ALASKA 2024, #alaska #rvrepair #kelleysoutdooradventures #rvdrifters #maumee #harvesthost #rvlife

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[Music] gosh we are T-minus one week from leaving for Alaska so hopefully we get back next week get the last of everything put together and packed up and then we'll be pulling out there she is they just got finished working on it yeah [Music] looks like somebody's trying to hitch a ride okay we're here at Mommy Bay State Park just around the corner from our house we've been mooch docking for the last four or five days and now we're going to stay at Mommy Bay for for five or six days um and we're just dumping our tanks getting all cleaned out so we're ready to go for another week but uh we didn't just sit at the campground um we had a little bit of time to to spend there but we still had a lot of uh stuff to do and of course we were visited by our turkey friends we see these guys every time we stay at Mommy Bay State Park all right so we're here at Hogan's tires they just put on four brand new tires looking pretty cool nice nice nice nice okay cool beans and when we uh got the camper and the tires back uh one of the things we had to do put our TPMS back on the tires now I'm getting ready screw them on the tires put that all the way on put that all the way on got them one then we'll back out back up torque them down there we go so we got our uh our 30 gallon water bladder and the 30-gallon water bladder allows us to get water put in the RV from remote locations we also got the uh telescoping ladder we purchased it both of these were purchased when we were back at Mommy Bay State Park uh we knew that we were going to be doing a lot of long-term dry camping and so there were several things that we wanted to get um and uh these were probably the first two purchases so this is a uh a berky like water system um it's got the two water filters on the top and two water filters on the bottom and so we have our outside water filter that every time we put water in the RV we filter it then comes through there we filter it again through here um sometime we do that sometimes we do that with water jugs but the water jugs that we fill we fill through our initial filter so this is actually the second filter and then we also have the brda inside the refrigerator which is a third filter so we are filtering our water our drinking water three times and uh and that's important so um but we do have the drinking water um system worked out so we're good to [Music] go on top of the [Music] world okay dude you got to run you got to run I know I'm not going to hurt anything see if you guys can see that she's in the shadows but uh I got to set up a ladder to go change the GoPro and this little kill there is not a happy mama don't forget to like subscribe you know share the video do all those good things when you share videos and you uh make a comment uh that changes the YouTube algorithm and uh it's always nice uh it just helps get things out and more and more people get to see these so we appreciate that anything you can do to help us on our Channel we like it thank you very much all right so real quick we downsized a lot we actually have room in our underneath our Tano cover um starting with we downsize from a 22 inch to a 17inch Blackstone um we still have our eu2000 is backup we still have our our 50 psi uh air compressor that we're taking with us we've still got a 2-ton Jack um we did get an additional spare tire I don't know if you can really see it underneath there it is literally just the rubber but we got the additional spare tire um we uh uh you see up there on top we've got our uh our starlink uh we've got our and you can't see it from here but you do have we do have our uh our solar panels of course you know we couple years ago we got our uh our ebikes uh and they are strapped on and ready to go um we got a couple extra um sewer sewer lines or you know the drain lines just to uh just to have on the road with us um we were having some problems we did get these little cool things they're magnetically held in and then these just twist out and uh that was actually surprisingly enough that was a a neat cheap uh alternative to constantly replacing those sewer line uh holder hoses um we got all new tires on both Willie and nilly I talked about the spare tire we also have a spare tire underneath everything is new we upgraded from those cheap uh e-rated tires uh the China bombs as they call them so we are uh carrying two of these gas cans I've got one in a uh in a tote over there and I've got this one I got to put in that tote back there but we'll have uh 10 extra gallons of gas that we're car caring just because I know that there's a few places up there that uh are pretty uh pretty desolate uh and uh be smart for us to uh uh to have extra gas um besides the solar which we're hoping will will do well for us we do have the uh the blue Addie we do have the the solar we do have the house batteries we uh we upgraded some time ago you probably already saw that video we have three batteries now in here that one came with the unit we had a second one put in before we picked it up we uh installed a third uh unit put in um we got three new batteries uh actually uh Jacob um did a awesome job for us on locating some good batteries uh nice heavyduty batteries and uh little bit beefer than what we had in here before so these are what do you call 1095 um cold cranking amps I'm not sure how that relates to uh uh to wats or volts but uh nonetheless um he came through for us so we got all new batteries for the trip so we should be good to go on the batteries I'm looking underneath Willie you can see the uh all right there are our airbags that we had put in installed uh Mike Smith uh installed those for us over at I think it's called 42 Automotive um but uh Mike has since retired and is living in uh in South Carolina um but uh he did a good job for us uh getting those installed made made me a heck of a deal and thank you very much we took it to an RV dealer and even though we scheduled this in February to bring it in um the end of April and then we called him 10 or 11 days before um and had all these plans they pretty much basically we had no breaks when we left the dealership that did all the service and all the repairs well we tried to take it back to the dealership but and then they said oh sorry we've got people who've been waiting for months to get in and knowing full darn well that we'd been those people waiting for months to get in and they screwed everything up we had to drop everything and drive to get the brakes fixed to get the bearings repacked and the seals redone so all this grease that I'm seeing down in here and all up in here this is that grease that blew out it got all over the brake shoes yeah you see you see it where it blew out here this is all grease and then it got on the brakes all right so you got good pictures and Y even this down here on this magnet oh but yeah let's go it and that's why I lost all my brakes because all they did was okay damn it damn it damn it and so long story short sometimes um you're better off using rvtech rvtech um have one goal in mind and one customer and that's you and you get a lot more attention you get a lot better quality um workmanship I think out an RV Tech they seem to care more about the about the job uh we learned a lesson and I don't believe we'll ever go back to an RV dealer not just the one we used but probably never again um we're trusting rvtech I think that's the way to go so anyway just my opinion that and uh yeah well Sun's going down we got everything done we had an awesome meal Debbie prepared for us here again on this trip and uh about 2 hours we're going to hit the sack get up in the morning and take off we got on the Ohio Turnpike and headed west [Music] our first night stop we Boondock in the parking [Music] lot and we're here at the RV Hall of Fame in Elkart Indiana this place is a harvest host and you know how we like our Harvest hosts we're here at the RV Hall of Fame and we're just getting ready to uh start our self-guided tour [Music] through get off we're smly on top of the world I think there were two other Harvest host guests in the parking lot with us but uh we got up the next morning to a rainy day but that didn't dampen our Spirits we headed to the Indiana Dunes National Park so we are at the Dunes National Park in Northwestern Indiana well there is a classroom of people coming and this was a good stop we spent about an hour there I think we ate lunch in the parking lot and then we wrap things up and hit the road [Music] again sure to keep theight forever if you keep it tight love the world but keep the sky on your mind [Music] we're traveling through Chicago today day three of our trip to Alaska and that was the Chicago skyline but it was really far away we're heading to Rockport Rockport Rockport Illinois our first brake lights in Chicago traffic Chicago traffic on our way to rock Ford Illinois we'll see how long this takes and there is downtown [Music] Chicago [Music] top to Black h Valley Resort Adventure out Resort in Rockford Illinois this is day three day two day day three day three we can't keep counting them though okay go this looks real steep welcome to Blackhawk Campground [Music] a lot of times the first thing we do when we get to a campground is get our ebikes out and check it out it's pretty cool [Music] Campground wonder what the river is called that's a pretty good good size River or creek or whatever the PW River P KW kwaki River cool what's this oh that's kind of cool keep the campfire burning dear friends until we meet again family of Dennis SS o TZ SS that's kind of cool [Music] get [Music] off on top of the [Music] world we found an Eagles Lodge near the campground Eagles area 392 we decided to stop in we were talking to Kim the bartender and she let us know there was a chicken dinner that night and invited us to come back for it she was also talking about where her husband worked at estwing hammers in Rockford Illinois and we had never heard of estwing hammers when we went back for dinner she brought us over a brand new estwing hammer and gave it to us thanks Kim we left Rockford the next morning and head headed north to Wisconsin to the Christmas Mountain Village in the Wisconsin Dells that will begin our next video join us [Music] then our summer trip to Alaska has begun cheers everybody [Music]
Channel: Kelley's Outdoor Adventures
Views: 509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EG0BSw0mEUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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