The Black Zone Was SUPER EMPTY - Albion Online

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today I will be testing the silver per hour  and fame per hour of a tier 5 black Zone   that's right we're going to the black zone  now this is something that has been advised   on Reddit for new players and I wanted to  make sure that it's not exactly correct   because I don't think farming black zones is  worth doing uh the build suggested was this   here with the druidic staff and uh mercenary  jacket Hunter Hood Soldier boots they forgot   to mention the offhand so I'm using a torch  uh regular Cape again this set is only 45   000 silver you can see I've got plenty of  silver to replace that if I die no potion   I am using a cabbage soup now the difference  between a new player and me is that I'm 100   spec in all of these items so this 4.1 druidic  staff will be basically a tier 8 druidic staff   um in comparison if a new player was to wield that  they mentioned to go five to ten tiles away so   I'm going to be going five tiles away to dry vein  riverbed and uh part of this test is can we even   make the journey and the other part of the test is  is their mobs to even kill and like I'm gonna I'm   not gonna cut anything I'm not gonna fast forward  you're going to ride with me the entire wave there   you're going to see that part of the reason why  this is just no bueno why this is just not that   good is the travel time I'm having to travel five  zones away and yes I am invisible on a horse I'm   not going to be using a faster Mount why would I  bring a faster Mount that would be silly so I can   maybe get two zones away before my invis runs out  and then I have to fight for my life to survive   the black Zone and I really want to loot whatever  that is but that would remove my invisibility and   that would also you know it would just be a big  problem a real big problem so here we are we're   going into the black zone now you cannot faction  flag in the black Zone but instead of earning   faction points we will be earning uh might and  favor but not by much I've made a previous video   that explains even if you're farming a tier VII  black Zone you would have to kill thousands of   enemies to get enough might uh for certain rewards  uh compared to yellow zone Fame farming which when   faction flag you'd only have to kill like 400  Bobs or something so it's it's a huge difference   between the reward chests and the war chests  are mostly the same though there is a chance   for a mammoth drop in the black Zone ones which  you know yeah there's a bigger jackpot obviously   that's part of the Allure of doing black Zone  stuff but do you honestly whenever you go to a   casino for those of you over 18 do you go to the  High Roller section of the casino and dump in a   hundred dollars for a single Casino spin no okay  then why would you do it in a video game uh like   yeah I could pull 4.83 you know worth 50 million  silver and run to a black Zone and farm it but   most likely at some point I'm gonna get murdered  by 20 people and that's the reason people don't   go to the High Roller parts of the casino because  they want to have as much fun for as long as time   as possible and now I am vulnerable to being  attacked as my invisibility has run out so I   have to be very careful and diligent and make sure  that no one is following me now I am playing on   the west server which has a massive population  drop by the way because of the e-server a lot   of people move to East because of their peeing  also I'm playing during a weekday and I'm playing   daring off hours it is seven in the morning UTC  right now I really should have played maybe six   hours ago which would have been more ideal but  uh you know I let's be a little bit real we don't   want to make it too easy right so we are what  three we are now three zones away two more to go   I could also Farm here this is technically a tier  five Zone isn't it this is a tier five zone so I   could Farm here uh for a little while if it looks  peaceful that's not too bad bad but the guide does   say to go five zones away the further away from  town the better and you can see there are some   Enchanted mobs but I'm I heard once sounded like  okay that was a wisp um but um the thing is is the   further away we get the less people we should  hopefully encounter hopefully that's the case   um I did make a farming video a while back  in this Zone and I was eventually chased down   uh but I was not killed I actually survived that  video so maybe this is the like the place to to be   but there won't be as many Enchanted mobs  because like I said it's closer to town so   we're gonna go just a little bit further a  little bit deeper as the as the guide says   and you can see that we've been doing what what  is this three minutes now we've been traveling   three minutes with no Fame farming three minutes  of you know we can be murdered at any time with   no Escape because you're not going to escape 10  people on a Discord with claws and staffs and you   know all the things to slow you down you're  just not but we got one more Zone after this   and it looks like I'm slow loading that's not  good especially if I'm in the middle of a Chase   um but this zone is close and that is a chest  that's I am so tempted to go look at this chest oh   someone I've already been scouted look at that I  have been scouted this guy's got a hideout nearby   um so it's he's already gonna radio in his  friends now lucky for me I guess is that my   set completely sucks however I am a YouTuber and  people find great glory in killing YouTubers so   I'm not even gonna check the chest that guy  they might be using it as bait that's a thing   too like whoever owns that Hideout could possibly  be using it to lure people there to kill them and   take their stuff or that player could be on his  way to that yeah they took it so it would have   been a waste of time to ride there I called it I  made the right decision here we go we are now at   the farming location driving riverbed and uh  you can see some Enchanted mobs we don't want   to touch them near the entrances I want to get as  far away as possible from the entrances because I   don't want people who are riding the roads to see  that I exist in the zone I want to be as sneaky as   possible and we're gonna just Fame Farm uh with  auto respect on and see how much we earn in 30   minutes if I survive that long and then I will  turn auto respect off and see how much silver   we earn in the same amount of time which um I will  speed up the footage if it is applicable I suppose   or maybe not you know maybe you can just hit chill  with me we'll talk about stuff we'll uh we'll see   what happens and uh yeah I could go into Mists  you know but I'm not that's not what this video   is about it's not about doing The Mists so we're  pretty we're pretty far away from the roads now   and uh we can I guess we can start mob farming so  let's get a little count all right 23886 uh I'm   gonna go ahead and copy that onto my clipboard  Fame credits and I am expecting everything I'm   wearing so it will all go to combat fan credits  now I'm not very good at the druidic staff I'm   gonna be real with you but I I'm dealing pretty  good damage it seems I would kind of really want   a Thetford Cape but there we go uh you know it's  not looking too bad right now I am paying tax to   the owner of this area which really feels bad I  don't like paying taxes uh I don't like paying   other players taxes or anything of the sort so you  can see that I'm basically melting these enemies   like I said I'm maximum spec uh I'm not Max spec  in the whole Druid tree just ruidic staff I don't   have much in the others uh reason being is it  scales it's a horribly scaling scaling weapon   so to be fair a new player isn't going to do  that much less damage than me but they will   do less damage just to get let's just make that  clear Enchanted mob huh all right and we got an   animal there now remember I can heal myself and  I haven't eaten my food yet and I let my cue go   on cooldown so that's not good but um otherwise  other other than that we're doing all right I'm   cast to healing myself it's fine and uh a little  bit far away from my mounts for Comfort again   we're still doing okay we're still doing all right  let's eat our food so we get that 30 minute timer and also so we heal between mob packs I know I  could use a beef stew for more damage and speed   this up but I want I want to be fully healed  between mob packs that's like my main concern   we're just gonna have the tank then I suppose  and again it's not it's not that big of a hit   it's still a hit though so again I can just heal  myself and I don't want to fight the mo the the   terror bird so I'm just gonna run away from that  and once I got a combat you can see my health   quickly regenerate for the next pull that's why I  like the cabbage soup and I pulled another terror   bird okay yes indeed we are pulling oh we got  a hidden treasure here let's go ahead and pop   that open see what we get if I find something  really valuable I'm leaving I'm bouncing that's   two thousand two thousand silver there okay and  uh we're not hearing I don't have my headphones   fully on so I'm not like in listening mode for bad  guys but um I also haven't scattered the area so   I don't know where all the mobs spawn uh but you  know that's it's whatever so we're gonna pop her   up and there we go I feel like this is too slow  for Clear speed honestly but for new players it is   sustainable so I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do what  they would have to do and yes I know new players   won't have Auto respect or anything but I'm just  gonna show you like there's no reason for someone   of my caliber to farm out here a new player if  you want to risk it 50k 50k is quite a lot if   you're brand new on your first maybe day or two  depending on how spin Thrifty you are what do we   have there a little treasure that someone didn't  loot that's fine there is a lot of animals alive   out here and you know I could kill the sabertooths  for a chance at a baby but they're really cheap   right now like babies are only like 30k or  something it's it's a really piss-poor amount now I want to stay away from this because the  guards will absolutely slap me silly and we're   not doing solo dungeons so we're not going into  those we're just farming open world moms because   they're way way worth more okay so far we haven't  seen a single person in this Zone and that is a   good sign I like that I'm happy with that let's  see all right I did pull the Stag there that's   fine got the pop-up take her out oh we got an  item drop I don't know why it dropped over here   but tier 3 Cape that's fine I'm actually gonna  trash that because um yeah I don't need that   I don't need that at all it's not really worth  anything I could disassemble it or scrap it for   you know Parts but who cares I'm I'm gonna put  on my headphones now hopefully I'm not talking   too loud and like I said it is seven in the  morning UTC which is um it's not seven in the   morning where I'm from but still pretty early  and there we go pop her up interrupts her spell   finish attacking we did our daily that actually  took a little while to do that daily that's scary   like I just do a static pool and it's done so  the fact that it took that long to complete is   a little worrisome for me and then we're gonna pop  that there now if other players get a little too   spry around me I suppose I could switch my w spell  out and um run something else like something more   healing I don't know but usually if someone Scouts  me I'm gonna be dead so it's whatever and we got a   saber tooth on this pool We're not gonna kill it  though and run and grab silver and then run away got a mob Camp up here I'm not very  confident with the mob camps as some   of the more you know better uh what are they  called the nature staff players but you know   we're doing our we're doing our due diligence  here we're killing them at a decent rate okay   and there we go we have looted looted the silver  which is important because that's how that's how   you would get your money back for the set you know  what maybe for for time's sake we'll just uh Farm   uh 15 minutes for fame and then we'll  do 15 minutes for silver and then I   can multiply that by four even though  that's not really the best sample size   just because I feel like I'm gonna die like  I don't like having to pay so much attention   to a video game I'm gonna be real I'm lazy I  don't I don't really enjoy having to do so much   um you know taking so much care I guess  there we go took her out these only give   three thousand Fame each they might sound  like a lot but it's not it's really not go and pop another cue under them and I'm  taking some damage here but that's fine   I have a mercenary jacket remember I can use  mercenary jacket and get my HP back no problems   if another player shows up and these aoes are  on the ground though I'm gonna get my Mount   D spawn which is is a problem all right  that that would be a tremendous problem   go ahead and pop these girls in the air like  they just don't care all right we got a Tome and   um if I get into combat I'm gonna use  that if I remember probably won't remember   all right past that cast That cast that and then  hit the last one Dodge that and this Auto attack   the rest down against it's slow to me this  is very slow to me because I can like one   tap these mobs in the yellow zone and they don't  give that much less it's just a little bit and   you know if I use a satchel it's so much more  all right I'm not gonna wear headphones it's   because I I can't tell how loud I'm talking  I don't know what if that's like a condition   or something but I want to make sure I'm not  like screaming into the microphone at you guys   and waking up neighbors and stuff I did move  recently so uh yeah uh very cool stuff we are   and not so much of a ghetto it's still a ghetto  but it's uh it's it's more of a homey ghetto   right I don't know I don't know how to say it  whatever not important who cares and that guy   stepped out of the circle how dare he how dare  he try to remove himself from thorny bushes   like as far as pain goes like besides like fire  staff obviously in this game I think nature would   be a very painful weapon to fight in real life  just because you're being ramped by literal Thorn   bushes you're being like surrounded in spikes  but at the same time unless the spikes are really   sharp you would think that basic leather armor  would protect you completely from the damage   but who knows I mean who knows how much these  little green you know magical bolts of energy   are you know how much do those hurt you know  the game Hogwarts Legacy I think I thought   it did spell casting really well in terms of Auto  attacks like the way they did that is you're kind   of shooting like a red lightning spell sort of uh  I thought it was just really well done really nice   and yeah we have not encountered a single  soul out here so that is nice we saw one guy   kind of look us over and he saw  that we weren't worthy to kill   uh other than that I think he maybe was busy with  the chest anyway so far so good I am I don't have   any much complaints uh we can peek at our combat  fingerprits we're at 24091 so we have earned   120 000 100 130 000 combat Fame double  that 260 fame 360k fame and 15 minutes   no seven minutes I don't know I'll get it  we'll just go the Whole 30 if we survive it   and you know this only costs 50k so if I die  it's it's fine it's whatever I don't care   well I do care it does hurt to die it does hurt  to lose a video game I mean you're not gonna   remember in 10 years maybe maybe the the people  killing me will remember in 10 years I don't know   who knows try to cast circles under all these  guys we'll do a self-heal there dodge this and   I think I'm doing I'm fighting this okay I  think I'm playing this correctly at least   I feels like that I want to run from The  Cougar because I just don't want to hurt   the little baby cougars you know they're  not really babies but there's someone's baby   uh now this Huntress though she's she's  a grown woman she don't need no man she's   a strong independent you know we're gonna  kill her kill her and take her silver pile   imagine like in an actual world this is how  you get stronger you just slay and like uh   people living off the land you know they they  weren't hurting anybody they're just out here   chilling they're just out here living their  best life and then some weird nature wizard   rolls up to you in a flaming death horse and just  spikes you to death with Thorn Vines like ouch   like you lived your whole life at a family only  to die to some weird wizard with a Santa hat   like I got a little Santa hat on yeah I don't  know man that's just that's just how life is   people putting out these little cages to try to  like mess with people's pathing you know what   that's what they're doing that is what they're  doing indeed got lots of Terror birds out here   you know maybe skinning out here might not  be so bad I don't know maybe that's a it's   getting a two or five black Zone oh I'm so out  of ideas for Content please someone give me ideas   it's gonna be something to do something to play  [Music] all right we have slain the baddies yes   indeed I like this how the the little smaller  ones they just die instantly that's pretty cool   and we killed the uh what is that marmot still the  Marmot kill them all there will be no marmots here all right and we're bobbing and weaving in Auto  attacking and casting and the Stag this piss he's   like no you killed my human friends I will attack  you but you would think that these humans would   attack the Stags but the Stags are they're living  like side by side they're just living in peace bro   completely fine Let's see we got tier five little  Bandit masks it's not called the Bandit mask it's   called the Assassin Hood tier five yes give the  tier five it's not worth anything it's really like   where the peanuts but hey it's fine all right  got a little Enchanted bossy boy here and cast   a circle under him hit the W guess the circle  under the wizard in the back that's fine heal   myself because I'm taking some damage s circles  under everybody everybody getting spiked and   I'm gonna have to just tank that that's fine I'm  half HP but that's why we brought the Cabbage suit   because if uh you know if a ginker  rolls up on me I'm just gonna peace out   [ __ ] if I notice it is a little hard to notice  what I'm doing while I'm recording because I know   this may sound weird and I always thought the  same thing like I would like way back in the   day I will watch YouTubers play whatever game  and they would just miss so much stuff on the   screen and not know what to do or they would  miss very obvious cues and I'd be like bro   it's on the screen however they not see this  and now that I'm a YouTuber and I see how it   is it's really hard to pay attention visually  while speaking because when you're constantly   speaking you you're not giving Focus to  the game it's just that's just how it is   what if I W first into the queue that seems to  be working okay maybe I'll start using that as   my rotation I don't know the proper rotation I'm  just oh you got a chest in a minute that's Danger   if no one gets it though that's that's a free  chest maybe it'll have one of those spooky   um you know rare eggs in it that's risky oh we  got a 4-3 mob there that's nice really should   have brought a skinning knife oh well we didn't  so that's 50k on the table That We're Not Gonna   Get which is our entire set but that's fine  you know it's the fine we're we're we already   have enough money we don't have to worry  about you know the money that we've lost   the money that we will never have because we  didn't bring a skinny set these dang Terror   birds get out of here stop pecking my Mount stop  it let me go I'm just trying to fame farm that   I don't need to really do anymore but I'm just  trying to make a YouTube video guys leave me be oh man this is oh this is his entire family this  was the mother of daughter and a wife and a father   we just took him out we took their money how much  time oh that's open if there's no one there it's   free do I get a free chest oh don't be invisible  it's a blue chest oh man wow look at this this   might be cool this one in the video early let's go  oh get some favor that's a 400k chest well that's   um definitely worth oh we got a skin okay see you  later video's over okay well we almost got to the   15 minute point laughs yes I am that I am not  letting someone kill me for that I will I will   not I don't the fact that you could teleport  home is so stupid by the way so incredibly   dumb but we got a little we got little bunny boots  little bunny booties I don't know I kind of want   them how much are they worth worth 100k yeah  gross oh I guess this is a good time to bank   all right so how much did we make in 14 minutes  okay so let's do a little bit of math time okay   so uh 23.80 we're gonna do 24 256. and we're  going to subtract it by 23886 so we made 370   000 Fame in a little under 15 minutes right  uh not including the trip there and so we'll   multiply that by four so times four that is 1.4  million combat finger let's multiply that by two   it's almost 3 million frame per hour we'll say  it's we'll say it's 3 million Fame per hour   even though uh you know maybe a little bit more  but but yeah we're pulling three million Fame per   hour and you need 37 million to max out a spec  you only need 15 million to max out of mastery   so that would be five hours you do that activity  for five hours you will be level 100 Mastery but   yeah we uh let's just sell this crap real  quick let's get this stuff out of here we'll   go do another run now we'll see how much  silver we earn so that's gonna be exciting   isn't it maybe maybe not I don't know  we'll see and yes you're gonna you're   gonna sit with me while I ride back out there  no editing no editing in the black Zone videos   but hey you know what would feel really bad is if  I got all this and it had one of those Eerie eggs   in it and then I got killed by some ganker that  would feel absolutely horrible 84 surprise eggs   look at that it's only nine thousand oh wait no  it's 64 000. okay oh you know what I'm just gonna   use them screw it I'd rather just have the skin  I don't have any boots I'm like poor all right   so we got some shoes we got some bunny shoes hell  yeah uh I'm PR do I not I have other shoes I have   plenty of shoes like monk sandals I guess now  we're using the bunny shoes okay they look so   stupid they contrast really nicely with the horse  all right well let's get the okay what yeah we   have these little tones you know a little fifty  thousand let's buy another food let's buy a beef   stew let's just see let's buy one we'll use that  as our timer for silver and let's get back out   there let's see if we survive the second trip okay  you know not so bad that we survived the first   trip but we're gonna what I'm gonna do now is I'm  gonna turn off when I get there if I get there   or we're gonna turn off auto respect and then  we're gonna put all my gold in my guild bank and   then we're gonna or silver I'm sorry and then  we're gonna see how much silver I generate and   how long it takes to pay for the set so yeah we  uh we definitely got one I mean it said 400k but   it really wasn't it wasn't nearly as close as to  what it what it was supposed to be but that's fine and we're back okay we're just  Auto running as an invisible man   which is a creepy ass movie and I've seen  some funny uh drawings of that movie which   think about it it's a cop-out you can just film  open air be like yeah there's a guy here just   dub it over with your voice yeah he's totally  invisible guys wink wink it's like when anime   blocks people's mouths with helmets and just like  scarves and stuff so they don't have to animate   or lip sync the the the vocals or whatever  that's whatever man it's this is how it is   look at all these juicy mobs I could probably  just Farm out here and then avoid gankers   and get the data without having to travel so  far uh but there will be less Enchanted bobs   oh I don't know I didn't really we didn't  really do we even see anybody what is going   on did everyone go to East what is happening oh  where are we at okay we're going the right way   we got a little bit of time left on invis that is  a glowing snake snake in the grass I could kill   the salamander for salamander babies but nah we're  not doing that it's gonna ride to the next area   little wolf statue there well how come people  don't break those with uh demolition hammers I   would be out here demolition hammering  them if this was my like hometown   this was my Hideout Zone oh no we are revealed  to the world what are we gonna do what's gonna   happen you know I can actually fight in this set  I'm not like super afraid of like 1v1 PVP in this   set it's actually really hard to kill it's one of  my ideal sets to actually run out and fight and I   could actually disengage with wanderlust if they  don't have the purge or also having Wanderlust   but it's probably like a 7-1 double dagger build  and they just kill me into it or something I   don't know but even yeah I'm going the right  way that's fine yeah man we're going going to   five zones away so we can farm and see how much  silver we earn in do a quick little calculation   uh let's see what's going on in this this little  town what's Happening Here this is it's your five   Zone and uh like I said we're gonna go to  that other tier five Zone because that that   zone that zone actually did really good for us um  we were undisturbed we didn't see a single person and uh yeah we're gonna go back we're gonna   go all around in the black Zone  because everyone in the comments [Music] so [ __ ] that's that's a that's  literally some of the comments people leave   they just type random gibberish and then say my  name and it's like what are you trying to say   but hey I do it too when people like try to send  me emails it's like hey bro uh why don't you chill   our product our product is this dude okay let  me talk about some crappy products people have   tried to get me to sell on my there's a lot of  mobs I don't I really hate walking by that that   is so that is free that was a huge amount of Fame  but um this one company that makes exercise bikes   and they were like hey bro why don't you  um we'll send you an exercise bike and you   can make a video on it and uh yeah oh what are  you wearing bro oh you're a little Skinner rat   or maybe you're pretending you never know why  is this Zone that that could be a scout too   that could just be like a freaking Discord bot you  never know but um I'm like okay well your exercise   bike sounds cool how much is it worth and they're  like well it's 400 and I'm like what that's real   cheap for an exercise bike and they're like yeah  you are one and I'm like well tell me the specs   on it what is the maximum speed does it have fans  what is the weight limit you know I need to know   all these things before I can make a decision and  they told me the weight limit was 140 pounds and   I was like bro what the f what the heck that's  a liability I'm not gonna I'm not gonna tell   people to buy an exercise bike they can only  hold 140 pounds there are children's regular   bikes that can hold more weight than that  are you kidding is that oh that unlocks soon   and we might be able to get it okay so like I said  we're in the zone we're gonna turn auto respect   off and we're gonna put all of our money in the  yield Bank all 118 million there we go so now   uh my money is zero and so everything I kill  will go directly to that other than the tax   that we're paying uh so I I do want to get this  chest though because hey I got one chest in this   Zone already I can maybe get two so I'm gonna  do a little trick where I'm writing silently   so I can hear other players approaching and  hey this is giving uh what is this favor   oh is this I'm gonna ride around and if  I hear a player I'm gonna skedaddle out   that's how I'm doing this riding around because if  they're invisible and running at me uh yeah it's   don't worry it's just a little trick okay you can  see how my amount is completely silent as soon as   I hear footsteps I'm moving along okay let's this  is free is that a legendary is it a legendary dude   oh boy no way oh I'm trying to film a video stop  giving me all this loot no I what I don't have oh   duh quick Let's Roll honey teleport back another  we made a million in this video that's cool well try like why is it a legendary I've never opened  a legendary chest ever in the open world that is   so wild dude it's a good day it's a good day today  I'll just uh yeat that into my account there we go   bro even though we didn't really get  anything really that good and yes I am   totally sacrificing the quality of my video  for the fact that um fight bro 500 000 silver   look here's the reality of it okay in the grand  scheme it's not a lot of silver to me but it   would really hurt deep down in my soul if I  lost that to another player so I'm not we're yeah I mean that's cool you know we made  1 18th of premiums price today so far in   31 minutes we made a million so it's a little  harder to hate the black zone now isn't it but   whatever I'm not the kind of guy that's trying  to push an agenda against the black Zone here   you know I'm not the kind of guy trying to be  like don't go to the blacks on because you know   I put this video out everyone's gonna go to the  zone and they're gonna think they're gonna get   the same results as me and it's like no that  whoever controls that territory is going to be   alerted very quickly that there's a video being  made in their Zone by albion's top YouTuber and   they're they're gonna be like okay new Guild  policy we need people to um patrol the area   and kill all the newbies that are gonna come  here [Laughter] uh we're setting out once again   look at this guy he's fishing I I feel like  I could gank that I feel like I could totally   gank that um but I'm not he might just run into  a hideout or something nearby and that's not   what this video is about also I don't have my  cursed staff out I have druidic staff which is   significantly harder to kill uh because of  the time to kill is lower but hey uh we are uh well we made some banks so it's okay to  die it's totally fine to die would be 950   000 up which is nice it's all right I  didn't get a lot done finger farming sadly   you know I'd like to have more Fame you know  if I spent this amount of time in a yellow zone   um honestly like if I if I spent the same amount  of time in a yellow zone I wouldn't have made   as much silver but again I'm just getting lucky  it's not guaranteed that I would have ever gotten   those chests it's not even guaranteed that those  chests would have even spawned uh whereas in the   yellow zone when those chests pop and like  there's like 20 dudes on the same Guild all   with like a full raid you know with healers and  tanks and [ __ ] and they're gonna get the chest   over you every single time so what do we have  here that's a chest in two and a half minutes   there is another player on the road uh currently  riding so I would like to not be spotted by him   but you never know it's whatever all right  so we're gonna get back to that zone again   and um we're gonna try to get our dang data so  we can see if it's worth doing if not hey you   got you get a longer video today you know I know  some of you guys don't like the long videos but   the the vocal majority of people actually do they  enjoy listening to me ramble about this game while   they play themselves while they you know do their  own little farming maybe they're out and about   having an adventure maybe they're shooting the  [ __ ] with their friends in Discord and they're   like oh let's see what's old Benjy's talking about  today oh hey guys well [ __ ] you did a black Zone   and he had fun and he made money and he didn't  die oh must see must see rare swole Benji video   oh man yep it's gonna be hard to top this one  in the yellow zones but he actually I have I've   already topped it before I have a video is that  another Jazz stop it Gabe you're feeding me too   much it's like okay here's the thing the album  devs are like we got this new um we got this new   thing if if players are vocally complaining into  their microphones which we've now tapped into   um we're gonna make the games RNG on their  side so if someone is like oh I hate this   game I never get any good Loop then the game  will be like complaint detected and then it's   gonna generate legendary chests for you to loot  in a black Zone where no one is awake apparently   so uh yeah we're gonna get this one too  maybe I don't know I don't know if I should   I need to silence my Mount real quick there  we go now we have stealth kind of stealth   I mean it's semi-stealth I don't know why this  bug still works uh but yeah we can hear everyone   around us see if there's any players and uh I  might as well just change this like this video   was supposed to be about oh there's a player what  are you wearing bro maybe I can fight you nah   I could totally take them though but he's just  gonna run I need to uh am I even going the right   way I haven't been paying attention yes I'm going  the right way I want to farm this I want to make a   video on that again but you never know yeah I want  stealth Mount thank you there we go it's kind of   semi-stealth so every once in a while the horse  steps a little too hard makes a clumping sound   but that's okay you can see now it's nice and  nice and quiet all right you know we could also   just go ahead and go into the roads and you  start farming those chests too might as well   might as well I don't really have the right build  I don't think but I could probably pull it off I   do have 100 specs in this stuff so it's doable  maybe we'll make that as like an encore footage   but like here's the thing I I prefer to make a  video that's concise in about one single subject   you know but screw it let's just um open our  Guild Tab and deposit All the Monies there   we go okay and so with auto respect turned off  we can now eat our food in one second just the   beef stew this time and we can just start  killing and I hate that I'm near a road I   also should probably be more careful about my  HP uh that's fine you know we are I'm gonna   go ahead and just use my Merc jacket now so  I want to be fully healed I don't have the   cabbage soup anymore you can see just that one  pull uh gave us 2.8 K silver so that's not bad   it's not the greatest hey it's it's something  man you can't have it all you can't just kill   one mob and get a million silver unless  you're doing hardcore Expeditions I suppose   and I really regret getting the beef stew now  because I'm not really feeling a difference in   it so I have to spam heels on myself after  every fight which just oh it didn't go off   because I mounted that's stupid since what is  that a thing I haven't played druidic staff in   a long time guys oh we got an item drop  oh get out of here to your thing you are   not welcome in my inventory that's right tier  three bags get out not allowed not allowed at   all and our silver is now 6K remember our set's  worth 45k so uh you know we make our money back this is for people that don't have Auto respect okay also you know I got some I got some  might in favor from opening those chests   especially the legendary one was  worth like 3.5 K so that's really   nice actually that's that's superb  that's a real cool thing to get so yay   all right yellow piss colored mob I will  fight you and cast all of my spells on you   I I'm not doing my rotation right it's Q3  Autos Q3 autos let's heal before mounting up nice little shower of healing energies  flowing through you just feels so nice   it really does another four three oh I  should have brought the skinning knife oh   all right whatever we killed that dude real fast a  little too fast one two three Q one two three two   all right see I'm getting it down I'm learning  the rotation again it's been quite some time   we'll we'll have it mastered yet because the way  the way Thorns works now is uh if they're in the   circle they get Thorn stacks and if they get  Thorn Stacks your auto attack deals extra bonus   damage so it's nice to do while the circle is also  dealing damage there you go you've been educated   on the workings of the nature staff and then we're  just gonna cast the third circle into her and yeah   everything is smooth sailing now so I'm not really  I haven't been paying attention to my surroundings seems like we're getting a little bit better  at this did someone die I haven't seen a   single death on the map so that's reassuring  it must be peace time everyone's just chill now   or maybe you know like everyone's  quit what's happening what's going   on maybe The Mists ruined black zones  finally everyone's like Ugh black zones   or maybe whichever Guild patrols this zone  is so hardcore and they're like all on like   a movie break they're all going to watch  the Super Mario movie or something yes this   is how my brain works this is your brain on this  little [ __ ] this is your brain when it's normal give me those Silvers yeah yeah yeah and  remember I don't have premium so if I did   I would be getting a lot more silver but um I'm  not gonna pay for premium to make a few videos I   got those new games coming out this month there's  Minecraft Legends uh there's Diablo 4 in June and   um you know like this one's rewards are all right  you get the the Black Panther I'm gonna go ahead   and claim that um which is all right it's decent  if you don't have one go ahead and grab it you   know if you're on the East you should definitely  get one oh there's some items here someone just   left items for me on the ground behind your four  armor some runes and souls very nice very cool okay and again this is just a tier five zone so  it's not the best Zone and that could be it too   you go to a far away tier Factory but it's like I  don't the trip time is what trips me up more items   yes more items indeed more glowing mobs incredible  all right one two that was only two hits whatever   like you can't really cancel the animation  of your auto attack to reset the triple combo   fine though we're up to almost 20K silver so  we've almost made that Moolah back very nice   very cool and we'll cast a little circle on oh we  got everybody out here this is getting dangerous   all right we need to finish her off and I don't  want to unsummon my mounts but I don't want   to be in that magical field of energy either so  again we're getting we're getting a little bit of   trouble here I'm gonna go ahead and pop mercenary  jacket that's what it's for I'm gonna use it and   I didn't use it very effectively but that's fine  we're gonna survive this and we're gonna build a   hill so we did it we did it Reddit we killed  the bad guy in PCS with our sloppy 4.1 build and on to the next pack of mobs yes indeed   just Auto attack them down let him drain get  that Fame get that silver that's that's what   it's all about and uh I don't want to do  this for 30 minutes I'll do it for 15.   and then we'll just multiply it by four or  something I don't know again crappy sample   size that's why I don't have it up on the screen  that's why I don't even know what I'm gonna title   or tag this video but hey legendary chest in  the black Zone and then like the dialogue is   just something completely different people be  getting mad like oh where's the chest at they   like Fast Forward 10 minutes in the video or  whenever it was they see oh that's a legendary   chest and they close the video so that's not good  that's not good for YouTube that's not good for me   no I don't want to stand in your  magic and get stunned that's bad   that is a bad man the new steps better  have these lightning spells in them oh   stay away from that area that has armed guards  we don't want to fight the armed guards no no   no no no you really shouldn't kill the animals  they didn't do anything they don't deserve it   because someone else is going to get to skin  those now if there's even anyone else out here   stop biting me in my horse's ankles bro stop it and asked and asked and cast once more  there we go move out of the way Park   the NPC it's uh all in a day's work  we're grinding grinding grinding okay   how long has it been like five minutes that's been  like seven okay cool we've been farming for seven   minutos and we are at 30k we still can't replace  our set yet of course you know with the previous   Little Adventures we had we totally could pay  for multiple sets at that point but that's   World Chess you're not really expected to get  those I don't know how I got them I totally   didn't pay off the Guild in this area to  vacate the zone for the video I I swear   it's not a setup I didn't make a deal with the  guild saying hey let me film in driving riverbed   um and I'll pay you guys so I can you know lure  people into the blacks I swear there's a YouTuber   that's probably done that you know I'm not gonna  say any names but um you know the ones that are   in those big Clans the big guilds they're out  there and they're telling their members hey I   need to film everyone leave I'm your Guild Master  what are you gonna do about it go to the CTA I'm   going to yell at you in voice chat because your  passive is wrong on your helmet I'm always gonna   bring that up I'm never gonna let that down that  is such a stupid thing to get mad at over a video   game oh your your passive is wrong how dare  you join my RAID with the wrong passive bro   I'll dare you and my magic is stronger than  theirs it's a good thing these guys are super   easy imagine okay imagine if Albion online was  like dark souls and every enemy you fought was a   raid boss from like Elden ring or something right  you know I'm talking like you have to hit them   like 40 times to kill them and then they can kill  you in like two hits Fame forming would actually   be a freaking nightmare to do I I feel like the  gang would just die from the same difficulty or   something you know I mean maybe I'm just Auto  attacking without thorns on these These Girls   there we go took them out take them out scoop  up the loot scoop the loot that's that should   be my username that should have been my YouTube  name hey guys it's scoop to the loop here uh   back at it again with another Minecraft video  today we're gonna talk about how to farm the   nether using only a golden uh shovel oh if I ever  make that video one day someone please help me no Treasure Chest give him a fight me he is gonna fight me I don't  know what he can do but we got the look at   that we got 14k I'm okay with dying with 14k  that's fine that's whatever got 38k and silver   and uh yeah my goal is 45k he got a little  bit of Abalone energy there you know   he did he do be having a little bit of avalonian  energy though see 17K in the inventory little   floating robot thought he could just halt  where is he where did the robots take the chest   you know was that like a that's like a an Albion  online but it's an Amazon delivery right it's like   um is shipping and handling okay through the black  Zone it's like we'll send a robot out it's fine   hopefully no one grabs it that would be so cool  that would be like something in Eve online right   like you can you can send items to other players  and you can dispatch a robot to deliver it to them   but people could kill the robot along the  way and take the stuff like like killing a   courier in uh DOTA but you don't get their items  I don't think you just get extra bonus gold when   you kill a courier it's been a long time since  I played DOTA but that would be freaking cool   in an MMORPG like in like I know like Games like  World of Warcraft and stuff when you mail someone   something it's this instant it just shows up in  their magical mailbox uh yeah and I think what   ArcheAge did the same thing but nah man like a  full loot game like this that that hey Albion   developers that's the new idea I want that in the  newest update I want players to be able to crap   like think about it they need a way to make stone  worth something what if you made avalonian robots   from Stone and I don't know something energy or  whatever who cares just pick something just pick   a resource and you can make little robots that  you can send out to people imagine being being   me being the top Albion YouTuber imagine being one  of the top twitch streamers you know whatever that   girl's name is I don't know her name but she  doesn't like me she thinks I'm uh an end cell   or whatever which I'm not by the way I'm not I  haven't been in like 17 years I don't know why   people call me that on Reddit but um freaking  you know it's like okay boys sitting beyond   your your gifts and then like you just see like  all these robots flood from every corner of the   map towards the streamer oh we got a boss enemy  yeah yeah oh boss enemy oh let's pull them away   all right that's cool it looks like we got an uh  an ad here and that's fine now we actually have   to play this a little bit smarter so I'm gonna try  to avoid all the crap I guess I'm just gonna kill   the boss first in the ad huh okay no that was uh  oh I'm getting hurt here let's heal just in case   someone comes see look at that I can fully top off  my HP 4.1 that was worth 27k Fame and 4563 silver   and some Maroons the drops really sucked well  that was very anticlimactic another boss bro we're   gonna that's gonna be a lot more I kind of want to  turn on auto respect so I get the most out of that   I feel like someone's gonna come and ruin  this though I feel like someone's gonna   come mess this up so let's kill all the  all the ads around no we haven't seen a   single person so it would be very odd now  if they came and interrupted me you know   okay so let's put a circle there a circle there  hit them with the w that kills the ads and we're   gonna weave in and out of this there we go I  didn't mean to cast two of those but whatever heal   W again okay we got this fight you know I'm gonna  reflect that get a little bit more defense there   you have to dodge this I know this from doing  the Statics you have to absolutely Dodge that   okay looks like we got this in the bag it's fine  how much is this gonna earn 111 000 Fame and   silver is 22 841. so yeah that definitely paid for  the set we're at Sun YouTube game it kind of skews   like I said it's it's dude this video is super  like cherry-picked for the black Zone which is   like not what my Channel's about at all but hey  I'm gonna I'm gonna show it because that's the   results I got so it's not but if you're a brand  new player this was not bad but if you're also   like on East you ain't doing this on East I could  log into East and show you you come here on East   you're dead speed bro speed hackers are plaguing  the East server right now so if you go to Reddit   and look up what the posts are even the deleted  ones like the janies can't keep up with it all   um speed hacking is just so rampant right  now ooh hidden treasure yeah let's get that   very nice hidden treasure 1.5 K very cool and um  now west had a problem with speed hackers but it   was like it was a Russian Discord that was doing  it and they eventually kept Banning them like as   soon as they would make a new character and like  kill like a few people they would be banned so   they weren't profiting or having fun at all and  it was just a pain in the ass for them to like   Fame up a new Whispering bow or curse staff user  for their hack but on East it's like every like   10 minutes there's a new post uh did I  do a speed hacker help me and then you   know people have more means to record video  these days so uh yeah very interesting stuff   uh don't ask me where to get them I don't  know and if I did I wouldn't tell you um uh all right we're killing more  glowing mobs there we are   let me out of here saber tooth tiger I don't  want to kill no it's another saber-toothed tiger that's a lot of saber-toothed tigers screw  it kill him kill the sabertooths you know   maybe they'll drop their baby one of them  has to be you know having a litter anytime   now it's the season it's hey look at that I  swear I'm not psychic I swear it's so funny   I I love it when YouTubers do that they like  call something and then it happens then I do   didn't I do that with a legendary chest earlier  I was like oh it's gonna be a legendary chest I   swear I'm not dubbing over this in post I don't  do that I'm lazy this video is unedited I swear   I just hit record and then upload it that's how  I do things a lot most of the time oh this guy's   really growling at me man what's up what's up  with that but yeah we got a sabertooth baby we're   worth 64k we got some 9k worth of silver from the  drops you can see with that auto respect on I'm   not getting that much oh I'm getting chewed  up ouch I'm in my menu saber tooth stop it   this video has gone on long enough we had a  actual another boss okay yeah let's go boss man   Let's uh dog oh I should have dodged that come  on I should have dodged that dodged this one at   least okay I'm just gonna have to stand on top  of him like in between his legs like you know   always berserking oh I'm reflecting though that's  fine oh I'm reflecting I hate using reflect on   mobs it's so shameful but hey it's whatever  and there we go 27k ooh Q3 torch no thank you   no thank you yeah this video is actually going on  quite a while now and um I could just sit out here   and Farm indefinitely until someone eventually  does kill me because it's not a matter of if it's   a matter of win but I can Farm more efficiently  you know in Statics so this isn't really worth   my time to continue doing but hey you know Army  tier 5 black Zone daring off hours on a weekday   can you get up at what seven in the morning UTC to  do this probably not most people have lives most   people don't want to sacrifice their personal life  for video games um I don't know what else to say   but uh we'd be out here we'd be out here farming  mobs you know I would maybe come back with Spike   gauntlets and do this no I wouldn't I don't know  about druidic staff but Spike on this would be so   much faster hell Bowl casters would be so much  faster than this uh but it is it's good to stay   cause I can just pop a heel and uh you know there  you go you just get healed back up super easy   the percent chance to get a a swift  claw Cub is so tiny it is insanely small um so yeah I thought that was really interesting  that um that I got that drop and that I called   it to I was like oh maybe I just have psychic  abilities to force things to happen in video games   so let's try it guys let's um let's just tier  five zone so we're gonna call it now 7.4 uh it's   freaking good item uh what what Let's  do let's go 7.4 dagger pair that's   super unlikely to happen if it does I'm  gonna like I'm just gonna have a seizure   I'm just gonna like seize up and start foaming  at the mouth if this actually drops 7.4 uh double   dagger pair or whatever I said it wrong but  you get the point you get what I'm trying to   do all right let's see yeah see no item drops  see I don't have magical powers to will the   video game to what I want to happen just so you  know I'm not a witch I'm not a wicked I'm not a   wizard I'm not a deity I'm just a dude I'm just  a I'm just a regular bloke that's playing Albion   online and hidden treasure let's go what  if it's in here I want to like piss myself   I know I'm not I'm not gonna piss myself over  a [ __ ] video game another hidden treasure   huh well maybe maybe we'll get some uh see this  little tier 4 treasure it's fine it's fine guys   where is every why is there no one here can  I just kill your hideout since Siege Wild   Card I've never heard of you can I come kill your  hideout since you're obviously not here like how   does that work that's the kind of stuff I would  like to make content for but there's no guilds   that Vibe well with me so I'm sorry no hardcore  Expedition videos no Guild stuffs I tried making   my own Guild but no one's good enough to Vibe with  me man everyone's freaking normies dude like I uh   I checked the Discord every single day and it's  just a bunch of really fancy schmancy people with   nice lives that apply and it's like come on bro  where's the lowdown Brothers where's the where's   the tormentors where's the people that have had  crappy lives where are they at I'll never know   Okay so we've been playing for one hour  now and I tend to not spend this much   time playing Alvin online for a video  but hey you get an hour-long video I   don't know what I get I get the 40 cents I  guess oh I just lagged what does that mean   yeah I just had a little lag Spike does that mean  there's a player nearby does that means somebody's   invisible right now about to kill me that would be  funny if I called that that would be pretty funny   hmm let's see what else doing we killed some  bosses which you know I encountered the same   amount of bosses and yellows because I know the  spawns I know where to check I know where to go   hmm I kind of want to come back here with a  skinning set just to see I guess I'll make   that video next we'll uh yeah I think about it  in this video because I want I want more YouTube   videos I want to get a nice little stockpile  going we're gonna do skinning in the black Zone   and maybe I'll use like a tier six set you know  me I don't know dear sevens tier eights I try to   go big baller money swear tier 8 set the weapon I  guess I would use fire staff I don't know maybe an   escape weapon just to be extra safe and cautious  and careful eventually this area is like the   guilties are gonna wake up whoever lives here is  gonna wake up and um I wonder if they like check   the logs do the logs can someone in a guild answer  this for me if you made it this far in the video   uh whoever earns silver for the taxes in the zone  does it show you who earned those taxes will they   look at their log and see tax 80 from players  full bidji that would be funny you know like   you're in a guild and it's like oh the yellow  zone Warrior visited our our black Zone today   oh another hidden treasure dang man we  got a bunch of Hidden Treasures out here   all right 1.5 okay you know what what if  I just do the skinning in this video too   uh oh another boss monster hell yeah  I'm turning on auto respect for that   I want it we got 100K I need to get my money  back out let's draw all of this money there   we go okay yeah I want the day oh shoot we  freaking pulled her I didn't mean to pull her   sounds kind of weird you know when you say it that  way but whatever makes sense doesn't it all right   self-heal because that's what we do with this spec  we dodged that we attack we protect and we Dodge oh yeah two bosses not bad pretty  good this area is treating me very   nicely tonight I gotta say no it's  it's been fine dining in the black   Zone first time in my life and I'm  not even kidding first time ever you're flying blue you know I that's hey I  could use that for skidding just using Longbow   you really want something that uses a [ __ ]  candle though to be honest to be fair to be real   uh well I have 112k in our inventory I kind of  don't want to give that up even though it's only   112k uh yeah there we go we uh we we started  at 23 886 and we ended at 24 6. we farmed 1.6   million combat fingerprits or 3.2 million Fame  not bad for one hour it kind of sucks though for   Pure Fame farming but hey it's whatever uh I think  I will just come back and skin here depending on   the cost of tier 8 equipment um uh whoa there's  something going on in the map hold on there is a   power core I can't I can't do anything with that  I don't own a Hideout and that wasted my cooldown   so now the video is longer I hope you enjoy it  hope you enjoy this extra long video yeah look   at the like tier five is not really worth that  much also if I'm a tier 8 gatherer and someone   Scouts me I feel like they would follow me this is  a oh this is like a little Outpost little castle   it's um it's kind of like a like a faction  Outpost but it's a castle Outpost you get the idea   what if I just came with tier eight tools and just  gathered everything you think that would be good   I don't yeah I'm not gonna skin screw it I'm just  gonna end the video guys um it's like I can just   get in the yellow zone to skin the same exact mobs  they're not that Enchanted there's not that many   more of them I don't think at least it doesn't  feel like it I don't know maybe maybe I will   maybe I won't anyway guys I'm swapping you thanks  for watching as always be Road stay slow hope you   enjoyed whatever the video this is I don't know  what I'm gonna call it a lot what happened just   just have just Palling around in the black Zone  all right just having a good old time in the black   Zone why does that pop up whatever uh so yeah we  we earned a little bit we did some work oh you   know what I can't in the video it's not over yet  I promised you I would go to an avalonian Road and   do that farm so um let's go do that should I go  five zones out and then go to the Ava Road I mean   that would be smart wouldn't it I really should  have used the bathroom before filming I didn't   think I would be this long holy moly let's man  guacamole sounds real good only it wasn't so spicy goodbye Swift claw Cub I saved  you from your mother I guess   I don't know how does that work do you tear it  open from the belly and it's just there or do you   is it just like whimpering in a corner near its  dead mother I I don't know how this stuff works   uh just curious though what is it what is  uh Gathering gear Skinner Garb tier eight   how much that cost uh I ain't doing  now you bringing that out screw that   it's already too expensive a little too fancy for  my tastes and kachow just eat the silver bags you   gotta eat them you gotta crunch them up in your  mouth okay so we're going to an Ava Road and we're   gonna do Ava Road chess bosses uh for a little bit  just because um why not why why not we have to die   in this video or isn't tragic you have to end you  have to die tragically or it's not like a thing   can random people here's another question for the  audience for you guys in the comments section that   are in Guilds and know this stuff can you as a non  like can can I just take a power core and give it   to a random Hideout and then like put it in how  does that work like I wish they would let like   solo players do something with the power cores I  know it's designed for hideouts and stuff but let   me smash them and get some goodies or something  you know let me just break them what if you're a   hideout owner and you already have all the juice  you need or something how does that work you just   camped the freaking node for hours until it goes  away like there's so many questions oh well I'll   never know because I'll never join a guild I know  sad day sad day for soul bidji enjoyers out there   all right we are going to the something I might  just join an avalonian Road in the next Zone   if no one's touched it in a while yes we'll  have to see we'll have to see what happened   we are journeying forth oh there's a player  here oh is he gonna Loop that oh there's a   lot of players here something's going on you  know what I'm gonna go uninvisible around these   dudes and then I'm gonna die and there there are  yeah let's okay let's just sneak out oh [ __ ] okay so I can't go that way they're going  to the chest Maybe okay well this is seven   out of seven I'm just gonna I'm just gonna  enter it those players if they're checking   the map will see this as six out of seven  and they might come investigate that's bad   that is no bueno I keep saying no bueno a lot  in my videos why am I picking up on Spanish   from playing so much Albion Maybe maybe well  that's a legendary chest I don't think I can   solo that so I'm not going to even look I'm not  even going to investigate and I know this video   was probably titled something black Zone blah  blah blah but someone just skips to the end   clickbait he's making an avalonian video what  in the frick what is he doing what is he doing   we're we're trying to die here so we in tragically  that's what we're doing I don't have cabbage soup   I hear leaves rustling in the distance which  it's just the monsters speaking of I need to   silent run Silent Running activated we got some  mobs there we gotta watch out for those mobs   what if the chest has already been joint I'm  lagging real hard when I approach this Archer man   that is like three enemies all bunched together  I don't think I can take that but I'm gonna do   it anyway whoa I don't know how to die I've  never fought these enemies before I don't   know what I'm getting myself into bro I have no  oh that he's bumping me he's a little bumpy boy   okay I'm gonna reflect whatever that is  and that really hurt and I'm stunned and   I'm gonna get hit again by something  and that hurt and this hurts and I'm   super dying so save me mercenary jacket  you're my only hope okay well we got a   little bit of Health back I really need to  kill this guy in the distance and he ran   away okay they all reset what what the heck  happened there that was a practice run guys   oh that was just for um why did they leash can  I run past them oh I can just run pastel okay   oh yeah there's definitely a boss up so we're  gonna fight the boss and then we'll end the video   and then this this guy is a bully man this little  whatever this is Pathfinder drone nah bro stop it   it's a good thing that has a really  low charge up and does like no damage   okay he's hitting me with a wind wall what  a jerk trying to blow me into his friends   um what's he attacking only 4.8k for that that  sucks hey what about the little little scouty   balls I don't know what they're called oh yeah  they summon things right that's how this these   work see I kind of know some of this stuff I'm not  gonna kill that before it summons oh that's stupid   they'll kill whatever it's summoned here  do you get famed for the thing it summons   no that would be like a dupe method okay the  spearmen these guys are tough these guys are   like annoying to fight so we're gonna just hit  them with everything we've got and yes and Dodge   and Dodge and Dodge that Dodge that and cast this  and Dodge that and we're just oh run away okay   yeah I don't know what these  little glowing circles are   and they're attacking that's fine they're  still attacking and let's hit him with W   yeah this this is really hard and annoying  to do this is this is not worth the effort   of whatever these guys have got going on tell  you that right now go ahead and knock them up yes this is a very exhausting fight I'm gonna  have to Merc jacket them and I know I'm just in   4.1 and they're tier six so that's like that's  not very helpful that's not helping very much   toss a heel toss the heel to your uh to your bro  oh I took those hits very painfully not good that   one down 53 000 Fame all right that's not bad  that's not bad help me mercenary jacket in case   a player rolls up on me like if a player rolls  up on me I'm dead are you supposed to escape this   I mean I have it's never one player anyway it's  always like a bunch what did you drop I'm curious   you link that Tom okay that was 100K Fame  a good amount of uh I don't know might and   stuff sure why not now we have to fight I don't  know what this guy does oh that's a lot of mobs   so they're gonna respawn before I even clear  them all okay let's try to kill this thing   really really fast we interrupted that it's  gonna shoot me with a laser beam that's cool   I don't know what this is but I'm gonna oh  I'm just gonna get hit by it okay we managed   to kite this away from the staff dude always  running no don't run yeah stay and fight good   so staff dude will not Patrol up there I'll kill  these two I don't know what this book dude does   or not a book dude it's one of those healing  chalice thingies how come no one has come and   killed me yet how come no one has come out  here and murdered me brutally I didn't pay   off whoever you know operates I've already said  that joke you can't do the same joke twice all   right that's just on me purging something I  guess I didn't have anything to purge though   okay I really need to like uh don't aggro  staff man that man's probably very scary   all right now I wait for oh no my mouth's  gone I'm gonna die I also they reset no   this is really stupid such a waste of  time and as a staff guy for I have to   kill the whole Camp I can't believe  you won them I'm pretty sure I can't okay let's just slowly not get let's not get  hit by the wind wall I guess that's the trick   or get just let them push me against the wall  or something I guess oh that's gonna hit hard   I don't know what that is but that's slow and it's  floating towards me okay that's the wind wall and   we not get hit by the wind wall please there  we go cast the circles underneath the bad boys   and then they will die they'll get hit by ah  come on man that reset the other dude didn't it   of course it did I really don't want to  wait for my freaking Health to come back   maybe this guy will he he's only got 3100 HP I  feel like bolt casters would be so much better   I don't know what that spell does it's  a purge oh we got the staff dude he's   um he's talking to me he said something I  always said oh he's he's a he's a Beady boy   and uh oh he knocked me into the glowing orb not  good okay well mercenary jacket time we'll just   heal up hit reflects so I can take a little bit  of whatever's going on here I'll kill okay boy   you like my nicknames for these dudes I'm gonna  have to run I'm gonna die I'm gonna get downed all right staff man has I don't know I really  should maybe bring habit soup or something   yikes dude I am I am like bare bonesing this okay  what if we fight staff dude one on one and Caster   dude can I don't know here let's fight stuff man  and I just I just tank him or something maybe not   oh look he's got the same moves as as you know  actual players super annoying to fight like like I can't I'm gonna have to  stand on top of him to dodge   that but now he's in a corner so  I don't think that's gonna work okay so we're gonna we're gonna mercenary jacket  right now and oh yeah we got this okay he's not   casting anything you know what I'm standing  in between his legs I guess he likes me there   man I'm so dirty such a dirty player 50K there we  go we're figuring it out guys you know there's a   reason why I haven't made guides on this stuff  because I don't do this content okay I'm getting   out of my comfort zone for once and in my Albion  live oh there's another group in the corner   how fast do I have to kill these until they  start respawning because I want to kill the   boss and then get this uh loot get this  uh fame or whatever it is whatever we get   I don't know how much we're gonna get so it's  taken quite some time to slay but we did it 39K   and oh we got little robots trying this robot  is trying stuff what's he doing whoa that's   actually pretty cool that was a pretty cool attack  these mobs I'm not used to fighting these mobs   uh you don't want to be really cool in Albion  uh a kill counter like like how many Stags   have I killed in this game how many like tier V  huntresses have I killed I want to know I want   to know how many I've killed because I've never  killed bees on this character these this would   be like you know my virginity on these guys  jeez I'm so dirty what is wrong with my brain I have a loading acolyte here you go we're gonna  kill you with thorns magic and whoa he's starting   to hurt a little bit unlocked oh we unlocked the  uh whatever this is the conquerors challenge we   did it I don't have premium though so I don't  get to open it sorry okay we have another staff   boy he's got the 4K HP I've only got 2.3 K HP  so you can see that he's he's uh he's gonna be   a tough little fight but hey if he's like the  other staff guy we're just gonna stand right   on top of them and then that should be it I'm  gonna actually heal very early and reflect early   and yeah actually easy fight if he  doesn't cast his stupid spells it's fine is this uh I wonder if that's like hard for  them to program the AI like they should make   it where like if you stay in under a mob they  can just start stomping on you or something   but I don't know maybe maybe some of the moms  should learn Aikido so they can fight up close   there we go we got a little whatever that is  and then we got a chest and the chest is oh God   that chest sucked well that was a that was not a  good investment of our time at all so boo on that   and we could go for another one or I can just  return with all this stuff I don't know let's   we can just go on a journey until we die take  take a journey it also solo the group dungeon   uh you know I'm I'll kill one group dungeon mob  if I even can I'm just curious I'm just we're just   playing around today yeah I guess I can title that  not the video we're just playing around in the in   the danger zones uh oh what are you what are you  doing out here freaking meta gamer named cuddles   if someone's name is cuddles and they're strapped  then they're freaking scary simple ad well you   know interesting enough he uh cuddles was  a little late to the party he could have uh   murdered me as I solo those things what if he did  oh come on okay am I not getting oh there it is   you can't enter while mounted hmm you  know what would be really freaking cool   I wander in here there's a group of players  that are all downed and I can just execute it   and take all their 8.4 gear all right let's  go group dungeon mom tier four what the heck   I wasn't a tier 6 zone why are they tier  four what is going on what's up with that   all right these guys actually give decent Fame  but let's see in the average only four oh no but   they drive oh tier three helmet no gross that's  nasty people need to stop feeding the Tim uh stop   feeding the freaking Black Market tears through  tier two and tier three gear I know it's good   money apparently apparently I don't know shoot  that's a video too I'll just do that [Laughter]   oh man ouch if I teleport out that's 16k which  is no no Gucci is this uh that is to another   road road thirst water goalie um I actually  am thirsty I should probably go there so I can   drink thirst water it's water that dehydrates  you which would just be salt water I guess   oh man I am very surprised that I  have survived this long on video   what has happened to West did West get  neutered is everyone just chill now   where's the roving band of of  Road Raiders where did they go   either way though like I'm it took forever to  kill one of those mobs and I only got 50k Fame   out of them I can go AOE down static mobs and  get like 15K per mob and do 10 at a time so   yeah and do it risk-free without any like  panicking and worrying about people running up   on me and even though I don't have anything worth  a damn that's whatever man it's whatevs 25.161   that's uh that's what our combat Fame credit  listing is man this I'm I feel like crap man   I want to make a concise nice clean video with  some nice data to teach people how to play and   you know just show them like black Zone's  bad and then I go and get a legendary chest   and then I go and get another chest that's not  legendary but worth just as much apparently   where is that what what zone are we  going into thirst water goalie one   person has entered it is a tier three  four five a tier seven black Zone okay   thirst water goalie tier VII black Zone what is  happening in thirst water goalie there's a chest   in 17 minutes I'm [ __ ] waiting for that dude  it sent me all all the way over here this thirst   water step there's a tornado going on in this  one there's a lot of hideouts what is going on   why there's so many hideouts what does the tornado  mean I don't know what the tornado means I want   to go investigate tier sevens I guess we're just  gonna roam like I I plan to die really early in   this video and just make that the video and I  didn't so I'm stuck forever doing a Long play   session just what what are titles album online  gameplay I've been online blacks on gameplay 2023 oh no oh someone went offline that was my  game not yours that little Boop noise okay   I don't know I don't remember how to turn that off  it's fine don't worry about it you will remember   10 years let's just kill a little Mage real quick  little tier VII Mage just take them out see what   we get for it I know I made a video on this exact  topic 5002 a thousand two hundred twenty why would   you farm in tier five black Zone you just come  here why who wrote that guy already how dare they   I mean it's funny when you see someone write a  guide on Reddit and they're a new player like I've   only been playing three days but here's a guide  on how to do stuff like hmm yeah yes you wonder   let's kill this guy see this guy's Enchanted I'm  gonna get booped out of my mouth I am now tender   and juicy for the gankers to come slay hey we're  pretty deep you know this is a pretty deep Zone   okay let's heal that's getting a  little risky 13k and a 2.7 K silver   see look just support I hear  noises I guess it's a skull hmm I want to see what the tornado thing is look  at that a boss oh these bosses suck they freaking   cast I forget what they cast but they're really  annoying to deal with I have to kill the Archer   too oh I'm rooted they can root bro that hurt oh  I'm like stunned I am dead as heck I'm just dead   like save me mercenary yeah these guys catch  themselves on fire man like I don't think I   can take this in my current gear setup yeah he  catches himself on fire I ain't dealing with that   oh let's get our mount back out get a little safe  I could maybe do rejuvenating Sprint and probably   do this I don't know it's it's a tough fight  it's it's a pretty damn tough fight so we're   gonna cast That cast that not get hit by that this  time pass this and then kite the hell out of this   dude and heal every chance we get especially Bliss  off oh he's running he's full running how do you   like unless I sit on my mount for that how am  I supposed to survive I guess I gotta save my w   I can't I can't win this fight I don't have  the gear see you later bro see you later bro   I don't know why I call them bow what the [ __ ]  what does that mean yeah I definitely can't win   that it's a shame too that would be juicy but not  juicy and I'm just too weak even with Max specs   4.1 not cutting it I would I'd need a different  build I would need a better sustain Builder you   know something with immunities so tornado what  are you you are a energy vortex unless of one   hour also why are some of these blue and some  of them red I don't know what that means does   that mean I can just walk in there what do we have  here 4.4 fiber that unlocks in 27 minutes I think   that means I can just enter their Hideout I guess  I'll do that let's just go into some random dude's   Hideout they can't attack their safe zones so they  can't be attacked in them let's go look around oh   what do we got oh he's harvesting Stone I think  there is a little hidden treasure there I'm gonna   get it oh I'm gonna get it watch me get it the  oinkers 1.5 K pay the tax the tax to the tax man hmm what else can we we can go here to your  six Zone oh we just we just go to limb Hurst   hey guys what's going on I wrote all  the Woodland Hurst just to say hi a lot of Enchanted mom and a boss monster too   not bad so are these just open to the public  what does the blue top mean that's I'm pretty   sure that's what it means right or does  it mean they're vulnerable to attack whatever I don't we don't you just you click  the door oh yeah you click the door to go in   you just have to like wave and I'm like hey let  me in dudes Gladiator Helms Hideout what do we   have here we have people and they're like what  is so Benji doing in our Hideout bro what is a   what is this a celebrity what do they have for  sale nothing huh oh wait no I have the filters   all screwed up yeah you got some deals for you  stranger so oh no one's currently selling those   uh you can store some stuff here what  what you got you got beds people what   are you doing with the beds dude kind of weird  someone built this what are you wearing I don't   like I don't like what you're wearing you're  like you got a fishing helmet but you have a   [ __ ] cleric robe that's sus what's this guy do  bye okay whatever oh command Mammoth hell yeah   oh you buy these that would be stupid to buy  them here though I don't know why you would   well let's I don't know what to freaking do  in this video I don't know what this video is   Let's uh let's just get out of here let's just  freaking this is in the video already let's just   this is teleport out of here 5K oh no it's  gonna teleport me to The Hideout no bro walking in that Hideout locks you to The  Hideout that oh no lesson learned I guess   can we make the journey home the perilous  journey to save 80 80 000 silver bro 80 000. yeah I'm not this this ain't worth it man I  uh I guess I'm just gonna give this Hideout   my stuff like I don't know what else to do here  I'm gonna consume all that and uh we'll just go   into The Hideout is this guy gonna dismount  on me that would be kind of funny wouldn't it   all right well this is another repair guy in here  yeah there's a repair guy so we're just going to   strip down as one usually does you know and uh  prepare it and then we're just gonna sell it to   their market and um if no one buys it whatever  so you know I'm gonna give you guys a deal you   guys can buy this for twelve thousand it's a  little bit just special I know I'm generous   all right you guys can buy this for 45 it's half  off you buy these for a hundred that's half off   the other dude here you go a thousand silver  I know that's worth way more how about for 20.   yep okay thousand just buy it for a time  I'm giving these for free essentially   I'm aware I could Salvage all this stuff please  I want to sell it for zero dollars please   oh well it's fine you know we made our million  earlier okay yeah just sell everything for a   thousand I don't know here you go 69 on  the boots get a real deal on that one   oh and the horse horse a horse of course  you know we'll we'll do six nine six nine and now I can travel planner out of  here I'm pretty sure that's how that   works since I have no stuff on me should  be able to leave never come back yes ready   to leave indeed let's get let's get the  heck out of here let's go let's let's go   all right we made it we made it safely out of  the black Zone uh messed up a little bit at   the end there but we did it what is my uh oh we  got 12 000 favor not bad very cool so there you   go I don't know what this video is I'm so busy  thanks for watching as always be roasted swole   let me know what you think in the comments let  me know about these little snow shoes I've got   little bunny shoes I don't think they really match  my characters um pigment but it's fine you know it's fine I look goofier every day we can summon  the snow yes and other players can see this   I want to know what happens if you get like 100  people and you all use the Santa hat at once the   Santa hats are super cheap they're like a couple  thousand silver so fun times indeed uh make sure   that you become a channel member click the join  button down below five bucks a month get access   to private more personal videos uh way more useful  than this one and also subscribe so you don't miss   the next video click the video on the right side  of your screen I'll see you next time take care
Channel: SwoleBenji
Views: 26,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: albion online, albion online black zone, albion online black zone empty, albion online empty black zone, albion online gameplay, albion online black zone gameplay, albion online blackzone, albion blackzone, albion black zone, albion online black zone pve, albion online black zone grinding, albion online black zone fame farming, albion online black zone open world chest, albion empty black zone, albion online black zone no players, albion online blackzone empty
Id: N2TFysDc56o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 56sec (5336 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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