Albion Online | Roads of Avalon - EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW! (Small Group PARADISE)

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[Music] hey what is up guys it's lupak here back with another albeit online video for you today's video we're going to be taking a look at one of the biggest upcoming features of the rise of avalon expansion for alban online and it is of course the roads of avalon some people also refer to them as the mists of avalon but either way we're gonna tell you all about them just to pre-warn you this might be quite a long video but it will be packed with detail and this will cover absolutely everything you need to know about the roads of avalon for the upcoming expansion just a quick note guys before we get into the bulk of the information on this video if you are enjoying my rise of avalon update preview content if you've enjoyed the beginner's guides or you're just watching this video because you ended up here if you enjoy it please do consider subscribing to the channel this helps me immensely with the youtube metrics and algorithms helps my channel get discovered and also helps more people discover album online as a fantastic mmo to play i really do appreciate everybody for taking the time to watch my channel so let's get on with it so firstly then what exactly are the roads of avalon the roads of avalon are an area or collection of areas that are designed to give end game content to small groups and guilds these are designed for people that want to escape the zergy gameplay the alliance politics and just focus on much smaller group play while still having access to all of the best end game content now the roads of avalon is a collection of zones but it's not a single place it's a group of places and it's kind of hard to explain simply how it is so i'll probably aid it with some diagrams the roads of avalon is 350 new zones to be precise they follow the black zone rules and they exist separately from the rest of albion so currently we have the royal continent we have the outlands and now we're going to have the roads of avalon too and the roads of avalon provide continuous links between the royals the roads and the outlands you can bounce all over the place through the roads but the catch is this the pathways are never consistent the pathways are connected to each other and the main world but the links are randomized and they're ever changing they don't reset once per day like many of the content in alabama online these are consistently resetting and switching the pathways up so it's very hard to keep track of and as you're going to find out in this video for a number of reasons it's hard to move any sort of large force through the roads and it's very hard to find a specific target a very common misconception with the roads of avalon is that the 350 tiles are like one continuous labyrinth and once you're inside the roads of avalon you can constantly explore and explore and you can find the whole thing via one entrance and this is actually completely untrue the areas are randomized and luckily for you guys i'm very very skilled at technical drawings so i'm going to do a very high-tech diagram for you guys to try and explain what i mean so let's put some squares on the map as you can see very professional drawings here from me and we'll put some over here each of these squares represents a zone in the roads of avalon so what will happen on any given day let's say day one when they spawn the following links are available so every line you see here is a linked path so we have a cluster of five zones we have two that are connected together and we have three that are connected together here so if you're inside this cluster of avalonian roads you cannot get to this cluster or you cannot get to this cluster from inside the roads of avalon instead we're gonna need some royal zones so these circles represent royal zones and the lines between them represent normal pathways for normal royal zones and between a circle and a square we have the roads of avalon so what we can see here is to go from this cluster here to this cluster here we have to zone out into the royal continent go two zones and then move into this cluster you might even have a case and i have tested this on the test server extensively for many hours where there's a single avalonian road zone with no onward connections other than the royals so you could have for example are going into the avalon it's only one tile and every exit leads to the royals of course you might go there three hours later and it suddenly has a new connection likewise you may go back to one you're in a few hours before and the connections disappeared and there's a whole new link so what i'm trying to explain with this diagram is that there's no set layout for the roads it's constantly changing and that's why as you'll find out in this video you have to make the decision to either live in the roads or simply explore them as they're presented to you so i hope that gives you a little bit more of an overview of how the cluster system works the biggest linked group of roads i have found so far is 14 consecutive road zones like you're able to travel within and then i hit a dead end and i had to go back to the normal world in order to find a new cluster of zones now of course you're gonna be wanting to explore these see what resources are available see what treasures available and but once you know a cluster is completely clear you are going to want to search for a new cluster so to summarize the intro the roads of avalon are a total of 350 new zones which follow the black zone rule set it's not a single place or an interconnected maze they're procedurally generated or randomly generated links to create clusters of roads which exist parallel to the normal world as you explore you'll constantly find yourself hopping back between mainland albion and the roads of avalon as each zone gets exhausted or mined out and you'll be searching deeper and deeper the deeper you go the more chance you have of finding undiscovered and untapped treasures that nobody's got to yet so now that we know what exactly the roads are we need to talk about how we access them so the road entrances or gates as people have come to call them exist all over the world and they look something like this on the map now you will have noticed they come in three different colors or three different flavors we have green gates blue gates and yellow gates each gate has a capacity for players and once that capacity is reached no one will be able to zone until the capacity on the gate refreshes the time you need to wait will depend on the type of gate you're waiting at so green gates will have a refresh time of 5 minutes blue gates have a refresh time of 10 minutes and yellow gates have a refresh time of 20 minutes and it's important to note that the refresh timer will begin when the first person goes through the gate so when it's a 20-person gate the time will have started ages ago if you're sort of the 10th person to zone the time will have been ticking from the time the first person went through so you won't always have to wait the full duration to get your guys through a gate but you do need to be aware of these timers as you move around the roads of avalon so for green gates only two players can pass for blue gates only seven players can fast and for yellow gates up to 20 players can pass and hearing this you can instantly see why it's difficult to move people through there in large numbers because you don't have any control over which gate to where the game controls that so if a force of 40 people gets unlucky and gets bottlenecked into a zone with only green gates to move 40 people through a green gate you're gonna wait five minutes every two people you know you're looking more than an hour to get those guys into the next zone so it's not practical for moving a large force occasionally you'll be able to get 20 through a yellow gate but from my exploration the yellow gates are few and far between the optimal group for moving around avalon seems to be between four and six from my testing because four people to six people don't get completely ruined by green gates and there's usually plenty of blue gates to move a small force the reason i don't recommend seven is because you're awaiting an extra tick at a green gate to get the extra person through and also if one person has gone through a blue gate before you your whole group has to wait five minutes so four to six seems the best for quick travel around there of course you may want to flood a zone that's got very high value targets which we'll talk about in a bit so you may be bringing people in constantly but when this launches the busiest guilds if you're trying to go in on mass expect a queue just to zone into any of the zones other than the gate capacity there's two more systems that you need to know about the first is the gate closure so if you highlight the details of any gate it will tell you when that gate closes and of course this is important because if you're planning logistics if you're planning to go back and forth and bring all your stuff back out or your treasure or your loot from the roads back to your base you're going to need to make sure that your exit home hasn't closed behind you now this is doubly important because from my testing it does seem that the more people you move through the quicker this goes down so every time you hit capacity on a gate the timer goes down a bit more one final system you'll need to become familiar with is the free use system or the bind system when you zone through a gate you'll be locked to that gate or bound to that gate rather for a set period of time that period of time will match the refresh time for the gate so for green gates you get bound for five minutes blues for ten and yellows for twenty and what this means the free u system is during that timer you won't use up any capacity of the gate if you go back and forth during that timer that's to prevent one player repeatedly zoning back and forth and using up the capacity in order to block off pursuers or enemy forces it's also very important to note that gates are directional so if you zone out of a gate you haven't used any capacity for the inwards direction so if a gate has 20 people's capacity it has 20 going out and 20 going in for a total of 40 travelers every 20 minutes that's basically a system that's put in place so that small groups can't use up all the capacity on a gate and block people from coming through and also so that defenders can't zone out to prevent people zoning in because of the one-way direction they will only take up capacity on the outwards direction so they won't be able to zone back in and use up capacity on a force that's trying to come into the gate now this next portion you're going to want to listen to very very carefully this will be one of the most important things you learn in this video and this will make your roads of avalon experience 10 times better the gates themselves actually have some mechanics which provide you with a ton of information about the zones that you're traveling to when you travel from normal albion into the roads from the open world you will know nothing about the zone you're going to you're completely blind and you're going to need scouts to scout out what the situation is there however once inside the roads of avalon every portal you find will have a sequence of three rings as you approach the portal these rings will shift into a formation and these symbols that light up will give you a bunch of information about the zone on the other side if you're looking for a specific type of content these will definitely be something you'll want to learn so you'll know what you're getting and where you're going and it will help you identify the most high value stuff without needing to scout too deep so first we'll talk about the outer ring i do have this handy cheat sheet here which i will give a link to as well so that you guys can have this for yourself it's not completely conclusive they did leave a little bit off but i will explain everything for you in detail so as i was saying the outer ring then this tells you the type of zone you're going to the four circle symbols represent the mainland of albion this one represents the blue zone this one represents the yellow zone this is the red this is the black so if you're not familiar with the zone names on the map this will help you know which type of zone you're going to be zoning out to the other four symbols represent the four types of avalonian zone that you can find the first the sort of cross symbol represents the avalonian caraphor which is like the interconnected roadways this is the biggest sort of road tile and generally has the biggest number of exits if you find one of these you can guarantee lots of different pathways or zones to follow to the next one this kind of straight line with the circle is the avalonian corridor this is generally a one-way kind of path that you could follow and there's a few points of interest like chests resources off of the main road generally most of these have some interesting stuff the next one this little loop is an avalonian sanctuary this is actually often a dead end i found but you can find some quite decent stuff like avalonian dungeons plenty of resources and mob caps and then finally this symbol the avalonian rest is a very important one these are usually quite deep into a cluster there's a maximum of only one other exit so the most i've ever seen on the avalonian rests is two exits and this is very important because this is the place where you'll find hell gates and it's the only place where you can place a hideout the hideout spaces are very limited we will talk about this more in depth in the hideout section of this video but this is the only place you can place hideouts so this symbol is very important to find especially early on in the expansion if you're looking to get a home in the roads of avalon the second ring then the inner ring provides information about the tier of zone you're in so the number of dots on the symbol indicate the maximum tier of the zone and i say maximum because this symbol affects a couple of different things and you have to interpret it differently so the symbol reflects firstly the max tier of resources so if there's six dots it means this zone will go up to tier six resources and generally it has up to two tiers below the max so a tier seven zone will have five six and seven and this is from my testing it may not be a perfect rule but it's been pretty accurate so far so it tells you the max tier of resources but it also tells you the tier of mobs that you'll fight again some of the zones haven't correlated properly on the test server but i believe they just need to be fixed up before the actual release but if you've got eight dots that means you're in a tier eight zone and the mob camps should be tier eight also static dungeons and avalonian dungeons will follow the tier rule as well if your group is only comfortable doing up to a certain tier of content or you haven't got maxed out river levels or something this will help you find the right zones for you guys to farm and farming in the avalonian roads is insanely profitable and insanely powerful talking about groups then the innermost ring determines certain things to do with your group size now from what i've seen so far this actually only affects resource mobs so the treasure camps the avalonian mob camps these aren't following the inner ring rules the inner ring has three little kind of people symbols one with one person one with two little stick figures or diamond figures and then one with a bunch of them so the single one means the content is great for one or two people you may need two people to clear some of the bigger mobs in the resource camps but generally you'll be okay on your own with a strong build the second one the two little symbols then together generally means sort of veteran things start to appear and you're gonna want two to five people to clear out the resource camps because even with strong solo builds in 8.3 gear i struggled with some of the veteran mobs these aren't like mobs in the normal world the veteran mobs here hit very hard they've got a bunch of mechanics that are sort of anti-solo i was able to bring a couple of them down but we'll talk about them in more depth in the resource area but this means you want a small group then the big symbol means you will encounter resource camps with a bunch of high-end mobs i'm talking titans these guys have got 400 500 000 health and they will need a bunch of guys to bring down so this means if you're finding this symbol this means you're going to want plenty of people because the resource camps are going to be the best resources but they're also going to be the hardest to bring down the resource mobs again this doesn't affect avalonian spawns all of these symbols i found all of the avalonian spawns in those zones there's no correlation between what size avalonian mob camp you get and those symbols however these do massively affect the resource camps this then leads us nicely on to talking about the resource areas in the roads of avalon gatherers rejoice because we've had a rough time since they introduced the rubbish 3 tick and 2 tick clusters or nodes at tier 7 and 8. everybody's sick of finding one tick of resources but gatherers have been saved by the rise of avalon patch so as you traverse off the roads you will find a bunch of resource mobs but the main thing you want to be looking for are the little resource clusters now they will have the symbols that you're familiar with telling you what type of resource there is and of course because we now know how to read the gates we know what tier of resources to expect and we know how hard they're going to be the resources then come in two sort of areas you have these small little nooks as you can see on this map we have a leather and a ore nook and we have these large cave areas so there's two types there's a cave and a cliff for the large zones i'll give you a little shot at a cliff here as well so you can see what they look like and the resources are generally concentrated best around the symbol itself so in this little nook you'll see if we go in we've got a bunch of ancient miss cougars tier six large veteran mobs which kill me very very quickly these guys have 9000 health which doesn't seem like a lot but even in high-end armor they will hit like a truck we've also got ancient titanium elementals generally you'll find veteran mobs of the core resource type and then a few other smatterings depending on how lucky you are plus a bunch of small mobs you will need a group to take out some of these veterans but the resources inside are fantastic we found you know everything from tier 4 to tier 8 with up to 261 hits of resource in some of them the small node areas are well worth checking out and the big node areas are fantastic the big node areas or the big resource areas these are where you're going to find titans which are the aspect equivalent of the roads of avalon these guys have a ton of health but they also carry a ton of resources they come in sizes up to tier eight and they can have all enchantment rates so you can see here in this in this resource area we've got t8 or abound we've got t7 golems that will have hundreds and hundreds of ticks we've got a t8 golem in here you know this is a top end zone and we've got the ancient adamantium titan this is a boss that will take a bunch of you to bring down he has 438 000 health but he is gonna have he is tier eight and he will have hundreds and hundreds of t8 units inside him get one of these especially an enchanted one and you and the gang are gonna get paid they are not for the faint of heart unsurprisingly they're difficult to bring down people are gonna contest them but with 350 roads of avalon tiles there's gonna be plenty to go around for the the people who are brave enough to take them on as i said anything that's aimed at groups is very hard to solo in the roads of avalon nobody's going to be soloing these titans so make sure you call your friends this is going to be like a high value target if you find one of these you're going to call everyone which is super awesome these resource zones do have static nodes but generally you don't want to be in gathering gear until you've cleared the mobs you're going to need to bring fighting gear because even the nodes are covered by resource mobs there's a lot more resource mobs than there are static nodes and you generally only find the nodes in the hotspot behind all the mobs unlike the main world as well a lot of the things that were were passive are now hostile so resource mobs that you might have run past it previously will all be hostile now and you can find every sort of resource mob from tier 5 tier 4 sorry all the way to tier eight and more importantly there's veteran versions of everything with tons of resources in so if you're somebody that isn't t8 gathering don't worry you can come here and you can find massive tier four mobs to gather and level up really really quickly on top of that mobs have a special bonus that you gather them 50 faster because they're a mob type so this is the ultimate place for power leveling your gathering level power leveling your specs and gathering huge quantities of valuable resources of course it's the roads of avalon so you then need to get your resources back to either your road hideout or your main base or the city so getting all of your goodies out there safe is gonna be a big challenge but this is what gatherers have needed for so long this is such a big change for gatherers to finally find huge quantities of resource and just have a great time gathering again make it exciting again that's what we needed and i'm so excited for this portion of the roads next up then we have the avalonian mob camps which spawn around this will be a brand new symbol that you're not familiar with but this is another really cool feature of avalon and this is another thing that you're going to be finding on your day-to-day and contesting in the roads of avalon so these are mob camps with chests that are specifically populated with avalonian mobs of various difficulties now the tier of the mobs will be determined by the tier on the gate as we said about reading the gates you'll get a tier number so if you go into a tier 5 zone expect tier 5 mobs and so on and so forth however that's all we can determine the size of the camps is determined by the symbol on the map not the symbol on the gate so the only thing that will tell you how many people to bring is the color of the chest and then it gets even more confusing because the chests themselves have a rarity but you can't see that rarity until you clear the camp so you have the green boxes on the map these are soloable and i recommend for these just bring a speed clearing build using the grey axe or something the quicker you are the more of them you can clear the less chance you get jumped and the mobs are pretty simple they're avalonian mobs that you've seen before plus a few new ones i'm not going to spoil all the details of the mobs i'll let you discover them but green ones are for solos and you can just blitz through them as fast as you want the blue camps are for small groups as we've said before you know that follows the same pattern i would recommend bringing between three and six people for these a normal setup will be fine the mobs aren't too difficult but they do hit quite hard if you were trying to solo them so you do probably want a tank healer and then a bunch of dps and then the yellow ones are designed for large-ish groups so anything from six to twenty to clear these and these are going to be more like avalonian raid mobs these will be the things you're used to from avalonian dungeons plus the new mobs and bosses around the chests you're going to need a proper setup you're going to need decent-ish gear for the high-end stuff but these are the ones for the bigger groups as with the resources they come in two sizes as well we have small camps which you can see these two yellow camps are actually small camps and the bigger camps look something like this for this blue camp so you have small and large solo group and large group and also the chests have a rarity all of the chests will be white when you find them solo the small camps sorry generally have one chest the big camps can have three or four chests maximum but all of the chests are white you're required to clear a certain amount of the mobs around the chest before the chest will unlock and when it unlocks it will become the color of rarity so you can't just run around looking for the best chests you have to clear the mobs to discover how rare your chest is the amount of loot will of course just be decided by the size of the chest and the rarity combined so you want to look for t8 big large camps you don't know whether you're getting a green chest or a legendary chest the rarities again are green blue purple and yellow for the legendary chests and they don't look any different they all look the same until the color is revealed there's a few mechanics that you want to learn here as well by clicking the chest it will tell you how many more mobs need to be killed to unlock the chest and also by clicking the chest you will aggro all of the mobs linked to it however they may not run all the way to the chest because they may hit their leash range and run away but if you're struggling to find the last couple of mobs clicking the chest can be helpful they will generally have a boss of varying sizes linked to the chest plus a bunch of trash mobs around again you'll get a feel for how tough stuff is whether you can aoe pull it whether you need to be careful it does look like split pulling doesn't work anymore in the rise of avalon so rip that strategy i've been trying to do it unsuccessfully maybe they've tweaked it a bit maybe it only works in avalonian dungeons who knows but that strategy does seem to be out the window it's just a case of learning the mechanics of each encounter though and getting your group comfortable clearing as quick as possible the quicker you clear the quicker you get out of there with the loot and the less chance another group jumps you while you're trying to clear because these are black zones everybody's gonna want stuff and it's gonna be highly contested you know if you find a large group large area in a t8 that's going to be like the pinnacle of the pve for you and you're going to be clearing that as fast as possible to discover what size chest you have there other than the mob camps you can also find pve dungeons in here these will actually appear on the map as blue or green dungeons these are the same randomized dungeons that you will find in the open world however when they're in the roads of avalon there are bonuses to fame and loot so if you're running out of things to do clearing one of these can still be good you can also find avalonian dungeons in the roads of avalon for some avalonception these generally only can be found in the deep roads i've seen at the deep roads generally are a few zones away from the nearest royal entrance and you'll get an achievement when you first go into one so you'll recognize them a bit more easily they genuinely have higher tier and more valuable stuff as well these dungeons otherwise though behave exactly the same you can also find the new corrupted dungeons around the avalonian rests is the only place i've seen them but for you guys looking to do those and live in the roads you're not going to be completely blocked off from other content you'll also find hell gates so everything is available to people living fully inside the roads we'll talk a bit a little bit more at the end of the video about what life will be like for people living in the roads and out of the roads and how it will play out but next we're going to go on to an important part of road living and that of course is hideouts so we've always known that you're going to be able to place hideouts inside the roads of avalon because of the rules that we've seen so far it's obviously not possible to move enormous forces easily through the roads so these are going to be aimed honestly at guilds of like 20 to 40 people that want to place their hideouts now there's a few rules that you need to know about placing them that will go over quickly and then i will talk about the differences between a roads hideout and a normal hideout that you would find in the open world and give you all of the information you need to know so avalonian rests are the only place you can place a hideout inside the rest you will find a number of power crystals it looks like there's seven per rest from what i've seen but obviously i haven't seen every rest on the entire server and we know that there is a total of 56 rests out of the total 350 tiles so 56 times 7 means there are potentially 392 places for hideouts to be placed this might not be the exact number but it's pretty close i'm fairly confident so as you can see there's plenty of room for many many guilds to make their home in avalon and because unlike the the mainland where you're worried about all of your neighbors the only people you're really worried about as a guild living inside the roads of avalon are people that live in your specific rest because you might have a bunch of guys in a rest that you're connected to that you don't really like but the next day you might not be connected to them you might not be connected to them they might be five clusters apart so you don't care about anything except what goes on inside your rest so expect this arrest to be like a mini continent you'll have seven hideouts guilds have their own little politics their own stuff going on their own naps and agreements and enemies and they'll be like little mini wars in each rest in order to place a hideout you'll need to go to the specific rest at a prime time you'll have noticed through the roads that the zones don't have a prime time like you would find in the outlands but the rests do and these follow the normal rules so if you go to a 15 utc uh prime time rest you could only place your hideout between 15 utc and 19 utc the end of the prime time you will need to bring a hideout kit into the roads which is very heavy so you need to probably find your path to a rest first identify the spot and then transport the hideout kit in you probably don't want to run around aimlessly with a hideout kit looking for the perfect spot for your hideout and you'll need to find one of the power crystals a power crystal can only support one hideout so once yours is down then you're gonna need to defend it for 20 minutes until it goes into phase two after it's hit phase two the hideout is then invulnerable until the next uh prime time then is the tricky bit you're gonna need to keep your characters in that zone for the next prime time or at least keep a scout in there because this is this is the tough thing and this is why the roads of avalon is so cool we did some testing right on the test server me and my guild we placed a hideout down we deliberately suicided back to town and then we tried to find our hideout with no knowledge of the roads we didn't use the same path as before because we obviously knew that and we tried to find a new pathway back to our hideout two and a half hours later we couldn't find our hideout in the end we logged in an old character inside that hideout zone used him to scout outwards and it still took us another 35 minutes to get through because of the connections so what i'm saying is you cannot ever guarantee to find the same thing again because the roads are completely randomized this is why big zergs are not going to be able to hunt hideouts inside the roads they can't move in groups efficiently they can't even find the thing they're looking for without a lot of time and patience or scouts on the inside and even then the connections aren't guaranteed to hold and it's going to be a completely different experience one of my reservations about hideouts obviously is they're going to be a lot harder to take down because a a level 3 hideout is very very tanky regens very fast and with defenders it's going to be really really hard to bring one of these down with a small group unless you've got very nice hammers and you conclusively win the fight likewise as well because your hideout is your only respawn point you don't ever want to go back to town hideout camping could be kind of powerful if somebody's camping on top of your hideout you don't get a bubble for very long there are some issues i could foresee with this but we're obviously not going to see how it plays out until the live timer has arrived so once your hideout's established it follows all of the rules of hideouts in the outlands you can set permissions you can upgrade it you can build your crafting stations your refining stations and just get it up and running as your base in the roads of avalon i recommend if you're trying to live in the roads that you never ever lose your home binding because it's very hard to find your way back unless you have someone guiding you and you really do need to commit to fully living in there and we'll talk about the life in both in and out of the roads of avalon in the next section another thing that behaves differently is the attack system so in the outlands to attack a hideout you have to own the tower and then you could declare the attack at the start of prime time in the roads of avalon anyone can declare an attack at the start of prime time because there's no towers so generally you do want to be around your hideout at the start of prime time in case somebody launches especially when it's either under construction or level one because these are a lot squishier an under construction hideout is very quick to destroy and only has the single life and a level one hideout isn't that tanky and only has two lives so you probably want to be about to at least defend it or keep an eye on it at the start of prime time until you hit level two of course if your small guild all has your home bindings there you'll be able to come back and respond to stuff very very quickly hopefully but you're gonna see your own little politics in the zone you might have seven guilds in a rest that have all agreed not to gang each other or not to uh you know not to destroy each other's hideouts a little mini alliance if you will i expect to see a lot of that happening but it's going to be interesting to see how it plays out i'm thinking about starting up a little project with like 19 friends and just living in the roads for a few months to get the full experience once it goes live but it's a cool system and it's going to be great to live in there but you don't have the luxury of just being able to go back and forth between your guild hideout in the outlands and your hideout in the roads it doesn't act like a a way station for people living on the outside because you could never guarantee access to it so that brings me into the final section of this video and that of course is how will it play out living outside the roads versus living inside so as we said if you live inside the roads you're going to want to get a hideout that's going to become your home and every day when you log on you'll be in your hideout in the avalonian rest and you're going to basically explore outwards from there you're going to look for your points of interest with your guys you're going to look for the the mob camps the good resource spots dungeons anything cool and you're just gonna farm in whatever way the roads present themselves from your rest on a given day obviously once you've completely cleared your road cluster or there's nothing left you're probably to have to dip into the world of abby albion and look for another connection at which point it starts to get a bit more complicated because you're going to have to remember your road home or you're going to have to be prepared to just go to a town sell everything that you've gathered and then uh suicide back to your home binding which of course is in your rest because the roads may have collapsed they may have changed this this will be difficult for people that want to bring out their gucci stuff because you need to make sure that you don't stray too far from home if you're planning on bringing stuff back with you to your hideout if you just want to sell in town that doesn't matter you can bank your your combat set and your gathering tools in that town recall home grab another set and then you'll have sets placed all over the place but you always need to have a way home because if you lose that way home and there's no one to scout for you as i tried on the test server you could spend hours and hours and hours simply trying to find your base again for people living outside the roads of avalon like the current guilds and alliances living in the outlands royals players who maybe aren't ready to step into this full time the roads of avalon will be more like a procedurally generated exploration you'll you know you'll form up your group at the start of your play session and you'll you'll look for an entrance that supports your size and you'll kind of just go in and you'll take whatever the roads give you if that makes sense first things first so if i'm going in with my guild son on a given day we'll go in from our home tile in in gulch we'll look for a portal and we'll first we'll send in some scouts some scouts with like mobility ganking gear these guys will start to map the cluster that we're zoning into and they'll look for the most important points of interest t7 and t8 large resource spawns uh large mob camps of large group size you know all of the really valuable stuff and they'll say right you know we've got we've got good all we've got good stone bring your gathering tools bring your clearing gear your pve gear and we'll just well you know we'll just explore it as it presents itself and the goal will always be to bring it back to albion and back to our main headquarters in the real world you know we won't be looking for a hideout in the roads because that has no value to us because we want our staff either in our main town of bridgewatch or in our main hideout in gulch so it's completely different and we can't just flood the roads because they will only let in a few people at a time and we'll look to control the most valuable tiles farm them out and bring all the stuff back so the guilds inside will encounter guilds coming from outside just looking to farm but they'll obviously have the home field advantage they can they can reap they can uh respawn in the roads they can come out of their rest hideouts and reinforce that way whereas the the guild's coming from outside they have to be very wary of their portals closing and not having their way home otherwise they're going to have to look for a a less optimal route one of the final things i'm going to say will be the importance of alts and scouts in the roads of avalon if you're looking for a specific thing or a specific place in the roads of avalon having a scout on the inside is absolutely vital all characters are going to be very popular for this because think of it like somebody guiding you with map reading and you don't have any clue where you're going you know if you're looking for a specific place they might not be able to find a specific entrance for you in your zone but what they can do is tell you the closest place to go to get where you're going so if i can't access the area i want from gulch i might have a guy inside telling me okay if you run down to approach or cliffs there's an entrance there that will take you two roads away then you want to take the the eastern road and then the northeastern road and that will get you where you want to go from the outside relying on pure luck it's completely impossible with a scout on the inside it's a lot more doable but still could take time because you don't decide where you're going you don't decide what's available the roads decide what's available and that's why exploring the roads of avalon and claiming the treasures and resources inside is going to be some of the most fun small group content that albion has ever seen i hope you guys are excited i'm excited i'm gonna be live from sandbox's studios in berlin when this expansion drops and we'll be doing a ton of roads gathering so i hope you're there on the live stream and i hope you guys have enjoyed this video let me know in the comments what you think about the roads are you excited are you gonna live in there i'd love to hear from all of you guys thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Lewpac
Views: 148,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lewpac, Twitch, Lewpac Albion, ALbion Online, Albion MMO, MMO, MMORPG, OLD SCHOOL MMORPG, Albion, Albion Guide, Albion Tips, free to play, free to play MMORPG, BEST MMO, Full Loot, Hardcore MMORPG, Albion 2020, Runescape, Runescape Alternative, PvP, Isometric Mmorpg, No p2w, Classic
Id: WAXh6JdUqhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 49sec (2569 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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