hate solo dungeons he did a Dev Q&A  where he just crapped all over them the entire   time but I'm I'm still going to give you the build  anyway just in case they make a Resurgence or if   you are so bored with this game you just want to  deal or do some solo dungeons so the build is on   the screen let's talk about it so we're starting  with bolt casters and if you're running Red Zone   black Zone if you're budget if you're brand  new you can run 4.1 4.1 bolt casters can do 8.3   dungeons they can absolutely do an 8.3 dungeon you  do not need any sustain for a solo dungeon you do   not need defenses just don't stand in the enemy  attacks and it's a DPS race solo dungeons are a   DPS race if you are using a sustain or a Healer  build for a solo dungeon You're a goofball and um   you should never if anyone recommends that you run  a sustained build for a solo dungeon don't listen   to them they don't know what they're talking about  they're just some Guild dweeb twitch streamer   anyway boltcaster Q2 for the explosive bolt you  unlock this very early like level two or level   five like your first hour playing you're going  to get it you're going to be using Q2 the sundot   you're not going to be use using Cal trops because  thundershot is your damage is your armor Shred   so that you can use it as a steroid for your  e spell which is a massive massive it is the   highest single target attack in the game for  low item power if you take every item in the   game and you use their big ultimate mega super  hard-hitting finisher the bolt casters comes   out on top as the highest DPS single Target  weapon and when it matters in Solo dungeons   you're fighting bosses and you want to down the  boss as fast as possible this is the weapon to go   with the passive that lets you reset and spam your  Q ability the Cape is going to let you spam your   Q ability the Spectre hood is used to reset your  armor and so there is one armor in the game that   gives you more damage than anything else and that  is the Druid Rob and let me explain why so i' I've   had doofuses try to cancel the this armor and tell  me that I'm wrong and I know that I'm right and   let me explain how sure the armor has a lower %  damage bonus passively than other cloth armors so   like it take a look without the passive it's 40%  okay and if you look at another armor in the cloth   armor tree you'll clearly see that like face scale  robe is 50% a 10% difference no no no no no no sir   no sir because Druid robe has an ability that  gives you 6% increased damage that Stacks six   times six times 6 is 36 36 + 40 is 76 that beats  all other cloth armors in the game Bar None end of   and we can keep this buff stacked for longer than  10 seconds thanks to our helmet which I'm so glad   that the mechanic works this way I don't think  it was intended initially but for our boots any   leather shoes any leather shoes because we are  using refreshing Sprint so we can blast those   qes faster and stack up our armor faster with the  damage passive torque omelet so we can shoot more   often with lower coold Downs you don't need more  damage in 4.1 unless you're doing 8.3 dungeons you   don't need more you just need cool Downs you just  need to be able to shoot those Q spells as fast   as possible it is actually a DPS increase to use  this over anything else and with that said let's   let me just show you what it how to play it and  what it looks like now I want to say this is not   the fastest solo dungeon clearing build however  it is the fastest solo dungeon clearing build   with no item power no Mastery no specialization  and crappy gear absolutely Barone end of there   is no competitor especially for such a budget  items also I do not recommend this build for   corrupted dungeons simply because the bosses  in corrupted dungeons have too many Telegraph   dangerous attacks you constantly have to dance  out of whereas bolt casters is a stand and fight   and blast and shoot until the target is dead and  you're going to be face taking some attacks in   Dungeons and uh it it works for solo dungeons it  does not work for corrupted and if you don't know   what a solo dungeon is it's these little dungeons  right here with the green Misty fog out of the   crack so the first thing we're going to do inside  the solo dungeon is we're going to pop our food   so we have cool down reduction and also the first  thing we're going to do is cast our armor spell uh   when we have an enemy to fight so we're going to  use our q spell to kill mobs so I'm using armor   and then q and then I'm going to be weaving Auto  attacks into Q's Auto attacks into cues and then   I'm going to use boots I'm going to q and then  q and now look look up here I have six stacks of   uh the armor thing I'm going to use my helmet  and now before this buff runs out I can cast   my armor again and extend the buff cycle grab  the shrine pump boots and look I'm maintaining   the six Stacks which means I'm maintaining the  massive massive damage bonus and so you can use   this damage bonus if you want to clear mobs once  you have high enough item power in like a yellow   zone as you can clearly see you don't really need  it anymore you can simply just uh you can just   cast Q spells the only spell you really need uh to  kill mobs is your q spell and because I can use my   boots every like 12 seconds I am constantly able  to run very quickly through these Dungeons and uh   you know just weaving Auto attacks you can kill  mobs so look like this is a beefier m it dies in   Two Q hitss the small ones die in one hit I don't  need a damage buff for these mobs anymore because   my item power is so high and so strong there's  no reason to buff my damage however uh for bosses   they they have a pretty large HP pull so I will  be buffing my damage against them and I'm going   to show you how to do that now on average it takes  1 minute and 45 seconds to clear uh one floor of   a dungeon and um I don't know how long I've been  recording this one but yeah we're already at the   boss so here's what you're going to do before  the boss fight begins cast armor and shoot Q   Spells at the ground until you have six Stacks  we have four Stacks five Stacks six Stacks now   I'm going to cast uh W and then e on the boss and  look at the damage racking up like crazy so I I   just dealt 6,000 damage in one spell with the two  Q spells the boss is immediately killed and I can   grab the loot so by by playing this build you can  speed clear your way through Dungeons and yes I am   aware I'm wearing 8.4 and I have maximum spec in  all this gear absolutely but with 4.1 it's going   to take maybe one to two more Q spells you don't  like I'm not dealing much more damage over 4.1   I'm dealing 30 to 50% more that's really it and uh  with 4.1 with the damage Buffs with uh the massive   cool down reduction that you have you're able  to just Spam Q's and kill entire groups of moms   because your q spell that it is the lowest cool  down highest damage AOE attack in the game whereas   the highest overall AOE q spell is from Arcane  staff but it has a much higher cool down and   you don't unlock it to like level 85 the reason  this is so good for new players is because this   is this is unlocked very very early you unlock  this at level three Mastery level three that's it   once you get level three it's it's over and then  the passive that we're using is level six you're   getting that like in your first 10 minutes bro  you're getting that with a few Fame tones okay you   can just do like one faction fight and and then  you're just good to go and so I'm able to again   you don't have to fire cues until all the enemies  are grouped up and then you can just fire one and   they're all dead and if you have really high item  power you you can switch off from armor shred to   caltrops if you want to run through the dungeon  faster you absolutely can you don't have to um   but it does the Q really armor shreds the bosses  quick and the way the I'm sorry the W the way the   W works is the higher maximum percent HP the mob  has the more armor you shred so uh it's 10 damage   resistance for every 10% Health this means that  I am shredding 100 damage reduction or 100 armor   with my w spell there is no other ability in the  game that shreds that freaking hard none none   at all not zvz weapons not carving sword not  curse staff there is nothing that armor shreds   harder than the crossbow though the crossbows w  spell only shreds that much when the target is   at full HP and it only shreds a single Target but  hey you know when you're fighting bosses in these   dungeons almost always it's a single boss yeah  there's double bosses but they're they're like   blue chests you know what would be really cool is  a uh legendary you know double boss I think that   would be really cool but here I can just uh buff  up uh you know my Q spells I don't even need Max   Stacks because I know this thing is going to die  now the enemies can interrupt your e spell but I   still you still deal tremendous amounts of damage  it doesn't matter if you're playing inconsistently   it doesn't matter if you're playing imperfectly  you can basically this build is so brain de and so   easy to play that you don't have to pay attention  at all to what's going on on the screen I watched   movies and Anime while I while I did solo dungeons  back in the day and I would just make sure that my   mouse is over the enemy and I'm pushing my Q  button like that's all I do just Mash your Q   button make sure your mouse is on the enemy you  can weave Autos if you want to be like a Pro Gamer   or anything but again there is no excuse not to  use this build for solo dungeons if that's what   you want to do granted solo dungeons are really  bad content in the game currently so uh there you   go and if uh uh by the way the way the Q spell  works is whenever this buff is stacked to three   you can shoot twice now if you also have your cape  on off cool down the Carol own cape then you can   technically shoot three Q spells and then if you  have your refreshing Sprint you can technically   shoot four all at the same time so I'm just going  to you know q q didn't pop my armor it's fine   pop the armor shred Q E and look at this like the  the boss is just immediately dead and then here's   another chest 20K these like normally the loot  kind of sucks but it's doing all right right now   I mean we made 32k in like 6 minutes not bad also  if you just want to do PVE faction like fighting   this build shreds boss's HP massively massively  massively super quickly so like if you have a   really small team of people doing faction outposts  bring bolt casters and you're going to delete   bosses in seconds instead of a minute man now for  the fastest solo dungeon speed clear build in the   game for this one you do need maximum specs in all  the gear and 8.3 or higher highly recommended and   uh yeah it's ni so let's go over what this is the  light crossbow replaces the bolt casters and it's   this time you're using cow chops you're not using  the armor shred but everything else is basically   the same Spectre Hood you're using Spectre jacket  instead this puts a fiery Cloud around you that   hurts you but also deals damage to mobs and not  so much to players uh the Royal sandals is for   more damage and move speed the [ __ ] candle  is for more damage the thatford cape turns your   auto attack into a four Target AOE and uh you're  using cabbage soup to sustain your HP drained by   the Spectre jacket so if dungeons can be cleared  in an average of 1 minute to 20 to 1 minute to 40   seconds and we can keep the Spectre jacket active  for about 40 seconds and there's going to be   almost always a shrine buff that will reset these  coold Downs then you can almost always have the   Spectre jacket up the entire dungeon it's crazy  I'm going to I'm going to show you how it looks   and how it plays now I will say that even though  this is the fastest solo dungeon clearing build in   the entire game it's only about 10 to 15 seconds  faster than that previous build I showed you   and because that previous build can be done on a  budget with crappier items with no specialization   Mastery or item power it's technically inferior  this is just if you're a rich and you're a   whale and you're a veteran player and you want to  squeeze out 10 extra seconds a dungeon floor then   you would use this instead that's the only reason  to use this over the other build so this is how   this build plays out you're going to your cabbage  soup otherwise you will lose too much HP and die   you're going to pop your boots for the damage  bonus which will snapshot onto your Armor's damage   and you're going to be hitting Mobs with Cal trops  and the Really beefy mobs you'll hit them with q   and e spells so it looks something like this  so we're going to boots into armor next to the   enemies and then just run past them I don't even  need to attack them the armor will just melt them   dead look at this like the enemies they just melt  dead I can Cal trops this guy so I can get a move   speed bonus boost when out of combat my health  regenerates though when I'm in combat my health   will rapidly deplete so again my armor spell is  about to run out about up here and that's okay   cuz I can just cue these guys down hit my helmet  to get my armor powers back cast my armor once   again cal trop the guys and just continue moving  along and uh right now I don't have the damage   buff from uh the boots while my armor is active  and activating the boots now will not do anything   for my damage but um again you can clearly see  that I don't need it now I'm going to deactivate   my armor here take the shrine and get my cool  Downs back so hey guess what now I have my boots   and I have that armor ability again this is the  third time I've casted this Armor's ability now   for really beefy enemies I will attack them with  an auto attack or a q spell or even an e spell but   these weaker enemies I can just walk past them  like they they're not even there and they just   fall over dead immediately it's like I'm such a  powerful character that they just fall over dead   at the mere sight uh so here my armor is on cool  down but I can use my helmet my boots and get my   armor right back again so this is again the fourth  cast of this spell and look uh I'm about to turn   my armor off so I can grab the shrine if I don't  turn my armor off it won't refresh the cool down   sometimes and there we go so now I got my boots  back and my armor back once again the only cool   down that you don't get back for whatever reason  is the uh the helmet and I don't know why so uh   again uh I can if I walk past enemies and they  don't die I can just cast a que behind me and they   will die right I can hit them with an auto attack  and they're going to die and you'll notice here   that um even though my armor is about to go off  cool down for the boss fight well guess what my   my helmet's my helmet's ready to go so I'm going  to pop my helmet and now I have my armor again so   I'm going to boots armor kill the guards run up to  the boss and just sit here and just shoot the boss   and stand next to him so that my armor just shreds  his HP and you can see that um that was the most   effortless and easy to do dungeon ever and if you  want to watch anime your streams or do literally   anything else this is the build to do it because  you just use your armor and everything is so weak   that it melts and dies immediately you don't  even need to use your weapon abilities anymore   you're just walking around and everything dies  but this is only possible because I'm wearing   8.3 8.4 because I have maximum specialization  because I have the [ __ ] candle uh and I have   you know all the gear able to support the Armor's  damage whereas if you're using 4.1 with no spec   on a spectre jacket you will be barely doing any  damage at all and uh yeah so that's the fastest   solo dungeon build build number 11 is for all  the people that are like can I do solo dungeons   or Statics with this weapon can I yes yes you can  you can do this build with any weap just about any   weapon okay so I brought along um 16 different  weapons to show you yes 16 I'm serious but it's   all about the armor and that's why we're able to  do the Statics and the solo group dungeons in this   manner so let me go over the items now here we go  so first up is the scholar cow this gives you a   massive Shield huge armor and Magic resistance but  most importantly this gives you Mana restoration   upon taking a hit this lets any weapon be an  infinite sustained weapon it's also a low cool   down the Helen jacket is going to heal you and  deal damage to everything around you and the lower   HP you are the more it will heal the guardian  boots you're going to be using Giant on it and   this effectively doubles your HP because you don't  want to use this and Helen jacket at the same time   and the reason why is all the damage you take  when you grow back to normal size will be haveed   all the healing you receive while you're Giant and  when you grow back to normal will be haved so yeah   um essentially you're just going to be popping  your defensives and killing enemies and if your HP   gets low you pop alien jacket you won't be able to  do massive big super powerful pulls this is again   not the fastest but the safest and it's what  people should start with if they have low item   power if they don't have maximum specializations  this is where you start this is not what you end   up using this is not the most fastest or most  efficient this is simply this will get you in the   door okay okay now depending on which weapon you  choose to use will heavily determine your clear   speed and your ability to take on dungeon bosses  you will not be able to kill every dungeon boss   with every weapon but you will be able to clear  packs of mobs with any weapon of your choosing   just about I really honestly haven't found a  weapon that I can't solo regular Mobs with and   for those unaware this is a group dungeon this is  meant for a tank a haer and DPS this is meant for   like five people we're going to be starting with  the great Axe the great Axe pretty basic weapon   it's highly recommended by redditors and we're  going to be using rending spin we're going to be   using rending raging blades and this dungeon might  actually be cleared by players so I got to find   a new one so on your weapon whatever weapon it is  that you're using to solo dungeons with these are   group dungeons remember so if I click on it you  can see just the regular enemies have huge amounts   of HP you want all of your attacks to have an area  of effect if possible and you want your passives   to have defenses if possible so basically the way  that I also by the way I forgot to mention roast   pork is your food roast pork gives you life steal  I'm also using potion um so the way it works is   I'm going to eat the food and I'm going to use my  area of effect skills on the enemies here and uh   just kill them so this was a pretty easy pull only  3,000 they're not giving a lot of Fame how about   a harder pull like these molten demons have 10,000  HP now this is just one of them and you can you're   going to have to figure out how many enemies you  can pull on your own I don't know but uh you know   if you're just beginning fight one enemy see how  you do so we're going to fight this one enemy here   and uh we're just going to you know attack him and  stuff and right now my HP is pretty much staying   at full so obviously I'm I I can take on one of  these guys no problem right the enemy's HP is at   half I'm still at full HP thanks to life steal  this is uh a little too easy so I I should pull   more enemies next next time and you're going to  eventually get a feel for it now look at my mana   and getting low Mana pop my helmet walk in the  lava pool full Mana that's why we bring the helmet   so we we have no downtime we don't have to eat  potions or anything and so we have a crossbow guy   and uh a spear guy so that's an easy enough pull  but uh let's try another weapon how about bear   paws well yeah just you know it's the same q and  the same W it's the same exact fight and I didn't   wait on my cool down so I'm going to have to Auto  attack here for a bit here let's get the spear guy   into I'm pretty sure we can you take both of them  one no problem right so there we go hit our AOE   attacks you know land our e now I'm standing in  this damage so I can pop a defensive it's fine you   know I can pop another defensive if I don't want  to uh also my character didn't grow big even I'm   like rubber banding or something what's going on  I'm lagging my character was supposed to grow big   but it got canceled I don't know what's happening  here but uh oh no my HP is low what am I going to   do well just pop your armor and look at this heal  look at me heal It's amazing And also we got some   item drops here and you can see well these are  these are traps they're not going to fight back   I can just freely bang on these guys all I want  and uh but yeah the armor is there to either deal   damage if you're very comfortable you can use this  offensively to just deal more damage to everything   around you otherwise you can wait for your until  you're very low on health and then it will it will   heal you back up it's kind of been nerfed since  the old days so it's not as useful anymore but   it's still pretty good so what's our next weapon  how about Longbow okay uh let's see what kind of   area of effect attack we have here we'll use  multi-shot we'll use um ray of light that's an   AOE attack sure all right so here we go we're just  going to uh ray of light into e shoot these guys   down and uh you know just Auto attack in between  whatever and again Longbow not a real good choice   for this but you can see that I'm still able to  do it right this enemy has 5,160 HP and uh we got   some we got some aggro oh everyone's coming yeah  let's pull more why not sure we're fine we're all   right go ahead and rooot them go ahead and cast  e on them and you can see that uh my health my HP   I I am healing from my attacks so I I have that  sustain right it's not like I don't go ahead and   hit them again here and I can grow big there we go  now we're really slow Benji and uh there we go let   him do the knock back hit him with the AOE again  so you can see pretty much any weapon 8.3 and up   is able to do this and we'll switch weapons for  the next couple pulls there we go all right uh   what's an astral staff I'm excited to try this one  we'll swap uh we'll use we'll use magic shock all   right magic shock here we go let's try it out  should be absolutely just fine let's go ahead   let's do a bigger pull so we'll magic shock him  he's silenced go ahead and hit these guys let's   let's pull Spearman too I'm oh big pull big pull  let's pop a defensive let's get crazy with it I'm   put casting my e spell you know they're all taking  lots of damage they're uh they're actually taking   a very respectable amount of damage so again this  is a bigger juicier crazier pull right pretty   crazy right again just use my AOE spells and I'm  going to pop my armor here and look how much I'm   healing not only am I healing from the life steal  I got interrupted here let's grow big I'm getting   a little worried that taking too much damage here  I don't have a lot of cool Downs so you can see   some weapons are more efficient than others but  I got my e back I think this fight's over so yeah   Astros staff absolutely can do it it's not the  fastest but it can do it how about we show you a   real we oh a real weapon a real man's weapon we  got the shadow collar the Numero Uno weapon for   this this is the best weapon and there's a reason  I brought it now boy Zac is what you want to use   when you're low spec and you're a little defensive  I know that's a boss I'm skipping the that's an   easy boss it's just uh it's you just burn them  down I want to show you a real man's pool let's   get these ladies get this lady her spear bro and  and we're going to group them all together okay   we're going to group them all together there we  go cast a puddle underneath these bad boys look   at my HP now look at my HP again I haven't used  my armor ability yet have I no no no I am full HP   right now and look how fast they're dying these  guys died in like almost in a single combo and   I'm full HP I did not pop my helmet I did not pop  my boots I did not even pop my armor ability and   they're immediately dead and we're going to we're  going to go over a much faster build when you have   high specs with the shadow collar they will melt  these enemies in seconds like triple the triple   the speed of what you just saw all right now how  about a safer build sustain you know I've always   been against sustain and and so far in these build  guides but druidic staff is the best sustain and   there's a few ways we can do this if we don't  need sustain we can just go with Bramble seed   if we uh certain bosses we can use Revitalize  and other bosses we'll have to use protection   of Nature and uh this is a healing weapon so  I can again let's just aggro everybody because   again and step in the Trap why not who cares okay  this is a this is a little too dangerous this is   this is too danger I can't I can't do that pull  that is way too many enemies but I don't need   to fully reset and restore my HP because I can  just heal I just I have a healing spell I have   a literal healing spell I can Shield myself there  and then Revitalize myself there's so many things   I can do now as far as the clear speed goes it's  not the highest I want to point out something I   have a nitpick uh with a lot of twitch streamers  that are using this weapon and they're using it   wrong and uh I'm going to talk about it after I  kill these guys and it's really annoying to see   and I can't believe that they haven't corrected  their own behaviors but uh the way this spell   Works Thorn growth you can cast it three times 1 2  3 and then it goes on cool down when I see people   do like streamers with like you know 10 million  hours in the game that are so-called experts they   will attack a mob and they will cast this one two  three times on top of it these don't stack this   does not stack the proper way to do it and this is  a boss Enemy by by the way is you cast it you Auto   attack and then you cast it you Auto attack you  cast it and you Auto attack and that's going to   give you much much more DPS than you know casting  it three times on the ground and then attacking   way more DPS all right there's no reason to sit  here and cast it three times in a row you're not   increasing your damage and I see them do it all  the time it's like they're panicking or something   they're like oh my God now in a PVP situation  or fighting multiple targets you absolutely   would want to cast this all over the heck in  place right but um now this weapon the druid   staff is my go-to for Boss sling in these dungeons  there is really no better weapon to use uh safely   for bosses now you can't do all the bosses uh some  bosses are a DPS race which you will not win with   this weapon all right uh so you have to again  you're going to just learn what bosses you can   and can't beat there is one specific boss that has  a self-heal mechanic that you can only beat with   a one-handed dagger there's another boss you can  only beat with like quadruple immunity defensives   and and Dodge rolling and stuff uh but we're going  to go ahead and take out this boss here using the   dtic staff and you can see you know that all I  have to do is step out of the way of a boss's big   attack and while they're doing that big attack  I just cast revitalized on myself and that's a   it's a full heal like look I I'm I'm fully healing  right now that would have healed all of my HP if   I had any to lose okay it's uh it's pretty simple  so yeah it does take a little while to chip these   bosses down and I could stand in their attacks  you could make mistakes I'm stepping in the   traps I'm getting hit by the by the fireball  chest here which chunks my health down oh no   I just cast my big heal spell and look how much it  heals me and yeah so there you go also this weapon   will never run out of Mana because the passive  I'm using is energetic so every Auto attack just   gives me more Mana back than I'm spending Al and  we have the helmet anyway for defenses we have the   armor you know you can just pop your armor Willy  Nelly uh for this build you know I actually use a   mercenary jacket just so I can have it even more  reliable heal because the uh spell protection of   nature gives you 35% bonus healing which works  with uh mercenary jacket it absolutely works with   mercenary jacket and yes I'm aware that I'm making  this segment very long cuz I I just want to point   it's it's one of the most asked comments on all of  my albian videos is can I do a dungeon in 4.2 can   I do it in 6.3 the the thing is you possibly could  do some of these dungeons in like 6.3 or something   these these group dungeons possibly absolutely  but it's not efficient you should always just   get 8.3 I made a video that shows how to get 8.3  by your third day of playing what's next on the   list we have we have the regular curse staff  well it's basically the same as the shadow CER   except I have a big single Target nuke instead  of an AOE self heal so I play it the exact same   way you know puddle the enemy death curse them  puddle the enemy wait for the curse to explode   uh puddle the enemy again and then laser them down  and it's still pretty quick right but you know   that's for a single Target there's just simply  better alternatives for multiple targets what   about uh hand ax everyone's like what about hand  ax hand ax has sustain it has sustain in the blood   banded ability it it's a self-heal it's absolutely  great go ahead feel free to use it the exact same   way that I showed you how to use it with like the  great Axe or the Bear Paws it's an axe it has AOE   attacks I can pull probably maybe all of these  these books are dangerous though these books are   absolutely scary as hell and uh you have to like  practice and preach caution when fighting them   like look at my HP it's very low right now the  again the demons are dangerous dangerous creatures   man but we have the axe to heal our our ourself we  have our boots maybe if I can move so yeah pretty   difficult pull but it's still doable right and I  can run out of the room and reset if things get   really bad which they kind of did for a sec there  but I think I I got a mostly down I'm pretty sure   I can win the fight here it's just a little dicey  it's not guaranteed it's a little butt clenching   but we can still again we can still do it what's  the next we oh how about uh witch workor staff   it's not an astral staff it has an AOE it's  not going to be as good as the astral staff   but you can still do it okay well what about fire  staff okay fire staff you got an AOE puddle there   we got an AOE there again this is more than fine  this is more than viable and I don't know why you   can hurt the lava demons with Fire magic I guess  it's just it's so hot it even burns them but yeah   we just cast a little pyrro blast there and look  because my aoes are dealing very serious damage   you know I'm able to melt these guys down it's h  it's that easy and yeah this is just 83 it's not   even 84 I I want an 84 Fire stack but they're so  overpriced right now in the markets and yeah you   know this actually cleared pretty quick this was  a respectable speed fire staff sleeper hit perhaps   maybe what about a really awkward weapon so this  is the soul Scythe right and um you know you know   Soul sizee I'm going to I'm going to let you in a  little secret here I don't have any Speck in it I   have no Speck in this bad boy so let's see how I  do with no spec against let's just beat up this   one enemy here see see how we do all right I don't  even know if I'm using the right abilities use a   little tornado I've I've actually never took this  weapon out to fight someone gifted this to me on   stream once but yeah I'm able to kill this mob no  problem it's uh it it feels all right now this is   just a single mob if I'm doing a big pull I don't  know if I could do it or not but yes you can solo   these dungeons with basically any weapon you want  because the armor is what carries you it's not so   much the weapon now here's a really good one for  soloing Dungeons and this is the spirit Hunter the   spirit Hunter the reason it's so good is it has  an armor shred and a damage over time this thing   will melt mobs if you do it correctly so let's let  these guys knock me back then I'm going to e them   W them there we go and just look at their HP just  melt it's nice now they're kind of standing on   top of me they're being bullies but uh you know  we're doing all right I don't have any sustain   with this weapon this is purely you know to Nuke  down their HP as quick as possible here Let's do   let's pop a little Shield there wait for the knock  back it's coming there it is now I can use the W   here hit them a bunch and yeah so we're able  to take these out now of course I'm down by 40%   HP I can pop armor and heal that's absolutely fine  and yeah see I'm not healing too much cuz it was   only two enemies but Spirit Hunter is actually  really quick even though it didn't look like it   all right how about carving sword we got AOE AOE  AOE it should be fine should be absolutely fine   wait is my no that's the AOE okay well yeah let's  just pull everybody why not carving sword's cool   makes you feel like a hero makes you feel like  Cloud Strife Final Fantasy 7 you know hit hit   everybody Dash through them you now these are just  little ply piss an mobs these aren't beefy mobs so   don't think that oh my God you killed them in two  seconds carving sword op these things have 2,500   HP and very low defense okay they're just little  peons they're they're not meant to like be scary   enemies now there are some bosses I want to point  out in some dungeons that you could kill like in   a 4.1 set and I think this is one of them this is  the Morana thing what's a fun weapon I could use I   I could use a heal weapon I could use a one-handed  spear let's go with the carving sword screw it why   not carving sword time yeah let's have a little  sword fight with this lady she's got two swords   I've got a sword you know we're just going to have  a big little slap fight I just have to dodge her   abilities that's it that's the that's the win  condition is Dodge her attacks don't get hit by   that if I get hit by that it's possibly over all  right it looks like I'm having Mana issues but hey   remember remember what we are pop your helmet and  get that Mana right back there we go I'm full Mana   no problem so you can see like some bosses they're  just they're just pushovers all right this one in particular so I'm just going to pop my armor  offensively so I can heal because why not there's   no reason not to and I have the wrong q spell for  the boss fight okay I got hit by that that's bad   but hey we're okay it's you know the this build is  is meant for allowing you to make mistakes okay I   still have my boots I got my helmet back now I  can block more hits take less damage pop my uh   we're both dashing around through each other like  an anime character anyway you don't need to see   the rest of the fight right I think you get the  idea that we we're going to easily beat this and   just to prove that I I beat it with the sword  there we go like she's clearly dead pop open   this purple chest meant for a group of players  not a solo player 65k not really that great GH   not really the best but hey you know we only  did this in like 16 17 minutes it's okay and   we can do this way faster with the next build I'm  about to show you and now for the fastest way to   solo group dungeons static zones um again this is  up to yellow zone stuff I would never bring a set   this expensive out ever into the red or black Zone  unless you have a very trusting Guild and a solid   internet there's no bad weather like there's just  so many wrong things that can happen with this set   on you could have someone backstab you and lose it  all cuz this is the most expensive build so far in   the video so you're going to be using here let me  scroll it up and so you get the items paus if you   need or rewind whatever it is you want to do yeah  this is a 200 million build I know it's crazy this   that's for 8.4 it's way cheaper with 8.3 but let's  get over or let's talk about the build we have the   shadow collar Q3 this is insane damage the cursed  beam insane damage the e spell heals you because   you're wearing leather while dealing nice damage  the passive just gives your auto attx an explosion   every four times Cal of Purity is for Mob clearing  this deals damage in a line and interrupts spells   it's so powerful and so good you could use Mage  cowl for a budget I guess it's not as good uh   stalker jacket for huge damage especially 8.4 Max  spec cultist sandals is going to lower the damage   resistance of enemies by a good amount about  half as good as that crossbow we talked about   earlier and uh this massively increases the damage  that you deal to enemies we have [ __ ] candle   now while [ __ ] candle makes you squishier and  receive more damage it doesn't matter because as   long as they can't kill you it's all about killing  them faster which will save you tons of time in   long run so this gives you more damage Beford  Cape is damage for free on your auto attacks   Rose pork is for Life steel my uh my shadow collar  specifically has 5% life steal on it um channel   members will know how I managed to do this myself  I did not pay for this weapon to be attuned I went   out into an unsafe Zone and farmed this myself  and I did it in the safest way possible that   is a Members Only video and it's possibly the one  video that I may regret posting publicly like I I   don't know if I should have kept that info secret  or not uh it's not going to get nerfed it's just   if more people do it it means it's harder to do uh  anyway and then any Mount is fine now for weapon   or gear swaps cultist cow is for bosses this will  hurt a boss insanely high damage look at this it   deals 1,685 magic damage over the duration of like  4 seconds whereas calip Purity is only 500 damage   over 2 seconds so it's like 1/3 as much damage for  a single Target this wins all right druck staff is   used to solo very specific bosses that I can't  already solo with Shadow collar mercenary jacket   pairs with the druidic staff for more sustain and  torch pairs with the druidic staff for faster Auto   attacks and cool down reduction for this example  I popped a group dungeon map yay so we're going   to go in here and this is actually going to be  harder the enemies will be beefier have more HP   deal more damage and I'm going to show you that  it's still it's so insanely fast and so insanely   broken I have uh 1 minute left on my pork roast so  we're just going to start clearing here and again   I'm casting puddle cast puddle cast laser and look  this this mob has 5.6 th000 HP I can stand in its   attacks and I'm basically full HP I'm not going  to ever run out of mana and again that was just   two abilities that wasn't like a big massive pull  and we're going to be doing some big pulls we can   do big big pulls with this character here and uh  even though the exploding Barrel you know does its   thing you know just look at the damage and like  look at the sustain the barrel didn't do that   my combination of spells did okay I'm basically  puddling everything once I boots uh to lower their   resistance I hit my armor I use my helmet and uh  you're going to see um that this is a huge Fame   Farm it's a huge faction Point Farm it's great  great for reputation it's great for your daily   bonus your keys your challenge points there is a  reason that I tell every player to do this there   is a reason why I recommend every player partake  in this kind of activity and I don't even have to   cast my eell most of the time I just cast it  for damage and I didn't even need it in that   three-man pull there now another secret to doing  doing solo I'm sorry doing group dungeon solo   is you don't have to fight everything if you can  avoid AGG gring like a group of mobs it's actually   faster to farm the bosses to skip a bunch of the  mobs right but if you aggro them you kind of have   to kill them because if you leave too many alive  then the boss won't let you touch their Loot and   so my HP is dropping a little bit here but I've  got this look at my sustain I'm just draining all   of their health they're dying so instantly fast  like this mom has like n almost 9,000 HP and it's   it was halfway dead in a single combo there's  no stopping this build it you can basically   like you're I'm playing the game like these are  regular mobs I'm playing the game like like uh   they're not meant for groups of players now I did  do this pull prematurely look at my spells are on   cool down I'm in a little bit of trouble here you  know a little bit of trouble but it's still fine   I can still just kind of muscle through them  with my extremely high DPS damage and again I   I'm don't have to worry about healing between  packs because I can just heal with my spells I   I could just do this room I don't even need to  wait to heal I can just do this room now like   now this boss likes to kind of belly bump you  knock you around he's got 22,000 HP right he's   a he's a he's a pretty dangerous fella but  because we deal so much damage that means   we heal so much damage and we can just trade him  infinitely forever just about mostly forever and   remember this is a map dungeon so this boss is 16%  stronger than normal and I can I can do 5.3 Maps   that's my limit 5.3 maps are the strongest I can  do before things get really hard and inconsistent   and inefficient so let's see what kind of loot  we got here we got 43k look at that I mean 43k   in 3 minutes not bad and that's just a little baby  chest that's not a boss chest that's not uh that's   not anything now I popped this map right outside  of bridgew watch so there is a chance that people   invade it they come in they steal the map with a  party you know that that that can happen but you   know these Maps were cheap I I think I spent 50k  silver on this map it's it's not a lot of it's   not a lot of silver right but uh if you've seen  my fame farm videos then you know that this is   not the fastest Fame farm group dungeons no no no  Statics are the fastest Fame Farm in the game and   that's why I tell everyone they should go curse  Staff first get your curs staff we can pull all   these guys all of them there is no stopping us  except for the fact that I don't have any of my   abilities up but that's fine I'm just going to  Nuke the heck out of them and Dot them up and   maybe do a little bit of kiding okay okay okay I  didn't have my abilities so I'm going to I'm going   maybe re maybe kill some of them you know kill  kill this guy yes my HP is very low but that's   okay I reset the room I kind of again I pulled  prematurely here you need to use your e spell as   a way to heal but even then even even then I was  still able to okay let's let's do another big pull   I hate these guys cuz they throw rocks they uh  they they actually hurt they're very painful very   painful little Fellers all right that'll that will  fully heal me look at my HP just immediately shoot   up to full and these guys just melt instantly  cuz they're baby moms they're little baby moms   but you know without without premium look at the  fame three 3K each like pretty good it's not bad   I like it go ahead and pull these guys now I have  14 seconds on my my e spell so I got to be careful   here I don't have my armor shred there's a lot of  things that I don't have right now you know um it   it's still a little risky pull but you can still  do it especially these Thief guys they they St   pretty darn hard right and you're not have you  don't have to go at such a break neck Pace that   I'm doing right you can go you can take it a  little slower if you want you know and I'm not   healing much cuz these guys are shielding that's  fine but uh you know I'm a I'm able to kill these   guys they're melee units like Melee units aren  aren't the scariest the Archer ones are the   Archer ones oh boy they'll get you especially the  undead ones they have like damage over time and   armor shred they have a whole bunch of wicked  stuff but uh yeah yeah these guys are nothing   their pushovers are easy and it looks like we got  a nice little tile set here I think I think this   is either this might be a triple chest it might be  I don't know yet we'll find out okay we're going   to dodge the attack Dodge more attack I'm going to  get close so I can heal there we go back up a bit   I'm going to get double sniped Here by The Archers  that's fine we still took them out all right yeah   there's a chest there there's a chest down here  and there's a chest up there and I think that's   actually better chest we got double Thief here  let's go ahead and clear them and you know I don't   I don't want to fight those without cool down  so I'm just going to play this one a little safe   thieves actually they can shred your health pretty  pretty fast so you got to respect some of the mobs   you can't just pull everything like some kind of  you know crazy mm RPG right now I want to group   these guys up so they're in a big kill Circle  so I'm going to attack and then back off a bit   so they get a little bit kind of bunched up like  they are here and now that they're bunched up I   can just uh you know close the gap get the guy in  the middle laser him which will Splash to everyone   else and there we go I didn't even have to use  my armor I didn't have to use my boots nothing so   that's it's another blue chest look at that and we  got more chests there we go it's 44k and what are   we at 6 minutes 7 minutes we made well I can't see  how much we made because I have a bunch of other   gear swaps in my inventory that's fine pull that  guy pull these guys okay two thieves and a and a   heretic brawler I've got all my cool downs we can  Absol absolutely just run up and nuke them down   like like just blow every button on your hot bar  until everything's on cool down you can see the   enemies they can't withstand it so here's another  dungeon chest it's actually a very good dungeon   we've been very lucky in today's guide videos  there another 29k there we go we got a little   item drop there more toome drop and now this boss  which I'm going to I'm going to look at the boss   and see how much health he has he's got 41,000 HP  I feel confident that I can do this without a swap   so I'm going to try it we're going to try it see  what happens now there's annoying Barrel launch   oh oh dang okay we got to reset there there's ads  that they're tied to the damn boss so we're going   to go clear the ads first all right clear the ads  especially these Barrel launching bozos man like   they're free they're free XP they're they're free  Fame right why isn't it called experience points   in alvan I hate that Fame like bro I'm the most  famous YouTuber I'm the most famous player right   where's my fame right but uh no man it should be  called experience points come on man keep with   the RPG rule set why you got to change it up and  be unique and different all right let's not step   in the explosion Barrel Circle it's just not let's  get close to the guy I wish you could build these   I wish that I could ride one of these these little  ballista machines uh well not ride I mean I know   there's like a kind of there's the the the battle  Mount version that's it's like the big bowl that's   not what I mean let me build this in the open  world and kill mob camps with it that'd be cool   right someone else can come smash it I don't know  just want something different to do man you just   something different okay let's let's attempt the  boss without our healing set let's attempt it here   we go puddle up we have Autos now he just autoed  me really hard I'm down 40% of my HP oh dude I   don't think I I got this I'm going to dodge that  maybe no that hit I'm now burning I'm now burning   so he is actually hitting me very very hard with  those Autos this doesn't seem winnable right but   that's okay yeah it's totally not winnable he's  hitting me his Auto attacks chunk me for like way   too much HP way too much HP so now we swap sets  we have the druidic staff the mercenary jacket   and the torch and I could probably run revitalized  I I think I can get away with revitalized let swap   to the cultist cow so I have more damage always  good more damage and uh yeah I think we I think   we got this one now I think this is it now I  might need to swap Revitalize if I can't time   it correctly but we're going to try without it all  right that's an auto we're going to cast heal cuz   he's going to Auto me again there it is which I've  just restored you know armor shred him hit him   with my helmet ability here we're going to dodge  that and Revitalize there we go we're full HP now   we're doing good he's not full HP and that's all  you need unless he has like a berserk mechanic   or at 50% HP you know gets a buff or something  then we know that we can already beat this guy   and I didn't use my Armor's cool down which we we  can save that in case we get hit by one of these   stupid big attacks or whatever right go ahead and  Dodge that Revitalize again when he's doing his   big attack we're healing that's that's the goal  we're going to use our our helmet our boots heal   every chance we get when he's doing big attacks  that's when we uh step off or we uh Dodge whatever   and yeah he's hitting me pretty hard here I got my  armor but we have revitalized let's Revitalize up   look at my HP it's getting back up to full almost  full not quite but close enough I think it's close   enough I'm going to pop my big heal here because I  know uh that uh I'm going to be topped off just in   time for his Auto it's all about timing it's all  about you know getting getting everything right   I'm waiting for him to do his big flamethrower so  I can Revitalize there we go Revitalize real good   choice for this fight okay some bosses don't  have those big telegraphed attacks that just   eat up time right let's move out of the way  of that Barrel you can see here you know I'm   winning the fight this chest is mine guaranteed  and yeah it takes a little bit of time but there   could be a lot of good stuff in this chest there  really could go ahead and Revitalize there we go   Dodge that see it's a pretty win pattern go ahead  and pop big heel there we go cast my Q spells wait   for the fire like flamethrower attack there it is  Revitalize see we have this in the back that's why   I brought the swap because again I can't kill all  bosses with Shadow caller and that's why we bring   it I know I'm repeating myself at this point it's  fine you know uh I'm excited to see the loot you   know this is part of the fun right that you're  so powerful and so skilled at the game Let's   Revitalize oh no no no no don't stand in the fire  so I messed up my Revitalize I have now messed up   but that's okay okay I have mercenary jacket go  mercenary jacket makes my auto attack heal a huge   amount so I can make up for any mistakes there we  go uh but yeah part of the fun is opening these   big boss chests they could be fully loaded 3 32k  it's not fully loaded but that's okay you know we   might find one now I'm going to swap back there  we go and continue clearing the dungeon we're 12   minutes in uh on average I can clear a dungeon  floor in 16 minutes however this was a special   room this was a three chest room and then we had  a chest earlier that's four chests on one floor   which is twice above average also notice that  I forgot to eat my food buff that fight was way   harder than it needed to be because this whole  dungeon I don't think I've been using my food   buff man with the food buff oh jeez like 9% life  steal is very overpowered and yes I'm aware that   my uh awaken trade of 5% life steal is is carrying  me pretty hard hard um but you know in that fight   I didn't have the shadow CER on I had the freaking  you know dtic staff which is not awakened I really   should awaken that thing I might I don't know if  I should or not what do you guys think what do you   got I want to be that guy I want to be a voice  actor in Alan online i s say whoa what you got   come on man petition to make SW Beni like a voiced  character right I mean they muted me for four   years I'm I'm well they muted me forever but it's  been four years since the mute the Le they can do   is let me voice a little Gremlin like let me be  a little Gremlin that's what I am let me be a   little Gremlin character you know new dungeon mob  unlock new dungeon faction Gremlins The Gremlins   I want to be a little Gremlin that's uh that's  like ah I'm a little Gremlin right I think it'd   be fun it would be real fun but they will never  do it they hate me they don't want to associate   with me like anyone that talks about me on their  streams instant ban it's not happening guys the   dream's over the dream is dead triple fire Mage  that's not enough we need to pull all the Bros   get them all in here and I don't have my boots I  don't have my armor oh oh look at the fire this   is scary but hey look I'm I'm healing I'm healing  it all back these guys are melting to my shadow   magic look that look at that look how easy that is  it's it's too easy it's too fast the fame is too   good imagine if I had premium active how how much  Fame I'd be getting right now also if you've been   watching my silver throughout this whole guide  video go go up and down look all that silver   iron from popping that 83 guy it's gone from Auto  Respec I don't need to kill these guys I can just   go to the next dungeon floor so I think you get  the idea of how I'm clearing the floors how about   I just skip to the chests oh I think I skipped a  a green chest it was like 20 or 30k oops this is a   toome chest I'm not going to do that cuz I do not  care all right I will show the end of the dungeon   boss fight we didn't get any good chests in this  one but uh sometimes you get some real good stuff   and judging by this guy's Auto attack not nearly  as hard as that other boss so we can just go bam   and no I didn't gear swap to the colus cow I'm  just manhandling it and uh again we should be   able to just kind of willy-nilly I don't even need  perfect play on this guy I can I should be able   to just curse them down laser them every chance I  get uh it doesn't matter if I stand in some of the   auto attacks or or the big AOE I'm still doing my  part to dodge but you can see he's at half HP I'm   at like 90% right now so I'm I'm good for those  that don't know every little bar on your life bar   is 20% that's what that represents there are five  bars and each of those is 20% of your life so yeah   I'm at full HP right now so pretty easy fight  let's see what we get and uh there you go so oh   52k not the best but pretty good pretty good not  bad all right and that is soloing group dungeons   you do the exact same thing to solo Statics but  instead of a a normal Mount you would use a Bare   Mount so you can get a big juicy pole going uh  some of my best videos that I think I've ever   made are are how to farm 20 million Fame per hour  please search my channel if you've never seen them   use the exact same build and you pull Mass mobs  in Statics went for groups of players and you kill   them it's the best Fame Farm in the game hands  down for solo guildless players obviously the   best Fame farm for everyone else or the 8% of the  population is World bosses and avalonian raids but   who who gets to do that I don't only Guild losers  do that kind of stuff if you're wondering how much   loot I earned it was 283k in under 30 minutes I  earned about 6,000 faction points it'd be more   if I had premium active but of of course it would  but whatever it's fine oh and I forgot to mention   that build that I just showed also allows you to  solo faction Outpost bosses all of them now limur   be difficult with how Boris works the summoning  boore the summoned boar members only have access   to a video that shows you how to solo The Outpost  without Boris ever being a problem build number   13 is one of the dirtier builds that you can  roll with in a faction fight for both sides   not just your side but the enemy side too and  this is a whispering bow build that will laser   someone's Health down to nothing this is amazing  for focusing Healers or tanks if you have a ballsy   tank that thinks he can jump in the middle  and because his plate armor he's got a Healer   in his pocket you can just kill him you can just  straight up you can kill tanks with this you can   delete healers it is it's the dumbest build ever  like anyone that is within shooting distance just   immediately dies it's great for One V oneing  people on like an open world chest spawn you   know like that 84 battle ax Bruiser that thinks  he's tough [ __ ] no you just delete his health   bar and he can't do anything it's the funniest  thing ever so let me explain the build to you and   we're using a whispering bow q1 is an interrupt  because it knocks enemies back uh this is more of   a finisher or a last resort button you're going  to be using explosive arrows in tandem with your   Undead arrows your passive reduces their defense  up to three times so it's it's almost it's like   5% defense decrease it's the highest DPS choice  you can possibly do all right Hunter jacket gives   you more damage and attack speed demon boots  are for running away all right you're you're   pretty tanky in this build and if you get focused  eventually you can uh get low on health and Demon   boots will give you an insanely fast move speed  and uh in tandem with your Undead Cape giving   you invisibility if you're below 15% life or  invisibility potion you will always Escape pretty   much every fight unless you get Dove by like three  or four tanks but because you're shooting from the   back lines and you're not on the front front lines  this will never happen beef stew for more damage   and the dirtiest part of the build is the demon  helmet which makes your next Auto attack silence   whoever you're lasering down for like 10 seconds  it's broken as hell and uh so you start lasering   Someone Like A Healer oops they're silenced  they're trying to hit their cleric um cleric   robe they can't do it they're silenced they're  trying to boots away they're silenced and then   they're dead they're just dead by the time they  realize they're being shot at they're dead oh in   the order of um of uh of abilities you use your  helmet then your armor then Undead arrows and   then as you're shooting the enemy you're shooting  you activate your W and that's it you just just   click on whoever you want to die you push those  buttons and then you sit back and laugh as they   fall over dead it's also not bad for just lasering  down a like a boss monster let's go ahead so so   helmet into armor into into a boss here and we're  just shooting them down so again it's not really   a PVE weapon but you you can laser enemies down  with it if you want like if you just decide you   want to like kill something but it's mostly for  players it massively increases your attack range   and my specific one is awakened with more uh  item power which is actually the better choice   over ability damage uh I've done the math the  calculations of the testing on the test realm   you don't want attack Auto attack speed you don't  want Auto attack range those are worthless on the   whispering bow pumping up Auto attack range on a  whispering bow is really stupid and here's why if   you get Auto attack range halfway maxed out it's  only 1 and a half steps forward so this is what   one and a half steps looks like one so so your  your your attack range goes from here to here   well that was two steps so like maybe like right  here it's like the length of this terror bird is   the amount of attack range that you get it's  not worth it all right we have a world chest   right here so if we have some unlucky fellow  that's not faction flagged for bridge watch   which they should be this is a bridge watch Zone  we're just going to kill them we're just going to   shoot them this is literally the I'm just going  to shoot you build that's that's what we should   call it I think that's what we should just do so  here's our contestants we've got a lot of bridge   watch here but we've also got some that aren't  Bridge watch that are just kind of derping around   they probably just want to like cause trouble I  don't really care about the loot I just want to   show off how much damage this deals you can  Dismount people if they aren't too far away   when you start blasting and because I'm I'm a  whispering bow I can I'm on the I can be on the   outskirts I don't have to be up here in the middle  in the mix of things but yeah I can't shoot the   bridge watch players but I can shoot like this guy  uh there's a lot of players that I can shoot I'm   going to Dismount and get ready to start blasting  all right who who's our Target here uh some oh   wait we got this Cloud 18 guy he's on a mount  let's let's shoot him if he doesn't run away so   there we go we're shooting Cloud 18 he's going to  be silenced here and uh yeah he's going to start   running but look I'm shooting him off screen so  like three arrows after I dismounted him nearly   killed him right just straight up nearly killed  him and I'm going to I'm going to boots here and   try to keep him in combat knock him out of stealth  maybe maybe he juking this way I don't know which   way he's juking maybe this way oh no he's up  there so again four three dang it am I going to   be able to tag him before we drop combat I'm just  going to pop a I'm just going to pop it now start   blasting so you can see how much damage per arrow  shot I'm doing now he's only flat four but um we   got to I got to show you this in faction fighting  it's nuts oh and if you want to use bolt casters   you can run like cleric uh cleric robe with the  exact same items but with bolt casters and you   can silence people and just e them and they die  it's pretty funny now I will mention there is a   higher single Target damage build for Whispering  bow this is not it you would use a face scale robe   with a Morana Cape that will give you way more a  little bit more damage maybe like th more if every   arrow lands but it gives you no no no defensives  and it's just not as consistent this in a faction   fight I will never die unless I make a really dumb  mistake and get in the middle of a big tank engage   and I'm going to just delete healers and tanks or  whoever I want whoever I click on dies it doesn't   matter what they are and before I hear someone  in the comments be like oh well that guy was a   flat four and you didn't kill him and blah blah  blah so that guy was under Focus Fire Protection   if if you don't know what that means it means  when multiple people are attacking you you   receive damage reduction and you need resilience  penetration in order to deal damage through that   so yeah he was pretty defensive because everyone  else already hit him all right let's oh this guy   mounted up I thought he was AFK well whatever  let's just shoot him so we can clearly Dismount   him but uh catching them is a whole another ball  game so I'm just going to follow him on foot and   then Mount up and then Dismount near him and then  uh shoot him once I get my armor off cool down   now I've been trying to find a big faction blob on  blob fight but I just can't because uh ever since   Europe opened it doesn't it's like it doesn't  happen anymore but let's uh let's just dismount on   this guy and again I Got 5 seconds on my armor so  you can see he's a he's a 62 leather wearer right   so there we go and we're just going to silence him  now so he can't run away he can't do anything look   at his HP he's gone he's just gone just deletes  his health bars nothing he can do anyway I wanted   to show off this build more but I just can't get  footage for it uh actual SW bji yes and you made   it in the video zeni Let's see no stats page boo  boo anyway um search my channel for Whispering   bow if you want to I've made videos like on on  everything I've covered today so you can you   can search Whispering bow if you want to see this  more in action especially in a blob on blob fight   it's really really good I promise you please check  it out but any if any of these other builds have   interested you so far you can also search those  on my channel you know they all have individual   videos about them all right so I'm going to call  it here that's plenty of builds for you to know   and and use for just about everything in the game  there's yeah there's plenty more builds out there   but those are some really good ones just to  start you off with it if this video performs   really well or I get a big donation in the comment  section then I will absolutely make a follow-up   video with even more more cool wacky crazy wild  builds that you can use for all different kinds   of situations this video took a very long time  to make and generally as a YouTube thing you   would not make a video of this type because it's  not something people search for and really long   videos tend to not pay out for the time invested  but who cares about all that just leave a like for   me and on the right side of your screen is a video  you should absolutely click if you don't click it   then your toilet is going to randomly gurgle  P up some water I don't know why it just will
Channel: SwoleBenji
Views: 21,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: albion online, albion online builds, albion online build guide, albion online build guides, albion online top 10 builds, albion online top ten builds, albion online best builds, albion online best build guide, albion online guide, albion online best builds guide, albion online best builds guides, albion online builds 2024, albion online build guide 2024, albion online 2024 build guide, albion online top builds, albion online build full guide, albion online full guide
Id: cOpuBwFQ44Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 23sec (8603 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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