Alaskan Adventure Hunting: Brown Bear, Dall Sheep, Caribou, Moose Season 4 (Part 1)

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May 6th 8 30 a.m I got into Anchorage last night overnighted and waiting for a plane to head to Sandpoint and the 2010 season begins for brown bear a 16-day season I'll for sure have 100 if I get a guy my first hunter gets done soon enough I'll get a second guy but great to be back in Alaska weather has been cold real late spring so Bears should be out Bears will definitely be out there'll probably be a few in hibernation still but looking forward to getting back at her [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you welcome [Music] 35. your safety please remain [Music] sea Harriet Island I'm heading up to camp now Reno and I laid a bat down whoever gets the smallest bear the other one gets to give whoever gets the smallest bear has to get a mohawk that's the bottom line here's the plan going by skull size Billy's going to lose and he's going to get a mohawk I highly doubt that that's the bet probably gonna lose you but what the hell sixth of May 3 o'clock that away [Music] foreign [Music] hole [Applause] I love Sandpoint I was hot not no more [Music] she's windy and this the air is Bumpy that's the first time I've gotten a little bit sick in an airplane in quite a few years four o'clock sixth of May season doesn't open until the 10th so I definitely got some time to kill [Music] I love this country well it's seven o'clock on the ninth season starts tomorrow I'm gonna call into base camp just give them a weather report and uh and find out the status hello it's Billy yeah it's pretty much repeat yesterday clear wind 10 to 15 miles an hour out of the North they have visibilities 30 miles okay good yeah I got I got everything okay all right well I'm I'll be ready okay very good yep he said I got a guy coming to you this morning he's a pain in the butt but get them a bear except so he must have been standing right there oh well it's cold this morning 30 degrees it's Frost just barely a frost but but it's colder than than what it normally is this time of year but good deal good weather get a hunter in here and try to find a bear tomorrow if we get weather like this shouldn't take more than four or five days you guys should be able to get a good bear [Music] thank you [Music] decent little crosswind not a problem for Curtis [Music] I'm Billy I'm Billy I'm Bobby Bobby nice to meet you good and yep brought this all the way [Music] it's Mother's Day called my mom to wish her a happy Mother's Day [Music] said it froze last night in Wisconsin been down to 28. so colder in Wisconsin it is in Alaska on Mother's Day at least here in Alaska you'll be taking off right over top of you Bobby he'll be up and away before he reaches you ever [Music] [Music] opening day of season a little after seven who to thunk it had been bright and sunny for six days in a row and then opening day of season rain wind and fog actually it isn't too rainy as and too windy isn't too foggy but it wasn't the bright sunny days we've had it actually just started here in the last couple hours but we're gonna get some breakfast in our gullets climb to the hill and uh sit there and take it hopefully find a bear well or the past four days before season I've only glassed maybe four or five hours total probably seen a total of 10 bears which is pretty darn good but glassing for Bears before Seasons open the belt Lake taking your sister to the prom I don't care how good of a dancer she is the only time it counts is when The Season's open today is opening day about 9 40. we've been here for hour hour and a half now and we're we're tucked out of the wind pretty good but it's been snowing pretty well non-stop since we've got here welcome to the Alaska Peninsula a beautiful day in the neighborhood wouldn't you say yeah it is I'm from San Diego California where it's about 82 and sunny right now and I'm wondering what the hell am I doing up here 25 years I've been hunting Alaska and every year I say I've never come back but I do I don't know why I guess it's because I enjoy this somehow we've had about six seven days of bright sunshiny weather we should have known that opening day would be about like this it usually is it's pretty typical so you're you're in the computer business semi-retired yeah pretty much retired difference between that not being retired because I just don't get paid now still do the work but yeah yeah that's just the way it goes but uh how could you pass on a beautiful country and weather like this yeah what a beaut huh May hunting day number one three o'clock I spotted our first bearer of the day what these bears do on Windy days right in the middle that's a bear about a half mile maybe a little more away yeah we're Within 400 yards he stood up there yeah he's a he's a young boy eight and a half nine foot at best we just snuck that we were 900 yards away we just got a little closer just in case if you were a foot bigger we'd have something Bobby no he's on all fours I just didn't want him to get up get out of Dodge and us be out of position on him so We snuck a little closer just 12 more inches yep yeah he's got that young bear phase definitely not a first day Bear by any means out in the snow slide we got three bears selling a couple of cubs they're about oh gosh three four miles away yeah well over three miles about five in the evening this was just our second bear sighting open for something a little closer than them is day two gonna be the lucky day Bobby I don't know but uh we certainly are hoping so got your gear all dialed in we might as well get her done today am I beautiful yeah you look great all right but hopefully this window stayed died down and if it warms up it looks like the sky is brightening up so uh if it warms up and this wind lays down we should see some bear activity today day two about six o'clock here spotted one bear this morning pretty good ways off this is bear number two I think you can pick him up there just on this side of that saddle I saw a bear there just for a couple seconds yesterday in that same saddle so it might be the same bear I'll have to get the scope on them but uh maybe this rain might let up here a little bit hopefully it does or that I spotted earlier worked along this far Ridge and he pretty much ran right into a saw with one of this year's Cubs and they started going at it for about 30 seconds the Cub ran away the hill we're trying to get at the cub and kill it breathe this out if Boar's able to kill the Cubs or Cubs so we'll come into season again and then [Music] reader Reigns Wall Street it looks like about a nine foot board well that bore he did he did kill one of those Cubs the one got away I saw the one and got away right away I saw it go up over the over the ridge I could see it in the skyline it's one of this year's Cubs or just little little basketballs more or less a little bigger than a basketball and uh the cell got away with the one Cub but yeah he's got one there I saw him stepping on it and falling down with his teeth and you can just see the red flesh and snap back like a rubber band and he's got a little perch up there where he's eating it and picks it up once in a while moves around with it so yeah he got one but yeah it looks right around uh nine low nines but he's still a pretty good ways away way up on the hill wind isn't very good to to get him anyway but kind of on the lower scale would be looking for at this point but we'll keep an eye on them thank you about 10 minutes later the sow came back with her second Cub I think to see if her other Cub was still alive [Music] now this mountain is every bit as steep as it looks these bears are incredibly athletic I have seen Boris fight sows and dig in dens for Cubs but never actually get one [Music] at one point the board just misses this Cub before the South grabs it from behind [Music] as luck would have it my camera runs out of tape and I just missed the board getting hold of this Cub [Music] I couldn't help but feel sorry for the Cubs and the sound as she paced back and forth as the boar stood on her Cubs and ripped their flesh foreign this was a harsh look at this Untamed Wilderness where there is one rule survival of the fittest well we did see two other bears that day one was too small and the other was a ten footer but was three miles away and working up the mountain as we walked home that night we could still see the sow on top of the ridge watching the boar eating her four-month-old Cubs I figured this bear would be right there in the morning and Bobby and I had made up our minds we're going to go after the Cub killer [Music] I just called base camp and let them know what we were seeing they said yeah everybody's saying the same thing they're just seeing one or two bears a day so so we're not the only ones that's kind of slow and this seems to happen you know all of a sudden boom everything will be just right and you know four out of the eight camps so shoot Bears one day so hopefully this weather clears and tomorrow will be a better day the glass and knob it's about two-thirds of the way up the mountain foreign power into it Bear's still sleeping right in that dark patch above the snow about 1200 yards away I suppose I don't know what you think Bobby but I think we just got a Guinness Book of World Records on our hands right there the ugliest antlers on the head of any Caribou in the world that one almost looks like a longhorn yeah it does I mean yeah they're only not even 100 yards away on our bear right there taking a nap still snoozing it's pretty close 500 yards [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] they dropping tonight get ready we're ready for him to go down there and just be ready [Applause] you got it be safe with the gun just be ready yep as an Alaskan Guide it's my responsibility to back up a hunter if a wounded animal is in danger of escaping or if it poses any kind of safety risk now I thought Bobby's second shot was good but I wasn't 100 sure and after a second shot I could see that he lost his footing on the side Hill and I figured he could probably just barely see the top of the bear I was about five yards above Bobby and standing up so I was able to see the bear and get a clear shot just to be sure the bear didn't get into the Alders but as it turned out Bobby killed the bear with the second shot but over the years I've learned the lesson better to put one too many shots in a bear than one too few the first shot was just whizzed right by his head he didn't even flinch it blew about yeah just to the right of his head you blew about three yards of gravel he didn't even Flinch my lips are both pasted together yeah he just he must you upload the chamber will get on safety Bobby I knew you could do her that was a pretty long pull that's the glass and knob right there yeah he's eating that Cub I thought we waited for what five minutes he was that made probably all of five minutes while he was eating that Cub the Cub killer that's exactly right congratulations yeah on this Hillside there's no footing and then we every time we'd get up where we could see him there's Alders in the way or it's so steep but it worked out [Music] yeah one one o'clock we started at 15 minutes to 10 I think all right well I ain't heard or seen nothing of them but yeah I think I think he was buying that first shot he wasn't wasn't he dropped out of sight right away and I had to get up in order to see him nice ready to take a gander at him holy cow now you can see how steep that Hill is I always knew that [Music] this is all that's left of that cub e be an idea there's my foot there's his liver and gallbladder and intestines that's all that's left I don't see any fur careful coming down that sucker it's slick but yeah he had a good old he built himself a nest right here go check him out he's dead you can get an idea how much ground he dug up pulled that stuff all the way from up here he's up and head down yeah he ain't uh he ain't gonna bite you that's for sure all right oh yeah that's a good Bear yeah he's gonna be nine and a half anyway there stay another or roll there was no way we could do anything with them there well congratulations Bobby thank you nicely nicely done you've done a great job a good bear in what this morning we saw I think three bears in first hour you know and that was more bears than we saw all day yesterday so you just you just got to get the right weather and get lucky enough to to see them yeah good bear uh not not a real old bear but yeah definitely over nine and a half feet well I think uh time to get to work I guess so this is the first animal that that rifle's killed and you might retire now you think yeah he's retired I built this special for uh bear hunting and uh it did the job so he's retired now the old 375 is taking down a lot of bears over the years that's for sure you know what's a big bear when without the skull and just my clothes and sticking hooked up what'd you think that skin and job fighting the olders hey that wasn't too bad could have been worse it's easier than doing a buffalo yeah with the Alders yeah we're gonna we actually got it we got a trail right there so we're gonna take that get it out of the Alders and uh probably get down to the creek and then drop her packs and I'll just leave the hide there and come back and get it tomorrow are you ready for this we're ready the leg home what's going to be easier the leg home or the leg there the whiskey when we get there keep me going well so yeah I think that's the plan a little easier and Bobby going home here got about a mile and a half and it's kind of soft and Uphill better than right there oh hopefully or nothing in there I assume they're out [Music] make it easy on them come back tomorrow and get it set him right there and uh I got the skull now Bobby brought the skull down six your uh rumor is you're gonna be uh trying to hop a plane tomorrow morning eh probably get back to uh what is the Sand Point so Ralph and I can drink some whiskey and check the airline see when I get back to San Diego where there's some sunshine and some warmth this may be great weather for here but this sucks so we'll see we'll uh we gotta stop in Anchorage though to go to Serrano's I got four Pizza pies on order I gotta take back to San Diego so yeah they'd be expecting their Pizza pies from from there so hopefully we'll have time to lay over and get them all all picked in what they need so cheers you've never had a guide that can do what they can't see where they no you know it's I can't see that bear it's only 100 yards it's just just another 100 yards right there yeah we only got 10 part binoculars they can't even see them in your eyesight's worse than most [Applause] two miles my ass snow squalls have ended and the ceiling's lifting not much wind so Kurt should be here anytime pick Bobby up and as far as I know there'll be a new Hunter coming in at least one new Hunter coming in so any final word before the plane comes and takes you back home no I I left my words of wisdom on the wall the wall says it all I says it all beautiful sunlight out here let's keep it on the hide all afternoon and it started to rain and it started to snow so went back into the cabin take a little break just as I was falling asleep I heard the plane when did you know it but he's here away goes Bobby two more guys are coming in I think Jerry Tyrell I think is the only Hunter who he just got in I didn't give any video over here um yeah so he'll be looking for a big bear I know he killed the 10-6 bear here about four years ago so he's gonna be looking for a big one I'm sure ladies and gentlemen Stan Lancaster Jerry Tyrell Ray what's your last name Herman Herman yep very good you got a couple of Canucks and a Washington Feller here is gonna be an interesting hunt well it's uh quarter to 11 as you can see I got my hands full this week great guys uh man what characters man I've been laughing non-stop so we're just going to bed I set up a tent and uh Jerry and stand are in a tent and raise sleeping in the cabin there so we we need a lot of room to you know store our gear and that sort of stuff so it'll work out pretty good so Jerry and Ray both have Bear Tag stands just uh just there he's gonna videotape just to observe more or less and stands the Outfitter and BC and nwt so yeah we got lots of experience uh good hunters and yeah it should be a good hunt Jerry's killed a monster bear up here over ten and a half feet and so he's going to be looking for just a big bear I think Ray is too I don't think he's going to shoot anything unless it's small so um hopefully we can start seeing some bears everybody it's been pretty slow everywhere yeah I guess uh yeah I guess everybody's thinking there must still be quite a few bears in hibernation still so uh which on the north side of these mountains here they're it's still winter so um we knew there was still definitely some bears in in their dens but they got to be coming out here soon and we're on the South Side here uh this hill on the other side of where Charlie shot or Bobby shot his his bear it's a real good Hill right on the beach facing the South and bears seemed to really like it especially when it gets sunny and it greens up about first anything around here so we should be in a good spot so uh yeah should be it should be a heck of a Hunt No Doubt [Music] hole up in the sun like a sow Dan's buttered a great big bear way down on that flat there it drops off right to the ocean he's headed the other way [Music] so I want to come right there a little over my life I want a cub on day number one about a thousand yards below us Stan spotted them coming right over that Ridge so maybe a board will be coming more gonna be on her tail Stanley I don't think so 630 yards is just coming in the range for Ray oh my God it's interesting to say the least I got the shakes a little bit I fired two warning shots and I only have I shot at her twice at about 30 yards actually made him run because they went right there and smelled where I had that more height yesterday and they started trotting away so that's the airstrip that's my tent and then the cabin is just a little bit to the right fashion came on us right here it's an ugly crew but they're fun to have in Camp oh boy that was a great day today literally he took and got us in on a kind of a little bit of not a charge but confronted a couple Bears it was quite interesting he said earlier he said he didn't want didn't uh get really close to bears and I thought 30 yards he did today Stanley wouldn't let me shoot until I get some really good footage so that's a wrap for D1 we saw five five bear sightings one for sure shooter but too far away so hopefully as weather holds and uh give her a go tomorrow well here's the story about eight o'clock we were on the hill a little bit today but windy get up on top of the knob it's gusts into 50. so we've been hunkering this afternoon hopefully uh hopefully and uh better day tomorrow 2010 gets to rocking like this booger is pretty much got to have earplugs or otherwise you can't sleep you know you get a good wind gust and boom that thing uh that thing starts rattling around and wake you up all the time if you don't have your plugs so yeah I'll just launch the earplugs in here nice and tight and get in the middle so the sides ain't beating on me I'm in here by myself so that's kind of nice you get two guys and the sides are beating you in the face all night pretty tough to sleep but uh yeah that's the way she is and I'm protected in the Alders here so they were calling for uh for 50 50 mile an hour winds in Sandpoint so um so we're probably getting all that right on top of this hill here so I guess that's the way she is so we'll ride her out we got a good bear got a big rub on his butt but yeah it's a board pretty decent bear real good bear not sure if he heard us or winded us or what probably one or the other probably just right over this knob just got to the knob nine o'clock came in dropped us a little extra grub and other stuff figuring he's going to get off the ground pretty quick he's got a pretty good headwind it's about 12 30. day number three so we came to meet him make her go to the cabin get a little soup head back to the hill [Music] how many feet how far did he take off in another Hunter got a bear ER number two day three it's about two o'clock I was selling a cub pretty slow it's fairly warm today one of the warmer days we've had no sunshine yet so we should see some bear activity pretty quick I would think [Music] there's something there in there Ray can I buy the rights to your stories a little down time playing some crib oh yeah and listen to really stories I love it don't judge a book by its cover there's a perfect example of that right there boys morning and day four looks like we got a little break in the weather rained quite a bit last night the wind laid down I don't know what the temperature is but low 40s warmer than it has been that's for sure I'm heading to Camp you guys catch up you won't have trouble see you later boys campuses are that way well we spotted this bear about two miles from camp and uh as soon as we started the stock it started sleeting snowing and I was filming some of the stock and I got moisture in my camera and so my camera quit working and after we got to it and started skinning it out sun came out I was able to dry up my camera but yeah I missed the kill shot Ray made a good shot 250 yards this bear was moving up in the hill away from us and uh bear was just under nine feet are they all as tough as him in Canada right yeah that guy's a bear packing machine who'll ever over two miles when it's all said and done you wouldn't let me stuff it in my pack well raised bear won't go Boone and Crockett but I bet old Stanley would have a pretty solid melon there is one tough man You Ain't Human Stanley oh it's the silly old mountains around he's almost got her though by golly right there's the airstrip did we get a little wet stone we got wet look at 4 30 the day the kill we're gonna try to get back on the knob try to find Jerry a berry at Sam and I are just Stan's gonna Cape out the head 37 years of guiding experience he's gonna whoop her out and I'm gonna get at the feet and clean the skull up and we'll have this bear ready to go to town and see if we can't find Jerry a bear called base camp they might not come get it today yet but tomorrow weather permitting they should be here here we are day five about 11 in the morning um we've seen two bears and both are up real high both are real far away so yeah it's it's slow this is the slowest I've ever seen in the spring uh just just too many bears in hibernation I guess still [Music] [Applause] when you get old like that's it doesn't matter about that anymore a young guy like you Bill given story 6 p.m day number five I think Kurt's got a guide in the back of the plane from another Camp we're filled out he's coming in to pick up raise Hyde been raining snowing off and on all day told us that another Outfitter right nearby has 11 hunters and only two bears so far and all their guys I'm guessing have been hunting since opening day season so right now we got five out of ten so we're doing all right but uh yeah normally by now we just got one or two guys that don't have Bears out of town just uh too many Bears Still Still in their dens that's pretty much the story it's the late late spring this this bird's been squawking at us every time we walked by and we've been wondering where the nest is and we finally found it a little arctic fox would just as soon find that Nest too yeah I quit the eggs of the camouflage yeah yeah that's pretty amazing sure matches in without water stuff doesn't it yeah I'm not liking yeah it's incredible I'm not sure what kind of bird this is but we found our eggs last night marked it with a rock so we wouldn't step on them here right there where she's camouflaged so perfectly unbelievable okay let everybody go by her another day down and no bear to show for it Jerry well that's the way she goes it's hunting sometimes it's easy sometimes it's not it's just not been easy but we'll get there we will get there day number five draws to a close what three bears I think today and a wolf Mr Tyrell is ready to do this yeah we got another another big run here on these Bears seems like we can't find one close but that's what couple miles over there I guess as long as he stays four three or four yeah I bet it's pushing three miles as he stays put he's just beautiful there just on the left hand side of that dog leg just up above it a little bit dog leg of the snow well we're about 20 minutes into the stalk the bear was originally bedded right there just as we got started he got up and started moving up last song he was above that snow patch right there moving up into the right and then the fog moved in so uh I think he might have won won this battle well we had no choice but to let that bear walk out of her lives he was going up up and away and then the uh the clouds started rolling in and they're still holding in um so it was a pretty pretty short-lived stock there but um he was a good bear probably pushing the 10 foot Mark a nine and a half foot bear anyway what we saw his tracks come down the mountain or or we saw tracks this morning and we saw him down low and I've seen bears do that a lot of times they'll come down from the tip top of the mountain and they'll just stop and they'll just turn right around go back up so hopefully he'll stick around in the country that's about noon now we haven't seen another bear yet it's it's pretty cold it's been pretty windy and uh so it's a good sign though got some bears moving at least but we'll keep an eye out for that bear for sure he's a good one that's a big bear yeah it is a big bear do number six about the fifth or sixth bear we've seen there's a big bear that's number seven right there seven yeah day six draws to a close [Music] uh always uh six bears eight counting cups and two big bears the one we made a run on this morning and then one about four miles to the uh and then he was going Crossways for paralleling us and just too far to do anything about tonight way too far and he's still moving so I think they're looking up bears were moving today it was real windy it was gusting over 50. I know that on the top of the ridge so hopefully tomorrow this wind will die down seven twentieth I can already tell you what the story is going to be today wind and snow maybe fog I haven't even looked out yet Whip It already spotted this Bear Down The Ridge so we're working it's about a half mile away so we're working our way down to him he's coming right at us so uh let's stick your Boulders in there but Jerry's Jerry's a good shot so hopefully we can get a good get close to him get a good shot out I'm not sure how big he is but the last day so here we go please stand something random chest can you see him he's going to the right [Applause] first one's gotta be perfect you ready Ray [Music] reload he's in the same spot hit him anywhere you can he's right in the exact same spot Jerry if you don't know I think you drilled him he didn't there he is you see him drilled him he tatered him he just went straight down when he was rolling Bears hit hard in the Alder here he was kind of moving to the left or at least we could see the Alders moving but I think he's hit pretty hard he hasn't moved much at all so we're going to swing around and go over on the other side of him and try to pick him up in the elders he's just over the crest of us all right so those Bears hit we're going into the Alders we can see the Alders moving but uh I don't know if he's paralyzed or what but he's moving a Fairways but we can't get any kind of shot out of him so we got to go in there and try to find them give me another one of those I don't know if you can still see the smoke rolling off the barrel but look at all the cases and our bear is about 10 yards in the elders there nice I think that the head on that thing I could just see that thing swinging around that's freaking brown bear hunting up close [Laughter] what do we got one two three four five six I was wishing I had that 338 up on a hill with that 10 Power Scope and now I'm down in here I'm glad I got this little freaking mini camera yeah the one Power Scope is Handy for this stuff yeah what did we figure 250 about the first shot 250 out but he I don't know if he caught our wind I can't imagine that he heard heard us or he probably we were up on the skyline trying to see him in these Alders I think the wind just swirled once or twice I think he caught a bit of us well yeah I could have could have he stood up to see what was going on yeah it was the end of it and then I was he went back down and I tried Predator calling just to get him to stick around and he was he wasn't boogered but he was he was heading out Jerry had one shot I think the first shot first shot put a hurt on him Jerry said he was high on the shoulders and that's what he was acting like he was hitting eye on the shoulder well that wasn't the optimum shot for shooting brown bear you don't shoot him in the friggin Alder trees but on the last day that's what you got the kill stick comes out holy man that was exciting I don't care how big a bear that is holy that gets a guy oh bad thing I can't come back and hunt him for a few years I'll just have to come back and be Billy's freaking spotter tag along we saw a big bear we've seen him I saw him when I first got here so for 15 days he's been hanging around that hill and he never shows himself much but we saw him late last night but too late to do anything about matter of fact 9 30. we're even toying with the idea chasing after him at 9 30 last night but thought better of it the furmanizer gets the assist on that one he spotted him yes spotted him coming down this hill through this draw and we were over there and so we boogered up boogied up to this point got arrest should we take a peek at him I think he's done wiggling he looks like it I think well I'll load up just in case I'm loaded up here right here's where we shot from the last shots just barely see the Bear in there can't pull the shells there right there that's two 12 yards there's there's what happens when he's got a bear that moves not so sure if they all hit the hit the bear or not there's one bullet two bullets this one might be from us breaking it still let's go he done it oh I see that yeah he didn't he didn't move after that one look at the pads on that bear oh that's a Danny oh yeah he'll go he'll go eight and a half easy bears in the head that pad's uh I bet that pad seven and a half oh at least yeah there either Jerry boy it was Western in heroin man you should have heard up there where are we guys shooting from where'd you find that we left the casings there for you guys right back there that freaking little open area boys well we got her done the last day just before the rainstorm comes a fairly exciting deal huh boys ended up pretty exciting yeah great Texas spots of bear coming across the thing over there across a little metal up into here and the next thing you know these guys are coming in from one way and then we're up on top and the bear stands up in the Willows and Jerry shoots before a guy even gets a chance to even name if you got a little bit of picture though yeah a little bit Yeah and then that's all he had Ray at us guys stay up on top Jerry hits him a couple times we see him in the Willows and then these guys dropped down and I see Billy said when he waves his hat to get out of sight so I just leaped it over top of um Ray and piled up and underneath and then all of a sudden Vietnam started AJ yeah we had seven in short order imagine it sounds like automatic down here bolt tends to work pretty fast when you got a bear about 15 feet from me beautiful bear to kill him the last day coming right at Camp hell we only got how far are we from Camp 600 years yeah yeah well we uh spent enough time looking to find a bear like this so yeah and the visibility right now you can see maybe a half a mile so this probably like you said Stanley if it's meant to be it's meant to be and yeah bear was probably meant to be well it was it walked right across to us some Mexican guy told me that many years ago desert Chief hunting I was kind of down in the mouth about not killing around that we'd been on and he says that it's meant to be your round it's meant to be your RAM it wasn't meant to be so what it is is what it is there nice bear pushing nine nine foot yeah but he's awful pretty color a dark blades three times throughout the last thing yeah well you really have to rub that in on this video these guys win one cribbage game [Laughter] yeah I think Jerry's bear is just a little bit bigger raise razor was 8 10. so yeah I think that will be just a little overnight Maybe good bear well right there is where we shot the the uh the bear from spotted them from over there worked over to that Ridge so we could keep an eye on them we ended up going in this Alder patch we just set up right there and the wind was pretty much coming straight this way and it swirled a little bit and went down to the right right at him I think he smelled us and he stood up twice I started Predator calling right away and he was wasn't totally boogered and then he was kind of moving this way and Jerry found a hole crumped him right there about 600 yards from Camp heck of a deal great hun great guys this is what what a guy does it for what a guy hunts for what a blast we had fun from the first minute even on the nasty bad weather great hunt I love it okay I'm out I can reach eight feet tall I'll put my fingers straight in the air and uh his tail won't come off the ground now you can see that bear there you guys yeah he's a good one so eight foot and a heck a lot of clock so good bear on day one but dang fine bear on the last day there's Ray's Taxi is that an hour at least [Music] how much you got a bet on it [Music] [Music] still got the still got the Grizz blood on her shirt and on his hands and I'm happy and I'm coming home to see you sweetie [Music] I'd say you agree Easter used up about an eighth of the runway guy knows what he's doing you gotta like that it's nice when you're perfectly comfortable when you fly in an airplane [Music] [Applause] that was a good one [Music] well here we are again May 22nd about six o'clock beautiful day couldn't ask for any better one heck of a hunt great guy is Ray Furman Jerry Tyrell Stan Lancaster thank you one of the best hunts of my life I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard I was fortunate enough to get Bobby a bear earlier what we had is uh we had 10 hunters and seven guides so the first uh three guides to fill out were uh gonna get more Hunters Stan Jerry and Ray they wanted to hunt together so they all came at once they all came together with just me so it worked out pretty slick we were fortunate to get two two good Bears uh Rays was just just under nine and Jerry's was just over you know obviously the guys would have liked to gotten bigger bears but everybody's been having the same problem this this fall from Kodiak all the way on down just a real late spring lots of bears are still in their dens normally here they're all out so it was kind of a tough year so we have to kind of take what we could get uh had a great time I'm excited to get home my wife is due uh early July we're set to have a baby girl so I'm pretty excited about that I'm excited to get home and and be with my family but I always Bittersweet and sweet when you leave and I can't wait to get into town maybe uh probably have a good time with the guys there and probably have a couple of days before I head home but another great hunt and uh one I won't soon forget that's for darn sure uh I've hunted with Jerry before first time I met Ray and Stan I've met Stan before but first time I hunted with him uh quite a time great guys I had an absolute blast great experience I can't believe I get paid for this August 6th par for the course old man's Lake yep I should make her in time and then of course gas gauges on E I'll rest easy when I get on the plane uh two months slated of sheep hopefully some guys will have some Caribou tags grizzly bear and moose hunting I'm ready to ready to get back at her and Anchorage lights delayed to be regular occurrence up here [Music] just got in this evening had some supper how many yards away am I Reno all right three and a half or going through our gear getting her all lined out switched over to meters got a low ceiling tonight so uh hopefully we'll get out in the morning and get at her August 7th about eight o'clock in the morning we're gonna try to guides are gonna try to get out today sheep season starts August 10th as you can see she's pretty foggy and cloudy in the background Kurt's going to try to get one guide out guide that's in the lowest elevation camp and if he makes it out he'll check the weather and maybe I'll be able to get out next so hopefully we'll get out of here and be able to fight through this weather [Music] 2010 sheep season begins we got to get a bet going here Reno well I think the largest Ram instead of the Mohawk if I win 10 cans you gotta buy me 10 cans of Scooby Snack tobacco if you win I'll buy you some baby formula or some diapers or something nice yeah diapers will come in handy that's that's my only Vice nowadays I need diapers and baby wipes or vice versa you could get me some diapers yeah Reno's got a little one on the way I got a four week old baby girl at home so this season's gonna be a little tougher being away from home and uh Reno and Reno's got one on the way in February I was fixing his stove there's all my Garb that's my fancy dry bags there personalized even compactor bags that's my personal stuff got all my Camp gear outside ready to go just waiting for Kirk to return and uh we're gonna be heading to the mountains hopefully [Music] all right we'll load her up head out raining up there nice [Music] entire squatting a little big one we'll do her watch your melon yep [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign I am home [Music] [Music] never been here before I like it flying in we flew over that ice pack along the river that's uh it's a real good Caribou spot when it's real hot if we get years where we got a lot of warm weather then Caribou just like to go there and lay on that ice cool off get away from the bugs but it's been pretty cool and wet here lately there's a few Caribou around this area so hopefully my sheep owner will have a caribou tag and and we might be able to get a couple Critters but never hunted here before probably half the time I'm in New spots the other half of them in spots obviously that I've hunted before but yeah it looks like a good area real green I don't think I've been coming up here 11 years now I don't think I've ever seen it so green so we'll set Camp up and get her all dialed in today's the seventh it's about 11 30 in the morning and I don't think I'll get 100 I think we have 100 coming in today but probably the earliest I'd get a guy would be tomorrow but more than likely the ninth so I have some time just to poke around a little bit and just keep my eyes peeled and see if we can see some sheep caribou and some bears season opens this year they change it from the 25th of August they're used to open to the 10th because the grizzly bears are killing so many musk ox so they extended the season and opened it the 10th of August but the hunters have to draw a tag um so some of the hunters hopefully will will apply for the tag I think actually it was first come first serve so hopefully some of the guys will get some grizzly bear tags and we can get rid of some of them keep them from killing all the sheep and the muskox after I went for a little nature hike came back to set up my tent this is we're all asleep and then we'll use that for a spikeout tent in case we go spike out for a while but I use these extra long guy ropes tie a little I think it's called The clove hitch and that way so you can slide it and tighten it up as the tent gets wet or if you're in a storm or something you can tighten it up easy the biggest thing you don't want to do is over tighten everything to set up I always make everything as long as possible set it up and then as it gets wet everything's going to stretch so then you can tighten it up but leave yourself plenty of room you don't want it over tightened and if you do set up a tent in the rain you definitely want to leave plenty of slack because once that sun comes up and dry dries it up it's going to contract a lot and yeah it's just not going to work well if you got it real tight so I'll get the hunters tent set up the bigger tent and get her all organized by no means is it a bright sunshiny day talk about ambiance I think I said that right for a meal Ryan me up a late lunch about two o'clock Keith snuck me in New York strip steak before I flew out I always want to stay on the cook's good side you can make your life pretty sweet out here and Keith always sends little goodie bags out for the guides and the hunters [Music] looks like a heck of a good blueberry here this year we haven't had good blueberries for a couple years now stay about 11 o'clock in the morning and then I wanted coffee and breakfast already just raining real foggy and so I just crawled back into the tent Hunters are getting into base camp today so if there's weather lifts I might uh might get a hunter in tonight but uh if not hopefully the weather will break and we'll get them in tomorrow if we don't lose a hunting day been having kind of a hard time getting through here quite a bit too turns ringing right away hello it's Billy yeah it's about the same it's it's pretty marginal at best you guys got anything there okay yeah all uh I'll just call you in the morning then sevenish yeah okay all right very good all right okay yeah it sounds like they just gave up I think they got one one or two guys out um but it looks like it's actually clearing up high but this ground the surface fog just so low I mean you can see just just a hint of uh blue sky above here and there hopefully tomorrow it breaks and usually this country you don't get a ton of a ton of rain like we've been getting but you do get a lot of fog especially in the mornings but usually afternoons it clears up so hopefully we'll uh we'll get a guy in here tomorrow [Music] [Music] What A Difference A Day Makes first time I've seen the Sun in three days I should be getting a hunter in today you can send them in geez wide open unlimited visibility unlimited ceiling [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] or not but there's seven sheep right in the center of the screen I think they're all used I don't think there's a lamb one in there they're pretty far away but I don't see any horns and they look kind of skinny-necked it's all not a real good sign if seven Hues have zero Lambs usually this time of year about a third maybe 40 percent fifty percent on a really good year but about a third usually of the use will have Lambs with them they might have had a once in a while you'll see two Lambs with a u but not very often they'll have them once in a while but one will get nabbed by something Here Comes Kurt [Music] who I've never met before I think his name is Mike unless they switch to that base camp he pretty much just came buzzing straight in over the hill got a little bit of crosswind from right to left this is a long bit of rough strip here it didn't have much of a problem I'm Billy Billy hi Mike Spencer Mike nice to meet you Mike is getting a pad all situated [Applause] the Tailwind What a Beautiful Day 65 degrees and broke down and bought a little thermometer stuck on my pack it was 80 degrees in that little teepee thing there haven't seen a ram in here yet but I've hunted all over the back side of these mountains so I've seen the Sheep leave and come over into this country and it's always just been too far to go where I've been camped so but other guides have hunted in this area before and done pretty well so we need to see some new country and we did spot one ram right from Camp right in the center of the screen about a three-quarter curl Ram all by himself that's all we've seen some for Rams or three miles away [Laughter] seven o'clock P.M we're already going down for the evening play and relax a few sprinkles so it's gonna go down for the night probably get up about 4 30 in the morning do a weather check hopefully these clouds stay up but my guess is we might have some clouds in the morning but if we don't get up bright and early and I think we're gonna go through a little low saddle right between these two peaks and hunt this other side here for tomorrow day number one well we've been started doing weather checks at quarter to five this morning fog was right on the deck it's starting to lift but real slowly Mike's got a caribou tag so we're keeping our eyes peeled for Caribou but yeah the fog's still got to lift quite a bit for us to to see any country that might hold cheap so we're keeping our fingers crossed and hope she breaks well hey I'm my name is Mike Spencer I'm from up from Southern California Orange County area to uh try out my hand sheep kind of here with Billy I've done it a few other times in the Yukon and had some success but uh it's my first time here up in Alaska for sheep and uh we're just kind of sitting around Camp here today waiting for the weather to let up a little bit so we can get out and see if we can shake anything out of these mountains but as you can see in off in the distance here we're kind of clouded in on tops of the hills aren't very accessible at this point so but we've been hanging around here on Camp all morning waiting for this that up a little bit so we can head out day one about three o'clock rain's starting back up again Mike understands that sheep hunting so for this Hunker and hopefully this weather breaks day two 11 30. kind of thought this this cold fog would break but been waiting around all morning and still isn't breaking so we're just gonna go do a little hiking climb over that Ridge look down that Canyon try to see over here maybe see if we can't see a caribou because this fog is not moving Mike and I are just getting some exercise looking for Caribou he spotted a black wolf thing about them buggers is they're like a coyote they never stop moving yeah he's jet black your first wolf in the wild I'm like pretty neat yeah kind of little black wolf yeah jet black a lot of times you see him they're kind of that mangy grayish but this one was black black probably a mile and a half away 2 30 p.m so she puts kind of shot for the day so we're just gonna head over there and set up on that kill and oh Get Lucky yeah I would say 10 days old anyway this is uh the kill that we saw the wolf on spotted them from up over there we hiked over and sat waited for about two hours we didn't realize there was so little left thought the wolf might come back quarter after six now we're headed for home this is what the Caribou Tundra looks like you gotta place your foot right in between all these little things if you use tussocks you step on them they'll bend over they're kind of a pain in the butt so you got to go high knees to do this stuff it's real spongy especially now with all the rain we've been having a pack of caribou over three miles of this stuff and you will have done something believe me that's where we came from get over that little Ridge there we got about another half mile to go it's right over this rise here I think I'm ready to get back to sheep hunting this Caribou countries tough work 10 pm and Bay number two is done rain the most of the day today man I haven't seen it rain like this in a long time called in the base camp we got one sheep down some of the other guys have the same thing we've had just fog and rain hopefully this breaks starting to grow gills here but yeah we're just waiting for it to break and when it does we'll be we'll be going like mad so hopefully it rains itself out and that's clear in the morning got the alarm set for quarter to five morning A day three and last we have a break in the weather got up at four this morning got it before my alarm right away spotted a ram actually I saw him late last night any knew it was a sheep anyway and he ducked in a little drop there and then he got up to feed right when I got up this morning broomed on his left side and looks like he's darn near full curl but I think he's broomed on his right but Mike wants to take a chance look at some of this other country there's a monster ram in here that guy a couple other guys have been chasing for two years we don't know if he's still alive but we're gonna go look for him you ready to do this Mike I'm jumping this two and a half days and uh we're just gonna crack up over the hill here see if we can't get into some sheep on the back side of this mountain so yeah I'm ready to go well we're about a man about two hours in day three climbing our second saddle I haven't seen any sheep other than the one right by Camp but just came across some sheep poop we just had a good rain Squall but that's that's fresh within the last two days for sure I'm on the right track we got some fresh sheepscat does Mikey likey now I wish we would have just went up to the top we just came over that saddle we were thinking about running this Ridge I'm like well let's just go down to the bottom and we'll see if there's anything up there that way we can cover more country but that right there is one heck of a ram shall we indeed that's going home with us that's gonna get a first class ticket in California Beauty that's our Ram we were going to be I was just is on on our way down here I was like I don't know if we can cover all this country in a day I was like if we don't find a sheep here close we might be spending the night but I mean there's you could go anywhere but uh if he beds in there we should be able to get them but we're gonna have to go these sheep's right in that green right there there's a big lick that dark stuff right there the lick and there's tracks all over it so we got to go up and around back on top of them so yeah I've only seen one side of the sheep and then I let Mike look at him that's enough guy doesn't need to see any more than his one side I don't even know if he's full curl but he's just so massive and dark okay he's turning a little to the left now so you can get a good look at his side it looks just the same he's a big body dude we got a Dandy and there's all kinds of sheep signing here I didn't tell Mike yet but I mean yeah this rims gotta be 38 inches anyway he's a Dandy good math but we got a lot of work who knows where he's going to bed he'll probably be bedded by the time we get up there we're making good time spotted Graham just out of sight through that mountain so he's on this backside probably 1200 yards away yeah we got to the top there's four Rams in here and there's always the case it looks different from the bottom we're gonna be looking about right we gotta go around that poker jump down over the backside there's only one legal right now yeah I'm gonna be kind of tough to get on them there's no good Rocky outcropping to get above them but 10 30 now they might move up a little farther all the way around on them hopefully The Thermals will be still we can sneak around on this back side may I use a Dandy and we're working up and around these sheep I don't know how or why there's a willow Bush right there I think it's definitely wishing he had a couple poles some nasty stuff and we got another probably close to a mile of it and go up and around and hopefully this big boy is there I don't know if this is the ram the other guys that on it that have guided here the last couple years have been seeing but he's a Dandy oh he's a smoker the scenery sucks doesn't it Mike well that's what you're looking at I guess you're looking at that yeah looking at this not not so hot here you can hear you can get an idea where we came from our camp just around that mountain so we came up that little saddle kind of went down and grated into this saddle walk down here sort of looking this country over walked around this corner peeked back up over here found a ram so now we're working back around we're a little over a mile away from the Sheep now so we're just gonna slide in there hopefully I'll get we'll be able to get one more visual on the sheep before we get out of sight of good then pop over up on them beautiful day I'm gonna go kill the Beast oh we're over the top the big Ram must have just got up I'm kind of thinking they very well might move up a little bit they're usually vetted for Good by noon so uh the other Rams are down below I'm still feeding so we're gonna get around here try to come up over top of them might be a Long Poke but they might go up in bed by that lick we'll just have to see we're on the final stock we're gonna sneak over here sneak up over those Peaks over 220. he's 220. hold for about 200. right where the shoulder and the neck meet again try to hit the shoulder if you go forward you'll hit the neck thank you there we go just take your time you got all the time in the world yep let's make the first one go dated him reload that is an official dirt nav there his head just went right down yeah you popping right in the neck Michael Spencer yes sir you just shot yourself one heck of a ram there's no doubt there was a lot of things that could have went wrong on that stock but it worked we first spotted this Ram where the heck where we were right down there no yeah we're down the bottom yeah and then I worked our way up to that Ridge over there all the way across what's the rest of the day getting here that was a four hour stock nice shot yeah thank you are you a little tired pretty excited holy lightning that's where I was planning on going today was up over this saddle up that drainage over the top and around and then coming back to camp I'm glad we don't have to do that to say the least Billy he is a Dandy good job man put her there buddy nice shot perfect shot yeah Mike had no hesitation here I'll just shoot him on the neckline are you sure yep perfect there was about a million and one things that could have went wrong in that whole deal but it just worked out perfectly luckily I love it when a plan comes together he's a big old Ram he's been wandering these mountains for many many years we're gonna get the dark horns like this Rim has a pretty good sign they're at least 10 years old they've probably been running together for quite a few years should we go get our hands on them yes sir let's do her look at this yeah there's a little bit of a lick mineral lick right in there and they're bedding all around it that would be the flattest spot I've ever taken care of a sheep yeah it's going to be good and 11 years of sheep guide and so this is going to be nice hopefully we can hide some of the blood and I'm getting real good pitcher thank you take care of you Billy good man good man I like it Aaron yeah you did take care of me yeah well let's see how he looks in your hands all right look how dark wow what a beautiful beautiful sheep holy man that's on this thing look at all that is a humongous sheep when I first saw him I said that's a huge body oh God look at that Jesus wow this is an old bugger oh yeah he's an old Rim yes that is as good as it gets I apologize for that but oh my God look at the mess on this one I'd say he's full curl oh no doubt yeah he was unmistakable from uh what do you give that a thousand yards oh yeah I was thinking a thousand but yeah it's probably I bet that's that's probably close to a mile yeah 12 12 1400 yards but yeah I mean I looked at them in the scope for about two seconds I'm like Mike check this guy out he didn't look at it very long no we didn't need to this is uh no doubt the biggest sheep I've shot in terms of in terms of mass you know his base his bases aren't you know huge but he just carries it so well no I mean wait you haven't seen back here yet this thing is it sticks out another three quarters of an inch back here oh yeah yeah yeah he's probably better than what I was thinking but what he is Stout look at the neck on him that's a beautiful animal congratulations Mike no no I'm very happy with that that is boy he is stoked he is a chunk get a shot of these hooves them babies are made for climbing this stuff I'm gonna close that is to his eyeball you would think that would monkey with you you think I'd give you a headache so bad oh yeah you'd be wanting that out there so bad Billy and I come out of camp this morning behind that mountain and rolled down into this drainage down here well below us and Billy just caught this with beautiful ramps up here on the side of the Hill and uh we made a first attempt back up the mountain straight across about a thousand yards away obviously no good and had to come completely around the mountain it's been about four hours four and a half hours doing that worked our way over to this side got up in behind them above them and uh had a nice clean shot down on him he was laying down here and uh took this beautiful Ram right here where he sits and one of the best rounds that I've shot in about 1200 sheep probably now for five years I guess and this is definitely the best Ram that I've that I've been able to take and thanks to Billy and his patience we did a good job getting on him and and here he sits after the photo session Mike and I have decided he looks even better Beauty so we're gonna butcher them up doing a full body Cape so nice day in perfect weather good spot for it nice and flat beautiful backdrop said it ain't going nowhere but to camp [Music] I always joke around call Rams heavy just for a nickname call anything heavy just like the 30-pointer this one too heavy heavy horns big bodied son of a gun full body cape Mike wanted a piece of liver so we got that too but uh but Mike's hauling pretty darn good load of meat thankfully because yeah I'm about maxed so we're on our way yeah we made it 1.4 miles so we got one more mile Leo by way of the crow once again but we gotta pack these beastly packs up that hill don't be as surprised if I don't video anymore until morning I'm gonna be tired Franco go home now I carry behind me thank you I quit sweating for about an hour and a half there drinks water sweating again fall downhill [Music] 10 yards from here I don't know how but we made it if I have blood all over my face it's because I'm wiping the sweat off my face and I got sheep blood all over my hands we got a tired happy sheep Hunter on her hands you wanna go run a lap for some exercise fall over get on good Mike Mike packed a heck of a load yeah tell me what that's a lot of work with every ounce of energy no doubt that's for sure dropper right there and I'll take care of her man nicely done the rifle is unloaded is a man does it feel good to be home and get that pack off my back and just enjoy this beautiful weather so I'll separate all the meat into different game bags lay them on willow bushes hopefully it doesn't rain if it does I'll just have to get up in the middle of night and get a tarp over it and uh tie the hide up to Willow Bush and let it wash itself out in the river get some of the blood out of there well it's day four morning after we got the Sheep got the hide pretty well cleaned out in the river last night these are The Tenderloins I'm just gonna cut up The Tenderloins and some of the back strap get them on a marinade with some onion and one of those little marinade packets and uh let that soak with some oil and water probably fry some up tomorrow evening get the meat all squared away get it taken care of I got it up on some Willows and a tarp over it been raining off and on here all night and all day today this morning and hopefully the plane will probably come in and get the meat and get the hide and stuff so I'll be pretty busy trying to get the height all taken care of and everything's squared away get that all wrapped up and we'll keep an eye out for some Caribou but yeah we got four rims we can see from Camp one may be legal I haven't got a real good look at it it's been kind of foggy and rainy that way all morning so got lots of work to do now that the Sheep's down but easy work the temperature's been running about 60 degrees at the warmest you know I think the coldest we had so far is about 38 degrees but as long as you keep get that meat dry and keep air moving around it it'll last a long time I'm gonna just start working on the cape I've started a little bit getting the the fingers or the bones out of the hooves so that's what I'm working on now turn the ears inside out split the lips the nose eyeballs do a little fleshing and I'll have her done but yeah that'll take it'll take a couple hours anyway get that all dialed in and keep an eye out for some caribou I got my tripod to help me out here these pretty much just have like fingers down into the claws this is his foot I got this one out just get it right down to the last joint and just cut in there with the scalpel blade do all four feet like that they end up looking about like that and just throw them away when we're done but then there's a little gland in there to clean out and get that little bit of fat out in the dew claws so do that in all four feet and here's an ear taking care of that and flush all that stuff up throw a little salt on them flashing and caping Mike's hide popped out there's a decent Bowl caribou about a 800 yards from Camp Maybe there's a few others the weather's kind of breaking here for us for a little bit anyway so get a little salt on the hide and keep our eyes peeled for some more 8 30. Mike and I actually just crawled into our tents we had a big rain squall and we were just going to lay down for the evening Here Comes Kurt pick up the meat cape and horns and stuff howdy beautiful rainbow behind you pan around and look at the beautiful rainbow behind you I got it once but I will get it again all because it's even prettier this time actually goes all the way around we just crawled in the fart sacks good so make sure in that debuted nice one huh that's a beaut look at that dude I don't know how in the heck you can see anything gnarly gnarly gnarly yes sir and he's head home this is his last flight for the night had some Caribou hunters in the same relative area so drop them off and picked up for sheep on the way back [Music] [Applause] morning of day five day day five yeah that's what I thought beautiful day froze pretty hard last night we're having some breakfast what's on the menu Mike liver and onions so we'll see if see if Billy here will eat any of that but I sure will I'll try it typically I leave the guts in the gut pile but those livers go it's one of the batteries so they say I've tried it once before years ago but we'll give her another go just some butter onion salt and pepper well done that just look delish inquiring minds want to know Mike okay I'll let you know here in just a moment I'm kind of nervous oh yeah no I don't even like them very good yeah it's liver go that's one of the better ones for sure that's what they say no I've tried uh you know of course black-tailed deer but I think that's beef and chicken but that's really good I think you're gonna like it better for you well let's eat some of that sausage from yesterday too well here we go our little onion with it want that the liver you can have it I only needed one bite all right I think I'm gonna stick the Caribou breakfast sausage [Applause] a little after 10 o'clock Mike and I are just sitting on a knob about 500 yards from camp glass and for some caribou got about 15 or 20 of them around us beautiful day 60 degrees nice little breeze keeping the bugs down and Caribou have been working through here yesterday a few here and there not a lot so we're just gonna hang here and hope they keep moving through and intercept one well we've just been sitting here for about three minutes this little herd of cows and calves came popping up over this little Ridge is 250 yards away bulls and cows have antlers on the caribou and you will see bulls with herds of cows but oftentimes bulls will be by themselves we've been seeing mostly cows and calves but certainly a few Bulls scattered here and there [Applause] yeah Mike and I Mike and I just moved I don't know six seven hundred yards change your location sitting here glassing for about five minutes and all of a sudden this group of bowls just came over a little knob there to the right so we're gonna move up into the wind's kind of blowing from us to them so we're gonna try to get up on this Edge get up above them that way if they go back to the left we don't have to chase them if they come to us we'll have them pretty much right below us all these Caribou are just staying put we're 400 yards away right now we're going to try to get Within 300. but we're here we're not 100 sure which one we want that one in the middle of that one 250 yards so dial your scope in and then pick which one you want to take the one on the right you're gonna hold like right on the spine or just an inch or two under yeah I'll just put it right on the spine above it behind the leg a little huh right up the back of the leg yeah it looks like he's quartering away yep let's take your time you're on the back one right the one all by himself okay I'm ready whenever you are yeah he's not going anywhere perfect shot so nice shot perfect Nice Shot thank you that's the way I like it you can shoot that 270 Mike no doubt about it it's bad for the first time well that was the one we picked there's a few that kind of disappeared on us over the ridge you can see them now they look like they woke up but I think that's the one that I was kind of picking out from the get-go I think after we got up here a little bit closer and look them over definitely the better yeah he's a he's a nice caribou [Music] a nice tall rack got two shovels that it is [Music] that is a nice one a beautiful day about 55 60 degrees a little stream of water right next to us I got a nice white neck on them [Music] very nice [Music] absolutely beautiful a beautiful coat yeah and then I've never shot an animal in velvet either oh really yeah that's pretty yeah he's pretty cool I really like those feelings he turns up here yeah his dozes yeah like that yeah one good shovel and the other one that's cool man pretty nice pretty nice [Music] wow yeah I think we definitely got the best bullet out of the group Billy [Music] kind of a dorky looking hot you got there foreign [Music] seriously the tequila is gone time to get out of here the chef's specialty tonight mashed potatoes gravy with mushrooms sheep tenderloin freaking and how is the mutton we're sitting in Camp I'm uh heating water to do the dishes it is a quarter to eight just finished supper a little bit ago and I figured that these Caribou probably would come by Camp eventually I think this is the same part of the same group that we shot our bowl out of they're about 700 yards away pretty neat scene though well they're coming pretty much right into camp I don't think it's the same group Mike took his bowl from a 3 50 a.m sunrise [Music] many important parts of my job come after an animal is down the meat has to be kept dry in the shade and have good air circulation so between keep in mind Hunter well fed and trophy care I stay pretty busy for about a day after the animals back to Camp it's a good opportunity for both of us to rest up and Hunters always seem to appreciate a little extra effort especially when it comes to caring for their trophy well got this hide taken care of and what I'm saying that you're turning the ears here's the Caribou is here start skinning right in here eventually let's get in the back side of the ear I use a scalpel blade fine and sharp it's getting the back side of the ear until it's completely inside out of salt all that split the nose and split the septum between the nostrils right down the middle here's the nose just put that completely inside out let's put that I got a little bit of trim in here to do I got it all split I got to take some of the meat off well by now I'm sure you've seen the beautiful animals that I was lucky enough to harvest out of this area but for me it's a lot more than that first off I'm I was almost out of game meat and I think I was down to my last sheep steak from last year so I'm going to be good in that department for months to come but the overall experiences is very difficult to describe and not even sure you can capture completely on camera but from the moment you squeeze into that Supercut to head out to these Spike camps it's just it's it's an undescribable event and since I've been here we have seen pretty much everything that this country has to offer we've seen Caribou number caribou grizzly bear wolf Eagles everything you can imagine we're all experienced with this whole Trish everybody it's not real hard to tell who's from Wisconsin and who's from California foreign I got my shirt off my pants rolled up my boots off I've been waiting in the creek and Mike is just cozy got some laundry drying it's about 1 30 in the afternoon tape is done caribou's taken care of beautiful day we're just hanging tight waiting for Kurt to come pick Mike up taxi has arrived sir cushion little pillow it's arriving anyway about 4 P.M [Music] I think Kurt's pretty busy today so [Applause] take her easy Kurt thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] got a few Caribou here a couple of them are very good bowls them back ones probably the best see how white and gray he is he's an old bull yeah he's a nice one I know I'm shaky but that's a big Caribou there right from camp I'm waiting for the plane to come pick me up he's a Whopper August 16th about two o'clock I called base camp and uh told him I thought I should probably move so we're gonna move to I'm not exactly sure one of two rivers that typically get a fair bit of Resident pressure so we'll try to find a spot where we can land where there's nobody around and uh hopefully do a repeat of the first hunt [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] well here I am I've hunted this spot a couple of times gonna set up camp and Kurt wants me to check about a mile and a half Upstream at a spotty thing so you can land that's closer to where we usually get the Sheep out of here so I'm gonna set Camp up and go check that out and see if I can scratch out a runway for him just more or less just walk it make sure it's good to land on 9 30. got my new place all set up and did a little little scouting saw some lambs and use no Rams but I didn't go very far just walked up a mile and a half or so uh the kind of haze in the background here with smoke I can smell you can smell the smoke the winds out of the South and blowing in some smoke here not not real bad though I've definitely seen worse so uh Hunters are getting into base camp tomorrow about noon so if the weather is good I should get 100 tomorrow afternoon that'd be good and they'll get an extra day of hunting two o'clock August 17th had a lot of rain last night but it's just starting to clear up now so it should be a nice day called base camp we got a group of four Spaniards coming in this week and uh I think I'm getting one of them so we'll see what he's got for tags when he gets here and can't wait to get the ball rolling foreign should be here any minute now good around the book oh he's probably six miles off I don't think he's quite full girl on that Hillside seen another Ram earlier in that grassy saddle right there the little bench about 7 8 so they're here we just got to find a good one stuff in my face you can barely hear him coming in coming in downwind Jaime came all the way from Spain got a sheep tag and a bear tag my white bag for the end marker is gonna go flying I can't believe it isn't flying already checking his gas [Music] nicely done Joseph goes out of here to go fly in another Hunter [Music] we got a bunch of lambs and use heading out I think they're going down getting water and then a bunch of them are bedding up [Music] over there and feeding right out of Camp kind of neat to see them every time I've hunted here I've seen I'm sure the same Herd on that is this him hurt yes Mountain I'm guessing same same number 25 it always seems 25 30 sheep hello my name is Jaime Melendez I'm from Madrid in Spain all the way back in Europe I'm hunting for Adele sheep this is my first day well actually tomorrow will be my first day just arrived a couple of hours ago and um also hunting for bear recently there and hopefully we get um both I'm impressed by this Mountains and the surrounding and also with Billy which I knew from the DVDs so hopefully we're lucky enough and uh in three four or five days we'll show the uh the sheep and the and the Bear do you work for General Mills correct so an American company yeah I'm positive if I don't hear the clicking behind me I'll remind you day number one began are you ready Jaime I am more than ready oh let's do this we're gonna head up that way peek into this Canyon in the left if you see anything obviously we'll go there if not we're gonna go to that wide open Canyon right there there's a little bit of fog in there so hopefully this fog stays away from us get on the dusty trail leave civilization civilization as we know it behind it's a real fun Creek Crossing hey Jaime got a we got a little wet Adventure in Alaska yeah Gators on I got a little wet I think we had these little nylon hip boots he got a little wet look a little stumble got the gun a little wet so we're in operation dry out hopefully all the tough prick Crossings are done you can see how dirty this water is usually a gin clear uh just we've been having rain the last two evenings night before last we had about an inch which is a lot up here and uh just all the silty runoff from it but a little luck see some blue sky hopefully we'll get a little sunshine we'll be all dried out maybe find a ram yeah a little sunshine always uh always helps the mood dry the stuff out the mood is still up huh very good very good this Canyon about three four years ago you could cross this Creek anywhere not right now 7 30 day number one mode two and a half three miles into into it yeah probably three miles but a single U lots more country to go just telling Jaime that uh I haven't we haven't seen any sheep tracks or any sign but now we're starting to get into some sheep crap okay we got a ram just really low even he actually saw us for a split second and we're just ducking down out of sight of them he's not quite full curl but he's at least nine years old and uh I may said that he he'd take him so here we go we're just gonna peek over shouldn't be I don't know hopefully maybe 300 yards at the closest but there's another m above him he can actually see us right now so here we go we get set up so 350. let's take your time you're good and steady okay you got lots of time okay okay [Music] put another one in he definitely hit him okay wait no you got him you got him Nice Shot yep first day first Ram we saw he's not he's just short of full curl congratulations thank you yeah he's at least eight years old and he's got another one right up above him hold on that's the lowest I've ever taken a ram is it the lowest elevation I was looking all the way up in this High stuff and all of a sudden we're rounding the corner here I just kind of could see part of this candy I'm like man that looks Ramy you know and he's got a little bit of a mineral lick that he was working on and he saw us just for a second we ducked down out of out of view and he didn't he wasn't nervous at all well he was just licking that mineral or whatever we could have got uh we could have got a little closer but I was a little nervous with that Ram above them yeah that one and uh I mean he said he's come real comfortable at that distance there's no problem the 350. yeah maybe uh three with the 350 is what the actual distance was so yeah perfect first day sheep yeah cannot beat that and the weather's cleared up for us and yeah we were going to be going all the way up in there to Continental Divide and we just lucked out man congratulations there put her here again thanks a lot nicely done thanks we could have probably got 150 yards yeah but the RAM was not worth it yeah the ram was right there and then you had that one right above him so I was nervous that by the time we'd get up here that one would spook and they'd take off and by then we'd be having running shot it worked out pretty darn sweet yeah let's take a look at them it should have rolled right into the bottom there yeah it looks like there was one two three four six Rams in here total and the biggest one other than the one we shot we shot the biggest one biggest one is in the front he's a tank but yeah not full girl and glass is the biggest right ah the lead one yeah he's got his head down now that's the one that was right above them probably a little easier than you expected huh a lot easier they don't all work like that that's for sure yeah it just worked out uh just perfect this Canyon was open there was no clouds up up here there was clouds and a lot of the other Canyons to start this morning so we went up here and just worked out that looks like a 10 year old Ram nine at least I haven't looked real close the uh 10 year and a half Ram shave I was looking for slide walking alongside the creek here so luckily enough right spot fish ER 350 shot just roll down it's done so it was an easy one first day first morning yeah but it's a legal old nice ramp so luckily enough we'll go for the uh be there now we have more than six days to find a prison so far I'm so happy with this one but my number one Rarity coming from Spain and being my first adult I think we could get a bear and a sheep in one day we'll give her oral slick let's see that beauty turn around for me nice outright at the 36 inches we did a rough rough length and 11 and a half he is I mean I have decided that it's kind of Bittersweet for him that you know he didn't get to go on the classic sheep stock and get above them and that sort of thing but for me it's just sweet I've done all that I just like the easy sheep yeah next year I will I will do the classic okay we'll we'll work at it [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] or any any day after as long as you're here yeah yeah morning A day too Jaime is really glad now that he got a sheep yesterday I'm gonna take care of the cape and the plan is we're gonna wait till the weather clears called base camp as soon as the weather clears and try to get relocated to a bigger Valley where we can cover More Country for a grizzly bear Jaime and I both heard something walking off the tent last night we thought it was each other but it's been probably wolves that we saw last night I would guess but they didn't do anything to the cam or meat or anything day two about two o'clock I got the Sheep finished Cape this morning we got it salting and kind of waiting for this weather to break glassing for bears from camp fog's been Rolling In and Out raining off and on all day it's up here looking for bears looking for Grizz ly camp I haven't seen any yet the goal is to try to move to another spot with a wider Valley where we can cover more country and there's better Bear Country more or less get out more into the Foothills are often a little bit better for Bears they're oftentimes along these River bottoms digging digging up Roots ground squirrels eating berries and that sort of things hopefully the weather will change for us by this evening I guess evening would be perfect because we can hunt today if we fly this evening and get a new camp set up then we can hunt tomorrow day three we think she's gonna break today up on the knob glassing for Bears hopefully the sun burns off these clouds and we'll get relocated here's the herd of lambs and use from camp I bet some of these sheep probably more or less spend their whole life on that mountain except for maybe in the winter they probably come down I'm sure come October when the Sheep start rotting I bet the Rams just flock to that mountain let's head to Bear Country [Music] Ah that's Curt and Joel's right behind them it's a little they'll come in and grab the meat and move us and then they'll drop us off at a better bear bear Valley then they'll take the meat back to base camp [Music] got a pretty good headwind so it won't take them long to stop especially in this rough Tundra you might bounce a little though
Channel: Modern Day Mountain Man
Views: 1,139,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BQfZKcgTh4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 46sec (8566 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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